Spelling suggestions: "subject:"show load"" "subject:"slow load""
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Analysis of Pressurized Arch-ShellsGoh, Julian Kok Seng 11 April 1998 (has links)
A pressurized arch-shell structural component made of flexible material is considered. The component is inflated with high internal pressure. The behavior of similar types of structures, such as a pair of leaning pressurized arches and pressurized arch-supported membrane shelters, has been investigated in the past. More recently, several types of pressurized structures have been incorporated as part of the framework for a variety of structural systems. Particularly, the U.S. Army has been investigating the use of large lightweight and transportable pressurized arch-shell structures to be used as maintenance shelters for vehicles, helicopters, and airplanes.
The formulated equations using thin shell theory are applied to a pressurized arch-shell component. A numerical investigation based on the Rayleigh-Ritz method is utilized to determine the behavior of arch-shells under various types of loading. The types of loading include a uniformly distributed vertical load representing snow, a wind load, and a horizontal side load distributed along the arc length. Deflections, stress resultants, and moments at various locations are computed for two types of shapes: circular and non-circular arch-shells. / Master of Science
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Finite Element Analysis of a Pair of Leaning Pressurized Arch-Shells Under Snow and Wind LoadsMolloy, Sean J. 23 April 1998 (has links)
A structure comprised of two arches that lean against each other at the apex is considered. The arches are thin shells with internal pressure. This type of structure with solid arches has been used in bridges, such as the Gateway Arch Bridge in Columbus, Indiana, U.S.A., the Monongahela River Bridge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., and a pedestrian bridge at the Pacific Tower in Paris, France. A series of leaning arches was incorporated in the frame of the Museum of the Moving Image, a temporary structure in London, England, during 1992-1994. Pressurized arch-shells made of a flexible material have been utilized as part of the framework for some transportable tent-like structures.
The behavior of a pair of pressurized leaning arch-shells with various tilt angles, boundary conditions, and loads is investigated numerically. Several types of loads are considered, including uniformly-distributed vertical loads applied over all or half of the structure (representing snow), and wind loads on the structure. The arches are pinned or fixed to the ground. Deflections, vibrations, and stability of the structures are investigated using the finite element method. The effect of the tilt angle on the response is examined, and buckling may occur for some tilt angles under vertical loading. This type of structure has not been used widely, but may be effective for various applications. / Master of Science
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Objekt střediska živočišné výroby / Building of Centre of Livestock ProductionVidová, Miriama January 2019 (has links)
My diploma theisis is focused on design and assessment of structural systém of industrial building in tended for livestock farming. The design is processed in two options. Both oft hem has the same dimensions but cross sections of the supporting elements are changed. Floor plan of the first part is a rectangular shape, dimension is 29,28 m x 24,8 m. Floor plan of the second part is a rectangular shape, dimension is 161,18 m x 46,8 m. Slope of saddle roof is 18°.
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Víceúčelová sportovní hala / Multi-purpose sports buildingŠandor, Peter January 2020 (has links)
The goal of my thesis is the design of a multipurpose sport hall in Litoměřice locality made in two separate variants. Objects ground plan dimensions are 38x38 meters and the height of the object is 16 meters. Used material is S235 steel and C20/25 concrete. The periphery and roof casing of the object is realized from sandwich panels. The carrying construction of the object is made from cross truss, oblong truss and from pillars. Thesis consists of assessing the carrying elements of the construction, selected details and drawing documentation.
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Zimní stadion v Olomouci / Winter Stadium in OlomoucTomčíková, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
The content of the bachelor thesis is static verification and the desing of two options of a roofing of the winter stadium in Olomouc. The object has a rectangular plan of dimension 68 x 100 m, the minimum clearance is given by requirements of the operation of winter sports. Steel construction is made of steel strength class S355. The calculations are made according to valid norms ČSN EN.
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Strength Analysis of Deployable HangarRudani, Manan Sureshbhai, Ring, Hampus January 2021 (has links)
It is of interest to investigate extended usability of Saab’s Deployable Aircraft Maintenance facility(DAM) with respect to Eurocode standards. One of the features of the deployable hangar is that it shouldcomply with the structural strength standards for permanent buildings which requires compliance withEurocodes.Eurocodes are European standards which deals with the development of building and structural design.Compliance with Eurocodes works as a proof of requirement for mechanical strength, stability andsafety of structures. The Eurocodes were created by the European Committee for Standardization withthe intent to simplify technical obstacles and enable trade within Europe and elsewhere.The thesis has resulted in the creation of a Finite Element Model (FE-Model) of the deployable hangar,for which different loading combinations have been applied. From the FE-results, trade-off curves havebeen generated that show the effect that the different loading conditions have on the differentcomponents of the hangar. This is done for the current configuration of the hangar and for differentproduct variants. The analysis includes the effects of increased load levels.From the trade-off curves it is possible to see to what extent the hangar can withstand increased load.This is being measured with a Eurocode ratio. It has been found that the Eurocode ratio is directlydependent on increase of loads i.e. increased loads give a linear increase in Eurocode ratio for most ofthe components studied. The product variants consists of different lengths of the hangar. From the studyit has been found that adding or removing sections does not have a substantial effect on the strength ofthe hangar and the Eurocode ratio mostly remains constant. In addition the most critical componentshave been found and design suggestions have been proposed to improve the strength of the hangarwithin compliance with Eurocodes.
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Zastřešení atletické haly / Roofing of Athletic HallPotůčková, Simona Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is a design of two versions of bearing roof construction of the athletic stadium in Brno and a smaller side roofing of changing rooms. The building has rectangular plan of dimension 67 x 102 m and the side construction has also rectangular plan of dimension 61x 8 m. The minimum height is given by requirements of various athletic sports. Material used for the main construction is steel strength class S355 and for the side construction it is steel strength class S235. All the calculations are according to valid norms ČSN EN.
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Montagekvalité av solcellsinstallationer i Mellansverige : En utvärdering av hållfasthet för installerade solcellsanläggningarNyman, Joar January 2020 (has links)
Antal installerade solcellsanläggningar har ökat drastiskt de senaste åren i Sverige, och utsikten för ökad mängd solel i Sverige är mycket god, med prognoser på kraftig tillväxt av installerade solcellsanläggningar de kommande åren. Detta med bakgrund att utvecklingen av solcellspaneler har gjort att priset har sjunkit, samt politiska beslut har gjort det lönsamt att investera i solcellsanläggningar i Sverige. Dessa förutsättningar har lagt grunden för en ny växande bransch, solcellsinstallationer. Risken vid en ny och snabbt växande bransch är att kunskapen inom ämnet för de som är verksamma inom branschen kan vara bristfällig samt oseriösa företag kan lockas av att tjäna snabba pengar på en lukrativ marknad. Efter en omfattande litteraturstudie visades att någon större kvalitésundersökning av solcellsinstallationer i Sverige, med avseende på hållfasthet ej har gjorts tidigare. Detta motiverade att denna undersökning var av hög relevans. Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på om solcellsanläggningar monteras tillräckligt hållfast i Gävle-Dalaregionen med avseende på snö- och vindlast. Fjorton anläggningar har besökts för att samla in data. Data har sedan utvärderats i tre kategorier per anläggning. För att en anläggning skall bedömas som en godkänd skall alla dessa tre kategorier vara godkända. Bedömningen av solcellsanläggningarna gjordes i de tre kategorierna: 1. montagesystemets antal infästningar, 2. mått mellan infästningarna, 3. placering av solcellspanelerna i förhållande till montagesystemet. Resultatet visade att ingen av dessa anläggningar var godkända i samtliga tre kategorier. Vissa anläggningar var godkända i två av tre kategorier, medan två anläggningar var ej godkänd i någon kategori. Vid en summering av bedömningsresultatet för alla anläggningar i de tre montagekategorierna, visades att ca 20% ej gick att fastställa (pga. bristande information) ca 40% var godkända och ca 40% var ej godkända. Bedömningar har gjorts utifrån beräkningsprogram och anvisningar tillhandahållna av tillverkarna av de montagesystem och solcellspaneler som har använts i anläggningarna. Att ingen anläggning var godkänd i samtliga tre kategorier som undersöktes indikerar att solcellsmontage på tegeltak byggs ej tillräckligt hållfast i Gävle-Dalaregionen. Detta kan dock inte generaliseras för solcellsanläggningar på tegeltak i hela Sverige då mängden undersökta anläggningar var relativt liten och endast fördelade på två län i landet. Då det antas att installatörer avser att bygga korrekta anläggningar visar denna studie att kunskap om solcellsmontage med avseende på hållfasthet är bristfällig. Detta kan vara en följd av den stora efterfrågan på solcellsinstallationer, som kan medföra att stort fokus ligger på att installera anläggningar snabbt, och inhämtning av kunskap ej blir prioriterat. / The number of installed PV-systems (Photovoltaic systems) has increased rapidly in Sweden the last years, and the forecast for even more installations shows an increase for the coming years. Due to the price for PV-panels har dropped and political decisions for subventions of PV-systems has made it more profitable to invest in PV-installations in Sweden. These reasons have paved the road for a new growing branch, PV-installations. The risk of a new profitable, fast growing branch is that there might be short of knowledge for new installers, and the possibility that dishonest companies just want to take the advantage of the situation to make quick money, which can lead to installations poorly made. After a search of published literature in strength of mounting for PV-panels there the result was that this is a rather unexplored subject, which motivated this investigation. The aim of this study was to find out if PV-panels on tiled roofs were installed correct due to the snow load and wind load in the region Dalarna and Gävleborg in Sweden. Fourteen PV-systems has been studied and evaluated. When the evaluation of the PV-systems were made the following criteria were considered: number of fixing attached to the roof of the mounting, distance between mounting fixings and how the PV-panels were installed relative the construction of the mounting. A PV-system had to be installed correctly for all three criterias to be considered approved. The result of this work shows that none of the evaluated systems were installed correctly. Some systems were approved in two of the criteria, while two systems were not approved in any of the criteria. The evaluation was made due to calculation programs and instructions from the manufacturers of mounting and PV-panels. The fact that none of the PV-systems were approved for all three criteria implies that the installations of PV-systems are not made strong enough. This result is not stated for all installations in Sweden because the number of studied PV-systems were not big enough, and the area of the studied installations were rather small. Basis of snow load and wind load variates quite much in Sweden depending on region. It is assumed that designers and constructors attempt to install PV-systems correct, therefor shows this work that there’s a lack of knowledge for construct installations strong enough. This may be a result of the fast increase of PV-installations, where the priority lays in installing many PV-systems, not in education and search of knowledge.
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Beräkningsmall för vind- och snölast enligt Eurokoderna : Jämförelse mellan Stomstabiliseringssystem av en industribyggnad / Calculation model for wind- and snow load according to Eurocode : Comparison of lateral stability system in an industrial buildingKlinga, Niloofar, Selvad, Tomas January 2015 (has links)
Examensarbetet kom som en förfrågan från företaget Northpower stålhallar AB som var i behov av en beräkningsmall för vind- och snölast. Beräkningsmallen utformas i Microsoft Excel och den ska möta de önskemål och krav som tillkommer vid projektering av en hallbyggnad. Beräkningsmallen grundas på en litteraturstudie av vind- och snölast kapitlen i Eurokoderna som inleder den teoretiska delen av rapporten. För att se skillnader mellan stomstabiliseringssystem som vanligen används i hallbyggnader, utfördes en litteraturstudie på vanligt förekommande systemen. En kraftanalys vid olika placeringar av företagets nuvarande stomstabiliseringssystem gjordes med hjälp av den tillverkade beräkningsmallen. Litteraturstudien och analysen sammanställdes till jämförelse av de olika stomstabiliseringssystemen. / The subject of this bachelor thesis was a query from Northpower stålhallar AB that was in need of a calculation model for wind- and snow loads. The Calculation model was created in Microsoft Excel and shall satisfy the requirements for the design of an industrial building. The calculation model is founded on a literature study of Eurocodes wind- and snow load chapters, which initializes the theoretical part of the report. To gain a better understanding of the differences between the different types of bracing systems that is normally used in industrial buildings, we performed a literature study on a selection of the usual systems. Using the calculation model, a force analysis on different placing’s of the current lateral stability system the company use was carried out. The thesis ends with a comparison of the study and analysis of the different lateral stability systems that’s been studied.
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The impact of snow loads on snow galleries : An initial evaluation of the snow galleries on the Iron Ore Line in Northern SwedenBjörnlinger, Karin January 2022 (has links)
The snow galleries along the Iron ore railway line in northern Sweden have had major problems in recent years due to increasingly large snow loads. Despite great efforts reducing the loads by shoveling off the snow, several of the galleries have been damaged. Due to these incidents, the Swedish Transport Administration (TRA) has asked Luleå University of Technology (LTU) to make an evaluation of galleries 4, 9 and 13A in the neighborhood of Vassijauri. TRA has asked for a way to monitor the load on these galleries with a trigger system that gives a warning message when the galleries are exposed to a critical load. Measurement systems have been installed in galleries 9 and 13A during the autumn of 2021 such that the snow load in one mainframe per gallery could be monitored. In this thesis, work has been performed by assessing how much snow load each gallery can handle before it collapses. The restrictions for the project are set based on the drawings that is available from the TRA's information database, BaTMan. A literature study is performed on snow load, how it was changing over the years, both back and forth, how snow load is calculated according to today’s regulations and how the density of the snow affects the intensity of the snow load. The distribution of the snow on the galleries has been performed based on the Eurocodes and National Standards. Models of the galleries in two- dimensional have been created for all frames in all the galleries to find the weakest frame in order to compute the critical load. Some of the frames are not stable when they are analyzed as individual members, therefore the decision was made to also construct 3D models to see how the cobweb effect influenced the galleries' capacity. Before the main frames have reached their full capacity, the secondary construction elements (roof beams) have been damaged and therefore has no major collapse taken place. From the 3D model, it is clear that the secondary construction that lacks capacity. The critical frames are completely different in the 3D model as compared to the 2D model as the stability of the entire gallery changes due to the cobweb effect (the load re-distribution between the neighboring elements, due to both the 3D interaction and the cable link effect) and, as a result, the capacity of the main frames is increased significantly. The study visits to gallery 9 and 13A have been made to gain an understanding on how snow accumulates on and around the galleries and how well the Eurocodes correspond to reality. The pattern shows that the snow drifts from the mountains towards the valley over the galleries, which forms accumulations against the walls. The snow accumulates to a large extent where the galleries geometry changes from high to low angled walls. At locations where the gallery has a wide roof between the grounds, the snow accumulates to a much greater degree compared to the locations with narrow roofs on high-angle walls, see, Figure 73. To be able to improve the model and to obtain more accurate critical loads, it is necessary to review the structures to obtain more precise dimensions, attachments, geometry and exact distances. In the current state, the design plans and descriptions of the galleries are incomplete as modifications and repairs have been made without proper documentation. Hence difficulty arises in the accurate evaluation of their exact capacity. / Snögallerierna längs malmbanan har haft stora problem de senaste åren på grund av stora snölaster. Flera snögallerier har skadats och behövt repareras trots stora insatser av skottning, i samband med snöfall. Trafikverket har efter dessa händelser bett LTU att göra en grundlig utvärdering av gallerierna 4, 9 och 13A. De har efterfrågat ett sätt att följa belastningen av dessa gallerier med ett triggersystem som gör att Trafikverket får ett varningsmeddelande innan gallerierna utsätts för större laster än vad de klarar. Mätsystem har monterats i galleri 9 och 13A under hösten 2021 för att kunna följa snöbelastningen på en huvudram per galleri. I detta examensarbete har ett arbete med att göra en utvärdering av hur mycket snölast varje galleri klarar innan det går sönder. Begränsningarna för projektet är satta utifrån hur mycket information som fanns tillgänglig i Trafikverkets informationsbas BaTMan. En litteraturstudie är gjord på snölast, dess förändring i tid både bakåt och framåt, hur snölasten beräknas enligt regler idag och hur densiteten av snön påverkar för snölastens intensitet. Antaganden om hur mycket snölast varje del av galleriet upptog och dess fördelning gjordes utifrån eurokoder och de nationella standarderna. Modeller av gallerierna i 2D har gjorts för alla ramar i alla gallerierna för att hitta den svagaste ramen och utifrån den ta fram den kritiska lasten. När insikten om att några av ramarna inte är stabila vid enskild analys och att kapaciteten av dessa är extremt låg bestämdes det att modeller i 3D skulle göras för att se om spindelnätseffekten påverkade galleriernas kapacitet. De sekundära konstruktionerna har gett vika innan huvudramarna nått upp till sin fulla kapacitet och därför har hittills har ingen större kollaps skett. I 3D modellen syns det tydligt att det är främst den sekundära konstruktionen som saknar kapacitet. Den kritiska ramen blir en helt annan i 3D modellen än för 2D modellen då stabiliteten för hela galleriet förändras på grund av spindelnätseffekten. Det är tydligt att kapaciteten på ramarna för alla gallerierna ökar på grund av spindelnätseffekten. Studiebesök vid galleri 9 och 13A har genomförts för att få en förståelse för hur snön ackumuleras på och kring gallerierna och hur väl eurokoderna stämmer överens med verkligheten. Det visade sig att snön driver från bergen ner mot dalen över gallerierna vilket bildar driver upp mot väggarna. Snön ansamlas till stor grad där gallerierna ändrar geometriskt form från hög till låg vinkel på väggar. Där galleriet har ett brett tak samlas snön i mycket högre grad än vid smala tak på väggar med hög vinkel, se Figure 73. För att i framtiden kunna göra en bra modell och få fram mer exakta kritiska laster krävs det en noggrann genomgång av alla konstruktioner för att få fram dimensioner, infästningar och exakta avstånd. Den dokumentation som finns på gallerierna idag är ofullständiga, på grund av att reparationer och modifikationer ej har dokumenterats. Detta gör det svårt att göra en noggrann och tillförlitlig utvärdering.
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