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Färska socionomer : En studie om hur nyutexaminerade socionomer upplever och hanterar sin arbetssituationBjörkenor, Elsa, Storm, Ola January 2014 (has links)
Det här är en studie om hur nyutexaminerade socionomer upplever och hanterar sin arbetssituation efter sin socionomexamen på Ersta Sköndal Högskola. Studiens fokus har varit att beskriva och förstå hur de nyutexaminerade socionomerna hanterar sin arbetssituation samt att undersöka hur förberedda dessa socionomer är från sin utbildning för att möta sitt första arbete som socionom. Tio nyutexaminerade socionomer har intervjuats.Resultatet i studien visar att samtliga intervjupersoner upplever höga krav på sin arbetsplats. Det som är avgörande för om socionomerna är tillfreds eller till och med upplever kraven som positiva är om de upplever tillräckligt med stöd från sina kollegor och chef. Det privata stödet för socionomerna är också av vikt för hur de upplever sin arbetssituation. Hur utbildningen har påverkat socionomerna är varierande, mönstret i studien pekar på att utbildningen har förberett socionomerna med en generell kunskap i hur de ska förhålla sig till och hur de hanterar sitt arbete. De saknar dock till viss del direkta kunskaper i vissa avgörande delar i arbetet. Att nyutexaminerade studenters upplevelse av arbetslivet undersöks är av vikt för både professionen, utbildningen och studenten själv.
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Spolupráce sociálního pracovníka s výchovným poradcem / The Cooperation among Social Workers and Education Welfare OfficersŠRÁMKOVÁ, Klára January 2016 (has links)
High-school students' behavioural problems are caused by a number of factors. These include individual genetic dispositions as well as family upbringing and other environmental influences. Recently, adolescent problem behaviour has become an increasingly discussed issue. It therefore seems necessary to be able to respond to this challenge in the best possible way and look for appropriate strategies that may effectively remedy the situation. It is therefore useful to have a team of multidisciplinary experts available that is equipped to face such problems and able to guide the child through the entire process. The first one to notice problem behaviour may be the parent, teacher, or class-mate. The list may also include education welfare officer who is typically in charge of handling such issues at school. Their role in tackling problem behaviour is in fact essential. The same applies to the other experts involved in work with students namely social workers from the child's legal protection and social welfare department unit, court employees, police officers, employees of institutions dealing with children's behavioural disorders etc. The social worker that assist families to manage adolescent problem behaviour or other family issues often plays an important role in the struggling young person's life these days. The thesis is based on a qualitative type of research, interview being its main data collection method. The individual case studies this thesis works with were identified beforehand and included social workers, education welfare officers as well as students. The data have been obtained through semi-structured interviews. The actual data collection took place from March to April 2016. For the sake of maintaining their authenticity, the interviews were transcribed literally, with no further editing. In this particular thesis, the social workers and educational consultants involved in dealing with students of vocational and professional high-schools were specifically targeted. These workers were identified according to the schools location, namely in Břeclav District. Another researched unit were the apprentices of the Břeclav District vocational school. There are two objectives of this thesis; the first one tackling mutual cooperation of the education welfare officers and the social worker, the second on focusing the students and their interest in the support services at their school. The conclusions of the research indicate that education welfare officers and social workers are fairly satisfied with their cooperation. Both groups work under significant time pressure that does not allow them to deal with a specific case beyond certain limit and they welcome if problematic cases are first investigated by the institution that primary deals with them. The most common problems are absenteeism, students' inappropriate behaviour, study problems and personal troubles, bullying, school performance and family financial problems. In case of the second research question that focuses on students, the research conclusions indicate that most often, the apprentices prefer to handle their problems at home with their parents or at school with their class-mates, friends, teachers, head-teachers or with an actual education welfare officers as well as with a psychologist. Trust is being regarded as very important in such situations. Most of the respondents were able describe the role of a welfare officer with success. With the exception of one female student, all respondents indicated they would be willing to contact the education welfare officer if they had problems.
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Samtalsmetodik i yrkesrollen som socionomer : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorer / Conversational methodology in the professional role of social workers : A qualitative study with school counselorsPolicarpio, Jennifer, Krasnici, Jeton January 2021 (has links)
En del socionomer kan uppleva obehag att samtala med människor som är i kris eller mår dåligt. Skolkuratorer är en av de som kan uppleva en osäkerhet huruvida de ska samtala med barn och ungdomar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka metoder skolkuratorer från Malmös grundskolor använder i sina samtal med elever, men även hur skolkuratorerna beskriver sina kompetenser i samtalsmetodik. Vi har utgått ifrån en kvalitativ metod där vi har intervjuat sex skolkuratorer med olika långa anställningar inom skolkuratorsyrket. Studiens resultat visar att skolkuratorer inte följer någon metod på hur de ska förhålla sig i samtal med elever. Det finns ingen mall på hur skolkuratorer ska utföra sitt arbete vilket innebär att de arbetar väldigt olika och utvecklar olika sätt att utföra samtalen som de själva anser ger bäst resultat. Istället för en metod så blir det en “plock” av alla möjliga metoder för att anpassa elevernas behov. Däremot såg vi flera likheter i modeller som de nämnde att de utgår ifrån, såsom motiverande samtal och empatiskt förhållningssätt där olika faktorer spelar en väsentlig roll för samtalets utveckling såsom ett gott bemötande. I enlighet med learning by doing visar resultatet på studien att skolkuratorerna får mer kunskap på hur man samtalar desto fler samtal de genomför. För att få bättre kompetenser i samtalsmetodik önskar skolkuratorer mer praktik och djupare kurser i samtalsmetodik från socionomutbildningen. / Some social workers can experience discomfort when speaking with people in a state of crisis or who are mentally unwell. School counselors are among those who can experience insecurity on how they should talk with children and teenagers. The purpose of this study is to examine what models school counselors from Malmö’s elementary schools use in their conversations with students and how the school counselors describe their speech methodic competences. We used a qualitative method where we interviewed six school counselors with varying lengths of employments within the profession. The result of the study shows that school counselors do not follow any model on how to act in conversations with students. There is no template on how school counselors should conduct their work which means that they work very differently and develop different ways to conduct conversations according to what they themselves believe give the best results. Instead of one method it becomes a pick of all sorts of different methods to adapt to the student’s needs. We did, however, see many similarities in models that they mentioned they use as a foundation, such as motivating talks and an empathic approach, where different factors play an essential part for the development of the conversations, such as a good reception. Furthermore, the result shows that school counselors learn to converse the more conversations they have, in accordance with learning by doing. To achieve better competences in conversation methodics, school counselors wish for more internships and more in-depth courses in conversation methodics from the social worker education.
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Samtalsmetodik i yrkesrollen som socionomer : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorer / Conversational Methodologyin the Professional Role Ofsocial Workers : A qualitative study with school counselorsKrasnici, Jeton, Policarpio, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
En del socionomer kan uppleva obehag att samtala med människor som är i kris eller mår dåligt. Skolkuratorer är en av de som kan uppleva en osäkerhet huruvida de ska samtala med barn och ungdomar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka metoder skolkuratorer från Malmös grundskolor använder i sina samtal med elever, men även hur skolkuratorerna beskriver sina kompetenser i samtalsmetodik. Vi har utgått ifrån en kvalitativ metod där vi har intervjuat sex skolkuratorer med olika långa anställningar inom skolkuratorsyrket. Studiens resultat visar att skolkuratorer inte följer någon metod på hur de ska förhålla sig i samtal med elever. Det finns ingen mall på hur skolkuratorer ska utföra sitt arbete vilket innebär att de arbetar väldigt olika och utvecklar olika sätt att utföra samtalen som de själva anser ger bäst resultat. Istället för en metod så blir det en “plock” av alla möjliga metoder för att anpassa elevernas behov. Däremot såg vi flera likheter i modeller som de nämnde att de utgår ifrån, såsom motiverande samtal och empatiskt förhållningssätt där olika faktorer spelar en väsentlig roll för samtalets utveckling såsom ett gott bemötande. I enlighet med learning by doing visar resultatet på studien att skolkuratorerna får mer kunskap på hur man samtalar desto fler samtal de genomför. För att få bättre kompetenser i samtalsmetodik önskar skolkuratorer mer praktik och djupare kurser i samtalsmetodik från socionomutbildningen. / Some social workers can experience discomfort when speaking with people in a state of crisis or who are mentally unwell. School counselors are among those who can experience insecurity on how they should talk with children and teenagers. The purpose of this study is to examine what models school counselors from Malmö’s elementary schools use in their conversations with students and how the school counselors describe their speech methodic competences. We used a qualitative method where we interviewed six school counselors with varying lengths of employments within the profession. The result of the study shows that school counselors do not follow any model on how to act in conversations with students. There is no template on how school counselors should conduct their work which means that they work very differently and develop different ways to conduct conversations according to what they themselves believe give the best results. Instead of one method it becomes a pick of all sorts of different methods to adapt to the student’s needs. We did, however, see many similarities in models that they mentioned they use as a foundation, such as motivating talks and an empathic approach, where different factors play an essential part for the development of the conversations, such as a good reception. Furthermore, the result shows that school counselors learn to converse the more conversations they have, in accordance with learning by doing. To achieve better competences in conversation methodics, school counselors wish for more internships and more in-depth courses in conversation methodics from the social worker education.
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