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Shared Ownership : A vehicle for property investments and decreased household indebtedness and increased affordability / Hyrköp av bostadJansson, Waldemar January 2018 (has links)
There is a housing shortage in attractive urban areas in Europe and Sweden. The waiting lists for affordable rental housing are increasing and that in turn creates pressure on owner-occupied housing. Inflated asset prices and household debt have become a major concern for policy makers. Shared ownership is a mixture of equity and debt, therefore, a mixture of owner-occupation and rental accommodation. In the UK it´s used by the non-profit sector to help households to buy their own home. In this research a shared ownership model is developed for the Swedish property market. The model is commercially viable and used to extend traditional mortgage finance. The findings suggest that the proposed model can increase household affordability and lower their exposure to the financial markets. An investor will gain a market rate of return and access a market segment different from rental housing, shared ownership is an investment in owner-occupational housing. The major drawback of the model is the relationship between the bank and the investor. The bank will require priority to the collateral which results in a complicated and inflexible model. Further research should investigate the possibility of sharing collateral which would result in a simpler and more flexible model. / Bostadsbristen i europeiska och svenska storstadsregioner har resulterat i långa köer till rimliga hyresrätter. Detta har ökar pressen på bostadsrätter och ökat hushållens skuldsättning, vilket ses som ett potentiellt hot mot ekonomin. Hybridköp av bostäder innebär att bostadskonsumenten hyr en del av bostaden och köper den andra. I Storbritannien subventioneras detta av staten för att hjälpa hushåll att köpa sin bostad. Målet med denna studie är att skapa en modell för hybridköp i Sverige. Modellen kommer att komplimentera bostadslån och drivas på kommersiella grunder. Resultatet av studien visar att konsumenten kan ökar sin köpkraft och minska exponeringen mot den finansiella marknaden. Investeringen har en marknadsmässig avkastning och ger en möjlighet att investera i bostadsrätter och småhus, ett segment som skiljer sig från hyresrätter. Den största nackdelen är att banken kommer att kräva prioritet till säkerheten som ligger i bostaden vilket resulterar i en komplicerad modell. Fortsatta studier borde utforska möjligheten att dela säkerheten mellan investeraren och banken.
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Delat ägande ur hållbarhetssynpunkt / Shared ownership from a sustainability point of viewBrundin, Emelie January 2024 (has links)
Global warming, mainly caused by manmade greenhouse gas emissions, has led to a rapid increase in global average temperatures and thus increased extreme weather conditions. This has forced international agreements into place, such as the UN’s 2030 Agenda to ensure a sustainable future. The purpose of this study is to deepen the knowledge and promote the development of shared ownership between people within residential areas. The study focuses on prevalence, resource groups, sustainability attitudes and motivational factors related to shared ownership. A survey was designed and distributed via various platforms to collect data. Although the aggregate data revealed significant differences, the responses within different demographic groups did not exhibit any statistically significant differences. The results of the survey show that most respondents do not currently engage in shared ownership. They generally have a positive view of the concept, with particular interest in handheld tools and leisure equipment. Economic factors were considered as their primary motivation concerning the sustainability aspects for participating in shared ownership, followed by environmental and social aspects. The major barriers to adopting shared ownership were identified as lack of availability, reliability, responsibility and communication, while clear information and structured systems could enhance participation. In conclusion, to improve and increase adoption of shared ownership improved information, structure and accessibility are needed.
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Primes, partage du capital et suggestions des salariés : une analyse à la lumière de la théorie des contrats / Bonuses, Shared Capitalism and Employee Suggestions : an Analysis in the Light of Contract TheoryDumas, Nicolas 28 September 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de comparer l’efficacité des primes à la suggestion, des primes à la performance, et de la cession de parts aux salariés pour stimuler leur implication dans les dispositifs de suggestion (cercles de qualité, réunions d’atelier, boîtes à idées, etc.). Dans un premier chapitre,sont présentés, une approche historique, un état des lieux et une revue de littérature. Le chapitre suivant pose les jalons d’une théorie, dans un cadre simplifié ne comprenant qu’un employeur et un employé. Il développe un modèle théorique original de la cession de parts, orienté vers les augmentations de capital dédiées aux salariés. Il est montré que, tant que l’employeur n’est pas limité dans le nombre de parts qu’il peut proposer, ce mécanisme est le plus efficace. Le troisième chapitre consolide les résultats du précédent dans un cadre à plusieurs employés. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre présente une étude économétrique à partir de l’enquête REPONSE. La spécification et les variables sont retenues dans le souci d’être au plus proche des modèles théoriques. Les résultats confortent fortement ceux des modèles théoriques élaborés dans les chapitres précédents. / This dissertation aims at comparing the efficiency of suggestion pay, performance pay and shares selling, so as to involve employees into suggestions schemes (e.g. quality circles, workshop meetings, suggestion box). In the first chapter, the historical background, the current situation and the state of literature are being investigated. In the following chapter, a simple framework is considered with only one employer and one employee. A formal model of shared ownership that fits with the French scheme of ’capital increase dedicated to the employees’ is sketched. It is shownthat, as long as the employer is not limited in the number of shares he can offer, the scheme performs better than suggestion pay and performance pay. Next chapter builds upon the previous model and extends the results to a broader framework with multiple employees. The fourth chapter presents an empirical study based on the REPONSE survey. The econometric specification and the variables are chosen to fit the theoretical models. The results strongly support the theory.
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