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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilization Of Social Networking Services In Conservation. Case Study Eskihisar, Rural Settlement Including Archeological Assets

Kazil Aydogdu, Binnaz Eylem 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Traditional built-up environment, traditional life and ecological tissue that have been created in time by human beings are ignored on behalf of archeological assets in archeological areas on the rural settlements. However, the coexistence of archeological, architectural, ecological and traditional invariants must be preserved / this coexistence is a product of life style coming from early periods onwards. A unique scientific conservation approach should be developed for this kind of settlements in order to sustain this rich &ldquo / wholeness&rdquo / . The requirement of preparing management plan for conservation area is an indisputable reality today. Participated management planning approach is embraced for the rural archeological sites on which assets produced by human being in time. Case study chosen for the dissertation is Eskihisar (Stratoniceia) which is settled since early times but abandoned today because of the various reasons. At the initial phase of management planning, namely, data collection and evaluation phase in this study / new methods were introduced like web-based participation. As a tool a social networking website (Facebook) used by ordinary people extensively was employed in the web based participation model introduced as a new technique. Gathered qualitative data in this way was analyzed together with quantitative data collected from site survey, historic and contemporary sources. Thus, it was examined whether there is usage of a simple communication tool in participatory planning studies or not, and what is pros and cons.

Specializing social networking services to support the independence of adolescents and adults with autism

Hong, Hwajung 08 June 2015 (has links)
Many individuals with autism manifest problems in transitioning to adulthood due to social impairments, communication difficulties, and rigid behaviors. One of those challenges is developing a robust and sufficiently large network of people who can provide advice about a variety of everyday situations. In this dissertation, I investigate ways of supporting adolescents with high functioning autism in navigating their everyday life through specializing social networking services (SNSs). A series of studies were conducted to identify opportunities for the design and use of a specialized SNS to foster the independence. The results demonstrates SNS can support some adolescents and adults with autism in increasing the independence by 1) facilitating the asking of a variety of online networks beyond a primary caregiver; and 2) allowing acquisition of rapid, direct, and informational advice with crowdsourcing. Drawing on several formative studies and investigations, I synthesized design guidelines for inquir.us, a specialized hybrid social question-and-answer (Q&A) platform with features for scaffolding question creation and crowdsourcing answers. Through the initial evaluation of inquir.us, I examined the Q&A behavior of individuals with autism on this platform and identified both opportunities and barriers to adoption in the context of supporting transition skills for the independence. The contributions of this thesis are: (1) a rich description of challenges and opportunities related to attaining independent life using SNSs; (2) empirical studies of individuals with autism’s online Q&A behavior; (3) design implications for designing a specialized SNS facilitating the Q&A interactions; and (4) the design and exploratory study of a social Q&A platform in the real world.

Social Networking Services: A Case Study in the Failure to Facilitate Knowledge Sharing in Organizations : A Case Study of Enterprise 2.0 Taolin Platform

Boychev, Aleksandar, Khan, Muhammad Tariq January 2011 (has links)
Social networking services are relatively new phenomena and they have attracted so much attention around themselves. These services have been seen by many organizations as a po-tential tool to facilitate knowledge sharing. However, very few have successfully adopted such services. Many problems which lead to failures arise when it comes to developing and implementing social networking services with the goal to facilitate knowledge sharing.The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the failure of one social networking service to satisfy the knowledge sharing needs of the organization that has developed and implement-ed it in-house.Interviews with three employees of the company were arranged. The interviews were done with time intervals in between. This gave us the opportunity to rearrange the questions that were going to be asked to the next interviewee. The interviews were really helpful and gave us a good insight of the problem with the development and implementation of the social networking service that the organization was facing. After the interviews were conducted, a questionnaire was elaborated and sent out to the employees in the organization.The results we came up with were really interesting. A table with failure factors for the so-cial networking service used in the organization was made and a model suggesting the steps an organization should follow for the successful development and implementation of a so-cial networking service that facilitates knowledge sharing internally was developed.We found out that the failure was not in the social networking service itself but in the way it was presented, positioned and communicated to the employees of the company. They never took the service seriously for its intended purpose which was knowledge sharing within the organization and that led to the cancelation of the project.

Leveraging Social Networking Services on Multipurpose Public Displays

Hosio, S. (Simo) 26 August 2014 (has links)
Abstract This thesis focuses on integrating multipurpose public displays with online social networking services. Modern public displays are capable of much more than the early digital billboards used for promoting brand awareness in urban areas. Currently, smaller, interactive displays are proliferating and starting to offer a variety of services for their users. A network of such displays is located in the northern City of Oulu, Finland, for example, where it is used by the general public. As such, it forms a realistic test bed for studying novel public display services in an authentic urban setting. This thesis examines how to leverage online social networking services in creating services for interactive public displays. A key difference to most related research is that the displays simultaneously offer multiple services to their users. The thesis first provides general purpose software components, which together allow creating services that take advantage of online social networking services. These include a distributed user interface framework, a login mechanism for displays that relies on the developed framework, and a social networking service API for public displays, relying on the login mechanism. Then, the thesis presents a number of prototype services that use the developed components. The services are discussed in the contexts of user generated content, public displays for enabling communication between users, and the role of smart phones in enabling these services. The key findings of this thesis illustrate how consuming and producing user generated content directly on public displays provide compelling use cases. Also, while leveraging online social networking services can be useful in supporting casual communication between users, the anonymity of public display users is likely to cause problems in official communications. Mobile phones are found as suitable for enabling the integration of social networking services and public displays by de-anonymizing the users. However, we are still far from a situation in which mobile phones are a natural part of the interface between humans and public displays, and more research and development towards this vision are needed. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy monikäyttöisten julkisten näyttöjen ja yhteisöpalvelujen yhdistämiseen. Uudenaikaiset julkiset näytöt kykenevät paljon muuhunkin kuin ensimmäiset suuret mainostaulut joilla mainostettiin suuria tavaramerkkejä. Pienemmät, interaktiiviset näytöt yleistyvät ja alkavat tarjoamaan uudenlaisia palveluita. Yksi verkko tällaisia näyttöjä sijaitsee Oulussa, Suomessa, missä se on yhteisön käytössä. Se muodostaa aidon ja totuudenmukaisen testialustan julkisten näyttöjen palveluille aidossa kaupunkiympäristössä. Tämä väitöskirja tutkii Internetin yhteisöpalveluiden käyttämistä interaktiivisten julkisten näyttöjen palveluiden luomisessa. Yksi työn tärkeimmistä eroista olemassaolevaan kirjallisuuten on se, että käytetyt näytöt tarjoavat yhtäaikaa useita palveluita. Väitöskirja esittelee ensin yleiskäyttöisiä ohjelmistokomponentteja, joiden avulla voidaan luoda näytöille palveluita, jotka käyttävät hyväkseen Internetin yhteisöpalveluita. Nämä ovat hajautettu käyttöliittymäratkaisu, sisäänkirjautumismekanismi, mikä rakentuu kehitetyn käyttöliittymäratkaisun varaan sekä yhteisöpalvelurajapinta, mikä taas rakentuu sisäänkirjautumismekanismin varaan. Seuraavaksi väitöskirja esittelee prototyyppipalveluita, mitkä rakentuvat mainittujen komponenttien varaan. Nämä palvelut analysoidaan eri viitekehyksissä: käyttäjien luoma sisältö, julkisten näyttöjen mahdollistama kommunikaatio eri käyttäjien välillä sekä älypuhelinten rooli näiden palveluiden luomisessa. Väitöskirjan löydökset havainnollistavat, kuinka käyttäjien luoma sisältö sekä sen tuottaminen suoraan julkisella näytöllä ovat mieleisiä käyttötapoja. Lisäksi, vaikka yhteisöpalvelujen hyödyntäminen julkisilla näytöillä voikin tukea arkipäiväistä kommunikaatiota käyttäjien välillä, käytön anonymiteetti voi kuitenkin aiheuttaa ongelmia virallisemmassa kommunikaatiossa. Matkapuhelimet todetaan sopiviksi yhteisöpalvelujen ja julkisten näyttöjen yhdistämisessä etenkin käyttäjien tunnistamistuen vuoksi. Olemme kuitenkin vielä kaukana tilanteesta, missä matkapuhelimet ovat osa luonnollista käyttöliittymää ihmisten ja julkisten näyttöjen välillä, ja lisää tutkimusta on tehtävä tämän vision suuntaan.

Factors Related to Users’ Awareness of Information Security on Social Network Service : The Case of WeChat

Shen, Han January 2018 (has links)
Recent trends in social network services (SNS) have taken the rates of personal information sharing, storage and processing to an unprecedented level, which yield both benefits and undesirable consequences for their users. SNS is being exploited by criminals to fraudulently obtain information from unsuspecting users. User’s awareness of privacy protection has been far left behind by the increasing and popularizing utilization of social network services (SNS), the privacy security problems will become one of the important factors influencing the healthy development of social network service industry. This study was designed to collect data and produce knowledge about the security awareness of WeChat users (i.e., randomly selected from all over China), their preferences and their experience of using WeChat while facing security issues as well as the perspectives of how people perceive a specific security problems, in order to find out what factors influence user's security awareness. In order to carefully conduct the research process and explain the empirical findings, seven principles of interpretive field research and protection motivation theory is adopted as core theoretical foundation. Participants were asked to provide information about and their personal views of questions from their different experience and value. Eight persons interviewed for our research and their responses confirmed our objectives of the study. As a result, six factors are indentified in related to WeChat user’s security awareness. PMT helps to explain and understand that how six indentified concepts influence behaviour intention and security awareness of user.

MyLikes : utveckling av ett rekommendationssystem med utgångspunkt i informationen från sociala medier

Riedberg, Sanni January 2012 (has links)
I takt med att Internet blir mer och mer tillgängligt och att informationsmängden på Internetkonstant ökar, har ett behov för rekommendationssystem uppkommit. Ett problem på internet äratt veta vem och vad man kan lita på. Ett sätt att komma runt det här tillitsproblemet är attanvända sig av social media. Samtidigt har sociala medier ständigt ökat i populäritet de senasteåren. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur rekommendationssystem och socialamedier kan dra nytta av varandra samtidigt som ett praktiskt problem om att fårekommendationer från sina (online) vänner löses. Detta uppnås genom att forskningsstrategindesign science används och en IT-artefakt utvecklas. IT-artefakten är en prototyp av en ny etjänst.Utifrån en enkätundersökning på prototypen och grundidén, dras slutsaser om hur detgår att skapa ett generellt personligt rekommendationssystem. Forskningen visar att det går attskapa ett sådant system och att det finns ett behov av ett generellt personligtrekommendationssystem med utgångspunkt i den information som finns lagrad i sociala medier. / As the Internet becomes more and more available, and that the amount of information on theInternet is constantly increasing, a need for recommendation systems has emerged. A problemon the Internet is knowing who and what you can trust. One way to get around this trust issue isto use social media. Meanwhile, social media have consistently increased in popularity in recentyears. The purpose of this paper is to examine how recommendation systems and SNS canbenefit from each other while the practical problem of getting recommendations from one’s(online) friends are solved. This is achieved by using the research strategy design science anddeveloping an IT artifact. The IT artifact is a prototype of a new online service. Based on asurvey of the prototype and the main concept, conclusions are drawn about how a generalpersonal recommendation system can be created. The research shows that it is possible tocreate such a system and that there is a need for a general personal recommendation systembased on the information stored in social media. This essay is written in Swedish.

Status Quo und Bedeutung der Meinungsführerforschung für Online-Communities

Hauptmann, Anke, Sonntag, Ralph, Reichelt, Dirk, Wenk, Thomas, Anlauf, Linda 25 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In der Gesellschaft gibt es einige wenige Individuen, die besonders überzeugend auf andere wirken und diese daher in Bezug auf Ideen, Informationen und Produkte beeinflussen können. Sie werden Meinungsführer genannt und sind in allen Bereichen der Gesellschaft zu finden. Meinungsführer sind aber, um Einfluss nehmen zu können, auf Meinungssuchende angewiesen. Diese finden sie zumeist in sozialen Netzwerken, wie Communities (online als auch offline), in welchen sie am aktivsten sind oder welche den Interessen der Meinungsführer am ehesten entsprechen. Im Onlinemarketing werden Meinungsführer zunehmend wichtiger, da es effektiver ist, sie direkt zu informieren und zu bewerben und dadurch Informationen verbreiten zu lassen oder durch sie Produkte, wie beispielsweise mittels Produktmuster, weiter zu empfehlen. Durch diese Prozesse können Produktempfehlungen und deren Verbreitung initiiert werden. In vielen Forschungsprojekten wurden bereits Aspekte der Meinungsführerschaft sowie Identifikationsmöglichkeiten für Meinungsführer in sozialen Netzwerken erarbeitet. Bisher sind Definitionen von Online-Communities und die Definition des Einflusses oder der Eigenschaften und Kennzahlen von Meinungsführern nicht einheitlich. Besonders die Kennzahlen zur Identifikation von Meinungsführerschaft in sozialen Netzwerken überschneiden sich teilweise inhaltlich, als auch namentlich. (...)

Trauern in virtueller Gemeinschaft. Geteiltes Gefühl in Online Gemeinschaften

Döveling, Katrin, Wasgien, Katrin 25 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Der diesjährige Call for Papers hebt es hervor: „Internet-basierte Technologien wie z.B. Social Media Werkzeuge, aber auch (soziale) Intranet-Systeme und Wissensplattformen bestimmen mehr denn je Lernen, Forschen und Arbeiten in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Bildung und insbesondere das private (Zusammen)Leben.“ Dies betrifft jedoch nicht nur das berufliche Miteinander. Soziale Plattformen führen zu Vergemeinschaftung (Weber, 1922), stabilisieren Freundschaften (Fischer, 2012) und erweitern unsere Möglichkeiten der Kommunikation (ebd.). Zunehmend wird dabei nicht nur Wissen ausgetauscht, sondern – wie obiges Beispiel zeigt - vor allem auch Emotionen. Das Teilen von emotionalen Inhalten rückt nicht nur bei Menschen in den Vordergrund, die an Krankheiten leiden und versuchen, die daraus entstandene Situation auf diese Art zu bewältigen, sondern – wie obiger Auszug darlegt – auch bei Personen, die einen geliebten Nahestehenden verloren haben. Das Teilen von Emotionen geschieht unter anderem auf virtuellen Friedhöfen, den sogenannten Memorials, aber auch auf Online-Plattformen, auf denen Betroffene sich aktiv mit Gleichgesinnten austauschen können, den sogenannten Trauer-Foren. (...)

Ein Ordnungsrahmen für Social Networking Services

Richter, Alexander, Söldner, Jens-Hendrik, Bullinger, Angelika, Koch, Michael, Pflaum, Bennet 12 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Der große Erfolg vieler Internet-Plattformen zum Social Networking, wie facebook.com oder myspace.com zieht zunehmend auch die Aufmerksamkeit großer Unternehmen auf sich, die mit ähnlichen Werkzeugen ihr internes Wissens- und Innovationsmanagement verbessern möchten. Im Gegensatz zu anderer Social Software wie Wikis oder Weblogs, die sich in der Regel leicht für den Einsatz innerhalb des Firmen-Intranets adaptieren lassen, ist dies für Social Networking Services (SNS) jedoch schwieriger. Zum einen existieren kaum Open-Source-Anwendungen, die ohne großen Aufwand implementierbar sind. Zum anderen unterscheiden sich die Lösungen von SNS-Anbietern enorm, was es den Unternehmen schwer macht, eine geeignete Lösung auszuwählen. Eine Hilfestellung soll der im vorliegenden Beitrag vorgestellte Ordnungsrahmen für SNS bieten. Entlang von acht Dimensionen ermöglicht er den Vergleich und die Einordnung verschiedener Dienste.

Offene Wissensteilung von Wissenschaftlern mittels Social Software

Kalb, Hendrik 06 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dissertation untersucht, welche individuellen Einflussfaktoren Wissenschaftler zur Wissensteilung mittels Social Software motivieren. Dazu werden universitäre Wissenschaftler, ihre Stakeholder und typische Karrierewege sowie die Bereiche Open Science und Open Educational Resources beleuchtet. Im Anschluss wird die Anwendbarkeit existierender Theorien der Technologieakzeptanz und der Wissensteilung (insbesondere in virtuellen Communities) auf die Wissensteilung von Wissenschaftlern mittels Social Software untersucht. Darauf aufbauend werden potentielle Einflussfaktoren identifiziert und ein spezifisches Erklärungsmodell abgeleitet. Dieses wird mittels Online-Umfragen empirisch überprüft und verfeinert.

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