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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quasiparticles in the Quantum Hall Effect

Kailasvuori, Janik January 2006 (has links)
The fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE), discovered in 1982 in a two-dimensional electron system, has generated a wealth of successful theory and new concepts in condensed matter physics, but is still not fully understood. The possibility of having nonabelian quasiparticle statistics has recently attracted attention on purely theoretical grounds but also because of its potential applications in topologically protected quantum computing. This thesis focuses on the quasiparticles using three different approaches. The first is an effective Chern-Simons theory description, where the noncommutativity imposed on the classical space variables captures the incompressibility. We propose a construction of the quasielectron and illustrate how many-body quantum effects are emulated by a classical noncommutative theory. The second approach involves a study of quantum Hall states on a torus where one of the periods is taken to be almost zero. Characteristic quantum Hall properties survive in this limit in which they become very simple to understand. We illustrate this by giving a simple counting argument for degeneracy 2n-1, pertinent to nonabelian statistics, in the presence of 2n quasiholes in the Moore-Read state and generalise this result to 2n-k quasiholes and k quasielectrons. In the third approach, we study the topological nature of the degeneracy 2n-1 by using a recently proposed analogy between the Moore-Read state and the two-dimensional spin-polarized p-wave BCS state. We study a version of this problem where one can use techniques developed in the context of high-Tc superconductors to turn the vortex background into an effective gauge field in a Dirac equation. Topological arguments in the form of index theory gives the degeneracy 2n-1 for 2n vortices.

Geração de termos com violação de simetria de Lorentz à temperatura finita / Generation of terms with violation of Lorentz symmetry at finite temperature

Freire, Wellington Romero Serafim 03 July 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, we investigated the generation of the higher derivative Chern-Simons term, as well as the ether-like term, both at finite temperature. We also examined the question of the large gauge invariance, with respect to the Chern-Simons term and the hight derivative one. We observed that the coefficient of the Chern-Simons term vanishes, when we taken into account the limit of high temperature. This happens to occur also for the other high derivative terms. With respects to the Chern-Simons term, we observed that the action of the Chern-Simons term and the high derivative one are invariant under the large gauge transformation. For this, we calculated the exactly effective action, however, for a specific gauge choice. Finally, with respects to the ether-like term, we observed that the calculation at finite temperature is ambiguous, as well as it is observed for the calculation at zero temperature. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nesta tese, investigamos a geração do termo de Chern-Simons de derivada superior, assim como o termo tipo éter, ambos à temperatura finita. Também estudamos a questão da invariância de gauge ampla, com o termo de Chern-Simons e Chern-Simons de derivada superior. Constatamos que o coeficiente do termo de Chern-Simons de derivada superior anula-se, quando tomamos o limite de altas temperaturas. Esse resultado parece se repetir para os demais termos de derivada superior. Dentro ainda do contexto de Chern-Simons, observamos que a ação de Chern-Simons e a ação de Chern-Simons de derivada superior são invariantes sob transformação de gauge ampla. Para isso, conseguimos calcular a ação efetiva exata, contudo, para uma escolha de gauge específica. Finalmente, com relação ao termo tipo éter, constatamos que o cálculo à temperatura finita e ambíguo, assim como observado no cálculo à temperatura zero.

The Royal Engineers and settlement planning in the Cape Colony 1806 - 1872 : approach, methodology and impact

Robson, Linda Gillian 21 July 2011 (has links)
The majority of the existing urban areas in South Africa began as colonial centres. This study seeks to evaluate the role the Royal Engineers played in the development of the Cape Colony from 1806 until the acceptance of responsible government by the Cape Colony in 1872. The Colonial State implemented a capital works programme of staggering breadth and scale. During this time South Africa was delineated, urbanised, developed and connected to the world markets. This was achieved via a highly trained and professional military establishment; the Royal Engineers. The role of the Royal Engineers and the legacy of towns, forts and infrastructure are studied in depth in this thesis. British imperial approach to colonial expansion and development in both a spatial and theoretical manner forms the basis of this thesis. The case study covers the Eastern Cape of South Africa. The physical and spatial development of this region are analysed in order to glean any lessons which could be learnt from the approach adopted to colonial settlement. This Study illustrates that a small highly trained group of military engineers had a significant impact on the establishment of early towns and infrastructure in South Africa. They have left a lasting footprint on South Africa’s spatial development and many of the towns and much of the infrastructure is still in use today (specifically the harbours, railways and mountain passes). The Royal Engineers’ approach to development and background training is studied and then reduced to its theoretical approach. This theoretical approach is then analysed in order to glean the lessons history can teach us about development, specifically development on ‘terra nova’. An attempt is made to extract planning theory from historical analysis of developmental elements which worked in the past. The study begins by analysing the background and training of the Royal Engineers and then moves on to assessing the spatial and physical impact their plans had on the development of South Africa. The discussion then moves beyond what the Royal Engineers did to understand how they made it happen; to arrive at a positive theory of planning or to ask when does planning work ? The Royal Engineers were schooled in the sciences and trained to be experts in almost all things; they were the master craftsmen and skilled problem solvers of the era. The training they received at Chatham, is a very early example of professional training; it was comprehensive, high quality and practical. Those who emerged from this training carried out vast public works around the British Empire; they produced very few theories of development but they did challenge ideas. The avant- garde designs of some colonial towns such as Queenstown, Khartoum, Adelaide and Savannah show a desire to improve on settlement forms and to provide design solutions to urban problems. The Royal Engineers adopted a pragmatic approach to development, they initially received a very good scientific academic training, they then learnt by example whilst serving under engineer commanders. As a unit they learnt by observation, experimentation and example. What is striking in their approach is that they saw a problem and simply went about solving it and their solutions were inevitably physical structures and infrastructure. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Town and Regional Planning / unrestricted

Strong coupling in 2+1 dimensions from dualities, holography, and large N

Niro, Pierluigi 13 July 2021 (has links) (PDF)
The goal of the original research presented in this thesis is to study the strong coupling regime of Quantum Field Theories (QFTs) with different methods, making concrete predictions about the phase structure and the dynamics of these theories, and on their observables. The focus is on (gauge) field theories in three spacetime dimensions, which are an interesting laboratory to understand the properties of strong coupling in setups that are usually simpler than in the more familiar case of gauge theories in four dimensions. Importantly, topological effects play a relevant role in three dimensions, thanks to the presence of the so-called Chern-Simons term.The thesis contains a short introduction to QFTs in 3d, principles and applications of infrared dualities, large N techniques, and holography. Indeed, the web of infrared dualities, the large N expansion, and the holographic correspondence between QFT and gravity are the main tools which we use to investigate the strongly coupled regimes of 3d QFTs.Then, the original material is presented. In a first line of research, we focus on the study of the phase diagram of a 3d gauge theory making use of conjectured infrared dualities, extending such dualities to the case where more than one mass parameter can be dialed. In a second line of research, we study a class of 3d gauge theories by engineering their gravity dual in a string theory setup. We prove the existence of multiple phase transitions between phases characterized by both massless particles and topological sectors. In a third line of research, we use holography as a tool to explore the interplay between the physics of 4d QCD and 3d gauge theories. In particular, we analyze the properties of 3d domain walls, which appear as soliton-like solutions of 4d QCD in specific parametric regimes. Finally, we propose a boundary construction of 3d large N vector models, which appear as critical points of theories obtained by coupling degrees of freedom localized on a 3d boundary to a 4d bulk theory. This construction allows to prove new dualities and uncovers a new computational tool for 3d vector models. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished


小路田, 俊子 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第18788号 / 理博第4046号 / 新制||理||1582(附属図書館) / 31739 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 / (主査)教授 畑 浩之, 教授 田中 貴浩, 教授 川合 光 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Abelian BF theory / Théorie BF abélienne

Mathieu, Philippe 02 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la théorie BF abélienne sur une variété fermée de dimen-sion 3. Elle est formulée en termes de classes de jauge qui sont en fait des classes de cohomologie de Deligne-Beilinson. Cette formulation offre la possibilité d’extraire les quantités mathématiquement pertinentes d’intégrales fonctionnelles formelles. La fonction de partition et les valeurs moyennes d’observables sont ainsi calculées. Ces calculs complètent ceux effectués pour la théorie de Chern-Simons abélienne et ces résultats sont liés entre eux de même qu’avec les invariants de Reshetikhin-Turaev et de Turaev-Viro abéliens. Deux extensions de ce travail sont discutées. Premièrement, une approche graphique est proposée afin de traiter l’invariant classique SU(N) de Chern-Simons. Deuxièmement, une interprétation géométrique de la procédure de fixation de jauge est présentée pour la théorie de Chern-Simons abélienne dans mathbb{R}^{4l+3}. / In this study, the abelian BF theory is considered on a closed manifold of di-mension 3. It is formulated in terms of gauge classes which appear to be Deligne-Beilinson cohomology classes. Such a formulation offers the possibility to extract the quantities mathematically relevant quantities from formal functional integrals. This way, the partition function and the expectation value of observables are computed. Those computations complete the ones performed with the abelian Chern-Simons theory and the results appear to be connected together and also with abelian Reshetikhin-Turaev and Turaev-Viro topological invariants. Two extensions of this study are also discussed. Firstly, a graphical approach is proposed to deal with the SU(N) classical Chern-Simons invariant. Secondly, a geometric interpretation of the gauge fixing procedure is presented for the abelian Chern-Simons theory in mathbb{R}^{4l+3}.

Representation of Quantum Algorithms with Symbolic Language and Simulation on Classical Computer

Nyman, Peter January 2008 (has links)
<p>Utvecklandet av kvantdatorn är ett ytterst lovande projekt som kombinerar teoretisk och experimental kvantfysik, matematik, teori om kvantinformation och datalogi. Under första steget i utvecklandet av kvantdatorn låg huvudintresset på att skapa några algoritmer med framtida tillämpningar, klargöra grundläggande frågor och utveckla en experimentell teknologi för en leksakskvantdator som verkar på några kvantbitar. Då dominerade förväntningarna om snabba framsteg bland kvantforskare. Men det verkar som om dessa stora förväntningar inte har besannats helt. Många grundläggande och tekniska problem som dekoherens hos kvantbitarna och instabilitet i kvantstrukturen skapar redan vid ett litet antal register tvivel om en snabb utveckling av kvantdatorer som verkligen fungerar. Trots detta kan man inte förneka att stora framsteg gjorts inom kvantteknologin. Det råder givetvis ett stort gap mellan skapandet av en leksakskvantdator med 10-15 kvantregister och att t.ex. tillgodose de tekniska förutsättningarna för det projekt på 100 kvantregister som aviserades för några år sen i USA. Det är också uppenbart att svårigheterna ökar ickelinjärt med ökningen av antalet register. Därför är simulering av kvantdatorer i klassiska datorer en viktig del av kvantdatorprojektet. Självklart kan man inte förvänta sig att en kvantalgoritm skall lösa ett NP-problem i polynomisk tid i en klassisk dator. Detta är heller inte syftet med klassisk simulering. Den klassiska simuleringen av kvantdatorer kommer att täcka en del av gapet mellan den teoretiskt matematiska formuleringen av kvantmekaniken och ett förverkligande av en kvantdator. Ett av de viktigaste problemen i vetenskapen om kvantdatorn är att utveckla ett nytt symboliskt språk för kvantdatorerna och att anpassa redan existerande symboliska språk för klassiska datorer till kvantalgoritmer. Denna avhandling ägnas åt en anpassning av det symboliska språket Mathematica till kända kvantalgoritmer och motsvarande simulering i klassiska datorer. Konkret kommer vi att representera Simons algoritm, Deutsch-Joszas algoritm, Grovers algoritm, Shors algoritm och kvantfelrättande koder i det symboliska språket Mathematica. Vi använder samma stomme i alla dessa algoritmer. Denna stomme representerar de karaktäristiska egenskaperna i det symboliska språkets framställning av kvantdatorn och det är enkelt att inkludera denna stomme i framtida algoritmer.</p> / <p>Quantum computing is an extremely promising project combining theoretical and experimental quantum physics, mathematics, quantum information theory and computer science. At the first stage of development of quantum computing the main attention was paid to creating a few algorithms which might have applications in the future, clarifying fundamental questions and developing experimental technologies for toy quantum computers operating with a few quantum bits. At that time expectations of quick progress in the quantum computing project dominated in the quantum community. However, it seems that such high expectations were not totally justified. Numerous fundamental and technological problems such as the decoherence of quantum bits and the instability of quantum structures even with a small number of registers led to doubts about a quick development of really working quantum computers. Although it can not be denied that great progress had been made in quantum technologies, it is clear that there is still a huge gap between the creation of toy quantum computers with 10-15 quantum registers and, e.g., satisfying the technical conditions of the project of 100 quantum registers announced a few years ago in the USA. It is also evident that difficulties increase nonlinearly with an increasing number of registers. Therefore the simulation of quantum computations on classical computers became an important part of the quantum computing project. Of course, it can not be expected that quantum algorithms would help to solve NP problems for polynomial time on classical computers. However, this is not at all the aim of classical simulation. Classical simulation of quantum computations will cover part of the gap between the theoretical mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics and the realization of quantum computers. One of the most important problems in "quantum computer science" is the development of new symbolic languages for quantum computing and the adaptation of existing symbolic languages for classical computing to quantum algorithms. The present thesis is devoted to the adaptation of the Mathematica symbolic language to known quantum algorithms and corresponding simulation on the classical computer. Concretely we shall represent in the Mathematica symbolic language Simon's algorithm, the Deutsch-Josza algorithm, Grover's algorithm, Shor's algorithm and quantum error-correcting codes. We shall see that the same framework can be used for all these algorithms. This framework will contain the characteristic property of the symbolic language representation of quantum computing and it will be a straightforward matter to include this framework in future algorithms.</p>

Representation of Quantum Algorithms with Symbolic Language and Simulation on Classical Computer

Nyman, Peter January 2008 (has links)
Utvecklandet av kvantdatorn är ett ytterst lovande projekt som kombinerar teoretisk och experimental kvantfysik, matematik, teori om kvantinformation och datalogi. Under första steget i utvecklandet av kvantdatorn låg huvudintresset på att skapa några algoritmer med framtida tillämpningar, klargöra grundläggande frågor och utveckla en experimentell teknologi för en leksakskvantdator som verkar på några kvantbitar. Då dominerade förväntningarna om snabba framsteg bland kvantforskare. Men det verkar som om dessa stora förväntningar inte har besannats helt. Många grundläggande och tekniska problem som dekoherens hos kvantbitarna och instabilitet i kvantstrukturen skapar redan vid ett litet antal register tvivel om en snabb utveckling av kvantdatorer som verkligen fungerar. Trots detta kan man inte förneka att stora framsteg gjorts inom kvantteknologin. Det råder givetvis ett stort gap mellan skapandet av en leksakskvantdator med 10-15 kvantregister och att t.ex. tillgodose de tekniska förutsättningarna för det projekt på 100 kvantregister som aviserades för några år sen i USA. Det är också uppenbart att svårigheterna ökar ickelinjärt med ökningen av antalet register. Därför är simulering av kvantdatorer i klassiska datorer en viktig del av kvantdatorprojektet. Självklart kan man inte förvänta sig att en kvantalgoritm skall lösa ett NP-problem i polynomisk tid i en klassisk dator. Detta är heller inte syftet med klassisk simulering. Den klassiska simuleringen av kvantdatorer kommer att täcka en del av gapet mellan den teoretiskt matematiska formuleringen av kvantmekaniken och ett förverkligande av en kvantdator. Ett av de viktigaste problemen i vetenskapen om kvantdatorn är att utveckla ett nytt symboliskt språk för kvantdatorerna och att anpassa redan existerande symboliska språk för klassiska datorer till kvantalgoritmer. Denna avhandling ägnas åt en anpassning av det symboliska språket Mathematica till kända kvantalgoritmer och motsvarande simulering i klassiska datorer. Konkret kommer vi att representera Simons algoritm, Deutsch-Joszas algoritm, Grovers algoritm, Shors algoritm och kvantfelrättande koder i det symboliska språket Mathematica. Vi använder samma stomme i alla dessa algoritmer. Denna stomme representerar de karaktäristiska egenskaperna i det symboliska språkets framställning av kvantdatorn och det är enkelt att inkludera denna stomme i framtida algoritmer. / Quantum computing is an extremely promising project combining theoretical and experimental quantum physics, mathematics, quantum information theory and computer science. At the first stage of development of quantum computing the main attention was paid to creating a few algorithms which might have applications in the future, clarifying fundamental questions and developing experimental technologies for toy quantum computers operating with a few quantum bits. At that time expectations of quick progress in the quantum computing project dominated in the quantum community. However, it seems that such high expectations were not totally justified. Numerous fundamental and technological problems such as the decoherence of quantum bits and the instability of quantum structures even with a small number of registers led to doubts about a quick development of really working quantum computers. Although it can not be denied that great progress had been made in quantum technologies, it is clear that there is still a huge gap between the creation of toy quantum computers with 10-15 quantum registers and, e.g., satisfying the technical conditions of the project of 100 quantum registers announced a few years ago in the USA. It is also evident that difficulties increase nonlinearly with an increasing number of registers. Therefore the simulation of quantum computations on classical computers became an important part of the quantum computing project. Of course, it can not be expected that quantum algorithms would help to solve NP problems for polynomial time on classical computers. However, this is not at all the aim of classical simulation. Classical simulation of quantum computations will cover part of the gap between the theoretical mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics and the realization of quantum computers. One of the most important problems in "quantum computer science" is the development of new symbolic languages for quantum computing and the adaptation of existing symbolic languages for classical computing to quantum algorithms. The present thesis is devoted to the adaptation of the Mathematica symbolic language to known quantum algorithms and corresponding simulation on the classical computer. Concretely we shall represent in the Mathematica symbolic language Simon's algorithm, the Deutsch-Josza algorithm, Grover's algorithm, Shor's algorithm and quantum error-correcting codes. We shall see that the same framework can be used for all these algorithms. This framework will contain the characteristic property of the symbolic language representation of quantum computing and it will be a straightforward matter to include this framework in future algorithms.

Étude des transitions de phases dans le modèle de Higgs abélien en (2+1) dimensions et l'effet du terme de Chern-Simons

Nebia-Rahal, Faïza 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Quantum gravity in two- and three-dimensional dS spaces

Chernichenko, Alexsey January 2024 (has links)
This thesis is a study of certain aspects of quantum gravity in two- and three-dimensional de Sitter spaces. The model used in dS2 is the Jackiw- Tetitelboim gravity which involves a scalar coupling. At low-energy limit this model becomes Schwarzian theory for which one can compute one-loop partition function. Along the way, the model is recasted into the first order formalism which helps to find an appropriate measure for the partition function. The layout for quantum gravity in dS3 is practically the same and many results appear to be quite similar. Although, there are as many dissimilarities. Ultimately, the goal is different, namely to determine one-loop correction to the central charge of the theory dual to dS3 . Additionally, a putative genus expansion for Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity is investigated along with some concrete computations being done. / Detta examensarbete ̈ar en studie av vissa aspekter av kvantgravita-tion i två och tredimensionella de Sitter-rummen. Den behandlar Jackiw-Teitelboim gravitation i dS2 , en model med en skalär koppling. Vid lågenergigränns blir modellen till Schwarzian teorin som används för att beräkna första ordningskorrektionen till partitionsfunktion. På vägen dit skrivs om modelen till första ordningens formalism som sedan hjälper att hitta ett lämpligt mått för partitionsfunktionen. Plannen för dS3 ser ut i princip likadant och en stor del av resultater är liknande. Emellertid finns det lika många olikheter. I slut änden, målet är annorludna, nämligen att beräkna första ordningens korrektion till centrala laddningen av teorin som dual till dS3 . Dessutom, en förmodad genus expansion för Jackiw-Teitelboim gravitation är undersökt och vissa konkreta beräkningar är gjorda.

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