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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processing resources and interplay among sensory modalities: an EEG investigation

Porcu, Emanuele 26 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The primary aim of the present thesis was to investigate how the human brain handles and distributes limited processing resources among different sensory modalities. Two main hypothesis have been conventionally proposed: (1) common processing resources shared among sensory modalities (supra-modal attentional system) or (2) independent processing resources for each sensory modality. By means of four EEG experiments, we tested whether putative competitive interactions between sensory modalities – regardless of attentional influences – are present in early sensory areas. We observed no competitive interactions between sensory modalities, supporting independent processing resources in early sensory areas. Consequently, we tested the influence of top-down attention on a cross-modal dual task. We found evidence for shared attentional resources between visual and tactile modalities. Taken together, our results point toward a hybrid model of inter-modal attention. Attentional processing resources seem to be controlled by a supra-modal attentional system, however, in early sensory areas, the absence of competitive interactions strongly reduces interferences between sensory modalities, thus providing a strong processing resource independence.

Efficacité et expérience utilisateur de guidages visuels, auditifs et haptiques pour les piétons âgés / Effectiveness and user experience with visual, auditory, and haptic navigation aids among older pedestrians

Montuwy, Angélique 19 October 2018 (has links)
Alors que la population mondiale vieillit et vit de plus en plus en zone urbaine, maintenir les capacités de mobilité piétonne des personnes âgées en ville est un enjeu majeur pour leur santé et leur autonomie. La marche est, en effet, un des modes principaux de déplacement des personnes âgées en ville. Cependant, les déclins perceptifs, cognitifs et moteurs liés à l'avancée en âge peuvent affecter considérablement cette activité quotidienne.La navigation piétonne, qui consiste à aller d'un point A à un point B, peut être particulièrement affectée par l’avancée en âge. Il s’agit d’un processus complexe, sollicitant de nombreuses fonctions perceptives et cognitives, afin de percevoir, analyser et intégrer un grand nombre d’informations pour se déplacer. Si les personnes âgées recourent le plus souvent aux cartes papier pour s’aider dans cette activité de navigation, ces supports sont peu adaptés, car ils mobilisent des informations allocentrées (en vue du dessus) difficiles à interpréter par les personnes âgées, et font fortement appel à l’attention visuelle, qui est nécessaire par ailleurs pour naviguer en toute sécurité.Des aides à la navigation technologiques (type GPS) pourraient permettre de lever certaines difficultés de mobilité avec l’âge, en fournissant des informations de guidage à travers plusieurs canaux sensoriels, et ce afin de limiter le partage attentionnel. Ces aides devraient également proposer une expérience utilisateur positive, afin de faciliter leur acceptation par une population âgée pas toujours à l’aise avec les technologies.Cette thèse en psychologie ergonomique s’intéresse à l’efficacité et à l’expérience utilisateur de plusieurs aides à la navigation technologiques mobilisant des instructions pas-à-pas égocentrées (en vue à la première personne) à travers les sens visuel, auditif et haptique pour la navigation piétonne des personnes âgées. Après avoir questionné les pratiques de mobilité piétonne et les différences existant entre personnes actives et retraitées (étude 1), nous avons comparé, lors d’une étude en environnement virtuel (étude 2), différentes instructions de guidage pas-à-pas faisant appel aux sens visuel (flèches incrustées sur simulateur), auditif (sons spatialisés par casque à conduction osseuse) et haptique (montre vibrante au poignet droit), ainsi que l’utilisation d’une carte papier. Nous avons pu mettre en valeur que des difficultés de navigation observées chez les participants âgés avec la carte pouvaient être compensées par le recours à un guidage par flèches visuelles ou sons spatialisés. Nous avons poursuivi ce travail par une étude en environnement naturel urbain (étude 3) au cours de laquelle des participants âgés ont été invités à parcourir des itinéraires avec leur aide habituelle (carte), un guidage visuel par flèches projetées sur des lunettes de réalité augmentée, un guidage auditif par sons spatialisés grâce à un casque à conduction osseuse, et un guidage vibro-visuel proposant flèches et vibrations par le biais d’une montre connectée. Les résultats obtenus par des observables et des entretiens indiquent que les lunettes de réalité augmentée paraissent cette fois-ci, en contexte naturel, et au contraire de l’étude 2 sur simulateur, moins adaptées que le casque à conduction osseuse et que la montre connectée, ces deux derniers dispositifs montrant des résultats très positifs. La perceptibilité des instructions, leur interprétation en contexte de navigation, et le confort des participants sont grandement dépendants du dispositif technique utilisé.Dans une dernière étude, nous avons investigué les facteurs susceptibles de favoriser l’acceptabilité d’aides à la navigation qui ne sont pas disponibles sur le marché mais pourraient exister demain (ex. lentilles de réalité augmentée, vêtements vibrants, etc.). Nous proposons, en conclusion, plusieurs recommandations utiles à la conception d’aides à la navigation adaptées aux besoins et aux attentes des piétons âgés. / As worldwide population is ageing and concentrating in cities, maintaining older people's pedestrian mobility in urban areas has become a key issue for their health and autonomy. Walking is, indeed, one of the most frequent transportation mode used by older people in cities. But age-related perceptual, cognitive and physical declines could negatively impact this daily activity.Pedestrian navigation, which consists in moving from a point A to a point B, could be particularly affected when advancing in age. It involves complex cognitive and perceptual processes to perceive and understand a multiplicity of information required to reach destination. Older people tend to use paper maps to help them finding their way while navigating. But maps are not suitable for older pedestrians because they provide allocentric information (viewed from the top) which is difficult to understand when advancing in age and requires a lot of visual attention which is also needed to navigate safely. Technological pedestrian navigation aids (such as GPS systems) may help older people to navigate by providing them guidance messages via various sensory modalities in order to limit attention sharing. Those aids should also be related to a positive user experience to facilitate their acceptation among older people who feel not necessarily comfortable with technologies. This thesis in ergonomic psychology focuses on how older people perceive and experience various technological pedestrian navigation aids, providing them with visual, auditory and haptic egocentric turn-by-turn guidance messages. We firstly investigated the reasons why people use pedestrian mobility in their daily activities and the differences existing between retired and non-retired people (study 1). We then compared some step-by-step guidance messages to a paper map in a virtual environment (study 2). We used visual messages (arrows inlayed on the screen of the simulator), auditory messages (spatialized sounds provided by a bone-conduction headset) and haptic messages (vibrating watch around the right wrist) and highlighted that the increased difficulties faced by older people to find their way with a map could be compensated using visual arrows or spatialized sound. We then continued this work in a real urban environment (study 3). People were asked to navigate some routes with their own navigation aid (usually a map), or arrows inlayed in their field of view thanks to augmented-reality glasses, or spatialized sounds provided by a bone-conduction headset, or arrows displayed on a smartwatch that vibrated to announce that a visual message was incoming. Augmented-reality glasses were less suitable for older pedestrians than bone-conduction headset and smartwatch in the natural environment, which was different from the results observed in virtual environment. Results from the interviews showed that the perceptibility of the messages, the way people interpreted them in the environment, and the comfort people felt was highly conditioned by the device used. We finally investigated which UX dimensions cloud foster or limit the acceptability of some sensory navigation aids that do not exist yet but could exist in a near future (augmented-reality lens, vibrating clothes etc.).As a conclusion, we provide the reader with recommendations for designing navigation aids that are adapted to older pedestrians’ needs and expectations.

The Sensory Mechanisms of Crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) Used in Detecting Predatory Threats

Clark, Jessica 18 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Processing resources and interplay among sensory modalities: an EEG investigation

Porcu, Emanuele 13 November 2014 (has links)
The primary aim of the present thesis was to investigate how the human brain handles and distributes limited processing resources among different sensory modalities. Two main hypothesis have been conventionally proposed: (1) common processing resources shared among sensory modalities (supra-modal attentional system) or (2) independent processing resources for each sensory modality. By means of four EEG experiments, we tested whether putative competitive interactions between sensory modalities – regardless of attentional influences – are present in early sensory areas. We observed no competitive interactions between sensory modalities, supporting independent processing resources in early sensory areas. Consequently, we tested the influence of top-down attention on a cross-modal dual task. We found evidence for shared attentional resources between visual and tactile modalities. Taken together, our results point toward a hybrid model of inter-modal attention. Attentional processing resources seem to be controlled by a supra-modal attentional system, however, in early sensory areas, the absence of competitive interactions strongly reduces interferences between sensory modalities, thus providing a strong processing resource independence.

A gestalt approach in using music with the emotionally traumatized child

Joseph, Rowena Yasmin 30 June 2004 (has links)
Many of the sources indicated in this work are classical and not updated due to the fact that the origins of Gestalt Philosophy are found in classical works / Verskeie van die geraadpleegde bronne in die literatuurhoofstukke verteenwoordig klassieke werke wat nie binne die erkende periode vir relevante wetenskaplike navorsing val nie. Die oorsprong van die Gestalt Filosofie wat in hierdie studie benut is, word in hierdie klassieke werke gevind en is ook in hierdie werke geraadpleeg / The Gestalt approach was used as the contextual framework to explore how music can be used as a therapeutic medium in the treatment of the emotionally traumatized child. Music as a sensory experience was used during the therapeutic process with each case study, to facilitate the child's process towards healing. The conceptual framework of music as a therapeutic medium was researched in depth to bring clarity to the influence it has on the emotional well-being of the child. The child who entered into therapy was selected according to specific criteria, with the experience of emotional trauma being priority. The researcher also studied the concept of emotional trauma in depth and the consequences it has on a child's overall functional ability. Music was used as an expressive technique during the therapeutic process with each child. The conclusion drawn from this study indicated that the gestalt approach can be applied effectively in using music as a therapeutic medium in the treatment of the emotionally traumatized child. / Die Gestalt benadering is gebruik in hierdie navorsing ten einde 'n kontekstuele raamwerk daar te stel waarbinne musiek as terapeutiese medium in die behandeling van emosionele trauma in kinders gebruik kon word. Musiek kan beskryf word as 'n sensoriese ervaring. Hierdie sensoriese ervaring is binne die terapeutiese proses toegepas ten einde die kind se herstelproses te fasiliteer. Die studie is binne die navorsingskonteks van gevallestudieprosedures gedoen. Musiek is binne die konseptuele raamwerk bestudeer en nagevors ten einde die terapeutiese waarde daarvan in diepte te ondersoek. Hierdie in-diepte ondersoek het aan die navorser 'n duidelike beeld gegee hoe dit toegepas kon word in terapie. Deur dit toe te pas in terapie is die invloed van musiek op die emosionele welsyn van die getraumatiseerde kind gedokumenteer. Die navorsingskriteria vir insluiting in die ondersoek was gegrond op die literatuurondersoek en het onder meer die belewing van trauma ingesluit. Die belewing van emosionele trauma en invloed op die kind se geheelfunksionering was dus 'n verdere eenheid van ontleding en is in diepte deur die navorser bestudeer. Musiek is dus gebruik as 'n ekspressiewe tegniek tydens die terapeutiese proses met elke gevallestudie. Die gevolgtrekking waartoe in hierdie studie gekom kon word is dat musiek binne die konteks van die gestalt benadering suksesvol in die hantering van emosionele trauma by die kind gebruik kan word. / Practical Theology / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

A gestalt approach in using music with the emotionally traumatized child

Joseph, Rowena Yasmin 30 June 2004 (has links)
Many of the sources indicated in this work are classical and not updated due to the fact that the origins of Gestalt Philosophy are found in classical works / Verskeie van die geraadpleegde bronne in die literatuurhoofstukke verteenwoordig klassieke werke wat nie binne die erkende periode vir relevante wetenskaplike navorsing val nie. Die oorsprong van die Gestalt Filosofie wat in hierdie studie benut is, word in hierdie klassieke werke gevind en is ook in hierdie werke geraadpleeg / The Gestalt approach was used as the contextual framework to explore how music can be used as a therapeutic medium in the treatment of the emotionally traumatized child. Music as a sensory experience was used during the therapeutic process with each case study, to facilitate the child's process towards healing. The conceptual framework of music as a therapeutic medium was researched in depth to bring clarity to the influence it has on the emotional well-being of the child. The child who entered into therapy was selected according to specific criteria, with the experience of emotional trauma being priority. The researcher also studied the concept of emotional trauma in depth and the consequences it has on a child's overall functional ability. Music was used as an expressive technique during the therapeutic process with each child. The conclusion drawn from this study indicated that the gestalt approach can be applied effectively in using music as a therapeutic medium in the treatment of the emotionally traumatized child. / Die Gestalt benadering is gebruik in hierdie navorsing ten einde 'n kontekstuele raamwerk daar te stel waarbinne musiek as terapeutiese medium in die behandeling van emosionele trauma in kinders gebruik kon word. Musiek kan beskryf word as 'n sensoriese ervaring. Hierdie sensoriese ervaring is binne die terapeutiese proses toegepas ten einde die kind se herstelproses te fasiliteer. Die studie is binne die navorsingskonteks van gevallestudieprosedures gedoen. Musiek is binne die konseptuele raamwerk bestudeer en nagevors ten einde die terapeutiese waarde daarvan in diepte te ondersoek. Hierdie in-diepte ondersoek het aan die navorser 'n duidelike beeld gegee hoe dit toegepas kon word in terapie. Deur dit toe te pas in terapie is die invloed van musiek op die emosionele welsyn van die getraumatiseerde kind gedokumenteer. Die navorsingskriteria vir insluiting in die ondersoek was gegrond op die literatuurondersoek en het onder meer die belewing van trauma ingesluit. Die belewing van emosionele trauma en invloed op die kind se geheelfunksionering was dus 'n verdere eenheid van ontleding en is in diepte deur die navorser bestudeer. Musiek is dus gebruik as 'n ekspressiewe tegniek tydens die terapeutiese proses met elke gevallestudie. Die gevolgtrekking waartoe in hierdie studie gekom kon word is dat musiek binne die konteks van die gestalt benadering suksesvol in die hantering van emosionele trauma by die kind gebruik kan word. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

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