Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sicas""
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Keratoconjunctivitis in domestic ruminants /Surman, Philip Gordon. January 1971 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- University of Adelaide, Dept. of Microbiology, 1972.
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Das trockene Auge ein neuer therapeutischer Ansatz zur Behandlung der Keratokonjunktivitis siccaSchachner, Andrea January 2005 (has links)
Zugl.: Graz, Univ., Diss., 2005 / Hergestellt on demand
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Tear lacritin concentrations in canine keratoconjunctivitis siccaDisney, Julia L. 26 June 2017 (has links)
Background: Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) is a chronic ocular disease of both dogs and humans that can result in ocular discomfort, corneal opacification, and vision loss. Lacritin, a protein found in the tears of many species, has been shown to play a role in lacrimation and corneal health. Because of its role as a potential lacrimostimulant, assessment of endogenous lacritin levels could reveal a correlation between lacritin and tear production in the dog.
Objectives: To determine if tear lacritin concentrations are decreased in canine eyes affected by KCS.
Animals: 58 client-owned dogs (tear samples from 55 eyes with normal tear production and 55 eyes diagnosed with KCS).
Methods: All eyes underwent an ophthalmic exam, including Schirmer Tear Testing (STT), anterior segment assessment, and tear sample collection. Tear samples were evaluated for their total protein concentrations via BCA assay and lacritin concentrations via ELISA.
Results: Total protein of canine tears is increased in KCS-affected eyes as compared to normal eyes. Tear lacritin as a component of total tear protein is significantly decreased in tears from KCS-affected eyes. When measured as a concentration (mass per volume of aqueous tears), lacritin is not significantly different between KCS-affected eyes and normal eyes, nor were they strongly correlated to STT values.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Total tear protein levels were significantly increased in canine KCS. When quantified as a proportion of total tear sample protein, tear lacritin levels are decreased in KCS-affected eyes. Relative to tear volume, tear lacritin levels are not significantly different between KCS-affected eyes and normal eyes. Assessment of lacritin supplementation in canine KCS is warranted to evaluate potential effects on lacrimation and ocular surface health. / Master of Science / Keratoconjunctivitis sicca describes a syndrome of inadequate pre-ocular tear film, due to decreased quantity or quality of tears on the ocular surface. A multitude of clinical signs and sequelae result, including ocular discomfort, ocular discharge, and corneal opacification that may lead to vision loss. Current therapies aim at improving endogenous tear production; standard therapy, however, may not significantly improve disease in up to 30% of canine patients and 40% of human patients. Development of additional therapies could improve the vision and comfort of patients with KCS.
Lacritin, a protein found in the tears of many species, has been shown to play a role in lacrimation and corneal health. Because of its role as a potential stimulant of tear production, assessment of endogenous lacritin levels could reveal a correlation between lacritin and tear production in the dog. This project aims to compare tear lacritin concentrations in dogs with normal tear production versus dogs with KCS.
Tear samples were collected from normal dogs (n=55) and those affected with KCS (n=55). Samples were analyzed for their total tear protein levels via BCA assay and for their lacritin levels via ELISA analysis. Total tear protein levels and tear lacritin levels were compared to Schirmer Tear Test results, a routine method of diagnosing KCS in dogs. Tear lacritin was significantly decreased in KCS, relative to the quantity of total tear proteins. As a portion of the total volume of tears, lacritin was not significantly different in KCS-affected eyes as compared to normal eyes. Further investigation is warranted to determine the effects lacritin supplementation may have on canine KCS, in regard to tear production and clinical signs of KCS.
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Stabilität der epitheliotrophen Potenz von Serum vor und nach Kryokonservierung / Epitheliotrophic stability of autologous serum eye drops before and after cryostorageFischer, Kai Reiner January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung Augentropfen aus autologem Serum (AT) werden seit ca. zehn Jahren erfolgreich in der Therapie von Erkrankungen des äußeren Auges eingesetzt [Yamada et al. 2008]. Die relativ aufwendige individuelle Herstellung sowie die derzeitigen gesetzlichen Regularien schränken bisher die flächendeckende Versorgung der Patienten mit AT ein. Der Nachweis der Funktionalität der AT nach einer verlängerten Haltbarkeit von sieben Tagen bei +4°C bzw. sechs Monaten Lagerungen bei -20°C könnte die Logistik vereinfachen und somit die Versorgungssituation der Patienten verbessern. In dieser Studie wurde die Stabilität verschiedener Inhaltsstoffe und des wundheilungsfördernden Einflusses von AT in verschiedenen Verdünnungsstufen unter verschiedenen Lagerungsbedingungen untersucht. Materialien und Methodik Nach Vorliegen des Votums der Ethikkommission der Universität Würzburg wurde von zehn gesunden Männern 300 ml Vollblut in sterilen Serummonovetten abgenommen. Die Präparation erfolgte entsprechend dem Protokoll von Liu et al. [2005]. Die AT wurden unverdünnt (AT100), bzw. mit Balanced Saltsolution (BSS) für die Ophthalmologie auf 50% (AT50) oder 20% (AT20) verdünnt und bei 6° für 7 Tage bzw. bei -20° für 3 und 6 Monate gelagert. Die Untersuchung der Proben erfolgte am Tag der Entnahme, nach 7 Tagen, 3 Monaten und 6 Monaten. Die Konzentration von Epidermalem Wachstumsfakor (EGF), Fibronektin, Vitamin A und E, IgA und Albumin wurden mittels Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatographie (HPLC), Photometrie oder Turbidimetrie gemessen. Für den Nachweis der Funktionalität der AT in vitro wurden immortalisierte Hornhautepithelzellen (HCE-Zellen) verwendet. Folgende Parameter wurden untersucht: Proliferation mit Hilfe eines lumineszensbasierten ATP-Assays, Migration im Kolonie-Dispersions-Assay und Wundheilungspotenz mittels Scratch-Wound-Assay. Ergebnisse Die untersuchten laborchemischen Parameter zeigten während der Lagerung nur geringe Schwankungen und keinen signifikanten Unterschied zwischen den frischen, den sieben Tage und den sechs Monate gelagerten Proben. Mit dem Kolonie-Dispersions-Assay wurde die Migrationsfähigkeit der HCE-Zellen über max. 144 h erfasst. Zu jedem Messpunkt und bei jeder Konzentration war eine Zunahme des Durchmessers der Zellrasen zu beobachten, außer für sechs Monate gelagerte AT20. Die stärkste Dispersionstendenz zeigte die Zellen für AT100. Auch für den Scratch-Wound-Assay und ATP-Assay konnte keine signifikante Änderung zum frischen Ausgangsmaterial gezeigt werden. Konklusion 1. Die Konzentration der untersuchten Inhaltsstoffe und der wundheilungsfördernde Einfluss von AT ist nach sieben Tagen bei +4°C bzw. nach sechs Monaten Lagerung bei -20°C nicht signifikant verändert. 2. Es konnte kein eindeutiger Parameter für die Kontrolle der AT gefunden werden. Aufgrund der Bedeutung für die Augenoberfläche und aufgrund der einfachen Nachweismethode bietet sich die Überwachung von Albumin oder Vitamin A & E an. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass die verwendete Verdünnung ebenfalls keinen Einfluss auf die Lagerfähigkeit hat. 3. Weitere Studien über andere trophische Faktoren oder über einen Zeitraum bis zu 12 Monaten sollten folgen. Auch die klinische Überprüfung der gefundenen Ergebnisse steht aus. / Purpose: Serum eye drops are used for the treatment of ocular surface disease (e.g. Sicca Syndrome). The objective of this study was to investigate whether they maintain their wound healing potency after a prolonged storage of six months at -20°C and was to find a parameter which can serve as a quality and stability indicator. Design: experimental study Methods: After obtaining whole blood from 10 volunteers and preparation of 100% (AS100), 50% (AS50), 20% (AS20) serum eye drops, epitheliotrophic factors including EGF, fibronectin, vitamin A & E, albumin and IgA were quantified before and after storage for 7 days at 6°C or 3 and 6 months at -20°C. Human corneal epithelial cell (HCE) line were used to investigate proliferation, migration and overall wound healing potency of the cells in response to different serum preparations. Main Outcome Measures: The proliferation, migration and wound healing of HCE were measured after incubation with different serum eye drop concentrations and after different storage conditions. Results: The concentration of EGF, fibronectin, vitamins A & E, IgA and albumin showed no significant reduction over the test period. Proliferation, migration and wound healing of HCE cells was significantly better after incubation with undiluted serum in comparison with diluted serum. No significant loss of cytokine concentration, wound healing and proliferation effect in HCE culture of AS100, AS50 and AS20 could be detected over the 6 months of storage. Conclusion: The concentration of a spectrum of cytokines involved in corneal epithelial wound healing and the epitheliothrophic effect of serum are not significantly changed after a prolonged storage of six months at -20°C. Hence it seems justifiable to provide patients with appropriate freezer capacity with a 6 months supply of autologous serum eye drops. Among the many parameters tested albumin may be due to cost effectiveness and its importance for the ocular surface an appropriate parameter to serve for stability controls.
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Tear physiology in the normal and dry eyeCraig, Jennifer P. January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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Bipolymere Zubereitungen auf Polyacrylsäure-Basis zur Anwendung in der Therapie der Keratoconjunctivitis sicca und des Glaukoms /Oechsner, Matthias Bernhard Franziskus. January 1998 (has links) (PDF)
Humboldt-Univ., Diss.--Berlin, 1998.
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A retrospective analysis of dry eye interventions during the first postoperative year of patients undergoing LASIK versus PRKRibeiro, Pamela Bastos 08 June 2020 (has links)
INTRODUCTION: There are two main procedures responsible for correcting refractive error: laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). The most common postoperative complication of all laser vision correction (LVC) surgeries is keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or dry eye. In addition to physical irritation, dry eye can cause poor visual acuity and reduced quality of life. There are inconsistencies in the literature about which procedure results in higher rates of dry eye thus we explored the likelihood of a dry eye intervention within the first year after surgery.
METHODS: Performing a retrospective chart review of all patients who underwent LVC procedures between 2009-2019 at a private Boston ophthalmology clinic, we were able to quantify the proportion of patients that required postoperative dry eye interventions within the 12 months following surgery. At this clinic, a dry eye intervention was defined as one of two treatments: punctal plug insertion or prescription medication (Restasis or Xiidra) use.
RESULTS: A total of 11,175 LASIK eyes from 5,920 individuals, 1,549 LASEK eyes from 880 individuals, and 2,006 PRK eyes from 1,165 individuals were included in the analysis. Comparing the proportion of LASIK dry eye interventions to the proportion of PRK/LASEK dry eye interventions via a 2-sample z-test at an alpha level of significance of 0.05, yielded a z-value= 5.7 and a p-value= <0.0001 at a 95% CI (0.0102 - 0.0208).
CONCLUSION: Our results suggest a greater incidence of postoperative dry eye interventions for PRK/LASEK patients compared to LASIK patients in the 12 months following LVC surgery. This study was limited in regards to both objective and subjective indicators of dryness; therefore future studies should attempt to be more comprehensive in evaluating postoperative dry eye. However, this study should help surgeons in the decision making process of which refractive eye surgery to recommend in order to reduce postoperative dry eye incidence and improve overall patient quality of life and satisfaction. / 2022-06-08T00:00:00Z
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Praktikable Sjögren-Diagnostik bei interstitieller Lungenerkrankung: ein DiskussionsbeitragAringer, Martin, Koschel, Dirk, Dörner, Thomas, Sewerin, Philipp, Prasse, Antje, Witte, Torsten 21 August 2024 (has links)
Das Sjögren-Syndrom (SjS) stellt eine mögliche autoimmune Ursache einer interstitiellen Lungenerkrankung dar. Die Abklärung in Richtung SjS ist aber im Vergleich zu anderen systemischen Autoimmunerkrankungen bisher kaum standardisiert. Die subjektive Sicca-Symptomatik, die Anti-SS-A/Ro-Antikörper und selbst die ANA-Diagnostik als Suchtest haben alle relevante Einschränkungen in ihrer Sensitivität und/oder Spezifität. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben wir in einer interdisziplinären Diskussion einen Konsens für die SjS-Abklärung entwickelt, den wir hier für die breitere Diskussion vorstellen. Neben ANA sollten sowohl Anti-SS-A/Ro-Antikörper als auch Antikörper gegen α‑Fodrin bestimmt werden. Wichtig ist die Objektivierung der Trockenheit mittels Schirmer- und Saxon-Test und bei fehlenden typischen Autoantikörpern die Speicheldrüsenbiopsie. / Sjögren’s syndrome (SjS) is a possible autoimmune cause of interstitial lung disease. The diagnostic pathway for SjS, however, is largely undefined in comparison to other systemic autoimmune diseases. Subjective sicca symptoms, anti-SS-A/Ro antibodies and even ANA as screening tests all have relevant limitations in sensitivity and/or specificity. Against this background, in an interdisciplinary discussion we have developed a consensus for the clarification of SjS, which is presented here for broader discussion. In addition to ANA and anti-SS-A/Ro antibodies, antibodies against alpha-fodrin should be included. Objective measures of dryness, such a Schirmer and Saxon tests are important, as is a salivary gland biopsy in the absence of typical autoantibodies.
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The Life History of the Mayfly Isonychia sicca (Walsh) (Ephemeroptera--Siphlonuridae) in an Intermittent Stream in North Central TexasGrant, Peter M., fl. 1978- 12 1900 (has links)
The life history of Isonychia sicca (Walsh) was elucidated from samples collected at Clear Creek from Oct. 1976-Jun. 1978, and Elm Fork of the Trinity River from Sept. 1977-Jun. 1978, Denton County, Texas. Adaptations for existence in an intermittent stream were of primary concern. Eggs are capable of diapausing through hot, dry summers and cold, wet or dry winters. Diapause is broken in the fall after rehydration and/or in the spring. I. sicca is usually bivoltine during a Sept.-Jul. wet period. Observations from Elm Fork indicate that emergence continues to Oct. if the stream remains permanent. Considerable overlap occurs between overwintering, spring, and summer populations.
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Detecção de proteínas e partículas virais do HTLV-1 em glândulas salivares de pacientes com Síndrome de Sjögren e de infectados pelo HTLV-1 / Detection of HTLV-1 viral proteins and particles in the salivary glands of patients with Sjögren\'s Syndrome and patients infected with HTLV-1Vale, Daniela Assis do 05 December 2017 (has links)
O HTLV-1 (human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1) foi o primeiro retrovírus humano a ser identificado. O HTLV-1 tem a capacidade de ativar e gerar uma intensa resposta inflamatória, podendo levar a alterações em diversos tecidos que mimetizam uma doença autoimune. Do complexo de doenças associadas ao HTLV-1, a Síndrome de Sjögren (SS) figura entre as mais estudadas. No entanto, nenhuma relação definitiva foi ainda estabelecida. Este trabalho propõe-se a investigar indícios da presença do HTLV-1 em glândulas salivares menores de pacientes infectados por esse retrovírus e comparar as alterações morfológicas em glândulas salivares menores de pacientes com HTLV-1 e de pacientes com SS não infectados. Amostras de glândula salivar menor foram coletadas de 14 pacientes HTLV+ que apresentavam síndrome seca (grupo de estudo) e 5 pacientes diagnosticados com SS e negativos para o HTLV (grupo controle). No grupo de estudo, o infiltrado inflamatório visto era composto principalmente por linfócitos T CD4+, no grupo controle a população majoritária foi de linfócitos B CD20+. Alterações morfológicas como fibrose e infiltração gordurosa foram mais comumente vistas nas amostras do grupo de estudo, sendo a diferença estatisticamente significativa (p=0,038 e 0,033 respectivamente). Na análise por PCR 11 (78,57%) dos casos do grupo de estudo foi detectado o gene tax e/ou rex do HTLV-1, no entanto 4 (80%) das amostras do grupo controle também foram positivas. O HTLV-1 mostra indícios de estar presente nas glândulas salivares de indivíduos com síndrome seca, no entanto pacientes HTLV-1+ apresentam alterações morfológicas em padrões diferentes dos vistos em pacientes com SS, denotando uma provável diferença no processo de ativação imunológica. / Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-1) was the first human retrovirus to be discovered. HTLV-1 has the ability to activate and generate an intense inflammatory response, which can lead to changes in several tissues that mimic an autoimmune disease Of the complex of diseases associated with HTLV-1, Sjögren\'s Syndrome (SS) is among the most studied. The aim of this study is to investigate the presence of HTLV-1 in the minor salivary glands of patients infected with this retrovirus and to compare the morphological alterations in the salivary glands of patients with HTLV-1 and patients with SS uninfected. Minor salivary gland samples were obtained from 14 HTLV + patients with dry syndrome (study group) and 5 patients diagnosed with SS and HTLV negative (control group). In the study group, the inflammatory infiltrate was mainly composed of CD4+ T lymphocytes, in the control group the majority population was of CD20+ B lymphocytes. Morphological changes such as fibrosis and adipose tissue infiltration were more common in the study group, the difference was statistically significant (p = 0.038 and 0.033, respectively). The HTLV-1 tax and/or rex genes were detected by PCR in 11 (78.57%) patients of the study group, but 4 (80%) samples from the control group were also positive. HTLV-1 shows signs of being present in the salivary glands of individuals with dry syndrome however, HTLV-1+ patients present morphological alterations in different patterns from those observed in SS patients, denoting a probable difference in the immunological activation process.
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