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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Can graphene oxide be a suitable platform for the complexation with nucleix acids? / L’oxyde de graphène peut-il devenir une plateforme appropriée pour la complexation d'acides nucléiques ?

Chau, Ngoc Do Quyen 24 November 2017 (has links)
L'oxyde de graphène (GO) a attiré un intérêt croissant comme vecteur potentiel pour la délivrance de gènes, en particulier pour l’inhibition de gènes spécifiques. Le but principal de ce travail est le développement de nouvelles plateformes complexant de petits ARN interférents (siRNA) et la rationalisation des interactions supramoléculaires entre la surface du GO et l'ARN double brin. L'étude s'est concentrée d'abord sur la synthèse de GO avec divers groupes oxygénés, puis sur la fonctionnalisation covalente du GO avec des amines et des polymères. De plus, j'ai étudié les facteurs qui pourraient affecter la structure double hélice du siRNA. Enfin, la question que je me suis posé: « l’oxyde de graphène peut-il devenir une plateforme appropriée pour la complexation d’acides nucléiques ?» a été résolue à l’aide d’expériences biologiques prouvant la capacité du GO à délivrer du siRNA dans les cellules. / Graphene oxide (GO) has attracted increasing interest as a prominent potential vector in gene delivery and in particular in gene silencing. The main goal of this work is to develop novel platforms to complex small interfering RNA (siRNA) molecules and to rationalize the supramolecular interactions between GO surface and the double strand RNA. The study focused first on the synthesis of GO with various oxygenated groups, subsequently chemically covalently modified with amines and polymers. Moreover, I investigated on the factors that could affect the double helix siRNA structure. Finally, the question of the thesis, « Can graphene oxide be a suitable platform for complexation of nucleic acids? » could be answered from the biological tests proving the ability of graphene derivatives as a carrier of siRNA into the cells.

Interação funcional entre hormônios glicocorticóides e o gene supressor de tumor TP53 em um modelo celular de glioma de rato / Functional Link Between Glucocorticoid Hormones and the TP53 Tumor Suppressor Gene in a Rat Glioma Cell Model

Antero Ferreira de Almeida Macedo 02 October 2007 (has links)
Tanto hormônios glicocorticóides (GCs) como o gene supressor de tumor TP53, medeiam a resposta celular a uma diversidade de condições fisiológicas de estresse, sendo reguladores fundamentais do processo de vida/morte de diversos tipos celulares. A interação funcional entre estes fatores vem sendo explorada, recentemente, revelando que GCs exercem um efeito dual sobre p53. O modelo celular ST1/P7 de glioma de rato é particularmente interessante para investigar o papel de p53 na ação de GCs, já que estas linhagens apresentam respostas distintas a GCs. O tratamento com Hidrocortisona (Hy) leva as células ST1 a uma complexa reversão fenotípica tumoral→normal, enquanto as células P7 são altamente resistentes ao tratamento. Foi possível observar que a ativação de p53 por Hy ocorre apenas em células ST1, mas não em P7. Esta ativação é mediada pela indução de fosforilação da Ser15 de p53 e seu acúmulo nuclear, o que resulta no aumento de sua ligação a elementos responsivos a p53 no DNA e na sua capacidade de transativação de p53, levando a um aumento da expressão de alguns de seus genes-alvo. Contudo, o bloqueio de p53 através de siRNA não foi suficiente para alterar a resposta de células ST1 a GCs, indicando que a regulação positiva de p53 por GCs pode ser um evento secundário, mas não essencial, para a resposta anti-tumoral exercida por estes hormônios em células ST1. / Both glucocorticoid hormones (GCs) and the TP53 tumor suppressor gene mediate cellular responses to a diversity of physiological stress conditions, acting as crucial regulators of the life/death process in a wide variety of cell types. The ST1/P7 rat glioma model cell system is particularly interesting to investigate the role of p53 in the action of GCs, since these cell lines display opposite responses to GCs. Treatment with Hydrocortisone (Hy) leads ST1 cells to a complete tumoral→normal phenotypic reversion, while P7 cells are highly resistant to this treatment. It was possible to observe that activation of p53 by Hy occurs only in ST1 cells, but not in GC-resistant P7 cells. This activation is mediated by induction of phosphorylation of the Ser15 residue of p53 and its accumulation in the nucleus, resulting in increased binding of p53 to its responsive elements on the DNA and in activation of its transactivating potential, leading to increased expression of some of its target genes. However, blocking of p53 through siRNA was not sufficient to alter ST1 cells response to GCs, indicating that the positive regulation of p53 by GCs may be a secondary, non-essential, event for the anti-tumor response exerted by these hormones in ST1 cells.

Fluorescent nanodiamonds as siRNA vectors : in vitro efficacy evaluation and high-content/high-resolution quantifications of their distribution in vivo / Nanodiamants fluorescents pour la vectorisation de siRNA : évaluation in vitro et quantifications haut-débit/haute-résolution in vivo

Claveau, Sandra 25 May 2018 (has links)
Le Sarcome d'Ewing est un cancer pédiatrique rare, principalement dû à l'expression de l'oncogène de jonction EWS-Fli1, et dont les traitements médicamenteux ont peu évolué au cours des dernières décennies. Nous nous intéressons à une nouvelle approche thérapeutique utilisant des siRNA, ciblant spécifiquement l'oncogène EWS-Fli1, et permettant l'inhibition de la croissance tumorale. Durant mon travail de thèse, j'ai utilisé des nanocristaux de diamant issus soit de détonation (DND), soit de synthèse haute pression-haute température (NDHPHT) pour vectoriser les siRNA, accrochés par interaction électrostatique. Pour ce faire, les NDs ont été rendus cationiques par différentes méthodes: (i) hydrogénation assistée par plasma, (ii) par recuit thermique, ou (iii) par traitement chimique pour les DNDs, ou (iv) greffage covalent d'un polymère cationique sur des NDHPHT (COP-NDHPHT).Mes travaux ont comporté deux axes: (i) étude in vitro des complexes ND:siRNA (caractérisations physico-chimiques des NDs et étude de l'efficacité d'inhibition de l'oncogène par les complexes); (ii) distribution tissulaire de COP-NDHPHT, injectés dans des souris, grâce à des NDHPHT fluorescents, contenant des défauts azote-lacune. Pour les détecter individuellement dans des coupes d'organes de souris portant une tumeur xénogreffée sous-cutanée, nous avons développé un système d'imagerie en épifluorescence à grande ouverture numérique, et résolu en temps afin de rejeter l'autofluorescence tissulaire (de durée de vie plus courte que celle des NDs). Nous avons quantifié le nombre, l'état d'agrégation et la localisation cellulaire de ces vecteurs (grâce à un marquage histopathologique imagé simultanément) 24h après injection. Les NDs ont été clairement détectés dans les différents organes, dont la tumeur, ouvrant la voie à un contrôle de la progression tumorale grâce au siRNA. / Ewing Sarcoma is a rare pediatric cancer, caused in the majority of the cases by the expression of the fusion oncogene EWS-Fli1. Current treatments have not much evolved over the past decades. We are investigating a new therapy based on siRNA specifically targeting the oncogene and inhibiting the tumor growth. During my PhD thesis, I have tested different types of synthetic nanodiamonds (ND) used to vectorize siRNA electrostatically bound at their surface: ND produced by detonation (DND) or by High Pressure-High Temperature synthesis (NDHPTH). Their surfaces have been cationized by various processes: (i) plasma or (ii) thermal hydrogenation, (ii) chemical treatment, or (iv) covalent grafting of a copolymer (COP-NDHPHT).My PhD work included two main axis: (i) in vitro study of ND:siRNA complexes (NDs physico-chemical characterization and oncogene inhibition efficacy by the complexes); (ii) tissue distribution of COP-NDHPHT, injected into mice, using fluorescent NDHPHT containing nitrogen-vacancy defects. To detect them individually in sections of mouse organs carrying a subcutaneous xenograft tumor, we developed an epifluorescence imaging system with large numerical aperture and resolved in time to reject tissue autofluorescence (of a shorter lifetime than NDs). We quantified the number, the aggregation state and the cell localization (thanks to simultaneous histopathological imaging) of these vectors 24 hours after injection. NDs have been clearly detected in different organs, including the tumor, paving the way for tumor progression control with siRNA.

Assemblages supramoléculaires hiérarchiques de cyclodextrines fonctionnalisées et de siRNA, application à la thérapie antisens / Hierarchical supramolecular assembly of functionalized cyclodextrins and siRNA, antisens therapy application

Evenou, Pierre 27 October 2017 (has links)
L’utilisation de siRNA est une nouvelle approche thérapeutique très prometteuse. Néanmoins leur transfection à visée thérapeutique est un réel défi. Les obstacles à franchir pour élaborer des agents de transfection sûrs et fiables sont nombreux. Afin de les contourner nous nous sommes attachés à la construction d’un système dynamique qui, à l’image des virus, est constitué de briques moléculaires, s’emboitant et interagissant avec des acides nucléiques selon des interactions supramoléculaires. Ainsi, nous avons élaboré des polymères supramoléculaires polycationiques à base de monomères de cyclodextrines pontées, fonctionnalisées par un groupement adamantyle. Ce type de conjugué pallie un problème manifeste dans la littérature concernant les assemblages de β-CD souvent insolubles ou bien auto-inclus. L’ajout éventuel d’une autre fonction cationique pour améliorer l’interaction avec les siRNA a aussi été réalisé. Ainsi, la capacité à s’auto-assembler de quatre composés a été étudiée par RMN-1H, RMN-ROESY, ITC, RMN-DOSY, et SANS. Par ailleurs, ces composés ont montré une certaine capacité à complexer et à protéger les siRNA. L’un de ces composés a de plus montré une bonne aptitude à transfecter des siRNA in vitro, sans induire de toxicité. Les assemblages CD-siRNA ont finalement été observés par cryo-TEM et ont montré la formation de fibres, organisées de manière hiérarchique et hautement coopérative. Nous avons ainsi créé des assemblages supramoléculaires uniques à base d’acides nucléiques, rappelant la structure, la taille et la fonction d’un virus. / SiRNA based therapeutics are very promising. A key challenge for their development is the design of sophisticated, safe and effective delivery methods. To address all the biological obstacles for the conception of such therapeutics, we focused on the construction of a virus-like dynamic system, built with molecular bricks, able to self assemble and to interact with nucleic acid through supramolecular interactions. Bridged cyclodextrin based supramolecular polymers were developed to form host-guest interactions. To do so, cyclodextrins were conjugated with cationic and hydrophobic moiety in a spatially controlled way. These conjugates solved problems well known in the literature about the self-inclusion and the solubility in water of such molecules. The ability to self-assemble of 4 compounds were studied by RMN-1H, RMN-ROESY, ITC, RMN-DOSY and SANS. All these compounds showed a good capability to complex and protect siRNA. Moreover, one of these compounds is able to transfect siRNA in vitro without any toxicity, and therefore, to induce gene silencing. Assembly of CD and siRNA were finally observed by cryo-microscopy, which showed long fibres organised in a hierarchical and cooperative manner. This unique system is therefore strongly reminiscent of the structure, size and function of a virus.


LUCAS MIGUEL PEREIRA DE SOUZA 26 November 2024 (has links)
[pt] Simulações de dinâmica molecular coarse-grained foram usadas para investigar diferentes polímeros para o encapsulamento de um siRNA para a transposição em modelos de surfactante pulmonar. Os modelos consistiam em uma monocamada de 1,2-dipalmitoil-sn-glicero-3-fosfatidilcolina (DPPC) ou uma mistura 70:30 de DPPC e 1,2-palmitoil-sn-glicero-3-fosfo-(1 -sn-glicerol) (DPPG). Os nanocarreadores escolhidos para encapsular o siRNA anti-TNF foram o polietilenoglicol (PEG) e a polietilenimina (PEI). Acredita-se que o uso do siRNA para o silenciamento genético da citocina TNF pode ser terapêutico para algumas doenças inflamatórias, em especial, pulmonares. As simulações mostraram que as nanopartículas contendo apenas PEG promovem o arraste de fosfolipídeos do modelo de surfactante pulmonar, formando uma coroa lipídica. As nanopartículas contendo apenas PEI ou PEI e PEG causaram certas perturbações à monocamada, porém, nenhum colapso do filme durante a transposição da nanopartícula foi observado. O método de amostragem guarda-chuva foi utilizado para calcular a energia livre de Gibbs da transposição da nanopartícula através do modelo de surfactante pulmonar contendo apenas DPPC. A presença do PEG na nanopartícula causou uma diminuição na energia livre de Gibbs em relação ao siRNA nãoencapsulado, enquanto a presença do PEI não causou mudança. Os resultados implicam que siRNA encapsulado com ambos PEI e PEG melhoram a transposição do siRNA anti-TNF através de modelos de surfactante pulmonar na interface gáslíquido. / [en] Coarse-grained molecular dynamics was used to investigate different polymers to encapsulate the siRNA for its transposition through two lung surfactant models. These models consisted of a monolayer containing either 1,2-dipalmitoylsn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) or a 70:30 mixture of DPPC and 1,2- palmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(1 -sn-glycerol) (DPPG). The nanocarriers chosen to encapsulate the anti-TNF siRNA were polyethylene glycol (PEG) and polyethyleneimine (PEI). It is believed that the use of siRNA to genetically silence the cytokine TNF might be therapeutic to treat several inflammatory diseases, in particular, pulmonary ones. The simulations showed that the nanoparticles containing PEG promoted the lipid depletion of the lung surfactant model by forming a lipid corona. The nanoparticles containing only PEI, or both PEG and PEI showed some perturbation of the lung surfactant model, however no collapse during the nanoparticle transposition was observed. The umbrella sampling method was used to calculate the Gibbs free energy of transposition through the pure DPPC lung surfactant model. The nanoparticles containing PEG showed a decreased Gibbs free energy as compared with naked siRNA, while PEI nanoparticles have not caused any change. The implication of this finding is that siRNA encapsulated with both PEI and PEG enhances the transposition of anti-TNF siRNA through lung surfactant models at the gas-liquid interface.

Engineering siRNA Lipid Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Knapp, Christopher M. 01 May 2017 (has links)
Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an extremely difficult to treat subtype of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) with a low patient survival rate compared to most common cancers. Recently, nanoparticle delivery systems have received a great deal of interest for treating NHL. One of the more promising cargo options for these systems is short interfering RNA (siRNA). siRNA is a 18-23 nucleotide long double stranded RNA that is used to inhibit the protein expression of target mRNAs in a sequence specific manner. MCLs have several commonly overexpressed genes compared to normal cells making it an ideal candidate for siRNA therapies. For RNA interference to occur, A delivery vehicle is needed for the siRNA to reach the cytoplasm of the cell. In this thesis, ionizable lipid-like materials termed lipidoids are formulated into lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) to deliver siRNA. A new library of lipidoids is constructed to gain a better understanding of how the lipidoid tail-structure affects the silencing ability of LNPs. A novel tail precursor is identified as conferring potency to LNPs. Then, LNPs are used to silence genes within difficult to transfect MCL cells. LNPs targeting the anti-apoptotic protein Mcl-1 exhibit potent gene silencing and cause an increase in the fraction of cells undergoing apoptosis. This is important because there is no therapeutic that is FDA approved that targets this commonly overexpressed protein. Because of this LNP’s potency, siRNAs targeting multiple genes can be encapsulated into LNPs without causing unwanted toxicity. LNPs targeting several genes in multiple pathways cause a larger fraction of MCL cells to undergo apoptosis compared to cells treated with LNPs targeting only one gene. A major issue in cancer therapeutics is that the majority of nanoparticles accumulate in the liver. In an effort to improve the delivery of LNPs to target cells, changes to their formulations and administration methods are investigated as a means to improve LNP circulation time, biodistribution, and silencing ability. Overall, this work identifies lipidoid nanoparticles as potent siRNA delivery systems to treat MCL and investigates key properties for further improvement in LNP siRNA delivery to target cells.

A siRNA screen to identify molecular determinants of tumour radiosensitivity

Higgins, Geoffrey S. January 2010 (has links)
The effectiveness of radiotherapy treatment could be significantly improved if tumour cells could be rendered more sensitive to ionising radiation without altering the sensitivity of normal tissues. However, many of the key mechanisms that determine intrinsic tumour radiosensitivity are largely unknown. This thesis is concerned with the identification of novel determinants of tumour radiosensitivity. A siRNA screen of 200 genes involved in DNA damage repair was conducted using γH2AX foci post-irradiation as a marker of cell damage. This screen identified POLQ as a potential tumour-specific contributor to radioresistance. Subsequent investigations demonstrated that POLQ knockdown resulted in radiosensitisation of a panel of tumour cell lines, whilst having little or no effect on normal tissue cell lines. It was subsequently shown that POLQ depletion rendered tumour cells significantly more sensitive to several classes of cytotoxic agents. Following exposure to etoposide, it was found that tumour cells depleted of POLQ had reduced RAD51 foci formation, suggesting that POLQ is involved in homologous recombination. A homologous recombination assay was used to confirm that POLQ depletion does indeed result in reduced homologous recombination efficiency. These findings led to the investigation of the clinical significance of tumour overexpression of POLQ. The clinical outcomes of patients with early breast cancer were correlated with tumour expression levels of POLQ. It was found that POLQ overexpression was correlated with ER negative disease and high tumour grade, both of which are associated with poor clinical outcomes. POLQ overexpression was associated with extremely poor relapse free survival rates, independently of any other clinical or pathological feature. The mechanism that causes this adverse outcome may in part arise from resistance to adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment. These findings, combined with the limited normal tissue expression of POLQ, make it an appealing target for possible clinical exploitation.

The Role of SRSF3 in Control of Alternative Splicing of CPEB2 in Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Griffin, Brian P 01 January 2015 (has links)
In the presented study, we identified that SRSF3 controls the alternative splicing of CPEB2 and consequently promotes a metastatic phenotype in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). TNBC causes thousands of deaths annually, frequently due to a lack of effective treatments and a high rate of metastasis in patients. Alternative splicing has been found to be dysregulated in numerous cancers, while splicing factors such as SRSF3 are variably expressed. In this study we performed a siRNA panel to screen potential splicing factors, then used specific siRNA to study the effect of its knockdown on cellular function. These results showed that SRSF3 encourages the production of the pro-metastatic isoform of CPEB2, which contributes the aggressive phenotype of the tumor. We utilized numerous methods to measure the metastatic function of cultured TNBC cells to determine if SRSF3 strongly promoted the metastatic function. These data showed that siRNA reduction of SRSF3 was able to reduce the metastatic potential of cancer cells. These findings suggest that SRSF3 has great potential as a therapeutic measure to reduce and minimize the aggressiveness of TNBC tumors.

Analýza krátkých izoforem proteinů Argonaut z myších oocytů / Analysis of short Argonaute isoforms from mouse oocytes

Jankele, Radek January 2015 (has links)
AnalysisofshortArgonauteisoformsfrommouseoocytes Abstract: Argonaute proteins carrying small RNAs form the conserved core of RNA silencing mechanisms, which repress viruses, mobile genetic elements, and genes in a sequence specific manner. The microRNA (miRNA) pathway is a dominant mammalian RNA silencing mechanism in somatic cells, which post-transcriptionally regulates large fraction of genes and thereby adjusts protein levels. miRNA-guided Argonautes inhibit translation and induce deadenylation of complementary mRNAs, ultimately resulting in their decay. In contrast to RNA interference (RNAi), which employs Argonaute slicer activity to directly cleave perfectly complementary RNAs, an effective miRNA-mediated mRNA repression requires multiple Argonaute-associated protein factors and enzymes. The miRNA pathway has been implicated in many complex biological processes ranging from organogenesis, stress-response to haematopoiesis or cancer. Surprisingly, canonical miRNAs are not essential for oocytes and early embryonic development in mice. Even the most abundant miRNAs present in mouse oocytes are unable to effectively repress target genes. However, RNAi, which shares key enzymes with the miRNA pathway, is highly active in oocytes and early embryos. The cause of miRNA inactivity in mouse oocytes remains...

The Role of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Neurabin in Anxiety- and Depression-like Behaviours

Kim, Susan S. 27 July 2010 (has links)
Neurabin, a cytoskeletal protein, has been shown to be required for normal dopamine signalling, and dopaminergic systems have been previously implicated in the pathophysiology of anxiety disorders, including generalized social anxiety disorder. And results from neuroimaging studies have implicated the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in depression and anxiety disorders. However, lesion studies have failed to produce the expected deficits. Here, we demonstrate that the injections of muscimol and midazolam into the ACC reduced anxiety- and depression-like behaviours, and that complete absence of neurabin reduced anxiety-like behaviour but increased depression-like behaviour. However, reduction of neurabin by injecting neurabin-targeted siRNA into the ACC reduced anxiety-like behaviour but did not affect depression-like behaviour. This study provides evidence that the imbalance of excitatory and inhibitory activity in the ACC alters affective disorders, and that neurabin may be critical for the modulation of these behaviours.

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