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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Empirical Essays on Price Discovery through Venture Capital Investments

Shrijata Chattopadhyay (16610826) 18 July 2023 (has links)
<p><br></p> <p>In my dissertation research I document information price discovery through investments in the alternate asset class of Venture Capital. The two chapters of this dissertation studies the effect of these investments in two different contexts. The first chapter analyses improvements in valuations of venture capital funds through syndication by VC funds. The second chapter documents improvements in stock prices, and valuations, of publicly traded firms through investments by institutional investors in VC funds and in public equity.</p> <p><br></p> <p>In the first chapter I examine the effect of syndication among venture capital (VC) funds on the funds' incentives to manipulate their performance measures. I show that the presence of new syndicate partners reduces misreporting by VC funds. About half of the reduction in manipulation is during the follow-on fundraising period. To identify that syndicate partners reduce performance misreporting I use: (i) a triple-difference approach around fundraising and (ii) availability-of-syndicate-partners as an instrument for the number of new syndicate partners. The implications of my findings are that LPs should better monitor VC funds with fewer new syndicate partners and regulators should consider the presence of peer-monitoring among VC funds before imposing disclosure requirements.</p> <p>  </p> <p>  Chapter two includes John J. McConnell, Timothy E. Trombley, and M. Deniz Yavuz as coauthors. In this chapter we report evidence consistent with institutional investors using industry-level information that they obtain from their investments in venture capital (VC) funds to earn excess returns in publicly-traded equities.  We use court rulings regarding the Freedom of Information Act as an exogenous shock affecting the information flow between VC firms and institutional investors to show that the excess returns are explained by information received via this channel.  Thus, institutional investors serve as conduits of information, making publicly-traded stock prices more efficient.  In the process, institutional investors earn higher returns from their VC investments than implied by the cash flows thereby received. </p>

Assessment of Detailed Combustion and Soot Models for High-Fidelity Aero-Engine Simulations

Olmeda Ramiro, Iván 18 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] En los últimos años, el interés por el desarrollo de motores de aviación limpios y eficientes se ha incrementado debido al impacto perjudicial sobre la salud y el medio ambiente ocasionado por los sistemas de combustión convencionales. En este contexto, la comunidad científica ha ido centrando cada vez más sus esfuerzos en el estudio de la combustión turbulenta y la generación de emisiones contaminantes como las partículas de hollín. Con los recientes avances en lo que respecta a potencia de cálculo, las simulaciones de alta fidelidad emergen como una valiosa alternativa para reproducir y analizar estos fenómenos. En concreto, las simulaciones basadas en el modelado de la turbulencia LES son consideradas como una de las herramientas numéricas más prometedoras a la hora de profundizar en la comprensión sobre los complejos procesos dinámicos que caracterizan el flujo reactivo turbulento y predecir emisiones de hollín en aplicaciones aeronáuticas. En el presente trabajo, se estudia y analiza la combustión turbulenta y producción de hollín en aplicaciones de turbina de gas mediante LES de alta fidelidad. El modelado de la combustión se aborda a través de un método flexible de química tabulada basado en el concepto flamelet, el cual es capaz de representar fenómenos químicos complejos con un coste computacional asequible. Además, se emplea una aproximación Euleriana-Lagrangiana para la descripción de la fase gaseosa y las gotas, de forma que se represente correctamente el flujo reactivo multifásico. Para la predicción de hollín en simulaciones computacionalmente eficientes, se emplea un novedoso enfoque de modelado basada en el método seccional y acoplada al modelo de combustión de química tabulada. Esta estrategia de modelado numérica es utilizada en este trabajo para analizar el proceso de combustión y evaluar sus capacidades para predecir hollín y las características de la llama en quemadores de turbina de gas representativos. En primer lugar, se estudia la combustión de flujo bifásico en una llama atmosférica sin torbellinador con inyección líquida de combustible. Este quemador presenta una estructura doble del frente reactivo y las simulaciones numéricas son capaces de capturar adecuadamente los fenómenos de extinción local que tienen lugar en la zona interna de la llama debido a la interacción de las gotas y la turbulencia con el frente reactivo. Posteriormente, se investiga la combustión y producción de hollín en un quemador presurizado con torbellinador que incluye aire secundario de dilución en el interior de la cámara de combustión. La validación del flujo reactivo y hollín se lleva a cabo tanto en la configuración del quemador con aire secundario como sin el mismo, mostrando unas excelentes capacidades predictivas en ambos casos. La presente estrategia de modelado reproduce de forma precisa el complejo patrón de flujo, la estructura de la llama y la dinámica de generación de hollín, además de que es capaz de proporcionar diferentes distribuciones de tamaño de partícula dependiendo de las variaciones en los procesos de formación y oxidación del hollín. En resumen, los diferentes casos prácticos estudiados permiten consolidar y validar la metodología computacional seguida en la presente tesis. La estrategia de modelado basada en química tabulada propuesta demuestra ser lo suficientemente válida y adecuada para reproducir los complejos fenómenos de la combustión y la formación de hollín, en vista de la consistencia del análisis, las precisas predicciones y la concordancia satisfactoria con las medidas experimentales. / [CA] En els últims anys, l'interés pel desenvolupament de motors d'aviació nets i eficients s'ha incrementat a causa de l'impacte perjudicial sobre la salut i el medi ambient ocasionat pels sistemes de combustió convencionals. En aquest context, la comunitat científica ha anat centrant cada vegada més els seus esforços en l'estudi de la combustió turbulenta i la generació d'emissions contaminants com les partícules de sutge. Amb els recents avanços pel que fa a potència de càlcul, les simulacions d'alta fidelitat emergeixen com una valuosa alternativa per a reproduir i analitzar aquests fenòmens. En concret, les simulacions basades en el modelatge de la turbulència LES són considerades com una de les eines numèriques més prometedores a l'hora d'aprofundir en la comprensió sobre els complexos processos dinàmics que caracteritzen el flux reactiu turbulent i predir emissions de sutge en aplicacions aeronàutiques. En el present treball, s'estudia i analitza la combustió turbulenta i la producció de sutge en aplicacions de turbina de gas mitjançant LES d'alta fidelitat. El modelatge de la combustió s'aborda a través d'un mètode flexible de química tabulada basat en el concepte flamelet, el qual és capaç de representar fenòmens químics complexos amb un cost computacional assequible. A més, s'empra una aproximació Euleriana-Lagrangiana per a la descripció de la fase gasosa i les gotes, de manera que es represente correctament el flux reactiu multifàsic. Per a la predicció de sutge en simulacions computacionalment eficients, s'empra un nou plantejament de modelatge basat en el mètode seccional i acoblat al model de combustió de química tabulada. Aquesta estratègia de modelatge numèrica és utilitzada en aquest treball per a analitzar el procés de combustió en cremadors de turbina de gas representatius, i avaluar les seues capacitats per a predir sutge i les característiques de la flama. En primer lloc, s'estudia la combustió de flux bifàsic en una flama atmosfèrica sense remolinador amb injecció líquida de combustible. Aquest cremador presenta una estructura doble del front reactiu i les simulacions numèriques són capaces de capturar adequadament els fenòmens d'extinció local que tenen lloc en la zona interna de la flama a causa de la interacció de les gotes i la turbulència amb el front reactiu. Posteriorment, s'investiga la combustió i producció de sutge en un cremador pressuritzat amb remolinador que inclou aire secundari de dilució a l'interior de la cambra de combustió. La validació del flux reactiu i sutge es duu a terme tant en la configuració del cremador amb aire secundari com sense aquest, mostrant unes estupendes capacitats predictives en tots dos casos. La present estratègia de modelatge reprodueix de manera precisa el complex patró de flux, l'estructura de la flama i la dinàmica de generació de sutge, a més de que és capaç de proporcionar diferents distribucions de grandària de partícula depenent de les variacions en els processos de formació i oxidació del sutge. En resum, els diferents casos pràctics estudiats permeten consolidar i validar la metodologia computacional seguida en la present tesi. L'estratègia de modelatge basada en química tabulada proposada demostra ser prou vàlida i adequada per a reproduir els complexos fenòmens de la combustió i la formació de sutge, en vista de la consistència de l'anàlisi, les precises prediccions i la concordança satisfactòria amb les mesures experimentals. / [EN] In recent years, interest in the development of efficient and clean aviation powerplants has increased due to the detrimental impact on health and the environment caused by conventional combustion systems. In this context, the research community has increasingly focused its efforts on the study of turbulent combustion and the generation of pollutant emissions such as soot particulates. With recent advances in computational power, high-fidelity simulations emerge as a valuable alternative to reproduce and analyze these phenomena. Specifically, Large Eddy Simulations (LES) are considered as one of the most promising numerical tools to provide further insight into the complex dynamic processes that characterize reactive turbulent flows and predict soot emissions in aeronautical applications. In the present work, turbulent combustion and soot production is studied and analyzed in gas turbine engine applications by means of high-fidelity LES. Combustion modelling is addressed by a flexible tabulated chemistry method based on the flamelet concept, which is able to represent complex chemical phenomena with an affordable computational cost. In addition, an Eulerian- Lagrangian description is employed for the gas phase and droplets in order to correctly represent the multiphase flow in spray flames. A recently developed approach based on the sectional method and coupled to the tabulated chemistry framework is considered for soot prediction in computationally efficient simulations. This numerical modelling framework is used in this work to analyze the combustion process and evaluate its capabilities to predict soot and flame characteristics in representative gas turbine burners. First, an atmospheric non-swirled spray flame is studied in terms of two-phase flow combustion. This burner shows a double reaction front structure and local extinction occurs in the inner layer due to both droplet-flame and turbulence-flame interactions, which is properly characterized by LES. Subsequently, combustion and soot production is investigated in a pressurized swirled model combustor which includes secondary dilution jets inside the combustion chamber. The assessment of the reacting flow field and soot is addressed for burner configurations with and without secondary air, showing excellent predictive capabilities in both cases. The present modelling approach accurately reproduce the complex swirled flow field, flame structure and soot dynamics and is able to provide different particle size distributions depending on the variations of the soot formation and oxidation processes. In summary, the different practical cases studied allow to consolidate and validate the computational methodology followed in the present thesis. The proposed tabulated modelling strategy is sufficiently valid and suitable for reproducing complex combustion and soot formation phenomena, in view of the consistency of the analysis, the accurate predictions and the satisfactory agreement with the experimental measurements. / El desarrollo de la presente tesis ha sido posible gracias a una ayuda para la Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU 18/03065) perteneciente al Subprograma Estatal de Formación del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España. Además, el trabajo desarrollado está enmarcado en el proyecto ESTiMatE (Emissions SooT ModEl), que ha sido financiado por el consorcio Clean Sky 2 bajo el programa de investigación e innovación Horizonte 2020 de la Unión Europea (acuerdo No. 821418). Las actividades de simulación numérica han sido posibles gracias a la Red Española de Supercomputación y al Centro de Supercomputación de Barcelona por los recursos computacionales proporcionados en MareNostrum, además del grupo PRACE por conceder el acceso a HAWK (GCS, HLRS, Alemania) a través del proyecto SootAero. / Olmeda Ramiro, I. (2023). Assessment of Detailed Combustion and Soot Models for High-Fidelity Aero-Engine Simulations [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202284

When Words Are Worse Than Bullets: a Study of Corruption as an Unintended Consequence of Threats of Sanctions

Balanov, Aleksei 28 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Magnetic Sensor for Nondestructive Evaluation of Deteriorated Prestressing Strand

Wade, James David 14 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Experiments on the bearing capacity of tapered concrete filled double skin steel tubular (CFDST) stub columns

Ren, Q-X., Hou, C., Lam, Dennis, Han, L-H. January 2014 (has links)
No / Tapered concrete filled double skin steel tubular (CFDST) columns have been used in China for structures such as electricity transmission towers. In practice, the bearing capacity related to the connection details on the top of the column is not fully understood. In this paper, the experimental behaviour of tapered CFDST stub columns subjected to axial partial compression is reported, sixteen specimens with top endplate and ten specimens without top endplate were tested. The test parameters included: (1) tapered angle, (2) top endplate thickness, and (3) partial compression area ratio. Test results show that the tapered CFDST stub columns under axial partial compression behaved in a ductile manner. The axial partial compressive behaviour and the failure modes of the tapered CFDST stub columns were significantly influenced by the parameters investigated. Finally, a simple formula for predicting the cross-sectional capacity of the tapered CFDST sections under axial partial compression is proposed.

An investigation into the risk factors and management of rugby injuries in the greater Durban area

Tuck, Andrew Murray January 2010 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master’s Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, 2010. / Objective: Majority of studies to date have focused on injury profiles and types of injuries in rugby, without looking at the risk factors associated and the management of these injuries. It was thus the aim of this study to determine the risk factors and management of rugby injuries in the greater Durban area. Methods: This was a prospective, cross-sectional based study, using a self-administered questionnaire, developed specifically for this research utilizing a focus group and pilot study. The questionnaire details a patient injury history, rugby history, resources, management, coaching and training parameters. Letters of informed consent and the questionnaire were distributed to 300 players / coaches for completion and data was analysed using Pearson’s correlation and t-tests. Results: A response rate of 70% (n=210) was achieved. Selected risk factors were found to be significantly related to current and / or previous injury. New risk factors which did significantly impact injury, were also determined. Conclusion: It is advised that coaches and players take note of significant injury risk factors and management protocols in order to improve player health and decrease injury risk. Further research may look into the factors identified in order to set up better structures in order to prevent further injuries.

Zur Frage, inwieweit der südafrikanische Sectional Titles Act aus der neu verabschiedeten WEG-Novelle in Deutschland Nutzen ziehen kann

Scholze, Gregor 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM (Private Law))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The most important innovations of the revised German Wohnunungseigentumsgesetz which came into force on 1 July of 2007, concern the possiblity to amend parts of the constitution of the scheme (Gemeinschaftsordnung) by majority instead of unanimous resolution; the extension of the decision-making competence of sectional owners; the easier and more appropriate distinction between maintenance of and luxurious and non-luxurious improvements to the common property; the recognition that the body corporate has legal capacity to act in certain circumstances; the increase in the functions and powers of the professional manager (Verwalter); and the replacement of the procedure for non-contentious matters for the settlement of disputes by the ordinary civil court procedure. These predominantly valuable innovations raise the question in how far South African law could benefit from these amendments, and whether they could be used as a model for solving some of the unsatisfactory aspects of the South African sectional title law. The revised Wohnungseigentumsgesetz now allows apartment owners to amend more provisions of the constitution by majority resolution. The harsh unanimity principle is in many contexts replaced by the majority principle and individual apartment owners are allowed to request an amendment of certain provisions of the constitution for important reasons. The Sectional Titles Act and the model management and conduct rules regulate the relationship between sectional owners in South Africa. Both the developer and the body corporate have the authority to supplement or amend the existing model rules by special rules. However, in comparison with the revised Wohnungseigentumsgesetz the management and conduct rules can only be amended by a unanimous or special resolution for management and conduct rules respectively and an individual owner is not allowed to request an amendment of a model rule on account of the unfair consequences suffered by him or her. An important advantage of the revised Wohnungseigentumsgesetz in comparison with section 32(4) of the Sectional Titles Act is furthermore that no written consent is required from the sectional owner who is adversely affected by an amendment of certain aspects of the participation quota. This requirement causes many problems. First, the circumstances in which an owner can be considered adversely affected have not been judicially determined. Second, the South African requirement is out of step with modern conditions, which witness the number of larger schemes increasing, because it allows one owner to block objectively necessary resolutions of the body corporate. The provision requiring the written consent of the adversely affected owner should therfore be repealed. The same applies to the general requirements for carrying out maintenance of and improvements to the common property. On closer analysis it becomes clear that the management rules contain no criteria to distinguish between maintenance and improvement measures or between luxurious and non-luxurious improvements. In final analysis these distinctions seem to depend on subjective rather than on objective criteria. By contrast the revised Wohnungseigentumsgesetz contains a clear objective distinction between the four categories of improvements to the common property. / GERMAN ABSTRACT: Seit dem 1. Juli 2007 gilt in Deutschland ein novelliertes Wohnungseigentumsgesetz. Die wichtigsten Neuerungen betreffen die Ermöglichung von Änderungen der Gemeinschaftsordnung nicht nur durch einstimmigen Beschluss der Wohnungseigentümer, die Erweiterung der Beschlusskompetenzen der Wohnungseigentümer, die Erleichterung der Durchführung baulicher Maßnahmen, die Gestaltung der Teilrechtsfähigkeit der Eigentümergemeinschaft und die Festlegung der erweiterten Rechte und Pflichten des Verwalters sowie die Überleitung des Verfahrens der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit in die Zivilprozessordnung. Die überwiegende Zahl der grundsätzlich zu begrüßenden Neuregelungen gibt auch für das südafrikanische Recht wertvolle Denkanstöße zu der Frage, ob eine Novellierung des Sectional Titles Act im Sinne der Neuregelungen des WEG eine Möglichkeit wäre, bestehende „Ungereimtheiten“ und Probleme zwischen den Wohnungseigentümern und im Wohnungseigentumskomplex in Südafrika besser lösen zu können. Im neuen novellierten WEG sind mehr als bislang Mehrheitsentscheidungen der Wohnungseigentümer zulässig. Statt des starren Einstimmigkeitsprinzips gilt nun oftmals das Mehrheitsprinzip. Zudem ist es auch dem einzelnen Wohnungseigentümer möglich, eine Änderung einer Vereinbarung zu verlangen, sofern ein Festhalten an einer geltenden Regelung aus schwerwiegenden Gründen unter Berücksichtigung aller Umstände des Einzelfalles, unbillig erscheint. Gesetzliche Regelungen, welche das Gemeinschaftsverhältnis in Südafrika ordnen, sind im Sectional Titles Act selbst und in den management und conduct rules der Annexure 8 und 9 des Sectional Titles Act enthalten. Zudem hat sowohl der developer als auch die Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaft (body corporate) die Befugnis, die Rechte, Pflichten und Nutzungsrechte der Wohnungseigentümer in sogenannten „special rules“ selbst festzulegen. Im Vergleich zu den Regelungen des novellierten WEG ist es für Wohnungseigentümer in Südafrika jedoch schwerer, eine Änderung solcher Regelungen herbeizuführen. Wollen die Wohnungseigentümer von den Regelungen der management oder conduct Rules abweichen, können sie dies bezüglich der management rules nur durch einheitlichen Beschluss (resolution) und hinsichtlich der conduct rules mittels eines Beschlusses mit 75%er Mehrheit (special resolution). Ein individueller Anspruch des einzelnen Wohnungseigentümers auf Änderung, Ergänzung oder Ersetzung der rules bei Unbilligkeit besteht nicht. Ein gewichtiger Vorteil der Neuregelung des § 16 Abs. 3 WEG im Vergleich zu Artikel 32(4) des Sectional Titles Act ist zudem, dass es in Deutschland keiner schriftlichen Zustimmung des von der Entscheidung negativ betroffenen Wohnungseigentümers bedarf. Eine Änderung der participation quota hinsichtlich des Kostenverteilungsschlüssels ist nur möglich, wenn ein von der Entscheidung negativ betroffener Wohnungseigentümer seine schriftliche Zustimmung erteilt. Wann eine solche negative Betroffenheit („adversely affected“) letztlich vorliegt, ist zum einen nicht abschließend geklärt. Zum anderen ist gerade unter der Prämisse immer größerer werdender sectional titles schemes nicht mehr zeitgemäß, einem einzelnen Wohnungseigentümer die Möglichkeit zu geben, objektiv notwendige Entscheidungen der body corporate zu blockieren. Das Erfordernis der Zustimmungsbedürftigkeit eines negativ betroffenen Wohnungseigentümers sollte daher aufgegeben werden. Gleiches gilt für die generelle Zulässigkeit von baulichen Veränderungen. Bei genauerer Analyse des südafrikanischen Rechts wird zudem klar, dass in den Management Rules nicht definiert ist, was unter Verbesserungen, d.h. unter „improvements to the common property“ zu verstehen ist oder wie im Einzelfall zwischen luxuriösen und nicht-luxuriösen Aufwendungen zu unterscheiden ist, da es letztlich von der subjektiven Betrachtungsweise Einzelner abhängt. Das novellierte WEG enthält im Vergleich dazu eine klarere objektive Begriffsabgrenzung der vier Kategorien baulicher Maßnahmen. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die belangrikste veranderings aangebring deur die wysiging van die Duitse Wohnunungseigentumsgesetz wat op 1Julie 2007 in werking getree het, is die volgende: die wysiging van die reëls van die skema (Gemeinschaftsordnung) deur middel van ‘n meerderheidsbesluit in plaas van ‘n eenparige besluit; die uitbreiding van die besluitnemingsbevoegdhede van deeleienaars, die helder en meer gepaste vereistes vir die aanbring van verbeterings aan die gemeenskaplike eiendom, die erkenning van die regsbevoegdheid van die regspersoon in sekere gevalle, die uitbreiding van die bevoegdhede van die professionele bestuurder en die vervanging van die informele geskilbeslegtingsprosedure deur die gewone hofprosedure. Hierdie veranderinge laat die vraag ontstaan in hoeverre die Suid-Afrikaanse reg voordeel kan trek uit hierdie wysigings en in hoeverre die veranderings as model kan dien vir wysiging van onbevredigende aspekte van die Wet op Deeltitels. Die gewysigde Wohnunungseigentumsgesetz laat deeleienaars tans toe om meer bepalings van die model reëls deur meerderheidsbesluit te verander. Die streng eenparigheidsbeginsel word in meerdere verbande deur die meerderheidsbeginsel vervang en deeleienaars word in sekere gevalle selfs toegelaat om aansoek te doen vir die wysiging van sommige bepalings op grond van ‘n geldige rede. Die Wet op Deeltitels en die model bestuurs- en gedragsreëls reguleer die regsverhouding tussen deeleienaars. In teenstelling met die gewysidge Duitse wet kan die die regspersoon die bestuursreëls slegs deur middel van ‘n eenparige besluit en die gedragsreëls deur middel van ‘n spesiale besluit verander en ‘n deeleienaar word nie toegelaat om ‘n verandering van die reëls aan te vra op grond van onregverdige benadeling nie. ‘n Belangrike voordeel van die gewysigde Duitse wet in vergelyking met artikel 32(4) van die Wet op Deeltitels is verder dat die skriftelike toestemming van ‘n deeleienaar wat deur die wysiging van sekere aspekte van die deelnemingkwota benadeel word, nie verkry hoef te word nie. Dit is ‘n groot verbetering. Eerstens is dit moeilik om te bepaal in watter omstandighede ‘n deeleienaar se regte deur die wysiging van die deelnemingskwota benadeel word. Tweedens is die Suid-Afrikaanse bepaling uit pas met moderne ontwikkelings waar ‘n deeleienaar in groot deeltitleontwikkelings toegelaat word om objektief redelike besluite van die regspersoon te blokkeer. Hierdie bepaling van die Wet op Deeltitels moet dus herroep word. Dieselfde geld vir die vereistes met betrekking tot die onderhoud van en verbeterings aan die gemeenskaplike eiendom in die Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing. Op die keper beskou bevat die bestuursreëls geen geskikte riglyne om tussen die onderhoud van, en luukse en nieluukse verbeterings aan die gemeenskaplike eiendom te onderskei nie. Die onderskeiding berus oënskynlik op subjektiewe eerder as objektiewe oorwegings. Daarenteen bevat die gewysigde Duitse Wet helder, objektiewe kriteria om onderhoud en vier soorte verbeterings aan die gemeenskaplike eiendom te onderskei.

Tenure security under the Communal Property Associations Act 28 of 1996 : an analysis of establishment and management procedures with comparative reference to the Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986

Jacobs, Petrus Jacobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM )-- University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis discusses the efficacy of procedures involving communal participation in the management of land by communal property associations, and how this contributes to the promotion of security of tenure as envisaged by the South African Land Reform programme. The Communal Property Associations Act 28 of 1996 (CPA Act) is aimed at regulating communal living arrangements to create security of tenure for its respective landholders. However, the general opinion of commentators in the land reform sector has continued to be that communal property institutions are ineffective and generally fail. Many assert that problems experienced are symptoms of a wider weakness relating to the institutional design of the juristic person, its regulation and the support it receives. To determine the strength of this assertion, the concept and conditions of security of tenure in South African law, and the obstacles hampering it, are investigated. Security of tenure is especially important as it provides a foundation from which land holders can exercise their rights productively. This is followed by an overview of the existing legal mechanisms for communal living arrangements that are similar to the arrangements catered for in the CPA Act. One of these arrangements, namely the Sectional Titles Act is used to compare mechanisms similar to the establishment and management procedures in the CPA Act. The main conclusion regarding establishment procedures is that many of the provisions of the CPA Act are not being implemented properly. While some institutional problems exist and must be addressed, negotiation with and guidance by the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform are necessary to overcome such problems. An inadequate establishment process will only lead to problems and conflict in the management phase that could hamper security of tenure. Communal property associations are managed by an organisation structure comprising of a juristic person, a committee and the community. The thesis shows that committee members often lack the necessary training to fulfil their duties adequately. The CPA Act also allow communal property associations too much discretion in allocating powers and functions of the committee that can lead to paralysis in decision-making processes. The Department Rural Development and Land Reform has extensive powers to monitor and intervene in matters of the association if problems exist, but in practice such measures are not resorted to. These problems create dysfunction in many communal property associations. While the CPA Act can provide security of tenure for communities, the most significant obstacle is the lack of support from the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform in implementing the provisions of the CPA Act. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis handel oor die doeltreffendheid van die prosedures rondom die deelname van gemeenskappe aan die bestuur van grond in gemeenskaplike eiendomsverenigings, en hoe dit bydra tot die bevordering van die onaantasbaarheid van grondregte, soos beoog deur die Suid-Afrikaanse grondhervormingsprogram. Die Communal Property Associations Act 28 of 1996 (CPA Wet) het ten doel om gemeenskaplike bewoning van grond te reguleer ten einde om sekerheid vir houers van grond in die hand te werk. Die heersende mening van kommentatore in die grondhervormingsektor is nietemin nog steeds dat gemeenskaplike eiendomsinstellings ondoeltreffend is, en oor die algemeen misluk. Verskeie kommentatore doen aan die hand dat die heersende probleme simptome is van onderliggende tekortkominge in die wyse waarop die regspersoon saamgestel word en hoe dit gereguleer en ondersteun word. Ten einde hierdie opvatting te deurgrond, word daar in hierdie tesis gekyk na die omstandighede waaronder onaantasbaarheid van grondregte bewerkstellig kan word in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg, en na die struikelblokke wat bestaan om heirdie doel te bereik. Onaantasbaarheid van grondregte is belangrik, veral omdat dit die basis is waarop houers van grond in staat gestel word om hul regte produktief uit te oefen. Hierna volg ‘n oorsig van die bestaande regsmeganismes vir gemeenskaplike bewoning van grond, wat soortgelyk is aan dié van die CPA Wet. Een sodanige opset is die Deeltitelswet, wat gebruik word om soortgelyke meganismes vir die totstandkoming van en die bestuursprosedures van die CPA Wet te vergelyk. Die gevolgtrekking met betrekking tot totstandkomingsprosedures is dat die bepalings van die CPA Wet nie behoorlik in werking gestel is nie. Benewens die institusionele probleme wat aangespreek moet word, is onderhandeling met en leiding deur die Departement van Landelike Ontwikkeling en Grondhervorming nodig, om bestaande struikelblokke uit die weg te ruim. ‘n Ontoereikende totstandkomingsproses sal slegs lei tot verdere probleme en geskille in die latere bestuur van die skema wanneer die skema bestuur moet word. Dit werk onsekerheid m.b.t. die grondregte in die hand. Die bestuurstruktuur van gemeenskaplike eiendomsverenigings bestaan uit ‘n regspersoon, ‘n komitee en die gemeenskap. Die tesis dui aan dat komiteelede dikwels nie voldoende opgelei is om hul funksies behoorlik te vervul nie. Die CPA Wet maak ook voorsiening vir te veel diskresionêre begoegdhede in die akte van oprigting en die bepalings omtrent die funksies van die komitee, wat die besluitnemingsproses kan lamlê. Die Departement van Plaaslike Ontwikkeling en Grondhervorming het verreikende magte m.b.t monitering en intervensie in die sake van die verenigings, waar probleme bestaan. In die praktyk word hierdie bevoegdhede egter nie aangewend soos beoog nie. Die probleme versoorsaak dat gemeenkskaplike eiendomsverenigings nie na behore funksioneer nie. Die wetsbepalings kan onaantasbaarheid van grondregte vir gemeenskappe in die hand werk, maar die grootste struikelblok is die behoorlike implementering van die wetsbepalings.

Trångboddhet i OECD : En jämförande tvärsnittsstudie om trångboddhet

Nykvist, Lucas January 2017 (has links)
Denna uppsats försöker besvara frågan: Vad förklarar skillnader i trångboddhet mellan OECD:s medlemsländer? Detta görs genom tvärsnittsstudie där jag analyserar vilken effekt faktorerna Hyresreglering, Reglering av byggbranschen, Demografiska förändringar, Styrande regeringsparti och Välstånd har på Trångboddheten. Tjugonio av OECD:s medlemsländer har tagits med i analysen. Med hjälp av en multipel linjär regression baserat på observationsdata från variablerna presenteras resultaten. Slutsatserna är att Reglering av byggbranschen och Välstånd har störst effekt på Trångboddheten. / This paper attempts to answer the research question: What explains the differences in housing density between the members of the OECD? This is done by a cross-sectional study in which I analyze the impact of rent regulation, regulation of the construction industry, demographic changes, executive government party and wealth has on the dependent variable housing density. Twenty-nine of the OECD members have been included in the analysis. The paper is using a multiple linear regression to analyze the results. The conclusions are that the regulation of the construction industry and wealth has the greatest effect on housing density.

L’association entre la marche utilitaire et le diabète : une étude transversale des adultes montréalais

Tétreault-Deslandes, Mariève 07 1900 (has links)
Contexte: Le diabète de type 2 est un problème de santé publique important. La pratique régulière de l’activité physique contribue à la prévention de cette maladie chronique. Toutefois, peu de recherches portent sur l’association entre l’activité physique de transport, notamment la marche utilitaire, et le diabète. Objectif : L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner l’association entre la présence d’un diagnostic de diabète de type 2 et les pratiques de marche utilitaire dans un échantillon transversal. Méthode : Cette étude est une analyse secondaire de données provenant d’un projet de recherche sur l’implantation d’un système de vélos libre-service. 7012 adultes ont été recrutés par téléphone au printemps 2009, à l’automne 2009 et à l’automne 2010. La marche utilitaire a été mesurée en utilisant des questions adaptées du International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). L’association entre la marche utilitaire et le diabète auto-rapporté a été examinée au moyen d’analyses de régression logistique multivariées. L’influence des variables socio- démographiques, du niveau d’activité physique autre et de l’indice de masse corporelle a été contrôlée. Des analyses de sensibilité ont aussi été faites, utilisant un seuil différent pour le temps de marche utilitaire. Résultats : Dans le modèle final, la marche utilitaire est associée à une prévalence du diabète plus faible (RC=0,721; IC 95% : 0,547-0,950). Conclusion: La pratique de la marche utilitaire est associée à une prévalence plus faible de diabète auto-rapporté. La promotion de ce type d’activité physique aurait sa place dans la prévention du diabète dans une perspective de santé publique. / Background: Type 2 diabetes is an important public health problem. Regular involvement in physical activity contributes to the prevention of this chronic disease. However, limited research has examined associations between transportation physical activity, especially utilitarian walking, and diabetes. Purpose: To examine the association between utilitarian walking and the prevalence of diabetes in a cross-sectional sample. Methods: Secondary analysis of data from a research project on the reach and potential impact of the implementation of a public bicycle share program was conducted. A sample of 7012 adults were recruited to telephone surveys in spring 2009, fall 2009, and fall 2010 via random-digit dialing with oversampling in locations where the public bike share was available. Utilitarian walking was estimated using questions adapted from the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Multivariable logistic regression models examined the association between utilitarian walking and diabetes. The influence of socio- demographic covariates, involvement in other physical activities, and body mass index were controlled and sensitivity analyses were performed. Sensitivity analyses were performed using a different cut-off for utilitarian walking time. Results: In final models, utilitarian walking was associated with a lower likelihood of self-reporting diabetes (OR=0.721; 95% CI: 0.547, 0.950). Conclusion: Adoption of utilitarian walking is associated with a lower likelihood of reporting diabetes. Replication of these results in longitudinal studies could have implications for strategies to encourage people to incorporate more walking into their daily routine.

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