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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of sensory tools for quality grading of Cyclopia genistoides, C. longifolia, C. maculata and C. subternata herbal teas

Erasmus, Lene Mari 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The sensory profiles and the phenolic composition of C. genistoides, C. longifolia, C. maculata and C. subternata, used for commercial production of honeybush tea, were determined with the aim to develop quality control tools, such as sensory wheels and statistical models to predict the basic taste and mouthfeel modalities using compositional data. Optimum fermentation parameters for C. longifolia in terms of aroma and flavour development were determined by investigating eight temperature/time regimes (80°C and 90°C for 8, 16, 24 and 32 h), using descriptive sensory analysis (DSA). Fermentation at 80°C/24 h or 90°C/24 h significantly reduced the negative sensory attributes present and produced a tea of good sensory quality. Previously, 80°C/24 h and 90°/16 h were shown to deliver optimum quality for the other three Cyclopia species. A large sample set (N = 150) consisting of C. genistoides, C. maculata and C. subternata, harvested during three production years (2010, 2012 and 2013), as well as C. longifolia harvested in 2013, was used to develop sensory wheels. All the samples were produced by fermentation at the two optimum fermentation temperature/time regimes of each species. The plant material was sourced from different production regions and plantations to ensure inherent plant variation was accommodated. The “characteristic” and generic sensory profile of honeybush was defined as a “fynbos-floral”, “woody”, “fynbos-sweet” aroma and flavour, with a sweet taste and slightly astringent mouthfeel. Species-specific sensory profiles were also identified. Cyclopia genistoides had a strong “rose geranium” flavour and a perceptible bitter taste, whereas C. longifolia had a similar sensory profile to that of C. genistoides, however, C. longifolia’s “rose geranium” flavour was less prominent and its bitter taste not perceptible. Cyclopia maculata and C. subternata were both described as having “caramel” and other “sweet-associated” notes and a slightly astringent mouthfeel. These results were used to develop a generic sensory wheel for both aroma and flavour, as well as similar wheels for each of the four Cyclopia species. Each sensory wheel reflects the relative intensity of the sensory attributes, while prevalence of the major attributes were accommodated in accompanying bar graphs. Sorting was investigated as a rapid profiling technique to serve as an alternative to the standard profiling method, descriptive sensory analysis (DSA). Instructed sorting was identified as a possible rapid sensory profiling tool for the honeybush industry, especially when samples need to be classified according to a selected list of sensory attributes. Uninstructed sorting can be used when the aim is to categorise a group of samples freely according to similarities and thus determine the natural grouping of samples within a broader sample set. The phenolic content of the respective four Cyclopia species differed qualitatively and quantitatively. Of the compounds quantified only four compounds were present in all four species, i.e. hesperidin, vicenin-2, mangiferin and isomangiferin. A larger number of compounds were present in three out of four species. The predictive value of the phenolic compounds towards the intensity of the taste and mouthfeel attributes (sweet, sour, bitter and astringent) was investigated using Pearson‟s correlation analysis, partial least squares regression (PLS) and step-wise regression analysis. Potential “candidate predictors” for taste and mouthfeel attributes were identified such as the xanthones, mangiferin and isomangiferin, being responsible for bitter taste and astringency. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sensoriese profiel en fenoliese samestelling van C. genistoides, C. longifolia, C. maculata en C. subternata, waarvan heuningbostee geproduseer word, is bepaal om gehaltebeheer hulpmiddels te ontwikkel soos sensoriese wiele en statistiese modelle wat die fenoliese samestelling kan gebruik om die basiese smaak en mondgevoel eienskappe van infusies te voorspel. Die optimum fermentasie parameters vir C. longifolia in terma van aroma- en geurontwikkeling is bepaal deur agt temperatuur/tyd kombinasies (80°C en 90°C vir 8, 16, 24 en 32 h) te ondersoek met behulp van beskrywende sensoriese analise (BSA). Fermentasie by 80°C/24 h of 90°C/24 h het „n beduidende afname in die negatiewe sensoriese eienskappe veroorsaak en tot die ontwikkeling van tee met ʼn goeie sensoriese kwaliteit gelei. Die fermentasie parameters, 80°C/24 h en 90°/16 h, is voorheen aangedui as die optimale kondisies vir die ontwikkeling van „n goeie kwaliteit tee vir die ander drie Cyclopia spesies. 'n Groot stel monsters (N = 150), bestaande uit C. genistoides, C. maculata en C. subternata en ge-oes gedurende drie produksiejare (2010, 2012 en 2013), sowel as C. longifolia ge-oes in 2013, is gebruik om die sensoriese wiele te ontwikkel. Die twee optimum fermentasie temperatuur/tyd kombinasies van elke spesie is gebruik om die monsters te produseer. Plantmateriaal afkomstig van verskillende produksiegebiede en plantasies is versamel ten einde te verseker dat die monsters „n betekenisvolle hoeveelheid inherente variasie dek. Die generiese en "karakteristieke" sensoriese profiel wat met heuningbos geassosieer word, is gedefinieer as 'n "fynbos-blomagtige", "houtagtige", "fynbos-soet" aroma en geur, met 'n soet smaak en effense vrank mondgevoel. Spesies-spesifieke sensoriese profiele is ook geïdentifiseer. Cyclopia genistoides het 'n sterk "roos malva" geur en „n merkbare bitter smaak. Die sensoriese profiel van C. longifolia is soortgelyk aan dié van C. genistoides, maar sy "roos malva" geur was minder prominent en 'n bitter smaak was nie sensories waarneembaar nie. Beide C. maculata en C. subternata het waarneembare "karamel" en ander "soet-verwante" eienskappe, asook 'n effense vrank mondgevoel getoon. Die volle stel data is uiteindelik gebruik om 'n generiese sensoriese wiel vir heuningbostee, asook spesies-spesifieke sensoriese wiele vir elk van die vier Cyclopia spesies saam te stel. Die onderskeie sensoriese wiele weerspieël die relatiewe intensiteit van elk van die sensoriese eienskappe, terwyl die voorkoms-frekwensie van die onderskeie sensoriese eienskappe in gepaardgaande kolomgrafieke geillustreer is. Sortering, 'n vinnige profileringsmetode, is as alternatief tot die standaard profileringsmetode, beskrywende sensoriese analise (BSA), ondersoek. Gestrukteerde sortering is geïdentifiseer as 'n moontlike hulpmiddel vir die heuningbosbedryf om die sensoriese profiel van heuningbos te bepaal, veral wanneer „n groot aantal monsters vinning geklassifiseer moet word volgens 'n lys geselekteerde sensoriese eienskappe. Ongestrukteerde sortering kan gebruik word wanneer die doel is om „n groot aantal monsters vrylik te kategoriseer volgens hul sensoriese ooreenkomste of verskille. Die fenoliese saamestelling van die vier Cyclopia spesies het kwalitatief en kwantitatief verskil. Slegs vier van die gekwantifiseerde verbindings was teenwoordig in al vier spesies, naamlik hesperidien, visenien-2, mangiferien en isomangiferien. Meer verbindings was egter teenwoordig in drie van die vier spesies. Die voorspellingswaarde van die fenoliese verbindings tot die intensiteit van die smaak en mondgevoel eienskappe (soet, suur, bitter en vrank) is ondersoek met behulp van Pearson se korrelasie, gedeeltelike kleinste-kwadrate regressie (PLS) en stapsgewyse regressie analises. Potensiële "kandidaat voorspellers" vir die smaak en mondgevoel eienskappe, soos die xantone, mangiferien en isomangiferien, verantwoordelik vir 'n bitter smaak en vrank mondgevoel, is geïdentifiseer.

Effects of steam treatment and storage on green honeybush quality

Alexander, Lara 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Application of steam treatment to green Cyclopia maculata and C. longifolia to modulate their aroma and flavour profile, without detrimental effects on colour and individual phenolic content, was investigated. Steam treatment (96 °C, atmospheric pressure) of different time periods was applied to the shredded, fresh plant material before drying (STBD; 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 s) or the herbal tea product after drying (STAD; 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 min). Steam treatment of 60 s or longer resulted in a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in vegetative (‘green grass’ and ‘hay/dried grass’) and cereal (‘oats/porridge/grains’) aroma and flavour intensities, with an increase in some fruity (‘tropical fruit’ and ‘guava’) and ‘fruity-sweet' aroma intensities. These changes manifested to a greater degree for plant material subjected to STBD, while they were less prominent for C. longifolia compared to C. maculata. Additionally, 19 aroma compounds were instrumentally identified in the volatile fraction of C. maculata infusions prepared from STBD plant material. Of these, seven correlated well with green honeybush vegetative and cereal aroma attributes associated with unsteamed samples. Steaming thus resulted in the rapid loss of some of these highly volatile ‘green’-associated aroma compounds. Steam treatment of more than 60 s, regardless of STBD or STAD, was not detrimental to green colour, and individual phenolic content was not greatly affected. The 30 s STBD treatment of C. maculata, however, led to the rapid loss of green colour and oxidation of phenolic compounds, without considerable aroma improvement. This highlights the need for process control during green honeybush production. Storage stability of steamed (60 s, STBD) and unsteamed green C. maculata was investigated under low (0 °C; moisture impermeable packaging) and normal (25 °C at 60% relative humidity (RH); semi-moisture-permeable sachets) temperature storage conditions (LTS and NTS, respectively) over 6 months and high temperature storage (HTS) conditions (40 °C at 75% RH; semimoisture- permeable sachets) for 1 month. HTS conditions, after 1 month, seemed to emulate changes occurring over 6 months at NTS conditions, with little change detected at LTS conditions. Despite noticeable green colour loss over the respective storage periods at NTS and HTS conditions, individual phenolic compounds were not severely affected. NTS and HTS led to the progressive development of sought-after fermented honeybush sensory attributes, especially in unsteamed samples. These include prominent fruity (‘stewed fruit’, ‘apricot jam’ and ‘marmalade’) aromas and flavours, ‘general sweet’ and ‘fruity-sweet’ aromas and a sweeter taste. The collated descriptive sensory data were used to generate a preliminary sensory wheel for green honeybush aroma, and another for flavour, taste and mouthfeel. The sensory profile of green honeybush was finally described as a dominant vegetative aroma and flavour, prominent sweetassociated and slightly fruity aroma, with sweet and notably bitter tastes and an astringent mouthfeel. By combining the sensory data, it was clear that the major effects of storage outweighed those of steam treatments, suggesting that storage of 3 to 6 months may improve sensory quality, although colour may be slightly compromised. Immediate sensory manipulation and thus improvement, however, may be achieved to a lesser degree in the short term by STBD. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toepassing van stoombehandeling van groen Cyclopia maculata en C. longifolia vir die modulasie van hul aroma en geur profiel, sonder gepaardgaande nadelige gevolge op kleur en individuele fenoliese inhoud, is ondersoek. Stoombehandeling (96 °C, atmosferiese druk) van verskeie tydstippe is toegepas op die gekerfde, vars plantmateriaal voor droging (SBVD; 0, 30, 60, 90 en 120 s) of die groen teeproduk ná droging (SBND; 0, 1, 2, 3 en 4 min). Stoombehandeling van 60 s of langer het tot 'n betekenisvolle (p < 0.05) afname in vegetatiewe (‘groen gras’ en ‘hooi/gedroogde gras’) en graan (‘hawer/pap/graan’) aroma en geur intensiteite gelei, met 'n toename in sommige vrugtige (‘tropiese vrugte’ en ‘koejawel’) en ‘vrugtige-soet’ aroma intensiteite. Hierdie veranderinge was meer merkbaar in die SBVD behandeling, terwyl C. longifolia minder vatbaar vir hierdie veranderinge was as C. maculata. Daarbenewens is 19 aromaverbindings in die vlugtige fraksie van C. maculata aftreksel voorberei van SBVD plantmateriaal instrumenteel geïdentifiseer. Sewe hiervan het goed gekorreleer met heuningbos vegetatiewe en graan aromas wat verband hou met ongestoomde monsters. Stoombehandeling het dus gelei tot die vinnige verlies van sommige van hierdie baie vlugtige ‘groen’-geassosieërde aromaverbindings. Stoombehandeling vir langer as 60 s, ongeag van SBVD of SBND, het nie die groen kleur en individuele fenoliese inhoud grootliks nadelig beïnvloed nie. ‘n SBVD behandeling van 30 s het egter tot die vinnige verlies van groen kleur en oksidasie van fenoliese verbindings, sonder aansienlike aroma verbetering van C. maculata gelei. Dít beklemtoon die noodsaaklikheid vir prosesbeheer tydens groen heuningbosproduksie. Stabiliteit van gestoomde (60 s, SBVD) en ongestoomde groen C. maculata tydens opberging onder lae (0 °C; vog-ondeurlaatbare verpakking) en normale (25 °C by 60% relatiewe humiditeit (RH); semi-vogdeurlaatbare sakkies) temperatuur opbergingtoestande (LTO en NTO, onderskeidelik) oor 6 maande en hoë temperatuur opbergingtoestande (40 °C by 75% RH; semivogdeurlaatbare sakkies; HTO) vir 1 maand, is ondersoek. HTO het na 1 maand soortgelyke veranderinge teweeggebring as NTO na 6 maande, terwyl min verandering by LTO bespeur is. Ten spyte van merkbare groen kleur verlies oor die onderskeie tydperke by NTO en HTO is individuele fenoliese verbindings min beinvloed. NTO en HTO het gelei tot die progresiewe ontwikkeling van gesogte sensoriese eienskappe van gefermenteerde heuningbos, veral in ongestoomde monsters. Dit sluit in prominente vrugtige (‘gestoofde vrugte’, ‘appelkooskonfyt’ en ‘marmelade’) aromas en geure , ‘algemene soet’ en ‘vrugtige-soet’ aromas en 'n soeter smaak. Al die beskrywende sensoriese data is saamgestel om 'n voorlopige sensoriese wiel vir groen heuningbos aroma op te stel, asook een vir geur, smaak en mondgevoel. Die sensoriese profiel van groen heuningbos kan beskryf word as 'n oorheersende vegetatiewe aroma en geur, prominente soet-verwante en effens vrugtige aroma, met soet en veral bitter smaak en ‘n vrank mondgevoel. Deur die sensoriese data te kombineer kon duidelik uitgewys word dat die belangrikste gevolge van opberging dié van stoombehandeling oortref. Dit dui daarop dat opberging van 3 tot 6 maande sensoriese kwaliteit kan verbeter, hoewel kleur effens benadeel kan word. In die kort termyn kan onmiddellike sensoriese manipulasie en dus verbetering egter in 'n mindere mate deur SBVD bereik word.

Avaliação química e tecnológica de grãos de soja para elaboração e caracterização de tofus

Gonçalves, Leidiane Cardoso 22 September 2014 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi elaborar e caracterizar tofus, com e sem adição de orégano, produzidos com duas cultivares de soja, BRS 284 e BMX Potência RR, oriundas de Mauá da Serra – PR, safra 2011/2012. Os grãos foram avaliados quanto a sua composição proximal, fibras alimentares, isoflavonas e propriedades tecnológicas. Também foram determinados a quantidade de água absorvida na maceração dos grãos, o rendimento e a composição proximal dos extratos de soja. Os tofus foram avaliados quanto à composição proximal, isoflavonas e aceitação sensorial. As duas cultivares se destacaram pelo teor de proteínas BRS 284 (33,24%) e BMX Potência RR (34,74%), lipídios BRS 284 (22,54%) e BMX Potência RR (21,72%) e fibras alimentares totais BRS 284 (26,64%) e BMX Potência RR (27,13%), sendo a maior fração constituída de fibras insolúveis. Ambas cultivares apresentaram altos valores de isoflavonas totais BRS 284 (591,70 mg.100g-1) e BMX Potência RR (865,36 mg.100g-1), devido ao local de plantio possuir temperaturas baixas. As cultivares BRS 284 e BMX Potência RR obtiveram valores para volume de intumescimento de 4,31 mL/g e 4,12 mL/g; índice de absorção de água de 2,75 g/g e 2,75 g/g e índice de absorção de óleo de 2,87 g/g e 2,60 g/g, respectivamente. Os grãos das duas cultivares de soja apresentaram diferenças nos teores de umidade, lipídios, proteínas e isoflavonas totais. Durante a maceração os grãos das duas cultivares absorveram em média 1,2 mL mL/g de água. O rendimento dos extratos de soja foram elevados, com média de 77%. Os extratos de soja não apresentaram diferença significativa em sua composição proximal. Os tofus produzidos com as duas cultivares se destacaram pelo teor de proteínas BRS 284 Padrão e Orégano (9,21% e 8,67%) e BMX Potência RR Padrão e Orégano (11,16% e 10,90%), seguido por lipídios BRS 284 Padrão e Orégano (5,26% e 4,89%) e BMX Potência RR Padrão e Orégano (4,38% e 4,24%). Os tofus das duas cultivares apresentaram altos teores de isoflavonas totais BRS 284 Padrão e Orégano (243,57 mg.100g-1 e 219,18 mg.100g-1) e BMX Potência RR Padrão e Orégano (262,64 mg.100g-1 e 330,38 mg.100g-1). Os tofus padrão e com adição de orégano da cultivar BRS 284 não apresentaram diferença para os teores de proteínas e nos produtos elaborados com a cultivar BMX Potência RR, não houve diferença nos teores de lipídios e cinzas. Os tofus com adição de orégano apresentaram melhor aceitabilidade e também maior intenção de compra pelos julgadores, comprovando a importância do atributo sabor na aceitação do tofu por parte de não consumidores. / The aim of the study was to develop and characterize tofu, with and without the addition of oregano, produced with two soybean cultivars, BRS 284 and BMX Potência RR, from Maua da Serra – PR, harvest 2011/2012. The grains were evaluated for proximate composition, dietary fiber, isoflavones and technological properties. Were also determined the amount of water absorbed in the soaking of the grains, the yield and the proximal composition of soymilk. The tofu were evaluated for proximate composition, isoflavones and sensory acceptance. Both cultivars stood out for its protein content BRS 284 (33,24%) and BMX Potência RR (34,74%), lipids BRS 284 (22,54%) and BMX Potência RR (21,72%) and total dietary fiber BRS 284 (26,64%) and BMX Potência RR (27,13%), being the largest fraction consists of insoluble fiber. Both cultivars showed high levels of total isoflavones BRS 284 (591,70 mg.100g-1) and BMX Potência RR (865,36 mg.100g-1), due to the planting site possess low temperatures. The cultivars BRS 284 and BMX Potência RR obtained values for volume swelling of 4,31 mL/g and 4,12 mL/g; water absorption index of 2,75 g/g e 2,75 g/g and oil absorption index of 2,87 g/g and 2,60 g/g, respectively. The grains of two soybean cultivars showed differences in moisture, lipids, proteins and total isoflavones. During maceration, grains of both cultivars absorbed on average 1,2 mL mL/g of water. The yield of soymilk were high, with an average of 77%. The soy extract showed no significant difference between their composition. The tofu produced in both cultivars stood out for its high protein content Standard BRS 284 and Oregano (9,21% e 8,67%) and Standard BMX Potência RR and Oregano (11,16% e 10,90%), followed by lipids content Standard BRS 284 and Oregano (5,26% e 4,89%) and Standard BMX Potência RR and Oregano (4,38% e 4,24%). The tofus of both cultivars showed high levels of total isoflavones Standard BRS 284 and Oregano (243,57 mg.100g-1 e 219,18 mg.100g-1) and Standard BMX Potência RR and Oregano (262,64 mg.100g-1 e 330,38 mg.100g-1). The standard tofu and adding oregano from cultivar BRS 284 showed no difference in the protein content, and products made with cultivar BMX Potência RR, there was no difference in the levels of lipids and ash. The tofu with oregano showed better acceptability and also better purchase intent by the judges, what indicates the importance of flavor attribute in acceptance by non-consumers.

Influência dos parâmetros de processo na formação do aroma e sabor indesejado de cereal em café aglomerado

Leobet, Elenir Lila 08 November 2013 (has links)
O café solúvel aglomerado é produto da aglomeração do café solúvel em pó. A sua produção envolve etapas de processo cujas variações térmicas modificam qualitativamente e quantitativamente a fração de compostos voláteis responsáveis pelo aroma e sabor do produto acabado. A indústria de bebidas de café considera o sabor e aroma de cereal como um defeito na produção de café solúvel aglomerado. Desta forma, este trabalho objetivou aplicar o planejamento experimental para avaliação dos parâmetros de processo da produção de café solúvel aglomerado em escala industrial. Os efeitos destes parâmetros nos componentes voláteis do café e na intensidade do gosto de cereal foram avaliados através do planejamento fracionário 24-1 com resolução IV. As variáveis independentes estudadas foram temperatura do queimador (TQ), fluxo de ar de processo (FA), temperatura da seção quente do leito (TL) e pressão de vapor (PV). Os resultados do planejamento experimental deram-se pela utilização de análise sensorial conduzida por equipe treinada para a detecção do aroma e sabor indesejado. Adicionalmente, os compostos voláteis foram extraídos pela técnica microextração em fase sólida com amostragem no headspace (HS-MFES), identificados e quantificados por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massa (CG-EM). O efeito dos fatores estudados foi avaliado mediante análise de variância (ANOVA) com nível de significância de 90% e os resultados expressos por gráficos de pareto. A análise de componentes principais (ACP) foi realizada com o intuito de identificar dentre os compostos que podem conferir sabor e aroma de cereais aqueles tem a maior contribuição e quais as condições de processo ideias para evitar a formação do sabor e aroma de cereal. De acordo com ACP foi constatado que piridina, 2-metoxi-4-vinilfenol, 2,3-dimetilpirazina, 2,5-dimetilpirazina, 2,6-dimetilpirazina, 4-metiltiazol, pirazina, 2-metoxifenol, 4,5-dimetiltiazol contribuem para formação do sabor e aroma de cereal. Também indicou que a aglomeração deve ocorrer conforme TQ=215ºC, FA=250rpm, TL=120ºC e PV=1,2 x100KPa. / The agglomerated instant coffee is the product of the powder instant coffee agglomeration. Its production involves stages of processes whose thermal variations change qualitatively and quantitatively the volatile compounds fractions responsible for the aroma and flavor of the finished product. The coffee beverage industry considers the cereal like flavor and aroma as a fault in the production of the agglomerated instant coffee. In this way, this study had as the aim to apply experimental plan to evaluate the parameters of the processes of the agglomerated instant coffee production on an industrial scale. The effects of those parameters in the coffee volatile components and in the intensity of the cereal taste were evaluated through the fractional 24-1 with resolution IV. The independent variables studied were the burner temperature (BT), the process air flow (AF), the temperature of the fluidized bed hot section (LT) and the steam pressure (SP). The results of the experimental plan were made by the use of sensory analysis performed by a trained team for the detection of the undesired aroma and flavor. Additionally, the volatile compounds were extracted by solid-phase microextractiontechniquewithsampling in theheadspace (HS-SPME), identified and quantified by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The effect of the factors studied was evaluated by variance analysis (ANOVA) with significance level of 90% and the results showed by Pareto charts. The principal components analysis (PCA) was made with the aim to identify, among several compounds, those that implies on more cereal flavor and aroma, those which major contribution and which ideal process conditions could be used to reduce the cereal flavor and aroma development. According to PCA, it was found that pyridine, 2-metoxi-4-vinylphenol, 2,3-dimethylpyrazine, 2,5-dimetylpyrazine, 2,6-dimethylpyrazine, 4-methyltiazol, pyrazine, 2-methoxyphenol, 4,5-dimethylthiazol contribute to the development of the cereal flavor and aroma. It was also found that the agglomeration must be according to TQ = 215°C, AF=250 rpm, LT=120°C and EPV = 1,2 x 100 KPa.

Obtenção e caracterização de farinha de casca de jabuticaba (Plinia cauliflora) para adição em biscoito tipo cookie

Marquetti, Carline 20 March 2014 (has links)
A jabuticaba é fruto tropical com propriedades nutricionais importantes, sendo excelente fonte de carboidratos, fibras, compostos fenólicos e minerais como ferro, cálcio e fósforo. Esse fruto e suas frações podem ter extensa aplicabilidade tanto para a indústria, como para a comercialização e consumo in natura. Pesquisas apontam que a maior fração de espécies biologicamente ativas da jabuticaba encontra-se na casca, podendo viabilizar seu uso para elaboração de um produto como alternativa de aproveitamento da mesma, possibilitando a produção de alimentos com propriedades funcionais. Tal iniciativa permite avançar com estudos direcionados aos compostos bioativos presentes tanto na fruta como nos produtos derivados, bem como avaliar a influência do processamento nestes compostos. Com base no exposto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os compostos bioativos da casca de jabuticaba (Plinia cauliflora) e dos remanescentes na farinha da casca de jabuticaba para posterior aplicação em biscoito tipo cookie. A variação entre os teores destes compostos presentes na casca e na farinha da casca de jabuticaba também foram avaliados. O estudo foi realizado por meio de análises físico-químicas dos extratos hidroalcoólicos da casca e farinha deste, sendo elas, umidade, proteína, lipídeos, cinzas, fibras, carboidratos, valor calórico, acidez total titulável, pH, compostos bioativos (fenóis, flavonóides, antocianinas, taninos condensados) e atividade antioxidante por três métodos distintos (DPPH expresso em TEAC, DPPH expresso em EC50 e FRAP). A casca demonstrou ser rica em compostos fenólicos, dentre eles, antocianinas, flavonóides e taninos condensados, reforçando que a composição apresentou teores consideráveis de atividade antioxidante, tanto no sequestro como na interação com radicais livres. Também apresentou altos teores de umidade e conteúdos consideráveis de fibras e carboidratos. A farinha da casca de jabuticaba apresentou umidade condizente com a legislação e teores consideráveis de carboidratos, compostos fenólicos em geral e atividade antioxidante, além de ser fonte de fibras. Também se observou na mesma a concentração dos compostos analisados devido à desidratação das cascas e outros fatores. A partir da farinha foram elaborados biscoitos tipo cookie com substituições de 0,0, 2,5, 5,0 e 7,5% de farinha de trigo integral por farinha da casca de jabuticaba e os mesmos avaliados físico-quimicamente através das mesmas variáveis utilizadas na casca e farinha. Posteriormente foram avaliados microbiologicamente antes de serem encaminhados à análise sensorial, já aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética, onde foram realizados testes de aceitação e intenção de compra. Os cookies obtiverem teores de umidade condizentes com a legislação, além de revelarem-se fonte de proteínas e fibras. Todas as formulações apresentaram redução na concentração dos compostos bioativos devido ao processo de cocção, porém também houve manutenção de teores desejáveis de compostos fenólicos e atividade antioxidante. Os resultados sensoriais permitem concluir que todas as amostras foram aceitas, comparadas ao padrão. A formulação com 7,5% de farinha da casca de jabuticaba foi considerada ideal para adicionar em biscoitos tipo cookie, pois resultou em maiores teores de compostos fenólicos e também em maiores níveis de ação antioxidante, resultando em produto com conteúdo de propriedades biologicamente ativas elevado, sem interferir na qualidade sensorial e nos padrões de identidade do mesmo. / The jabuticaba is a tropical fruit with important nutritional properties, and excellent source of carbohydrates, fiber, phenolic compounds and minerals like iron, calcium and phosphorus. This fruit and its fractions may have extensive applicability both for industry and for the commercialization and consumption in natura. Research indicates that the greatest fraction of the jabuticaba biologically active species is in the skin, may enable their use for production of a product as an alternative use of the same, enabling the production of foods with functional properties. This allows forward with studies directed to the bioactive compounds present in both the fruit as in derivatives and to evaluate the influence of processing these compounds. Based on the above, the present study aimed to evaluate the bioactive compounds from the jabuticaba skin (Plinia cauliflora) and remaining in the jabuticaba flour skin for later use in biscuit type cookie. The variance between the levels of these compounds in the jabuticaba skin and flour skin were also evaluated. The study was conducted by means of physicochemical analysis of hydroalcoholic extracts of the skin and flour, they being, moisture, protein, lipid, ash, fiber, carbohydrates, calories, total titratable acidity, pH, bioactive compounds (phenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, condensed tannins) and antioxidant activity by three different methods (DPPH expressed in EC50, DPPH expressed in TEAC and FRAP). The skin has proved to be rich in phenolic compounds, among them, anthocyanins, flavonoids and condensed tannins, reinforcing that the composition showed considerable levels of antioxidant activity in both the scavenging and the interaction with free radicals. Also showed high levels of moisture and considerable content of fiber and carbohydrates. The jabuticaba flour skin showed consistent moisture with legislation and considerable amounts of carbohydrates, overall phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity, besides being a source of fiber. It is also noted there in the concentration of the analyzed compounds due to dehydration of the skins and other factors. From flour, biscuits type cookie were prepared with substitutions of 0.0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5% whole wheat flour for jabuticaba skin flour and they assessed physicochemical form with the same variables used in the skin and flour. Subsequently were evaluated microbiologically before being forwarded to the sensory analysis, already approved by the Ethics Committee, where acceptance and purchase intent tests were performed. Cookies obtain moisture levels consistent with the law, apart from revealing the source of protein and fiber. All formulations showed reduction in the concentration of bioactive compounds due to the cooking process, but also there was maintenance of desirable levels of phenolics and antioxidant activity. Sensory results showed that all samples were accepted, compared to the standard. The formulation with 7.5 % jabuticaba skin flour was considered ideal for adding in biscuits type cookie, as showed higher content of phenolic compounds and also in higher levels of antioxidant activity, resulting in products with high content of biologically active properties without interfering with the sensory quality and standards of identity.

Produção de biomassa de Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina platensis) para alimentação humana / Production of Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina platensis) biomass for human consumption.

Barros, Katharina Kardinele da Silva 16 September 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-17T14:49:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1875577 bytes, checksum: 8b2d453c0474ff8dba0a6ee6ea4c099d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-09-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The Spirulina platensis has been studied by presenting high protein content (50 70% of its weight), essential amino acids, vitamins (especially B12), minerals, and pigments (carotenoids, phycocyanin and chlorophyll), polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3 fatty acids and other biologically active compounds. The objective of the present study was to develop a food product like macaroni fortified with S. platensis biomass for human consumption, with microbiological stability and satisfactory organoleptic and nutritional characteristics. To prepare the macaroni, tests were made to obtain biomass in two situations: photobioreactor and tank cultivation; being these harvested in exponential growth and stationary phase and dry in freeze dryer and adiabatic dryer. After considering the produced biomasses, the biomass cultivated in tank and harvested in the exponential growth phase and dried in the adiabatic dryer was used to elaborate the macaroni in three concentrations: 5, 10 and 15%. Analyses were realized for microbiological and physical-chemical parameters of S. platensis biomasses and macaroni. The elaborated macaroni was evaluated sensorially by a panel of 58 untrained panelists who performed sensory tests for acceptance and purchase intent for selection of the best formulation. The results obtained in the physical-chemical analyses of the biomass grown in the three situations showed that there is no significant difference between the centesimal composition of S. platensis for the content of protein, lipids, carbohydrates and calories, cultivated in photobioreactor and in tank or when the produced biomass was dried in freeze dryer or hothouse. For the biomass harvested in the exponential growth or stationary phase, as to composition, it was shown that there is an increase in the percentage of carbohydrates, lipids and ash and decrease in protein and calories content when the cyanobacteria is in the stationary phase. Based on the analysis of the macaroni‟s composition, it was observed that increasing the concentration of S. platensis in the formulations resulted in an increase in protein and minerals, and consequent increase in nutritional value. According to the sensorial evaluation results, the products had good acceptance, providing the formulation with 5.0% S. platensis score of like slightly , the same was also obtained by the one containing 15.0% and the formulation with 10.0% had a score of like moderately . The highest percentage of overall assessment was presented by the macaroni enriched with 10.0% of S. platensis, obtaining 93.10% of positive assessments. Therefore is possible to develop food products, like the macaroni added biomass of S. platensis, becoming another alimentary alternative with better nutritional characteristics and able to promote health benefits to the consumer. / A microalga Spirulina platensis tem sido objeto de estudo por apresentar elevado valor protéico (50 70 % de seu peso), aminoácidos essenciais, vitaminas (especialmente B12), sais minerais, além de pigmentos (carotenóides, ficocianinas e clorofilas), ácidos graxos poliinsaturados, incluindo os ácidos graxos ômega-3 e outros compostos biologicamente ativos. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo elaborar um produto alimentício do tipo macarrão enriquecido com biomassa de S. platensis, destinado ao consumo humano, com estabilidade microbiológica e características nutricionais e organolépticas satisfatórias. Para a elaboração do macarrão foram realizados testes para obtenção de biomassa cultivada em duas situações: fotobiorreator e tanque; sendo estas colhidas em fase de crescimento exponencial ou estacionária e secas em liofilizador ou secador adiabático. Após analise das biomassas produzidas, utilizou-se a biomassa cultivada em tanque, colhida na fase de crescimento exponencial e seca em secador adiabático para a elaboração do macarrão em três concentrações: 5, 10 e 15 %. Foram realizadas análises quanto aos parâmetros microbiológicos e físico-químicos da biomassa de S. platensis e do macarrão. O macarrão elaborado foi avaliado sensorialmente por um painel de 58 provadores não treinados que realizaram testes sensoriais de aceitação e intenção de compra para seleção da melhor formulação. Os resultados obtidos nas análises físico-químicas da biomassa cultivada nas três situações demonstraram que não há diferença significativa entre a composição centesimal da S. platensis para os teores de proteínas, lipídios, carboidratos e calorias, cultivada em fotobiorreator e em tanque ou quando a biomassa produzida era seca em liofilizador ou estufa. Para a biomassa colhida na fase exponencial de crescimento ou na estacionária, quanto à composição centesimal, demonstrou-se que ocorre um aumento do percentual de carboidratos, lipídeos e resíduo mineral fixo e diminuição de proteína e calorias quando a cianobactéria se encontra na fase estacionária. Com base nos resultados da análise da composição centesimal do macarrão foi possível observar que o aumento da concentração de S. platensis nas formulações resultou em aumento no teor de proteínas e minerais, e consequente aumento do valor nutricional. De acordo com os resultados da avaliação sensorial, os produtos tiveram uma boa aceitação, apresentando a formulação com 5,0 % de S. platensis o escore de gostei ligeiramente , o mesmo também foi obtido pela que continha 15,0% e a formulação com 10,0% apresentou o escore de gostei moderadamente . O maior percentual de avaliação global foi apresentado pelo macarrão enriquecido com 10,0% de S. platensis obtendo 93,10% de avaliações positivas. Logo, é possível o desenvolvimento de produtos alimentícios, como o macarrão adicionado de biomassa de S. platensis, tornando-se, mais uma alternativa alimentar com melhores características nutricionais e podendo promover benefícios à saúde do consumidor.

Extensões no método de comparação indireta aos pares para otimização de produtos com variáveis sensoriais

Dutra, Camila Costa January 2007 (has links)
Na otimização de produtos e processos industriais todas as medidas de qualidade devem ser consideradas simultaneamente. No setor alimentício para a avaliação de produtos são considerados, além de medidas usuais de qualidade, dados de painéis sensoriais. Esta dissertação apresenta o estudo de um método desenvolvido especificamente em um contexto de otimização de produtos com variáveis sensoriais: o método de Comparação Indireta aos Pares (CIP). Para coleta de dados, o CIP baseia-se na comparação pareada de amostras e para análise de dados utiliza elementos do AHP (Processo Analítico Hierárquico, na sigla em inglês). Neste método, são propostas extensões com vistas a torná-lo mais confiável e aumentar sua aplicabilidade. Para atingir esse propósito são feitas adaptações em diferentes procedimentos de coleta de dados sensoriais, assim como a validação de valores de referência utilizados na análise de dados e a construção de tabelas com valores de referência para casos onde o método CIP é aplicado. As melhorias propostas no método de CIP são ilustradas através de uma aplicação prática em uma empresa alimentícia, onde, deseja-se otimizar o processo de desenvolvimento de uma barra de chocolate. O método CIP é utilizado para determinar o percentual de ingredientes utilizados na formulação da barra de chocolate. / In the optimization of products and industrial processes several quality measures must be considered simultaneously. When analyzing food products, in addition to the usual measures of quality, the performance of products as measured by a sensory panel should be also taken into account. In this thesis we analyze a method developed specifically for the optimization of products with sensory variables: the Indirect Pairwise Comparison (IPC) method. Regarding the sensory data collection the IPC is based in the pairwise comparison of samples; as for data analysis, the method uses elements of the AHP (Analytical Hierarchical Process). Extensions are proposed in the IPC in order to improve its reliability and applicability. For that matter we propose adaptations in different procedures for sensory data collection. We also validate some reference values used in the IPC’s data analysis framework and develop tables with reference values for special cases where the IPC method is applied. The proposed improvements are illustrated through a practical application in a food industry. In the case study it is desired to optimize the development of a chocolate bar. The IPC is used to determine the percentage of ingredients used in the product recipe.

Extensões no método de comparação indireta aos pares para otimização de produtos com variáveis sensoriais

Dutra, Camila Costa January 2007 (has links)
Na otimização de produtos e processos industriais todas as medidas de qualidade devem ser consideradas simultaneamente. No setor alimentício para a avaliação de produtos são considerados, além de medidas usuais de qualidade, dados de painéis sensoriais. Esta dissertação apresenta o estudo de um método desenvolvido especificamente em um contexto de otimização de produtos com variáveis sensoriais: o método de Comparação Indireta aos Pares (CIP). Para coleta de dados, o CIP baseia-se na comparação pareada de amostras e para análise de dados utiliza elementos do AHP (Processo Analítico Hierárquico, na sigla em inglês). Neste método, são propostas extensões com vistas a torná-lo mais confiável e aumentar sua aplicabilidade. Para atingir esse propósito são feitas adaptações em diferentes procedimentos de coleta de dados sensoriais, assim como a validação de valores de referência utilizados na análise de dados e a construção de tabelas com valores de referência para casos onde o método CIP é aplicado. As melhorias propostas no método de CIP são ilustradas através de uma aplicação prática em uma empresa alimentícia, onde, deseja-se otimizar o processo de desenvolvimento de uma barra de chocolate. O método CIP é utilizado para determinar o percentual de ingredientes utilizados na formulação da barra de chocolate. / In the optimization of products and industrial processes several quality measures must be considered simultaneously. When analyzing food products, in addition to the usual measures of quality, the performance of products as measured by a sensory panel should be also taken into account. In this thesis we analyze a method developed specifically for the optimization of products with sensory variables: the Indirect Pairwise Comparison (IPC) method. Regarding the sensory data collection the IPC is based in the pairwise comparison of samples; as for data analysis, the method uses elements of the AHP (Analytical Hierarchical Process). Extensions are proposed in the IPC in order to improve its reliability and applicability. For that matter we propose adaptations in different procedures for sensory data collection. We also validate some reference values used in the IPC’s data analysis framework and develop tables with reference values for special cases where the IPC method is applied. The proposed improvements are illustrated through a practical application in a food industry. In the case study it is desired to optimize the development of a chocolate bar. The IPC is used to determine the percentage of ingredients used in the product recipe.

Senzorické hodnocení vybraných mléčných produktů / Sensory evaluation of selected milk products

HALÁMKOVÁ, Eliška January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was carried out using one of the methods of analysis of sensory evaluation of selected dairy products. Based on the proposed questionnaire survey carried out simultaneously on consumption and preference for selected commodities. The thesis was part of the project ECOP CZ.1.07/2.3.00/09.0081: "Comprehensive training of human resources in the dairy."

Posouzení možností využití celých klásků pšenice špaldy pro přípravu pekařských produktů / Possibilities of use spelt spikelets for baking products preparation

VOPÁTKOVÁ, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Spelt (Triticum spelt L.) is commonly processed to wholegrain flour, especially in organic quality. Even this type of flour does not usually contain husks which are removed before milling. This thesis aims to evaluate a possibility of utilizing whole grains including husks in the bakery industry and its effect on the quality from the nutritional as well as technological point of view. Quality control analyses were conducted in 17 samples. These included whole meal flour of common wheat, whole meal flour of spelt without husks, white flour of spelt with husks, white flour of common wheat and white flour of spelt. Remaining samples were made of soft four and coarse meal mixed in various proportions. The alpha and omega for the quality of bread and other bakery products is the quality of ingredients, especially the flour. Therefore, it was necessary to determine quality values and conduct corresponding analyses (Zeleny sedimentation test, falling number, wet gluten content, protein content, etc.). All samples were also subject to measuring rheological characteristics of dough using Mixolab II. In whole grain meals, in which there is the highest risk of mycotoxin contamination, incidence of such contamination was surveyed using the ROSA Mycotoxin Strips method. In the end, the bakery test was conducted with selected 11 samples after which the volume of the baked products was evaluated. This was followed by sensory evaluation by respondents following a presented questionnaire. The bakery experiment showed that it is possible to use spelt grains with husks, but this was reflected in the sensory test by the respondents. They preferred products which are more common and they did not positively evaluate the new taste and texture.

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