Spelling suggestions: "subject:"enterprise mobility"" "subject:"interprise mobility""
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AppConfig Community En standardiserad lösning / AppConfig Community A Standardized SolutionLundström, Per January 2017 (has links)
Projektet redogör för AppConfig Community, vilket är en del av Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM). AppConfig Community består av flera Enterprise Mobility Management-leverantörer (EMM-leverantörer) och de har tillsammans tagit fram en standard på hur AppConfig till Android och iOS ska implementeras. AppConfig handlar om konfigurering av appar via EMM-leverantörer. Projektet redogör för hur AppConfig implementeras enligt denna standard och hur företag kan använda det i sin verksamhet. I projektet utvecklades en app enligt denna standard till båda plattformarna och appen läser in ett användarnamn från en EMM-leverantör. Denna rapport redogör för de möjligheter och säkerhetsrisker med Enterprise Mobility (EM) samt vilka åtgärder som finns inom EMM för att förhindra säkerhetsriskerna. Slutsatserna som kan dras av resultatet från projektet är att AppConfig är enkelt att implementera för företag och att konfigureringen via EMM-leverantörer kan underlätta arbetet med mobila lösningar för företag. / This project describes AppConfig Community, which is a part of Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM). AppConfig Community consists of a number of Enterprise Mobility Management-suppliers (EMM-suppliers) and together they have developed a standard for how AppConfig for Android and iOS has to be implemented. AppConfig is about the configuration of apps via EMM-suppliers. This project intends to describe how AppConfig is implemented according to this standard and how companies can use it. An app was developed for both platforms according to this standard and the app reads the configuration of a username from an EMM-supplier. This report intends to describe the possibilities and risks with Enterprise Mobility (EM) and the procedures that are available in EMM to prevent these risks. The conclusions that can be drawn from the result of the project is that AppConfig is easy to implement for companies and that the configuration via EMM-suppliers can facilitates the work with mobile solutions for companies.
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Enterprise Mobility : Defining and evaluating business digitalizationArlestedt, Rebecka, Lindh, Melenie January 2016 (has links)
Mobile technology has developed rapidly in the recent years and considerably changed the way organizations work. Mobility can bring great benefits to the organizations of which they are at, by e.g. improving employee satisfaction and increase efficiency and productivity. Despite this the development of mobile solutions have grown much faster for individuals than for organizations, with a plethora of devices and applications. The slow enterprise adoption is partly due to the fact that companies need to take information security risks into account at the same time as IT systems need to be rebuilt and customized to accommodate the new mobile way of working. Employees, unlike most other technologies, largely drive mobile strategies at organizations. Organizations are not developing in a fast enough pace and many scientist are describing a research gap in organizations adoption of mobility. This study aims to examine how research in the area has been presented and how enterprise mobility is viewed and utilized. The study has been implemented through qualitative research with a interpretative and exploratory approach. A case study was conducted at two organizations, demonstrating the possibilities and obstacles of enterprise mobility, and also strengthened the existing definition of the field. Additionally the case study illustrated discrepancies in IT solutions and the adoption of enterprise mobility within two different industries. Both researchers and organizations have shown a great interest in exploring this area additionally. Further studies can be extended to include the effects of how companies have adapted to enterprise mobility. / Den mobila teknologin har utvecklats i snabb takt under de senaste åren och således förändrat organisationers sätt att arbeta. Mobilitet kan möjliggöra för organisationer att t.ex. förbättra de anställdas tillfredsställelse, öka effektiviteten och produktiviteten, samt minimera kostnader. Trots den snabba utveckling av såväl mobila lösningar som mobila enheter, så har utvecklingen gått betydligt snabbare för privatpersoner än för organisationer. Detta kan delvis förklaras av det faktum att organisationer, i större utsträckning än privatpersoner, måste ta hänsyn till de säkerhetsrisker som mobilt arbete kan medföra. Det kan också förklaras av att många IT-system kräver vidareutveckling och anpassning för att kunna möta det nya mobila sättet att arbeta. Att organisationer inte utvecklas i tillräcklig snabb takt ligger till grund för att många forskare beskriver att det finns ett forskningsgap i organisationers antagande av mobilitet. Denna studie syftar därför till att undersöka hur begreppet enterprise mobility presenteras i tidigare forskning samt hur det uppfattas och tillämpas bland anställda. Studien har använt en kvalitativ forskningsansats med ett undersökande och tolkande förhållningssätt. En fallstudie har genomförts på två olika organisationer för att identifiera möjligheter och utmaningar med enterprise mobility, men också för att stärka den befintliga definitionen av begreppet. Fallstudien presenterar också skillnader i anpassade IT-lösningar och antagandet av mobilitet inom två olika branscher. Både forskare och organisationer har uttryckt ett stort intresse av att utforska detta område ytterligare. Denna studie ligger till grund för att senare undersöka effekterna av hur företagen har anpassat sig till enterprise mobility.
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Analyse Mobile Device Management CriteriaJalili, Mahmoud January 2014 (has links)
Mobility and using smartphones and tablets as replacement of laptops are getting to be increasingly vital for enterprises and accordingly bring new concerns from different perspective for both companies and individuals. To achieve enterprise mobility companies needs to ensure that the mobile equipment are always connected, complies with security policy in a safe and protected path toward being productivity and efficiency. To approach these purposes Mobile Device Management (MDM) was created few years back in order to not only secure enterprises information but additionally manage user’s activities and equipment. However there is no general methodology to define criteria weight for these systems and rather depends on different enterprise policy. One primary issue here is availability of many MDM solutions in market and several difficulties to compare them together and meanwhile most of comparison documents limited based on white papers of providers which mostly designed for commercial market purposes. This thesis will come up with a list of important properties for MDM solutions and evaluate several of solutions as well as categorizing all available criteria in this area. Second part of thesis is a case study of choosing proper MDM solution for two different scenarios and give recommendations on what products to utilize relying upon what sort of association you have. In order to achieve this, strong analytical methods are required to compare existing services and sharper eye from security perspective toward the applications.
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Det mobila arbetslivet : Beredskapsanalys och planering inför organisatorisk förändring / The mobile work life : Readiness analysis and planning for organizational changeBrandes, Erika January 2013 (has links)
Få studier har undersökt hur mobila arbetsprocesser kan integreras i verksamheter ur ett verksamhetsorienterat perspektiv, och bland organisationer råder brist på förståelse för, och långsiktiga strategier inom, företagsintern mobilitet. Denna studie undersöker hur en organisation kan förbereda sig inför förändring mot ett mobilare arbetsliv. För att besvara detta utfördes en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie bestående av dokumentstudier och intervjuer hos en organisation med särskilt utformad metodik inom området. Mognadsgraden kan utifrån resultaten anses relativt låg, och arbetet behöver lägga vikt på skapandet av förståelse för mobilitet och dess innebörd, där utmaningarna återfinns i hantering av förhållningssätt, organisationskultur, och ledarskap. Mobilitetsrelaterade behov var av både uppgiftsorienterad och social art, där olika tekniska lösningar föreslogs kunna bevara band mellan individer och organisation. Det finns behov av mer longitudinella studier eftersom de signifikanta förändringarna antyddes ske över längre tid. En viktig del av kunskapsutvecklingen inom området handlar också om att lära från andras exempel, där denna studie utgör ett bidrag. / Few studies have examined how mobile work processes can be integrated into organizations from a business-oriented perspective, and among organizations there’s a lack of long-term strategies, and understanding, for internal business mobility. This study examines how an organization can prepare itself for change towards a mobile work life. In order to do this a literature review and case study involving document studies and interviews at an organization with specifically developed methodologies were conducted. The results showed that the state of maturity is still relatively low, and there is a need to focus on developing a more thorough understanding of mobility, where challenges involve handling attitudes, organizational culture and leadership. Mobility-related needs involve task-oriented and social aspects, where different technological solutions were suggested to maintain the connections between individuals and the organization. There is also a need for more longitudinal studies due to the results showing how the significant changes occur over a longer period of time. An important part of the development of knowledge concerning mobility also involves learning from others’ examples, where this study is a contribution.
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Mobilní technologie v ERP / Mobile devices in ERPHrubeš, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with support employee's mobility in ERP systems. In the opening it describes contemporary trends in the use of mobile devices in companies, followed by overview of basic functionality, which is essential for deploying those devices in the enterprise environment. Next part is focused on the integration of mobile devices into enterprise architecture. It consists of description, how the information from identified ERP modules is made available for mobile devices. New activities are connected with mobile device integration, especially security and management. Therefore several options covering these activities are mentioned in this thesis. Last part provides study of company Diskus spol. s r.o., where two problems are being discussed - low support for field workers and missing security policies for mobile devices. Last contribution is the comparison of support for mobile devices in ERP systems from the selected Czech providers (ABRA Gx, Byznys ERP, Helios Orange, K2, Karat and Premier System).
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Understanding Customer Value in SAP Enterprise Mobility : An exploratory study to identify value drivers in the German enterprise mobility industryvan de Graaf, Jur January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this research was to explore what the value drivers are in SAP Enterprise Mobility. On the basis of existing literature a model was created that predicts customer value in this particular industry. Furthermore, with this research it was tried to find out whether there is a connection between large firms and investment plans in enterprise mobility, as well as for what purpose companies want to invest in enterprise mobility. Because it is most interesting what brings value to decision makers regarding investing in SAP Enterprise Mobility, the target population consisted of IT decision makers. They were asked to complete a questionnaire which measures their attitude towards product quality, service quality, relationship quality, the fairness of the product price, the fairness of the service price, and the customer value in SAP Enterprise Mobility as a whole. During an intensive month of data collection 32 IT decision makers cooperated to execute this research. The data suggests that quality of SAP products, such as the mobile applications and the mobile platform, is a value driver, as well as a fair price for consultancy services. Interestingly, despite the theoretical background the data does not indicate that the price of SAP products, the quality of the service that the consultancy provider delivers, and the quality of the relationship with the consultancy provider are significant value drivers. The data does confirm that large companies (with more than 1000 ERP users) have a stronger tendency to invest in enterprise mobility in 2014 than smaller companies. Moreover, there is a lot of variety in the purposes for investing in SAP Enterprise Mobility. This implies that SAP Enterprise Mobility is a very versatile concept and is used for many different and individual purposes.
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Κινητικότητα εταιρειών και κανονιστικός ανταγωνισμός στην Ευρωπαϊκή ΈνωσηΠεφάνη, Μαρία 03 October 2011 (has links)
Σκοπός της εργασίας είναι να διερευνήσει αφενός την σημασία των τελευταίων εξελίξεων στο ευρωπαϊκό δίκαιο για την κινητικότητα των εταιρειών στην ευρωπαϊκή αγορά και αφετέρου αν το ευρωπαϊκό περιβάλλον παρέχει τη δυνατότητα ανάπτυξης ανταγωνισμού δικαίων στο εταιρικό δίκαιο. Αρχικά γίνεται μια σύντομη αναφορά στη θεωρία του νομοθετικού ανταγωνισμού, καθώς και στην κατάσταση που επικρατεί στις ΗΠΑ και την Ευρώπη. Στη συνέχεια, εξετάζεται το δικαίωμα της ελεύθερης εγκατάστασης, όπως αυτό απορρέει από τις διατάξεις της Συνθήκης, καθώς και η ερμηνεία του μέσα από τη νομολογία του Δικαστηρίου. Στην τέταρτη ενότητα, γίνεται η παρουσίαση της Ευρωπαϊκής Εταιρείας και διερευνώνται οι επιπτώσεις της στον ανταγωνισμό δικαίων. Στην πέμπτη ενότητα της εργασίας, εξετάζονται οι διασυνοριακές συγχωνεύσεις και πως αυτές επηρεάζουν την κινητικότητα των εταιρειών. Τέλος, εξετάζεται η δυνατότητα των εταιρειών να ασκούν ρυθμιστικό αρμπιτράζ με σκοπό να περιορίσουν τα δικαιώματα συμμετοχής των εργαζομένων. / -
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Mobility for the Swedish Police Authority: A casestudy to increase efficiency in debriefingKarlsson, Emil January 2017 (has links)
Digitalization is a topic that affects most of the industries as well as the society overalltoday. Within this topic, the use of mobile technology devices, such as smartphones,allows organizations to perform tasks in an anytime-anywhere situation – usually calledenterprise mobility. The Swedish Police Authority see the potential of this technologyshift that is happening and are currently focusing on developing tools to support thedaily operations. The debriefing process for the intervention police is an area wheredigitalization and mobility could improve the efficiency. However, it is today unknownwhat technical solution could support the operations, what features it should include,and how it should look.The purpose of this study was to investigate how mobility can support the debriefingprocess in forms of efficiency for the polices in field from an exploratory point of view.An inductive research approach was chosen together with a case study researchmethod. Semi-structured and unstructured interviews were held with 35 participantsfrom different parts of the organization to get both a breadth and depth of knowledge.The delimitation was made to study the Swedish Police Authority and more in detail theintervention police. The current debriefing process was observed and mapped in thefirst part of this study, followed by part two which included a technical specification andprototyping of a mobile debriefing tool based on interviews and observations. Thefindings from part one and part two resulted in a proposed specification of a mobiledebriefing tool for what it should include and how it should look.The study shows that the proposition of a debriefing tool can increase the efficiency forthe Swedish Police Authority by reducing the duplication of work, increase the usabilityfor the users, reduce the risk for human errors, and reduce the dependency ofstationary workplaces for debriefing. The debriefing tool includes quality assurance ofthe information gathered through a structured working process at the same time. Thefactors mentioned above can also be linked to reduced time spent on the tasks whileretain or even increase the quality of the results – which in this case is the debriefingreport.
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A influência do contexto de mobilidade no processo de tomada de decisãoJunges, Fabio Miguel 12 March 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-12 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / CNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A pesquisa se propõe a identificar e analisar como o contexto de mobilidade influencia o processo de tomada de decisão, em que três elementos podem ser destacados. Primeiro, trata-se de uma pesquisa em que a lente está no processo e não nos seus resultados, e o sujeito de análise é o indivíduo que atua como gestor intermediário. Segundo, o fenômeno que se pretende estudar é o da tomada de decisão, que caracteriza uma das principais atribuições dos gestores intermediários e que tem os seus efeitos refletidos no sucesso ou fracasso das iniciativas organizacionais. A tomada de decisão é um fenômeno multifacetado que pode ser compreendido por diferentes lentes teóricas, dentre as quais essa pesquisa utilizou a perspectiva que considera a intuição e a razão como partes do sistemas cognitivos que compõem o processo de escolha do indivíduo. O terceiro elemento a ser destacado é o contexto específico em que esse fenômeno é estudado, o da mobilidade empresarial, que evidencia a tomada de decisão em movimento e é observado nesta pesquisa pelas perspectivas das affordances e dos paradoxos da tecnologia móvel. Nesse contexto, os gestores podem tomar decisões distantes dos seus locais tradicionais e fixos de trabalho, em que as dimensões de tempo e espaço assumem uma perspectiva diferente e a linearidade dá lugar à paradoxalidade de ação. Foram utilizados multimétodos para a etapa empírica de coleta e de análise dos dados, o primeiro qualitativo, pela realização de um grupo focal e vinte entrevistas em profundidade, e o segundo experimental, em que foi possível observar a ação do indivíduo em uma situação de decisão por meio de um quase-experimento aplicado a um grupo de controle e um grupo experimental. Os resultados revelam que o processo de tomada de decisão em movimento possui características específicas que são evidenciadas pela influência do contexto de mobilidade e pelo uso das tecnologias móveis, em que restrições e contribuições ao processo de tomada de decisão foram identificadas. Observou-se a redução na percepção de qualidade da informação, maior superficialidade e menor foco na ação em primeiro plano, menos tempo para reflexão, a dificuldade na produção e consumo de informações e uma maior exposição ao erro. Por outro lado, observou-se que o contexto de mobilidade pode contribuir para aumentar a agilidade das atividades organizacionais e dos fluxos de decisão, especialmente nos casos em que as decisões são carregadas com um nível menor de complexidade. Não se observou, no entanto, que a decisão em movimento evidencia alguma diferença em relação ao grau de intuição ou de razão empregados. Na perspectiva acadêmica, a pesquisa preenche uma lacuna teórica na compreensão do fenômeno investigado e contribui metodologicamente pela elaboração e utilização de um protocolo experimental para um estudo que envolve mobilidade. Na perspectiva aplicada, essa pesquisa oferece contribuições para os gestores intermediários, para as organizações e para os desenvolvedores de tecnologias. Por fim, é oferecido um conjunto de recomendações para pesquisas futuras. / This research aims to identify and analyze how the enterprise mobility context and the use of mobile technologies can influence individual decision-making on the go, in which three elements can be highlighted. First, the focus is in the process rather than outcomes, and the analysis is on the individual who acts as a middle manager. Second, the phenomenon to be studied is the decision-making, which is one of the main responsibilities of middle managers and has its effects reflected in the success or failure of organizational initiatives. Decision-making is a multifaceted phenomenon that can be understood by different theoretical perspectives. This research has used the perspective based on two cognitive systems that shape the individual decision process: intuition and reason. The third element to be highlighted is the specific context in which this phenomenon is studied, called enterprise mobility, which highlights the decision-making on the go and can be observed as affordances and paradoxes of mobile technology. In this context, middle managers can make decisions away from their traditional and fixed workplaces, in which the dimensions of time and space take on different perspectives and linearity can be replaced by a paradoxical action. Two empirical stages with different participants in each one were used, a qualitative, by holding a focus group and twenty in-depth interviews, and an experimental, in which beyond the perceptions of the individuals was possible to observe the action of the individual in a decision situation by a quasi-experiment applied to a control group and an experimental group. The results show that the decision-making process on the go has specific characteristics that are evidenced by the influence of the enterprise mobility context and the use of mobile technology, where restrictions and contributions to decision-making process have been identified. On the one hand, there is a reduction in the perception of information quality, more superficial and less focus on the action in the foreground, less time for reflection, a difficulty in production and consumption of information and greater exposure to error. On the other hand, it was observed that the mobility helps to increase the agility of the organizational and decision flows, especially in cases in which decisions are loaded with a lower level of complexity. However, the decision making on the go has not evidenced difference in the level of intuition or reason that was used. From the academic perspective, research fills a gap in the theoretical comprehension of the phenomenon investigated and contributes methodologically by the validation and use of an experimental protocol. From the managerial perspective, this research offers contributions to middle managers, organizations in general and technology developers. Finally, this research offered a couple of future research recommendations.
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O uso das tecnologias de informação móveis e sem fio para ganho de agilidade nos processos de coleta e repasse dos sinais fracosBorges, Natalia Marroni January 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa se propõe a compreender como a utilização das tecnologias móveis pode ser explorada para o ganho de agilidade na captação e repasse dos sinais fracos (SF) no ambiente organizacional. Os sinais fracos, apesar de, isoladamente, se apresentarem como incertos e imprecisos, se analisados sistematicamente, contém potencial estratégico relevante para as organizações. O crescente uso de tecnologias móveis e sem fio, que permeia a realidade das organizações, permite uma maior agilidade por parte das empresas, sob as perspectivas de acesso a informação, comunicação e tempo. Através da realização de estudos de caso múltiplos, contando com 10 respondentes exercendo funções multidisciplinares em diferentes organizações, buscamos relacionar essas perspectivas de agilidade provenientes da utilização das tecnologias móveis nas organizações – levantadas através de revisão bibliográfica – às etapas de captação e repasse de sinais fracos, adotadas no modelo de Inteligência Estratégica Antecipativa e Coletiva (IEAc). Com relação à captação dos sinais fracos, entende-se que o volume de informações trocado e a disponibilidade dessas informações (ambos decorrentes do uso das tecnologias de informação móveis e sem fio) podem aumentar a chance de identificação de um sinal fraco nas três perspectivas analisadas. Contudo, essa percepção dos sinais fracos é vinculada também às características do profissional, que deve assumir uma atitude proativa e atenta no sentido de perceber e interpretar essas informações. A respeito do repasse de informação, entende-se que o ganho de agilidade pelo uso das TIMS pode ser explorado, dado que a redução das barreiras geográficas permite ganhos no processo em relação ao tempo, à comunicação e ao acesso à informação. / This research aims to understand how the use of mobile technologies can be exploited to gain agility in the capture and transfer of weak signals in the organizational environment. When weak signals are analysed singly, they are uncertain and imprecise. However, when systematically analyzed, they contain relevant strategic potential for organizations. The increasing use of mobile technologies and wireless, that permeates the reality of organizations, allows greater flexibility for companies, on the prospects of access to information, communication and time. By performing multiple case studies, with 10 respondents which work in different functions and different organizations, we seek to relate these agility prospects arising from the adoption of mobile technologies in organizations - raised through literature review - to the stages of capture and transfer of weak signals, adopted in Strategic, Anticipative and Collective Intelligence. Regarding the capture of weak signals, is meant that the volume of information exchanged and the availability of this information (both resulting from TIMS) may increase the chance of identifying a weak signal in the three perspectives analyzed. However, this perception of weak signals is also linked to the characteristics of each professional, who should take a proactive and attentive attitude towards perceive and interpret this information. Regarding the transfer stage of weak signals information, is observed that the gain agility through the use of TIMS can be exploited, given that the reduction of geographical barriers allows gains over time, related to communication and access to information.
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