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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sensory characterisation of several red cultivar (Vitis vinifera L.) wines, using berry sugar accumulation as a physiological indicator and sequential harvest

Nell, Marissa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The global wine industry has shifted to a more adopted ‘consumer-preference’ production. Modern wine consumers are more knowledgeable and cultivated in their understanding of wine quality, value and style. The quality of red wines mainly depends on grape composition, the wine making process and the ability of tasters to recognise sensory attributes. The harvest date/stage has an influence on the grape composition, thus making the decision on when to harvest an important factor in the production of quality wines or different wine styles. The traditional indicators used in the wine industry to determine time of harvest are more related to the perception of taste and mouthfeel and give little indication of the style of wine in terms of aromatic profile. A new physiological indicator using berry sugar accumulation for the purpose of sequential harvest is proposed to assist the winemaker in producing wines with possible different sensory profiles. This indicator can be used in association with the classical indicators of ripening to affect the diversity of wine styles from a single vineyard or a group of vineyards. The wines could thus have different potential aroma profiles, depending on when the grapes were harvested. The main aim of this study was to assess the effect of performing sequential harvest using a physiological indicator on red wine’s sensory composition. This was done to study the possible relation between harvest time (e.g. fruit composition evolution) and the wine styles/sensory attributes across the different harvest times, thereby possibly increasing the diversity of wine styles. A theoretical berry sugar loading concept was compiled and displays a phase of rapid sugar loading starting at véraison followed by a plateau phase. Depending on whether grapes were harvested in the beginning, mid or end of the plateau phase of fruit sugar accumulation the wines could have different potential aroma profiles. Three main stages: fresh fruit (FF), neutral (N) or pre ripe and mature fruit (MF) has been previously proposed using the sugar loading concept and in terms of harvesting dates. Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot grapes form Eikendal Vineyards, Stellenbosch were used to make wines according to sequential harvest. Four harvest stages were considered, pre fresh fruit (Pre FF), fresh fruit (FF), mature fruit (MF) and over ripe (OR). The wines were tasted and analysed using two different sensory techniques. In both Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon wines, the PreFF and OR stages could be more easily discriminated than the two harvest stages in-between, FF and MF. The results suggested that the wines made from the FF and MF stages could not be distinguished from each other in general when the attribute citation frequency method or sorting tasks were performed. However, a trend could be observed for both Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot wines in terms of aroma attributes with attributes changing from green to ripe fruit during ripening using expert tasters. Relevant research should be engaged to refine sequential harvest in order to obtain more diverse wine styles from a single site or a group of vineyards. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wêreldwye wynbedryf het ’n verskuiwing ondergaan na ’n verbruikersvoorkeurbenadering in produksie. Wynverbruikers is deesdae beter ingelig en meer ontwikkeld ten opsigte van hulle kennis van wyngehalte, wynstyl, asook die waarde van wyn. Die gehalte van rooiwyn hang hoofsaaklik af van die druifsamestelling, die wynmaakproses en die vermoë van proewers om sensoriese eienskappe te herken. Aangesien die oesdatum/-fase ’n invloed het op druifsamestelling, is die besluit oor wanneer daar geoes moet word ’n belangrike faktor in die vervaardiging van gehaltewyne of verskillende wynstyle. Die tradisionele aanwysers wat in die wynbedryf gebruik word om oestyd te bepaal, hou verband met die waarneming van smaak en mondgevoel en gee weinig aanduiding van die wynstyl op grond van die aromatiese profiel. ’n Nuwe fisiologiese aanwyser wat gebruik maak van suikerakkumulasie in die druiwekorrel in opeenvolgende oeste, het ten doel om die wynmaker te help om wyne met verskeie moontlike sensoriese profiele te vervaardig. Hierdie aanwyser kan saam met die klassieke aanwysers van rypwording gebruik word om ’n verskeidenheid wynstyle uit een wingerd of wingerdgroep te vervaardig. Die wyne kan dus potensieel oor verskillende aromatiese profiele beskik, afhangend van wanneer die druiwe geoes is. Die hoofdoel van die studie was om die invloed van opeenvolgende oes te toets deur ’n fisiologiese aanwyser op rooiwyn se sensoriese samestelling toe te pas. Dit word gedoen deur die moontlike verhouding tussen die oestyd (bv. ontwikkeling van vrugsamestelling) en die wynstyle of wyn se sensoriese kenmerke op verskillende oestye te bestudeer ten einde die verskeidenheid wynstyle potensieel te vermeerder. ’n Teoretiese konsep van druifsuikeropname is saamgestel wat dui op ’n fase van vinnige suikeropname wat by véraison begin, gevolg deur ’n plato-fase. Wyn kan oor verskillende moontlike aromatiese profiele beskik, afhangend daarvan of die druiwe aan die begin, middel of einde van die plato-fase van suikeropname geoes is. Drie hooffases is al voorheen voorgestel deur gebruik te maak van die konsep van suikeropname volgens oesdatum, te wete vars vrugte (VV) (“fresh fruit”, FF), neutraal (N) (“neutral”, N) of voor ryp (“pre ripe”), en ryp vrugte (RF) (“mature fruit”, MF). Cabernet Sauvignon- en Merlot-druiwe van Eikendal, Stellenbosch, se wingerde is gebruik om wyn volgens opeenvolgende oes te maak. Vier oesfases is oorweeg, te wete voor vars vrugte (VVV) (“pre fresh fruit”, Pre FF), vars vrugte (VV) (“fresh fruit”, FF), ryp vrugte (RV) (“mature fruit”, MF), en oorryp (OR) (“over ripe”, OR). Die wyn is geproe en geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van twee verskille sensoriese tegnieke. In die geval van beide die Merlot- en Cabernet Sauvignon-wyn kon die VVV- en OR-fases makliker onderskei word as die twee tussenin-fases, VV en RV. Resultate dui daarop dat wyn wat van die VV- en RV-fases gemaak is, oor die algemeen nie van mekaar onderskei kan word wanneer die frekwensie van kenmerkaanhaling-metode en sorteringstaak uitgevoer word nie. ’n Tendens kon egter waargeneem word vir Cabernet Sauvignon- én Merlot-wyn ten opsigte van aromatiese kenmerke, deurdat kenmerke gedurende rypwording van groen na ryp vrugte verander het indien ekspertproewers gebruik is. Verdere navorsing moet gedoen word om opeenvolgende oes te verfyn ten einde ’n wyer verskeidenheid wynstyle van ’n enkele area of wingerdgroep te verkry.

Quantification of genotypic variation and consumer segmentation related to fruit quality attributes in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.)

Van der Merwe, Anreza 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Limited information is available on the apple preferences of the South African consumer market, which is characterised by diverse consumers from different age and ethnic groups with different food preferences. White, coloured and black consumers from different age groups were selected from the Stellenbosch area, Western Cape, South Africa. Consumer preference analysis for apple eating quality and appearance, and descriptive sensory analysis (DSA) were performed on nine commercial apple cultivars. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) conducted on mean preference scores for each age and ethnic group showed that preference generally differed between these groups. However, Ward’s statistical clustering that was applied to the same data set showed that the sociodemographic composition of consumer groups with similar apple preferences is not homogenous. Three consumer clusters were identified with similar preferences for apple eating quality (E1-3) and appearance (A1-3): E1 liked firmness and therefore tolerated sour taste and disliked mealiness. Although E1 liked sweet fruit, they indicated lower preference for sweet fruit compared to E2 and E3. E2 liked sour taste and apple flavour more compared to the other clusters while E3 disliked sour taste and had the highest preference for sweetness. Although coloured and black consumers generally disliked sour taste and E3 constituted a larger proportion of these consumers, the coloured and black consumers who liked or tolerated sour taste constituted approximately 41% of the total consumer population in the Western Cape. White and younger (<26 years) consumers were mostly in cluster E1 liking firm fruit. Peel colour preferred by the appearance preference clusters were: Green and pink bi-colour (A1), green/yellow and red-striped (A2); and red peel colour (A3). Consumers preferred the appearance of cultivars that associated with the eating quality attributes that they liked. When consumers’ preference for the eating quality of five cultivars were analysed during presentation with different levels of visual pictorial information (no, correct and incorrect photograph), mismatches between expected and actual eating quality preference resulted in lower preference scores. Apple breeding is time-consuming and expensive. Comprehensive knowledge of fruit quality parameters that drive consumer preference is required to streamline the breeding process. Eating quality and appearance attributes of four apple breeding families were subjected to instrumental and individual assessment by a trained assessor and DSA by a trained panel. Instrumental measurements could not predict the sensory attributes analysed by the individual assessor. Sensory textural attributes, apple flavour and sweet taste as quantified by DSA and instrumental measurement of titratable acidity (TA) and total soluble solids (TSS)/TA, but not TSS, could predict consumer preference. The assessor responsible for individual assessment could not predict the preference of the total consumer group. A quantitative genetic analysis of the data was carried out to quantify within- and between-family variation using ANOVA, variance components and heritability estimates. Variation between families was shown for attributes relating to colour and acidity, but not for sweet taste, TSS and apple flavour. Strong genetic control that was generally shown for colour attributes predicts a rapid selection response. Most attributes were inherited quantitatively, but TA showed complicated inheritance mechanisms. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Min inligting is beskikbaar oor die appelvoorkeure van die diverse Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikersmark wat bestaan uit verbruikers van verskillende ouderdomme en etnisiteite met verskillende voedselvoorkeure. Wit, bruin en swart verbruikers van verskillende ouderdomsgroepe is geselekteer in Stellenbosch in die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika. Verbruikersvoorkeuranalise vir die eetkwaliteit en voorkoms van appels en beskrywende sensoriese analise (BSA) is uitgevoer op nege kommersiële appelkultivars. Analise van variansie (ANOVA), uitgevoer op gemiddelde voorkeurdata per ouderdom en etniese groep, het getoon dat die voorkeure van hierdie verskillende groepe oor die algemeen verskil het. Volgens Ward statistiese groepering op dieselfde datastel was die sosiodemografiese samestelling van verbruikersgroepe met soortgelyke voorkeure egter nie homogeen nie. Drie verbruikersgroepe is geïdentifiseer met soortgelyke voorkeure vir appel eetkwaliteit (E1-3) en voorkoms (V1-3). E1 het ‘n voorkeur vir fermheid, ‘n afkeur vir melerigheid en verdra suurheid. Alhoewel E1 van soet vrugte gehou het, het hulle ‘n laer voorkeur vir soetheid as E2 en E3. E2 het ‘n voorkeur vir suurheid en appelgeur terwyl E3 ‘n afkeur vir suur smaak en die hoogste voorkeur vir soetheid getoon het. Alhoewel swart en bruin verbruikers meestal ‘n renons in suur smaak getoon het en meer van hierdie verbruikers tot E3 behoort, maak swart en bruin verbruikers wat suur smaak aanvaar ongeveer 41% van die totale verbruikersgroep in die Wes-Kaap uit. Wit en jonger (<26 jaar) verbruikers was meestal in E1 en het ‘n voorkeur vir fermheid getoon. Vrugkleurvoorkeure was vir groen en pienk (tweekleurig) (V1), groen/geel en rooi gestreep (V2) en rooi (V3). Verbruikers het ‘n voorkeur gehad vir die voorkoms van kultivars waarvan hulle die eetkwaliteit verkies het. Die effek van gevestigde kleur en smaak assosiasies is getoets deur verbruikers te versoek om die eetkwaliteit van vyf kultivars te evalueer tydens aanbieding daarvan met drie vlakke van visuele inligting, naamlik geen, korrekte en verkeerde foto. Verwarring tussen verwagte en werklike eetkwaliteit het gelei tot ‘n laer voorkeur. Teling van appels is tydrowend en duur. Uitgebreide kennis van die vrugkwaliteit parameters wat verbruikersvoorkeur dryf, is noodsaaklik vir effektiewe teling. Eienskappe wat verband hou met die eetkwaliteit en voorkoms van saailinge is in vier appelfamilies geanaliseer. Die eienskappe is geassesseer deur middel van instrumentele en individuele evaluasie deur ‘n opgeleide assessor asook deur BSA deur ‘n opgeleide paneel. Instrumentele analise kon nie die vlakke van sensoriese eienskappe voorspel soos waargeneem deur die individuele assessor nie. BSA van sensoriese tekstuureienskappe, appelgeur en soetheid, en instrumentele meting van titreerbare suur (TS) en totale oplosbare vastestowwe (TOV)/TS, maar nie TOV nie, kon verbruikersvoorkeur voorspel. Die assessor wat individuele evaluasies uitgevoer het, kon nie die voorkeur van ‘n groot verbruikersgroep akkuraat voorspel nie. Kwantitatiewe genetiese analise van die data is uitgevoer en binne- en tussen-familie variasie is gekwantifiseer deur middel van ANOVA, variansie komponente en oorerflikheidsskattings. Variasie tussen families is gevind vir kleureienskappe en suurheid, maar nie vir soet smaak, TOV en appelgeur nie. Resultate het getoon dat kleureienskappe meestal aan sterk genetiese beheer onderworpe is en dit dui op vinnige vordering met seleksie vir vrugkleur. Vrugeienskappe is meestal kwantitatief oorgeërf. Oorerwing van TS blyk ingewikkeld te wees.

Sensory and chemical analysis of 1997 Oregon Pinot noir enzyme treated wines

Goldberg, Naomi 04 December 1998 (has links)
Pinot noir has a reputation for lower color stability than other red wine varieties. Because it has relatively low anthocyanin and phenolic content and lacks acylated anthocyanin pigments compared to other red vinifera varieties, color extraction and stability are particularly important. Varying the processing during fermentation of red wine can produce high quality wines. Pectolytic enzymes are used in wine processing for many purposes from increasing juice yield and filtering rates to improving color and phenolic extraction. Macerating enzymes used in this study, Scottzyme Color Pro (Scott Laboratories), Scottzyme Color X (Scott Laboratories), Lallzyme EX (Lallemand), GB Rapidase EX Color (Gist Brocades), and Vinozyme G (Cellulo) were added to 1997 Oregon Pinot noir must prior to fermentation to observe color, aroma and flavor changes. These commercial enzymes have been reported to increase color and improve aroma and flavor of red wines. The effect of these enzymes had not previously been investigated on Oregon Pinot noir but the manufacturers reported increased polymeric phenols, polymeric anthocyanins, tannins, color stability, red hue and saturation of red wine varieties. These enzymes have varying manufacturer recommended usage levels and it is not known how the dosage levels and the enzymes themselves affect Oregon Pinot noir. Sensory evaluations of these wines, at a high and low dosage level, were conducted through free-choice profiling by winemakers and descriptive analysis from a trained panel. In addition, chemical analyses were performed and related to sensory panel results. Overall the addition of these enzymes to Oregon Pinot noir produced wines with greater purple, red descriptors and higher color intensity than the control wine from trained descriptive panel and winemaker panel results. In aroma, the enzyme treated wines were higher in vegetative and earthy descriptors compared to the control. GB Rapidase EX Color (Gist Brocades) was higher in bitterness flavor compared with other samples. Low enzyme wine treatments separated wine samples more from the control then high enzyme wine treatments. The color and appearance, aroma and flavor axes of the profile maps were not significant in the high enzyme treated wines as determined from the winemaker panel. Furthermore, the winemaker panel found acidity the only aroma or flavor descriptor significant in the high dosage ANOVA results. Whereas six descriptors in the low enzyme ANOVA results were significant in separating aroma and flavor samples. Except for Lallzyme EX (Lallemand) treated wine, the hunter colorimeter results showed all low enzyme treated wines were significantly (p<0.05) more red-purple (lower hues) than the high enzyme treated wines. / Graduation date: 1999

Evaluation of three school foodservice systems: student and expert sensory panel ratings, plate waste and time-temperature data

Rieley, Della May. January 1986 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1986 R53 / Master of Science / Hospitality Management and Dietetics

Caroço de algodão moído na alimentação de cordeiros(as) em confinamento / Ground cottonseed fed to feedlot lambs

Souza, Rodrigo Araujo de 04 December 2013 (has links)
O efeito do caroço de algodão moído (CAM) na alimentação de cordeiros(as) foi avaliado em três experimentos. As dietas foram isonitrogenadas (16% PB) e composta por 90% de concentrado e 10% de feno de \"coastcross\". Experimento 1: Quarenta e cinco cordeiros Dorper x Santa Inês (PC inicial de 21,3±3,7 kg e 79±6 dias) foram distribuídos em delineamento de blocos completos casualizados. Os tratamentos foram definidos de acordo com os teores de CAM na dieta: 0, 7, 14, 21 ou 28% na MS. Na 3ª e 6a semanas do confinamento foi avaliado o comportamento ingestivo dos cordeiros. Amostras do músculo L. dorsi foram usadas para a avaliação da carne e determinação do perfil de ácidos graxos. Houve redução linear no peso final dos animais e no CMS. Na avaliação do comportamento ingestivo houve redução linear na ruminação em Min/g de FDN. Com a redução no peso final, as características da carcaça também reduziram linearmente. Houve alteração no perfil de ácidos graxos com redução linear para palmitoleico, oleico e monoinsaturados, enquanto o ácido linoleico aumentou. Foi observado efeito quadrático para esteárico, vacênico, linolênico e insaturados. A inclusão do CAM afetou negativamente o desempenho e as características da carcaça e demostrou baixa capacidade em estimular a ruminação. Experimento 2: Cinco machos inteiros, Dorper x Santa Inês, canulados no rúmen, foram distribuídos em delineamento experimental quadrado latino 5x5 para avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de CAM na digestibilidade das dietas, metabolismo de nitrogênio e parâmetros ruminais. As dietas experimentais foram as mesmas do Exp. 1. No último dia de colheita de amostras, o conteúdo ruminal foi amostrado. A digestibilidade da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta e carboidratos não fibrosos apresentaram redução linear. Entretanto, a digestibilidade do EE apresentou efeito quadrático e a FDN não foi afetada. Houve efeito quadrático para AGCC totais e propionato, redução linear no acetato e aumento linear do pH ruminal. O nitrogênio amoniacal não foi afetado. Experimento 3: Vinte e uma cordeiras White Dorper x Santa Inês (PC inicial de 23,6±1,2 kg e 87,7±4,5 dias) foram utilizadas em delineamento de blocos completos casualizados. As dietas experimentais foram: CA0 - controle, sem caroço de algodão; CAI21 - com 21% de caroço de algodão inteiro; e CAM21 - com 21% de caroço de algodão moído. Amostras do músculo L. dorsi foram coletadas para as análises físico-químicas e avaliação sensorial. O painel sensorial foi composto por 80 provadores não treinados. A cor da carne apresentou diferença quando comparado o tratamento controle com o grupo que recebeu caroço de algodão (CA21=CAI21+CAM21) (L:29,6vs36,7; a*:9,0vs7,5; b*:11,0vs8,7). Na avaliação sensorial o tratamento controle apresentou melhores notas para textura (6.5vs5.9), suculência (6.8vs6.1), aceitação global (6.2vs5.6), e sabor (6.0vs5.5) quando comparado com o CA21. Não foi observado efeito da moagem do CA em nenhuma das características avaliadas. A adição de caroço de algodão inteiro ou moído na alimentação de cordeiras em confinamento influenciou negativamente a qualidade sensorial da carne mostrando que seu uso deve ser restrito. / The effects of feeding ground linted cottonseed (GCS) to feedlot lambs were determined in three trials. The diets were isonitrogenous (16% CP) and composed of 90% concentrate and 10% hay \"coastcross\". Experiment 1: Forty-five ram lambs, Dorper x Santa Inês (initial BW of 21.3±3.7 kg and 79±6 days) were distributed in a randomized complete block design. Experimental treatments were defined according to the level of GCS in the diet: 0, 7, 14, 21 or 28% in the DM. In the 3rd and 6th weeks of the feedlot was evaluated the ingestive behavior of the lambs. L. dorsi muscle samples were used for the evaluation of meat and determination of fatty acid profile. There was a linear decrease in final weight of the animals and in DMI. There was a linear decrease in rumination Min/g of NDF. With the reduction in final weight, carcass characteristics also decreased linearly. There was a change in fatty acid profile with a linear reduction of palmitoleic acid, oleic and monounsaturated fatty acids, while linoleic acid increased. There was a quadratic effect for stearic, vaccenic, linolenic acid and total unsaturated. The inclusion of GCS negatively affected the performance and carcass characteristics and demonstrated low capacity to stimulate rumination. Experiment 2: Five ram lambs, Dorper x Santa Inês (45.2 ± 0.8 kg at the beginning of the trial), cannulated in the rumen, were distributed in a 5x5 Latin square design to determine the effects of adding GCS in the diet digestibility, nitrogen metabolism and rumen constituents. Each experimental period lasted 22 days, 17 days for adaptation and 5 days for sampling. The treatments were the same of Exp. 1. The digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein and non-fiber carbohydrates decrease linearly. However, the digestibility of EE had a quadratic effect and NDF was not affected. There was a quadratic effect for total SCFA and propionate, and a linear decrease for acetate. Ruminal pH increased linearly. Ammonia nitrogen was not affected. Experiment 3: The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of feeding high-concentrate diets with whole or ground cottonseed on growth, carcass characteristics, sensory evaluation and meat quality of ewe lambs. Twenty-one White Dorper x Santa Inês ewe lambs (initial BW = 23.6 ± 1.2 kg and 87.7± 4.5 days) were used in a randomized complete block design according to initial BW and age. The experimental diets were: 1) CS0: control, without cottonseed; 2) WCS21: with 21% of whole cottonseed; and 3) GCS21: with 21% of ground cottonseed. Samples of longissimus muscle were used for meat quality analysis and sensory evaluation. Sensory test was performed by 80 untrained panelists. Color was different when the control diet was compared with the cottonseed (CS21=WC21+GC21) groups (L:29.6vs36.7; a*:9.0vs7.5; b*:11.0vs8.7). The control group had greater tenderness (6.5vs5.9), succulence (6.8vs6.1), acceptability (6.2vs5.6), and flavor (6.0vs5.5) values compared with CS21. In conclusion, whole or ground cottonseed fed to feedlot ewe lambs had a detrimental effect on sensory evaluation showing that its use should be restricted.

Índices químicos, sensoriais e microbiológicos para avaliação do frescor de pescada amarela (Cynoscion acoupa) armazenada em gelo / Chemical, sensory and microbial Indices for freshness evaluation of Acoupa weakfish (Cynoscion acoupa) stored in ice

Santos, Ana Paula Billar dos 05 December 2011 (has links)
Os objetivos deste estudo foram desenvolver o protocolo do Método do Índice de Qualidade (MIQ) para avaliação da qualidade sensorial da pescada amarela parcialmente eviscerada e armazenada em gelo; avaliar as alterações sensoriais, químicas e microbiológicas da pescada amarela durante o armazenamento e indicar os parâmetros mais adequados para avaliação da qualidade propondo limites de aceitação para a espécie. Quatro lotes com peixes recém capturados em Praia Grande-SP foram transportados à Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos (FZEA) e armazenados entre camadas de gelo (0-1ºC) em câmara fria. Periodicamente 5 peixes foram amostrados e submetidos às análises sensorial (para desenvolvimento do protocolo MIQ e posterior avaliação), microbiológicas (contagens de psicrotróficos, coliformes totais e fecais, Salmonella sp, estafilococos coagulase positiva) e químicas (bases nitrogenadas voláteis-BNV, trimetilamina-TMA, triptofano livre e uréia). A qualidade da pescada amarela comercializada em 14 pontos de venda nas cidades de Santos, São Vicente e Praia Grande foi avaliada utilizando-se o protocolo MIQ desenvolvido, análises microbiológicas e químicas. O protocolo MIQ desenvolvido apresentou aumento linear do índice de qualidade (IQ) ao longo do armazenamento. Nos peixes do lote 1, contagens de psicrotróficos atingiram 107ufc/g no 14º dia. Nos lotes 3 e 4 esse limite foi alcançado entre o 6º e 8º dia. Contagens de E.coli superiores a 102ufc/g foram observadas em 9,5% dos peixes do lote 1 após 21 dias de armazenamento e em 15,25% dos peixes do lote 3 no 6º e 9º dia. Staphylococcus aureus estava ausente em todos os peixes e Salmonella sp foi detectada foi detectada em 7,4% das pescadas amarelas analisadas. Os valores finais de BNV variaram de 23.8 mg/100g a 159 mg/100g em pescadas amarelas e foi dependente da carga microbiana inicial. Todos os lotes apresentaram aumento no teor de TMA, que variou entre 0,18 mg/100g e 15,44mg/100g. As amostras de pescada amarela comercializadas apresentaram IQ variando de 2 a 23, indicando um tempo provável pós captura de 3 até 14 dias. Todos os peixes analisados estavam livres de Salmonella sp e E.coli. Staphylococcus aureus foi determinado em níveis abaixo do limite estipulado pela legislação. Contagens de psicrotróficos acima de 107ufc/g foram observadas em 50% dos peixes. Coliformes totais variaram de 102ufc/g até 107ufc/g. Os valores de TMA e BNV foram maiores que os estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira em 50% e 65% dos peixes, respectivamente. No entanto, em relação à TMA, concentrações superiores a 4mg/100g foram encontradas em peixes que apresentaram contagens de psicrotróficos, concentração de BNV e IQ aceitáveis, sugerindo valores em torno de 12-14mg TMA/100g de peixe como limite adequado para consumo de pescada amarela O valor 30mg de BNV/100g recomendado pela legislação brasileira parece ser adequado como limite de comercialização de pescada amarela, porém a concentração de BNV não está diretamente relacionada ao tempo de armazenamento desde a captura. Triptofano livre e uréia não foram parâmetros químicos adequados para avaliação do frescor da pescada amarela. O protocolo MIQ foi eficiente para a avaliação da qualidade de pescada amarela, apresentando boa correlação entre a perda da qualidade sensorial e o tempo de estocagem. A análise de correlação entre os resultados das diversas análises sugere que a pescada amarela, quando eviscerada e resfriada em gelo, mantém características adequadas para consumo até o 8º dia de armazenamento. Diversos estabelecimentos comerciais de Santos, São Vicente e Praia Grande disponibilizam para os consumidores pescada amarela resfriada em condições inadequadas para consumo de acordo com a legislação brasileira. / The objectives of this study were to develop a Quality Index Method (QIM) scheme for sensory evaluation of partially gutted Acoupa weakfish; to evaluate the sensory, chemical and microbial changes during storage in ice and to suggest the best parameters for quality evaluation and limits of acceptability of this fish species. Four groups of Acoupa weakfish caught in Praia Grande, São Paulo state, were transported to the Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos (FZEA) within 24h of their capture and stored between layers of ice (0-1ºC) in chilling room. Periodically, 5 fishes were sampled and evaluated by sensory (QIM), microbial (counts of psychrotrophic, total and faecal coliforms, Salmonella sp and coagulase-positive Staphylococcus) and chemical (volatile base nitrogen-VBN, trimethylamine-TMA, free tryptophan and urea) analysis. The quality of samples of Acoupa weakfish commercialized in fourteen markets in Santos, São Vicente and Praia Grande cities was also evaluated. The QIM scheme presented linear increase of QI during the storage. In fishes of group 1 the counts of psychrotrophic bacteria reached 107cfu/g at the 14th day of storage. In groups 3 and 4 this limit was reached between days 6 and 8. Counts of E. coli higher than 102cfu/g were detected in 9.5% of the fishes belonging to the group 1 after day 21. This level was also detected in 15.25% of the fishes of the group 3 after days 6 and 9. Staphylococcus aureus was not detected and Salmonella sp was present in 7.4% of the Acoupa weakfish in groups 1 and 2. VBN contents ranged from 23.8 mg/100g to 159 mg/100g and was affected by the microbial load at the beginning of the storage. All the groups of Acoupa weakfish in this study, presented increases in TMA contents during storage and the values ranged between 0.18 and 15.44mg/100g. The samples of Acoupa weakfish obtained from markets showed QI ranging from 2 to 23, suggesting a storage time between 3 to 14 days respectively. All the fishes were free from Salmonella sp and E. coli. Counts of Staphylococcus aureus were lower than the amount determined by the Brazilian legislation. Counts of psychrotrophic bacteria higher than 107cfu/g were observed in 50% of the fishes. Counts of total coliforms ranged from 102cfu/g till 107cfu/g. TMA and VBN contents were higher than the amount allowed by the Brazilian legislation in 50% and 65% of the fishes, respectively. Nevertheless, TMA contents higher than 4mg/100g, were detected in fishes presenting low counts of psychrotrophics, low VBN levels and low QI. Contents ranging from 12-14mg TMA/100g of fish are the suggested limits of consumption for Acoupa weakfish. The limit of 30mg of VBN/100g of fish, allowed by the Brazilian legislation is the appropriate amount for commercialization of Acoupa weakfish, although the VBN contents are not directly related to the storage time. Free tryptophan and urea were not useful as quality indices for Acoupa weakfish. The QIM scheme was effective for quality evaluation of Acoupa weakfish showing significant correlation with quality loss and storage time. Results of correlation analysis allow suggesting that Acoupa weakfish, when gutted and maintained in ice, is suitable for consuming until day 8. Several markets in Santos, São Vicente and Praia Grande commercialize chilled Acoupa weakfish that are unacceptable for consumption according to the Brazilian legislation.

Substituição parcial da farinha de trigo por farinha de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) na produção de sonho - estudo modelo / Partial replacement of wheat flour by rice flour (Oryza sativa L.) for the production of donuts - a model study

Galera, Juliana Schmidt 21 September 2006 (has links)
Ampliar os usos da farinha de arroz foi o objetivo da substituição parcial de farinha de trigo por farinha de arroz em um produto de panificação teste, o \"sonho\", que visou obter um produto com características físico-químicas e sensoriais similares às de sonhos produzidos exclusivamente com farinha de trigo e com isso reduzir custos com ingredientes. Também foi objetivo verificar a influência da inclusão de farinha de arroz na formulação, sobre a absorção de óleo pelo produto. Foram produzidos em escala piloto e em condições padronizadas 16 lotes de sonhos contendo entre 10 e 40% de farinha de arroz de diferentes características (polido e parboilizado, teores variáveis de amilose), além de um lote do produto controle, elaborado somente com farinha de trigo. Os sonhos foram analisados em relação ao peso, volume, volume específico, teores de umidade e lipídios e também em relação à aspectos sensoriais. O sonho produzido com arroz parboilizado apresentou maior aceitação do que o produzido com arroz polido. Observou-se que a qualidade do produto final varia em função do tipo e da quantidade de arroz e dentre as diversas formulações testadas o melhor resultado foi obtido com a substituição de 30% da farinha de trigo por arroz parboilizado, que teve um rendimento 5,7% superior e foi aceito sensorialmente da mesma forma como o produto elaborado apenas com farinha de trigo. O uso de arroz na formulação e maior rendimento implicou em redução de 25% no custo da produção. O sonho produzido com arroz polido, tanto com baixo como elevado teor de amilose, não apresentou características sensoriais adequadas e apenas a substituição de no máximo 10% do trigo, gerou um produto com nível de aceitação similar ao controle e com redução de custos em torno de 7%. Em relação à absorção de óleo sugere-se estudos adicionais visto que a substituição de farinha de trigo por arroz não mostrou um comportamento uniforme de absorção de óleo durante a fritura do sonhos, possivelmente devido à fatores não controlados durante a fabricação dos sonhos. / Expanding the uses of rice flour has been the focus of the partial replacement of wheat meal by rice meal in a test baked food product, aiming to produce donuts showing physicochemical properties and overall sensory acceptance similar to those produced with wheat flour only. The replacement implies also lower costs of ingredients. Furthermore, another objective was to verify the effect of the inclusion of rice flour on the oil absorption of the product during the frying process. Sixteen different batches of dough containing among 10 and 40% rice flour of different types (milled and parboiled; high and low amylose contents) and one wheat-based batch (control) were produced in a laboratory scale. The fried donuts were analyzed regarding weight, loaf volume, specific volume, water and oil retention as well their sensory acceptance. In any case, donuts produced with parboiled rice presented better results than those produced with milled rice. It was outstanding that the quality of the fried product was dependent on type and amount of rice and it was observed that the replacement of 30% of wheat by parboiled rice resulted in product with a 5.7% higher yield, due to a higher water retention and the overall sensory acceptance was comparable to that of the wheat-based control donut. In this case, the incorporation of rice flour implied a 25% reduction in costs. Donuts produced with high-amylose milled rice flour were only acceptable when they contained a maximum of 10% of rice, thus the costs reduction reached only 7%. The replacement of wheat by rice flour did not show a reproducible and an uniform behavior of oil absorption during the frying process, may be due to uncontrolled factors and further studies have been suggested.

Parâmetros qualitativos dos músculos Longíssimus dorsi e Tríceps Brachii em diferentes períodos de maturação provenientes de quatro cruzamentos de bovinos /

Vieira, Leonardo Dimas do Carmo. January 2011 (has links)
Resumo: Avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes períodos de maturação (1, 7, 14 dias) sobre a qualidade da carne de dois músculos (Longíssimus dorsi e Tríceps braquii) de bovinos cruzados, criados em confinamento no sistema "superprecoce". Foram utilizados 40 bovinos machos não castrados, divididos em quatro cruzamentos, oriundos do acasalamento de fêmeas cruzadas ½ angus + ½ nelore e ½ simental + ½ nelore com touros das raças Angus e Wagyu. Os animais foram confinados em lotes de 4 animais por baia divididos por grupo genético. Após o abate e estabelecimento do rigor-mortis (24 horas) coletou-se amostras dos músculos Longíssimus dorsi e Tríceps braquii, que foram embalados a vácuo e submetidos à maturação (0, 7 e 14 dias). Foram avaliadas características qualitativas (capacidade de retenção de água, cor, pH, perdas de peso por cozimento e força de cisalhamento) e sensoriais (sabor, odor, suculência, fibrosidade, maciez, sabor de gordura e aceitação global). Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 x 3 x 2 (4 cruzamentos x 3 períodos de maturação x 2 músculos) com 10 repetições. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste Tukey com 5% de significância. A maturação é eficiente na melhoria da maciez da carne dos animais avaliados. Os animais filhos de touro Wagyu apresentaram carne com sabor de gordura mais acentuado através da avaliação sensorial. O músculo Tríceps brachii foi considerado mais macio e mais suculento tanto na análise sensorial como nas análises físicas, contudo, o músculo Longíssimos dorsi apresentou maior aceitação global / Abstract: We evaluated the effect of different periods of maturation aged (0, 7 and 14 days) on meat quality of two muscles (Longíssimus dorsi and Triceps braquii) of crossbred beef cattle, reared in confinement in the system "youngbulls". We used 40 bulls divided into four crossbred from the mating of cows crossbred ½ Angus + ½ Nelore e ½ Simental + ½ Nelore with bulls Angus and Wagyu. The animals were confined in collective stalls 4 animals for pen divided by genetic groups. After slaughter and establishment of rigor mortis (24 hours) samples were collected from muscles Longíssimus dorsi e Triceps braquii, which were vacuum packed and submitted of maturation aged (0, 7 and 14 days). We evaluated quality characteristics (water-holding capacity, color, pH, weight loss for cooking and shear force) and sensory (flavor, scent, juiciness, fibrousness, softness, fat flavor and global acceptance). It was used a 4 x 3 x 2 factorial arrangement (4 crossbred x 3 maturation aged x 2 muscles) with 10 replicates. The dates submitted analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tykey's test (5%). The maturation aged is proved effective improvement the meat in the animals evaluated. The animals crossbred Wagyu bull presented meat-flavored fat sharper through sensory evaluation. The muscle Tríceps brachii was considered more soft and juicy both in sensory evaluation as in physical analysis, however, the muscle Longíssimus dorsi showed higher global acceptance / Orientador: Pedro Alves de Souza / Coorientador: Rymer Ramiz Tullio / Banca: Rafael Silvio Bonilha Pinheiro / Banca: Jane Maria Bertocco Ezequiel / Mestre

Características físico-químicas, sensoriais e higiênicas da carne bovina em duas classes de maturidade e sob influência da maturação /

Manço, Maria Carolina Wilmers, 1975- January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Roberto de Oliveira Roça / Resumo: Foram utilizados 20 bovinos machos, castrados, da raça Nelore, com 2 e 3 anos, com o objetivo de monitorar possíveis alterações nas características de qualidade da carne como as condições microbianas, a cor e as propriedades sensoriais, durante o armazenamento por 49 dias. Após 24 horas de resfriamento o contrafilé foi desossado e 11 amostras foram retiradas de cada animal. As amostras foram embaladas a vácuo e permaneceram sob refrigeração (0 a 1°C) até o momento da análise. Os valores médios encontrados para contagem total de bactérias, contagem de Enterobactereaceae e de psicrotróficos, após 49 dias de armazenamento, indicam que a carne apresenta padrão de contagens microbianas adequado para o consumo. O tempo de armazenamento não altera os valores médios de a*, indicando que a carne permanece com a coloração vermelha desejável pelo consumidor, mesmo após 49 dias de armazenamento. A luminosidade da carne, avaliada pelo componente L*, aumenta ao longo dos 49 dias de armazenamento e os valores médios de b* aumentam durante o período de armazenamento. O período de maturação de 49 dias resulta em carne com melhor textura (maciez, suculência e mastigabilidade) quando avaliada por painel sensorial. A avaliação objetiva e a avaliação subjetiva, por painel sensorial, indicam que animais abatidos com 3 anos de idade (intermediários) apresentam carne mais escura quando comparados com animais abatidos com 2 anos de idade (jovens). / Abstract: Twenty steers, 2 and 3 year-old Nelore were used, with the objective of monitoring possible changes in the meat quality characteristics as microbial conditions, color and sensory properties, during the 49-day storage period. After 24 hours of cooling, the striploin was deboned and 11 samples were collected from each animal. The samples were vacuum packaged and were kept cooled (0 to 1oC) until the moment of analysis. The mean values found for the total bacteria counting, Enterobactereaceae counting and psychrotrophic up to 49-day storage period indicate that the meat had a microbial counting standard which is suitable for consumption. The storage period does not change the mean values of a*, showing that the meat keeps the red color desirable by the consumer even after 49 days of storage. The meat brightness, assessed using the L* component, and the mean values of b* increased during the 49-day storage period. The 49-day ageing period resulted in a better texture meat (tenderness, juiciness and chewability) when evaluated by a sensory panel. The objective and subjective evaluation by sensory panel indicate that the animals slaughtered when they were 3 years old had a darker meat when compared to the animals slaughtered when they were 2 years old. / Doutor

Caroço de algodão moído na alimentação de cordeiros(as) em confinamento / Ground cottonseed fed to feedlot lambs

Rodrigo Araujo de Souza 04 December 2013 (has links)
O efeito do caroço de algodão moído (CAM) na alimentação de cordeiros(as) foi avaliado em três experimentos. As dietas foram isonitrogenadas (16% PB) e composta por 90% de concentrado e 10% de feno de \"coastcross\". Experimento 1: Quarenta e cinco cordeiros Dorper x Santa Inês (PC inicial de 21,3±3,7 kg e 79±6 dias) foram distribuídos em delineamento de blocos completos casualizados. Os tratamentos foram definidos de acordo com os teores de CAM na dieta: 0, 7, 14, 21 ou 28% na MS. Na 3ª e 6a semanas do confinamento foi avaliado o comportamento ingestivo dos cordeiros. Amostras do músculo L. dorsi foram usadas para a avaliação da carne e determinação do perfil de ácidos graxos. Houve redução linear no peso final dos animais e no CMS. Na avaliação do comportamento ingestivo houve redução linear na ruminação em Min/g de FDN. Com a redução no peso final, as características da carcaça também reduziram linearmente. Houve alteração no perfil de ácidos graxos com redução linear para palmitoleico, oleico e monoinsaturados, enquanto o ácido linoleico aumentou. Foi observado efeito quadrático para esteárico, vacênico, linolênico e insaturados. A inclusão do CAM afetou negativamente o desempenho e as características da carcaça e demostrou baixa capacidade em estimular a ruminação. Experimento 2: Cinco machos inteiros, Dorper x Santa Inês, canulados no rúmen, foram distribuídos em delineamento experimental quadrado latino 5x5 para avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de CAM na digestibilidade das dietas, metabolismo de nitrogênio e parâmetros ruminais. As dietas experimentais foram as mesmas do Exp. 1. No último dia de colheita de amostras, o conteúdo ruminal foi amostrado. A digestibilidade da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta e carboidratos não fibrosos apresentaram redução linear. Entretanto, a digestibilidade do EE apresentou efeito quadrático e a FDN não foi afetada. Houve efeito quadrático para AGCC totais e propionato, redução linear no acetato e aumento linear do pH ruminal. O nitrogênio amoniacal não foi afetado. Experimento 3: Vinte e uma cordeiras White Dorper x Santa Inês (PC inicial de 23,6±1,2 kg e 87,7±4,5 dias) foram utilizadas em delineamento de blocos completos casualizados. As dietas experimentais foram: CA0 - controle, sem caroço de algodão; CAI21 - com 21% de caroço de algodão inteiro; e CAM21 - com 21% de caroço de algodão moído. Amostras do músculo L. dorsi foram coletadas para as análises físico-químicas e avaliação sensorial. O painel sensorial foi composto por 80 provadores não treinados. A cor da carne apresentou diferença quando comparado o tratamento controle com o grupo que recebeu caroço de algodão (CA21=CAI21+CAM21) (L:29,6vs36,7; a*:9,0vs7,5; b*:11,0vs8,7). Na avaliação sensorial o tratamento controle apresentou melhores notas para textura (6.5vs5.9), suculência (6.8vs6.1), aceitação global (6.2vs5.6), e sabor (6.0vs5.5) quando comparado com o CA21. Não foi observado efeito da moagem do CA em nenhuma das características avaliadas. A adição de caroço de algodão inteiro ou moído na alimentação de cordeiras em confinamento influenciou negativamente a qualidade sensorial da carne mostrando que seu uso deve ser restrito. / The effects of feeding ground linted cottonseed (GCS) to feedlot lambs were determined in three trials. The diets were isonitrogenous (16% CP) and composed of 90% concentrate and 10% hay \"coastcross\". Experiment 1: Forty-five ram lambs, Dorper x Santa Inês (initial BW of 21.3±3.7 kg and 79±6 days) were distributed in a randomized complete block design. Experimental treatments were defined according to the level of GCS in the diet: 0, 7, 14, 21 or 28% in the DM. In the 3rd and 6th weeks of the feedlot was evaluated the ingestive behavior of the lambs. L. dorsi muscle samples were used for the evaluation of meat and determination of fatty acid profile. There was a linear decrease in final weight of the animals and in DMI. There was a linear decrease in rumination Min/g of NDF. With the reduction in final weight, carcass characteristics also decreased linearly. There was a change in fatty acid profile with a linear reduction of palmitoleic acid, oleic and monounsaturated fatty acids, while linoleic acid increased. There was a quadratic effect for stearic, vaccenic, linolenic acid and total unsaturated. The inclusion of GCS negatively affected the performance and carcass characteristics and demonstrated low capacity to stimulate rumination. Experiment 2: Five ram lambs, Dorper x Santa Inês (45.2 ± 0.8 kg at the beginning of the trial), cannulated in the rumen, were distributed in a 5x5 Latin square design to determine the effects of adding GCS in the diet digestibility, nitrogen metabolism and rumen constituents. Each experimental period lasted 22 days, 17 days for adaptation and 5 days for sampling. The treatments were the same of Exp. 1. The digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein and non-fiber carbohydrates decrease linearly. However, the digestibility of EE had a quadratic effect and NDF was not affected. There was a quadratic effect for total SCFA and propionate, and a linear decrease for acetate. Ruminal pH increased linearly. Ammonia nitrogen was not affected. Experiment 3: The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of feeding high-concentrate diets with whole or ground cottonseed on growth, carcass characteristics, sensory evaluation and meat quality of ewe lambs. Twenty-one White Dorper x Santa Inês ewe lambs (initial BW = 23.6 ± 1.2 kg and 87.7± 4.5 days) were used in a randomized complete block design according to initial BW and age. The experimental diets were: 1) CS0: control, without cottonseed; 2) WCS21: with 21% of whole cottonseed; and 3) GCS21: with 21% of ground cottonseed. Samples of longissimus muscle were used for meat quality analysis and sensory evaluation. Sensory test was performed by 80 untrained panelists. Color was different when the control diet was compared with the cottonseed (CS21=WC21+GC21) groups (L:29.6vs36.7; a*:9.0vs7.5; b*:11.0vs8.7). The control group had greater tenderness (6.5vs5.9), succulence (6.8vs6.1), acceptability (6.2vs5.6), and flavor (6.0vs5.5) values compared with CS21. In conclusion, whole or ground cottonseed fed to feedlot ewe lambs had a detrimental effect on sensory evaluation showing that its use should be restricted.

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