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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Metropolitan Police and London's West Indian immigrants, 1950-1970

Whitfield, James January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

La création d'une assurance-maladie universelle au Vietnam / The creation of a universal health insurance in Vietnam

Mai, Linh 03 May 2017 (has links)
La présente recherche analyse la mise en œuvre de la politique d’encouragement à l’achat de la carte d’assurance-maladie publique au Vietnam. Pour ce faire, le premier axe de recherche consiste à faire un état des lieux du système vietnamien d’assurance-maladie et de l’utilisation de la carte d’assurance-maladie par les différentes catégories socio-professionnelles. Le deuxième axe de recherche consiste à élucider la question de savoir si ce programme gouvernemental est porteur d’ambiguïtés. Il s’agit là d’une analyse documentaire de la présente politique elle-même. Le troisième consiste à éclaircir les logiques différentes, à décrire les conflits et les tensions entre les groupes d’intérêts divers, à savoir : l’État, les médecins, les professionnels de l’assurance-maladie et les groupes sociaux, surtout les acteurs visés par la politique, qui n’ont pas encore la carte d’assurance-maladie. Le dernier axe de recherche essaie de comprendre comment et dans quelles mesures ces divers acteurs pourraient entrer en négociation pour en arriver à des compromis et à la réalisation de ladite politique. À partir de cette analyse, nous comprendrions mieux quel en serait le mode de régulation et/ou de gouvernance à l’heure actuelle le mieux adapté à la situation vietnamienne. En termes d’approche méthodologique, la présente recherche propose tout d’abord une analyse « bottom-up » des conflits et des tensions à partir de la définition de l’action des acteurs les plus bas du système d’acteurs que sont les groupes sociaux non-bénéficiaires de la carte d’assurance-maladie publique. Ainsi, leurs besoins, leurs attentes, leurs objectifs, leurs moyens et leur rationalité, ou plutôt leur logique, nous guident dans la détermination des logiques d’achat de ce produit public. À partir de là, nous analysons les interactions entre ceux-ci et d’autres acteurs comme l’État, les médecins, les professionnels de l’assurance-maladie, qui consistent à construire le système d’assurance-maladie du Vietnam. Cette approche méthodologique nous permet de faire des études qualitatives et quantitatives au travers des échantillonnages représentant les groupes d’intérêts divers relatifs à cette politique d’universalisation et d’encouragement à l’achat volontaire de la carte d’assurance-maladie publique.La recherche utilise des outils méthodologiques tels que des entretiens approfondis auprès des autorités centrales et locales en matière d’assurance-maladie publique, des médecins, des professionnels de l’assurance-maladie et des groupes sociaux qui se divisent en deux sous-groupes : les détenteurs de la carte d’assurance-maladie publique et ceux qui n’ont pas adhéré à cette offre. Un autre outil méthodologique est l’observation participante sur des espaces sociaux où se trouve une condensation des interactions, par exemple : au cabinet de consultation d’un médecin, au guichet de remboursement des frais d’hospitalisation…C’est dans ces espaces sociaux que les conflits et/ou tensions se défrichent aussi d’une manière « spontanée » et nous aident dans leur découverte. / The study aims at examining the implementation process of public health insurance card in Vietnam. In order to accomplish the research aim, the study has five research objectives. First, this study analyzes the situation of the health insurance system in Vietnam, as well as the use of health insurance card among different population groups with different socioeconomic backgrounds. Second, the study examines the transparency of the health insurance card promotion run by the government. Literature review was conducted to address this objective. Third, stemming from the existing conflicts among different stakeholders, the study investigates motivations and actions of the stakeholders, including: governors, physicians, health insurance staff, and target beneficiaries. Target beneficiaries include people without health insurance. Fourth, the study explores the social negotiation strategies used by different stakeholders in order to implement health insurance. Last but not least, the study recommends strategies for health insurance regulation and management tailored to the Vietnamese context. Regarding methodology, this study adopts the bottom-up approach to investigate social conflicts by identifying action logic of the lowest group in the social hierarchy. The lowest group refers to the most disadvantaged group without public health insurance. The study examines needs, motivations, expectations, objectives, means, and strategies of people in this group which lead to their decision-making (purchasing voluntary health insurance or not). Furthermore, the study analyzes social interactions of stakeholders in this disadvantaged group, as well as their interactions with other stakeholders, such as governors, physicians, and health insurance staff. These interactions construct the health insurance system in Vietnam. Adopting this approach, the researcher applies both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The study sample is representative of different social groups regarding policies of voluntary health insurance. The study applies different data collection methods. First, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews with: (1) representatives of health insurance managers at different levels, from central to local level; (2) physicians; (3) health insurance staff; (4) people using public health insurance; and (5) people not using public health insurance. Second, the researcher conducted participant observation in appropriate settings, such as health clinics, health insurance offices, etc. These settings exposed social conflicts among different stakeholders inherently. Combining different data collection methods yields fruitful results for the study.

Diversity and Democracy at War: Analyzing Race and Ethnicity in Squad Films from 1940-1960

Jacobson, Lara K 03 May 2019 (has links)
Both the Second World War and the Korean War presented Hollywood with the opportunity to produce combat films that roused patriotic spirit amongst the American people. The obvious choice was to continue making the popular squad films that portrayed a group of soldiers working together to overcome a common challenge posed by the war. However, in the wake of various racial and ethnic tensions consistently unfolding in the United States from 1940 to 1960, it became apparent to Hollywood that the nation needed pictures of unity more than ever, especially if America was going to win its wars. Using combat as the backdrop, squad films consisting of men from all different backgrounds were created in order to demonstrate to its audiences how vital group cohesion was for the survival of the nation, both at home and abroad. This thesis explores how Hollywood’s war films incorporated racial and ethnic minorities into their classic American squads while also instilling the country’s inherent values of democracy.

- Toc-toc! eis que o ‘outro’ bate à porta e o ‘eu’ atende? Bandeira, Drummond, Cabral e a polifonia de Mikhail Bakhtin

Zonin, Carina Dartora January 2018 (has links)
O grande tempo revela o potencial inesgotável da voz conceitual, ensaística, ficcional, a vitalidade inerente, que reitera e transcende o próprio contexto de produção, que reitera e transcende o próprio berço investigavo, sobre o qual concentra o teórico suas divagações filosófico-conceituais. Assim, neste estudo, regressa ao campo estético-literário, o visionário alcance dos pressupostos teóricos de Mikhail Bakhtin, uma vez inovadores no romance, agora, também, excêntricos no campo da poesia. Imbuídos dessa perspectiva, de tendência evolutiva e renovadora, através de uma releitura dos princípios bakhtinianos, da dialogia, da polifonia e dos gêneros discursivos, postos em diálogo com a renovação formal, deflagrada pelo Modernismo Brasileiro, observaremos, sobretudo, a percepção de características comuns que promovam, enfim, o feliz encontro entre a prosa e a poesia, na promoção das vozes do verso. Em seguida, ao centro da escuta, por intermédio de poetas e da própria poesia, o chamado da voz que se desprende da criação, para melhor poder avaliar os meandros da composição, ou, ainda, que, de dentro, reflete o próprio método, ou, ainda, que, totalmente de fora do ambiente criativo, na condição de crítico experimentado do texto literário, reflita acerca do trabalho da arte, do fazer poético, inspiração de todo-o-dia, impasse subjetivo, entre recusa e aceitação, o ‘eu-outro’ da escritura. Só, então, partiremos, aquecidos, para a escuta polifônica, em poesias representativas: vozes da rua, entre cantigas e risos, as nebulosas recordações d’ Evocação do Recife e Cunhantã, de Manuel Bandeira; vozes beirando ao asfalto, na relutância insistente, núcleo tenso e dramático d’O operário no mar, distensão vociferante de Caso do vestido, de Carlos Drummond de Andrade; vozes da roça, na fluidez da pedra, d´Morte e vida severina, de João Cabral de Melo Neto. Por fim, via abertura estética do Modernismo Brasileiro, sinalizaremos, com Mikhail Bakhtin, a legitimidade de um novo gênero literário, então nomeado ‘poesia polifônica’, núcleo tenso e dramático, a ressonância lírica da multidão que fala, clama e protesta, a voz poética, na vida, submersa! - Toc-toc, ao chamado do ‘outro’, o ‘eu’ do discurso, mais especificamente, Bakhtin, via Bandeira-Drummond-Cabral. / The great time reveals the inexhaustible potential of the conceptual, essayistic, and fictional voice, the inherent vitality, which reiterates and transcends the very context of production, which reifies and transcends the researcher's own cradle, on which the philosopher-centered theorist concentrates. Thus, in this study, he returns to the aestheticliterary field, the visionary reach of the theoretical presuppositions of Mikhail Bakhtin, once innovative in the novel, now, also, eccentric in poetry. Imbued with this perspective, with an evolutionary and renewing tendency, through a re-reading of Bakhtin's principles, dialogue, polyphony and discursive genres, put in dialogue with the formal renewal, triggered by Brazilian Modernism, we will observe above all the perception of common characteristics to promote, finally, the happy encounter between prose and poetry, in promoting the voices of verse. Then, to the center of listening, through poets and poetry itself, the call of the voice that comes from creation, in order to be able to better evaluate the intricacies of composition, or even, from within, reflects the method itself, who, totally outside the creative environment, as experienced critic of the literary text, reflects on the work of art, of poetic making, of all-day inspiration, of subjective impasse, between refusal and acceptance, the 'other-self 'of writing. Only then will we leave, heated, for polyphonic listening, in representative poetry: street voices, between songs and laughter, the nebulous memories of Manuel Bandeira, of Evocação do Recife and Cunhantã; voices bordering on the asphalt, in the insistent reluctance, tense and dramatic nucleus of the worker at sea, vociferous distension of the Caso do Vestido, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade; voices of the countryside, in the fluidity of the stone, of Morte e Vida Severina, by João Cabral de Melo Neto. Finally, through the aesthetic opening of Brazilian Modernism, we will signal, with Mikhail Bakhtin, the legitimacy of a new literary genre, then called 'polyphonic poetry', a tense and dramatic nucleus, the lyrical resonance of the multitude that speaks, cries out and protests, poetic, in life, submerged! - Toc-toc, to the call of the 'other', the 'I' of the speech, more specifically, Bakhtin, via Bandeira-Drummond- Cabral.

- Toc-toc! eis que o ‘outro’ bate à porta e o ‘eu’ atende? Bandeira, Drummond, Cabral e a polifonia de Mikhail Bakhtin

Zonin, Carina Dartora January 2018 (has links)
O grande tempo revela o potencial inesgotável da voz conceitual, ensaística, ficcional, a vitalidade inerente, que reitera e transcende o próprio contexto de produção, que reitera e transcende o próprio berço investigavo, sobre o qual concentra o teórico suas divagações filosófico-conceituais. Assim, neste estudo, regressa ao campo estético-literário, o visionário alcance dos pressupostos teóricos de Mikhail Bakhtin, uma vez inovadores no romance, agora, também, excêntricos no campo da poesia. Imbuídos dessa perspectiva, de tendência evolutiva e renovadora, através de uma releitura dos princípios bakhtinianos, da dialogia, da polifonia e dos gêneros discursivos, postos em diálogo com a renovação formal, deflagrada pelo Modernismo Brasileiro, observaremos, sobretudo, a percepção de características comuns que promovam, enfim, o feliz encontro entre a prosa e a poesia, na promoção das vozes do verso. Em seguida, ao centro da escuta, por intermédio de poetas e da própria poesia, o chamado da voz que se desprende da criação, para melhor poder avaliar os meandros da composição, ou, ainda, que, de dentro, reflete o próprio método, ou, ainda, que, totalmente de fora do ambiente criativo, na condição de crítico experimentado do texto literário, reflita acerca do trabalho da arte, do fazer poético, inspiração de todo-o-dia, impasse subjetivo, entre recusa e aceitação, o ‘eu-outro’ da escritura. Só, então, partiremos, aquecidos, para a escuta polifônica, em poesias representativas: vozes da rua, entre cantigas e risos, as nebulosas recordações d’ Evocação do Recife e Cunhantã, de Manuel Bandeira; vozes beirando ao asfalto, na relutância insistente, núcleo tenso e dramático d’O operário no mar, distensão vociferante de Caso do vestido, de Carlos Drummond de Andrade; vozes da roça, na fluidez da pedra, d´Morte e vida severina, de João Cabral de Melo Neto. Por fim, via abertura estética do Modernismo Brasileiro, sinalizaremos, com Mikhail Bakhtin, a legitimidade de um novo gênero literário, então nomeado ‘poesia polifônica’, núcleo tenso e dramático, a ressonância lírica da multidão que fala, clama e protesta, a voz poética, na vida, submersa! - Toc-toc, ao chamado do ‘outro’, o ‘eu’ do discurso, mais especificamente, Bakhtin, via Bandeira-Drummond-Cabral. / The great time reveals the inexhaustible potential of the conceptual, essayistic, and fictional voice, the inherent vitality, which reiterates and transcends the very context of production, which reifies and transcends the researcher's own cradle, on which the philosopher-centered theorist concentrates. Thus, in this study, he returns to the aestheticliterary field, the visionary reach of the theoretical presuppositions of Mikhail Bakhtin, once innovative in the novel, now, also, eccentric in poetry. Imbued with this perspective, with an evolutionary and renewing tendency, through a re-reading of Bakhtin's principles, dialogue, polyphony and discursive genres, put in dialogue with the formal renewal, triggered by Brazilian Modernism, we will observe above all the perception of common characteristics to promote, finally, the happy encounter between prose and poetry, in promoting the voices of verse. Then, to the center of listening, through poets and poetry itself, the call of the voice that comes from creation, in order to be able to better evaluate the intricacies of composition, or even, from within, reflects the method itself, who, totally outside the creative environment, as experienced critic of the literary text, reflects on the work of art, of poetic making, of all-day inspiration, of subjective impasse, between refusal and acceptance, the 'other-self 'of writing. Only then will we leave, heated, for polyphonic listening, in representative poetry: street voices, between songs and laughter, the nebulous memories of Manuel Bandeira, of Evocação do Recife and Cunhantã; voices bordering on the asphalt, in the insistent reluctance, tense and dramatic nucleus of the worker at sea, vociferous distension of the Caso do Vestido, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade; voices of the countryside, in the fluidity of the stone, of Morte e Vida Severina, by João Cabral de Melo Neto. Finally, through the aesthetic opening of Brazilian Modernism, we will signal, with Mikhail Bakhtin, the legitimacy of a new literary genre, then called 'polyphonic poetry', a tense and dramatic nucleus, the lyrical resonance of the multitude that speaks, cries out and protests, poetic, in life, submerged! - Toc-toc, to the call of the 'other', the 'I' of the speech, more specifically, Bakhtin, via Bandeira-Drummond- Cabral.

- Toc-toc! eis que o ‘outro’ bate à porta e o ‘eu’ atende? Bandeira, Drummond, Cabral e a polifonia de Mikhail Bakhtin

Zonin, Carina Dartora January 2018 (has links)
O grande tempo revela o potencial inesgotável da voz conceitual, ensaística, ficcional, a vitalidade inerente, que reitera e transcende o próprio contexto de produção, que reitera e transcende o próprio berço investigavo, sobre o qual concentra o teórico suas divagações filosófico-conceituais. Assim, neste estudo, regressa ao campo estético-literário, o visionário alcance dos pressupostos teóricos de Mikhail Bakhtin, uma vez inovadores no romance, agora, também, excêntricos no campo da poesia. Imbuídos dessa perspectiva, de tendência evolutiva e renovadora, através de uma releitura dos princípios bakhtinianos, da dialogia, da polifonia e dos gêneros discursivos, postos em diálogo com a renovação formal, deflagrada pelo Modernismo Brasileiro, observaremos, sobretudo, a percepção de características comuns que promovam, enfim, o feliz encontro entre a prosa e a poesia, na promoção das vozes do verso. Em seguida, ao centro da escuta, por intermédio de poetas e da própria poesia, o chamado da voz que se desprende da criação, para melhor poder avaliar os meandros da composição, ou, ainda, que, de dentro, reflete o próprio método, ou, ainda, que, totalmente de fora do ambiente criativo, na condição de crítico experimentado do texto literário, reflita acerca do trabalho da arte, do fazer poético, inspiração de todo-o-dia, impasse subjetivo, entre recusa e aceitação, o ‘eu-outro’ da escritura. Só, então, partiremos, aquecidos, para a escuta polifônica, em poesias representativas: vozes da rua, entre cantigas e risos, as nebulosas recordações d’ Evocação do Recife e Cunhantã, de Manuel Bandeira; vozes beirando ao asfalto, na relutância insistente, núcleo tenso e dramático d’O operário no mar, distensão vociferante de Caso do vestido, de Carlos Drummond de Andrade; vozes da roça, na fluidez da pedra, d´Morte e vida severina, de João Cabral de Melo Neto. Por fim, via abertura estética do Modernismo Brasileiro, sinalizaremos, com Mikhail Bakhtin, a legitimidade de um novo gênero literário, então nomeado ‘poesia polifônica’, núcleo tenso e dramático, a ressonância lírica da multidão que fala, clama e protesta, a voz poética, na vida, submersa! - Toc-toc, ao chamado do ‘outro’, o ‘eu’ do discurso, mais especificamente, Bakhtin, via Bandeira-Drummond-Cabral. / The great time reveals the inexhaustible potential of the conceptual, essayistic, and fictional voice, the inherent vitality, which reiterates and transcends the very context of production, which reifies and transcends the researcher's own cradle, on which the philosopher-centered theorist concentrates. Thus, in this study, he returns to the aestheticliterary field, the visionary reach of the theoretical presuppositions of Mikhail Bakhtin, once innovative in the novel, now, also, eccentric in poetry. Imbued with this perspective, with an evolutionary and renewing tendency, through a re-reading of Bakhtin's principles, dialogue, polyphony and discursive genres, put in dialogue with the formal renewal, triggered by Brazilian Modernism, we will observe above all the perception of common characteristics to promote, finally, the happy encounter between prose and poetry, in promoting the voices of verse. Then, to the center of listening, through poets and poetry itself, the call of the voice that comes from creation, in order to be able to better evaluate the intricacies of composition, or even, from within, reflects the method itself, who, totally outside the creative environment, as experienced critic of the literary text, reflects on the work of art, of poetic making, of all-day inspiration, of subjective impasse, between refusal and acceptance, the 'other-self 'of writing. Only then will we leave, heated, for polyphonic listening, in representative poetry: street voices, between songs and laughter, the nebulous memories of Manuel Bandeira, of Evocação do Recife and Cunhantã; voices bordering on the asphalt, in the insistent reluctance, tense and dramatic nucleus of the worker at sea, vociferous distension of the Caso do Vestido, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade; voices of the countryside, in the fluidity of the stone, of Morte e Vida Severina, by João Cabral de Melo Neto. Finally, through the aesthetic opening of Brazilian Modernism, we will signal, with Mikhail Bakhtin, the legitimacy of a new literary genre, then called 'polyphonic poetry', a tense and dramatic nucleus, the lyrical resonance of the multitude that speaks, cries out and protests, poetic, in life, submerged! - Toc-toc, to the call of the 'other', the 'I' of the speech, more specifically, Bakhtin, via Bandeira-Drummond- Cabral.

Dynamiques territoriales dans la gestion des ressources forestières des espaces protégés du Mexique : le cas du Nevado de Toluca / Territorial dynamics in forest resources management in Mexico’s protected areas : the case of Nevado de Toluca

Salinas Rojas, Andrea 25 October 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur le Nevado de Toluca (Mexique), espace protégé où l’objectif de conservation des ressources forestières, tout en étant difficilement atteint, met en question les conditions d’existence des populations rurales. On étudie les dynamiques territoriales qui découlent de ces tensions. La question porte donc essentiellement sur la confrontation entre la conservation forestière telle qu’elle est portée par les autorités publiques d’une part, et d’autre part, les besoins vitaux des populations agricoles affectées par les politiques suivies. L’hypothèse principale est que les politiques de conservation forestière n’atteignent pas les objectifs de gestion fixés parce qu’il n’y a pas une vision globale dépassant les approches sectorielles des institutions en présence, et surtout parce que l’avis des paysans n’est pas assez pris en compte faute d’une connaissance approfondie des sociétés rurales. Pour rétablir cette connaissance, la méthode de recherche a consisté principalement, outre la documentation mobilisée, en de nombreux entretiens avec les habitants de plusieurs localités du Nevado, avec différents acteurs institutionnels et avec des experts forestiers qui participent à la conservation de cet espace protégé. À l’aide du logiciel TXM, ces entretiens ont fait l’objet d’une analyse quali-quantitative de type « textométrique ». Parmi les principaux résultats obtenus, on retiendra notamment le fait que les populations locales ont des représentations sociales très contrastées de leur milieu tout en ayant une pleine conscience des enjeux écologiques. Elles ressentent les restrictions d’usage, en particulier du bois de feu, comme une injustice sociale. Cependant, des configurations socio-spatiales et des dynamiques territoriales originales existent, et dépendent du contexte géographique, en particulier des phénomènes de proximité spatiale et sociale. La cohésion sociale des groupes importe et sera d’autant plus forte que ses membres partagent les mêmes valeurs culturelles, y compris religieuses. On constate également que l’éloignement de la ville produit paradoxalement des dynamiques endogènes d’organisation qui peuvent aussi constituer une base pour une politique de protection intégrée en dépit des contraintes de vie au quotidien. Au total, cette thèse propose une réflexion sur l’arbitrage à faire entre la conservation forestière et les impacts socio-économiques que cela provoque sur les populations rurales les plus démunies et esquisse des pistes de conciliation. Elle invite à penser la justice environnementale comme le fruit de l’innovation sociale. / This research concerns the Nevado de Toluca (Mexico), a protected area where the goal of forest conservation, while being hardly reached, calls into questions the livelihoods of rural populations. Territorial dynamics which ensue from these tensions are examined. The question concerns essentially the confrontation between the forest preservation such as it is carried by the public authorities on one hand, and on the other hand, the vital needs for the agricultural populations affected by the followed policies. The main hypothesis is that policies of forest preservation do not reach the expected results because there is no global vision exceeding the sectorial approaches of institutions in presence, and especially because the opinion of the farmers is not enough taken into account, due to lack of a thorough knowledge of the rural societies. To restore this knowledge, the research method consisted mainly, besides the mobilized documentation, of numerous interviews with the inhabitants of several localities of Nevado, with the various institutional actors and with the forest experts who participate in the preservation of this protected space. Using the TXM software, these interviews were analysed employing a quali-quantitative analysis on the “textometric” type. Among the main obtained results, we shall hold in particular the fact that the local populations have very contrasted social representations of their environment while having a full consciousness of the ecological challenges. They feel the limitations of use, in particular some wood of fire, as a social injustice. However, socio-spatial configurations and original territorial dynamics exist, and depend on the geographical context, in particular the phenomena of spatial and social proximity. The social cohesion of the groups is important and will be all the stronger as his members share the same cultural values, including religious ones. We also notice that the distance of the city produces paradoxically endogenous dynamics of organization which may also be a basis for an integrated protection policy in spite of the constraints of everyday life. All in all, this thesis suggests a reflection around arbitration between the forest preservation and the socioeconomic impacts on the rural poorest population groups. She invites to think of the justice environmental as of the fruit of the social innovation.

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