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[pt] O objetivo desse trabalho é contribuir com a literatura de alianças estratégicas e desempenho de inovação.Especificamente, pretende investigar o papel da Diversidade nos portfolios de Aliança e seu impacto no desempenho das firmas.Este estudo busca replicar e adaptar relações e construtos observados em outros artigos para um país latino americano. É utilizado modelo de modelagem de equações estruturais (SEM) através de micro-dados fornecidos pesquisa nacional de Inovação da Colômbia baseadas no manual de Oslo. A
presente dissertação desenvolve um estudo cross-sectional do país selecionado, faz uma breve revisão dos modelos anteriores e propõe um nova modelo para estudar suas hipóteses. O trabalho tem observações significativas que apoiam o impacto da Diversidade, tanto na inovação como no desempenho financeiro. Foram também estudadas as relações entre os diferentes tipos de inovação e a Capacidade Absortiva de Construção. / [en] The objective of this work is to contribute to the literature on strategic alliances and innovation performance. Specifically, it aims to investigate the role of Diversity in Alliance portfolios and its impact on firm performance.This study seeks to replicate and adapt relationships of constructs observed in other articles to a Latin American country. It uses structural equation modeling (SEM) through micro-data provided by the
National Innovation Research of Colombia based on the Oslo manual.This dissertation elaborates on a cross-sectional study of the selected country, makes a brief revision on past models and proposes a new one to assert about its hypotheses. The work has meaningful observations that supports the impact of Diversity both on the innovation and financial perfomance. Relationships between different types of innovation and the construct Absorptive Capacity were also studied.
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Entwicklung eines Schutzfaktorenmodells für die Hochschulausbildung – Untersuchung der hochschulseitigen Einflussfaktoren auf die Resilienz von Studierenden vor dem Hintergrund der Bologna-Zielsetzung der BeschäftigungsfähigkeitNicolaus, Meike 25 April 2023 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema Resilienzförderung im Hochschulkontext vor dem Hintergrund der Bologna-Zielsetzung 'Beschäftigungsfähigkeit'. Resilienz als notwendige Kompetenz von Fach- und Führungskräften und deren Entwicklung dient im Verständnis der Autorin der Erhöhung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit von Absolvent*innen. Die Resilienzforschung im Hochschulkontext ist ein sehr junges Forschungsfeld, es finden sich Studien über Resilienzfaktoren im nationalen und internationalen Kontext, ein Schutzfaktorenmodell fehlte bislang.
Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung eines solchen Schutzfaktorenmodells für die Hochschulausbildung. Hierzu wurde im Rahmen einer mehrphasigen Mixed-Methods-Studie ein konzeptuelles Modell entwickelt und überprüft. Die Modellierung erfolgte mittels PLS-Strukturgleichungsmodellierung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Bedeutung einzelner Faktoren als individuelle und hochschulseitige Schutzfaktoren auf. Zusammenhänge zwischen individuellen und hochschulseitigen Schutzfaktoren, personalen, sozialen und methodischen Kompetenzen und der Resilienz werden deutlich. Es zeigt sich die Bedeutung von personalen, sozialen und methodischen Kompetenzen als Mediator zur Resilienzentwicklung. Die Ergebnisse ermöglichen eine Systematisierung der Resilienzförderung im Hochschulkontext mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftswissenschaften.:DANKSAGUNG III
1.1 Kontext und Problemstellung 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Zielsetzung und forschungsleitende Fragen 3
2.1 Bologna-Erklärung, Employability und die Bedeutung von Resilienz 7
2.2 Resilienz und das Modell der Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren 11
2.3 Überblick über die Resilienzforschung im Hochschulkontext 14
3.1 Forschungsparadigma und Forschungsdesigns 17
3.2 Datenerhebung und Datenauswertung der Teilstudien 21
3.2.1 Stichprobenbildung 21
3.2.2 Studien qual I und qual II 23
3.2.3 Studie QUANT 26
3.3 Zusammenführung der Ergebnisse 29
3.3.1 Beitrag A: Systematischer Literaturüberblick und initiales Schutzfaktorenmodell 30
3.3.2 Beitrag B: Ergänzende Schutzfaktoren aus dem Hochschulkontext 31
3.3.3 Beitrag C: Ergänzende Schutzfaktoren aus dem Arbeitskontext 33
3.3.4 Beitrag D: Entwicklung des Schutzfaktorenmodells mittels PLS-SEM 35
4.1 Kritische Würdigung 45
4.2 Implikationen 47
4.3 Ausblick und Forschungsbedarf 49
Beitrag A 54
Beitrag B 69
Beitrag C 96
Beitrag D 114
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Improving business performance with organizational learning : A case study of factors affecting organizational learning and its relationship with business performance / Förbättra företagets resultat med organisatoriskt lärande : En fallstudie med fokus på faktorer som påverkar organisatoriskt lärande och dess relation med organisationensBENGTSSON, LUDVIG, SKOG, PONTUS January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is an intra-organizational case study which investigates the concept of organizational learning and its relationship with business performance. Furthermore, factors affecting organizational learning are explored. A mixed method approach is used, combining quantitative data from a survey instrument called the Strategic Learning Assessment Map (SLAM) with qualitative data from interviews and observations. This thesis shows that at the studied organization the organizational level knowledge stock has the highest association with business performance, followed by the group level knowledge stock. The individual level knowledge stock and misalignment does not achieve reasonable significance. When it comes to factors affecting organizational learning, Organizational culture and information processing capacity were identified as main barriers. Furthermore, individuals at the targeted organization acquire knowledge in informal ways and they learn routines over heuristics which also were identified as main factors affecting business performance. / Detta är en fallstudie med fokus på att undersöka konceptet organisatoriskt lärande och dess relation till företagets resultat. Faktorer som påverkar organisatoriskt lärande är även undersökt. En kombinerad kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod är använd i rapporten. Kvantitativ data är insamlad genom frågeformuläret Strategic Learning Assessment Map (SLAM) och kvalitativ data är insamlad genom intervjuer och observationer. Resultatet från studien är att den organisatoriska kunskapsnivån har störst påverkan på företagets resultat följt av gruppnivån som även har en betydande påverkan på företagets resultat. Den individuella kunskapsnivån och ojämnheter i det organisatoriska lärandet uppnår inte en tillräckligt hög nivå av signifikans. Företagskultur och informationskapacitet är identifierade som de två största barriärerna till organisatoriskt lärande. Individer på organisationen lär sig informellt och i större utsträckning rutiner över regler.
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Sociala faktorers påverkan på köpintention : En kvantitativ undersökning på hedoniskt värde inom spelet League of LegendsOrtega Jönsson, Veronica, Tyssling Engström, Emil January 2023 (has links)
Flera olika typer av virtuella produkter växer i popularitet och värde i människors ögon. Inomden digitala spelvärlden spenderas en hög andel pengar på virtuella produkter som inte har ettfunktionellt syfte. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om sociala faktorer kan påverkaköpintentionen i digitala spel genom sin relation till hedoniskt värde. Denna studie användersig av en kvantitativ metod och tvärsnittsdesign i form av enkäter. Enkäterna har spriditsgenom relevanta medier samt kedjeurval. Resultatet analyseras med en PLS-SEM analys föratt se om det finns ett förhållande mellan sociala faktorer och hedonism. Denna uppsatsförsöker besvara frågan: “Bidrar sociala faktorer till att skapa hedoniskt värde i virtuellaprodukter?”. Resultatet visar på att sociala band och social identitet relaterat till spelet ärpositivt relaterat till att skapa ett hedoniskt värde och på så sätt öka köpintentionen. Theory ofconsumtion value undersöker vilka värden som ligger bakom de val av köp konsumenter gör.Teorin används som grund i denna uppsats och har hjälpt till att skapaundersökningsmodellen samt styrka hypoteserna via begreppen emotionellt och socialt värde.Viktiga fynd är att ålder, kön och tid inte har någon påverkan på hedoniska värdet. Hedonisktvärde, social identitet och sociala band visades ha ett lågt instämmande i undersökningen.Trots detta blev slutsatsen att det finns ett signifikant samband mellan de sociala värdena ochhedoniskt värde. Detta bekräftar hypoteserna i uppsatsen. Resultatet i denna studie bidrar tilllitteraturen genom att undersöka relationen mellan utvalda konsumtionsvärden ochköpintentionen till virtuella produkter. Informationen som uppsatsen ger kan hjälpa företag attförstå faktorer som kan uppmuntra till köp av virtuella produkter. / Many different types of virtual products are growing in popularity and value in people's eyes.In the gaming world, large amounts of money is spent on virtual products that do not have afunctional purpose. The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether social factors caninfluence purchase intention in digital game contexts through their relationship to hedonicvalue. This study has carried out a quantitative method and a cross-sectional design in theform of questionnaires. The questionnaires have been distributed through relevant media andchain selection. The results are analysed with a PLS-SEM analysis to investigate whetherthere is a relationship between social factors and hedonism. This essay tries to answer thequestion: ”Do social factors contribute to creating hedonic value in virtual products?”. Theresult shows that social ties and social identity within the game are positively related tocreating a hedonic feeling and thus increasing purchase intention. The theory of consumptionvalue examines which values lie behind the purchase intention and choices consumers make.The theory is used as a basis in this essay, it has helped to create the research model andstrengthen the hypotheses via the concepts of emotional and social value. Some of theimportant findings in this essay is that age, gender and time are factors that have no influenceon the hedonic value. Hedonic value, social identity and social ties were shown to have lowagreement in the survey. Despite this, the conclusion was that there is a significantrelationship between the social values and hedonic value. This confirms the hypotheses in thepaper. The results of the study contribute to the literature by investigating the relationshipbetween the selected consumption values and willingnes to pay for virtual products. Theinformation provided in this essay can help companies have a better understanding of factorsthat can better promote the acquiring of virtual products.
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Modeling a Security Operations Center / Modellering av ett Security Operations CenterTannous, Mario, Ayhan, Emre January 2022 (has links)
Security breaches caused by hackers are a significant issue for businesses. This illustrates the need for protection against these attacks. Using a Security Operations Center (SOC) solution to detect attacks against ones corporation is an essential step in doing that. How should businesses deploy their SOC? This thesis compares traditional and modern SOC both by means of a literature study and hands-on experimentation, to evaluate which approach is appropriate for the current situation. The SOC solutions were set up to monitor a simulated office environment, using only free, open-source software. This thesis sheds light on both subtle and significant differences betweenthe two solutions. This thesis also concludes that the time for establishing a traditional SOC has passed. The advantages of utilizing a virtual SOC and its accompanying tool sare too significant to ignore. / Dataintrång orsakade av hackare är ett stort problem för företag. Detta belyser vikten av att ha skydd mot attacker. Användning av en SOC (Security Operations Center) lösning för att upptäcka attacker är ett viktigt steg i denna process. Hur bör företag implementera sin SOC lösning? Denna rapport jämför traditionella och moderna lösningar genom delvis litteraturstudie och sedan ett laborativt moment, för att slutligen komma fram till vilken lösning som passar dagens företag. SOC lösningarna implementerades i syfte att övervaka en simulerad kontorsmiljö. Endast gratis programvara medöppen källkod användes. Rapporten belyser både subtila och större skillnader mellan de två lösningarna. I rapporten framgår slutsatsen att det traditionella sättet att ta fram en SOC lösning på är förlegat. Fördelarna med moderna lösningar och dess tillhörandeverktyg är för omfattande för att inte dra nytta av.
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La tesis versa sobre aplicación de micro y nanopartículas sólidas sobre productos textiles. El objetivo es funcionalizar las estructuras tratadas, aportando nuevas propiedades. La adhesión o ligado de las partículas se realiza mediante agentes de ligado, los cuales pueden ser de muy variada composición. En esta tesis se abordará el estudio de los ácidos policarboxílicos como agentes de ligado libres de formaldehido.
El estudio se centrará en evaluar distintos sistemas de aplicación (impregnación, agotamiento, recubrimiento y pulverizado). Se evalúan variables que intervienen en los procesos y se analizan los tejidos mediante microscopía (SEM) y en algunos casos se aplica FTIR, XPS y EDX. Además cuando se aplican ciclos de lavado, las aguas residuales se han analizado mediante un contador de partículas para determinar la cantidad de partículas que han salido del tejido al baño. / Bou Belda, E. (2014). EVALUACIÓN DE LAS VARIABLES QUE INFLUYEN EN LA APLICACIÓN DE PARTÍCULAS SÓLIDAS DE TAMAÑO REDUCIDO A ESTRUCTURAS TEXTILES LAMINARES [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/39108
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Development and Implementation of an Automated SEM-EDX Routine for Characterizing Respirable Coal Mine DustJohann, Victoria Anne 02 November 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes the development and use of a computer-automated microscopy routine for characterization of respirable dust particles from coal mines. Respirable dust in underground coal mining environments has long been known to pose an occupational health hazard for miners. Typically following years of exposure, coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP) and silicosis are the most common disease diagnoses. Although dramatic reductions in CWP and silicosis cases were achieved across the US between about 1970-1999 through a combination of regulatory dust exposure limits, improved ventilation and dust abatement practices, a resurgence in disease incidence has been noted more recently – particularly in parts of Appalachia. To shed light on this alarming trend and allow for better understanding of the role of respirable dust in development of disease, more must be learned about the specific characteristics of dust particles and occupational exposures.
This work first sought to develop an automated routine for the characterization of respirable dust using scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray (SEM-EDX). SEM-EDX is a powerful tool that allows determination of the size, shape, and chemistry of individual particles, but manual operation of the instrument is very time consuming and has the potential to introduce user bias. The automated method developed here provides for much more efficient analysis – with a data capture rate that is typically 25 times faster than that of the manual method on which it was based – and also eliminates bias between users. Moreover, due to its efficiency and broader coverage of a dust sample, it allows for characterization of a larger and more representative number of particles per sample. The routine was verified using respirable dust samples generated from known materials commonly observed in underground coal mines in the central Appalachian region, as well as field samples collected in this region. This effort demonstrated that particles between about 1-9μm were accurately classified with respect to defined chemical categories, and suggested that analysis of 500 particles across a large area of a sample filter generally provides representative results.
The automated SEM-EDX routine was then used to characterize a total of 210 respirable dust samples collected in eight Appalachian coal mines. The mines were located in three distinct regions (i.e., northern, mid-central and south-central Appalachia), which differed in terms of primary mining method, coal seam thickness and mining height, and coal and/or rock mineralogy. Results were analyzed to determine whether number distributions of particle size, aspect ratio, and chemistry classification vary between and within distinct mine regions, and by general sampling location categories (i.e., intake, feeder, production, return). Key findings include:
1) Northern Appalachian mines have relatively higher fractions of coal, carbonate, and heavy mineral particles than the two central Appalachian regions, whereas central Appalachian mines have higher fractions of quartz and alumino-silicate particles.
2) Central Appalachian mines tended to have more mine-to-mine variations in size, shape, and chemistry distributions than northern Appalachian mines.
3) With respect to particle size, samples collected in locations in the production and return categories have the highest percentages of very small particles (i.e., 0.94-2.0μm), followed by the feeder and then the intake locations.
4) With respect to particle shape, samples collected in locations in the production and return categories have higher fractions of particles with moderate (i.e., length is 1.5 to 3x width) to relatively high aspect ratios (i.e., length is greater than 3x width) compared to feeder and intake samples.
5) Samples with relatively high fractions of alumino-silicates have higher fractions of particles with moderate aspect ratios than samples with low alumino-silicate fractions.
6) Samples with relatively high fractions of quartz particles have higher fractions of particles with moderate aspect ratios and higher percentages of very small particles than samples with no identified quartz particles.
7) Samples with high fractions of carbonates have higher percentages of particles with relatively low aspect ratios (i.e., length and width are similar) than samples with no identified carbonate particles. / Master of Science / This thesis describes the development and use of a computer-automated microscopy routine for characterization of respirable dust particles from coal mines. Overexposure to respirable dust has long been known to pose an occupational health hazard for miners, leading to the development of lung diseases such as coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP, commonly called “black lung”) and silicosis. Incidence of such diseases amongst US coal miners declined for many years following regulation and development of mining best practices. However, a recent resurgence in disease incidence, particularly in parts of Appalachia, demonstrates a real need for greater understanding of the respirable dust in underground coal mines.
This work first sought to develop an automated routine for characterizing coal mine dust using scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray (SEM-EDX). SEM-EDX is a powerful tool that allows the size, shape and chemistry of individual particles to be determined. The developed routine is not only much faster than an analogous manual method, but it also reduces the possibility of user bias and provides for more representative results by examining more particles across a wider area of a sample. The method was verified using laboratorygenerated dust samples from known materials commonly observed in underground coal mines, as well as field samples collected in central Appalachia. This effort indicated that the method produces accurate and representative results.
Next, the automated SEM-EDX method was used to scan 210 respirable dust samples. These were collected in eight mines in three different regions of Appalachia (i.e., northern, midcentral and south-central Appalachia), which differed by primary mining method, coal seam thickness and mining height, and coal and/or rock mineralogy. Results were analyzed to determine whether particle size, shape, and chemistry number distributions vary between and within distinct mine regions, and by general sampling location categories (i.e., intake, feeder, production, return). Key findings include:
1) Northern Appalachian mines have relatively higher fractions of coal, carbonate, and heavy mineral particles than the two central Appalachian regions, whereas central Appalachian mines have higher fractions of quartz and alumino-silicate particles.
2) Central Appalachian mines tended to have more mine-to-mine variations in size, shape, and chemistry distributions than northern Appalachian mines.
3) With respect to particle size, samples collected in locations in the production and return categories have the highest percentages of very small particles (i.e., 0.94-2.0μm), followed by the feeder and then the intake locations.
4) With respect to particle shape, samples collected in locations in the production and return categories have higher fractions of particles with moderate (i.e., length is 1.5 to 3x width) to relatively high aspect ratios (i.e., length is greater than 3x width) compared to feeder and intake samples.
5) Samples with relatively high fractions of alumino-silicates have higher fractions of particles with moderate aspect ratios than samples with low alumino-silicate fractions.
6) Samples with relatively high fractions of quartz particles have higher fractions of particles with moderate aspect ratios and higher percentages of very small particles than samples with no identified quartz particles.
7) Samples with high fractions of carbonates have higher percentages of particles with relatively low aspect ratios (i.e., length and width are similar) than samples with no identified carbonate particles.
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SEM image processing as an alternative method to determine chromite pre-reduction / Given Terrance Mpho MohaleMohale, Given Terrance Mpho January 2015 (has links)
Ferrochrome (FeCr) is a crude alloy containing chromium (Cr) and iron (Fe). FeCr is mainly used for the production of stainless steel, which is an important modern-day alloy. FeCr is produced from chromite ore through various smelting methods. In this study, the focus was on the pelletised chromite pre-reduction process, which is also referred to as the solid state reduction of chromite. In this process, fine chromite ore, a clay binder and a carbon reductant are dry milled, agglomerated (pelletised) and pre-reduced (solid state reduction) in a rotary kiln. The pre-reduced pellets are then charged hot, immediately after exiting the rotary kiln, into a closed submerged arc furnace (SAF). This production process option has the lowest specific energy consumption (SEC), i.e. MWh/ton FeCr produced, of all the FeCr production processes that are commercially applied. Other advantages associated with the application of the pelletised chromite pre-reduction process are that it eliminates the use of chromite fines, has a high Cr recovery, and produces low sulphur- (S) and silicon (Si)-containing FeCr. The main disadvantage of the pelletised chromite pre-reduction process is that it requires extensive metallurgical control due to the variances in the levels of pre-reduction achieved and carbon content of the pre-reduced pelletised furnace feed material. This implies that the metallurgical carbon balance has to be changed regularly to prevent the process from becoming carbon deficient (also referred to as ‘under coke’) or over carbon (also referred to as ‘over coke’). The analytical technique currently applied to determine the level of chromite pre-reduction is time consuming, making it difficult and expensive to deal with large numbers of samples. In an attempt to develop a technique that would be faster to determine the level of chromite pre-reduction, a new analytical method using a combination of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), image processing and computational techniques was investigated in this study.
Metallurgical grade chromite (<1 mm), anthracite breeze (<1 mm), and fine FeCr (<1 mm) that were used to prepare pellets in the laboratory, as well as industrially produced pre-reduced pellets that had already been milled in preparation for the determination of the pre-reduction level with wet chemical analysis were received from a large South African FeCr producer. These laboratory prepared pellets and the industrially produced pellet mixtures were considered in this investigation. Samples were moulded in resin and polished in order to obtain SEM micrographs of the polished cross sections. Elements with higher molecular weights are indicated by lighter greyscale, while elements with lower molecular weights are indicated by darker greyscale in SEM micrographs. This basic principle was applied in the development of the new analytical technique to determine the level of chromite pre-reduction, with the hypothesis that the pixel count of white pixels (representing metallised particles), divided by the combined pixel count of white (representing metallised particles) and grey (representing chromite particles) pixels would be directly related to the level of chromite pre-reduction determined with the current wet chemical method. This hypothesis can be mathematically expressed as:
The newly-developed analytical method was validated by correlating the white pixel% calculated with the chromite pre-reduction levels (%) determined with wet chemical analysis of laboratory prepared and industrially produced pellet mixtures, which had R2 values of 0.998 and 0.919, respectively. This suggests that the method can be used to determine chromite pre-reduction accurately. / MSc (Engineering Sciences in Chemical Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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SEM image processing as an alternative method to determine chromite pre-reduction / Given Terrance Mpho MohaleMohale, Given Terrance Mpho January 2015 (has links)
Ferrochrome (FeCr) is a crude alloy containing chromium (Cr) and iron (Fe). FeCr is mainly used for the production of stainless steel, which is an important modern-day alloy. FeCr is produced from chromite ore through various smelting methods. In this study, the focus was on the pelletised chromite pre-reduction process, which is also referred to as the solid state reduction of chromite. In this process, fine chromite ore, a clay binder and a carbon reductant are dry milled, agglomerated (pelletised) and pre-reduced (solid state reduction) in a rotary kiln. The pre-reduced pellets are then charged hot, immediately after exiting the rotary kiln, into a closed submerged arc furnace (SAF). This production process option has the lowest specific energy consumption (SEC), i.e. MWh/ton FeCr produced, of all the FeCr production processes that are commercially applied. Other advantages associated with the application of the pelletised chromite pre-reduction process are that it eliminates the use of chromite fines, has a high Cr recovery, and produces low sulphur- (S) and silicon (Si)-containing FeCr. The main disadvantage of the pelletised chromite pre-reduction process is that it requires extensive metallurgical control due to the variances in the levels of pre-reduction achieved and carbon content of the pre-reduced pelletised furnace feed material. This implies that the metallurgical carbon balance has to be changed regularly to prevent the process from becoming carbon deficient (also referred to as ‘under coke’) or over carbon (also referred to as ‘over coke’). The analytical technique currently applied to determine the level of chromite pre-reduction is time consuming, making it difficult and expensive to deal with large numbers of samples. In an attempt to develop a technique that would be faster to determine the level of chromite pre-reduction, a new analytical method using a combination of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), image processing and computational techniques was investigated in this study.
Metallurgical grade chromite (<1 mm), anthracite breeze (<1 mm), and fine FeCr (<1 mm) that were used to prepare pellets in the laboratory, as well as industrially produced pre-reduced pellets that had already been milled in preparation for the determination of the pre-reduction level with wet chemical analysis were received from a large South African FeCr producer. These laboratory prepared pellets and the industrially produced pellet mixtures were considered in this investigation. Samples were moulded in resin and polished in order to obtain SEM micrographs of the polished cross sections. Elements with higher molecular weights are indicated by lighter greyscale, while elements with lower molecular weights are indicated by darker greyscale in SEM micrographs. This basic principle was applied in the development of the new analytical technique to determine the level of chromite pre-reduction, with the hypothesis that the pixel count of white pixels (representing metallised particles), divided by the combined pixel count of white (representing metallised particles) and grey (representing chromite particles) pixels would be directly related to the level of chromite pre-reduction determined with the current wet chemical method. This hypothesis can be mathematically expressed as:
The newly-developed analytical method was validated by correlating the white pixel% calculated with the chromite pre-reduction levels (%) determined with wet chemical analysis of laboratory prepared and industrially produced pellet mixtures, which had R2 values of 0.998 and 0.919, respectively. This suggests that the method can be used to determine chromite pre-reduction accurately. / MSc (Engineering Sciences in Chemical Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Nuovi approcci per la valutazione dell'effetto dei fungicidi nei confronti dell'oidio della vite / NEW APPROACHES FOR THE EVALUATION OF FUNGIDES' EFFECT ON GRAPEVINE POWDWRY MILDEW / New approaches for the evaluation of fungicides’ effect on grapevine powdery mildewRUSSO, GIUSEPPE 17 March 2016 (has links)
In questo lavoro si intende indagare l'effetto degli anti-oidici più diffusi al fine di individuare nuovi approcci per la ricerca sui fungicidi. Le analisi statistiche mostrano che meptildinocap, zolfo, metrafenone e penconazolo, somministrati a dosi di etichetta, prevengono le infezioni di Erysiphe necator qualora applicati fino a 12 giorni prima dell'inoculazione. Meptildinocap e zolfo conservano una buona efficacia anche se applicati fino a 9 e 6 giorni dopo l'inoculazione. Meptildinocap neutralizza il massimo numero di conidi entro 6 giorni dal trattamento. La meta-analisi multivariata eseguita su prove di campo dimostra che tutti i fungicidi riducono la gravità delle infezioni su grappolo oltre l'80%, qualora applicati da 3 a 13 volte a dosi di etichette secondo il criterio fenologico. Nonostante cyflufenamid, quinoxyfen, fenarimol, fenarimol+zolfo, propiconazolo e kresoxim-metil+boscalid siano significativamente più efficaci dello zolfo, la loro applicazione ripetuta rappresenta una condizione favorevole all’insorgenza di resistenze. L’ approccio chemio-metrico all’ analisi dei dati ottenuti da microanalisi in microscopia SEM a raggi X mostra che meptildinocap induce modificazioni nei rapporti tra Ca e Al e P e S sulla parete dei Chasmoteci trattati. Tali modificazioni sono probabilmente dovute al dissolvimento della membrana plasmatica. Questi nuovi approcci possono rappresentare un'utile integrazione ai metodi già noti. / In this work the effect of the most widespread fungicides used for Erysiphe necator management is investigated in order to test new approaches to fungicide research. ANCOVA and Tukey’s post hoc tests showed that meptyldinocap, sulfur, metrafenone and penconazole administrated at label rates prevent E. necator infections when applied up to 12 days before inoculation. Meptyldinocap and sulfur preserve a good efficacy even when applied until 9 and 6 days after inoculation. Meptyldinocap significantly increases E. necator conidia mortality within 6 days exposure. The multi-treatment meta-analysis performed on field trials shows that all fungicides reduce disease severity over 80% on vine bunches when applied from 3 to 13 times at label rates with the phenological criterion. Although cyflufenamid, quinoxyfen, fenarimol, fenarimol+sulfur, propiconazole and kresoxim-methyl+boscalid are significantly more effective than sulfur their repeated application in vineyard represents an important E. necator resistance risk. The application of chemo-metric approach to data earned by SEM X-ray microanalysis shows that meptyldinocap leads to modifications in the relationships between Ca and Al and P and S in treated Chasmothecia wall. Such modifications are probably due to the plasma membrane disruption. The new approaches tested here may represent a useful integration of already known methods.
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