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Zesílení panelového objektu / Strengthening of a panel buildingSopúch, Martin January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the static assessment of selected parts of the panel building of the former boarding school, for which adaptation to separate housing units and extension of one floor is planned. Upon the planned change of layout, extensions of the original door openings and new openings are proposed. The work assesses the object in its original state with the included unprofessional interference in statics during its use, and the object in the final state with planned modifications of the openings and proposes solutions to secure unsatisfactory areas to suit the new state loads
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Analýza nákladů stavebního objektu / Cost Analysis of a buildingPolanský, Dan January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis purpose is to choose optimal structure of the modernisation of slab block flat roof, according to building life cycle coast minimalisation. Based on the theoretical knowledge, the design of the stack was made in different phases and based on the building life cycle cost, considering the decreasing value of money over time. The selection of the optimal solution followed, taking account the specific conditions of the given scope of realization and the specific object. The choice is justified by the related analysis of key items.
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Energetický posudek / Energy AssessmentBřezina, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The first part of the final thesis is focused on the use of thermovision for diagnosing defects and failures in building industry. Documented history, physical principles and conditions for the measuring of thermographic camera are described in this part. Thermal images of the object described below were used for demonstrating the defects. The second part is dedicated to the elaborated energy assessment for a nine-storey slab block building. In total, there are five energy economic measures developed for the building. Three of those are of structural character and two of those are for building equipment. There are two variants designed based on the measures, one of which is recommended and evalu-ated. The final section is focused on the measurement of slab block building indoor environment (CO2, air temperature, relative humidity, dew point) and its assessment in concern with the current legislation.
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Att dela ett bostadshus eller kommunikationen till staden / To share a residential building or the communication to the cityWallerius, Gustav January 2013 (has links)
Detta projekt handlar om hur vi kan bo nära varandra i en stad och samtidigt ha tydliga gränser kring de ytor vi delar. Var möts vi i staden? Var är vi tillsammans i bostaden? När övergår den privata sfären till gemensam? Kommunikationen i dagens bostadshus har reducerats till minsta möjliga vilket helt tar över dess utformning. Att istället se denna som en social yta har potential att skapa ett levande atmosfär där mer privata funktioner delas med kommunikationen. Delandet handlar också om de saker vi har i hemmet, är delning av kökmaskiner och städredskap ett möjligt sätt att spara energi? Hur kan vi bygga för att främja detta? I processen har jag försökt definiera vad som skapar ett attraktivt boende i stadskontext och se hur detta går att applicera i morgondagens Stockholm. Jag har gjort detta genom att skissa i modell och analysera dessa i jämförelse med exempel på lyckade bostadshus. Utformning av kommunikation och vad vi kan dela i ett bostadshus är de två frågor jag har fokuserat på i detta projekt. Hur kan bostadshuset vara en förlängning av staden och samtidigt signalera en privathet? / This project is about how we can live near each other in the city, while having clear boundaries around the areas we share. Where do we meet in the city? Where does the private sphere become commune? Communication, such as stairs and corridors, in residential houses has been reduced to a minimum. The result of this is that the balance between architecture and function is very unstable. To instead see this as a social area has the potential to create a vibrant atmosphere where more private functions are shared with the communication. How can we share space? What can the house share with the city? What can the user share with each other? Sharing is a potential way to save energy. How can we build to promote this? In the process, I have tried to define what creates an attractive residential building in a city context. I have done this by model sketching and analyze these in relation to examples of successful residential buildings. The formation of the communication and what we can share in a residential building are the two main questions in this project. How can the dwelling house be an extension to the city while signal a private sphere?
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