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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Neural Substrate of Sex Pheromone Signalling in Male Goldfish (Carassius auratus)

Lado, Wudu E. 26 October 2012 (has links)
The transmission of sex pheromone-mediated signals is essential for goldfish reproduction. However, the neural pathways underlying this reproductive signalling pathway in the goldfish brain is not well described. Lesioning experiments have shown previously that two brain areas, the preoptic area (POA) and the ventral telencephali pars ventralis (Vv) in particular, are important for reproduction. We used patch clamp electrophysiology to study the electrical activities of POA and Vv neurons. Based on the intrinsic properties of these neurons, we suggest there are five different functional classes of POA neurons and a single class of Vv neurons. In addition, by electrically stimulating the olfactory bulb (OB), we were able to show that this primary sensory structure makes monosynaptic glutamatergic connections with both POA and Vv neurons. While electrophysiology measures signalling events occurring at short time scales on the order of milliseconds to minutes, we were also interested in studying sex pheromone signalling in the goldfish brain over a long time scale. Thus, we describe changes in gene expression in male goldfish exposed to waterborne sex pheromones (17alpha,20beta dihydroxy-4-pregene-3-one and Prostaglandin-F2alpha) over 6 hours. We perform cDNA microarrays on Prostaglandin-F2alpha-treated fish to study the rapid modulation of transcription and define the signalling pathways affected. Our microarrays showed that 71 genes were differentially regulated (67 up and 4 down). Through gene ontology enrichment analysis, we found that these genes were involved in various biological processes such as RNA processing, neurotransmission, neuronal development, apoptosis, cellular metabolism and sexual reproduction. RT-PCRs were performed to validate our microarrays and to facilitate direct comparisons of the effects of the two sex pheromones, 17alpha,20beta dihydroxy-4-pregene-3-one and Prostaglandin-F2alpha. By combining electrophysiology and gene expression analyses, we were able to study sex-pheromone signalling on two different time scales. One short, occurring on the order of milliseconds to minutes, that involves electrical activities in the brain through the glutamatergic amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors; and the other long occurring several hours later that involves changes in the gene expression levels of calmodulin and ependymin among other genes underlying neuroplasticity. Reproductive neuroplasticity in the goldfish may therefore require the activation of glutamatergic receptors which then activate downstream signals like calmodulin and ependymin to transform the sex pheromones-mediate signal into gene expression.

Diversité fonctionnelle du facteur de transcription Tbx5 dans le coeur

Georges, Romain O. 08 1900 (has links)
Le cœur des vertébrés est un organe modulaire qui requiert le " patterning " complexe des champs morphogénétiques cardiogènes et la convergence coordonnée des diverses sous-populations de progéniteurs cardiogéniques. Au moins 7 facteurs de transcription de la famille T-box coopèrent au sein de ces nombreuses sous-populations de progéniteurs cardiogéniques afin de réguler la morphogenèse et l’agencement de multiples structures le long de l’ébauche cardiaque, ce qui explique que les mutations humaines de ces gènes engendrent diverses malformations congénitales cardiaques (MCCs). L’un de ces gènes T-box, Tbx5, dont l’haploinsuffisance génère le syndrome de Holt-Oram (SHO), intervient dans une grande variété de réseaux de régulation géniques (RRGs) qui orchestrent la morphogenèse des oreillettes, du ventricule gauche, de la valve mitrale, des septums inter-auriculaire et inter-ventriculaire, ainsi que du système de conduction cardiaque. La diversité des RRGs impliqués dans la formation de ces structures cardiaques suggère que Tbx5 détient une profusion de fonctions qui ne seront identifiables qu’en répertoriant ses activités moléculaires dans chaque lignée cardiaque examinée isolément. Afin d’aborder cette problématique, une ablation génétique de Tbx5 dans l’endocarde a été réalisée. Cette expérience a démontré le rôle crucial de Tbx5 dans la survie des cellules endocardiques bordant le septum primum et des cardiomyocytes au sein de cette structure embryonnaire qui contribuera à la morphogenèse du septum inter-auriculaire. En outre, cette étude a révélé l’existence d’une communication croisée entre la sous-population de cellules endocardiques Tbx5+ et le myocarde au niveau du septum primum, afin d’assurer la survie des cardiomyocytes, et ultimement de garantir la maturation du septum inter-auriculaire. Nos résultats confirment aussi l’importance de l’interdépendance génétique (Tbx5 et Gata4 ainsi que Tbx5 et Nos3) entre différents loci dans la morphogenèse de la cloison inter-auriculaire, et particulièrement de l’influence que peut avoir l’environnement sur la pénétrance et l’expressivité des communications inter-auriculaires (CIAs) dans le SHO. En outre, puisque les fonctions d’un gène dépendent ordinairement des différents isoformes qu’il peut générer, une deuxième étude a focalisé davantage sur l’aspect transcriptionnel de Tbx5. Cette approche a mené à la découverte de 6 transcrits alternatifs exhibant des fonctions à la fois communes et divergentes. La caractérisation de 2 de ces isoformes a révélé le rôle de l’isoforme long (Tbx5_v1) dans la régulation de la croissance des cardiomyocytes durant la cardiogénèse, tandis que l’isoforme court (Tbx5_v2), préférentiellement exprimé dans le cœur mature, réprime la croissance cellulaire. Il est donc entièrement concevable que les mutations de TBX5 entraînant une troncation de la région C-terminale accroissent la concentration d’une protéine mutée qui, à l’instar de Tbx5_v2, interfère avec la croissance de certaines structures cardiaques. En revanche, la divergence de fonctions de ces isoformes, caractérisée par les disparités de localisation subcellulaire et de d’interaction avec d’autres cofacteurs cardiaques, suggère que les mutations affectant davantage un isoforme favoriseraient l’émergence d’un type particulier de MCC. Finalement, un dernier objectif était d’identifier le ou les mécanisme(s) moléculaire(s) par le(s)quel(s) Tbx5 régule son principal gène cible, Nppa, et d’en extraire les indices qui éclairciraient sa fonction transcriptionnelle. Cet objectif nécessitait dans un premier lieu d’identifier les différents modules cis-régulateurs (MCRs) coordonnant la régulation transcriptionnelle de Nppa et Nppb, deux gènes natriurétiques dont l’organisation en tandem et le profil d’expression durant la cardiogénèse sont conservés dans la majorité des vertébrés. L’approche d’empreinte phylogénétique employée pour scanner le locus Nppb/Nppa a permis d’identifier trois MCRs conservés entre diverses espèces de mammifères, dont un (US3) est spécifique aux euthériens. Cette étude a corroboré que la régulation de l’expression du tandem génique Nppb/Nppa requérait l’activité transcriptionnelle d’enhancers en complément aux promoteurs de Nppa et Nppb. La concordance quasiment parfaite entre les profils d’expression de Tbx5 et de ces deux gènes natriurétiques chez les mammifères, suggère que le gradient d’expression ventriculaire de Tbx5 est interprété par le recrutement de ce facteur au niveau des différents enhancers identifiés. En somme, les études présentées dans cette thèse ont permis de clarifier la profusion de fonctions cardiaques que possède Tbx5. Certaines de ces fonctions émanent de l’épissage alternatif de Tbx5, qui favorise la synthèse d’isoformes dotés de propriétés spécifiques. Les diverses interactions combinatoires entre ces isoformes et d’autres facteurs cardiaques au sein des diverses sous-populations de progéniteurs cardiogènes contribuent à l’émergence de RRGs cardiaques divergents. / The vertebrate heart is a modular organ, which requires the complex patterning of the morphogenetic heart fields and the coordinated convergence of the diverse subpopulations of cardiogenic progenitors. At least 7 transcription factors of the T-box family cooperate within these numerous subpopulations of cardiogenic progenitors to regulate the morphogenesis and the layout of multiple structures along the primordial heart tube, which explains that the human mutations of these genes induce various congenital heart defects (CHDs). One of these T-box genes, Tbx5, whose haploinsufficiency generates the Holt-Oram syndrome (HOS), intervenes in a wide variety of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) that orchestrate the morphogenesis of the atria, the left ventricle, the mitral valve, the inter-atrial and inter-ventricular septa, as well as the cardiac conduction system. The diversity of GRNs involved in the formation of these cardiac structures suggests that Tbx5 holds a profusion of functions which will be identifiable only by indexing its molecular activities in each separately examined cardiac lineage. To address this problem, a conditional knockout of Tbx5 in the endocardium was generated. This experiment demonstrated a crucial role of Tbx5 in the survival of the endocardial cells lining the septum primum and the cardiomyocytes within this embryonic structure, which will contribute to the morphogenesis of the inter-atrial septum. Moreover, this study revealed a crosstalk between the Tbx5-positive endocardial cells subpopulation and the myocardium at the level of the septum primum to ensure the survival of cardiomyocytes, and ultimately to guarantee the maturation of the inter-atrial septum. Our results also confirmed the importance of genetic interdependence (Tbx5 and Gata4 as well as Tbx5 and Nos3) between different loci in the morphogenesis of the inter-atrial septum, and particularly the influence that the environment can have on the penetrance and the expressivity of atrial septal defects (ASDs) in the HOS. Besides, since the functions of a gene usually depend on the different isoforms it can generate, a second study focused more on the transcriptional aspect of Tbx5. This approach led to the discovery of 6 alternative transcripts exhibiting both common and specific functions. The characterization of 2 of these isoforms revealed the role of the long isoform (Tbx5_v1) in the regulation of cardiomyocytes growth during cardiogenesis, whereas the short isoform (Tbx5_v2), preferentially expressed in the mature heart, represses cell growth. It is thus entirely conceivable that TBX5 mutations leading to a C-terminal truncation increase the concentration of a mutated protein, which, like Tbx5_v2, interferes with the growth of certain cardiac structures. On the other hand, the divergence of functions of these isoforms, characterized by the disparities of subcellular localization and interaction with other cardiac cofactors, suggests that mutations affecting more one isoform would favor the emergence of a particular type of CHD. Finally, a last objective was to identify one or several molecular mechanism(s) by which Tbx5 regulates its main target gene, Nppa, and to extract clues that might clarify its transcriptional function. This objective required in a first place to identify the various cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) coordinating the transcriptional regulation of Nppa and Nppb, two natriuretic genes whose tandem organization and expression pattern during cardiogenesis are preserved in most vertebrates. The phylogenetic footprint approach employed to scan the Nppb/Nppa locus allowed the identification of three CRMs evolutionary conserved between different mammals species, one of which (US3) is specific to eutherians. This study confirmed that the regulation of the tandem genes Nppb/Nppa required the transcriptional activity of enhancers in complement to Nppa and Nppb promoters. The almost perfect concordance between the expression profiles of Tbx5 and these two natriuretic genes in mammals, suggests that the ventricular expression gradient of Tbx5 is interpreted by the recruitment of this factor to the identified enhancers. Altogether, the studies presented in this thesis allowed clarifying the profusion of Tbx5 cardiac functions. Some of these functions emanate from the alternative splicing of Tbx5, which favors the synthesis of isoforms endowed with specific properties. The diverse combinatorial interactions between these isoforms and other cardiac factors within the various cardiogenic progenitor subpopulations contribute to the emergence of distinct cardiac RRGs.

The Neural Substrate of Sex Pheromone Signalling in Male Goldfish (Carassius auratus)

Lado, Wudu E. January 2012 (has links)
The transmission of sex pheromone-mediated signals is essential for goldfish reproduction. However, the neural pathways underlying this reproductive signalling pathway in the goldfish brain is not well described. Lesioning experiments have shown previously that two brain areas, the preoptic area (POA) and the ventral telencephali pars ventralis (Vv) in particular, are important for reproduction. We used patch clamp electrophysiology to study the electrical activities of POA and Vv neurons. Based on the intrinsic properties of these neurons, we suggest there are five different functional classes of POA neurons and a single class of Vv neurons. In addition, by electrically stimulating the olfactory bulb (OB), we were able to show that this primary sensory structure makes monosynaptic glutamatergic connections with both POA and Vv neurons. While electrophysiology measures signalling events occurring at short time scales on the order of milliseconds to minutes, we were also interested in studying sex pheromone signalling in the goldfish brain over a long time scale. Thus, we describe changes in gene expression in male goldfish exposed to waterborne sex pheromones (17alpha,20beta dihydroxy-4-pregene-3-one and Prostaglandin-F2alpha) over 6 hours. We perform cDNA microarrays on Prostaglandin-F2alpha-treated fish to study the rapid modulation of transcription and define the signalling pathways affected. Our microarrays showed that 71 genes were differentially regulated (67 up and 4 down). Through gene ontology enrichment analysis, we found that these genes were involved in various biological processes such as RNA processing, neurotransmission, neuronal development, apoptosis, cellular metabolism and sexual reproduction. RT-PCRs were performed to validate our microarrays and to facilitate direct comparisons of the effects of the two sex pheromones, 17alpha,20beta dihydroxy-4-pregene-3-one and Prostaglandin-F2alpha. By combining electrophysiology and gene expression analyses, we were able to study sex-pheromone signalling on two different time scales. One short, occurring on the order of milliseconds to minutes, that involves electrical activities in the brain through the glutamatergic amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors; and the other long occurring several hours later that involves changes in the gene expression levels of calmodulin and ependymin among other genes underlying neuroplasticity. Reproductive neuroplasticity in the goldfish may therefore require the activation of glutamatergic receptors which then activate downstream signals like calmodulin and ependymin to transform the sex pheromones-mediate signal into gene expression.

A Multiscale Framework to Analyze Tricuspid Valve Biomechanics

THOMAS, VINEET SUNNY January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Monitoração ecocardiográfica da atriosseptostomia com balão

Marchi, Carlos Henrique de 10 September 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T12:51:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 carlosdemarchi_tese.pdf: 849020 bytes, checksum: f72fc171abbb042bef869d955b6fd632 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-09-10 / Objective: Balloon atrial septostomy (BAS) is a life-saving palliative procedure for some congenital heart defects and typically performed in the cardiac catheterization laboratory. The aim of this study was to evaluate BAS under echocardiographic guidance. Method: From August 1997 through January 2004, 31 children with congenital heart defects with indication of ASB were submitted to the procedure under exclusive echocardiographic guidance. Success was admitted the obtaining of atrial septal defect (ASD) with size of four millimeters (mm) or greater and torn septal tissue flapping freely. Results: Male infants predominated (83.9%). Median age was 5 days (1 - 150) and median weight was 3300g (1800 - 7500). Transposition of the Great Arteries was present in 80.6%, Tricuspid Atresia in 12.9%, Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return in 3.2% and Pulmonary Atresia with intact ventricular septum in 3.2%. The procedure was successful in all cases. ASD size increased from 1.8 ± 0.8 mm to 5.8 ± 1.3 mm (P<0.0001) and arterial oxygen saturation increased from 64.5 ± 18.9% to 85.1 ± 9.2% (P<0.0001). As complications occured three balloon ruptures, one tear of right femoral vein, one case of supraventricular tachycardia and one case of atrial flutter. Conclusion: BAS under echocardiographic guidance is a safe and effective method. It can be performed at the bedside, identifies the catheter location avoiding serious complications and evaluates the immediate result of the procedure. / Atnosseptostomia com balão (ASB) é procedimento de grande valor no tratamento de cardiopatias congênitas e monitorado tradicionalmente por radioscopia. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a ASB monitorada pela ecocardiografia. Casuística e Método: Entre agosto de 1997 e janeiro de 2004, 31 crianças foram submetidas à ASB sob monitoração ecocardiográfica exclusiva. Admitiu-se sucesso a obtenção de comunicação interatrial (CIA) com diâmetro igual ou maior que quatro milímetros (mm) e com ampla mobilidade das suas margens. Dados coletados: diâmetro da CIA e saturação arterial de oxigênio (SAT) iniciais e finais e número de trações do cateter balão. Resultados: Sexo masculino predominou (83,9%). A idade mediana foi de 5 dias (1-150) e o peso teve mediana de 3300g (1800-7500). Transposição das Grandes Artérias ocorreu em 80,6%, Atresia Tricúspide em 12,9%, Drenagem Anômala Total de Veias Pulmonares em 3,2% e Atresia Pulmonar com septo Integro em 3,2%. Sucesso foi obtido em todos os casos. O tamanho da CIA aumentou de 1,8 0,8 mm para 5,8 1,3 mm (p <0,0001) e a SAT aumentou de 64,5 18,9 % para 85,1 9,2 % (p < 0,0001). Complicações ocorridas: três rupturas de balão, uma lesão de veia femoral direita, uma taquicardia supraventricular e um flutter atnal. Conclusões: ASB monitorada pela ecocardiografia é método seguro e eficaz. Possibilita a realização do procedimento à beira do leito evitando o transporte da criança, identifica o posicionamento do cateter reduzindo complicações graves e avalia o resultado imediato do procedimento.

Ultrastructural and Molecular Analyses of the Unique Features of Cell Division in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and Mycobacterium Smegmatis

Vijay, Srinivasan January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The Mycobacterium genus contains major human pathogens, like Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae, which are the causative agents of Tuberculosis and Leprosy, respectively. They have evolved as successful human pathogens by adapting to the adverse conditions prevailing inside the host, which include host immune activation, nutrient depletion, hypoxia, and so on. During such adaptation for the survival and establishment of persistent infection inside the host, the pathogen, like M. tuberculosis, regulates its cell division. It is known that M. tuberculosis enters a state of non-replicating persistence (NRP) inside the host, to establish latent infection, which helps the survival of the pathogen under adverse host conditions such as hypoxia and nutrient depletion. The pathogen can reactivate itself, to come out of the NRP state, and establish active infection at a later stage, when conditions are suitable for its proliferation. The altered physiological state of the latent bacterium makes it tolerant to drugs, which are only effective against proliferating tubercle bacilli. In view of this unique behavioural physiology of tubercle bacilli, it is important to study the process of cell division and how it is regulated in the NRP and actively growing states. The work reported in the thesis is an attempt to understand these aspects of mycobacterial cell division. iii Chapter 1. Introduction: This chapter gives a detailed introduction to bacterial cell division and its regulation in various organisms, like Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Caulobacter crescentus, and others. In the background of this information, the major studies on mycobacterial cell division and its regulation are presented. Chapter 2. Materials and Methods: This chapter describes in detail all the materials and methods used in the experiments, which are presented in the four data chapters, 3-6. Chapter 3. Ultrastructural Study of the Formation of Septal Partition and Constriction in Mycobacteria and Delineation of its Unique Features: Mycobacteria have triple-layered complex cell wall, playing an important role in its survival under adverse conditions in the host. It is not known how these layers in the mother cell participate during cell division. Therefore, the ultrastructural changes in the different envelope layers of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium smegmatis, and Mycobacterium xenopi, during the process of septation and septal constriction, were studied, using Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The unique aspects of mycobacterial septation and constriction were identified and were compared with those of E. coli and Bacillus subtilis septation. Further, based on all these observations, models were proposed for septation in M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis. Chapter 4. Identification of Asymmetric Septation and Division in Mycobacteria and Its Role in Generating Cell Size Heterogeneity: Bacterial populations are known to harbour phenotypic heterogeneity that helps survival under stress conditions, as this heterogeneity comprises subpopulations that have differential susceptibility to stress conditions. The iv heterogeneity has been known to lead to the requirement for prolonged drug treatment for the elimination of the tolerant subpopulation. Hence, it is important to study the different mechanisms, which operate to generate population heterogeneity. Therefore, in this chapter, studies were carried out to find out whether asymmetric septation and division occur in mycobacteria to generate cell size heterogeneity. Subpopulations of mycobacterial mid-log phase cells of M. tuberculosis, M. smegmatis, and M. xenopi were found to undergo asymmetric division to generate cell size heterogeneity. The asymmetric division and the ultrastructure and growth features of the products of the division were studied. Chapter 5. Study of Mycobacterial Cell Division Using Growth-Synchronised Cells: In this chapter, different stages of cell septation and constriction were studied using growth-synchronised M. smegmatis cells. Phenethyl alcohol (PEA), which has been found to reversibly arrest mycobacterial cells, was used for growth synchronisation. The growth-synchronised mycobacterial cells, which were released from PEA block, were studied at different stages of septation and septal constriction, at the ultrastructural and molecular levels. Chapter 6. Identification of the Stage of Cell Division Arrest in NRP Mycobacteria: The exact stage at which the NRP tubercle bacilli are arrested in cell division is currently unknown. In Wayne’s in vitro model for hypoxia-responsive tubercle bacilli, gradual depletion of oxygen leads to hypoxic stress, inducing the bacilli to enter non-replicating persistence (NRP) state. Using this model, the stage of cell division arrest in M. tuberculosis was characterised at the ultrastructural and molecular levels. Hypoxia-stressed M. smegmatis was used as an experimental system for contrast. The thesis concludes with salient findings, a bibliography, and the list of publications.

Regulation of the Principal Cell Division Protein FtsZ of Escherichia Coli by Antisense RNA and FtsH Protease

Anand, Deepak January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The PhD thesis is on the studsy of the influence of the ftsZ antisense RNA and FtsH protease on the synthesis and function of the Escherichia coli cytokinetic protein, FtsZ, which mediates septation during cell division. Thus, it involves three molecules, FtsZ, ftsZ antisense RNA, and FtsH protease. While the E. coli ftsZ antisense RNA is being identified and structurally and functionally characterised for the first time, there has been some earlier studies in the laboratory in which the FtsH protease was found to have influence on the presence of the FtsZ rings at the mid-cell site. The Chapter 1 is the Introduction to the thesis presented in 3 parts –Part 1A, 1B, and 1C, introducing FtsZ and bacterial cell division, bacterial antisense RNAs, and FtsH protease, respectively. The Chapter 2 gives the description of the Materials and Methods used in the study. The Chapter 3 presents the identification, structural and functional characterisation of the ftsZ cis-antisense RNA, and its role in the regulation of FtsZ protein levels. Initially, the expression of cis-encoded antisense RNA from E. coli ftsZ loci was demonstrated during the different growth phases of the bacterium (RT-PCR/qPCR data). Antisense RNA is expressed from three promoters (primer extension and promoter probe data) on the complementary strand of the ftsZ coding region and terminates at the singletrand te complementary toftsAthegenethat 3’islocatedregionupstreamof theofftsZ the gene. Induced overexpression of a portion (423 bp) of the antisense RNA, spanning the ftsZ AUG codon and the ribosome binding site of ftsZ mRNA, from pBS(KS) could downregulate the synthesis of FtsZ protein to approximately 30%, leading to cell division arrest and filamentation of the cells at 42°C. This effect was less dramatic at 30ºC, probably due to less melting of the antisense RNA. Immunostaining performed on the induced culture did not show FtsZ ring formation after overnight induction whereas reduction in the proportion of the cells carrying FtsZ rings could be clearly observed after 2 hrs of induction. Real time PCR analysis performed for relative quantitation of ftsZ mRNA and ftsZas RNA from different growth phases (0.2 to 2.5 OD600 nm) showed growth phase dependent expression of the antisense RNA. While the levels of ftsZas RNA were found to be high at lower OD cultures or early growth phase cultures, the levels were found to be low at the late log phase and stationary phase cultures. Thus, when the cells are actively dividing and therefore need more FtsZ, the levels of the ftsZas RNA are high, while the cells are not actively dividing and therefore the FtsZ levels are low, the levels of the ftsZas RNA are low. At any phase of the growth, the ratio of the ftsZ mRNA to the ftsZas RNA was always found to be 6:1. Thus, the physiological role the ftsZas RNA is to maintain the availability of the ftsZ mRNA at a level that is commensurate with the requirement for the FtsZ protein during the different stages of the cell growth and division. The Chapter 4 is on the study of the possible mechanism behind the influence of FtsH protease on the presence of FtsZ rings at the mid-cell site during septation in cell division. Immunostaining for FtsZ in the mid-log phase E. coli cells showed that 82% of the AR3289 (ftsH wild type) cells possessed FtsZ rings, while only 18% of the AR3291 (ftsH-null maintained viable by a suppressor mutation) cells showed Z-rings. While the AR3289 cells showed a cell doubling time of 20 min, the AR3291 cells had a cell doubling time of 45 min. The mass doubling time of AR3289 and AR3291 were 24 min and 54 min, respectively. These distinct differences were found in spite of the suppressor mutation suppressing all the deleterious effects of the lack of the essential protease, FtsH. Complementation of the ftsH-null cells (AR3291) with the wild type FtsH but not with the ATP-binding or ATPase, or protease-defective mutants of FtsH, restored the FtsZ ring status to about 80% of the cells. The growth rate of AR3291 was also partly restored to comparable to that of the wild type cells upon complementation. Western blotting for FtsZ, and the FtsZ-stabilising proteins, FtsA and ZipA, showed that the ftsH-null cells have low levels of FtsA, as compared to those in the isogenic wild type cells (AR3289). The levels of FtsZ and ZipA were comparable in both the cells. Quantitative PCR performed for different cell division genes within the dcw cluster showed no sign of change in the ftsA transcript levels in the ftsH-null cells, suggesting that the low levels of FtsA in the ftsH-null cells were not due to transcriptional downregulation. Further experiments showed that the half-life of FtsA protein in the AR3289 cells was 45 min, while that in the AR3291 cells was 24 min. This experiment showed that the low levels of FtsA in the ftsH-null cells was due to the low half-life of FtsA in the cells. Growth synchronisation of the AR3289 and AR3291 cells showed that the levels of FtsA prior to cell division stage do not increase in the ftsH-null cells as much as in the isogenic wild type cells. Thus, the ftsH-null cells must be somehow managing the division through the partial stabilisation of FtsZ rings by ZipA. Interestingly, immunostaining for FtsH in AR3289 cells showed the presence of FtsH at the mid-cell site, as co-localised with FtsZ, for a brief period prior to cell constriction. These observations suggest the involvement of FtsH in cell division process. The faster degradation of FtsA in the absence of FtsH protease implies that another protein, which may be a protease that directly degrades FtsA or a chaperone that helps the unfolding of FtsA for degradation, might be the substrate of FtsH protease. The absence of FtsH protease brings up the levels of this unknown protein, which in turn facilitates (if it is a chaperone) degradation of or directly degrades (if it is a protease) FtsA. This model for the link among FtsH, FtsA levels, and the presence of FtsZ has been proposed based on the observations. Thus, the present study reveals for the first time an FtsA-linked role for FtsH protease in the presence of FtsZ ring at the mid-cell site and hence in bacterial septal biogenesis. The thesis is concluded with the list of salient findings, publications, and references.

Transposition des gros vaisseaux avec septum intact ou communication interventriculaire : échocardiographie fœtale et analyse NIRS périopératoire

Charbonneau, Laurence 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire par article est une étude des différences hémodynamiques entre la dextro-transposition des gros vaisseaux (TGV) avec communication interventriculaire (CIV) et la TGV avec septum intact (SI) pendant la période fœtale et périopératoire. Il est à noter que SI fait référence au septum inter ventriculaire et non au septum inter auriculaire. La présence d’une communication inter auriculaire étant, comme nous le verrons dans ce travail, un élément important de la physiologie des fœtus/nouveau-nés porteur de TGV. Le document est divisé en deux parties importantes. La première partie est composée du chapitre 1 qui présente une revue de littérature détaillant les notions importantes à la compréhension de la problématique et du chapitre 2 qui décrit la méthodologie utilisée pour répondre à la question de recherche. On détaille d’abord les méthodes d’acquisition des échocardiographies fœtales ainsi que les principales mesures effectuées à partir de celles-ci. Ensuite, on y décrit les technologies de la spectroscopie proche infrarouge avancée et de la spectroscopie à corrélation diffuse (NIRS-DCS) permettant de recueillir les données hémodynamiques sur la microvascularisation cérébrale des nouveau-nés. La seconde partie est constituée du chapitre 3 qui est le manuscrit accepté au journal Ultrasound in Obstetric & Gynecology pour publication. Celui-ci décrit les différences hémodynamiques entre les patients ayant une TGV&CIV et les TGV&SI et présente les différences retrouvées en échocardiographie fœtale et en hémodynamie cérébrale périopératoire étudiée à l’aide de la NIRS avancée. Ensuite, nous présentons dans le chapitre 4 une discussion sur les principaux impacts cliniques et sur d’éventuelles améliorations. / This master’sthesis is composed of an article and a study. They present hemodynamic differences between patients with transposition of the great arteries (TGA) and ventricular septum defect (VSD), and TGA with intact ventricular septum (IVS) during fetal and perioperative periods. This document is divided into two principal sections. The first section includes Chapter 1 that presents a review of literature detailing important notions to understand the problematic, and Chapter 2, that describes the methodology used to answer our research question. First, we detailed acquisition data and measured parameters of the fetal echocardiography exams. Then, we describe advanced near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS-DCS) technology that allowed hemodynamic data acquisition on the cerebral microvascularization of neonates. The second section is composed of Chapter 3, the manuscript accepted in Ultrasound in Obstetric & Gynecology journal for publication. The aim of this article is to describe hemodynamic differences between patients with TGA&VSD and TGA&IVS. It describes fetal echocardiography and cerebral perioperative hemodynamic differences studied with advanced NIRS. Next, we present in Chapter 4 a more detailed discussion with principal impacts on the clinical field and future improvements.

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