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Metodologia de monitoração e diagnóstico automatizado de rolamentos utilizando lógica paraconsistente, transformada de Wavelet e processamento de sinais digitaisMASOTTI, PAULO H.F. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:52:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:58:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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A behavioural and genomic approach to studying the evolution of reproductive isolation : a contact zone between closely related field crickets in the genus TeleogryllusMoran, Peter January 2017 (has links)
What processes contribute to the evolution of reproductive isolation and the coexistence of interfertile species in the same habitat? This thesis investigates the relative roles of species interactions and intraspecific processes in contributing to reproductive isolation. I combine behavioural and genomic approaches to test hypotheses about what mechanisms maintain the general species boundary between two closely related field cricket species: Teleogryllus oceanicus and T. commodus. These species are a classic study system for sexual communication and readily hybridize in the laboratory, however little is known about species interactions in sympatric populations. I examine patterns of geographic variation in two key sexual traits: calling song and cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), and the geographic distribution of genetic variation across a broad sample of allopatric and sympatric populations. I test whether X chromosomes play a pronounced role in population divergence and reproductive isolation. Using close range mating trials and hybridization experiments I identify numerous pre-mating and post-mating barriers between the species. The results indicate that the species are currently reproductively isolated and the pattern of population differentiation does not strongly support contemporary species interactions contributing to phenotypic diversity. Numerous barriers exist between the species, in particular hybrid females are sterile in both cross directions, while hybrid males are relatively fertile. This provides a rare exception to Haldane's rule which is central to many genetic theories of speciation. Established theory predicts that X chromosomes should play a pronounced role in the evolution of both pre- and postzygotic barriers. Contrary to this, I found no evidence that X chromosomes contribute to hybrid female sterility. Moreover, X-linked loci exhibited an unexpected pattern of reduced population differentiation within species, but increased species divergence compared to autosomal loci, which may indicate selective sweeps or sex-biased processes. Taken together, the results suggest that the causes and consequences of X chromosome evolution, in particular among XO taxa, may contradict some of the established theories.
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Characterization & detection of electric Arc Detection in Low-Voltage IEC Networks / Caractérisation et détection d’arcs électriques dans un réseau basse tension IECVasile, Costin 12 April 2018 (has links)
Contexte & Motivation:Les installations électriques des bâtiments se détériorent au fil du temps et leur gravité et leur taux de détérioration dépendent de facteurs environnementaux (chaleur, humidité, réactions chimiques corrosives et vieillies isolations) ou d'actions externes indésirables telles que la manipulation humaine erronée, qui conduit à des charges ou des câbles/réseaux endommagés.L'European Fire Academy (EFA) et de nombreuses compagnies d'assurance indiquent que 25% des incendies de bâtiments sont d'origine électrique. Ces incendies peuvent être déclenchés par des circuits surchargés, des court-circuits, des courants de fuite à la terre, des surtensions et / ou des défauts d'arc électrique dans les connexions et les câbles.Les protections électriques classiques telles que les disjoncteurs et les disjoncteurs différentiels offrent une protection insuffisante. Par exemple, en cas de défauts d'arcs en série, la valeur du courant de défaut d'arc reste inférieure à la valeur du courant nominal, car elle est limitée par la résistance du carbone généré par le défaut d'arc. Dans ce cas, toute protection existante peut détecter ce type de faute.Détection de défaut d'arc : approche de traitement du signalDans le cadre de ce travail, l'objectif a été de détecter chaque instant d'arc, ce qui, pour un réseau alternatif, permettrait d'identifier correctement chaque arc dans chaque demi-cycle de réseau où il se produit.En fonction de la caractéristique numérique utilisée à des fins de détection, nous avons introduit différentes classes de méthodes:• Caractéristiques énergétiques (bandes étroite et large bande)• Caractéristiques statistiques (moments statistiques, analyse de la corrélation etc.)• Caractéristiques basées sur un model (ex. modelés AR, ARMA etc.)• Caractéristiques data-driven (utiliser Phase Space Embedding pour les séries temporelles)Chaque approche a été testée et évaluée sur une base de données de signaux construite avec soin, capable de fournir la variabilité du monde réel, dans un cadre d'évaluation statistique qui permet de trouver des seuils appropriés et leurs plages associées. Il donne également des performances relatives, d'une fonctionnalité à l'autre, en fonction de la façon dont les plages de seuils couvrent tout l'espace des caractéristiques.Une approche prometteuse est montrée avec un résultat intermédiaire sur la figure 8. La configuration est plutôt courante, avec une charge résistive (R-Load) en fonctionnement normal, avec un gradateur allumé et ajouté dans la configuration et un arc persistant apparaissant dans le circuit.Il suffit d'analyser simplement la forme d'onde du courant 50 Hz, car même lors d'une simple inspection visuelle, il est difficile d'identifier l'origine du défaut d'arc et s'il est stable ou s'il s'éteint après (ou où). En mesurant correctement le bruit de défaut d'arc haute fréquence et en sélectionnant correctement la bande passante, nous parvenons à obtenir un signal beaucoup plus facile à traiter. L'arc est difficile à détecter en raison de la variation de l'intensité énergétique d'un réseau à l'autre (encore plus: pour un même réseau, ajouter / enlever des charges ou des rallonges modifie la distribution d'amplitude et de fréquence de l'arc). Par conséquent, nous exploitons le caractère aléatoire intrinsèque de l'arc, ce qui permet une variabilité suffisante d'une réalisation d'arc à une autre.En conclusion, nous proposons une nouvelle méthodologie de traitement du signal pour la détection des défauts d'arc, à mettre en œuvre dans un algorithme de produit AFDD. En outre, une autre approche est présentée, basée sur l'analyse de diagramme de phase, qui permet la séparation entre les arcs et les signaux de communication, ce qui est également un grand défi dans ce domaine. / Context & Motivation:Electrical installations in buildings deteriorate, over time and the severity and rate of deterioration depend on environmental factors (such as heat, humidity, corrosive chemical reactions and aging insulations) and unwanted external actions (such as human mishandling, that leads to damaged devices or cables/network).Caution is mandatory when handling electrical installations, seeing that potential hazards include electric shocks, burns, explosions and fire, if proper safety precautions are ignored or neglected. The European Fire Academy (EFA) and many property and casualty insurance companies report that 25% of building fires are electrical in origin. These fires can be triggered by overloaded circuits, short-circuits, earth leakage currents, overvoltage and/or electrical arc faults in connections and cables.Classical electrical protection such as circuit breakers and RCDs offer insufficient protection. For example, in case of series arc faults, the arc fault current value remains below the rated current value, since it is limited by the resistance of the carbon generated by the arc fault and by the load itself. In this case, no existing protection can detect such kind of fault.Arc Fault Detection: Signal Processing ApproachIn the context of this work, the objective has been to detect each instant of arcing, which for an AC network, would mean correctly identifying each arcing in each network half-cycle where it occurs.Depending on the numerical feature used for detection purposes, we introduced different classes of methods:• Energy-related features (narrow and wideband)• Statistical features (statistical moments, correlation analysis etc.)• Model-based features (using numerical models, such as AR, for example)• Data-driven features (using Phase Space Embedding for time series)Each approach has been tested & evaluated on a carefully constructed signal database, capable of supplying real-world variability, within a statistical evaluation framework which enables finding suitable thresholds and their appropriate ranges. It also gives relative performances, from one feature to another, based on how threshold ranges cover the entire feature space.A promising approach is shown with an intermediary result in Figure 9. The configuration is rather common, with a resistive load (R – Load) in normal operation, with a dimmer being turned on and added in the configuration and a persistent arc appearing in the circuit.Figure 9 Resistive load, dimmer and persistent arcing – processing result (example).Simply analyzing the 50Hz line current waveform is insufficient, as even at a simple visual inspection there is difficulty in identifying where the arc fault ignites and if it is a stable one, or if it extinguishes afterwards (or where). By correctly measuring the high frequency arc fault noise and with correct selection of the bandwidth, we manage to obtain a signal much easier to process further on. Arcing is inherently difficult to detect, due to high frequency energy intensity variation from one network to another (even more: for the same network, adding/removing loads or extension cords will change the amplitude and frequency distribution of the arc fault energy). Therefore, we exploit the intrinsic randomness of arcing, which enables sufficient variability from one arcing realization to another.To conclude, we propose a new signal processing methodology for arc fault detection, to be implemented in an AFDD product algorithm. Also, another approach is presented, based on phase diagram analysis, that allows the separation between the arcs and communication signals, which is also a great challenge in this field.
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The costs and consequences of female sexual signalsHopkins, J. (Juhani) 30 October 2018 (has links)
Sexual ornaments have developed in a very wide variety of animal taxa to increase fitness by improving mating success. How increased mating rate improves fitness is obvious in the case of most males: each mating provides more offspring. Whether more matings benefit females, whose fecundity is limited by resources and not mates, is unclear. Mate choice is linked to ornamentation, when individuals of one sex choose who to mate with based on the ornamentation in members of the other sex. Ornaments may work as a basis for mate choice due to conveying information about the quality of the mate. Mate choice may then lead to intrasexual competition for mates in the chosen sex as animals try to outcompete their neighbours and attract more mates.
My aim in this thesis is to study the purpose and costs of female ornamentation as well as female competition for males. The main questions revolve around understanding what information female ornaments provide about the bearer and how males choose between females. I also examine how females compete against each other and what the costs of being ornamented are for a female. To study these questions I use the common glow-worm (Lampyris noctiluca Linnaeus, Lampyridae), whose females glow at night to attract flying males.
According to my results, a female’s glowing provides accurate information about fecundity and males base their choice of mate on the intensity of female glowing. I showed that the perceived strength of an ornament in comparison to others close by is more important than the actual strength of an ornament. In the glow-worm, the perceived strength of an ornament depends on distance to the observer, making the system open to exploitation. A mathematical model I developed suggested that dull females could outcompete brighter ones by choosing optimal locations, and experimentation showed this to be the case. Finally, my results show that glow-worm females lose eggs each day they remain unmated. This suggests that the evolution of female ornamentation may have been driven in part by the need to find a mate as soon as possible after eclosion. Which in turn means that female and male ornamentation may have fundamentally different purposes: for females mating soon may be important, where for males the total number of offspring fertilized is critical. / Tiivistelmä
Seksuaalisia ornamentteja on kehittynyt hyvin laajaan kirjoon eläinlajeja parantamaan yksilöiden kelpoisuutta nostamalla niiden parittelutodennäköisyyttä. Koirailla parittelutodennäköisyyden ja kelpoisuuden välinen yhteys on yleensä selvä: jokainen parittelu nostaa jälkeläismäärää. Naarailla yhteys ei ole yhtä selvä, sillä niillä jälkeläismäärä yleensä riippuu resurssien saatavuudesta eikä kumppanien määrästä. Parinvalinta on kiinteästi yhteydessä ornamentaatioon: Yhden sukupuolen yksilöt päättävät kenen kanssa paritella toisen sukupuolen yksilöiden ornamenttien laadun perusteella. Ornamentit toimivat valinnan perusteena välittämällä tietoa parin laadusta. Parinvalinta voi johtaa yksilöiden väliseen kilpailuun kumppaneista valitun sukupuolen sisällä.
Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkoituksenani on tutkia naaraiden ornamenttien tarkoitusta ja kustannuksia sekä tutkia miten naaraat voivat kilpailla toisiaan vastaan koiraista. Pääkysymykset liittyvät ornamenttien välittämään informaatioon ja siihen miten koiraat valitsevat kumppaninsa. Lisäksi tarkastelen miten naaraat voivat kilpailla keskenään ja mitä kustannuksia ornamenteista on naaraille. Kysymysten selvittämiseksi käytän tutkimuslajina kiiltomatoa (Lampyris noctiluca Linnaeus, Lampyridae), lajia jonka naaraat loistavat öisin houkutellakseen lentäviä koiraita.
Tulosteni mukaan kiiltomatonaaraan loiste välittää tarkkaa informaatiota niiden munamäärästä ja koiraat osaavat valita parinsa tämän perusteella. Osoitin, että ornamentin havaittu vahvuus verrattuna ympärillä oleviin on tärkeämpää kuin ornamentin todellinen vahvuus. Kiiltomadolla havaittu kirkkaus riippuu etäisyydestä havaitsijaan, mikä tekee signallointijärjestelmästä avoimen väärinkäytölle. Laatimani matemaattisen mallin mukaan himmeät naaraat voisivat päihittää kilpailussa kirkkaampia valitsemalla parempia loistamispaikkoja. Käytännön kokeet osoittivat tämän pitävän paikkansa. Viimeinen tulokseni oli, että kiiltomadolla naaras menettää osan munistaan joka päivä jonka se joutuu odottamaan parittelua. Tästä voi päätellä, että naaraan ornamentin evoluutiota on voinut osaltaan ajaa tarve paritella mahdollisimman pian aikuistumisen jälkeen. Naaraiden ja koiraiden ornamenttien syyt voivat olla hyvin erilaiset: naarailla parittelu mahdollisimman pian voi olla tärkeintä, kun koiraalla parittelukumppanien määrä on tärkein.
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Desenvolvimento de um sistema de análise de Emissões Otoacústicas Evocadas Transientes para auxílio à triagem auditivaPinto, Kayo Luann Nogueira 02 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Lara Oliveira (lara@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-04-13T23:59:13Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-07-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Telemedicine has enabled a closer relationship between the health professional and the
patient, the use of smartphones as a tool for data exchange has allowed monitoring
the distance of both the patient’s situation daily, as performing medical procedures. A
problem that requires great attention and that telemedicine can be applied as a possible
solution is the pre-diagnosis of hearing loss. When not diagnosed in time, in neonates, it
can cause a number of complications, such as behavioral maladjustment, oral and written
language disorders, poor school performance of the newborn, among others. But if
previously diagnosed and treated, the child may also develop itself like a non-defective,
such diagnosis can be given through the Otoacoustic Emissions test. Considering the
importance of the audiological analysis, the Brazilian Congress approved Law No.
12.303, of August 2, 2010, which made mandatory the completion of the Otoacoustic
Emissions test across the primary care network in the country. However the equipment
responsible for performing the test has a high cost, leading to non-realization of most
of the population, in its great majority poor, because the few devices distributed in
the hospital network of public health. Observing this need, this paper makes use of a
smartphone connected to a prototyping board Arduino Mega ADK to develop a tool
that helps the realization of the Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (TEOAE) test
in neonates. Using Arduino board to generate the signal and the smartphone to perform
recording through a probe positioned in the patient’s ear were performed 3 noise floor
recordings, 5 stimulus signal recording and 7 recordings tests in the patient’s ear. The
recordings occurred continuously, starting and ending simultaneously with the stimulus.
Subsequently held a spectral analysis via Matlab seeking to identify the existence of
TEOAE, despite the identification of ear responses in the recordings, we still can not
confirm that such responses are really TEOAE / A telemedicina tem possibilitado uma maior aproximação entre o profissional de saúde
e o paciente, a utilização de smartphones como ferramenta para troca de dados tem
permitido um acompanhamento a distância, tanto da situação do paciente diariamente,
como da realização de procedimentos médicos. Um problema que requer muita atenção
em que a telemedicina pode ser aplicada como possível solução é o pré-diagnóstico
da deficiência auditiva. Quando não diagnosticada, em tempo, em recém-nascidos, a
mesma pode acarretar uma série de complicações, como desajustes de comportamento,
distúrbios da linguagem oral e escrita, baixo rendimento escolar do neonato, entre
outros. Porém, se previamente diagnosticado e tratado, a criança pode desenvolver-se
igualmente a uma não deficiente, tal diagnóstico pode ser dado através do teste de
Emissões Otoacústicas. Diante da importância da análise audiológica, o Congresso
Nacional Brasileiro aprovou a Lei No 12.303, de 2 de agosto de 2010, que tornou
obrigatória a realização do teste de Emissões Otoacústicas em toda a rede básica de saúde
no país. No entanto, o equipamento responsável por realizar o teste possui um alto custo,
ocasionando a não realização em grande parte da população, em sua grande maioria
carente, devido aos poucos aparelhos distribuídos na rede hospitalar de saúde pública.
Observando essa necessidade, este trabalho utiliza-se de um smartphone conectado a
uma placa de prototipação Arduino Mega ADK para desenvolver uma ferramenta que
auxilia a realização do teste de Emissões Otoacústicas Evocadas Transientes (TEOAE)
em neonatos. Utilizando a placa Arduino para gerar o sinal e o smartphone para realizar
a gravação, através de uma sonda posicionada no ouvido do paciente foram realizadas
3 gravações do noise floor, 5 gravações do sinal de estímulo e 7 gravações dos testes no
ouvido do paciente. As gravações ocorreram de forma contínua, iniciando e finalizando
simultaneamente ao estímulo. Posteriormente realizou-se uma análise espectral através
do Matlab buscando identificar a existência de TEOAE, apesar da identificação de
respostas do ouvido nas gravações, ainda não foi possível confirmar que tais respostas
são realmente TEOAE / 2017-04-12
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De la communication acoustique au sein du groupe : contraintes et mécanismes / Acoustic communication within a group : constrains and mechanismsBrunel, Odette 10 December 2012 (has links)
Chez les insectes où les males chantent en chorus, l’interférence locale de signaux impose des contraintes majeures à des femelles qui doivent évaluer les mâles individuellement. Les mâles subis des difficultés pour évaluer la compétitivité de leurs voisins et pour montrer clairement aux femelles les caractéristiques de leurs propres chants. J’ai analysé différents aspects de cette problématique chez deux espèces acoustiques : chez la sauterelle ephippiger et une pyrale nocturne qui émettent leurs signaux au sein de regroupements. Nos expériences ont mis en évidence certains mécanismes comportementaux permettant aux femelles de localiser les meuliers males et d’autres permettant aux mâles de se communiquer efficacement et percevoir leur environnement acoustique. / In acoustic insects where males sing in choruses, local signal interference may present major difficulties for females evaluating and individual males. Males too may be prevented from assessing the competitivity of their neighbors as well as from advertising the characteristics of their own signals to females in a clear manner. Moreover, the background noise from local signals may prevent both sexes from perceiving other sounds in the environment, e.g. predator cues. I studied these problems at several levels in two acoustic insect species: in which males broadcast their advertisement songs while remaining in dense clusters. The experiments revealed behavioral mechanisms with which females can identify favored males and others with which males can communicate effectively.
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Direction of arrival estimation technique for narrow-band signals based on spatial Discrete Fourier TransformZaeim, Ramin 24 August 2018 (has links)
This work deals with the further development of a method for Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation based on the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of the sensor array output. In the existing DFT-based algorithm, relatively high SNR is considered, and it is assumed that a large number of sensors are available.
In this study an overview of some of the most commonly used DOA estimation techniques will be presented. Then the performance of the DFT method will be analyzed and compared with the performance of existing techniques. Two main objectives will be studied, firstly the reduction of the number of sensors and secondly the performance of the DFT based technique in the presence of noise.
Experimental simulations will be presented to illustrate that in absence of noise, the proposed method is very fast and using just one snapshot is sufficient to accurately estimate DOAs. Also, in presence of noise, the method is still relatively fast and using a small number of snapshots, it can accurately estimate DOAs.
The above mentioned properties are the result of taking an average of the peaks of the DFTs, X_n (k), obtained from a sequence of N_s snapshots. With N_s sufficiently large, the average over N_s snapshots approaches expected value. Also, the conditions that should be satisfied to avoid overlapping of main-lobes, and thus loosing the DOA of some signals, in the DFT spectrum are examined.
This study further analyzes the performance of the proposed method as well as two other commonly used algorithms, MUSIC and conventional beamformer. An extensive simulation was conducted and different features of the spatial DFT technique, such as accuracy, resolution, sensitivity to noise, effect of multiple snapshots and the number of sensors were evaluated and compared with those of existing techniques. The simulations indicate that in most aspects the proposed spatial DFT algorithm outperforms the other techniques. / Graduate
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Efficient high-dimensional filtering for image and video processingGastal, Eduardo Simões Lopes January 2015 (has links)
Filtragem é uma das mais importantes operações em processamento de imagens e vídeos. Em particular, filtros de altas dimensões são ferramentas fundamentais para diversas aplicações, tendo recebido recentemente significativa atenção de pesquisadores da área. Infelizmente, implementações ingênuas desta importante classe de filtros são demasiadamente lentas para muitos usos práticos, especialmente tendo em vista o aumento contínuo na resolução de imagens capturadas digitalmente. Esta dissertação descreve três novas abordagens para filtragem eficiente em altas dimensões: a domain transform, os adaptive manifolds, e uma formulação matemática para a aplicação de filtros recursivos em sinais amostrados não-uniformemente. A domain transform, representa o estado-da-arte em termos de algoritmos para filtragem utilizando métrica geodésica. A inovação desta abordagem é a utilização de um procedimento simples de redução de dimensionalidade para implementar eficientemente filtros de alta dimensão. Isto nos permite a primeira demonstração de filtragem com preservação de arestas em tempo real para vídeos coloridos de alta resolução (full HD). Os adaptive manifolds, representam o estado-da-arte em termos de algoritmos para filtragem utilizando métrica Euclidiana. A inovação desta abordagem é a ideia de subdividir o espaço de alta dimensão em fatias não-lineares de mais baixa dimensão, as quais são filtradas independentemente e finalmente interpoladas para obter uma filtragem de alta dimensão com métrica Euclidiana. Com isto obtemos diversos avanços em relação a técnicas anteriores, como filtragem mais rápida e requerendo menos memória, além da derivação do primeiro filtro Euclidiano com custo linear tanto no número de pixels da imagem (ou vídeo) quanto na dimensionalidade do espaço onde o filtro está operando. Finalmente, introduzimos uma formulação matemática que descreve a aplicação de um filtro recursivo em sinais amostrados de maneira não-uniforme. Esta formulação estende a ideia de filtragem geodésica para filtros recursivos arbitrários (tanto passa-baixa quanto passa-alta e passa-banda). Esta extensão fornece maior controle sobre as respostas desejadas para os filtros, as quais podem então ser melhor adaptadas para aplicações específicas. Como exemplo, demonstramos—pela primeira vez na literatura—filtros geodésicos com formato Gaussiano, Laplaciana do Gaussiano, Butterworth, e Cauer, dentre outros. Com a possibilidade de se trabalhar com filtros arbitrários, nosso método permite uma nova variedade de efeitos para aplicações em imagens e vídeos. / Filtering is arguably the single most important operation in image and video processing. In particular, high-dimensional filters are a fundamental building block for several applications, having recently received considerable attention from the research community. Unfortunately, naive implementations of such an important class of filters are too slow for many practical uses, specially in light of the ever increasing resolution of digitally captured images. This dissertation describes three novel approaches to efficiently perform high-dimensional filtering: the domain transform, the adaptive manifolds, and a mathematical formulation for recursive filtering of non-uniformly sampled signals. The domain transform defines an isometry between curves on the 2D image manifold in 5D and the real line. It preserves the geodesic distance between points on these curves, adaptively warping the input signal so that high-dimensional geodesic filtering can be efficiently performed in linear time. Its computational cost is not affected by the choice of the filter parameters; and the resulting filters are the first to work on color images at arbitrary scales in real time, without resorting to subsampling or quantization. The adaptive manifolds compute the filter’s response at a reduced set of sampling points, and use these for interpolation at all input pixels, so that high-dimensional Euclidean filtering can be efficiently performed in linear time. We show that for a proper choice of sampling points, the total cost of the filtering operation is linear both in the number of pixels and in the dimension of the space in which the filter operates. As such, ours is the first high-dimensional filter with such a complexity. We present formal derivations for the equations that define our filter, providing a sound theoretical justification. Finally, we introduce a mathematical formulation for linear-time recursive filtering of non-uniformly sampled signals. This formulation enables, for the first time, geodesic edge-aware evaluation of arbitrary recursive infinite impulse response filters (not only low-pass), which allows practically unlimited control over the shape of the filtering kernel. By providing the ability to experiment with the design and composition of new digital filters, our method has the potential do enable a greater variety of image and video effects. The high-dimensional filters we propose provide the fastest performance (both on CPU and GPU) for a variety of real-world applications. Thus, our filters are a valuable tool for the image and video processing, computer graphics, computer vision, and computational photography communities.
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O uso das tecnologias de informação móveis e sem fio para ganho de agilidade nos processos de coleta e repasse dos sinais fracosBorges, Natalia Marroni January 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa se propõe a compreender como a utilização das tecnologias móveis pode ser explorada para o ganho de agilidade na captação e repasse dos sinais fracos (SF) no ambiente organizacional. Os sinais fracos, apesar de, isoladamente, se apresentarem como incertos e imprecisos, se analisados sistematicamente, contém potencial estratégico relevante para as organizações. O crescente uso de tecnologias móveis e sem fio, que permeia a realidade das organizações, permite uma maior agilidade por parte das empresas, sob as perspectivas de acesso a informação, comunicação e tempo. Através da realização de estudos de caso múltiplos, contando com 10 respondentes exercendo funções multidisciplinares em diferentes organizações, buscamos relacionar essas perspectivas de agilidade provenientes da utilização das tecnologias móveis nas organizações – levantadas através de revisão bibliográfica – às etapas de captação e repasse de sinais fracos, adotadas no modelo de Inteligência Estratégica Antecipativa e Coletiva (IEAc). Com relação à captação dos sinais fracos, entende-se que o volume de informações trocado e a disponibilidade dessas informações (ambos decorrentes do uso das tecnologias de informação móveis e sem fio) podem aumentar a chance de identificação de um sinal fraco nas três perspectivas analisadas. Contudo, essa percepção dos sinais fracos é vinculada também às características do profissional, que deve assumir uma atitude proativa e atenta no sentido de perceber e interpretar essas informações. A respeito do repasse de informação, entende-se que o ganho de agilidade pelo uso das TIMS pode ser explorado, dado que a redução das barreiras geográficas permite ganhos no processo em relação ao tempo, à comunicação e ao acesso à informação. / This research aims to understand how the use of mobile technologies can be exploited to gain agility in the capture and transfer of weak signals in the organizational environment. When weak signals are analysed singly, they are uncertain and imprecise. However, when systematically analyzed, they contain relevant strategic potential for organizations. The increasing use of mobile technologies and wireless, that permeates the reality of organizations, allows greater flexibility for companies, on the prospects of access to information, communication and time. By performing multiple case studies, with 10 respondents which work in different functions and different organizations, we seek to relate these agility prospects arising from the adoption of mobile technologies in organizations - raised through literature review - to the stages of capture and transfer of weak signals, adopted in Strategic, Anticipative and Collective Intelligence. Regarding the capture of weak signals, is meant that the volume of information exchanged and the availability of this information (both resulting from TIMS) may increase the chance of identifying a weak signal in the three perspectives analyzed. However, this perception of weak signals is also linked to the characteristics of each professional, who should take a proactive and attentive attitude towards perceive and interpret this information. Regarding the transfer stage of weak signals information, is observed that the gain agility through the use of TIMS can be exploited, given that the reduction of geographical barriers allows gains over time, related to communication and access to information.
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From cellular variability to shape reproducibility : mechanics and morphogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana sepal / De la variabilité cellulaire à la reproductibilité des organes : étude de la mécanique de la morphogenèse du sépale d'Arabidopsis thalianaDumond, Mathilde 15 September 2017 (has links)
Les organismes produisent des organes de formes similaires, malgré une forte variabilité intrinsèque. La régulation de la forme des organes a été largement étudiée, cependant la robustesse des formes est encore mal comprise. Une plante telle qu’Arabidopsis possède de nombreux sépales, notre système modèle car il est possible d’étudier leur variabilité. Comme les cellules végétales contrôlent leur croissance à travers les propriétés mécaniques de leur paroi, ma thèse vise à étudier le lien entre mécanique cellulaire et robustesse des formes.J’ai d’abord cherché à comprendre si la forme des organes est influencée par la réaction cellulaire aux contraintes mécaniques induites par la croissance. J’ai validé cette hypothèse grâce un modèle mécanique, et fait des prédictions de la forme des sépales qui ont été confirmées expérimentalement par un collaborateur.D’autre part, j’ai mesuré les propriétés mécaniques de la paroi qui se révèlent spatialement hétérogènes. L’ajout de cette hétérogénéité dans le modèle conduit à des organes de forme variable. J’ai obtenu des formes robustes en ajoutant de la variabilité temporelle, et j’ai montré que, contre-intuitivement, le niveau de variabilité spatiale est anti-corrélé avec la robustesse des formes.Ces prédictions ont été testés en étudiant un mutant présentant des formes de sépales variables. J’ai en particulier montré que les propriétés mécaniques de ce mutant étaient moins variables spatialement que le sauvage. Ainsi, ma thèse a permis de mieux comprendre la régulation de la robustesse de forme des organes, en particulier en montrant que la variabilité des propriétés mécaniques peut conduire à une robustesse des formes. / Developmental robustness is the ability to produce similar phenotypes despite intrinsic variability.Regulation of organ shape has been widely studied, but regulation of organ shape reproducibility is yet to be elucidated.A. thaliana sepals, flower external organs, can be used to study such robustness : each plant produces more than 60 flowers, allowing variability measurement.Plant cells modulate their surrounding cell wall stiffness and anisotropy to control growth, thus my PhD aims at elucidating the role of cell wall mechanics on organ shape robustness.Cells sense their physical environment and accordingly adjust their cell wall mechanics: we studied whether the strength of this feedback influenced organ shapes. Using a model, I showed that a strong feedback lead to the formation of a pointy sepal tip; this prediction was experimentally validated by a PhD student of the team.Measurements of the cell wall mechanical properties using atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed that they were highly spatially variable. When this variability was added in the model, the organ shapes were variable. To get reproducible shapes, I increased the temporal variability of the mechanics: it smoothed the spatial variability over time. Likewise, decreasing spatial variability reduced organ shape robustness. These theoretical results suggest that spatial and temporal variability influence shape robustness.To experimentally test these results, our collaborators identified a mutant displaying less robust sepal shapes. Using AFM, I showed that the spatial variability was reduced in the mutant, confirming that mechanical spatial variability influenced shape robustness.
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