Spelling suggestions: "subject:"semantik"" "subject:"semantiken""
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Semantinė paieška įdarbinimo paslaugų sistemai / Semantic search for engagement services systemLionikienė, Aldona 30 May 2006 (has links)
Recruitment service domain is one of the most relevant domains, where more advanced and effective semantic search methods and complex matching techniques must be applied. Recruitment system is a specific portal, designated for job seekers and employers. The main goal of this work is to create online recruitment system based on semantic search for preselecting candidates and to investigate the principles for creating such systems. We analyze semantic matching algorithm witch would improve query results, the realization chances of such a scenario from the technological viewpoint and describe a prototypical implementation of the required technological infrastructure. Using current standards and classifications it is possible to create human resource ontology allowing semantic annotation of job postings and applications. This work is devoted for requirements specification, design and implementation of recruitment system, allowing to deploy and examine various semantic matching techniques. Using Semantic Web technologies in the domain of online recruitment, could substantially increase market transparency, lower the transaction costs for employers, and change the business models of the intermediaries involved.
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Plagijavimo nustatymas. Semantinės pranešimų analizės metodo taikymas / Detection of plagiarism. Application of semantic message analysis methodStrašnovas, Olegas 06 June 2006 (has links)
With the Internet being widely spread, databases are becoming more and more accessible. Unfortunately, this process brings some problems alongside obvious advantages. Easily accessible information causes raise of plagiarism, a phenomena of people finding some creative works, slightly (if at all) changing them and presenting as their own pieces. This work presents an overview of various methods that can be used in computer software in order to automatically perform document analysis and comparison for detecting similarity instances. In the work, such software development stages are given as well as software testing and considerations on semantic message analysis method integration in the system.
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Semantiniais web servisais pagrįstų sistemų analizė ir kūrimas / Analysis and implementation of semantic web services based systemsLesickas, Karolis 25 November 2010 (has links)
Informacijos internete sparčiai daugėja, o esanti informacija greitai kinta. Susisteminti reikalingą informaciją ir ją panaudoti tokiomis sąlygomis yra sudėtinga. Daugėja ir web servisų teikiančių duomenis ar atliekančių veiksmus. Norint šiuos servisus efektyviai panaudoti jau reikia ne vien web servisų naudojamos sintaksės aprašo bet ir semantikos (prasmės) aprašo. Darbe nagrinėjamos galimybės kurti web servisų sistemas pasitelkiant veiklos srities formalius aprašymus – ontologijas. Nagrinėjamas ontologijos ir web serviso aprašo suderinimas – anotavimas. Taip pat pasiūlytos kelios skirtingos architektūros sistemų realizavimui, aprašomi šių architektūrų privalumai ir trūkumai, siūlomi patobulinimai. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas web servisų paieškai ir jų iškvietimui naudojantis semantiniais aprašais. / Information on the Internet is growing fast, but the information is changing rapidly. Arrange the necessary information and its use in such conditions is difficult. A number of web services that provides data or perform actions is increasing rapidly. In order to effectively use these services it is needed to use not only syntactic description of web services but also a semantic description. The paper explores the possibilities to create Web services systems through the scope of using formal activities description - ontology. Examined ontology and web service mappings - annotation. In the paper it is also proposed a number of different systems realization architectures, describes the architectures advantages and disadvantages and proposed improvements. Main focus is on web services search and invocation.
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Semantinis teksto transformavimas ir jo taikymas kompiuterinio vertimo sistemose / Semantic text conversion and using it in computerized automatic translation systemsPavlovas, Andrijanas 04 June 2006 (has links)
Today Lithuania have a real need in having automatic translation system, which can simplificate a process of translation English language to Lithuanian language. But how we can realize this. First of all we must have a text semantic transformation system. It is a main purpose of this work – to create text semantic transformation system. Semantic transformation – process, which can help us in simplificating a sentence structure, but also to save a connections between different parts of sentence and the main means of sentence is not disappear. In my project I selected several trends(realized as functions) how we can transform a text. For example it can be a shorten sentence length or remove from sentence modal verbs, because in described rules this type of verb not need. And Iwill try to realized this my project.
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Padeži kvalifikativnog značenja u standardnomsrpskom jezikuRedli Jelena 29 May 2015 (has links)
<p>Glavni cilj ove doktorske teze jeste da sagleda i<br />opiše padeže kvalifikativnog značenja u<br />adverbijalnoj i adnominalnoj poziciji kao<br />koherentnu celinu. Njen glavni zadatak koji vodi<br />do postavljenog cilja jeste utvrđivanje<br />sintaksičko-semantičkih karakteristika padežnih i<br />predloško-padežnih konstrukcija, kao i sličnosti,<br />odnosno razlike među njima. Da bi se utvrdilo da<br />li se o kvalifikativnosti može govoriti kao o<br />samostalnoj semantičkoj kategoriji, sagledava se<br />pitanje prelaska, odnosno mešanja<br />kvalifikativnosti s ostalim semantičkim<br />kategorijama.</p>
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Semantics of mental verbs in English / Mentalinių veiksmažodžių semantika anglų kalbojeŠinušienė, Aurika 02 August 2011 (has links)
Analyzed clasification of English mental process verbs, their semantic structure; the process of subjectivization; experiencer's position in a sentence. / Mentalinio proceso veiksmažodžių klasifikacijos analizė, jų semantinė struktūra; subjektyvizacijos procesas; patirtį gaunančio asmens pozicija pateikta sakinyje.
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The Realization of Non-spatial Functions in English / Neerdvinių Funkcijų Raiška Anglų KalbojeStanelytė, Indrė 27 June 2013 (has links)
The most popular sentence analyses are: syntactic and semantic. Syntactically the sentence can be analyzed according to the three types: traditional, structural and transformational. Semantically the sentence can be analyzed according to the process types and inherent and non-inherent semantic functions. Such processes as Material, Mental, Verbal, Relational, and Existential can be distinguished. However the participants as Agents, Affected Patients, Effected Patients, Beneficiary, Recipients, Attributes, Sayers, and Verbiage can be attributed to the processes mentioned above. It can be also distinguished Circumstances but they are non-inherent functions which can be further subdivided into non-spatial (Instrumental, Comitative, Manner, Reason, Purpose, Result etc.) and spatial (adessive, superessive, inessive, ablative, elative, delative, sublative, illative, allative). The aim of the research is to analyze the realization of non-spatial functions in English. / Populiariausios sakinio analizės yra sintaksinė ir semantinė. Sintaksiškai sakinį galima analizuoti pagal tris tipus: tradicinį, struktūrinį ir transformacinį. Semantiškai sakinys gali būti analizuojamas pagal procesų tipus arba pagrindines bei pasirenkamąsias semantines funkcijas. Prie pasirenkamųjų semantinių funkcijų yra priskirti Sirkumstantai, kurie gali būti skirstomi į dvi pagrindines grupes: neerdvinės ir erdvinės funkcijos. Darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti neerdvinių funkcijų raišką anglų kalboje.
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Semantics of English and Lithuanian number idioms: contrastive analysis / Angliškų ir lietuviškų idiomų su skaičiais semantika: kontrastyvinė analizėNikitkova, Jelena 02 August 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to explore the characteristic features and meaning of number idioms in the English and Lithuanian languages and determine similarities and differences in symbolic meaning conveyed by numbers in the two cultures.
The research has been conducted adopting both quantitative and qualitative approaches, focusing on the main theoretical issues related to idioms and such universal and abstract phenomenon as "number" in the English and Lithuanian idioms, and searching for the relationships between number idioms in the two languages. In order to illustrate the main similarities and differences between two languages, 156 English and 212 Lithuanian idioms containing the cardinal and ordinal numbers from one to ten were subjected to the analysis. The contrastive, descriptive and statistic analysis methods were employed in the research. The results of the analysis showed that the numbers one (70 instances) and two (47 instances) are the most productive numbers in the English idioms; whereas, in the Lithuanian idioms besides the same numbers, one (99 instances) and two (35 instances), the number nine (39 instances) is common. The research demonstrated that numbers in the idioms of both languages communicate non-quantitative meaning more often than quantitative meaning. It was discovered that the choice of numbers in the idioms might be determined by logic and reality or reflect some cultural point of view. The analysis showed that the numbers one, three, six... [to full text] / Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti lietuviškų ir angliškų idiomų su skaičiais ypatumus ir reikšmes (vadovaujamasi anglų-amerikiečių tradicija terminas „idioma“ yra vartojamas vietoj lietuviško termino „frazeologizmas“); nustatyti panašumus ir skirtumus tarp skaičių simbolinių reikšmių dviejose kultūrose ir pamėginti juos paaiškinti. Tyrimui atlikti buvo naudojamasi kiekybine ir kokybine analizė, bei teorine medžiaga, susijusi su idiomų ir skaičių simbolinėmis rekšmėmis. Šiame darbe aptariami tokie teoriniai aspektai, kaip idiomos apibrėžimo problema, kriterijai naudojami atskirti idiomas nuo laisvųjų žodžių junginių, idiomų semantinė klasifikacija, ir idiomų ir kultūros ryšiai. Pagrindiniams dviejų kalbų idiomų panašumams ir skirtumams pagrįsti buvo surinktos 156 anglų ir 212 lietuvių kalbų idiomos.
Analizės rezultatai parodė, kad skaičiai vienas (70 idiomos) ir du (47 idiomos) yra dažniausiai pasitaikaintys skaičiai anglų kalbos idiomose, tuo tarpu lietuvių kalbos idiomose apart tų pačių skaičių, vienas (99 idiomos) ir du (35 idiomos), yra paplytęs skaičius devyni (39 idiomos). Skaičių vienas is du dažnumas idiomose negali būti paaiškintas iš simbolinės pusės. Šių skaičių vartojimą daugiausia lemia logika ir realybė. Tačiau skaičiaus devyni dažnas vartojimas lietuviškose idiomose parodo šio skaičiaus glaudų ryšį su Lietuvos kultūra.
Analizė atskleidė, kad skaičiai anglų ir lietuvių kalbų idiomose gali sukelti abiems tautoms panašias ir skirtingas asociacijas. Analizė parodė, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Dokumentų klasifikavimas semantinių struktūrų pagrindu / Document classification based on semantic structuresBogdanovičius, Valentinas 02 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe aprašomi algoritmai ir metodai automatiniam lietuviškų tekstų klasifikavimui panaudojant semantines duomenų struktūras. Apžvelgti jau žinomi ir naudojami elektroninių dokumentų klasifikavimo metodai, įvertinti jų privalumai ir trūkumai. Pasiūlyti algoritmai lietuviškų žodžių analizei, aprašytos duomenų struktūros (grafai), kurios gali būti naudojamos dokumentų semantiniams vaizdams sudaryti, rasti praktiniai jų sudarymo metodai. Aprašytos eksperimentinės programinės priemonės duomenų analizei bei atvaizdavimui. Darbe pateikiami eksperimentų rezultatai, kurių pagrindu suformuluotos išvados. / This paper defines algorithms and methods for automatic Lithuanian documents classification using semantic structures. Some popular classification methods are reviewed, displaying their strong and weak parts. Basing on this knowledge some original algorithms are proposed. This includes lexical Lithuanian word analysis, document semantic structure generation, automatic category tree generation. Implemented software systems for these methods are described. Multiple experiment results and conclusions are also introduced.
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Izražavanje koncesivnosti u francuskom, italijanskom i srpskom jeziku / Expressing Concessionality in French, Italian and SerbianSeder Ružica 20 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U ovom istraţivanju bavimo se kategorijom koncesivnosti u francuskom, italijanskom i srpskom jeziku. Ovoj kategoriji pristupamo sa stanovišta sintakse i semantike: utvrĊujemo inventar formalnih sredstava i sintakstiĉkih postupaka kojima se koncesivnost formalizuje u posmatranim jezicima, a pritom analiziramo i semantiĉki sadrţaj tih struktura. Cilj ove studije jeste da se najpre ustanove razliĉiti postupci izraţavanja koncesivnosti na svim sintaksiĉkim nivoima, a zatim, u skladu sa kontrastivnim pristupom, da se utvrde i sistematizuju strukturne podudarnosti i nepodudarnosti u francuskom, italijanskom i srpskom jeziku, kao i da se utvrdi stemen semantiĉke ekvivalencije izmeĊu njih. Na teorijskom planu, rezultati ovog istraţivanja objedinjuju postojeća lingvistiĉka saznanja o ovoj problematici, a na praktiĉnom planu moguća je njihova primena u nastavi francuskog i italijanskog jezika kao stranih jezika, kao i u prevodilaĉkoj praksi.<br />GraĊa za ovo istraţivanje ekscerpirana je iz dela napisanih na francuskom jeziku, i njihovih objavljenih prevoda na italijanski i srpski jezik.<br />U prvom delu rada daje se pregled teorijskih stavova francuskih, italijanskih i srpskih lingvista o kategoriji koncesivnosti, kao i o njenom odnosu sa drugim semantiĉkim kategorijama, pre svega sa kategorijom kauzalnosti. U drugom delu rada navodi se inventar konstrukcija i leksiĉkih sredstava kojima se koncesivnost iskazuje u tri posmatrana jezika. Pri tom se pravi poseban osvrt na upotrebu glagolskih naĉina u zavisnim koncesivnim reĉenicama. Centralni deo rada predstavlja deo u kome se ustanovljeni inventar analizira na primerima iz korpusa. Pri tom se posebna paţnja posvećuje onim sredstvima za koja korpus beleţi upotrebe koje do sada nisu zabeleţene u literaturi. Zakljuĉna razmatranja sistematizuju dobijene rezultate, i ukazuju na mogućnosti daljih istraţivanja u ovom domenu.</p> / <p>This research deals with the category of concessionality in French, Italian and Serbian. This category is approached from the point of view of syntax and semantics: the research establishes the inventory of formal means and syntactic procedures by which concessionality is formalized in the languages being analyzed, while the semantic content of these structures is also analyzed in the process. The goal of this study is to first identify various procedures for expressing concessionality at all syntactic levels and then, in accordance with the contrastive approach, to determine and systematize the structural congruences and incongruences in French, Italian and Serbian, as well as to determine the level of semantic equivalence among them. At the theoretical level, the results of this study merge the existing linguistic knowledge on this issue, while at a practical level they enable its application in teaching French and Italian as foreign languages, as well as in doing professional translation.<br />The corpus for this research was complied from literary titles written in French, as well as from their published translations into Italian and Serbian.<br />The first part of the thesis provides an overview of theoretical approaches to the category of concessionality by various French, Italian and Serbian linguistcs, as well as of its relationship with other semantic categories, in particular with the category of causality. The second part enumerates the inventory of constructions and lexical means by which concessionality is being expressed in the three languages being analyzed. In doing so, a particular focus is placed on the use of the verbal category of mood in subordinate clauses of concession. The central part of the thesis is the one in which the identified inventory is analyzed on the examples from the corpus. In this part, a special attention is given to the means found in the corpus the use of which has so far not been mentioned in reference titles. Concluding remarks systematize the results and point at possible directions for further research in this field.</p>
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