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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En jämförelse av inre arbetsmotivation och arbetstillfredsställelse hos anställda vid två kommunala förvaltningar med olika personalomsättning

Molberg Hillerström, Linda, Möller, Julia January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur inre motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse är relaterat till hög respektive låg personalomsättning och vad som är viktigt i valet att stanna på sin arbetsplats.  Studien genomfördes som en enkätundersökning på två kommunala förvaltningar, varav en hade hög personalomsättning och en hade låg personalomsättning. Enkäten var uppdelad i tre delar med sammanlagt 49 frågor och besvarades av totalt 249 personer. De mätinstrument som användes var BNS (Basic Need Satisfaction at work Scale) som mäter inre arbetsmotivation utifrån SDT (Self-Determination Theory) och MSQ (Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire) som mäter inre och yttre arbetstillfredsställelse. Resultatet visade att förvaltningen med hög personalomsättning hade högre yttre arbetstillfredsställelse än förvaltningen med låg personalomsättning.

Do international and non-international students experience graduate coursework differently : the relationship of learning community to self-determined motivation

Karacul, Fikriye Eda 30 October 2012 (has links)
This study attempted to explore the effect of inter- and intra-personal perceptions and practices of graduate students on their academic motivation from a Self Determination Theory perspective. Students in a large research university were surveyed to determine whether there is any association between their sense of learning community, the need for relatedness, and their reasons to be in graduate school. This study provides evidence to support the importance of the fulfillment of the need to belong in learning community. Differences between international and non-international students represented when they were engaged in their coursework as analyzed by using Ryan and Deci’s (2000) Self Determination and Tajfel and Turner’s (1979) Social Identity Theory. / text

Does motivation moderate the effectiveness of retrieval as a learning intervention

Clark, Daniel Allen 29 October 2013 (has links)
The effects of using retrieval as a study method have been found to occur across many contexts, such as in classrooms, with different age groups, and for non-verbal materials (Rohrer & Pashler, 2010). Even though researchers have suggested that this intervention be implemented on a widespread basis, studies to date have not investigated how the important variable of motivation could have an effect on retrieval as a learning intervention. This experiment investigated whether motivational variables would moderate the effect that retrieval has on learning. In this study, retrieval, extrinsic incentives, and intrinsic motivation positively affected performance. Causality orientations did not have an impact on performance or moderate the effect of the incentives. However, none of the included motivational variables moderated the effect of retrieval on learning. These results suggest that retrieval as a learning intervention is equally effective across different motivational conditions. / text

Racially/ethnically diverse young adults with developmental disabilities : lived experiences of self-determination

Jones, Kristen Elizabeth 19 December 2013 (has links)
Self-determination is a much researched topic in transition literature. However, very little is known about self-determination experiences in transition-age young adults who are racially/ethnically diverse with developmental disabilities as relates to their home/personal life and school/work life. It is recognized that differences do exist of self-determination by these individuals in various settings but the specifics remain unknown. / text

The Effects of the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction on the Self-Determination and Goal Attainment of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Middle School and High School Students

Spolsky, Sonya Christine January 2014 (has links)
Promoting student self-determination has been identified as best practice in special education as an effective way to promote goal attainment and successful post school outcomes for students with disabilities. There have been, however, limited evaluations of the effects of interventions to promote self-determination with students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. This study reports finding from a quasi-experimental switching replication study examining the impact of intervention using the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction on student self-determination and goal attainment for students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Findings within this study using the current research design and limited sample do not support the efficacy of the model for differential goal attainment and goal attainment facilitation by Group assignment but students who are classified as DHH were able to set goals and attain these at a better than expected level of progress. Measures of self-determination used in this study proved to have good internal reliability with students who have various levels of hearing loss and who use various modes of communication.

Getting Back On Track: An Exploratory Qualitative Study of Former High School Dropouts

Thomas-Hilburn, Hale G. January 2010 (has links)
Research on high school dropouts has largely focused on dropout prevention and the identification of risk factors that contribute to leaving school early. While the long-term prognosis of dropouts is often very poor, some individuals manage to change course and return for additional education later in life. In this exploratory qualitative study, five individuals who successfully returned for additional education and continued on to higher education were interviewed. Self-Determination Theory was used to analyze the data, which were examined for the decision-making processes that led to the changes in direction, and the factors that contributed most to facilitating their transitions. Overall, the participants followed similar stages of growth, and ultimately arrived at a turning point that resulted in their new directions. Several themes emerged from their stories, including the need for sufficient social capital, the significance of family and friends, the importance of taking responsibility, and overcoming previous negative experiences.

Alcoholism : understanding natural recovery.

Dillon, Linda Mary. January 2001 (has links)
This qualitative study explored the process of recovery from alcoholism as experienced by individuals who recovered from alcoholism without formal treatment or intervention. This study sought to reveal those factors that initiated recovery and those that maintained and supported it, including some of the strategies and skills used by respondents in self-resolution of their alcoholism. Limitations of the study are discussed, as are the requirements for future studies of natural recovery. It is hoped that understanding some of the natural processes involved in recovery from alcoholism may lead to developing more informed and creative treatment approaches which will harness the strengths, knowledges and abilities of individuals. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 participants and their families across a broad range of age, gender, race and socio-economic status. Participants were selected from those individuals who responded to an article in the daily newspapers in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal. South Africa and who fitted the criteria of being alcoholics who had achieved two or more years of sobriety without formal treatment. This study seemed to indicate that natural recovery was the preferred choice of some individuals struggling with an alcohol problem. This choice appeared to have been made because of negative associations with and perceptions of treatment, combined with a belief in the individual's ability to solve their own problems. Reasons for stopping varied, but seemed to be underpinned by a process of cognitive self-evaluation that precipitated abstinence. Maintenance of sobriety was achieved by a variety of skill s, strategies and processes that corresponded, in the main, with similar international studies. There appears to be a strong relationship with spirituality in all stages of the natural recovery process. Finally. it appeared that individuals who possess a variety of personal and social resources appeared to be best suited to and equipped for the natural recovery process, although some exceptions were noted. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2001.

ŠEIMOS ĮTAKA JAUNUOLIŲ PROFESINIAM APSISPRENDIMUI / The influence of family to youth’s professional self-determination

Pugevičienė, Daiva 05 June 2006 (has links)
Author: Daiva Pugevičienė Subject: The influence of family to youth’s professional self-determination Location: Lithuanian University of Agriculture The department of Professional Pedagogy and Psychology, Akademija, 2006 m. Size of the project: 64 pages The project includes: 6 tables, 27 figures, 4 appendices Literature sources : 43 Object of the research: Youth’s professional self-determination Methods of the research: 1. Analysis of scientific sources. 2. Questionnaires. 3. Statistic data analysis. Results of the research: • After establishing of the personality type, it became evident that the respondents with objective, social and normal orientation of personality’s type have dominated. After evaluation of personality’s type conformity with chosen profession it was established that profession of only one third of the respondents conforms the orientation of they personality type. • It was determined that the main factor influencing the decision regarding particular profession is that respondents regard the vocation as promising. • It was determined that parents of every fifth student-respondent who take part in the research, did not tried to exhibit the natural abilities of their children. It was established that attention to the natural abilities of children in families are directly related on the education of the respondents’ mothers: the higher the education of the mother, more attention is paid to the natural abilities of children. • Parents have talked to... [to full text]

Mokyklos vadovų ir mokytojų motyvavimo strategijos, kaip mokinių vidinės mokymosi motyvacijos veiksniai / The school managers’ and teachers’ motivational orientations, as factors influencing intrinsic learning motivation of schoolchildren

Titenytė, Aurelija 17 June 2005 (has links)
This work is based on self-determination theory which emphasizes that three innate psychological needs must be satisfied to maintain a healthy development and functioning of human. And social contexts that support satisfaction of basic needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness facilitate natural growth including intrinsically motivated behaviour and integration of extrinsic motivations. The aim of this work is to find how the school managers’ and teachers’ motivational orientations, being a factors of social conditions at school, influence intrinsic learning motivation of schoolchildren. 13 out of 18 invited Utena district schools agreed to participate in a survey. Total of 22 school managers, 129 teachers and 380 schoolchildren of eight and ninth grade were surveyed using six different questionnaires, developed by Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology at the University of Rochester. The results revealed a weak correlation between school managers’ autonomy support and teachers’ perceived autonomy (0.201, p<0.05); however a stronger perceived autonomy of teachers more significantly correlated with their total need satisfaction (0.512, p<0.01). It was also noticed, that older managers were more autonomy-supportive. The younger teachers reported a lower perceived autonomy and declared a less positive need satisfaction. The older teachers were as well found to be more autonomy supportive towards their students. The survey results showed that teachers’... [to full text]

Nusikaltimai seksualinio apsisprendimo laisvei ir neliečiamumui pagal Lietuvos Respublikos BK ir kitų valstybių įstatymus (lyginamasis tyrimas) / Crimes against freedom of sexual self-determination and immunity under the criminal code of lithuania and the laws of other countries (the comparative analysis)

Lilaitė, Eglė 08 September 2009 (has links)
Santrauka Šiame darbe analizuojamos Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso XXI skyriuje „Nusikaltimai ir baudžiamieji nusižengimai žmogaus seksualinio apsisprendimo laisvei ir neliečiamumui“ įtvirtintos nusikalstamos veikos, pateikiamas jų sugretinimas su užsienio valstybių baudžiamuosiuose įstatymuose įtvirtintais šiai nusikaltimų grupei priskiriamais nusikaltimais. Pirmiausia darbe aptariama šių nusikaltimų sistema, pavojingumas, istorinė raida. Didžiausia magistro darbo dalis skirta Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamajame kodekse įtvirtintų nusikaltimų ir baudžiamųjų nusižengimų, kuriais kėsinamasi į žmogaus seksualinio apsisprendimo laisvę ir neliečiamumą, sudėties požymių analizei, šių požymių lyginamajam tyrimui su įvairių šalių (JAV, Kanados, Vokietijos, Prancūzijos, Švedijos, Suomijos, Rusijos, Lenkijos, Latvijos, Estijos ir kai kurių kitų) baudžiamuosiuose įstatymuose įtvirtintomis šiai nusikaltimų grupei priskiriamų veikų požymiais. Siekiant tikslesnio ir nuoseklesnio palyginimo, kiekviena nusikalstama veika ir šios veikos sudėties požymiai, įtvirtinti Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso XXI skyriuje, aptarti ir išanalizuoti atskirai. Darbo pabaigoje suformuluotos išvados ir, atsižvelgiant į kitų valstybių baudžiamuosius įstatymus, pateikti tam tikri pasiūlymai dėl Lietuvos Respublikos BK XXI skyriaus tobulinimo. / Summary This work analyses the criminal acts which are included in the XXI chapter of Lithuanian Republic Criminal Code, named „Crimes and criminal misdoings against freedom of sexual self-determination and immunity“(in Lithuanian - „Nusikaltimai ir baudžiamieji nusižengimai žmogaus seksualinio apsisprendimo laisvei ir neliečiamumui“), also these criminal acts are compared with the criminal acts of the same group, which are included in the criminal codes and acts of different foreign countries. Firstly this work analyses the system, insecurity and historical development of these criminal acts. The biggest part of this work is set on the comparative analysis of the criminal composition of the criminal acts, included in Lithuanian Criminal Code, which violates person's sexual self – determination and sexual immunity with the criminal composition of the criminal acts of the same group, included in the criminal codes and acts of various foreign countries (USA, Canada, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Poland, Latvia, Estonia and some other). For the precise and consequent research, each of the criminal acts with its composition, stated in the XXI chapter of the Lithuanian Criminal Code was discussed and analysed separately. In the end of this work some conclusions are made and according to the criminal codes and criminal law of the other countries some offers about the perfection of the XXI chapter of the Lithuanian Criminal Code are made.

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