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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de nanopartículas inovadoras a partir de constituintes da biodiversidade brasileira destinadas à aplicação tópica de antioxidantes / Development of innovative nanoparticles using brazilian compounds intended for antoxidants topical application

Colomé, Letícia Marques January 2011 (has links)
Nanopartículas lipídicas têm sido desenvolvidas para aplicação tópica de fármacos e ativos cosméticos. Neste trabalho, foi proposta a primeira aplicação de um lipídeo natural não-refinado biodegradável e biocompatível - manteiga de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) - para a preparação de nanopartículas lipídicas, as quais foram denominadas teosferas. As teosferas foram preparadas por emulsificação-evaporação do solvente (EES) e por homogeneização à alta pressão (HAP), apresentando tamanho nanométrico e distribuição granulométrica estreita quando preparadas por ambos os métodos. O trabalho teve continuidade com a preparação de teosferas pelo método de EES utilizando manteiga de cupuaçu ou sua mistura com óleo de castanha do Brasil (Bertholletia excelsa) - também derivado da biodiversidade Amazônica - visando a incorporação de antioxidantes. Idebenona (IDB) foi selecionada por sua conhecida ação antioxidante e pela sua utilização em formulações cosméticas antienvelhecimento. IDB foi incorporada nas teosferas com eficiência de encapsulação superior a 99%, sendo que os estudos de liberação in vitro mostraram que a liberação de IDB a partir das teosferas foi mais lenta em comparação à IDB livre. Estes experimentos foram capazes ainda de demonstrar as características elásticas das teosferas. Além disso, foi evidenciada in vitro a atividade antioxidante superior das teosferas contendo IDB em relação ao ativo livre. Visando possibilitar a aplicação tópica de teosferas contendo IDB, em um trabalho subseqüente, suspensões de teosferas preparadas por HAP foram incorporadas em géis hidrofílicos. As formulações apresentaram características pseudoplásticas e demonstraram efeito oclusivo in vitro, o qual foi dependente da composição dos colóides. Finalmente, os estudos de permeação in vitro utilizando pele humana demonstraram que teosferas e nanocápsulas de núcleo lipídico, utilizadas neste estudo de modo comparativo, modificaram a permeção da IDB, permitindo a acumulação do ativo nas camadas superficiais da pele. / Lipid nanoparticles have been developed for administration of active substances to the skin, both for pharmaceutical and cosmetic uses. In the present work, we proposed the first use of a none-refined natural biodegradable and biocompatible lipid – Cupuaçu seed butter (Theobroma grandiflorum) – for the preparation of lipid nanoparticles, which were called theospheres. Theospheres were prepared by emulsification-solvent evaporation (ESE) and by high pressure homogenization technique (HPH), presenting size in nanometrical range and narrow particle size distribution for both methods. Taking these results into account, the next step of this work was the preparation of theospheres by ESE method using Cupuaçu seed butter with or without Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) seed oil - another ingredient derived from an Amazonian fruit - intending the encapsulation of an antioxidant. Idebenone (IDB) has been selected due to its known antioxidant action and because it has been used in antiaging cosmetic formulations. IDB was incorporated in the theospheres presenting encapsulation efficiency higher than 99%. The in vitro release evaluation demonstrated that the release of IDB from theospheres was lower than that of free drug. Besides, the in vitro release study highlighted the elastic characteristics of theospheres. Additionally, IDB-loaded theospheres showed higher antioxidant activity compared to free IDB. Viewing the cutaneous administration, theosphere suspensions prepared by HPH technique were incorporated into hydrogels. The rheograms of the semi-solid formulations exhibited a non-Newtonian behavior presenting pseudoplastic characteristics. In vitro occlusion study highlighted the dependence of the occlusive effect on the lipidic composition of the theospheres. Finally, in vitro human skin permeation studies showed that theospheres and lipid-core nanocapsules, used in this study in a comparative way, changed the permeation of IDB, increasing the accumulative amount of IDB in the upper skin layer.

Extraction, caractérisation physicochimique, profil lipidique et activité cytoprotectrice d'huiles de Chardon-Marie de Tunisie / Extraction, physicochemical characterization, lipid profile and cytoprotective activity of milk thistle seeds oil from Tunisia

Meddeb, Wiem 04 December 2018 (has links)
La famille des Astéracées est économiquement très importante, car beaucoup de ses plantessont cultivées principalement pour leurs valeurs alimentaires dont la laitue (Lactuca), lachicorée (Cichorium) et le tournesol (Heliantus annuus) cultivé pour son huile. Une despropriétés typiques de cette famille, dont fait partie le Silybum marianum, est la richesse deses huiles en divers composés naturels bénéfiques pour la santé. Actuellement et pour lesdécennies à venir, les maladies liées à l’âge constituent un problème majeur de santépublique. Prévenir leur apparition ou s'opposer à leur évolution est un objectif majeur. Dansce contexte, les activités cytoprotectrices de l'huile de graines de Silybum marianumoriginaires de différentes régions de la Tunisie ont été étudiées sur le modèled’oligodendrocytes murins 158N en utilisant le 7-cétocholestérol (7KC) comme agentcytotoxique. Le 7KC a été utilisé car il est augmenté dans le plasma, le liquide céphalorachidienet/ou certains tissus (paroi vasculaire et intestinale, rétine, cristallin, cerveau) depatients atteints de maladies liées à l’âge (maladies cardiovasculaires, maladie d'Alzheimer,dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge, cataracte) ou de maladies inflammatoires évolutives del’intestin. Le 24S-hydroxycholestérol (24S-OHC) a aussi été utilisé car il est augmenté dans lecerveau aux stades précoces de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Afin de déterminer la composition del'huile de Silybum marianum (acides gras, tocophérols, polyphénols, phytostérols) diversestechniques physicochimiques et de chromatographie liquide et gazeuse ont été utilisées. Lespropriétés anti-oxydantes de l'huile de Silybum marianum ont été définies par les tests KRL,FRAP et DPPH et les propriétés cytoprotectrices par des techniques complémentaires demicroscopie, de cytométrie en flux et de biochimie. Les études sur la compositionphysicochimique des huiles des graines de Silybum marianum de différentes régions de laTunisie (Bizerte, Sousse, Zaghouan) ont montré que ces dernières sont riches en Vitamine E(α-tocophérol) et sont fortement anti-oxydantes. Les acides gras majeurs sont l'acidelinoléique (C18:2) (valeurs comprises entre 57,0% et 60,3%) et l'acide oléique (C18:1) (lesvaleurs se situent entre 15,5% et 22,4%). Trois acides phénoliques ont également étéidentifiés (vanillique, p-coumarique et silybine), avec une prédominance de l'acide vanillique.Sur les cellules 158N, ces huiles atténuent la cytotoxicité du 7KC et du 24S-OHC: perted'adhérence cellulaire, altération de la membrane plasmique, dysfonctionnementmitochondrial, surproduction d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène, induction de l'apoptose(condensation et / ou fragmentation nucléaire, activation de la caspase-3 et clivage PARP) etautophagie (activation de LC3-I en LC3-II). L'atténuation des effets cytotoxiques du 7KC etdu 24S-OHC observée avec les huiles de Silybum marianum est de l'ordre de celle observéeavec l’α-tocophérol utilisé comme témoin positif. La composition chimique et les résultatsobtenus cellules 158N sont en faveur d’effets bénéfiques de l’huile de Chardon-Marie sur lasanté humaine et la prévention de certaines maladies liées à l’âge. / The family Asteraceae is economically very important because many of its plants are grownmainly for their food values including lettuce (Lactuca), chicory (Cichorium) and sunflower(Heliantus annuus) grown for its oil. One of the typical properties of this family, whichincludes Silybum marianum, is the richness of its oils in various natural compounds beneficialto health. Currently and for decades to come, age-related diseases are a major public healthproblem. Preventing their appearance or opposing their evolution is a major objective. In thiscontext, the cytoprotective activities of Silybum marianum seed oil originating from differentarea of Tunisia were studied on the 158N murine oligodendrocyte model using 7-ketocholesterol (7KC) and 24S-hydroxycholesterol (24S-OHC) as a cytotoxic agent. The 7KChas been used because it is increased in plasma, cerebrospinal fluid and / or tissues (vascularand intestinal wall, retina, lens, brain) of patients with age-related diseases (cardiovasculardiseases, Alzheimer's disease, age-related macular degeneration, cataract) or inflammatorybowel disease. The 24S-OHC was used because it is increased in the brain at the early stagesof Alzheimer’s disease. In order to determine the composition of Silybum marianum oil (fattyacids, tocopherols, polyphenols, phytosterols) various liquid and gas chromatographytechniques were used. The anti-oxidant properties of Silybum marianum oil were defined byKRL, FRAP and DPPH tests and cytoprotective properties by complementary microscopy,flow cytometry and biochemistry techniques. Studies on the physicochemical composition ofSilybum marianum seeds oils from different regions of Tunisia (Bizerte, Sousse, Zaghouan)have shown that the latter are rich in vitamin E (α-tocopherol) and are strongly antioxidant.The major fatty acids are linoleic acid (C18:2) (values between 57.0% and 60.3%) and oleicacid (C18:1) (values between 15.5% and 22.4%).. Three phenolic acids have also beenidentified (vanillic, p-coumaric and silybin), with a predominance of vanillic acid. On 158Ncells, these oils attenuate the cytotoxicity of 7KC and 24S-OHC: loss of cell adhesion,alteration of the plasma membrane, mitochondrial dysfunction, overproduction of reactiveoxygen species, induction of apoptosis (nuclear condensation and / or fragmentation). ,activation of caspase-3 and PARP cleavage) and autophagy (activation of LC3-I in LC3-II).The attenuation of cytotoxic effects of 7KC and 24S-OHC observed with Silybum marianumoils is of the order of that observed with α-tocopherol used as a positive control. The chemicalcomposition and results obtained on 158N cells are in favor of the beneficial effects of milkthistle oil on human health and on its ability to prevent some age-related diseases.

Uticaj fizičko-hemijskih karakteristika semena uljane tikve (Cucurbita pepo L.) na kvalitet i nutritivna svojstva hladno presovanog ulja / INFLUENCE OF PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PUMKIN SEED (Cucurbita pepo L.) ON THE QUALITY AND NUTRITIVE VALUE OF COLD PRESSED OIL

Rabrenović Biljana 09 February 2012 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify; ">Hladno presovano ulje semena uljane tikve je&nbsp;proizvod specifičan za Srbiju, za razliku od zemalja u regionu koje imaju dugu tradiciju proizvodnje&nbsp;devičanskog tikvinog ulja.&nbsp;Tokom postupka hladnog presovanja sirovogosu&scaron;enog&nbsp;semena uljane tikve na pužnoj presi&nbsp;temperatura izdvojenog ulja ne prelazi 50 <sup>o</sup>C, &scaron;to se&nbsp;odražava na fizičko-hemijske, nutritivne i senzorne&nbsp;karakteristike kao i na oksidativnu stabilnost i&nbsp;antioksidativni potencijal ovog ulja.&nbsp;U cilju &scaron;to bolje karakterizacije ovog proizvoda na&nbsp;na&scaron;em trži&scaron;tu, ispitan je kvalitet hladno presovanog&nbsp;tikvinog ulja poreklom iz semena vi&scaron;e različitih&nbsp;slobodnooplodnih sorti i F1 hibrida, golosemenih i&nbsp;uljanih tikvi sa ljuskom, koje uspevaju u na&scaron;oj&nbsp;zemlji.&nbsp;Hladno presovano ulje semena tikve odlikuju&nbsp;specifične senzorne karakteristike: pored izuzetno&nbsp;blage arome, mirisa na sirovo seme tikve i ukusa&nbsp;koji podseća na meso tikve, ovo ulje se posebno&nbsp;izdvaja po boji koja je kod ispitivanog ulja bila&nbsp;svetlo-smedja do crvenkasta. Prema senzornim&nbsp;karakteristikama (naročito boji) izdvojili su se uzorci ulja poreklom iz semena austrijskih hibrida. Na&nbsp;osnovu sastava masnih kiselina ovo ulje pripada olinsko-linolnom tipu, &scaron;to ga svrstava u nutritivno&nbsp;veoma vredna biljna ulja, čemu doprinosi i visok&nbsp;sadržaj gama-tokoferola, koji je dominantan u&nbsp;tikvinom ulju. Određivanje sastava i sadržaja sterola je posebno bilo značajno kada je u pitanju hladno&nbsp;presovano tikvino ulje s obzirom da nema&nbsp;literaturnih podataka na tu temu. U ispitivanim&nbsp;uzorcima su bili dominantni delta-7 steroli, a određen je i izuzetno visok sadržaj skvalena, koji&nbsp;ima veoma važnu biolo&scaron;ku funkciju. Ispitivano ulje je posedovalo dobar antiradikalski potencijal, koji je&nbsp;bio u snažnoj linearnoj zavisnosti sa sadržajem fenolnih materija. Ulje dobijeno ekstrakcijom iz&nbsp;pogače, koja je zaostala nakon hladnog presovanja&nbsp;semena, posedovalo je veći antiradikalski potencijal&nbsp;u odnosu na hladno presovano &scaron;to je rezultat&nbsp;sadržaja fenolnih materija u većem procentu i ne&scaron;to&nbsp;nižeg sadržaja tokoferola u odnosu na hladno<br />presovano ulje.</p> / <p> Cold-pressed pumpkin oil is a product specific<br /> to Serbia, given that other countries in the<br /> region traditionally produce virgin pumpkin oil.<br /> In the process of cold pressing raw-dried<br /> pumpkin seeds by screw press, the<br /> temperature of extracted oil does not exceed<br /> 50oC, which affects physical, chemical,<br /> nutritional and sensory characteristics of this<br /> oil, as well as its oxidative stability and<br /> antiradical capacity.<br /> For the purpose of more precise<br /> characterization of this product in the domestic<br /> market, the quality of cold pressed oil from<br /> seeds of many free breeding varieties and F1<br /> hybrids &ndash; of both naked and husk seed<br /> pumpkins being grown in our country &ndash; was<br /> examined.<br /> Specific sensorial properties: light brown to<br /> reddish color, mild aroma, a smell similar to<br /> that of raw pumpkin seeds and a taste<br /> resembling that of pumpkin pulp are<br /> characteristic for this oil. As for sensory<br /> characteristics, the samples of oil from<br /> Austrian hybrid seeds, stood out. On the basis<br /> of fatty acid content, this oil belongs to the<br /> oleic-linoleic type, meaning it is a highly<br /> nutritional vegetable oil, which is also due to<br /> high levels of dominant gamma-tocopherol. Determination of the types and content of</p> <p> sterols was particularly important, given that<br /> there are no data specific to cold-pressed<br /> pumpkin oil in the literature. Delta-7 sterols are<br /> the most dominant sterols in examined oil<br /> samples and also very high content of<br /> squalene was found, which a compound with<br /> an important biological function is. The oil has<br /> an excellent antiradical capacity, showing a<br /> strong linear correlation with the amounts of<br /> phenolic compounds. Oil extracted from the<br /> cake, left over after the cold pressing of<br /> pumpkin seeds, had greater antiradical<br /> capacity than the samples of cold pressed oil,<br /> due to higher percentage of phenolic<br /> compounds and a slightly lower content of<br /> tocopherols compared to cold pressed oil.</p>

Usos potenciais de moringa oleifera lam., uma matriz para produ??o de biodiesel e tratamento de ?gua no semi?rido nordestino

Silva, Beatriz Cavalcante da 08 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:54:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BeatrizCS_DISSERT.pdf: 918722 bytes, checksum: b2749f09237c0c83efd7b3cc8847eed2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-08 / The current environmental crisis demands transformations in the relations among society, nature and development, considering sustainability. In this context, an important theme is replacing fossil fuels with biofuels, such as biodiesel. Moringa oleifera Lam. is a species that can be used as a raw material to produce biodiesel. Besides, it is a multiple purposes plant, which can be used also in water treatment. Thus, the aims of this work were to analyze the anatomical adaptations found in the stem and in the leaf and the seed s oil stores of M. oleifera., to investigate chemical characteristics of M. oleifera s seed oil, considering biodiesel production, and to evaluate the coagulation activity of these seeds in water treatment. Semipermanent histological laminas were made and it follows that the stem has thick cuticle, stomata whose cells guard are below the epidermis line, hollow medulla, druses and tector trichomes as adaptations to climate and soil conditions in which the species is found and the leaf is dorsiventral and it has thick cuticle, tector trichomes and druses. The seed has great reserves of oil. These features favor the use of Moringa oleifera Lam. as a raw material to produce biodiesel in Brazil s Northeast semiarid region. Chemical analysis were made through oil solvent extraction using mechanic stirrer. The oil was analyzed in UV spectrophotometer. A transesterification was made and biodiesel was analyzed in gas chromatography. Oil yield was high and good quality biodiesel was obtained. To evaluate seeds coagulantion activity, coagulation and flocculation essays in jartest were made, using seed extract to treat raw water. Seeds were efficient in cogulation process to treat water. So, they can be used in rudimentary systems or as a raw material to coagulant proteins extraction, as an alternative to traditional coagulants. M. oleifera has characteristics that favor its use to biodiesel production and water treatment / A crise ambiental que vivenciamos hoje exige que transformemos as rela??es entre sociedade, natureza e desenvolvimento, considerando a sustentabilidade. Nesse contexto, um dos principais temas ? a substitui??o de combust?veis f?sseis por biocombust?veis, como o biodiesel. Uma potencial oleaginosa a ser utilizada como matriz para produ??o de biodiesel ? Moringa oleifera Lam. (moringa), um vegetal de m?ltiplos usos que tamb?m pode ser utilizado para tratamento de ?gua. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: analisar as adapta??es anat?micas de caule e folha e as reservas ole?feras da semente de moringa, investigar caracter?sticas qu?micas do ?leo da semente de moringa, considerando a produ??o de biodiesel, e avaliar a fun??o coagulante dessas sementes no tratamento de ?gua. Foram confeccionadas l?minas histol?gicas semipermanentes, nas quais observou-se que o caule apresenta cut?cula espessa, est?matos abaixo da linha da epiderme, medula oca, drusas e tricomas tectores como adapta??es ?s condi??es edafoclim?ticas em que a esp?cie est? inserida, enquanto a folha ? dorsivental e possui cut?cula espessa, tricomas tectores e drusas. A semente, por sua vez, possui reservas ole?feras abundantes. Essas caracter?sticas favorecem o cultivo da moringa como matriz para produ??o de biodiesel no semi?rido nordestino. A avalia??o qu?mica foi realizada por meio de extra??o do ?leo com solvente via agita??o mec?nica e an?lise do ?leo em espectrofot?metro UV-Vis?vel. Foi feita a transesterifica??o do ?leo, com an?lise do biodiesel gerado por cromatografia gasosa. Obteve-se bom rendimento de ?leo e biodiesel de boa qualidade. Para avalia??o da atividade coagulante das sementes, foram realizados ensaios de coagula??o e flocula??o em jarteste, nos quais foi aplicado um extrato de sementes de moringa na ?gua a ser tratada. As sementes se mostraram eficientes no processo de coagula??o para tratamento de ?gua, podendo ser utilizadas diretamente em sistemas rudimentares de tratamento ou servindo como mat?ria-prima para a extra??o de prote?nas coagulantes a serem utilizadas em larga escala, como alternativas aos coagulantes tradicionais. Conclui-se que M. oleifera possui caracter?sticas que favorecem sua utiliza??o para as fun??es associadas de produ??o de biodiesel e tratamento de ?gua

Desenvolvimento de nanopartículas inovadoras a partir de constituintes da biodiversidade brasileira destinadas à aplicação tópica de antioxidantes / Development of innovative nanoparticles using brazilian compounds intended for antoxidants topical application

Colomé, Letícia Marques January 2011 (has links)
Nanopartículas lipídicas têm sido desenvolvidas para aplicação tópica de fármacos e ativos cosméticos. Neste trabalho, foi proposta a primeira aplicação de um lipídeo natural não-refinado biodegradável e biocompatível - manteiga de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) - para a preparação de nanopartículas lipídicas, as quais foram denominadas teosferas. As teosferas foram preparadas por emulsificação-evaporação do solvente (EES) e por homogeneização à alta pressão (HAP), apresentando tamanho nanométrico e distribuição granulométrica estreita quando preparadas por ambos os métodos. O trabalho teve continuidade com a preparação de teosferas pelo método de EES utilizando manteiga de cupuaçu ou sua mistura com óleo de castanha do Brasil (Bertholletia excelsa) - também derivado da biodiversidade Amazônica - visando a incorporação de antioxidantes. Idebenona (IDB) foi selecionada por sua conhecida ação antioxidante e pela sua utilização em formulações cosméticas antienvelhecimento. IDB foi incorporada nas teosferas com eficiência de encapsulação superior a 99%, sendo que os estudos de liberação in vitro mostraram que a liberação de IDB a partir das teosferas foi mais lenta em comparação à IDB livre. Estes experimentos foram capazes ainda de demonstrar as características elásticas das teosferas. Além disso, foi evidenciada in vitro a atividade antioxidante superior das teosferas contendo IDB em relação ao ativo livre. Visando possibilitar a aplicação tópica de teosferas contendo IDB, em um trabalho subseqüente, suspensões de teosferas preparadas por HAP foram incorporadas em géis hidrofílicos. As formulações apresentaram características pseudoplásticas e demonstraram efeito oclusivo in vitro, o qual foi dependente da composição dos colóides. Finalmente, os estudos de permeação in vitro utilizando pele humana demonstraram que teosferas e nanocápsulas de núcleo lipídico, utilizadas neste estudo de modo comparativo, modificaram a permeção da IDB, permitindo a acumulação do ativo nas camadas superficiais da pele. / Lipid nanoparticles have been developed for administration of active substances to the skin, both for pharmaceutical and cosmetic uses. In the present work, we proposed the first use of a none-refined natural biodegradable and biocompatible lipid – Cupuaçu seed butter (Theobroma grandiflorum) – for the preparation of lipid nanoparticles, which were called theospheres. Theospheres were prepared by emulsification-solvent evaporation (ESE) and by high pressure homogenization technique (HPH), presenting size in nanometrical range and narrow particle size distribution for both methods. Taking these results into account, the next step of this work was the preparation of theospheres by ESE method using Cupuaçu seed butter with or without Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) seed oil - another ingredient derived from an Amazonian fruit - intending the encapsulation of an antioxidant. Idebenone (IDB) has been selected due to its known antioxidant action and because it has been used in antiaging cosmetic formulations. IDB was incorporated in the theospheres presenting encapsulation efficiency higher than 99%. The in vitro release evaluation demonstrated that the release of IDB from theospheres was lower than that of free drug. Besides, the in vitro release study highlighted the elastic characteristics of theospheres. Additionally, IDB-loaded theospheres showed higher antioxidant activity compared to free IDB. Viewing the cutaneous administration, theosphere suspensions prepared by HPH technique were incorporated into hydrogels. The rheograms of the semi-solid formulations exhibited a non-Newtonian behavior presenting pseudoplastic characteristics. In vitro occlusion study highlighted the dependence of the occlusive effect on the lipidic composition of the theospheres. Finally, in vitro human skin permeation studies showed that theospheres and lipid-core nanocapsules, used in this study in a comparative way, changed the permeation of IDB, increasing the accumulative amount of IDB in the upper skin layer.

Desenvolvimento de nanopartículas inovadoras a partir de constituintes da biodiversidade brasileira destinadas à aplicação tópica de antioxidantes / Development of innovative nanoparticles using brazilian compounds intended for antoxidants topical application

Colomé, Letícia Marques January 2011 (has links)
Nanopartículas lipídicas têm sido desenvolvidas para aplicação tópica de fármacos e ativos cosméticos. Neste trabalho, foi proposta a primeira aplicação de um lipídeo natural não-refinado biodegradável e biocompatível - manteiga de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) - para a preparação de nanopartículas lipídicas, as quais foram denominadas teosferas. As teosferas foram preparadas por emulsificação-evaporação do solvente (EES) e por homogeneização à alta pressão (HAP), apresentando tamanho nanométrico e distribuição granulométrica estreita quando preparadas por ambos os métodos. O trabalho teve continuidade com a preparação de teosferas pelo método de EES utilizando manteiga de cupuaçu ou sua mistura com óleo de castanha do Brasil (Bertholletia excelsa) - também derivado da biodiversidade Amazônica - visando a incorporação de antioxidantes. Idebenona (IDB) foi selecionada por sua conhecida ação antioxidante e pela sua utilização em formulações cosméticas antienvelhecimento. IDB foi incorporada nas teosferas com eficiência de encapsulação superior a 99%, sendo que os estudos de liberação in vitro mostraram que a liberação de IDB a partir das teosferas foi mais lenta em comparação à IDB livre. Estes experimentos foram capazes ainda de demonstrar as características elásticas das teosferas. Além disso, foi evidenciada in vitro a atividade antioxidante superior das teosferas contendo IDB em relação ao ativo livre. Visando possibilitar a aplicação tópica de teosferas contendo IDB, em um trabalho subseqüente, suspensões de teosferas preparadas por HAP foram incorporadas em géis hidrofílicos. As formulações apresentaram características pseudoplásticas e demonstraram efeito oclusivo in vitro, o qual foi dependente da composição dos colóides. Finalmente, os estudos de permeação in vitro utilizando pele humana demonstraram que teosferas e nanocápsulas de núcleo lipídico, utilizadas neste estudo de modo comparativo, modificaram a permeção da IDB, permitindo a acumulação do ativo nas camadas superficiais da pele. / Lipid nanoparticles have been developed for administration of active substances to the skin, both for pharmaceutical and cosmetic uses. In the present work, we proposed the first use of a none-refined natural biodegradable and biocompatible lipid – Cupuaçu seed butter (Theobroma grandiflorum) – for the preparation of lipid nanoparticles, which were called theospheres. Theospheres were prepared by emulsification-solvent evaporation (ESE) and by high pressure homogenization technique (HPH), presenting size in nanometrical range and narrow particle size distribution for both methods. Taking these results into account, the next step of this work was the preparation of theospheres by ESE method using Cupuaçu seed butter with or without Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) seed oil - another ingredient derived from an Amazonian fruit - intending the encapsulation of an antioxidant. Idebenone (IDB) has been selected due to its known antioxidant action and because it has been used in antiaging cosmetic formulations. IDB was incorporated in the theospheres presenting encapsulation efficiency higher than 99%. The in vitro release evaluation demonstrated that the release of IDB from theospheres was lower than that of free drug. Besides, the in vitro release study highlighted the elastic characteristics of theospheres. Additionally, IDB-loaded theospheres showed higher antioxidant activity compared to free IDB. Viewing the cutaneous administration, theosphere suspensions prepared by HPH technique were incorporated into hydrogels. The rheograms of the semi-solid formulations exhibited a non-Newtonian behavior presenting pseudoplastic characteristics. In vitro occlusion study highlighted the dependence of the occlusive effect on the lipidic composition of the theospheres. Finally, in vitro human skin permeation studies showed that theospheres and lipid-core nanocapsules, used in this study in a comparative way, changed the permeation of IDB, increasing the accumulative amount of IDB in the upper skin layer.

Desenvolvimento e avaliação de nanoemulsões com óleos de Carapa guianensis e Copaifera sp. e estudo da ação repelente frente a Aedes aegypti. / Development and evaluation of nanoemulsions with Carapa guianensis and Copaifera sp. oil, and evaluation of repellency against Aedes aegypti

Bianca Rodrigues de Oliveira 24 October 2008 (has links)
As doenças transmitidas por mosquitos representam uma das maiores causas de morbidade e mortalidade em todo o mundo, principalmente em países tropicais. O uso tópico de repelentes em determinadas situações torna-se a única alternativa para evitar o ataque por estes artrópodes. Os óleos de andiroba (Carapa guianensis) e copaíba (Copaifera sp.) possuem relatos de atividade repelente de insetos, podendo representar uma alternativa segura ao uso de repelentes sintéticos que apresentam riscos de toxidade em determinados casos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi desenvolver nanoemulsões O/A, utilizando como fase oleosa os óleos de copaíba e andiroba, e testar in vivo a atividade repelente das mesmas frente ao mosquito Aedes aegypti, realizando um estudo comparativo com repelente comercial a base de DEET. Ensaios para avaliar os parâmetros físico-quimicos envolvidos no processo de obtenção das nanoemulsões, e estudos de sua estabilidade preliminar, também foram realizados. Os resultados apontam a viabilidade do método de emulsificação utilizando baixa energia na formação de nanoemulsões. A temperatura, velocidade de agitação, ordem de adição dos componentes e quantidade de tensoativo na formulação, demonstraram ser fatores críticos no processo. Foi possível obter três nanoemulsões estáveis com tamanho de glóbulos inferior a 300nm, sendo uma com 15% de óleo de andiroba; outra contendo 10% de óleo de copaíba e a terceira associando 10% de andiroba e 5% de copaíba. No ensaio repelente utilizando voluntários humanos, foi constatado que as nanoemulsões compostas de óleo de andiroba e óleo de andiroba adicionado de óleo de copaíba são capazes de repelir mosquitos Aedes aegypti por um período de 30 minutos, sendo estes resultados estatisticamente significativos em relação ao grupo controle. / Mosquito-borne diseases remain a major source of illness and death worldwide, particularly in tropical countries. Mosquito repellents may be one of the most effective tools for protecting humans from vector-borne diseases. In many circumstances, applying repellent to the skin may be the only feasible way to protect against insect bites. The oils from andiroba (Carapa guianensis seed oil) and copaíba (Copaifera oil) have been studied as possible mosquito repellents. These products can be represents a safe alternative in the use of synthetic repellent, that have toxic risks in some cases. The goals of this research were to development O/A nanoemulsion using andiroba seed oil and copaíba oil and test their repellent action in vivo against bites Aedes aegypti. This study compares the repel effectiveness of nanoemulsions developed in relation to the market product of DEET. Assays to evaluate the parameters involved physicist-chemistries in the process of attainment of the nanoemulsions, and studies of its preliminary stability, had been also carried through. The results showed viability of the emulsification method using low energy in the formation of nanoemulsions. The temperature, speed of agitation, order of addition of the components and amount of surfactant in the formulation, had demonstrated to be critical factors in the process. In this study, it was possible get three stable nanoemulsion with droplets size less than 300nm, using: 15% andiroba seed oil; 10% copaiba oil and mix of andiroba seed oil (10%) and copaíba oil (5%). The repellent test with human voluntaries proves that nanoemulsions with andiroba seed oil, and the mix of andiroba seed oil and copaiba oil, are able to repel Aedes aegypti for 30 minutes period, witch are statistic signification compared to the control group.


Almeida, Juliana Severo de 16 August 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work had as main objective the development of nanostructured formulations containing rutin, using nanoparticles prepared with alternative vegetables oils. In the first chapter it was demonstrated the feasibility of preparing nanocapsules and nanoemulsions using grape seed or almond kernel oil. Nanocapsule suspensions and nanoemulsions were prepared by the interfacial deposition of preformed polymer and spontaneous emulsification, respectively. All formulations presented nanometric mean size, polydispersity index below 0.30, negative zeta potential, pH values between 6.5 and 7.5 remaining stable after 6 storage months. These formulations promoted the protection of the active against UV degradation, regardless of the type of the oily phase or vesicle. In the second chapter, formulations prepared with grape seed oil were selected for the development of rutin-loaded nanoparticles, as well as to evaluate its in vitro antioxidant activity and photostability. All formulations presented nanometric size, low polydispersity index, acid pH values, negative zeta potential and encapsulation efficiency close to 100 %. Nanoparticles were able to protect rutin against UV photodegradation, if compared to rutin ethanolic solution. In the study of the in vitro antioxidant activity, rutin-loaded nanocapsules and nanoemulsions showed a lower rutin decay rate compared to the rutin ethanolic solution when exposed to UV radiation in the presence of OH radical. However, its presence in nanocapsules led to a prolonged in vitro antioxidant activity compared to the rutin-loaded nanoemulsions. Finally, in the third chapter we studied the development of hydrogels containing rutin (free or associated to polymeric nanocapsules). Their activity on the cutaneous wound healing in rats was evaluated. The developed formulations showed adequate properties regarding their cutaneous administration. In vivo response concerning the healing effect of hydrogels was evaluated by the regression of skin lesions after six days of treatment. Markers of oxidative stress in the lesions of rats were also evaluated, as levels of lipid peroxidation analyzed by the method of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), determination of protein carbonyls levels, total proteins levels, glutathione (GSH) levels, vitamin C and evaluation of the antioxidant enzyme catalase (CAT). This last chapter showed for the first time the feasibility of the dermatological use of such formulations containing rutin to promote the in vivo wound healing. / Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de formulações nanoestruturadas contendo rutina, a partir de nanopartículas contendo óleos vegetais até então não estudados no preparo destas formulações. No primeiro capítulo foi demonstrada a viabilidade de preparar nanocápsulas e nanoemulsões contendo o óleo de semente de uva e de amêndoas doce como fase oleosa. As suspensões de nanocápsulas e nanoemulsões foram preparadas pelo método da deposição interfacial do polímero pré-formado e emulsificação espontânea, respectivamente. Todas as formulações apresentaram tamanho médio nanométrico, índice de polidispersão inferior a 0,30, potencial zeta negativo e valores de pH entre 6,5 e 7,5, permanecendo estáveis após 6 meses de armazenamento. As formulações promoveram a fotoproteção do ativo frente à degradação UV, independente do tipo de fase oleosa e do tipo de vesícula. No segundo capítulo, as formulações contendo o óleo de semente de uva foram selecionadas para o estudo do desenvolvimento de nanopartículas contendo rutina, bem como avaliação de sua atividade antioxidante in vitro e fotoestabilidade. Após o preparo, todas as formulações apresentaram tamanho nanométrico de partículas, baixo índice de polidispersão, valores de pH ácido, potencial zeta negativo e eficiência de encapsulação próxima à 100%. As nanopartículas protegeram a rutina frente à fotodegradação UV, quando comparadas à solução etanólica. No estudo da atividade antioxidante in vitro, as nanocápsulas e nanoemulsões apresentaram uma menor taxa de decaimento da rutina comparada com a solução etanólica, quando expostas à radiação UV em presença do radical ·OH. No entanto, a presença das nanocápsulas levou a uma atividade antioxidante in vitro mais prolongada comparada com as nanoemulsões contendo rutina. Finalmente, no terceiro capítulo estudamos o desenvolvimento de hidrogéis contendo rutina livre ou associada a nanocápsulas poliméricas, avaliando a sua atividade sobre a cicatrização de lesões cutâneas em ratos. As formulações desenvolvidas apresentaram propriedades adequadas para aplicação tópica. A resposta in vivo do efeito cicatrizante foi avaliada através da regressão de lesões na pele após 6 dias de tratamento. Marcadores do estresse oxidativo nas lesões dos ratos foram também avaliados, como os níveis da peroxidação lipídica através do método de TBARS, níveis de proteína carbonilada, níveis de proteínas totais, níveis de glutationa (GSH), vitamina C e avaliação da enzima antioxidante catalase (CAT). Este terceiro capítulo demonstrou pela primeira vez a potencialidade do emprego dermatológico de hidrogéis contendo rutina para a promoção de cicatrização de feridas in vivo.

Kinetika i modelovanje ekstrakcije ulja iz bobica kleke (Juniperus communis L.) i semenki tikve (Cucurbita pepo L.) natkritičnim ugljendioksidom / Kinetics and mathematical modeling of juniper berry (Juniperus communis L.) essential oil and pumpkin seed (Cucurbita pepo L.) oil by supercritical carbondioxide

Nikolovski Branislava 18 December 2009 (has links)
<p>U radu su prikazani eksperimentalni rezultati natkritične ekstrakcije etarskog ulja bobica<br />kleke (<em>Juniperus communis</em> L.) i ulja iz semena uljane tikve golice (<em>Cucurbita pepo</em> L.). Ispitan je uticaj pritiska, temperature, stepena usitnjenosti čestica i protoka natkritičnog<br />ugljendioksida na promenu prinosa ulja sa vremenom. U cilju poređenja, usitnjeno seme uljane tikve ekstrahovano je i u ekstraktoru većih dimenzija, NOVA-SWISS, High<br />pressure extraction plant, kao i heksanom i petroletrom u ekstraktoru tipa Sokslet.<br />Praćena je i promena kvaliteta ekstrakata sa vremenom: u etarskom ulju kleke, GC-FID i GC-MS metodama, određen je relativni sadržaj 50 terpenskih jedinjenja i sve komponente ulja su svrstane u 5 osnovnih grupa (monoterpene, seskviterpene, oksidovane monoterpene, oksidovane seskviterpene i ostale komponente). U tikvinom ulju ekstrahovanom natkritičnim ugljendioksidom određen je masnokiselinski sastav GC-MS analizom, sadržaj tokoferola HPLC analizom, sterola i skvalena GC-MS metodom. Određeni su uslovi koji favorizuju ekstrakciju ispitanih jedinjenja za obe sirovine. Dat je dateljan prikaz matematičkih modela koji se koriste za opisivanje natkritične ekstrakcije etarskih ulja i masnih ulja, počev&scaron;i od najop&scaron;tijeg modela koji uključuje diferencijalne bilanse mase za rastvorak u masi natkritičnog fluida, u fluidu unutar pora čestica usitnjenog matrijala i u čvrstoj fazi, koji se uvođenjem određenih pretpostavki pojednostavljuje i svodi na modele koji su izabrani da budu ispitani u okviru ovoga rada. Ispitani su modeli kreireni po analogiji sa hlađenjem vrele kugle u masi fluida, tj. modeli tipa jedne sfere i to: Model jedne sfere-1 (MJS-1), koji pored uticaja koeficijenta efektivne difuzije ulja u materijalu na brzinu prenosa mase uzima u obzir uticaj koeficijenta prenosa mase kroz film natkritičnog fluida oko čestice, pri čemu je njegova vrednost procenjena preko postojećih korelacija; MJS-1 (2 par), u kome je spolja&scaron;nji koeficijent prenosa mase uzet kao drugi prilagodljiv parametar modela; MJS-2, gde je koeficijent efektivne difuzije jedini prilagođeni parametar, Model karakterističnog vremena i pro&scaron;ireni model klipnog toka koji je predložila Sovov&aacute;. Za modelovanje natkritične ekstrakcije ulja semena tikve kori&scaron;ćen je i kombinovani model Honga i sar. Softverskim paketima Mathcad 2001 Professional i Solver dodatka unutar Microsoft Excel 2003, određeni su parametri ispitanih modela u cilju najboljeg slaganja modela sa ekperimentalnim podacima. Za obe ispitane sirovine, među ispitanim modelima, izabrani su modeli koji najbolje opisuju njihovu ekstrakciju natkritičnim ugljendioksidom. Pro&scaron;ireni model klipnog toka koji je predložila Sovov&aacute; pokazao se podjednako dobrim za modelovanje natkritične ekstrakcije obe sirovine i ne&scaron;to bolji od ostalih primenjenih modela.</p> / <p>This study provides results of supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO<sub>2</sub>) extraction of juniper berries (<em>Juniperus communis</em> L.) and pumpkin seeds (<em>Cucurbita pepo</em> L. convar.&nbsp;<em>citrullina</em>) in a laboratorysupercritical fluid extraction apparatus. The influence<br />of pressure, temperature, particle size and carbon dioxide flow on the extraction kinetics of pumpkin seed oil and juniper berry essential oil was studied. Ground pumpkin seeds were also extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide in NOVA-SWISS, High Pressure Extraction Plant, and with hexane and petroleum ether in a laboratory Soxhlet extractor. This work was also aimed to investigate the evolution of the composition of juniper fruit supercritical CO<sub>2</sub> extracts with time, at different extraction pressures and to emphasize the most favorable condition for the extraction of different terpene hydrocarbon groups, reporting the qualitative differences among extracts collected during successive extraction time periods. Juniper berry extracts were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography, using flame ionization (GC-FID) and mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS). More than 200 constituents were detected in the extracts and the contents of 50 compounds were reported in the work. Dependence of the percentage yields of monoterpene, sesquiterpene, oxygenated monoterpene and oxygenated sesquiterpene hydrocarbon groups on extraction time was investigated and conditions that favored the yielding of each terpene groups were emphasized. GC-MS analysis of FAME, prepared by transesterification of pumpkin seed oil with KOH in methanol, was performed. Fatty acid compositions of supercritical CO<sub>2</sub> pumpkin seed extract fractions collected in successive time intervals over the course of the extraction were determined. The same fractions were analyzed by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), using diode-array detector (DAD) in order to determine a- and g-tocopherol contents. Sterol and squalene contents were determined by GC-MS analysis, as well. Conditions that favored the yielding of tocopherols, squalene and sterols were emphasized. A general mass transfer model and its simlifications were analysed. Extraction curves were evaluated by &ldquo;hot sphere&rdquo; mathematical models SSM-1 (Single Sphere Model 1 &ndash; in which the external mass transfer coefficient also influences the extraction profile and film mass transfer coefficients were estimated by the correlations), SSM-1 (2 par) (film mass transfer coefficient is used as the second adjustable parameter), SSM-2 (only effective diffusivity influence is considered), Characteristic time model and by the extended Lack&rsquo;s plug-flow model given by Sovov&aacute;. A combined model of Hong et al. was also fitted to the experimental data for pumpkin seed oil SCCO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>extractions. Relative merits of the models are demonstrated. Good agreement between the extended Lack&rsquo;s plug-flow model and the experimental measurements was obtained.</p>

Uticaj kvaliteta semenki grožđa na bioaktivne komponente i održivost hladno presovanog ulja / Impact of grape seed quality on bioactive components and stability of cold pressed oil

Bjelica Miloš 27 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Podizanje novih zasada i povećanje kapaciteta prerade<br />grožđa povećava količinu otpada sa kojim se suočava<br />industrija proizvodnje vina i rakije. Najbolji i najodgovorniji<br />način upravljanja otpadom je njegovo dalje iskori&scaron;ćenje<br />kao nusproizvoda. U ovoj disertaciji sagledavana je mogućnost iskori&scaron;ćenja<br />nusproizvoda iz različitih faza proizvodnje u vinarijama i<br />destilerijama za dobijanje semenki grožđa koje su<br />kori&scaron;ćene za proizvodnju hladno presovanog ulja. Hipoteza<br />se zasniva na činjenici da semenke grožđa raznih sorti iz<br />različitih faza proizvodnje vina (bela, roze ili crvena vina),<br />odnosno, rakije mogu imati sasvim različit hemijski sastav i<br />kvalitet koji svakako može da se reflektuje na kvalitet,<br />bioaktivne komponente i održivost hladno presovanog ulja.<br />Ovakav proizvod, obzirom da je dobijen hladnim<br />presovanjem, može biti veoma atraktivan za potro&scaron;ače,<br />zbog svojih specifičnih senzorskih i nutritivnih<br />karakteristika.<br />Za potrebe izrade disertacije prikupljeni su nusproizvodi<br />i pripremljeni su uzorci iz vinarija i destilerija fru&scaron;kogorskog<br />vinogorja. Dobijene su semenke i proizvedeno hladno<br />presovano ulje od semenki crnog grožđa sorte Merlot,<br />belog grožđa sorte Italijanski rizling i belog grožđa sorte<br />Sila, kao autohtone sorte vinove loze. Hladno presovana<br />ulja su proizvedena od semenki grožđa koje nisu pro&scaron;le<br />nikakav tretman, odnosno dobijene su nakon presovanja,<br />prilikom proizvodnje belih (Italijanski rizling i Sila) i roze<br />(Merlot) vina, zatim od semenki koje su pro&scaron;le proces<br />fermentacije prilikom proizvodnje crvenih vina (Merlot) i od<br />semenki koje su pro&scaron;le proces fermentacije i destilacije<br />prilikom proizvodnje rakije (Merlot, Italijanski rizling i Sila).<br />Pored navedenih semenki i ulja, pripremljen je i prosečan<br />proizvodni uzorak koji predstavlja uzorak dobijen od svih<br />prikupljenih semenki. Kao uporedni uzorci kori&scaron;ćeno je<br />nerafinisano i rafinisano ulje od semenki grožđa nabavljeno<br />na trži&scaron;tu. Za realizaciju postavljenog cilja, rad na izvođenju ove<br />disertacije obuhvatio je različite faze. U prvoj fazi<br />prikupljene su semenke grožđa i ispitivane su njihove<br />tehničko-tehnolo&scaron;ke karakteristika i kvalitet. Zatim su od<br />navedenih semenki proizvedena hladno presovana ulja.<br />U sledećim fazama, ovako dobijena uja, zajedno sa<br />uzorkom nerafinisanog i rafinisanog ulja od semenki<br />grožđa sa trži&scaron;ta ispitivana su sa aspekta senzorskog i<br />nutritivnog kvaliteta i praćene su razlike u održivosti ulja.<br />Izvr&scaron;ena je senzorska analiza, određivane su frakcije<br />pigmenata, karotenoidi i hlorofili, merena je transparencija,<br />a parametri boje ulja određivani su i instrumentalno.<br />Nutritivni kvalitet ulja sagledavan je na osnovu sadržaja i<br />sastava bioaktivnih komponenti, pre svega tokoferola i<br />tokotrienola, fenola i sterola. Budući da ova jedinjenja<br />ispoljavaju značajne antioksidativne aktivnosti izvr&scaron;eno je i<br />ispitivanje antiradikalske aktivnosti uzoraka. Odživost ulja<br />od semenki grožđa sagledana je na osnovu početnog<br />kvaliteta i oksidativnog stanja, kao i rezultata ubrzanih<br />testova, kao &scaron;to je Rancimat test, Schaal-oven test i<br />fluorescentni test.<br />Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, može se konstatovati da<br />su svi dobijeni uzorci semenki imali dobru skladi&scaron;nu vlagu,<br />koja, obzirom na mali sadržaj ulja u semenkama, može da<br />osigura čuvanje semenki u dužem periodu. Sadržaj ulja u<br />semenkama, pored uticaja sorte vinove loze, zavisi i od<br />uticaja procesa kome su podvrgnute semenke pre<br />presovanja (fermentacija, destilacija).<br />Senzorska analiza ulja od semenki grožđa pokazala je<br />značajne razlike u karakteristikama koje su posledica ne<br />samo načina dobijanja ulja (hladno presovano ili rafinisano), sorte vinove loze, već i postupka dobijanja,<br />porekla i kvaliteta semenki grožđa. Uslovi kojima su<br />semenke grožđa izložene u toku alkoholne fermentacije i<br />posebno destilacije utiču na formiranje specifične arome<br />hladno presovanog ulja. I pored toga &scaron;to se pojavljuje<br />izuzetno &scaron;irok spektar različitih aroma, mirisa i ukusa u ulju<br />i &scaron;to postoje značajne razlike u aromi ulja u zavisnosti od<br />sorte grožđa, moguće je prepoznati da li je hladno<br />presovano ulje dobijeno od semenki grožđa bez<br />fermentacije, posle fermentacije ili posle destilacije.<br />Takođe, sa aspekta boje ulja može se kazati da rafinisano<br />ulje od semenki grožđa ima svetlo žutu boju sa<br />zelenkastom nijansom, dok su hladno presovana ulja<br />intenzivnijih boja i kreću se od žuto-zelenkaste, preko<br />zelenkasto žute i svetlo zelenkaste do tamno zelene. Veći<br />udeo zelene boje imaju hladno presovana ulja od semenki<br />grožđa dobijenih posle destilacije.<br />U radu je pokazano da sadržaj pigmenata (karotenoida i<br />hlorofila) u velikoj meri zavisi od porekla semenki.<br />Postupak fermentacije doprinosi povećanju sadržaja<br />pigmenata, dok postupak destilacije, zbog visokih<br />temperatura ima negativan efekat.<br />Transparencija uzoraka hladno presovanih ulja od<br />semenki grožđa proizvedenih za potrebe disertacije kretala<br />se od 32,8% do 53,8%.<br />Sadržaj nezasićenih masnih kiselina u svim uzorcima<br />ulja od semenki grožđa veći je od 90%, pri čemu<br />dominantnu masnu kiselinu čini linolna, omega-6, masna<br />kiselina.<br />Sadržaj tokotrienola je veći od sadržaja tokoferola u uljima od semenki grožđa, a dominantni tokoferol je alfatokoferol.<br />Njegov sadržaj je veći u uzorcima ulja dobijenim<br />iz semenki nakon fermentacije i destilacije.<br />Sadržaj fenolnih jedinjenja, u zavisnosti od sorte, u<br />proseku je ne&scaron;to vi&scaron;i u hladno presovanim uljima dobijenim<br />od crvene sorte grožđa, ali uočava se i značajan porast<br />(akumulacija) fenola u hladno presovanim uljima dobijenim<br />iz semenki grožđa nakon procesa fermentacije i destilacije.<br />Najveći pojedinačni sadržaju u ulju od semenki grožđa ima<br />ursolna kiselina, a pored nje značajniji sadržaj, mada<br />mnogo manji, pokazuju rezveratrol, kemferol i vanilinska<br />kiselina.<br />Najzastupljeniji steroli ulja semenki grožđa su &beta;-<br />sitosterol sa udelom od 62,59-69,74%, stigmasterol sa<br />udelom od 12,13-15,00% i kampesterol sa udelom od 6,59-<br />11,94% u ukupnim sterolima. Na sadržaj fitosterola u<br />uljima od semenki grožđa nemaju uticaja procesi<br />fermentacije i destilacije kojima su podvrgnute semenke<br />pre preosvanja.<br />U radu je dokazan negativan uticaj procesa fermentacije<br />i destilacije kojima su povrgnute semenke grožđa na<br />antiradikalski potencijal dobijenih ulja. Antiradikalski<br />potencijal ulja od semenki grožđa zavisi i od sorte vinove<br />loze, kao i od načina dobijanja ulja (hladno presovano ili<br />rafinisano).<br />Procesi fermentacije i destilacije utiču i na osnovni<br />hemijski kvalitet dobijenih hladno presovanih ulja na način<br />da dovode do povećanja kiselinskog i peroksidnog broja.<br />Hladno presovana ulja od semenki grožđa pokazuju<br />dobru oksidativnu stabilnost. Rancimat test je pokazao razlike u indukcionom periodu hladno presovanih ulja od<br />semenki grožđa kao posledicu razlike u sorti, kao i u<br />načinu dobijanja semenki. Proces fermentacije utiče na<br />povećanje, a proces destilacije na smanjenje indukcionog<br />perioda.<br />Na osnovu svih dobijenih rezultata istraživanja može se<br />konstatovati da su hladno presovana ulja od semenki<br />grožđa pokazala različit nutritivni kvalitet i oksidativnu<br />stabilnost, zbog specifičnih razlika koje su posledica razlika<br />u sorti i poreklu semenki, tj. zbog specifičnog efekta<br />fermentacije i destilacije na semenke od kojih je ulje<br />proizvedeno, čime je i potvrđena hipoteza.</p> / <p>Raising new plantations and increasing the grape<br />processing capacity increases the amount of waste faced<br />by the wine and brandy industry. The best and most<br />responsible way of waste management is its further<br />exploitation as by-products.<br />In this dissertation, the possibility of using by-products from different stages of production in wineries and distilleries for<br />obtaining grape seeds, which were used for the production<br />of cold pressed oil, was examined. The hypothesis is<br />based on the fact that grape seeds of various varieties<br />from different stages of wine production (white, rose or red<br />wine), that is, brandy can have a completely different<br />chemical composition and quality that can certainly be<br />reflected on the quality, bioactive components and stability<br />of cold pressed oil.<br />Such a product, as it is obtained by cold pressing, can<br />be very attractive to consumers, due to its specific sensory<br />and nutritional characteristics.<br />For the needs of the dissertation, the by-products were<br />collected and samples were prepared from the wineries<br />and distilleries of the Fru&scaron;ka Gora vineyard. Seeds were<br />obtained and cold pressed oil produced from Merlot grape<br />seed, as representatives of red grape varieties, Italian<br />Riesling, as representatives of white grape varieties and<br />Sila, as new white grape varieties. Cold pressed oils were<br />produced from grape seeds that did not undergo any<br />treatment, that is, they were obtained after pressing, during<br />the production of white (Italian Riesling and Sila) and rose<br />(Merlot) wines, then from the seeds that were fermented<br />during the production of red wines (Merlot ) and seeds that<br />have undergone fermentation and distillation process<br />during the production of brandy (Merlot, Italian Riesling and<br />Sila). In addition to the mentioned seeds and oils, an<br />average production sample was prepared, which is a<br />sample obtained from all collected seeds. Unrefined and<br />refined grape seed oil purchased on the market was used<br />as comparative samples. For realization of the set goal, the work on the<br />performance of this dissertation encompassed different<br />phases. In the first phase, grape seed were collected and<br />their technical and technological characteristics and quality<br />were examined. Then cold-pressed oils were produced<br />from these seeds.<br />In the following phases, the resulting ear, together with a<br />sample of unrefined and refined grape seed oil from the<br />market, were examined from the aspect of sensory and<br />nutritional quality and differences in oil stability were<br />observed. Sensory analysis was performed, pigmentate<br />fractions, carotenoids and chlorophylls were determined,<br />transparency was measured, and oil color parameters<br />were also determined instrumentally. The nutritive oil<br />quality was examined based on the content and<br />composition of bioactive components, primarily tocopherols<br />and tocotrienols, phenols and sterols. Since these<br />compounds exhibit significant antioxidant activities, the<br />antiradical activity of the samples was also tested. The<br />stability of grape seed oils was examined based on the<br />initial quality and the oxidative state, as well as the results<br />of accelerated tests, such as Rancimat test, Schaal-oven<br />and fluorescence test.<br />On the basis of the obtained results, it can be concluded<br />that all the obtained seed samples had good storage<br />moisture, which, given the small content of oil in the seeds,<br />can ensure the storage of seeds for a longer period. The<br />content of oil in the seed, in addition to the influence of the<br />grape variety, depends on the influence of the process to<br />which the seeds are subjected to pressing (fermentation,<br />distillation). Sensory analysis grape seed oils showed significant<br />differences in characteristics that are due not only to the<br />method of obtaining oil (cold pressed or refined), grape<br />varieties, but also the method of obtaining, the origin and<br />quality of grape seed. The conditions for grape seeds<br />exposed during fermentation and especially distillation<br />affect the formation of a specific cold pressed oil. Although<br />an extremely wide range of different flavors, odors and<br />flavors in oil appear, and there are significant differences in<br />the aroma of the oil, depending on the grape variety, it is<br />possible to recognize whether the cold-pressed oil is<br />derived from the grape seed without fermentation, after<br />fermentation or after distillation. Also, from the aspect of oil<br />color it can be said that refined grape seed oil has a light<br />yellow color with a greenish shade, while cold pressed<br />grape seed oils have more intense colors range from<br />yellowish-greenish, over greenish yellow and light greenish<br />to dark green. A higher proportion of green color has cold<br />pressed grape seed oils obtained after distillation.<br />The thesis has shown that the content of pigments<br />(carotenoids and chlorophyll) depends to a great extent on<br />the origin of the seed. The fermentation process<br />contributes to increasing the content of pigments, while the<br />distillation process has a negative effect due to high<br />temperatures.<br />Transparency of cold pressed grape seed oils produced<br />for the dissertation ranged from 32.8% to 53.8%.<br />The content of unsaturated fatty acids in all samples of<br />grape seed oil is greater than 90%, with the dominant fatty<br />acid being linoleic, omega-6, fatty acid. The content of tocotrienols is higher than the content of<br />tocopherols in grape seed oils, and the dominant<br />tocopherol is alpha-tocopherol. Its content is higher in oil<br />samples obtained from the seed after fermentation and<br />distillation.<br />The content of phenol compounds, depending on the<br />variety, is somewhat higher in cold pressed oils obtained<br />from red grape varieties, but there is also a significant<br />increase in accumulation of phenol in cold pressed oils<br />obtained from the grape seed after the fermentation and<br />distillation process. The largest individual oil content of<br />grape seeds has ursolic acid, and besides it, significant<br />content, although much smaller, shows rezveratrol,<br />kemferol and vanillinic acid.<br />The most prevalent sterols of grape seed oils are &beta;-<br />sitosterol with a share of 62.59-69.74%, stigmasterol with a<br />share of 12.13-15.00% and campesterol with a share of<br />6.59-11.94% in total sterols. Fermentation and distilation<br />processes, to which the seeds have been exposed, have<br />no effect on the content of phytosterols in grape seed oils.<br />The paper has shown the negative influence of the<br />fermentation and distillation process, to which the seeds<br />have been exposed, onto the antiradical potential of the<br />obtained oils. The antiradical potential of grape seed oils<br />depends on grape varietes, as well as on the way oil is<br />obtained (cold pressed or refined).<br />Processes of fermentation and distillation also affect the<br />basic chemical quality of obtained cold pressed oils in such<br />a way as to increase the acid and peroxide values.<br />Cold pressed grape seed oils show good oxidative stability. The Rancimat test showed differences in the<br />induction period of cold pressed grape seed oils as a result<br />of the variation in the variety, as well as in the method of<br />obtaining the seed. The fermentation process affects the<br />increase, and the process of distillation decreases the<br />induction period.<br />Based on all the obtained results, it can be concluded<br />that cold pressed grape seed oils showed different<br />nutritional quality and oxidative stability due to specific<br />differences resulting from differences in variety and seed<br />origin, i.e. due to the specific effect of fermentation and<br />distillation processes on the seeds from which the oil was<br />produced, thus confirming the hypothesis.</p>

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