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Realization Of A Cue Based Motor Imagery Brain Computer Interface With Its Potential Application To A WheelchairAkinci, Berna 01 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis study focuses on the realization of an online cue based Motor Imagery (MI) Brain Computer Interface (BCI). For this purpose, some signal processing and classification methods are investigated. Specifically, several time-spatial-frequency methods, namely the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT), Common Spatial Frequency Patterns (CSFP) and the Morlet Transform (MT) are implemented on a 2-class MI BCI system. Distinction Sensitive Learning Vector Quantization (DSLVQ) method is used as a feature selection method. The performance of these methodologies is evaluated with the linear and nonlinear Support Vector Machines (SVM), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Naive Bayesian (NB) classifiers. The methodologies are tested on BCI Competition IV dataset IIb and an average kappa value of 0.45 is obtained on the dataset. According to the classification results, the algorithms presented here obtain the 4th level in the competition as compared to the other algorithms in the competition.
Offline experiments are performed in METU Brain Research Laboratories and Hacettepe Biophysics Department on two subjects with the original cue-based MI BCI paradigm. Average prediction accuracy of the methods on a 2-class BCI is evaluated to be 76.26% in these datasets. Furthermore, two online BCI applications are developed: the ping-pong game and the electrical wheelchair control. For these applications, average classification accuracy is found to be 70%.
During the offline experiments, the performance of the developed system is observed to be highly dependent on the subject training and experience. According to the results, the EEG channels P3 and P4, which are considered to be irrelevant with the motor imagination, provided the best classification performance on the offline experiments. Regarding the observations on the experiments, this process is related to the stimulation mechanism in the cue based applications and consequent visual evoking effects on the subjects.
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Pilot-induced oscillation detection and mitigationLiu, Qingling 12 1900 (has links)
Commercial Aircraft
Corporation of China, Ltd (COMAC)and Chinese Scholarship Council. / The aim of this thesis is to develop a real time PIO detection and mitigation system that
consists of a detector based on short time Fourier transform(STFT) and autoregressive
model(ARX) with exogenous inputs, together with an adaptive controller based mitigation
system. The system not only detects the traditional PIO characteristics but also focuses on
the trend of pilot behaviour by calculating the rate of change in the open loop crossover
frequency. In the detection system, a sliding windowed STFT method was applied to
identify the frequency and phase characteristics of the system via processing the signal of
pilot input and aircraft state. An ARX model was also applied to get the rate of change
of the crossover frequency. After detection, a PIO cue was shown on the primary flight
display. A scheduled gain controller was coupled to provide PIO mitigation by varying
stick input gain.
Compensatory and tracking tests for the evaluation of this system were performed using
a quasi-linear Boeing-747 aircraft model including nonlinear command gearing and actuator
rate-limiting. Bandwidth and Gibson criteria were used to design PIO prone control
laws for system evaluation experiments. Results from PIO tests conducted on desktop
PCs were presented. These were analyzed and compared with those obtained from implementing
the Real-time Oscillation Verifier module available in literature.
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Feasibility of Using Electrical Network Frequency Fluctuations to Perform Forensic Digital Audio AuthenticationEl Gemayel, Tarek 06 August 2013 (has links)
Extracting the Electric Network Frequency (ENF) fluctuations from an audio recording and comparing it to a reference database is a new technology intended to perform forensic digital audio authentication. The objective of this thesis is to implement and design a range of programs and algorithms for capturing and extracting ENF signals. The developed C-program combined with a probe can be used to build the reference database. Our implementation of the Short-Time Fourier Transform method is intended for the ENF extraction of longer signals while our novel proposed use of the Autoregressive parametric method and our implementation of the zero-crossing approach tackle the case of shorter recordings. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) was developed to facilitate the process of extracting the ENF fluctuations. The whole process is tested and evaluated for various scenarios ranging from long to short recordings.
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Neuartige Ausheilverfahren in der SOI-CMOSFET-TechnologieIllgen, Ralf 19 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Thermische Ausheilprozesse werden bei der Transistorformation im Wesentlichen eingesetzt, um die durch die Ionenimplantation entstandenen Kristallschäden auszuheilen und die eingebrachten Dotanden zu aktivieren. Besonders kritisch sind dabei die finalen Aktivierungsprozesse, bei denen die Source/Drain-Gebiete der Transistoren gebildet werden. Im Zuge der kontinuierlichen Skalierung der CMOSFET-Technologie ist es außerdem erforderlich, möglichst flache, abrupte Dotierungsprofile mit maximaler elektrischer Aktivierung zu erhalten, um die bei diesen Bauelementeabmessungen immer stärker auftretenden Kurzkanaleffekte zu unterdrücken und gleichzeitig eine höhere Leistungsfähigkeit der Transistoren zu gewährleisten. Zur maximalen Aktivierung bei minimaler Diffusion der eingebrachten Dotanden müssen dazu während der finalen Ausheilung extrem kurze Ausheilzeiten bei sehr hohen Temperaturen bewerkstelligt werden. Mit dem derzeitig angewandten Ausheilverfahren, der schnellen thermischen Ausheilung (RTA), bei der die minimale Ausheilzeit im Bereich von 1 s liegt, sind diese Vorgaben nicht mehr realisierbar. Nur durch den Einsatz von neuartigen thermischen Ausheilprozessen mit Ausheilzeiten im Millisekundenbereich können diese Forderungen erreicht werden.
Das Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die wissenschaftliche Untersuchung der neuartigen Ausheilprozesse und die experimentelle Realisierung von Integrationsmöglichkeiten in die planare Hochleistungs-SOI-CMOSFET-Technologie.
Dazu wird zunächst die Notwendigkeit der Einführung der neuartigen Ausheilprozesse erläutert. Anschließend wird basierend auf experimentellen Untersuchungen der Einfluss der Kurzzeitausheilung auf die Diffusion und Aktivierung der Dotierstoffe für eine p- und n-Dotierung analysiert. Des Weiteren werden zwei unterschiedliche Technologien der Kurzzeitausheilung, die Blitzlampen- und Laser-Ausheilung, und deren Einfluss auf das Transistorverhalten sowohl auf Wafer- als auch auf Mikroprozessorebene untersucht. Der Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt auf der experimentellen Untersuchung zur Integration der Kurzzeitausheilung in den Herstellungsprozess von Hochleistungs-SOI-CMOSFETs. Zwei verschiedene Ansätze werden dabei näher betrachtet. Zum Einen wird der Einfluss der Kurzzeitausheilung als zusätzlicher Ausheilschritt im Anschluss an die herkömmliche RTA und zum Anderen als alleiniger Ausheilschritt ohne RTA untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der durchgeführten Experimente zeigen, dass durch die zusätzliche Kurzzeitausheilung nach Ansatz 1 ohne eine Veränderung des Herstellungsprozesses ein verbessertes Transistorverhalten erreicht werden kann. Demgegenüber ist die Integration der Kurzzeitausheilung nach Ansatz 2 nur durch eine Anpassung der Transistorarchitektur und eine Optimierung der Implantationsparameter für die Halo-, Source/Drain-Erweiterungs- und Source/Drain-Gebiete möglich. Ein Hauptaugenmerk bei der Herstellung diffusionsarmer p-MOSFETs nach Ansatz 2 liegt in der Implementierung von Si1-xGex-Source/Drain-Gebieten, um die Erhöhung der Leistungsfähigkeit durch diese Verspannungsquelle auch bei diesen Transistortypen zu gewährleisten. Die dazu durchgeführten experimentellen Untersuchungen zeigen, dass bei diffusionsarmen p-MOSFETs mit Si1-xGex in den Source/Drain-Gebieten des Transistors, die Wahl der richtigen Implantationsspezies von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Abschließend erfolgt eine Gegenüberstellung der Ergebnisse von optimierten, diffusionsarmen n- und p-MOSFETs mit Transistoren der 45 nm-Technologie. Letztere basieren auf einem Prozess mit einer kombinierten Ausheilung von RTA und Kurzzeitausheilung. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass im Gegensatz zur herkömmlichen RTA-Ausheilung eine weitere Miniaturisierung der planaren Transistorstruktur mit Hilfe der Kurzzeitausheilung möglich ist.
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Optimalizace péče o ohrožené dítě do 6 let věku / Optimalization of care for vulnerable child till the age of 6FARKAŠOVÁ, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The diploma work processes the present issues if it is important or even necessary keeping the institutional care for the children under 3 years of age or if it can be replaced by short term foster care. The research was done by quantitative strategy and with the method of forms. The forms were addressed to fosters [short term and long term fosters] and to the child care institutions for children under 3 years of age under the direction of Ministry of Health. The data from ÚZIS also served the research these data confirm that about 85% of children return to their own or substitute families. The return to biological families did not go under 50% between 2011 and 2015. The inquiry also revealed the different view on the issue of short term foster care where fosters [long and short time] prefer the short time foster care method, while the child care institutions for children under 3 years of age under the direction of Ministry of Health mention the risks connected with the foster [short term] deficiency. The work also shows the problem that short time foster care is not convenient for disabled children and children from different ethnic groups, the institutions see a big problem in this too. The ways how the children are distributed into substitute family care are also connected with above mention. The children come to short time foster care generally from social issues and to institutional care mostly from health-social issues. The fosters themselves mention the situations when they would fear doing the care. These situations mostly correspond with the cases of children placed to the institutions with special care. Finally it is obvious the short time foster care and the institutional care play their own irreplaceable role in the substitute family care system. Together they make the necessary balanced system for children at risk and they complement each other. Well, not every child is suitable for institutional care and otherwise. For example the children hardly disabled or children from repetitively non-functional families would be in high risk of failing again in the foster care. That is the reason, why the planned closing down of the special facilities should be discussed and reconsider again.
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Monte Carlo dinâmico aplicado aos modelos de Ising e Baxter-Wu. / Dynamic Monte Carlo method applied to Ising and Baxter-Wu models.Everaldo Arashiro 05 February 2002 (has links)
Investigações da dinâmica crítica em modelos de magnetismo, para tempos curtos, têm aparecido com grande freqüência na literatura. Essa técnica foi descoberta por Li, Schülke e Zheng que, inspirados em trabalhos anteriores de Huse e Janssen et al., mostraram que generalizações de grandezas como a magnetização e o cumulante de Binder exibem comportamento universal já no início da simulação. O estudo da criticalidade em tempos curtos proporciona um caminho alternativo para a estimativa do expoente z, além de permitir o cálculo de um novo expoente dinâmico θ, associado ao comportamento anômalo da magnetização. Da mesma forma, simulações dependentes do tempo tornaram-se ferramenta útil para estudar transições de fase em autômatos celulares e modelos de spin. Em particular, as melhores estimativas para o expoente z do Ising bidimensional foram obtidas por meio da técnica de propagação de danos, introduzida por Kauffman no estudo de autômatos e mais tarde generalizada para modelos de spin. Na primeira parte deste trabalho utilizamos o método Monte Carlo em tempos curtos para investigar o modelo de Baxter-Wu, definido em uma rede bidimensional triangular com variáveis do tipo Ising, acopladas por interações de três corpos. Obtivemos os expoentes críticos dinâmicos z e θ além dos índices críticos estáticos ß e Nû. Os resultados não corroboram aqueles recentemente obtidos por Santos e Figueiredo para o expoente z. Na segunda parte do trabalho, investigamos a propagação de danos no modelo de Ising unidimensional submetido a duas dinâmicas propostas por Hinrichsen e Domany (HD). Em particular, nós estudamos o efeito da atualização síncrona (paralela) e assíncrona (dinâmica contínua) sobre o espalhamento do dano. Mostramos que o dano não se propaga quando a segunda dinâmica é implementada de forma assíncrona. Também mostramos que as regras para atualização do dano produzidas por essa dinâmica, quando a temperatura vai a infinito e um certo parâmetro Lambda é igual a zero, são equivalentes àquelas do bem conhecido autômato celular (modelo A) de Grassberger. / Short-time simulations have been used with great frequency in the literature. That technique was discovered by Li, Shülke and Zheng that, inspired in previous works by Huse and Janssen et al., showed that generalizations of quantities like magnetization and the Binder´s cumulant exhibit universal behavior in the beginning of the simulation (early time behavior). The study of criticality in short-times provides an alternative way to estimate the dynamic critical exponent z, besides allowing the calculation of a new dynamic exponent θ, associated to the anomalous behavior of the magnetization. In the same way, time-dependent simulations became a useful tool to study phase transitions in cellular automata and also for spin models. In fact, the best estimates for the exponent z of the two-dimensional Ising model were obtained through the technique of damage spreading, introduced by Kauffman in the study of cellular automata, later widespread for spin models. In the first part of this work we used short-time Monte Carlo simulations to investigate the Baxter-Wu model, defined in a triangular lattice whose variables are Ising-like coupled by triplet interactions. We have obtained estimates for the dynamic critical exponents z and θ besides static exponents ß e Nû. Our results do not corroborate recent estimates by Santos and Figueiredo for the critical exponent z. In the second part of this work, we investigated the damage spreading in the one-dimensional Ising model under two dynamics introduced by Hinrichsen and Domany (HD). In particular, we study the effects of synchronous (parallel) and asynchronous (continuous dynamics) updating on the spreading properties. We showed that the damage does not spread when the second dynamic is implemented in an asynchronous way. We found that the rules for updating the damage produced by this dynamic, as the temperature goes to infinity and a certain parameter Lambda is zero, are equivalent to those of Grassbergers well-known model A cellular automaton.
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Propriedades críticas estáticas e dinâmicas de modelos com simetria contínua e do modelo Z(5) / Static and dynamic critical properties of models with continuous symmetry and of the Z(5) modelHenrique Almeida Fernandes 04 August 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho, nós investigamos o comportamento crítico dinâmico de três modelos estatísticos utilizando simulações Monte Carlo em tempos curtos. Inicialmente, estudamos os modelos tridimensionais de dupla-troca e de Heisenberg. O expoente dinâmico de persistência global, bem como o expoente z são estimados através de duas técnicas. Para obter o expoente de persistência global, aplicamos diretamente a lei de potência obtida para a probabilidade de persistência global e em seguida fizemos o colapso de uma função universal para duas redes de tamanhos diferentes. Para estimar o valor de z, nós usamos uma função mista que combina resultados de simulações realizadas com diferentes condições iniciais e o cumulante de Binder de quarta ordem dependente do tempo. O expoente dinâmico que governa o comportamento tipo lei de potência da magnetização inicial, é estimado através da correlação temporal da magnetização (modelos de dupla-troca e Heisenberg) e da aplicação direta de uma lei de potência (modelo de Heisenberg). Os expoentes estáticos da magnetização e comprimento de correlação são estimados seguindo o comportamento de escala do parâmetro de ordem e sua derivada, respectivamente. Os resultados confirmam que esses dois modelos pertencem à mesma classe de universalidade. Em seguida, alguns expoentes críticos dinâmicos e estáticos são estimados no ponto de bifurcação do modelo de spin com simetria Z(5) bidimensional. Neste ponto, o modelo apresenta dois parâmetros de ordem diferentes, cada um possuindo um conjunto diferente de índices críticos. Os valores dos expoentes críticos estáticos estão em boa concordância com os resultados exatos. Até onde sabemos, está é a primeira tentativa de se obter os expoentes críticos dinâmicos para os modelos de dupla troca, Heisenberg e para o modelo Z(5). / In this work, we investigate the dynamic critical behavior of three statistical models by using short-time Monte Carlo simulations. At first, we study the three-dimensional double-exchange and Heisenberg models. The global persistence exponent, as well as the exponent z are estimated through two techniques. The dynamical exponent of global persistence is obtained by using the straight application of the power law obtained for the global persistence probability and by following the scaling collapse of a universal function for two diferent lattice sizes. To estimate the value of z, we use a mixed function which combines results obtained from samples submitted to diferent initial configurations and the time dependent fourth-order Binder cumulant. The dynamical exponent which governs the power law behavior of the initial magnetization, is estimated through the time correlation of the magnetization (double-exchange and Heisenberg models) and through the straight application of a power law(Heisenberg model). The statical exponents of the magnetization and correlation length are estimated through the scaling behavior of the order parameter and its derivative, respectively. The results confirm which those models belong to the same universality class. Following, the dynamical exponents and the statical exponents are estimated at the bifurcation point of the two-dimensional Z(5)-symmetric spin model. In this point, the model presents two diferent order parameters, each one possessing a diferent set of critical indices. The values of the static critical exponents are in good agreement with the exact results. Our study is, to the best of our knowledge, the first attempt to obtain the dynamic critical exponents of the double-exchange, Heisenberg, and Z(5) models.
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Inativação de Mycobacterium bovis (espoligotipos SB0120 e SB1033) em leite integral submetido à pasteurização lenta e rápida em banho Maria / Inactivation of Mycobacterium bovis (SB0120 and SB1033 spoligotypes) in whole milk subjected to Holder pasteurization and HTST pasteurization in water bathsMaurício Roberto Tosti Narciso 27 January 2012 (has links)
O Mycobacterium bovis causa a tuberculose zoonótica, doença que afeta os animais e o homem podendo causar a morte, sendo o leite uma importante via de transmissão da doença para o homem. A pasteurização do leite é a principal medida para quebrar essa cadeia de transmissão, cujos parâmetros de tempo e temperatura foram definidos através de experimentos que datam desde o fim do século XIX, com base na resistência térmica do M. bovis e da Coxiella burnetti, então considerados os mais resistentes patógenos não formadores de esporos que contaminam o leite. No Brasil são aprovados os binômios 62ºC a 65ºC por 30 minutos e 72ºC a 75ºC por 15 a 20 segundos. Entretanto, com o passar dos anos e surgimento de novas tecnologias (PCR, Spoligotyping e outras técnicas biomoleculares) foi possível observar diferenças genéticas intra-espécie. Assim, este projeto tem por objetivo avaliar e comparar o comportamento de dois espoligotipos de M. bovis (SB0120 e SB1033) frente aos dois protocolos de pasteurização utilizados no país. Para tanto, leite integral UHT foi contaminado com esses espoligotipos e submetido aos dois processos térmicos, em Banho-Maria. O leite foi semeado em meio sólido Stonebrink-Leslie e a contagem de colônias foi feita após 45 dias de incubação a 37ºC. Não houve neste experimento diferença entre as resistências térmicas dos dois espoligotipos, no entanto detectou-se uma maior importância da fase de aquecimento na redução do agente do que da fase de manutenção da temperatura, para os dois espoligotipos, nos dois processos. / Mycobacterium bovis causes zoonotic tuberculosis disease that affects animals and humans and can cause death, the milk is an important route of disease transmission to humans. The pasteurization of milk is the main measure to break the transmission chain, whose time and temperature parameters were defined by experiments dating from the late nineteenth century, based on thermal resistance of M. bovis and Coxiella burnetti, considered then the most resistant non-spore-forming pathogens that contaminate the milk. In Brazil, there are two approved binomials 62ºC to 65ºC for 30 minutes and 72ºC to 75ºC for 15 to 20 seconds. However, over the years and the emergence of new technologies (PCR, spoligotyping and other biomolecular techniques) was observed genetic differences intra-species. Thus, this project aims to evaluate and compare the behavior of two spoligotypes of M. bovis (SB0120 and SB1033) compared to the two pasteurization protocols used in the country. To this end, UHT milk was contaminated with these spoligotypes and subjected to two thermal processes in a water bath. The milk was streaked on solid medium Stonebrink-Leslie and colony counting was done after 45 days of incubation at 37ºC. This experiment showed that there was no difference between the thermal resistances of the two spoligotypes, however it was detected a greater importance of the heating phase in reducing the agent that the maintenance phase of temperature for the two spoligotypes, in both cases.
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An adaptive hydrological model for multiple time-steps : diagnostics and improvements based on fluxes consistency / Un modèle hydrologique adaptatif à différents pas de temps : diagnostic et améliorations basés sur la cohérence des fluxFicchi, Andrea 27 February 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à explorer la question du changement d'échelle temporelle en modélisation hydrologique conceptuelle. Les principaux objectifs sont : (i) étudier les effets du changement du pas de temps sur les performances, les paramètres et la structure des modèles hydrologiques ; (ii) mettre au point un modèle pluie-débit applicable à différents pas de temps. Notre point de départ est le modèle global journalier GR4J, développé à Irstea. Ce modèle a été choisi comme le modèle de référence à adapter à d'autres résolutions plus fines, jusqu'à des pas de temps infra-horaires, en suivant une approche descendante. Pour nos tests, nous avons construit une base de données de 240 bassins versants non influencés en France, à différents pas de temps allant de 6 minutes à 1 jour, en utilisant: (i) les données pluviométriques à 6 minutes et la réanalyse des lames d'eau journalières à plus haute résolution spatiale ; (ii) les données de température journalière pour le calcul de l'évapotranspiration potentielle ; (iii) les données hydrométriques à pas de temps variable. Nous avons étudié l'impact de la distribution temporelle des entrées sur les performances du modèle en se focalisant sur la simulation de crue, sur la base de 2400 événements. Ensuite, notre évaluation du modèle a porté sur l'analyse de la cohérence des flux internes du modèle à différents pas de temps, afin d'assurer une performance satisfaisante à travers un fonctionnement du modèle cohérent. Notre diagnostic du modèle nous a permis d'identifier une amélioration de la structure du modèle à différents pas de temps infra-journaliers basée sur la complexification de la composante d'interception du modèle. / This thesis aims at exploring the question of temporal scaling in lumped conceptual hydrological modelling. The main objectives of the thesis are to: (i) study the effects of varying the modelling time step on the performance, parameters and structure of hydrological models; (ii) develop a hydrological model operating at different time steps, from daily to sub-hourly, through a unified, robust and coherent modelling framework at different time scales. Our starting point is the chain of conceptual rainfall-runoff models called ‘GR’, developed at Irstea, and in particular the daily ‘GR4J’ lumped model. The GR4J model will be the baseline model to be effectively downscaled up to sub-hourly time steps following a top-down approach. An hourly adaptation of this model had already been proposed in previous research studies, but some questions on the optimality of the structure at sub-daily time steps were still open. This thesis builds on these previous studies on the hourly model and responds to the operational expectations of improving and adapting the model at multiple sub-daily and sub-hourly time steps, which is particularly interesting for flood forecasting applications. For our modelling tests, we built a database of 240 unregulated catchments in metropolitan France, at multiple time steps, from 6-minute to 1 day, using fine time step hydro-climatic datasets available: (i) 6-min rain gauges and higher spatial-density daily reanalysis data for precipitation; (ii) daily temperature data for potential evapotranspiration (making assumptions on sub-daily patterns); (iii) sub-hourly variable time step streamflow data. We investigated the impact of the inputs temporal distribution on model outputs and performance in a flood simulation perspective based on 2400 selected flood events. Then our model evaluation focused on the consistency of model internal fluxes at different time steps, in order to ensure obtaining a satisfactory model performance by a coherent model functioning at multiple time steps. Our model diagnosis led us to identify and test a significant improvement of the model structure at sub-daily time steps based on the complexification of the interception component of the model. Thus, we propose a new version of the model at multiple sub-daily time steps, with the addition of an interception store without extra free parameters. Our tests also confirm the suitability at multiple time steps of a modified groundwater exchange function proposed earlier, leading to overall improved model accuracy and coherence.
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Feasibility of Using Electrical Network Frequency Fluctuations to Perform Forensic Digital Audio AuthenticationEl Gemayel, Tarek January 2013 (has links)
Extracting the Electric Network Frequency (ENF) fluctuations from an audio recording and comparing it to a reference database is a new technology intended to perform forensic digital audio authentication. The objective of this thesis is to implement and design a range of programs and algorithms for capturing and extracting ENF signals. The developed C-program combined with a probe can be used to build the reference database. Our implementation of the Short-Time Fourier Transform method is intended for the ENF extraction of longer signals while our novel proposed use of the Autoregressive parametric method and our implementation of the zero-crossing approach tackle the case of shorter recordings. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) was developed to facilitate the process of extracting the ENF fluctuations. The whole process is tested and evaluated for various scenarios ranging from long to short recordings.
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