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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pre-Christian sects in Palestinian Judaism : a critical examination of the ancient sources with special emphasis on the minor sects

Olds, L. Calista January 1960 (has links)
"The purpose of this study is to make a critical and detailed analysis of the references in the ancient sources, Philo, Josephus, Pliny and the church fathers, Justin, Hegesippus, Hippolytus and Epiphanius. The main emphasis will be on the less well-known sects. The Sadducees and the Pharisees will be dealt with only as they appear in the references to the lesser sects and for contrast and similarity. The study will attempt to correlate the separate reports and to support or cast doubt on the validity and reliability of the accounts. In order to do this it has been necessary to examine the life and work of each witness as a means of evaluating his credibility and the sources of his information. No attempt has been made to establish a specific thesis of relationship and derivation. That remains for a further study but possible lines for the development of such a thesis have been indicated where the evidence suggests such." -- from the Introduction.

Die religiöse Praxis der Zhaijiao („Vegetarische Sekten“) in Taiwan

Broy, Nikolas 30 January 2014 (has links)
Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit drei Religionsgemeinschaften in Taiwan, die spätestens seit der japanischen Kolonialzeit (1895-1945) unter der Bezeichnung „vegetarische Sekten“ (Zhaijiao) klassifiziert werden. Auffälligstes Merkmal dieser Gruppen war und ist das der Mahāyāna-buddhistischen Tradition entlehnte Gebot vegetarischer Ernährung. Während sich der chinesische Mönchsorden von Beginn an Anfeindungen ausgesetzt sah, welche die tatsächliche Befolgung des vegetarischen Gebots in Frage stellten, waren es oft nicht-monastische Gruppierungen außerhalb des klerikalen Machtmonopols, welche dieses und andere Gebote scheinbar viel strikter befolgten. Zu diesem Kreis „außerbuddhistischer Buddhisten“ zählen die in dieser Studie untersuchten Religionsgemeinschaften Longhuapai („Sekte der Drachenblume“), Xiantianpai („Sekte des früheren Himmels“) und Jintongpai („Sekte des Goldwimpels“), die generisch als Zhaijiao bezeichnet werden. Diese drei ursprünglich vom chinesischen Festland stammenden Traditionen werden heute zumeist als laienbuddhistische Vereinigungen angesehen, teilen aber eine Geschichte, die weit über die Grenzen des „orthodoxen“ und distinkten Buddhismus hinausgeht. In ihnen verschmelzen nicht nur buddhistische und daoistische Elemente sowie Vorstellungen und Praktiken der kommunalen Volksreligiosität. Sie stehen auch in ungebrochener Tradition mit volksreligiösen Sekten der späten Ming- (1368-1644) und frühen Qing-Zeit (1644-1911). Während die religiösen Vorstellungen und sozialen Organisationsformen der seit der Ming-Zeit entstandenen volksreligiösen Sekten – in deren Tradition die Zhaijiao Taiwans stehen – durch das Studium schriftlicher Quellen bereits recht gut bekannt sind, ist ihre religiöse Praxis hingegen bisher kaum erforscht. Die Dissertation unternimmt daher den Versuch, einen Beitrag dazu zu leisten, diese Lücke zu schließen. Sie hat es sich zum Ziel gemacht, die religiöse Praxis der vegetarischen Sekten im heutigen Taiwan zu analysieren und sie vor dem Hintergrund ihrer historischen Entwicklung einzuordnen. „Religiöse Praxis“ fungiert dabei als Oberbegriff für alles soziale und individuelle Sichverhalten in einem religiösen Feld und schließt damit sowohl hochgradig standardisiertes, formelles und vorgeprägtes Handeln (z.B. Rituale), als auch Formen religiös geprägter Lebensführung ein. Die religiöse Praxis der Zhaijiao wird dabei erstmals einer ausführlichen diachronen Untersuchung unterzogen, die von den ältesten Erwähnungen im 16. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart des frühen 21. Jahrhunderts reicht. Ein zentrales Element besteht dabei in der Verknüpfung von Feldforschung und dem Studium literarischer Quellen, welche es ermöglicht, einerseits historische Veränderungen zu erkennen und andererseits die historischen Quellen vor dem Hintergrund empirischer Beobachtungen besser zu verstehen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde im Jahr 2010 eine Erhebung von Primärdaten im Zuge einer Feldforschung durchgeführt, die sich insgesamt über sieben Monate erstreckte und in der 31 Gemeinden in ganz Taiwan besucht wurden. Erst mit diesen vor Ort gewonnenen Daten über das religiöse Leben der Zhaijiao-Anhänger in ihrem „natürlichen Umfeld“ können die spärlichen Informationen, die aus historischen Quellen und bisherigen Forschungsarbeiten gewonnen werden konnten, in einen lebensweltlichen Kontext eingebettet und interpretiert werden. Die heutigen Zhaijiao in Taiwan tragen als Abkömmlinge festlandchinesischer Sekten der Ming- und Qing-Zeit ein tief verwurzeltes historisches Erbe in sich. Dies besteht nicht nur aus jahrhundertealten Texten, die noch immer gedruckt, gelesen und rituell benutzt werden. Auch die religiöse Vorstellungswelt und Praxis nährt sich weiterhin aus dieser Tradition. Auf der anderen Seite erlebte Taiwan im vergangenen Jahrhundert infolge von Modernisierung, Verwestlichung, Urbanisierung usw. erhebliche politische und gesellschaftliche Umwälzungen, die auf die Entwicklung der Zhaijiao einen nachhaltigen Einfluss ausübten. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser zum Teil gegenläufigen Entwicklungen soll nach dem Verhältnis von Kontinuität und Wandel der Zhaijiao gefragt werden: Wie haben sich die kulturell eher konservativ und traditionell eingestellten Sekten unter den Bedingungen einer modernen und demokratischen Gesellschaft entwickelt und möglicherweise verändert?:Abkürzungsverzeichnis und Konventionen..........................................................................................6 1. Einleitung: Die „vegetarischen Sekten“ in Taiwan..........................................................................7 1.1. Stand der Forschung.................................................................................................................8 1.2. Ziele und Arbeitsprogramm...................................................................................................14 1.2.1. Ziele................................................................................................................................14 1.2.2. Arbeitsprogramm............................................................................................................18 1.3. Gliederung und Aufbau der Arbeit..........................................................................................20 2. Volksreligiöse Sekten, „Redemptive Societies“ und Geheimreligionen: Hintergrund und Erbe der Zhaijiao...............................................................................................................................................24 2.1. Synkretismus und Devianz: Zum Problem der Definition von „Sekten“ in China................24 2.2. Religiöse Symbole und Vorstellungen spätkaiserzeitlicher Sekten am Beispiel der Zhaijiao36 2.2.1. Vorstellungswelt..............................................................................................................36 2.2.2. „Mutter“ und andere Gottheiten......................................................................................39 2.2.3. Textkorpus.......................................................................................................................46 3. Die vegetarischen Sekten in Taiwan – ein Überblick.....................................................................50 3.1. „Vegetarierfreunde“, Langhaarmönche und Laienbuddhisten................................................50 3.2. Orte religiöser Praxis: „Vegetarierhallen“ (zhaitang).............................................................55 3.3. Entwicklung und Transformation der Zhaijiao im 20. Jahrhundert........................................67 4. Die Longhuapai..............................................................................................................................77 4.1. Die frühe historische Entwicklung der Longhuapai...............................................................77 4.1.1. Die Vorgeschichte: Patriarch Luo in Geschichte und Hagiographie...............................77 4.1.2. Von Kanalarbeitern und Mönchen: Zur Vielgestaltigkeit von „Luo-Sekten“ im spätkaiserzeitlichen China.........................................................................................................79 4.1.3. Die Frühgeschichte (1): Patriarch Ying...........................................................................81 4.1.4. Die Frühgeschichte (2): Patriarch Yao............................................................................85 4.2. Die außerfamiliäre Tradition: Longhuapai.............................................................................90 4.2.1. Die Abspaltung von der Familientradition......................................................................90 4.2.2. Die Aufspaltung der Zweige...........................................................................................93 4.3. Die Longhuapai in Taiwan....................................................................................................101 4.3.1. Entwicklung und Verbreitung.......................................................................................101 4.3.2. Zweigzugehörigkeit, Beziehungen zum Festland und Ökumene..................................109 4.4. Entwicklung und Bedeutung des Gradsystems.....................................................................114 4.5. Kodifizierte Normen und Regelwerke: Das „Soll“ religiösen Handelns..............................125 4.5.1. Verhaltensnormen und Ethik.........................................................................................125 4.5.2. Die Ritualhandbücher der Drachenblumensekte: Das Longhua keyi...........................130 4.6. Religiöse Praxis in der spätkaiserzeitlichen Longhuapai.....................................................134 4.6.1. Ikonoklasmus und „protestantischer“ Fundamentalismus in den frühen Luo-Sekten. .134 4.6.2. Individuelle und kommunale Religiosität seit dem 18. Jahrhundert.............................149 4.7. Religiöse Praxis in der Longhuapai in Taiwan.....................................................................162 4.7.1. Das religiöse Leben in der Geschichte der taiwanischen Longhuapai..........................162 4.7.2. Religiöse Praxis in der heutigen Longhuapai (1): Kurzrituale......................................178 Reguläre Rituale: Morgen- und Abendliturgie.......................................................178 Guanyins Erleuchtung in der Mindetang................................................................183 Longhua-Anhänger als Laienbuddhisten: Buddhageburtstag in der Dehuatang....186 Die Longhuapai als Ritualdienstleister: Die Erlösung der Seelen ........................188 Das Begräbnisritual................................................................................................190 4.7.3. Religiöse Praxis in der heutigen Longhuapai (2): Das siebentägige Initiationsfest......192 Historische Grundlagen..........................................................................................192 Das Initiationsfest in Taiwan..................................................................................200 Das Initiationsfest in der Chaotiantang..................................................................204 5. Die Jintongpai...............................................................................................................................213 5.1. Zum Problem des Sektennamens..........................................................................................213 5.2. Die Geschichte der Jintongpai auf dem chinesischen Festland............................................215 5.2.1. Die Frühgeschichte.......................................................................................................215 5.2.2. Beziehungen zur Ying- und Yao-Tradition (Longhuapai).............................................230 5.3. Die Jintongpai in Taiwan......................................................................................................235 5.4. Religiöse Praxis und verehrte Gottheiten in der Jintongjiao................................................241 5.5. Gradsystem und Verwaltung.................................................................................................246 6. Die Xiantianpai.............................................................................................................................249 6.1. Frühe Entwicklung bis ins 19. Jahrhundert..........................................................................249 6.2. Die Xiantianpai in Taiwan ...................................................................................................259 6.2.1. Wanquantang.................................................................................................................261 6.2.2. Qianyuantang................................................................................................................265 6.3. Organisation und Verwaltungsstruktur.................................................................................267 6.4. Religiöse Praxis in der Xiantianpai......................................................................................271 6.4.1. Religiöse Praxis in den Qing-zeitlichen Xiantian-Sekten.............................................271 6.4.2. Religiöse Praxis in der taiwanischen Xiantianpai.........................................................282 6.5. Schriften und Texte...............................................................................................................297 6.6. Eschatologie und Erlösung...................................................................................................301 7. Abschließende Betrachtungen......................................................................................................306 7.1. Zhaijiao gestern und heute: Die Folgen der Konventionalisierung religiöser Praxis...........306 7.2. Zhaijiao in der heutigen Gesellschaft Taiwans: Distinktion vs. Diffusion...........................312 7.3. Zhaijiao und die religiöse Landschaft des modernen Taiwan...............................................322 7.4. Schlussbemerkung: Die historische Bedeutung der vegetarischen Sekten in China............328 8. Literaturverzeichnis .....................................................................................................................331 8.1. Siglen....................................................................................................................................331 8.2. Primärquellen........................................................................................................................334 8.3. Sekundärliteratur ..................................................................................................................344 9. Anhang 1: Tabellarische Übersicht aller besuchten zhaitang.......................................................374 10. Anhang 2: Tabellarische Übersicht über das siebentägige Initiationsfest (guoguangchang 過光 場) der Chaotiantang (2010)............................................................................................................376 11. Anhang 3: Annotierte Beschreibungen des siebentägigen Initiationsfestes der Chaotiantang (2010)...............................................................................................................................................379 11.1. fabiao 發表 („Bekanntmachung“).....................................................................................379 11.2. dagong 大供 („Große Gabe“)............................................................................................380 11.3. qingkong 請空 („Herbeibitten aus der Leere“)..................................................................384 11.4. fa sancheng 發三乘 („Verleihung des dritten Grades“).....................................................386 11.5. an xiangwei 安香位 („Aufstellen der Götter- und Ahnentafeln“).....................................387 11.6. wugong 午供 („Mittagsgaben“).........................................................................................388 11.7. yinhun 引魂 („Herbeirufen der Seelen“)...........................................................................389 11.8. chaodu 超度 („Erlösung“).................................................................................................391 11.9. fachuan 法船 („dharma-Boot“)..........................................................................................392 11.10. liantai 蓮臺 („Lotosthron“)..............................................................................................397 11.11. fahua 法華 („Lotosritual“)...............................................................................................399 11.12. zhaitian 齋天 („Verehrung des Himmels“)......................................................................401 11.13. baibang 拜榜 („Verehrung der Bekanntmachung“).........................................................404 11.14. Jin’gang baojuan 金剛寶卷 („Schatzrolle des Diamantsūtras“).....................................404 11.15. Mengshan shishi 蒙山施食 („Die Mengshan-Speisung“)...............................................406 11.16. chuifan 炊飯 („Dämpfen des Reises“).............................................................................412 11.17. Verleihung der Grade und Zertifikation............................................................................416

Differences in the attitudes of church-attending Catholics toward changes in religious beliefs and practices correlated with age and education

Kirkpatrick, Cletus Michael 01 January 1971 (has links)
A field survey was conducted to investigate differences in attitudes toward religious changes in a population of church-going Roman Catholics. An attitude scale comprising twenty items referring to changes in the Catholic Church was prepared during pilot studies. Half of the items referred to changes already occurring, and half to proposed or possible future changes. The attitude scale was administered to a sample of parishes in the Roman Catholic diocese of Baker, Oregon. It was administered during regular Sunday services to take advantage of the saliency effect of group membership. A response to an item of the scale indicating the subject's agreement with the change was operationally defined as a liberal response. A response indicating disagreement with change was considered a conservative response. It was hypothesized that churchgoing Catholics would be more liberal or accepting of changes already instituted in the Church than they would be of merely possible changes. The results supported this hypothesis. Total scores on the scale were correlated with the age and education of the respondents. The results support the hypothesis that attitudes toward religious changes covary with age and education much like other social attitudes, as the younger and more educated respondents showed more liberalism or acceptance of change than did older and less educated respondents. A detailed analysis of several items shows a wide divergence between parishoners' attitudes and ecclesiastical dogma. The results of the research also indicate that in the population surveyed there was a great deal of intragroup variation in attitudes toward religious changes.

Barn och unga i sekter ur ett perspektiv av hederskultur / Young people in sects from a perspective of honor culture

Sojka Al Hamede, Ann-Sofie, Lindqvist, Elisabeth January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this essay was to investigate children's and young people's living conditions within sects and within honor culture, and to examine similarities and differences between children's vulnerability within a context of sect and a context of honor. This was done by performing an analysis of two journalistic books that depict experiences based on both contexts. The method chosen was a qualitative content analysis of the text told by women who grew up in a culture of honor or in a sect. The aim was also to examine the efforts of social work and BRIS digital communication platform based on the vulnerability of children and young people in both sects and in honor culture. Two digital communication platforms were analyzed with the help of text analysis. Erving Goffman's concept stigma was used to gain an understanding of the deviant individual. The findings of the essay showed that norm-breaking behavior led to sanctions and punishment. The prevalence of different types of violence such as psychological violence, physical violence and sexual violence were found. Michel Foucault's concepts of self-discipline and punishment could explain how groups exercise punishment in the hope of individuals obedience. Pierre Bourdieu's concept of symbolic violence was used to explain the different expressions of violence and to understand male dominance in the two contexts highlighted in this essay. The largest similarities that the findings showed were the exposure to physical and psychological violence and social control. The women's stories also manifested a fear of talking about what they experienced as children. Punishments of norm-breaking behavior could mean shunning and exclusion from the group. Distinctive values regarding virginity occurred in both contexts although consequences of not following the norms in a context of honor could result in gruesome punishments. One difference between expressed vulnerability in both contexts was the focus on demons and the devil from a context of sect, which did not occur in the stories from an honor culture. A second difference was who perpetrated the violence. Within stories from sects, it was clearer that the family and the group had the role of the punisher, while in an honor context it was the family and relatives. The fear of losing God or being punished to death by the same was recurring in stories from sects, while the fear in an honor context was mainly about losing the reputation and, by extension, the person's honor.

An analysis of the Methodist Junior Group Graded Curriculum to discover its adequacy for rural children

Quinn, Edna Annis 01 January 1953 (has links) (PDF)
It was the purpose of this study to discover to what degree the Methodist Group Graded Curriculum for junior age (nine-ten-eleven year old) children is applicable to the experiences or rural children. Criteria for evaluation have been set up through examination of the philosophy governing certain public school programs for rural children, and the philosophy tor religious education of rural children as revealed in certain national and denominational publications on rural church life end education. An analysis has been made of the Junior Group Grade Curriculum of the Methodist Church for the cycle beginning October, 1949, and extending through September, 1952. Charts or the units of study show the experiences planned for boys and girls. A comparison of the experiences listed in the charts and their agreement with the criteria proposed for evaluation has led to the conclusion described in the summary.

Náboženské sekty v Československu v 50. letech 20. století / Religious Sects in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s

Hemza, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with religious sects in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s. Firstly, it describes new religious movements, which occurred in Czechoslovakia in the first half of the 20th century, especially Jehovah's Witnesses, Adventism, Mormonism and the others. The key theme of this thesis is the phenomenon of religious sects. It explores a procedure of the government, Communist party of Czechoslovakia and State Security. The thesis deals also with the conscientious objection in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s. In conclusion the thesis tries to describe the image of religious sects in newspapers. It draws from various primary sources (National Archives of the Czech Republic, Security Services Archive, Military History Archive) and from various historiographical and sociological literature.

Alexander Campbell in Kentucky

Ashby, Leo 01 June 1935 (has links)
The question of religion has caused much strife among mankind in the past, and even the present is not without its spiritual prejudices. In any phase of life the individual who departs too far from the accepted order is almost certain to be brought up sharply against the criticism and even ridicule of his contemporaries. Alexander Campbell is no exception to this rule. His life was one of strife and conflict in the field of religion. His leadership in the “Reformation Movement” of the early Nineteenth Century has left an indelible impression upon the minds of thousands of men and women.

The Pulpit and the People: Mobilizing Evangelical Identity

Moser, Tim 01 December 2017 (has links)
Using ten sermons from five prominent and politically active evangelical megachurch pastors taken from the 2016 presidential campaign season, this case study utilizes frame analysis to understand the political relevance of modern evangelical sermonizing. An inductive frame analysis allows the concept of a collective action frame to be observed as a process and for patterns to emerge from the source text. Within these sermons, ministers offer self-identifying evangelicals a vocabulary with which to understand and describe their own identity. In this context, the Bible is a powerful cultural symbol that represents an allegiance to traditions that are framed as the bedrock of American exceptionalism. The boundaries that are drawn and vociferously maintained in this sample emphasize exclusion over inclusion, especially in terms of salvation and righteousness, which can emotionally motivate action. In an election year, this sample demonstrates how evangelical identity is mobilized as an electoral force.

A History of Baptists in Clinton County

Cantrell, Timothy 01 January 1969 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to present some of the history of the Baptist Church in Clinton County, Kentucky. A detailed study of the early church in the county also presents a picture of the county's social history as well because of the very close association between the individual and his church. The scope of this study does not lend itself to presentation of the individual histories of all the Baptist churches in the county. It is, rather, the purpose of the author to cover the history of Baptists in the county by tracing the history of their two associations and then to discuss specifically two churches from each association as examples. The criterion for the selection of these churches (Clear Fork, Seventy-Six, Albany and Stony Point) was the date of founding of each of them. Clear Fork and Seventy-Six are the two oldest churches in the Stockton Valley Association and Albany and Stony Point Baptist churches are the oldest in the Freedom Association.

墨子與耶穌思想比較 / A Comparison of the Thought of Jesus and Motze

李克達, Rickert, Abigail Axford Unknown Date (has links)
筆者把墨子的兼愛思想與耶穌的博愛思想作比較,把墨子的非攻思想與耶穌對攻伐戰爭及其因素的看法作比較,並且把墨子的天志思想與耶穌對天的觀念作比較;此篇論文也討論當時猶太社會。猶太教派別對耶穌思想的影響和春秋戰國政治動盪對墨子思想的影響。 / Motze's philosohpy of Universal Love is compared to Jesus's philosophy of Brotherly love; Motze's thoughts concerning the will of Heaven are compared to Jesus's concept of God and Heaven. The influence of Jewish sects and Jewish society during the time of Roman rule on the philosophy of Jesus and the influence of the unstable political conditions during the Spring and Autumn/Warring States period on Motxe's thought are also discussed.

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