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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Giacomelli, Adriana Diniz de Oliveira 24 May 2004 (has links)
Ergonomy study the relationship between man and his work, to know the kind of equipment, the environment and the application of anatomy, physiology, engineering and psychology knowledge, in the search of solutions for the problems that come from this relationship. The ergonomy centers itself on security, in the satisfaction and the worker s welfare, as well as the knowledge of the main occupational sicknesses that are related to the professional activities and its causes, that can affect the workers in place of rice benefiting, with the purpose of a more effective replanning, about the preventive actions, to the rehabilitation and ergonomic restruturation of the sectors. The analysis about the work conditions of the sectors of rice benefiting , elaboration of treatment and prevention programs, that refer to physical aspects and/or organizational of the environment, characteristics and complaints, psychophysical aspects of the workers and sending suggestions to give a bigger comfort , security, better life quality and, consequently, a bigger satisfaction when doing the professional functions, will be detected through questionings, and the result will make it possible to see again strategies and to live ergonomic aspects, responsible for the workers and employer company s success, in a way of analyzing and interpreting data. The answering of the needed aspects that give fundament to the Ergonomy are supported by the legal necessities, contained in the law nº 3751, which date is November 23, 1990. The used bibliography helped to elaborate an investigative protocol that gave subsidy to the questioning done with 23 employees. In the conclusion stage of the research, some measures of organizational order were suggested, with the aim of contributing with the improvement of life quality and work atmosphere of the employees and more effective future works. / Ergonomia estuda o relacionamento entre o homem e seu trabalho, conhecer o tipo de equipamentos, o ambiente e a aplicação de conhecimentos de anatomia, fisiologia, engenharia e psicologia na busca de soluções para os problemas advindos desse relacionamento. A Ergonomia centra-se na segurança, na satisfação e no bem estar do trabalhador, bem como no conhecimento das principais doenças ocupacionais relacionadas às atividades profissionais e suas causas, que podem acometer os trabalhadores em Engenho de Beneficiamento de Arroz, com vistas a um replanejamento mais eficaz, quanto às ações preventivas, à reabilitação e à reestruturação ergonômica dos setores. A análise sobre as condições de trabalho dos setores de beneficiamento de arroz, elaboração de programas de tratamento e prevenção, tanto no que se referem aos aspectos físicos e/ou organizacionais do ambiente, características e queixas, aspectos psicofísicas dos trabalhadores e encaminhamento de sugestões para proporcionar maior conforto, segurança, melhor qualidade de vida e, conseqüentemente, maior satisfação na realização das funções profissionais, será detectada através, de questionamentos, cujo resultado possibilitará rever estratégias e vivenciar aspectos ergonômicos, responsáveis pelo sucesso do trabalhador e da empresa empregadora, numa forma de analisar e interpretar de dados. O atendimento aos pré-requisitos embasadores da Ergonomia, estão elencados e amparados pelos pressupostos legais, contidos na Portaria nº 3751, datada de 23 de novembro de 1990. A bibliografia consultada alicerçou a elaboração de um protocolo investigativo que subsidiou o questionamento realizado com vinte e três funcionários. Na fase conclusiva da pesquisa, sugeriram-se algumas medidas de ordem organizacional, visando contribuir com a melhoria da qualidade de vida e do ambiente de trabalho dos funcionários e trabalhos futuros mais eficazes.

Hot och våld - En del av jobbet? : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens säkerhetsarbete med hot och våld. / Threats and violence - A part of the job? : A qualitative study of the social services´ security work with threats and violence.

Ivarsson, Caroline, Hellman, Tess January 2019 (has links)
Titel: ”Hot och våld - en del av jobbet?” - En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens säkerhetsarbete med hot och våld. Författare: Tess Hellman och Caroline Ivarsson Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur ett urval av socialkontor arbetar med säkerhetsfrågor avseende hot och våld. Studiens frågeställningar är följande: ❖ Vilket säkerhetsarbete har socialkontoren avseende hot och våld? ❖ Hur arbetar socialsekreterare innan, under och efter ett klientmöte som befaras som hotfullt eller otryggt? ❖ Hur upplever socialsekreterare att deras säkerhetsarbete avseende hot och våld fungerar på arbetsplatsen? Studien är kvalitativ och empiri har insamlats via intervjuer från sex socialsekreterare som arbetar på olika socialkontor i Mellansverige. Empirin har tolkats genom innehållsanalys där följande huvudteman framkommit: Beskrivning av säkerhetsarbete, Beskrivning av rutiner samt Beskrivning av respondenternas upplevelser. Empirin har sedan analyserats utifrån tidigare forskning samt teorierna Normalisation Process Theory och KASAM. I resultatet framkommer att de olika socialkontoren som respondenterna företräder arbetar olika med hot och våld. En del respondenter har fått utbildning och har handledning. Det finns rutiner och riktlinjer för hur man ska arbeta förebyggande med hot och våld men även åtgärder efter att någonting har hänt. Några rutiner som ska följas är att larm finns tillgängliga vid klientmöten samt att vid hembesök ska det vara två socialsekreterare. Socialsekreterarna följer inte alltid de rutiner som finns. En orsak till detta är att “hot och våld” uppfattas olika. Det som någon anser är hotfullt kanske någon annan inte uppfattar likadant. / Title: “Threats and violence - A part of the job?” - A description of the social services´ security work with threats and violence. Authors: Tess Hellman and Caroline Ivarsson The purpose of this study is to investigate how a selection of social services works with security issues regarding threats and violence. The main questions are: ❖ Which security work does the social services have regarding threats and violence? ❖ How does social workers work before, during and after a client meeting when there is a fear that the meeting will become threatful or unsafe? ❖ How does social workers experience their safety work at their workplace regarding threats and violence? The study is qualitative and empirical data has been collected through interviews from six social workers that works at various social offices in central Sweden. The empirical data has since been interpreted through a content analysis where the following main themes have emerged: Description of security work, Description of routines and Description of the respondent’s experiences. The empirical data has been analysed based on previous research and the theories Normalization Process Theory and KASAM. The result shows that the various social offices that the respondent´s represent work differently with threats and violence. Some respondents have received education and have guidance. There are routines and guidelines for how to work with prevention with threats and violence, but also intervention after something has happened. Some routines that must be followed are that alarms are available at client meetings and at home visits it must be two social workers. The social workers do not always follow the routines that exist. One reason for this is that “threats and violence” are perceived differently. What someone thinks is threatening may not be threatening to someone else.

Social-engineering ett hot mot informationssäkerheten?

Palmqvist, Stefan January 2008 (has links)
<p>Den här rapporten tar upp ett annorlunda hot mot informationssäkerheten, som inte hårdvara</p><p>eller mjukvara kan stoppa. Detta hot kallas för social-engineering, och det som gör detta hot</p><p>farligt är att de anställda och chefer i en organisation, kan hjälpa utövaren av socialengineering</p><p>utan att de själva vet om det.</p><p>Det går inte att förhindra att dessa attacker sker, men man kan förhindra de negativa</p><p>konsekvenserna av en sådan attack. Denna rapport tar upp hur man ska göra för att en</p><p>organisation ska kunna fortsätta med sin verksamhet, efter en attack av social-engineering. I</p><p>värsta fall kan en attack av social-engineering innebära att ett företag aldrig återhämtar sig.</p><p>Detta kan bero på att organisationen har förlorat alla sina kunder, förlorat marknads andelar,</p><p>eller för att de ansvariga och viktiga personerna i organisationen har blivit dömda för</p><p>oaktsamhet och sitter i fängelse.</p><p>Denna rapport ska informera och få er att vara uppmärksamma och medvetna om dessa</p><p>hot, som ni kanske inte vet finns. Ni ska få kunskap och lära er känna igen de olika</p><p>förklädnaderna en utövare av social-engineering antar.</p> / <p>This paper discusses a different threat against information security, which can not be</p><p>prevented by either hardware or software. This Threat is called social engineering and the</p><p>main issue that makes this threat so dangerous is that the victims, like executives and the</p><p>employees in an organization are not aware that they actually helps the practician of social</p><p>engineering.</p><p>These attacks can not be avoided, but there is a way to prevent negative consequences of</p><p>such an attack. This paper discusses how an organization can manage to continue with the</p><p>activity, despite an attack of social engineering. In worse case the scenarios of an attack of</p><p>social engineering can mean that an organization never fully recovers. The different scenarios</p><p>of this can be as following. The organization could lose all the clients, they could have lost</p><p>market share or the responsible important people in the organization could be convicted and</p><p>sent to jail.</p><p>This paper will make you aware of these threats that you might even don’t know exists.</p><p>You will be given the knowledge to be able to recognize de different disguises a practician of</p><p>social engineering can assume.</p>

Social-engineering ett hot mot informationssäkerheten?

Palmqvist, Stefan January 2008 (has links)
Den här rapporten tar upp ett annorlunda hot mot informationssäkerheten, som inte hårdvara eller mjukvara kan stoppa. Detta hot kallas för social-engineering, och det som gör detta hot farligt är att de anställda och chefer i en organisation, kan hjälpa utövaren av socialengineering utan att de själva vet om det. Det går inte att förhindra att dessa attacker sker, men man kan förhindra de negativa konsekvenserna av en sådan attack. Denna rapport tar upp hur man ska göra för att en organisation ska kunna fortsätta med sin verksamhet, efter en attack av social-engineering. I värsta fall kan en attack av social-engineering innebära att ett företag aldrig återhämtar sig. Detta kan bero på att organisationen har förlorat alla sina kunder, förlorat marknads andelar, eller för att de ansvariga och viktiga personerna i organisationen har blivit dömda för oaktsamhet och sitter i fängelse. Denna rapport ska informera och få er att vara uppmärksamma och medvetna om dessa hot, som ni kanske inte vet finns. Ni ska få kunskap och lära er känna igen de olika förklädnaderna en utövare av social-engineering antar. / This paper discusses a different threat against information security, which can not be prevented by either hardware or software. This Threat is called social engineering and the main issue that makes this threat so dangerous is that the victims, like executives and the employees in an organization are not aware that they actually helps the practician of social engineering. These attacks can not be avoided, but there is a way to prevent negative consequences of such an attack. This paper discusses how an organization can manage to continue with the activity, despite an attack of social engineering. In worse case the scenarios of an attack of social engineering can mean that an organization never fully recovers. The different scenarios of this can be as following. The organization could lose all the clients, they could have lost market share or the responsible important people in the organization could be convicted and sent to jail. This paper will make you aware of these threats that you might even don’t know exists. You will be given the knowledge to be able to recognize de different disguises a practician of social engineering can assume.

Den säkraste festivalen är den som inte blir av : En kvalitativ studie om säkerhetsarbetet på musikfestivaler och dess påverkan på festivalkänslan / The safest festival is the one that never takes place

Sigfridsson, Isabelle, Redondo, Emma, Lundqvist, Moa January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund &amp; problem: Säkerhet utgör en stor del av arbetet på musikfestivaler eftersom det finns risk för såväl mindre som dödliga incidenter. I förhållande till besökarens festivalkänsla finns det dock risk för att säkerhetsarbetet upplevs som otillräckligt respektive överdrivet. Problemformulering: Hur påverkas festivalkänslan av säkerhetsarbetet på musikfestivaler?  Syfte: Syftet med undersökningen är att beskriva balansen mellan vad som anses vara otillräcklig respektive överdriven säkerhet i relation till besökarnas festivalkänsla. Metod: Studiens syfte besvaras utifrån en kvalitativ, induktiv metod. Insamling av empiri har skett genom intervjusamtal med totalt nio informanter som antingen har varit involverade i arbetet med en musikfestival eller besökt flertalet musikfestivaler. Tematisk analys har använts som tillvägagångssätt i analys av empirin. Slutdiskussion: Studiens resultat visar på att säkerhetsarbetet och dess utförande har en stor påverkan på besökarens festivalkänsla i många fall. Festivalbesökaren visar i regel förståelse och acceptans för arrangörens säkerhetsåtgärder och säkerhetsarbetet är en förutsättning för att besökaren ska känna sig trygg. Festivalbesökare känner sig ofta som mest otrygga utanför festivalområdet och där är det svårt att avgöra hur stort ansvar festivalarrangören kan/bör ta för sina besökare. / Background &amp; problem: Security constitutes a significant part of the production of music festivals, since there is a risk for both minor and fatal incidents. However, in relation to the visitor’s “festival-feeling” there is a risk for the security work to be viewed as insufficient as well as excessive. Problem statement: How is the “festival-feeling” affected by the security work at music festivals? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe the balance between what is considered to be insufficient as well as excessive security in relation to the attendees “festival-feeling”. Method: The purpose of the study is fulfilled through a qualitative, inductive method. In order to collect the empirical data, nine interviews were carried out with people who have either been involved in the work at music festivals or have been to a lot of music festivals. Thematic analysis was used as the approach to analyze the empirical data. Conclusion: The result of the study indicates that security-work and how it’s executed has a significant impact on the attendees’ “festival-feeling” in many cases. The attendees show understanding and acceptance of the security-work, and that security measures are a prerequisite for the attendees to feel safe. Festival attendees feel more unsafe outside the festival area, which makes it difficult to determine how much the festival organizer is responsible for in regard to the attendees.

A simplified ISMS : Investigating how an ISMS for a smaller organization can be implemented

Asp Sandin, Agnes January 2021 (has links)
Over the past year, cyber threats have been growing tremendously, which has led to an essential need to strengthen the organization's security. One way of strengthening security is to implement an information security management system (ISMS). Although an ISMS will help improve the information security work within the business, organizations struggle with its implementation, and significantly smaller organizations. That results in smaller organization's information being potentially less protected.This thesis investigates how an ISMS based on MSB can be simplified to make it suitable for a small organization to implement. This thesis aims to open for further research about how it can be simplified and if it has a value of doing it.The study is based on a qualitative approach where semi-structured interviews with experts were conducted. This thesis concludes that it is possible to simplify an ISMS based on MSB for a small organization by removing external analysis, information classification, information classification model, continuity management for information assets, and incident management. In addition, the study provides tips on what a small organization should think about before and during implementation.

SiS mellan tvång och vård : En kontradiktion i utsagor / Institutional Youth Care : A contradiction in statements

Aalsö, Natalia, Julia, Forne January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the self-proclaimed performance of the National Board of Institutional Care, and its specific youth care homes in Sweden (SiS), concerning SiS work with institutionalised children and youth in relation to law of The Care of Young Persons Act (LVU). Special focus is also given to how the SiS self-assessment contrasts with the accounts given by institutionalised youths. We have investigated SiS claims present on their website since it provides ample documentation, information and deeds, and investigated reports by youth in the media, research and news outlets. We have elected to code all collected data and have thus identified key recurring themes present in youth and SiS reports.We have then regarded these findings with respect to our theories that are presented in the results and analysis section along with previous research. In this section we maintain that the description provided by youths at SiS is problematic and often shows a lack of care giving instances or staff that master the tools required to meet the youth in a constructive manner. In the discussion we once again maintain our theories and methodological approach that is based on Discourse analytical grounds that maintain the importance of language and the messages signified through actions.

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