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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How municipalities can work with digitalisation for environmental aims

Ringenson, Tina January 2018 (has links)
Humanity is facing big environmental challenges. Apart from the climate changes, there is also an ongoing depletion of the natural resources necessary for our survival in general, and for highly electronics-dependant lifestyles especially. At the same time, both urbanisation and digitalisation are progressing at a rapid pace. Digitalisation holds a potential to decrease environmental impact from cities and urban lifestyles, and many cities want to increase their use of digital technologies and services. This is often at least partially motivated by environmental concerns. In these cases, it is often the municipality that is responsible for strategies and support of increased digitalisation. This dissertation places itself in the Smart Sustainable City field, but more specifically aims to support municipalities’ work with digitalisation for environmental goals. The results are structured around three parts. The first part accounts for six cities’ promising digital solutions with possible environmental benefits, and of possible digital tools to support two EU directives that can affect municipalities’ environmental work. The second part suggests how municipalities can work with digitalisation for environmental goals, and especially stresses evaluation and strategic investments. The third part looks at possible long-term societal changes in relation to digitalisation, and the risks with a city depending on electronics: It is important that a city can remain adequately functional, even in the case of a short- or long term shortage of resources and/or energy. Finally, I discuss some of the uncertainties in digitalisation for environmental goals. There are uncertainties regarding digitalisation’s actual effects, which can make it harder to know what investments to make. Implementing digital technologies for municipal aims often demands cooperation between actors with different interests, but if the municipality relates its decision to environmental goals, it facilitates demanding that digital services and tools have environmental benefits. / Mänskligheten står inför stora utmaningar på miljöområdet. Utöver klimatförändringar sker en utarmning av de naturresurser som krävs både för vår allmänna fortlevnad och för livsstilar med hög användning av elektronik. Samtidigt pågår både en snabb urbanisering och en snabb digitalisering. Digitaliseringen har potential för att minska miljöpåverkan från städer och urbana livsstilar, och många städer uttalar en vilja till ökat nyttjande av digitala tekniker och tjänster, oftast åtminstone delvis motiverat av omsorg om miljön. Ofta är det då kommunen som står för strategier och stöd för ökad digitalisering. Den här avhandlingen placerar sig i det fält som berör den smarta hållbara staden, men syftar mer specifikt till att hjälpa kommuner i deras arbete med digitalisering för att nå miljömål. Avhandlingens resultat är uppdelade i tre delar. Den första delen redovisar några lovande digitala tjänster med möjliga miljöfördelar, respektive möjliga digitala stöd för två EU-direktiv som påverkar kommuners miljöarbete. Den andra delen ger förslag på hur kommuner kan lägga upp sin arbetsgång för att rikta digitaliseringsarbetet mer mot miljöfördelar och miljömål, och rekommenderar särskilt att följa upp arbetet med utvärderingar och mer strategiska investeringar. Den tredje delen går in på möjliga långsiktiga förändringar av samhället i relation till digitalisering, samt riskerna med att en stad blir beroende av elektronik: Det är viktigt att en stad kan bevara huvuddelen av sin funktionalitet, även vid kort- eller långvarig strypning av resurser och/eller energi. Slutligen diskuterar jag något av osäkerheten i digitalisering för miljömål. Det finns stora osäkerheter kring vad de verkliga effekterna blir, vilket kan göra det svårt att veta vilka investeringar som ska göras. Att införa digitala tekniker och tjänster för att nå kommunala mål kräver samverkan från aktörer med olika intressen, men om kommunen tydligt kopplar till miljömål underlättar det för att kräva att de digitala tjänsterna och verktygen gör nytta på miljöområdet. / <p>QC 20180302</p> / ICT for Urban Sustainability

Smart Housing: Technology to Aid Aging in Place - New Opportunities and Challenges

Satpathy, Lalatendu 05 August 2006 (has links)
We are at the threshold of a great change in architectural design. With cheaper and more ubiquitous computing, ?smart? spaces and responsive environments are increasingly becoming plausible and affordable. Are we as architects prepared? Can the profession of architecture respond to current computing technologies? Most critics agree that one of the first (most important) problems that ?smart? homes will help to address is that of spiraling costs of elderly healthcare and care giving. But what is the problem with healthcare? Even if there is a problem, the rural home is different from an urban home. Will the technologies that are designed for the urban home work in a rural setting? What are the differences between urban and rural healthcare models? In this thesis, we address the above questions through research of current problems and models of rural healthcare and through a documentation of studies and reports published over the last decade. This research helps us to understand if architecture can really augment healthy aging in rural home settings. In conclusion, we will examine the role of architecture (and architects) in the context of ubiquitous computing and ?smart? spaces in rural areas and propose a possible solution for this problem.

Towards a Self-Powered Structural Health Monitoring Smart Tire

Chung, Howard Jenn Yee 20 June 2016 (has links)
This work investigates the feasibility of developing a self-powered structural health monitoring (SHM) smart tire using piezoelectric materials. While this work is divided into two components: SHM and energy harvesting, the context of smart tire in this work is defined as the development of a SHM system that (i) has self-powering capabilities, and (ii) addresses the potential of embedding sensors. The use of impedance based SHM on a tire is severely limited due to the low stiffness and high damping characteristics of the tire. This work propose the use of a high voltage impedance analyzer, and the addition of electrical circuit to enhance the damage detection process. Experimental work was conducted on an aluminum beam and on a tire section with commercially available piezoelectric sensors. The use of a high voltage impedance analyzer was demonstrated to provide insight on damage type and damage location. Two sensors were connected in parallel as an effective sensory system, and was shown to reduce interrogation time, but reduce damage identification sensitivity. With added electrical circuits, a belt separation on the tire was successfully detected by the shift in electrical impedance signature. For the energy harvesting portion of this work, a bimorph piezoelectric energy harvester model was derived using extended Hamilton's principle and the linear constitutive relations of piezoelectric materials. Comparison of model with experimental data at increasing loading conditions demonstrated the monotonic increase in voltage output, with linear asymptotes at extreme loading conditions (short-circuit and open-circuit). It also demonstrated the existence of an optimal resistive load for maximum power output. To address the ability to embed sensors, an existing fabrication process to grow arrays of ZnO nanowires in carbon fiber reinforced polymer was used in this work. Comparison of power generation from a composite beam with ZnO nanowires with a composite beam without ZnO nanowires demonstrated the power generation capabilities of the nanowires. A maximum peak voltage of 8.91 mV and peak power of 33.3 pW was obtained. After the application of 10V DC, a maximum of 45 pW was obtained. However, subsequent application of 20V DC reduced the maximum peak power output to 2.5 pW. Several attempts to increase power generation including adding a tip mass and changing the geometry of the composite beam were conducted. Finally, the theoretical voltage frequency response function obtained from the theoretical piezoelectric constant and dielectric constant of a single ZnO nanowire were compared to the experimental voltage frequency response function. The discrepancies were discussed. / Master of Science

Theoretical modeling of the actuation mechanism in integrated induced strain actuator/substructure systems

Lin, Mark Wen-Yih 07 June 2006 (has links)
Induced strain actuators have been integrated with conventional structural materials to serve as energy input devices or actuating elements in many engineering applications implementing intelligent material systems and structures concepts. In order to use the actuation mechanism produced by the integrated induced strain actuators efficiently, the mechanics of the mechanical interaction between the actuator and the host substructure must be understood and modeled accurately. A refined analytical model has been developed based on the plane stress formulation of the theory of elasticity for a surfacebonded induced strain actuator/beam substructure system. Closed-form solutions of the induced stress field were obtained in an approximate manner using the principle of stationary complementary energy. The model has also been extended to include the presence of adhesive bonding layers and applied external loads. The results of the current model were compared with those obtained by finite element analysis and the pin-force and Euler-Bernoulli models. It was shown that the current model is capable of describing the edge effects of the actuator on actuation force/moment transfer and interfacial shear and peeling stress distributions that the existing analytical models fail to describe. Good agreement was obtained between the current model and the finite element analysis in terms of predicting actuation force/moment transfer. The interfacial shear stress distribution obtained by the current model satisfies stress-free boundary conditions at the ends of the actuator, which the finite element model is not able to satisfy. The current model correctly describes the transfer of the actuation mechanism and the resulting interfacial stress distributions; thus, it can be used in designing integrated induced strain actuator/substructure systems. Moreover, a new induced strain actuator configuration, which includes inactive edges on the ends of the actuators, has been proposed to alleviate the intensity of the interfacial stresses. The effectiveness of the actuator on the interfacial stress alleviation was verified by the current analytical model and finite element analysis. It was shown that the proposed actuator configuration can significantly alleviate intensive interfacial shear and peeling stresses without sacrificing the effectiveness of the actuation mechanism. The chances of interfacial failure of the integrated structural system, fatigue failure in particular, can thus be reduced. / Ph. D.

Modelado matemático para eficiencia energética: aplicaciones a iluminación LED y al monitoreo de edificios

Hernández Luna, Mónica Cynthia 25 November 2019 (has links)
[ES] En este trabajo se presenta un estudio detallado de los procesos de transferencia de calor en luminarias LED de alta potencia (HP-LED) con disipadores de calor pasivos y el análisis de variables energéticas: consumo eléctrico y concentración de CO2, para obtener correlaciones que predigan el rendimiento energético de edificios. Como primer objetivo, se diseñan disipadores de calor adecuados a luminarias de distintas potencias. Para ello, se parte de un modelo matemático completo que describe la transferencia de calor en este tipo de sistemas, se realiza la simulación numérica usando métodos de elementos finitos y, además, se comprueban los resultados obtenidos en el laboratorio. Hemos centrado nuestro análisis en el caso de una fuente LED en contacto térmico con un disipador de calor pasivo de aluminio, obteniendo un excelente ajuste entre las mediciones experimentales y las simulaciones numéricas realizadas. Con estos disipadores se garantiza tanto el comportamiento óptimo como la durabilidad de las luminarias. Posteriormente como segundo objetivo, se estudia la relación de dos variables clave del rendimiento energético de un edificio: el consumo de energía y la concentración de CO2, cuyas correlaciones no han sido consideradas en la literatura. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se seleccionaron dos instalaciones ubicadas en diferentes continentes y se adquirieron los datos necesarios para su análisis con un sistema simple y económico para medir, transmitir y gestionar la información. La determinación matemática de la relación entre dos variables facilitará en gran medida la programación de algoritmos eficientes de control energético de instalaciones en plataformas de gestión energéticas. El manejo de toda la información obtenida mediante sensores y gestionada a través de plataformas inteligentes requiere el desarrollo de líneas de investigación relacionadas con el Internet de las Cosas (IoT) y que pertenecen a la era de la Industria 4.0. Los estudios incluidos en esta tesis doctoral pertenecen a dos áreas de trabajo que contribuyen a comprender y mejorar el rendimiento de las Smart cities: el uso de la información para convertir nuestros edificios en instalaciones sostenibles y el desarrollo de la iluminación inteligente (Smart lighting), consiste en incorporar sensores a las luminarias para convertir el sistema de iluminación pública de una ciudad en un laboratorio distribuido de variables de interés gestionado a través de plataformas inteligentes. / [CA] En aquest treball es presenta un estudi detallat dels processos de transferència de calor en lluminàries LED d'alta potència (HP-LED) amb dissipadors de calor passius i l'anàlisi de variables energètiques: consum elèctric i concentració de CO2, per a obtindre correlacions que prediguen el rendiment energètic d'edificis. Com a primer objectiu, es dissenyen dissipadors de calor adequats a lluminàries de diferent potències. Per a això, es parteix d'un model matemàtic complet que descriu la transferència de calor en aquest tipus de sistemes, es realitza la simulació numèrica usant mètodes d'elements finits i, a més, es comproven els resultats obtinguts en el laboratori. Hem centrat la nostra anàlisi en el cas d'una font LED en contacte tèrmic amb un dissipador de calor passiva d'alumini, obtenint un excellent ajust entre els mesuraments experimentals i les simulacions numèriques realitzades. Amb aquests dissipadors es garanteix tant el comportament òptim com la durabilitat de les lluminàries. Posteriorment com a segon objectiu, s'estudia la relació de dues variables clau del rendiment energètic d'un edifici: el consum d'energia i la concentració de CO2, les correlacions de la qual no han sigut considerades en la literatura. Per a aconseguir aquest objectiu, es van seleccionar dues installacions situades en diferents continents i es van adquirir les dades necessàries per a la seua anàlisi amb un sistema simple i econòmic per a mesurar, transmetre i gestionar la informació. La determinació matemàtica de la relació entre dues variables facilitarà en gran manera la programació d'algorismes eficients de control energètic d'installacions en plataformes de gestió energètiques. El maneig de tota la informació obtinguda mitjançant sensors i gestionada a través de plataformes intelligents requereix el desenvolupament de línies d'investigació relacionades amb l'Internet de les Coses (IoT) i que pertanyen a l'era de la Indústria 4.0. Els estudis inclosos en esta tesi doctoral pertanyen a dues àrees de treball que contribueïxen a comprendre i millorar el rendiment de les Smart cities: l'ús de la informació per a convertir els nostres edificis en installacions sostenibles i el desenvolupament de la illuminació intelligent (Smart lighting), consistix a incorporar sensors a les lluminàries per a convertir el sistema d'illuminació pública d'una ciutat en un laboratori distribuït de variables d'interés gestionat a través de plataformes intelligents. / [EN] This work presents a detailed study of the heat transfer processes in high power LED luminaires (HP-LED) with passive heatsinks and the analysis of energy variables: power consumption and concentration of CO2, to obtain correlations that predict the energy performance of buildings. As a first objective, heat sinks appropiate for luminaires of different powers are developed. For this, we start from a complete mathematical model that describes the heat transfer in this type of systems, the numerical simulation is performed using finite element methods and, in addition, the results obtained in the laboratory are compared. With these heatsinks, the optimum performance and durability of the luminaires is guaranteed. Later, we propose to study the relation between two key variables of building performance: the power consumption and the CO2 concentration, whose correlations have not been considered in the literature. To achieve this objective, two buildings located in different continents were selected and the necessary data were acquired for their analysis with a simple and economical system to measure, transmit and manage the information. Therefore, the mathematical determination of the relationship between the two variables will greatly facilitate the programming of algorithms in the energy management platforms. The management of all information obtained through sensors and managed through intelligent platforms requires the development of research lines related to the Internet of Things (IoT) and that belong to the era of Industry 4.0. The studies included in this doctoral thesis belong to two areas of work that contribute to understanding and improving the performance of Smart Cities: the use of information to turn our buildings into sustainable installations and the development of smart lighting, consists of incorporating sensors to the luminaires to convert the public lighting system of a city into a distributed laboratory of variables of interest managed through intelligent platforms. / Al Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT, y de manera muy especial al Instituto de Innovación y Transferencia de Tecnología del Estado de Nuevo León, i2t2, quienes en conjunto me brindaron el apoyo económico para realizar mis estudios de Doctorado en el Extranjero con el número de Beca 296471 y CVU: 558076. / Hernández Luna, MC. (2019). Modelado matemático para eficiencia energética: aplicaciones a iluminación LED y al monitoreo de edificios [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/131696

The Art and Science of Data Analysis

Daita, Ananda Rohit 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis aims to utilize data analysis and predictive modeling techniques and apply them in different domains for gaining insights. The topics were chosen keeping the same in mind. Analysis of customer interests is a crucial factor in present marketing trends and hence we worked on twitter data which is a significant part of digital marketing. Neuroscience, especially psychological behavior, is an important research area. We chose eye tracking data based on which we differentiated human concentration while watching controllable (video game) videos and uncontrollable (sports) videos. Currently, cities are using data analysis for becoming smart cities. We worked on the City of Lewisville emergency services data and predicted the vehicle-accident-prone areas for development of precautionary measures in those areas.

The new generation of Smart Home Device : Health Monitoring system for Smart Homes / Ny generation av Smart Home Device

Jarque Antolí, Carlos January 2019 (has links)
This thesis project was conveyed in collaboration with Block Zero, a strategic Design Studio in Malmö, Sweden, with the purpose to design a product that develops a new type of interaction within the Smart Home. This design project will primarily focus on the research, exploration and definition of possible solutions, and the resulting design and development of the final product, a Smart Home Health Hub. From a global perspective, throughout the following document is covered a description of the design process from initial research to the final prototype. The project is defined in this approach and establishes the mentioned principles to guide the execution of the project through a deductive method, synthesising until the final result.


TAISA DORNELAS ABBAS CALVETTE 24 March 2020 (has links)
[pt] Realizar uma estimativa confiável na produção de petróleo é um dos grandes desafios na indústria de óleo e gás e é uma parte crítica no planejamento e na tomada de decisão das petrolíferas. Neste contexto, este trabalho visa explorar as vantagens e desempenho dos algoritmos de machine learning para realizar a previsão de produção de petróleo, gás e água a partir das informações de controle de poços inteligentes e usando a metodologia de data driven. Para tanto, foram usadas duas bases de dados com séries históricas de produção de petróleo, gás e água. A primeira base foi gerada sinteticamente (através de simulação de reservatórios) e consiste na produção média mensal e configuração de 3 válvulas de um poço injetor, ao longo de um período de 10 anos. A segunda base usa dados reais de produção (observados) fornecidos pelo estado da Dakota do Sul nos Estados Unidos. Esta base consiste na média diária de produção e o estado geral (ativo ou não produzindo) de diversos poços produtores de petróleo no período compreendido de 1950 a 2018. Com o intuito de testar a metodologia, foram realizados diversos experimentos combinando o treinamento da proxy com algoritmos de Redes Neurais Artificiais (Multilayer Perceptron) e deep learning com redes neurais recorrentes (redes neurais recorrentes simples, long short-term memory, Gated Recurrent Units), chamados de smart proxy e deep smart proxy respectivamente. Os resultados encontrados mostraram que o modelo deep smart proxy se mostrou bastante promissor. Utilizando uma rede Gated Recurrent Units com camadas bidirecionais (GRUB), foi possível obter uma redução no erro RMSE de 66 por cento e no erro MAE de 79 por cento quando comparados aos modelos smart proxy com Redes Neurais Artificiais. Verificou-se que nos modelos deep smart proxy, o uso de camadas bidirecionais gerou uma significativa melhora na previsão e redução do erro, tanto nos testes que utilizaram dados de produção simulados (caso sintético) quanto nos testes que utilizaram dados de produção observados (caso real), proporcionando uma variação de até 75 por cento no RMSE e 85 por cento no MAE. O erro RMSE normalizado na rede GRUB foi de 0,53 por cento nos dados observados e 0,65 por cento nos dados sintéticos. Os modelos de deep smart proxy obtiveram desempenhos muito semelhantes, principalmente ao comparar o desempenho das redes do tipo LSTMB e GRUB. Estas redes foram aplicadas em ambos os casos sintético e real de produção e superaram, em todos os casos, os resultados obtidos com o modelo de smart proxy com MLP. / [en] A reliable forecast for oil production represents one of the biggest challenges in the oil and gas industry and contributes to the planning and decision making of oil companies. Because of that, this work uses intelligent well valves settings and data driven methodology to explore the advantages and the performance of machine learning algorithms in the forecasting of oil, gas and water production. In order to do so, two database containing historical data series of oil, gas and water production were used. The first was generated synthetically (through reservoir simulation) and consisted of the average monthly production of an injection well over a period of 10 years, as well as the configuration of 3 of its valves. The second database used the production data provided by the state of South Dakota, located in the United States, and consisted of the daily production average and the overall well status (active or not producing) from several oil producing wells in a period ranging from 1950 to 2018. In order to test the methodology, several experiments were performed combining proxy with Artificial Neural Network Algorithms (Multilayer Perceptron) and deep learning recurrent neural networks (Simple Recurrent Neural Networks, long short-term memory, Gated Recurrent Units), which were named smart proxy and deep smart proxy, respectively. The results showed that the deep smart proxy model was very promising. Using the Gated Recurrent Units network with bi-directional layers (GRUB), a reduction of 66 percent in the RMSE error and 79 percent in the MAE error was obtained when compared to smart proxy models with Artificial Neural Networks. The deep smart proxy models with bidirectional layers generated a significant improvement in prediction and error reduction in both databases tests ( i.e. tests with simulated production data (synthetic case) and with the observed production data (real case), resulting in a variation of up to 75 percent in RMSE and 85 percent in MAE). The normalized RMSE error in the GRUB network was of 0.53 percent in the observed database and 0.65 percent in the synthetic database. It is important to notice that the Deep smart proxy models achieved very similar performances when comparing the LSTMB and GRUB network in both databases (synthetic and real production), surpassing in all cases the results obtained with the MLP smart proxy model.

Computação em nuvem no contexto das smart grids: uma aplicação para auxílio à localização de faltas em sistemas de distribuição / Cloud computing in the smart grids context: an application to aid fault location in distribution systems

Sousa, Jeovane Vicente de 21 September 2018 (has links)
A computação em nuvem tem sido vislumbrada como a principal tecnologia capaz de integrar e gerenciar os diversos sistemas envolvidos em uma Smart Grid. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo desenvolver uma infraestrutura de computação em nuvem capaz de armazenar e manipular dados em sistemas de distribuição. Analisando a infraestrutura das principais aplicações que utilizam computação em nuvem nesse contexto, foi proposta uma arquitetura com serviços essenciais, que pode ser estendida, para abrigar serviços e aplicações voltadas aos sistemas de distribuição inteligentes. A partir dessa proposta, uma infraestrutura de computação em nuvem foi implementada, utilizando ferramentas open source. Essa infraestrutura permitiu o desenvolvimento de uma nova aplicação para auxílio à localização de faltas, utilizando mineração de dados sobre os dados provenientes de smart meters, que é capaz de reduzir o problema da múltipla estimação nos sistemas de distribuição radial, auxiliando na definição do ramal faltoso. Para isso, uma versão otimizada da ferramenta de mineração de dados DAMICORE (Data Mining of Code Repositories) foi implementada estendendo os serviços básicos da arquitetura proposta. A aplicação desenvolvida foi avaliada utilizando centenas de simulações de falta sujeitas ao problema da múltipla estimação, aplicadas ao longo de um alimentador de testes, sendo capaz de reduzir mais de 80% das extensões de falta susceptíveis ao problema da múltipla estimação. Os resultados apresentados mostraram que a arquitetura proposta e a infraestrutura de computação em nuvem desenvolvida são capazes de suportar novas aplicações para os sistemas de distribuição inteligentes contribuindo para o desenvolvimento das smart grids e para a difusão da computação em nuvem nesse contexto. Como contribuição adicional, a aplicação em nuvem desenvolvida permitirá reduzir a múltipla estimação na localização de faltas em sistemas de distribuição. / Cloud computing has been envisioned as the main technology capable to integrate and manage many systems on a Smart Grid. Thus, this research aims to develop a cloud computing infrastructure to store and manipulate smart distribution system data. By analyzing the infrastructure of the main applications using cloud computing for smart distribution systems, an extensible architecture with essential services was proposed to host smart distribution systems services and applications. Based on this proposition, a cloud computing platform was developed using open source tools. A new application to reduce multiple estimation for fault location in radial distribution systems using datamining techniques over smart meter data was implemented using this infrastructure. An optimized version of the datamining tool known as DAMICORE (Data Mining of Code Repositories) was implemented as an extension to the proposed architecture basic services. The new cloud application was tested using hundreds of fault simulations through a test feeder, being able to reduce the line extensions with multiple estimation by more than 80% in the simulated fault cases. The results show that the proposed cloud computing architecture and infrastructure enable new smart distribution systems applications, contributing to the development of smart grids and diffusion of cloud computing in this context. As an additional contribution, the cloud application developed will help to reduce the multiple estimation for fault locations in distribution systems.

Computação em nuvem no contexto das smart grids: uma aplicação para auxílio à localização de faltas em sistemas de distribuição / Cloud computing in the smart grids context: an application to aid fault location in distribution systems

Jeovane Vicente de Sousa 21 September 2018 (has links)
A computação em nuvem tem sido vislumbrada como a principal tecnologia capaz de integrar e gerenciar os diversos sistemas envolvidos em uma Smart Grid. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo desenvolver uma infraestrutura de computação em nuvem capaz de armazenar e manipular dados em sistemas de distribuição. Analisando a infraestrutura das principais aplicações que utilizam computação em nuvem nesse contexto, foi proposta uma arquitetura com serviços essenciais, que pode ser estendida, para abrigar serviços e aplicações voltadas aos sistemas de distribuição inteligentes. A partir dessa proposta, uma infraestrutura de computação em nuvem foi implementada, utilizando ferramentas open source. Essa infraestrutura permitiu o desenvolvimento de uma nova aplicação para auxílio à localização de faltas, utilizando mineração de dados sobre os dados provenientes de smart meters, que é capaz de reduzir o problema da múltipla estimação nos sistemas de distribuição radial, auxiliando na definição do ramal faltoso. Para isso, uma versão otimizada da ferramenta de mineração de dados DAMICORE (Data Mining of Code Repositories) foi implementada estendendo os serviços básicos da arquitetura proposta. A aplicação desenvolvida foi avaliada utilizando centenas de simulações de falta sujeitas ao problema da múltipla estimação, aplicadas ao longo de um alimentador de testes, sendo capaz de reduzir mais de 80% das extensões de falta susceptíveis ao problema da múltipla estimação. Os resultados apresentados mostraram que a arquitetura proposta e a infraestrutura de computação em nuvem desenvolvida são capazes de suportar novas aplicações para os sistemas de distribuição inteligentes contribuindo para o desenvolvimento das smart grids e para a difusão da computação em nuvem nesse contexto. Como contribuição adicional, a aplicação em nuvem desenvolvida permitirá reduzir a múltipla estimação na localização de faltas em sistemas de distribuição. / Cloud computing has been envisioned as the main technology capable to integrate and manage many systems on a Smart Grid. Thus, this research aims to develop a cloud computing infrastructure to store and manipulate smart distribution system data. By analyzing the infrastructure of the main applications using cloud computing for smart distribution systems, an extensible architecture with essential services was proposed to host smart distribution systems services and applications. Based on this proposition, a cloud computing platform was developed using open source tools. A new application to reduce multiple estimation for fault location in radial distribution systems using datamining techniques over smart meter data was implemented using this infrastructure. An optimized version of the datamining tool known as DAMICORE (Data Mining of Code Repositories) was implemented as an extension to the proposed architecture basic services. The new cloud application was tested using hundreds of fault simulations through a test feeder, being able to reduce the line extensions with multiple estimation by more than 80% in the simulated fault cases. The results show that the proposed cloud computing architecture and infrastructure enable new smart distribution systems applications, contributing to the development of smart grids and diffusion of cloud computing in this context. As an additional contribution, the cloud application developed will help to reduce the multiple estimation for fault locations in distribution systems.

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