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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recherche et étude de sites archéologiques de marronnage à l'île de La Réunion / Research and study of maroon archaeological sites in Reunion Island

Dijoux, Anne-Laure 25 November 2016 (has links)
À La Réunion (île colonisée par la France à partir de 1663), le marronnage - ou résistance active à l'esclavage par la fuite volontaire des asservis - était jusqu'alors uniquement dépeint par des sources écrites, desquelles subsistent d'importants vides documentaires concernant le mode de vie des fugitifs et la localisation de leurs camps. Afin de combler ces lacunes, des travaux d'archéologie inédits ont été réalisés. La démarche s' est d'abord basée sur le réexamen de la documentation existante sous un angle archéospatial, puis sur l'acquisition de données matérielles originales par la conduite de prospections pédestres et sondages archéologiques. Le croisement de diverses sources a permis de dresser un inventaire critique des lieux du marronnage connus et de leur potentiel de relocalisation. Par les résultats des prospections corrélés aux archives, plusieurs sites d'habitat attribuables aux « Petits-Blancs» (groupe de paysans en quête de terres qui succédèrent aux marrons) ont été mis au jour. Des sondages effectués sur trois sites ont révélés des occupations représentatives du marronnage et du peuplement pérenne postérieur. Les résultats obtenus à la « vallée secrète», premier témoin matériel du marronnage, ont apporté un éclairage nouveau sur la survie d'esclaves fugitifs en milieu inhospitalier. Les occupations fouillées des Petits-Blancs ont mis en lumière l'importance de leur impact sur le milieu naturel et démontré que la recherche des traces de marronnage est fortement tributaire de leurs vestiges aujourd'hui visibles dans l'espace. L'ensemble des données recueillies a permis d'établir une première carte archéologique de la zone des Hauts de La Réunion. / In Reunion (island colonized by the French from 1663), marronage- or one of the active forms of resistance to slavery by the voluntary escape of slaves -was hitherto only documented by written sources, in which remain significant vacuums concerning maroon mate rial way oflife and the location of their camps. ln order to fil! these gaps, unprecedented archaeological work has been conducted. The approach was firstly based on the review of existing written documentation from an archeogeographic perspective, then on the acquisition of original mate rial data by the conduction of field surveys and excavations. The cross-checking of various sources has enabled a critical inventory of known maroon sites and the potential to rediscover their location. Based on the results of the surveys correlated with the archives, many "Petits Blancs" settlements (group of peasants in search for lands who succeeded the marnons) were discovered. Excavations carried out on three sites have revealed representative occupations of both marnons and posterior permanent settlement. The results yielded on the "secret valley" site, the obtaining of the first material evidence of marronage, have brought new insights about maroon survival strategies in an inhospitable environment. The excavated occupations of the "Petits Blancs" highlighted the importance of their impact on the natural environment and demonstrated that the search for maroon traces is heavily dependent on their remains that are visible in that area today. Overall, ail the data collected has led to the first archaeological mapping of the highland areas of Reunion.

Bankovní klient a jeho ochrana v českém právním systému / The bank klient and his protection in Czech system of law

Cahová, Pavlína January 2008 (has links)
The diploma work is concerned with the topic of bank client security, as a consumer and an investor, captured in the Czech law, incorporating elements of EU directives. The thesis defines terms of "consumer" and "investor", explains why they are considered bank clients and introduces reasons of their protection. It describes elements of bank clients' protection such as: deposit insurance (including comparison of foreign systems - Switzerland and New Zealand), consumer credits rules, payment system and Bureau of Financial Arbiter, personal information security and bank secret. The last chapter addresses investor protection, falling under European directive MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive).

The royal commission on espionage 1946-1948: a case study in the mobilization of the Canadian Civil Liberties Movement

Clement, Dominique Thomas 05 1900 (has links)
There exists, at this time, surprisingly little historiography on how civil liberties were shaped and developed in practice throughout Canadian history. An examination of the 1946 Royal Commission on Espionage offers several insights into the nature of the immediate post-World War Two civil liberties movement. The commission was formed in response to the defection of a Russian cipher clerk, Igor Gouzenko, in late 1945. The commission investigated the existence of a Russian-led spy ring that had recruited several Canadian civil servants into disclosing secret information. The commission is unique in Canadian history; dominantly due to the fact that it was empowered under the War Measures Act which granted it enormous powers. Everything from a citizen's right to counsel, habeas corpus, protection from state coercion and the right to a fair trial were circumvented. This work attempts to offer a few answers to some important questions about Canadian civil liberties. What were to consequences of the commission's actions? Does Canadian society accept the need to allow a government to violate individual liberties to protect the integrity of the state? Furthermore, the following article will examine the nature of the civil liberties movement following WWII, including the role of the media and civil liberties' organizations in increasing awareness of the vulnerability of individual rights from state abuse. The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the enormous potential in which Parliament could act independently in re-defining Canadians' civil liberties while at the same time demonstrating the central role the Royal Commission on Espionage played in stimulating the post-WWII civil liberties movement. The Royal Commission on Espionage is only one black spot in the history of Canadian civil liberties but there remain many questions to be asked about Canadians' willingness to trust and accept that dictates of the state. / Arts, Faculty of / History, Department of / Graduate

Formáty lži / Formats of Lying

Čepelka, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
I perceive the thesis as a result of long-term considerations of forms of lies and manipulation and their importance in today's society. Based on the research of these forms and the environments in which they occur, I try to detect the effect of the lie on both individuals and society. And with the use of multiple media that capture this exploration process.

Ontologie prázdnoty / The Ontology of the Void

Smetana, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce je vícevrstevným zamyšlením nad tématem prázdnoty. Její prvotní inspirací jsou Bondyho úvahy na toto téma. Nejde o to, ukazovat na neukazatelné, či popisovat nepopsatelné, to by byla spíše filosofická statistika; prázdnota je tu primárně chápána spíše na způsob krajního horizontu, jehož bytostné připuštění zakládá možnost pravého setkání podobném smyslu uvažuje nad souvislostí prázdnoty a milosti a otevírá možnost chápat prázdnotu nikoliv jako axiologickou neurčenost, ale právě jako horizont zvláštního setkání se světem. Takto nahlížená prázdnota otevírá bytostnou plnost a zároveň braných souvislostí těchto myšlenek o mezích ontologie - Plótínovou koncepcí emanační ontologie, či se substanční ontologií ze Spinozovy Protože se v průběhu tohoto rozboru dostává do popředí problém statického a předsudečného chápání ontologické substance (která takové vlastnosti nemůže mít, vyjdeme jako krajního ontologického horizontu), otevírá se otázka původu tohoto problému; v Myšlení vnějšku) a Berďajevem následuje hodnocení možnosti ontologii, což je přeneseně otevření otázky vztahu moci a ontologie či prolínání mocenského hlediska do ontologické úvahy (prázdnota by v yslu představovala zřeknutí se moci). Druhá kapitola práce se návazně zabývá formami zřeknutí se tohoto mocenského hlediska, coby praktikovaného...

More Than Just A Pretty Face: The Women of the SOE and the OSS During World War II

Keith, Kelly M. 17 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.

The Influence of Israelite Temple Rites and Early Christian Esoteric Rites on the Development of Christian Baptism

Wilkins, Ryan T. 06 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis seeks to answer the question of the origin of some of the most fundamental additions made to early Christian baptism. Christian baptism began in a relatively simple liturgical form, but became, by the fourth century, a much more dramatic set of initiation rituals. Among the added elements to baptism were washing ceremonies in the nude, physical anointing with oil, being marked or signed with the cross on the forehead, and receiving white garments. Scholars have proposed different theories as to the origins of these baptismal rituals. Some claim the elements existed in the New Testament practice of the rite. Others have supposed that the Christian church adopted the elements from either the Jewish synagogue or from contemporary pagan modes of initiation. This thesis argues that the initiation rituals of the Israelite tabernacle and temple provide a much more likely source for the added elements of Christian baptism. The esoteric practices of the temple priests became the esoteric tradition of early Christianity. The rites of this temple-oriented esoteric tradition in both the Old and New Testaments parallel, and may have been the origin for, the evolutions made to Christian baptism during the third and fourth centuries of the church. Christian groups such as the Valentinians provide evidence of higher esoteric rites being interpreted as baptism. Somehow the esoteric rites of the Israelite temple and the esoteric rites of early Christianity were adopted into the practice of Christian baptism.

Credo of the Scribes : The value of wisdom in ancient Mesopotamian schools

Nemetz, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
No description available.


Koonce, Elizabeth Godke 03 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Female Empowerment, Disempowerment and Agency in Victorian Literature : A Character Study of Female Characters in Lady Audley’s Secret and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall against a Historical Background / Kvinnors egenmakt, maktlöshet och handlingskraft i engelsk artonhundratalslitteratur : En analys av kvinnliga karaktärer i Lady Audley’s Secret och The Tenant of Wildfell Hall mot en historisk bakgrund

Stark, Anna Ulrika January 2024 (has links)
Nineteenth-century literature often reflects the evolving social dynamics and aspirations of the era and in works with female protagonists and/or by women authors, themes of women’s struggles are often prevalent, albeit sometimes more covertly. This essay examines the themes of empowerment, disempowerment and agency in Anne Brontë’s The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848) and Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Lady Audley’s Secret (1862). Through the exploration of their respective protagonists, Helen Graham and Lucy Audley, these works illuminate the multifaceted dimensions of agency, from subtle acts of defiance to bold assertions of independence. To illuminate the discussion, the two novels are read and discussed alongside a variety of nineteenth-, twentieth- and twenty-first-century critical works.  The thesis is divided into three parts, with the first part focussing on the social context in which real-life and fictional Victorian women lived. The second and third parts discuss disempowerment and empowerment, respectively, and discuss and highlight how social norms and inequalities for women in nineteenth-century Britain impacted the female characters in these novels. It also shows how they navigate these constraints to assert their agency or succumb to societal pressures.

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