Spelling suggestions: "subject:"socialinių darbas"" "subject:"socialinio darbas""
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Socialinis darbas vaikų dienos centruose / Sociality work at children day's centreBurneikienė, Daiva 02 July 2006 (has links)
In the stage of Lithuanian educational reform was finished to create the new types of educational astablishments (gymnasiums, children's day centers, childhood's educational centers, the young schools and others). They let to cater children's educational need from meager social enviroment. Already from 1996 it is finished to create, not governmental organization's initiative, day centers for children in the council territory. The dey centre is doig social and primary and supplementary favors establishment for problematic falily children's and theis parent's. Children day centers net hot up, create new centers, because the favors' need in it is growing. However, today not all children whom need to visit this cenre have possibility to visit them, because the net those center's is not enough expanded. Because the day centers as specific establishment's action organization standards' we yet haven't got is difficult to regard concrete center social-economoc efficacy and advisability.
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Buvusių bedarbių adaptacija naujoje darbovietėje / Adaptation for emploier in new jobMuravska, Sabina 03 July 2006 (has links)
About adaptations speed and level of employee is saluted on theG ground of subjective and objective indicators. Objective indicators the evidence indicators of worker activity in work (follow–task quality of work normative and obtainable tasks, speed of qualification raise, and assimilation of innovations). Subjective indicators of social adaptation intension and reluctance of employee to continue work in particular company (potential alternation of frames), level of his fulfilment employment. The objective indicators of adaptation characterize real condition in job range, while subjective argument ate about feelings in this sphere. The existence of an organization depends not only on the work system and material interaction of its elements, but also on how the members of the organization act among themselves. The result of successful adaptation is high fulfilment of production task, work appreciation and forming of positive point of view of the situation in the group. Nona adaptation leads to social disorganization and change of personnel. Some suggestions to the managers of the organizations were made: to care of the health of employees and to show it; to introduce employees to the goals, rules and values of organization and to clear up why they are so important; to give more autonomy in the employees task performance; to listen to every person in a company to make him feel himself the part of organization; to stimulate the employees initiative in their job.
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Mokyklos vadovo ir socialinio pedagogo bendradarbiavimo ypatumai / Besonderheiten des Umgangs und der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Schulleiter und dem SozialpädagogenBobinienė, Laima 04 July 2006 (has links)
Das Untersuchungsobjekt dieser Arbeit ist Besonderheiten des Umgangs und der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Schulleiter und dem Sozialpädagogen an einer Bildungsinstitution. Das Untersuchungsproblem: Die vorherrschenden Beziehungen zwischen dem Schulleiter und dem Sozialpädagogen sind ausreichend gut und optimal. Das Problem ist die Definition der Stellung des Sozialpädagogen in einer Schulgemeinschaft sowie die Fülle und Unbestimmtheit der Funktionen, die der Sozialpädagoge auszuführen hat. Arbeitshypothesen: Die Sozialpädagogen, öfter als Leiter von Bildungseinrichtungen, schreiben sich verschiedene Funktionen ihrem Posten zu. Die Sozialpädagogen meiden es, mit Schülereltern Kontakt zu pflegen, wobei der Grund dafür eine negative Einstellung gegenüber dem Sozialpädagogen ist. Das Hauptproblem bei der Arbeit des Sozialpädagogen ist der der Arbeitsbelastung nicht entsprechende Lohn. Untersuchungsaufgaben:
• Bewertung der Kompetenz des Sozialpädagogen, seiner Werteinstellungen, der Sicht auf das Kind und seine Umgebung.
• Erforschung von vorhandenen Beziehungen zwischen dem Schulleiter und dem Sozialpädagogen.
• Erforschung von Faktoren, die die Beziehungen zwischen dem Sozialpädagogen und dem Schulleiter beeinflussen.
• Bewertung von Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Sozialpädagogen und der Schule.
• Erarbeitung von Empfehlungen für eine nachhaltige Verbesserung der Beziehungen zwischen der Schule und dem Sozialpädagogen.
Nach der Untersuchung hat es sich... [to full text]
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Imigracijos į Lietuvą laukiamos problemos: socialinių darbuotojų požiūrio tyrimas / Immigration in lithuania, expected problems: attitude of the social workersŽebuolis, Martynas 26 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjama aktuali imigracijos tema. Šis reiškinys yra vienas iš globalizacijos apraiškų. Darbe apžvelgiama su kokiomis problemomis susiduria imigrantai, nagrinėjamos jų saugumo perspektyvos. Tema aktuali, nes imigracija nėra svetimas reiškinys ir Lietuvai. Tai, be abejo, nėra toks mastas kaip kitose šalyse. Kaip pavyzdžiai pasitelkiamos tokios šalys kaip JAV. D Britanija ir panašios. Darbą sudaro teorinė ir empirinė dalis. Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje, esant didelei emigracijai, labai dažnai buvo diskutuojama imigrantų įsileidimo klausimu. Jis siejamas su darbo jėgos trūkumo problemos sprendimu. Bet ar tai nėra trumpalaikis problemos sprendimas? Ar imigrantai nesudarys papildomų problemų Lietuvai ir jos piliečiams? Ar Lietuva yra pasirengusi prisiimti daugiau imigrantų? Ar Lietuvos piliečiai subrendę tolerantiškai priimti kitas kultūras? Ar imigrantai būtų socialiai apsaugoti? Tai keli iš daugelio klausimų, į kuriuos turi atsakyti specialistai, šiuo atveju socialiniai darbuotojai. Darbe išskiriami socialinio darbo specialistai su aukštuoju socialinio darbo išsilavinimu ir be aukštojo socialinio darbo išsilavinimo. Socialiniai darbuotojai tinkamiausi specialistai, nes jie yra tarpininkai tarp žmogaus ir sistemos. Siekiama išsiaiškinti ar šių dviejų socialinių darbuotojų grupių požiūris į imigraciją ir jos problemas skiriasi. Tyrimo tikslas yra išsiaiškinti socialinių darbuotojų su aukštuoju ir be aukštojo socialinio darbo išsilavinimo požiūrių skirtumus į imigraciją. Ar... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The paper analyses a problem of immigration. This phenomenon is one of the manifestations of globalization. The work reviews a number of problems faced by immigrants, and analyses their safety prospects. The topic is relevant because immigration is a common phenomenon in Lithuania; however the scale is not that high as in foreign countries. The United States of America, Great Britain and other countries are taken for the comparison. The paper is divided into theoretical and empirical parts. Recently Lithuania faced a huge wave of emigration, and the question of immigrants was often a hot topic. This question regards the solution of the lack of workforce. Yet could this be only a short-term solution for the problem? What new problems immigrants will cause for Lithuania and its citizens? Is Lithuania ready to welcome more immigrants? Are the citizens of Lithuania mature enough to accept and tolerate different cultures? Will immigrants be socially safe? These are just a few questions that must be answered by the specialists, namely by the social workers. The paper differentiates social work specialists with a social work degree and those without a degree. Social workers are the best specialists as they are mediators between people and the system. The paper sets out to find whether the attitude of both aforementioned groups towards immigration and its problems differ in any way. The purpose of this research is to explore the differences in attitude towards immigration of social... [to full text]
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Moters viktimizacija: prostitucijos aukos papasakota gyvenimo istorija / Woman's victimization: the life story of a victim of prostitutionRamonaitė, Neringa 20 June 2011 (has links)
Prostitucija skirtinguose šaltiniuose yra traktuojama įvairiai. Vieni rašo, kad tai mainai, vykstantys tarp teikiančio seksualines paslaugas ir perkančio. Prostitucija yra neatsiejama nuo vyraujančios ekonominės situacijos valstybėje. Moterys į šią veiklą įtraukiamos įvairiais būdais ir dėl įvairių priežasčių. Vieni autoriai rašo, kad moterys nori gauti materialinės naudos ir dėl šių priežasčių parduoda savo kūną, tačiau yra ir kiti, kurie moteris prostitucijoje traktuoja kaip aukas. Visuomenė turi įvairią nuomonę šiuo klausimu, tačiau ką mano pačios moterys prostitucijos aukos, koks buvo jų gyvenimas, kaip ir dėl kokių priežasčių jos pateko į prostituciją. Todėl šio darbo tikslas yra atskleisti patekimo į prostituciją veiksnius, remiantis moterų biografiniais pasakojimais, ir nustatyti potencialius pagalbos būdus.
Siekiant atskleisti moterų ir merginų patekimo į prostituciją veiksnius, buvo pasirinktas kokybinių duomenų rinkimo metodas – rašytinių gyvenimo istorijų analizė. Gyvenimo istorijos leido plačiau pažvelgti į prostitucijos aukų išgyvenimus, atskleidė net tik individualias patirtis, bet leido suprasti, kad kiekvienoje individualioje patirtyje slypi ir kolektyvinė patirtis. Tyrimo metu buvo išanalizuotos 15 moterų, prostitucijos aukų, gyvenimo istorijos. Moterų amžius nuo 16 iki 35 metų. Pasirinkta naratyvo strategija, leido giliau pažvelgti į tai, ką moterys išgyvena ir kaip jos tai nusako; kaip jos pačios supranta savo gyvenimą ir kaip interpretuodamos jį išreiškia... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Different sources treat prostitution differently. Some of them write that this is an interchange between the person who gives sexual service and the one who buys it. Prostitution is closely connected with the prevailing economical situation in a state. Women are involved into this activity in different ways and for different reasons. Some authors write that women want to get some financial benefit and for this reason they sell their bodies. Whereas, others think that women are victims of prostitution. Society have different opinion of that question, thus, it is interesting to find out what women, the victims of prostitution, think about their former life, why they have got into such situation. Therefore, the aim of this work is to reveal the factors why women get into prostitution on reference to women's biographical stories and determine the ways of help.
Seeking to reveal the factors, why women get into prostitution, the method of qualitative collection of data was chosen - the analyses of written life stories. The life stories enabled to glance at the experience of prostitution victims and revealed not only personal experience but also enabled understanding that each personal experience also hides corporate experience. Life stories of 15 women, prostitution victims, were analysed during the survey. Women are from 16 to 35 years old. The chosen strategy of narrative enabled to deeper look at women's feelings and the way they express them, how they understand their life and... [to full text]
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Socialinis darbas su nedarniomis šeimomis: problemos ir perspektyvos / Social Work with Disharmonious Families: Problems and PerspectivesDeveikienė, Diana 09 June 2004 (has links)
The aim of the final thesis is to analyze the problems and perspectives of social work with disharmonious families.
The following are the objectives of the thesis: 1) Discuss the basic functions of a family and the problems of their expression in today’s Lithuania; 2) Reveal the limited preconditions for the socialization of disharmonious families; 3) Describe the activity and its perspectives of a social worker in the provision of help for disharmonious families; 4) Describe the technologies of social work in the strengthening of social skills of the family members; 5) Carry out the analysis of social problems and the need for social help of disharmonious families.
The object of the research of the final thesis is social work with disharmonious families.
The theoretical part of the thesis presents an overview of the following issues: disharmonious (amoral, problematic) families that do not create appropriate moral conditions to up bring the children, where alcohol addiction, abuse, conflicts even fights prevail, where the members of a family steal public property. It also discusses the adaptation possibilities of such families in societal and economic life; social problems of the families under risk (addiction, violence, abuse, poverty, lack of knowledge and skills, etc.); the socialization of the family members and the main functions of the family; discusses the functions, activity, problems of social workers in the provision of social help for disharmonious families... [to full text]
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Socialinio darbuotojo profesijos rinkimosi motyvai ir veiksniai / Choice reasons and factors of social worker professionSeliutaitė, Jurgita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šio magistro darbo tema – būsimųjų socialinių darbuotojų profesijos rinkimosi motyvai ir veiksniai – pasirinkta neatsitiktinai, nes socialinis darbas atlieka svarbų vaidmenį visoje socialinėje sistemoje, kurio tiklsas – siekti teisingumo ir socialinės gerovės, turintiems problemų dėl skurdo, psichinės būsenos, užimtumo, patirto smurto ar nusikaltimų.
Socialinio darbuotojo ir socialinio pedagogo specialybės Lietuvoje gyvuoja nuo 1991 metų, todėl profesijos naujumas neabejotinai lemia nesusiformavusį profesinį identitetą ir drauge skatina didesnį visuomenės domėjimąsi šia profesine veikla. Per kelerius pastaruosius metus padaugėjo šios srities specialistus rengiančių universitetų, aukštųjų mokyklų ir kolegijų, kartu ir šias studijas besirenkančiųjų. Tai skatina giliau pažvelgti į šio reiškinio priežastis profesijos pasirinkimo motyvacijos aspektu, siekiant išsiaiškinti, kokie motyvai ir veiksniai pastūmėja individus pasirinkti socialinio darbuotojo arba socialinio pedagogo profesijas.
Atlikus Lietuvos bei užsienio mokslininkų darbų analizę paaiškėjo, kad profesijos pasirinkimas yra ilgas ir sudėtingas procesas, kurio kokybė priklauso nuo asmens savęs pažinimo, interesų, vertybių ir gebėjimų. Veiksniai, koreguojantys individo profesinį apsisprendimą, grupuotini į vidinius (besirenkančiojo asmeninės savybės, charakteris, temperamentas, intelektas, gebėjimai, pomėgiai ir pan.) bei išorinius (šeima, draugai, visuomenėje galiojančios stereotipinės nuostatos, ekonominė šalies... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Theme of this master job „Reasons and actions of choosing professions of future social worker“ is choosed especially, because this social job is playing important part in all social system, which purpose is reach for justice and for the social welfare of people, who has problem for poverty, state of mind, busyness, experience of violence or crimes.
Speciality of social worker and social pedagogue in Lithuania exist since 1991, therefore newnes of profession certainly determines unformed professional identity and jointly promote better society interest of this career. Over a span of several years number of universities, higher educational institutions and colleges, which are training people for this profession increased. This cause invites to further analyse reason of choosing profession as social worker and social pedagogue.
When the analys of Lithuanian and foreign scientists jobs had did, it emerged that choosing process of this profession is long and complicated, which quality depends on recognition of ourselves, interests, values and skills.
When person is choosing profession also is essential professional vocation and motivation.
With a view to see student‘s oponion to profession choosing reasons and actions was did test at Marijampolės, Panevėžio and Utenos colleges.
During research hypothesis was confirmed, that basic reasons of choosing social worker profession are address to human: it is wish to help, possibility take care of people, communicate and work with... [to full text]
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Socialinio darbo savanorių kvalifikacijos kėlimo prielaidos / Preconditions of in-service training in social work volunteersZaleckienė, Vitalija 27 June 2006 (has links)
The in-service training and its status was chosen as the research object of the present thesis. The research aims to reveal the preconditions of in-service training in social work volunteers. The goals of the research are to perform an analytic overview of academic literature on the topic of the present master thesis; to highlight the occurrences of the activity of social work volunteers; to reveal the motivation behind volunteer activity; and to determine the most important constituents of occupational skills for social work volunteers. The following research methods are applied: analytical overview of academic literature on the topic of the master thesis, questionnaires and individual interviews with social work volunteers, as well as statistical data processing (in Excel).
The results of the research are reflected in the conclusions of the master thesis. The following are the main conclusions:
· The motivation of volunteer activity is closely related to the need to gain experience of various types of social work, taking into consideration the feelings, needs, capabilities, and abilities of participants of the learning process. In most cases, volunteer activity is based on goodwill; on a wish to help others, to communicate, to collaborate, and to fulfil the concepts, which are important to a modern person.
· The in-service training of social work volunteers is mostly related to high intellect and maturity. The in-service training is oriented towards possibilities for... [to full text] / The in-service training and its status was chosen as the research object of the present thesis. The research aims to reveal the preconditions of in-service training in social work volunteers. The goals of the research are to perform an analytic overview of academic literature on the topic of the present master thesis; to highlight the occurrences of the activity of social work volunteers; to reveal the motivation behind volunteer activity; and to determine the most important constituents of occupational skills for social work volunteers. The following research methods are applied: analytical overview of academic literature on the topic of the master thesis, questionnaires and individual interviews with social work volunteers, as well as statistical data processing (in Excel).
The results of the research are reflected in the conclusions of the master thesis. The following are the main conclusions:
· The motivation of volunteer activity is closely related to the need to gain experience of various types of social work, taking into consideration the feelings, needs, capabilities, and abilities of participants of the learning process. In most cases, volunteer activity is based on goodwill; on a wish to help others, to communicate, to collaborate, and to fulfil the concepts, which are important to a modern person.
· The in-service training of social work volunteers is mostly related to high intellect and maturity. The in-service training is oriented towards possibilities for... [to full text]
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Socialinio darbuotojo poreikis stacionarioje gydymo įstaigoje / The need of a social workers for the stationary medical institutionKundrotienė, Rasuolė 03 July 2006 (has links)
Patients spend certain time at the stationary health care institutions depending on their illness and statinary profile, therefore professional social help is necessary both for the patients and for their family members. The function of the social worker as the specialist is to intensify adaptation abilities of a cured person to the environment, to renovate his relationship with community, helping him to integrale into sotiety and to stimulate more comprehensive social personality function.
Nowadays there are not a few medical institutions where the social problems of the patients are solved by medical workers themselves. This work requires a lot of additional time and special knowledge. It can cause some undergoing of medical work quality and quantity, and at the same time the social problems of the patients can be left unsolved. Making this research the main purpose was to find out the need of a social worker at the stationary health care institutions. The objects of the research were chosen from the stationary medical institutions of Alytus district where by random selection any physicians of these health care institutions and patients cured there at that time were questioned.
The survey of the problems was determined, the plan was made and the relevant research method was chosen using theoretical method refering to analised scientific literature and juristic base. By virture of the empirical methods the anonimous questionnaire was given to find out the need of a social... [to full text]
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Socialinių darbuotojų veiklos vertinimas / Social workers' activity assessementJuodzevičienė, Jūratė 03 July 2006 (has links)
Während der sowjetischen Okupation, die 50 Jahre danerte, wurden keine Sozialbeamte vorbereitet. Soziale Probleme der Einwohner wurden nach zentralisierter, kommando – administrativer Metode gelöst. Ein Teil der Funktionen der Sozialbeamtem wurden von Partei, Gewerkschafts, komsomolorganisationen erfüllt.
Der sowjetische kommando – administrative Staatsapparat, auf dem sich die sowjetische Ideologie stützte, hatte die sozialen Probleme nur auf renteauszahlung, Auszahlung des Unterstützungsgeldes, Verteilung der Talors für Möbelstücke, Haushaltsgegenstände, Berechnung der Sozialunterstützte gelegt.
Nach der Wiederherstellung der Unabhängigkeit 1990, wählte Litauen den Weg zum Schaffen, einer demokratischen Gesellschaft und Marktwirtschaft. Man begann eine Reform der Sozialversorgung.
Im oktober 1990 wurde das Gesetz der sozialversorgung erlassen. Die Jahre 1990-1991 kann man als Anfang der Sozialarbeit annehmen, als nach Litauen die erstern Sozialarbeiter kamen, die Vorlesungen hielten und Unterricht gaben. 1991-1996 hatte unser Land schon zwei hundert Sozialbeamte, die auf verschiedenen Gebieten der Sozialversorgung arbeiteten.
Die Assoziation der Sozialarbeiter (Sozialbeamten) wurde in Litauen 1994 gegründet. Die professionalisierung der Sozialarbeit begann 1991-1992, als die Vilniusser und Kaunasser Universitäten und das Utenas Kollegium begannen Sozialarbeiter vorzubereiten... [to full text]
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