Spelling suggestions: "subject:"secondorder"" "subject:"second·order""
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Méthodes géométriques et numériques en contrôle optimal et applications au transfert orbital à poussée faible et à la nage à faible nombre de Reynolds / Geometric and numerical methods in optimal control and applications to the swimming problem at low Reynolds number and to low thrust orbital transferRouot, Jérémy 21 November 2016 (has links)
Dans la première partie, on propose une étude sur le problème de nage à faible nombre de Reynolds à partir d'unnageur modélisant la nage des copépodes et du nageur historique de Purcell.En minimisant l’énergie dissipée par les forces de trainée sur le fluide, laquelle est reliée au concept d’efficacitéd’une nage, on utilise les outils géométriques et numériques du contrôle optimal. Le principe du maximum estutilisé pour calculer les contrôles optimaux périodiques satisfaisant une condition de transversalité fine reliée à laminimisation de l’énergie mécanique pour un déplacement fixé où à la maximisation de l’efficacité. Ce sont desproblèmes sous-Riemanniens ce qui permet d’utiliser des techniques efficaces telles que l’approximation nilpotentepour calculer des nages de faible amplitude et qui est utilisée pour calculer des nages sur le vrai système parcontinuation. Les conditions nécessaires et suffisantes du second ordre sont calculées pour sélectionner desminimiseurs faible dans le cas d’une famille de nages périodiques.Dans la seconde partie, on s‘intéresse à la trajectoire d’un engin spatial contrôlé sous l’action d’un champ à forcecentral et où l’on considère les perturbations conservatives dues à l’effet lunaire et à l’aplatissement de la Terre àses pôles. Notre approche est basée sur des techniques moyennisation appliquées sur le système issu du principedu maximum. Nous donnons des résultats de convergence entre le système moyenné et le système non moyenné.Enfin, nous simulons les trajectoires du système non moyennée en utilisant les solutions du système moyennépour initialiser des méthodes numériques indirectes / The first part of this work is devoted to the study of the swimming at low Reynolds number where we consider a2-link swimmer to model the motion of a Copepod and the seminal model of the Purcell Three-link swimmer. Wepropose a geometric and numerical approach using optimal control theory assuming that the motion occursminimizing the energy dissipated by the drag fluid forces related with a concept of efficiency of a stroke. TheMaximum Principle is used to compute periodic controls considered as minimizing control using propertransversality conditions, in relation with periodicity, minimizing the energy dissipated for a fixed displacement ormaximizing the efficiency of a stroke. These problems fall into the framework of sub-Riemannian geometry whichprovides efficient techniques to tackle these problems : the nilpotent approximation is used to compute strokeswith small amplitudes which are continued numerically for the true system. Second order optimality, necessary orsufficient, are presented to select weak minimizers in the framework of periodic optimal controls.In the second part, we study the motion of a controlled spacecraft in a central field taking into account thegravitational interaction of the Moon and the oblateness of the Earth. Our purpose is to study the time minimalorbital transfer problem with low thrust. Due to the small control amplitude, our approach is to define anaveraged system from the Maximum Principle and study the related approximations to the non averaged system.We provide proofs of convergence and give numerical results where we use the averaged system to solve the nonaveraged system using indirect method
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Kampaň politických stran v krajských volbách 2016 / The campaign of political parties for regional elections in 2016Baierl, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to political campaigns in Central Bohemian Region and Liberec Region during regional elections what took place 7th and 8th of October 2016. Both of these regions were chosen as a sample which represents both nationwide parties but also local parties. The author processed vast amount of data, what was lately analyzed and compared. For the research was used content analysis, which enables to code clearly the entering data. Among the examined data were the election formations' election programs, candidate lists (respectively, the amount of local candidates within those candidate lists), election formations' propagation on the social medium Facebook, and a usage of a printed media during the campaign (respectively, how successful was the campaign communication and how different election formations used advertising). This diploma thesis is primarily based on second-order elections. Based on relevant literature were identified several contact points within the campaigns characteristic for this kind of elections. Thanks to a number of research questions, this diploma thesis answers the main aim, which is, if those election formations approached those elections as the second-order elections.
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Über die Modellierung und Simulation zufälliger PhasenfluktuationenScheunert, Christian 25 June 2010 (has links)
Nachrichtentechnische Systeme werden stets durch unvermeidbare zufällige Störungen beeinflußt. Neben anderen Komponenten sind davon besonders Oszillatoren betroffen. Die durch die Störungen verursachten zufälligen Schwankungen in der Oszillatorausgabe können als Amplituden- und Phasenabweichungen modelliert werden. Dabei zeigt sich, daß vor allem zufällige Phasenfluktuationen von Bedeutung sind. Zufällige Phasenfluktuationen können unter Verwendung stochastischer Prozesse zweiter Ordnung mit kurzem oder langem Gedächtnis modelliert werden. Inhalt der Dissertation ist die Herleitung eines Verfahrens zur Simulation zufälliger Phasenfluktuationen von Oszillatoren mit kurzem Gedächtnis unter Berücksichtigung von Datenblattangaben.
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Online kampaň českých politických aktérů k volbám do Evropského parlamentu 2019 / The European Parliament 2019 Elections Online Campaign of Czech Political ActorsChejn, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
In the thesis we are going to focus on the topic of on-line political communication of 8 czech ballot leaders on the social network service Facebook during the 2019 European Parliament election campaign. On-line campaign is essential tool to gain the favor of the electorate in the 4th age of political communication. In long term perspective the European Parliament elections are suffering from the low interest of the electorate and from the trend of decreasing tournout in both pan-European and Czech political arenas. Our research is based on the theoretical concepts about main functions of on-line campaign in the 4th age of political communication. The mobilization of the electorate towards political participation is one of those functions. Next we base our research on the second order elections theory of Karlheinz Reif and Hermann Schmitt. The European Parliament elections are characterised by predominance of topics important to the local political system and by substituting as a referendum about the government of a member country. Last but not least, we base our research on the theory of Paul Taggart and Alexander Szczerbiak, who say that today, euroscepticism is an attractive mainstream topic, which can be found throughout the whole political spectrum. The goal of our research is to prove and...
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Volební volatilita ve volbách do Evropského parlamentu v zemích V4 v letech 2004-2019 / Electoral volatility in European Parliament Elections in V4 Countries: 2004-2019Mertlík, Arnošt January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on changes in voting behaviour among voters in the Visegrad Group states (V4), specifically electoral volatility between the European Parliament elections and the national elections in the particular state. The approach to examining electoral volatility in this work is based on the second-order national elections theory, which divides elections into less and more important ones. The aim of the work is first to describe the overall electoral volatility in the V4 states in a cross-section of all European elections based on individual data from post-election questionnaire surveys. Subsequently, I find out what are the specific causes and motivations for changes in electoral behaviour. The analysis shows that there are several different patterns of volatile behaviour in the V4 countries, but the consistent and general pattern is a high degree of electoral demobilisation in the European elections. This may be due to political attitudes or the level of trust in the European institutions. I then analyze voters' demobilization among government and opposition voters, who differ mainly in their views of the national political situation. Keywords Electoral volatility, vote switching, electoral behaviour, second-order national election theory, European Parliament elections,...
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Between a baby and a boardroom : social constructions of mothers' employment decisionsVan Beek, Liezel 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English, isiZulu and Afrikaans / The topic of work-life balance has gained much attention in recent years. A focal point
remains the effects of maternal employment on the well-being of women and children, despite shifts
in society towards gender equality. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of mothers
who either had chosen to stay at home after having children or to continue with full-time
employment; and how their decision impacted their lives. This qualitative study, based on the Social
Constructionist paradigm, and Second Order Cybernetics and Feminist Theories, included interviews
with four full-time employed and four stay-at-home South African mothers. The data were analysed
using hermeneutic analysis. The findings suggest that the participants’ tensions regarding
motherhood and employment were strongly influenced by structural obstacles at work and at home,
interpersonal relationships with other mothers, as well as intrapersonal experiences. Breastfeeding
was identified as a prominent topic within the various themes. / Eminyakeni yamuva nje ukulinganisela phakathi komsebenzi nokuphila kwasekhaya kube
undabamlonyeni. Indaba eseqhulwini kuseyiwo umthelela wokusebenza komama
enhlalakahleni yabesimane nezingane, yize sekube nezinguquko emphakathini endabeni
yokulingana kobulili. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwakuwukuhlola lokho okwehlele omama
abakhethe ukuhlala ekhaya ngemva kokuzalwa kwezingane noma abaqhubeka besebenza
isikhathi esigcwele; nokuthi isinqumo sabo sibe namuphi umthelela ekuphileni kwabo. Lolu
cwaningo olwalubheka umnyombo, olusekelwe embonweni weNhlanganyelo Yomphakathi,
kanye ne-Cybernetics Yohlelo Lwesibili Nemibono Yabalweli Besifazane, lwalubandakanya
izingxoxombuzo nomama abane baseNingizimu Afrika abasebenza isikhathi esigcwele kanye
nabanye abane abahlala ekhaya. Ulwazi lwahlaziywa kusetshenziswa uhlaziyo
lokucubungula okulotshiwe. Okwatholakala kubonisa ukuthi izinto ezaziyingqinamba
kubabambiqhaza ngokuphathelene nokuba umama nokusebenza zazilawulwa kakhulu
yizithiyo zesikhundla emsebenzini nasekhaya, ubudlelwano nabanye omama, kanye nalokho
ababhekana nakho uma bezihlola ekujuleni. Ukuncelisa ibele kwakubhekwa njengesihloko
esiqavile phakathi kwalezo zihloko ezinhlobonhlobo. / Die kwessie van ‘n werk-lewe balans geniet die afgelope paar jaar baie aandag. 'n Brandpunt
in die literatuur is steeds die gevolge van ma’s se indiensneming op die welstand van vroue
en kinders, ondanks verskuiwings in die samelewing ten opsigte van geslagsgelykheid. Die
doel van hierdie studie was om die ervarings van vroue te ondersoek wat óf kies om tuis te
bly, óf om voltyds te bly werk wanneer hulle kinders kry; en hoe die besluit hul lewens
beïnvloed. Die kwalitatiewe studie, gebaseer op ‘n sosiaal-konstruksionistiese uitgangspunt,
en ekosistemiese en feministiese teorieë, het onderhoude met vier voltydse werknemers en
vier tuisbly ma’s in Suid-Afrika ingesluit. Die data is ondersoek met behulp van
hermeneutiese analise. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat die deelnemers se spanning rakende. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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Development and Validation of the Adaptive Leadership with Authority ScaleRaei, Mohammed 14 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Samhällskunskapsundervisning och nationalism : En studie om fyra lärares erfarenheter, begreppsanvändning och didaktiska överväganden i undervisning om nationalism / Social studies education and nationalism : A study of four teachers' experiences, conceptual use and didactic considerations in teaching about nationalismRidderskans, Sebastian January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur fyra gymnasielärare i samhällskunskap reflekterar över nationalism i deras undervisning. Fenomenet nationalism går att förstå som ett såväl snävt som brett begrepp och i denna studie intervjuas lärarna om hur de upplever att nationalism förekommer i deras undervisning som kunskap, perspektiv, fenomen och didaktisk utmaning. Studien är explorativ och använder Sandahls (2015) teori om samhällsvetenskapligt ämneskunnande samt begreppsklassifikationer om sunt förnufts-uppfattningar och naturaliserade axiomer. De teoretiska perspektiven används för att bringa klarhet i vad lärarna ser som relevanta kunskaper och erfarenheter av nationalism i undervisningen och för att belysa vilka didaktiska utmaningar fenomenet kan skapa. Resultaten visar att nationalism är ett återkommande perspektiv i samhällskunskapsundervisningen, som ibland berörs öppet och direkt, i andra fall mer subtilt och indirekt. Fenomenet beskrivs av lärarna som en byggsten i elevernas utveckling av de kunskaper och färdigheter som Sandahl (2015) beskriver som samhällsvetenskapliga tankeredskap. Lärarna beskriver nationalism på ett likartat sätt men skildrar i intervjuerna hur fenomenet ges olika stort utrymme och förmedlas på olika sätt beroende på faktorer såsom gymnasieprogram, gruppsammansättning och mängden samhällskunskap som eleverna läser. De lärare som primärt undervisar på högskoleförberedande program beskriver en mer indirekt förmedling av nationalism som perspektiv och förlitar sig på historieundervisningens innehållskunskaper och den kunskapsprogression eleverna genomgår under deras tre gymnasieår. Lärarna på yrkesprogrammen beskriver snarare att de på ett direkt sätt ger utrymme åt innehållskunskaperna om nationalism i deras undervisning. Resultaten visar även att nationalism upplevs som ett kontroversiellt ämne i klassrumssituationer, där en del elever ger uttryck för antingen sunt förnufts-uppfattningar eller naturaliserade axiomer vilka utgör didaktiska utmaningar i undervisningen. Slutligen visar resultaten på att det finns flera utmaningar kopplat till lärarprofessionen i undervisning om nationalism. Dessa utmaningar rör såväl värdegrund, vetenskaplighet och elevers förförståelse som kräver didaktiska övervägningar i samhällskunskapsundervisningen. / This study examines how four high school social studies teachers reflect on nationalism in their teaching. The phenomenon of nationalism can be understood as both a narrow and broad concept and in this study the teachers are interviewed about how they perceive that nationalism occurs in their teaching as knowledge, perspective, phenomenon, and didactic challenge. The study is exploratory and uses Sandahl's (2015) theory of second order concepts of Social Science as well as the conceptual classifications of common-sense notions and naturalized axioms. The theoretical perspectives are used to bring clarity to what the teachers see as relevant knowledge and experiences of nationalism in teaching and to highlight the didactic challenges the phenomenon can create. The results show that nationalism is a recurring perspective in social studies teaching, which is sometimes touched upon openly and directly, in other cases more subtly and indirectly. The phenomenon is described by the teachers as a foundation block in the students' development of the knowledge and skills that Sandahl (2015) describes as second order thinking concepts. The teachers describe the concept of nationalism in a similar way but describe in the interviews how the phenomenon is given varying amounts of time and conveyed in different ways depending on factors such as the high school program, group composition and the number of social studies classes that the students attend to. The teachers who primarily teach in university preparatory programs describe a more indirect conveyance of nationalism as a perspective and rely on the content knowledge of history teaching as well as the knowledge progression the students undergo during their three years of high school. The teachers on the vocational programs rather describe that they directly give time to the content knowledge about nationalism in their teaching. The results also show that nationalism is experienced as a controversial topic in classroom situations, where some students express either common-sense notions or naturalized axioms which pose didactic challenges in teaching. Finally, the results show that there are several challenges linked to the profession in teaching about nationalism. These challenges relate to foundation of values, scientific rigor, and students' pre-understanding, which require didactic considerations in social studies teaching.
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Investigations intothe crystallization of butyl parabenYang, Huaiyu January 2011 (has links)
In thisproject, solubility of butyl paraben in 7 puresolvents and 5 ethanol aqueous solvents has been determined at from 1 ℃to 50 ℃. Thermodynamic properties of butyl paraben have been measured by DifferentialScanning Calorimetey. Relationship between molar solubility of butyl paraben in6 pure solvents and thermodynamic properties has been analyzed. Thisrelationship suggests a method of estimating activity of solute at equilibrium fromcombining solubility data with DSC measurements. Then, activity coefficient accordingto the solubility at different temperatures can be estimated. Duringthe solubility measurements in ethanol aqueous solvents, it is found that whenbutyl paraben is added into aqueous solutions with certain proportion ethanol,solutions separates into two immiscible liquid layers in equilibrium. Water andethanol are primary in top layer, while the butyl paraben is primary in bottomlayer, but the solution turns to cloudy when two layers of solution are mixed. Theaim of this work was to present the phase behaviour of liquid-liquid-phaseseparation for (butyl paraben + water + ethanol) ternary system from 1 ℃ to 50 ℃at atmospheric pressure. Thearea of liquid-liquid-phase separation region in the ternary phase diagram increaseswith the increasing temperature from 10 ℃to 50 ℃. In thisstudy, more than several hundreds of nucleation experiments of butyl paraben havebeen investigated in ethyl acetate, propanol, acetone and 90% ethanol aqueoussolution. Induction time of butyl paraben has been determined at 3 differentsupersaturation levels in these solvents, respectively. Free energy ofnucleation, solid-liquid interfacial energy, and nuclei critical radius havebeen determined according to the classical nucleation theory. Statistical analysis ofinduction time reveals that the nucleation is a stochastic process with widevariation even at the same experiment condition. Butyl paraben nucleates most difficultlyin 90 % ethanol than in other 3 solvents, and most easily in acetone. The interfacialenergy of butyl paraben in these solvents tends to increasing with decreasemole fraction solubility in these solvents. Coolingcrystallizations with different proportions of butyl paraben, water and ethanolhave been observed by Focused Beam Reflectance Method, Parallel VirtualMachine, and On-line Infrared. The FBRM, IR curves and the PVM photos show someof the solutions appeared liquid-liquid phase separation during coolingcrystallization process. The results suggest that if solutions went throughliquid-liquid phase separation region during the cooling crystallizationprocess the distribution of crystals crystal was poor. Droplets from solutions withsame proportion butyl paraben but different proportions of water and ethanolhave been observed under microscope. Induction time of the droplets has been determinedunder the room temperature. Droplets from top layer or bottom layer of solutionwith liquid-liquid phase separation on small glass or plastic plates were alsoobserved under microscope. The microscope photos show that the opposite flows ofcloudy solution on the glass and the plastic plate before nucleation. The resultsof the cooling and evaporation crystallization experiments both revealed thatnucleation would be prevented by the liquid-liquid phase separation. / QC 20110630
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Are We Going In There? The Role of Brief Narratives (TV ADs and PSAs) in Narrative Transportation and Second-Order Cultivation EffectsQuillin, Michael J. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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