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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perspektiv på arbetsmotivation : Om forskningsperspektiv och chefers syn på arbetsmotivation

Valeskog Eberhardsson, Erik January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to examine research perspectives and a selection ofmanagers’ views on the concept of work motivation. With an exploratory approach,based on a literature review and interviews these views are examined and compared inrelation to a theoretical framework. This theoretical framework consists of three keyconcepts, the individual, the context and the regulation of work motivation. Theliterature review reveals two research perspectives, a classic economic perspectivebased on Principal–Agent Theory and a more up to date social psychologicalperspective based on Self-Determination Theory. Interviews with selected managersas informants reveal that both of these research perspectives are represented amongthe managers, but foremost the social psychological perspective. The comparisonbetween the research perspectives and the managers’ views also show that thesimilarities between the social psychological perspective and the managers’ views arestrongest in relation to the key concept of the individual, compared to the keyconcepts of context and regulation. A discrepancy between how managers view workmotivation and how managers deal with work motivation in practice can also be seenand related to the managers’ views on the key concepts named.

Estetisk arbetskraft: negativ stress eller ökat välmående genom rollidentifikation

Brottsjö, Johan, Andersson, Marie January 2016 (has links)
Aesthetic labour means that a person with a certain physical aptitude is required. Previous researcher in this field has essentially been focusing on the business benefits from front-line employees as reinforcement to their image. Furthermore, researches have discussed how the employees experience the aesthetic requirements and have found negative effects. Motivation research have, on the other hand, shown that if a person can identify with the requirements it can create wellbeing, through the creation of role identification. Consequently, the research shows different effects of aesthetic requirements, which are this study’s starting point and the aesthetic labour will be illumine with motivations research. The purpose of this study is to illuminate aesthetic labour from a role identification perspective, to understand how the front-line employee is affected by the aesthetic requirements. In the theoretical framework the aesthetic labour will be explained and its negative effects, although also illumined by the research of motivation’s benefits. The method applied has a qualitative approach and the data has been collected by semi-structured interviews with seven employees in retail and the banking sector. The interviews have been transcribed and coded to enable interpretations of the data with the theoretical framework by categorizing and creating themes of the found phenomena. The result yielded four different levels on how the employees identified themselves in their role at work, which creates different reactions to behaviour (active identification, acknowledgment, acceptance and conflicting conciliation). In the discussion these levels where further developed in relation to and with the theoretical framework, concerning how result partially confirms previous research. Furthermore, the study’s findings in the field of aesthetic labour are discussed, which are that employees’ experience of aesthetic requirements is more complex and that additional levels of motivation in the role at work exists. The conclusion summarizes the main points of the study and outlines the study’s contribution of aesthetic labour, which is the understanding that additional levels of motivation in a role at work exists and that employees can be motivated without identification.

The Line-Manager as a Crucial Link During an Organizational Change

Larsson, Caroline, Johansson, Sofie January 2020 (has links)
Earlier studies have identified factors that could be a threat to an employee'swell-being, performance, and motivation during an organizational change.However, there is a lack of research on hierarchical management organizationsand a line-manager's part of how a change is delivered to employees. With theuse of self-determination theory as a basis, this study examined a top-manager'smotivation style towards their line-managers, in the context of anorganizational change, and whether the line-manager's basic psychologicalneeds are satisfied. The hypothesis for the present study expresses: A linemanager'slevel of satisfaction with its basic psychological is associated withits top-manager's motivation style orientation. The sample (N= 52) consists oftwo levels of management, top-managers, and line-managers, and this studyshows a between-subject effect, and a within-subject effect, where, based onmotivation style, the rating on experienced satisfaction and frustration aredifferent. The proposal for further research suggests taking all the differenthierarchical management levels into account during an organizational change. / Tidigare studier har identifierat faktorer som kan hota anställdasvälbefinnande, prestation och motivation under en organisationsförändring.Det saknas dock forskning inom organisationer med ett hierarkiskt ledarskapoch linjechefens roll i hur en förändring levereras till anställda. Med selfdeterminationtheory som grund undersöker denna studie en toppchefsmotivationsstil gentemot sina linjechefer, under en omorganisation, och ifallderas grundläggande psykologiska behov är uppfyllda. Hypotesen för denaktuella studien är följande: linjechefens upplevelse av att ha autonomi,samhörighet, och kompetens tillfredställt har en association med derastoppchefs motivationsstil. Urvalet (N= 52) består av två nivåer av ledning,toppchefer och linjechefer. Resultatet visar en effekt både mellan och inomgrupperna, där upplevd tillfredsställelse och frustration är olika baserat påmotivationsstil. Förslag till senare forskning föreslås att ta hänsyn till allanivåer i en hierarkisk ledning under en organisationsförändring.

Uticaj inkubacionih procesa na razvoj ženskog preduzetništva / Influence of incubation processes on female entrepreneurship development

Kovijanić Tijana 09 October 2020 (has links)
<p>Kreiranje preduzetničkih ekosistema povlači za sobom razvoj programa i inicijativa podrške preduzetništvu, posebno značajnih za žene koje su u znatno manjem broju prisutne na preduzetničkoj sceni. Inkubator se može posmatrati kao preduzetnički ekosistem na mikro nivou koji pored osnovnih usluga u vidu radnog prostora i tehničke infrastrukture, podstiče razvoj preduzetničke aktivnosti kroz organizovanje radionica, sesija sa mentorima i događaja koji omogućavaju umrežavanje i širenje baze kontakata. Istraživanja su pokazala da mentori imaju značajan uticaj na razvoj preduzetničke ideje i samih preduzetnika, te se mogu smatrati katalizatorima inovacija, kreirajući ambijent u kojem se nove uloge mogu uspešno razvijati i negovati. Primenom teorije samodeterminacije formiran je model kojim se može predvideti uticaj i značaj inkubatora kao sredinskog faktora na razvoj preduzetništva, sa posebnim naglaskom na značaj koji imaju za razvoj ženskog preduzetništva. Istraživanje je pokazalo da programi podrške unutar preduzetničkih ekosistema imaju značajan uticaj na žene, razrešavajući dilemu o rodnim predispozicijama za bavljenje preduzetničkim biznisom. Pored priloga unapređenju primene postojeće teorije i instrumenata u oblasti preduzetništva, istraživanje je doprinelo usklađivanju odgovarajućih javnih mera za podsticanje lansiranja i razvoja novih preduzetničkih poduhvata.</p> / <p>Creation of entrepreneurial ecosystems entails development of programs and initiatives to support entrepreneurship, especially for women who are significantly less present in the entrepreneurial scene. The incubator can be seen as an entrepreneurial ecosystem at the micro level, which, in addition to basic services in the form of workspace and technical infrastructure, encourages development of entrepreneurial activity through the organization of workshops, mentoring sessions and events that enable networking and expansion of contacts. Research has shown that mentors have a significant influence on the development of the entrepreneurial idea and the entrepreneurs themselves, and can be considered as catalysts of innovation, creating an environment where new roles could be successfully developed and nurtured. Using the theory of self-determination, a model was formed to predict the impact and importance of incubators as a central factor for development of entrepreneurship, with particular emphasis on the importance they have for the development of female entrepreneurship. Research has shown that support programs within entrepreneurial ecosystems have a significant impact on women, resolving the dilemma of gender bias for entrepreneurship. In addition to contributing to advancing the application of existing theory and instruments in the field of entrepreneurship, the research has contributed to the harmonization of appropriate public measures for encouraging the launch and development of new entrepreneurial ventures.</p>

Transformativt ledarskap ochmotivation hos projektmedlemmar : En kvantitativ studie med fokus på Self-DeterminationTheory (SDT)

Borr, Wilma January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to investigate whether there is a relationshipbetween project team members' perceptions of transformative leadership behaviorsand intrinsic motivation based on Self-Determination Theory (SDT).Transformative leadership behaviors and the three components of SDT; autonomy,competence, and relatedness were examined through a quantitative method. Across-sectional study was conducted where a survey was distributed to respondentsbased on the study's selected sample. The collected data amounted to 101 responseswhich were then analyzed using the statistical analysis tool JASP. The results of the study show that transformative leadership behaviors explain31% of intrinsic motivation. The variable with the strongest unique significantrelationship with transformative leadership behaviors is autonomy with a beta valueof 0.31. Transformative leadership behaviors show a significant relationship withrelatedness in the study and explain 27%. The competence component shows nosignificant relationship with transformative leadership behaviors in this study. Theresults contribute to important insights into the leader's ability to motivate projectmembers and can be seen as an encouragement for organizations and projectmanagers to consider in future project implementations.

Vikten av arbetsmotivation och dess inverkan på arbetsengagemang hos tjänstemän inom industrisektorn / The importance of work motivation and its impact on work engagement among white collar workers within the industrial sector

Jackalin, Ida, Solander, Kristina January 2019 (has links)
Arbetsengagemang har beskrivits som ett positivt arbetsrelaterat tillstånd. Med förståelse för medarbetarnas arbetsmotivation kan arbetsengagemanget öka och riskerna med negativ stress undvikas. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka motivationstyper som till störst del förklarade dimensionerna i arbetsengagemang hos tjänstemän. Genom en kvantitativ studie har tre regressionsanalyser genomförts. Som mätinstrument utformades en digital enkät baserad på Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale (WEIMS) och Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9). Enkäten skickades via mail till 199 tjänstemän vid en avdelning hos ett företag i industrisektorn. Datainsamlingen genererade 124 enkätsvar som analyserades. Resultaten visade att inre motivation och omotivation var de starkaste prediktorerna för samtliga dimensioner i arbetsengagemang. Integrerad- och identifierad reglering hade signifikant betydelse för dimensionen uppslukande medan integrerad reglering också var signifikant för hängivenhet. Anställda som tilldelas eget ansvar och självbestämmande har högre känsla av inre motivation och känner högre arbetsengagemang än individer som inte får fatta egna beslut. / Work engagement has been described as a positive work related state of mind. With understanding for work motivation work engagement may increase among coworkers and risks of negative stress can be avoided. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine which motivation types that most explain the dimensions in work engagement. A digital questionnaire was designed based on Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale (WEIMS) and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9). The questionnaire was sent by e-mail to 199 white collar workers at a company in the industrial sector. The collected data included 124 answers and was analysed by three regression analysis. Our findings showed that intrinsic motivation and amotivation was the strongest predictors for all dimensions in work engagement. Integrated- and identified regulation showed significant importance for the dimension absorption while integrated regulation also showed significant importance for the dimension dedication. Employees who are self-determined and given own responsibility have both higher feeling of intrinsic motivation and work engagement than individuals who does not get the opportunity to make own decisions.

Parasport, motivation och livskvalité: en kvalitativ studie / Parasport, motivation and quality of life: a qualitative study

Hake, Jesper, Vrethem, Clara January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka fysiskt funktionsnedsatta individers motivation till att delta i parasport och deltagandets betydelse för deras livskvalité (QoL). I studien deltog 11 intervjupersoner med fysisk funktionsnedsättning, fem kvinnor och sex män i åldrarna 19-74 (M=32.6, SD=16.3). Samtliga deltagare hade varit aktiva i parasport minst två månader innan inledd studie. En semistrukturerad intervjuguide tillämpades. Resultatet delades in i fyra teman baserat på motivation och livskvalité; Fysik som möjlighet och svårighet, känna gemenskap, känna psykiskt välmående och parasportens villkor. Deltagarna upplevde att parasporten ökade deras livskvalité och att det var en motiverande faktor till att delta. Deltagarna uttryckte ökad fysisk funktion, mindre smärta, social gemenskap, psykiskt välmående och glädje som motiv till deltagande. ”Att se bra ut” var en rapporterad, ej tidigare beskriven, förklaring till motivation till deltagande i parasport. Barriärer som upplevdes begränsa deltagandet i parasport var brist på energi, smärt, sociala och praktiska hinder. Baserat på resultatet av studien är rekommendationerna att ytterligare ansträngningar görs för att underlätta övervinnandet av barriärerna som ligger till grund för lågt deltagande i parasport. Detta för att ge fler möjligheten att ta del av de positiva hälsofördelar parasporten kan ha på livskvalité. / The purpose of the study was to investigate physically disabled individuals motivation to participate in parasport and the importance of participation in their quality of life (QoL). In the study, 11 interviewees, five women and six men with physical disabilities aged 19-74 (M=32.6, SD=16.3) participated. All participants had been active in parasporting for at least two months within the initiated study. A semi-structured interview guide was used. The results were divided up in four themes based on motivation and quality of life; Physical activity like opportunity and difficulty, feeling of community, feeling mentally well-off and matching the conditions of the sport. The parasport participants felt that the parasport increased their quality of life and that it was a motivating factor to participate. The participants in the study expressed increased physical function, less pain, social community, mental well-being and joy as motives for participation. "Looking good" was a reported, not previously described, explanation of motivation for participating in parasport. Barriers that were perceived to limit participation in parasport were lack of energy, pain, social and practical barriers. Based on the results of this study, the recommendations are that further efforts are made to facilitate the winning of the barriers underlying low participation in parasport. In order to give more people the opportunity to take advantage of the positive health benefits that parasport can have on the quality of life.

Att skapa guldkant : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetarengagemang inom vård- och omsorg

Peteri, Terese, Sundqvist, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
Vård och omsorg är den största arbetsgruppen i Sverige och står även för den största andelen sjukdomsfall, främsta orsaken till sjukskrivningar inom vården är orsakade av den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön. Syftet med studien var att undersöka medarbetarengagemang för personal inom vård och omsorgsarbete, som en del i den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön. Frågeställningarna var hur engagemanget ser ut hos medarbetare inom vård- och omsorg och hur engagemanget kan öka. Tidigare forskning har visat att kombination av teorier gällande engagemang och motivation har skapat en djupare förståelse inom området. Därav grundade studien sig på teorier både kring engagemang och motivation. 10 semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med undersköterskor på vård- och omsorgsboende, för att studera medarbetarnas subjektiva upplevelser kring engagemanget. En tematisk analys skedde. Resultatet visade att samtliga respondenter upplevde sig engagerade i arbetet. Diskussionens huvudpunkter var dock att de fanns indikationer på att nivån av engagemang hos medarbetare kunde vara en annan än individens upplevda nivå av engagemang. En annan slutsats var att chefer och medarbetare tillsammans kunde påverka medarbetarengagemanget positivt bland annat genom en bra tvåvägskommunikation. Dock kom skribenterna fram till att för få respondenter deltog för att kunna dra generella slutsatser kring engagemang. / The healthcare industry is the largest working group in Sweden and accounts for the largest proportion of illness cases, the main cause of sick leave in healthcare is caused by the organizational and social work environment. The purpose of the study was to investigate employee engagement for staff in health care and social work, as part of the organizational and social work environment. The questions were what the engagement looks like for employees in health care and social work and how the engagement can increase. Previous research has shown that a combination of theories of engagement and motivation has created a deeper understanding in the field. Therefore, the study was based on both theories of engagement and motivation. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with nurses at nursing and care homes, to study the employees' subjective experiences about engagement. A thematic analysis occurred. The result showed that all respondents felt engaged in the work. However, the main points of the discussion were that there were indications that the level of engagement of employees could be different from the individual's perceived level of engagement. Another conclusion was that managers and employees together could have a positive influence on employee engagement, for example through good two-way communication. However, the authors concluded that too few respondents participated to be able to draw general conclusions about engagement.

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