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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinės atskirties asmenų integracijos problemos / The integration problems of persons of social separation

Šlepas, Artūras 09 August 2012 (has links)
Darbo aktualumas. Šiuolaikiniame, nuolat besikeičiančiame pasaulyje sunku vienareikšmiškai atsakyti, kas lemia gyventojų socialinę atskirtį. Jau kurį laiką mokslo visuomenė, sociologai bei analitikai vis daugiau dėmesio skiria socialinės atskirties tyrimams bei socialiai atskirtų asmenų integracijos problemų analizei. Pastebėtina, jog socialiai atskirtų asmenų integracijos problemų pažinimas bei jų sprendimo paieškos sudaro sąlygas socialiai atskirtiems asmenims geriau suprasti jų problemas ir mokėti jas spręsti. Šiai problemai išryškinti bei nagrinėti ir bus skirtas magistro baigiamasis darbas. Darbo objektas yra socialiai atskirtų asmenų integracija. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti socialiai atskirtų asmenų integracijos problemas bei pateikti jų sprendimo priemones ir galimybes. Darbo tikslas yra detalizuojamas uždaviniais, lėmusiais tokią darbo struktūrą: visų pirma teoriškai pagrįstos socialiai atskirtų asmenų integracijos prielaidos; po to darbe pristatomi atliktų tyrimų rezultatai ir pateikiama jų interpretacija; galiausiai sukuriamas teorinis socialiai atskirtų asmenų integracijos problemų sprendimo modelis. Darbo metodika, padėjusi išspręsti minėtus uždavinius, susideda iš mokslinės literatūros analizės (teorinės analizės ir apibendrinimo metodas), empirinio tyrimo (kokybinio ir kiekybinio tyrimų), hipotetinės dedukcinės paradigmos metodo bei tyrimo rezultatų statistinės analizės metodų. Pirmoje darbo dalyje buvo išnagrinėta teorinė socialinės atskirties samprata ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work urgency. In today's constantly changing world, it is difficult to clearly answer what determines the social exclusion of population. For some time the scientific community, sociologists and analysts are increasingly focusing on analysis of social exclusion and of the problems of persons' social integration. It should be noted that the knowledge and solving of integration problems of socially excluded people to enable marginalized people to better understand their problems and know how to solve them. On the decision of the problem this final work was directed. Integration of socially excluded people is object of the work. The purpose of the work is to evaluate the integration problems of socially excluded people and provide tools and opportunities for their solutions. The purpose of the work is detailed in tasks determining its following structure: first, the assumptions of the integration of socially excluded people were theoretically based; then the researches were organized and presented; eventually the theoretical model of solving integration problems of socially excluded people was created. Methodology of the work, which has helped to solve the above mentioned tasks, consists of the following methods: analysis of scientific literature (theoretical analyse and generalisation methods), empirical research, method of a hypothetical deductive paradigm and statistical analysis. In the first part of this work theoretical concept of social exclusion was analyzed and... [to full text]

Etické aspekty v činnosti pracovníků sociálně-právní ochrany dětí / Ethical aspects of operation workers in socially-juridical children protection.

ŽÍLA, Petr January 2013 (has links)
First two captures of the dissertation´s theoretical part deals with socially- juridical children protection in Czech Republic. Closer look into the history, legislative moorage and scheduler task safeguard. The separated area is devoted to operational workers in socially-juridical children protection of the Civil Service system. Third chapter offers brief look into ethical subject in social - work. Attention is especially devoted to ethical propositions and ethical dilemmas. Practical part contains presentation of a questionnaire survey from Council of the Pilsner region, where socially-jurisprudent workers took part in. Its target was to discover what role plays ethical aspects in activities of these social workers. Investigation should bring an answer for the question if ethical aspects are consider to be important for socially-juridical operational workers and if operational workers uses them and are methodically dedicated to them and if not, what it could be the cause.

Sociálně vyloučené lokality regionu Český Krumlov a problematické jevy v nich / Socially Excluded Localities Of The Region Český Krumlov And Their Problematic Effects

VODIČKOVÁ, Renata January 2018 (has links)
The central concern of this thesis is to examine social excluded localities and most frequent social pathological phenomena, which occur in these localities. These problematic phenomena, such as agression, addiction, prostitution, social pathology related to family, children and adults behavior disorders, unemployment and debts, are reflexed in psychological sense. Special focus is given to Romany people and to psychological aspects of their social exclusion. This paper also focuses on social field work and its issues in psychological sense. Results of work of Social integration agency in largest social excluded locality in the region of Český Krumlov, Větřní, are presented at the end of this thesis.

The potential future travelers on the North Bothnia Line : Sävar, Robertsfors and Bureå

Mikkola Bouvin, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
With a foundation in social sustainability, and with the theoretical framework of transport justice and transport poverty, the aim of this thesis is to create a profile picture of the future potential travelers on the North Bothnia Line in Sävar, Robertsfors and Bureå. Both a quantitative and a qualitative analysis are performed. The quantitative analysis describes the population structures concerning age, gender, educational level, employment, household type, income and cars per 1000 inhabitants. The qualitative analysis consists of an interview study, conducted in Robertsfors, with 47 informants. The interview answers are analyzed through content analysis, and presented in personas for each age group. The three areas differ in population structure, which could have different implications on the future travel. In the planning for a socially sustainable travel with the North Bothnia Line, focus needs to be directed to the young travelers, in particular the high school youths. Families with children are facing constraints when trying to manage sustainable travel, therefore, how to create a socially sustainable travel for this group is important to consider in the planning. Young adults, as well as individuals that are unemployed are vulnerable groups, important to consider. The senior travelers have another travel behavior, compared to the population of working age, but still have their needs connected to travel. The informants are positive about the North Bothnia Line, positive about train as travel mode, and intend to use the future train. They expect that the train will lead to easier and faster transportation and work commuting, increased access to schools and jobs, population growth, open up for more opportunities, and that people do not have to own a car. The greatest needs are; a good timetable, with many departures, matching the work schedule. The train has to be on time, and the ticket price not too high. Both the train and the station have to be easily accessible, supplied with good car parking facilities with engine heaters, and the train has to go fast. Both the train and the station have to be clean and controlled, and there has to be clear, and digital information. / Norrbotniabanans noder 2

Proces začleňování sociálně znevýhodněných dětí do prostředí mateřské školy / The process of integrating socially disadvantaged children into the kindergarten environment

Severová, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
I create a diploma thesis with a combination of quantitative and qualitative research, which examines the process of integrating children into the environment of kindergartens. In this work, I comprehensively find out how the kindergarten team participates in the process of inclusion of socially disadvantaged children. In the theoretical part I characterize social pedagogy and groups of socially disadvantaged children, including the legislative definition. I mention documents relating to pre-school education and mention counseling services that serve teachers, parents and children in the field of social disadvantage. I divide the practical part into two phases of research. For the first phase of the empirical part, I choose quantitative research, where I find out by the method of a questionnaire survey, general information of teachers in the given issue, basic orientation in school documents and different methods of work. In the second phase of the practical part, in the form of qualitative research, I create unstructured interviews. Through the interview, I supplement the information obtained from the questionnaire survey and obtain comprehensive data on the process of integrating socially disadvantaged children into kindergarten. By setting the main goals of the diploma thesis, I find out the...

Hållbara investeringsstrategier : Huvudregel eller undantag bland svenska fondbolag?

Herrlin, Gustav, Wikman, Adam January 2023 (has links)
I dagsläget står vår omvärld inför flertal utmaningar utifrån ett miljö- och socialt perspektiv. En effekt av detta är att efterfrågan av hållbara investeringsalternativ har ökat hos privatpersoner. I takt med att medvetenheten om hur privatpersoners investeringar kan bidra till en förbättrad omvärld har andelen svenska människor som söker investeringar i hållbara fonder ökat. Genom att investera pengar i hållbara fonder kan privatpersoner påverka hur företag arbetar ur ett miljö- och socialt perspektiv. Hållbara fonder söker investeringsalternativ som leder till en positiv klimatpåverkan och social påverkan genom ett långsiktigt värdeskapande. Information om hur hållbara fondbolag går till väga för att identifiera och investera i hållbara alternativ är dock bristande vilket kan leda till att privatpersoner inte vet hur deras pengar hanteras utav fondbolagen vid val av investeringar. Denna studie har som syfte att beskriva och analysera vilka investeringsstrategier svenska fondbolag använder för att identifiera hållbara investeringar. Studien har anpassat en kvalitativ metod och, med hjälp av fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med svenska fondbolag, samlat in data avseende hur de går till väga innan, under och efter investeringsbeslut. Studiens slutsats är att fondbolagen använder negativ- och positiv screening baserat på ESG-kriterier för att identifiera hållbara investeringsalternativ. Efter det att fondbolagen har investerat i ett företag använder fondbolagen olika former av engagemang för att säkerställa att investeringen fortsatt förblir hållbar. / The global community is currently facing various environmental and social challenges, leading to an increased demand for sustainable investment options among private individuals. In response, the proportion of Swedish individuals seeking sustainable investment options has grown. This study describes and analyzes the investment strategies used by Swedish fund companies to identify sustainable investments. A qualitative method was applied and included four semi-structured interviews with Swedish fund companies. The results indicate that fund companies use negative and positive screening based on ESG criteria to identify sustainable investment opportunities and employ various forms of engagement to ensure the sustainability of the investment. This study contributes to the understanding of how fund companies identify sustainable investments and can inform private individuals on the processes used by such companies.

"Ska du ta hand om mig?" : En litteraturstudie om socialt assisterande robotar i demensvården / "Are you going to take care of me?” : A literary review about socially assistive robots in a dementia care setting

Birgersson, Fredrik, Ladeby, Ludvig January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Demens är en sjukdom som drabbar en stor del av en alltmer åldrande befolkning i världen. Patienter som lider av demens kan drabbas av olika symtom som t.ex. kommunikationssvårigheter, personlighetsförändringar samt emotionell avtrubbning. Dessa symtom kan vara svåra att behandla och påverkar patienter, anhöriga och vårdpersonal. Tidigare forskning har visat att socialt assisterande robotar kan ha en god inverkan på människor som lider av demenssjukdom. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att beskriva vilken inverkan på hälsan socialt assisterande robotar har hos patienter som lider av demenssjukdom.Metod: En litteraturstudie grundat på tio vetenskapliga artiklar, som tagits fram utifrån syftet. Resultat: Resultatet presenterades utifrån två kategorier, Psykosocial hälsa och Livskvalitet. Interventioner med socialt assisterande robotar hade en god inverkan på den psykosociala hälsan, medan livskvalitet påverkades med varierat resultat beroende på vilket stadie av demens som den drabbade befinner sig i. Slutsats: Sammanfattningsvis ges ett intryck av att socialt assisterande robotar kan hjälpa vårdpersonal i deras omvårdnadsarbete för patienter med demens, och att dessa robotar har en övervägande god inverkan på demensdrabbades hälsa. Betydelse: Kunskap om vad socialt assisterande robotar har för inverkan på hälsa hos demensdrabbade är angeläget, för att i framtiden kunna implementera omvårdnadsåtgärder med denna typ av robotar. / Background: Dementia is a disease which affects a large part of an increasingly aging population in the world. Patients suffering from dementia may suffer from various symptoms such as communication difficulties, personality changes and emotional blunting. These symptoms can be difficult to treat and affects patients, relatives and health professionals. Previous research has shown that socially assistive robots could have a good effect on people suffering from dementia. Aim: The purpose of this study is to describe the impact on health of socially assistive robots in patients suffering from dementia. Method: A literature study based on ten scientific articles, which has been devised based on the purpose. Results: The results are presented on the basis of two categories, psychosocial health and quality of life. Interventions with socially assistive robots had a good impact on the psychosocial health, while quality of life was affected with varied results depending on the stage of dementia that the patient is in. Conclusion: In conclusion, the given impression is that socially assistive robots could help health professionals in their nursing work for patients with dementia, and that these robots have a predominantly good effect on demented people’s health. Significance: The knowledge of how socially assistive robots impact the health of people who suffers from dementia is imperative, to eventually be able to implement nursing interventions with this type of robots.

Conversations : the socially engaged artist as environmental change agent

Hunt, Janey January 2011 (has links)
I use my art practice in conjunction with environmental behaviour research and Michel de Certeau’s practice of the everyday, to enable a re-examination of socially engaged art and through art to activate environmental behaviour change. Questions Clarify contemporary debate about demonstrable and desirable aspects and issues of socially engaged art practice and through my own practice identify its key characteristics. Examine the claim for change offered by many socially engaged practitioners. Context The socially engaged artist operates outside of the gallery, in everyday lives and real situations, often engaging in issues of meaning to society at large, where participation and facilitation of dialogue are the common characteristics. I identify participation, the ambition of social change, aesthetic representation and a failure to communicate beyond the participative event as key considerations. (Bishop 2004; Bourriaud 2002; Kester 2004; Kwon 2004) I propose an aesthetic of presence, to recognise community as a creative vernacular and as pooled knowledge. Drawn from Michel de Certeau’s research into everyday life (Michel de Certeau 1985; Michel de Certeau et al. 1998a) this also provides a refocusing on participation through conversation and describes rupture events, which signify change occurring. Method This thesis compares research in an alternative field, environmental behaviour, which investigates the impediments to change (the value-action gap), how change happens and identifies the change agent, as essential to encourage change at a personal level. (Ballard and Associates 2005b; Darnton et al. 2006) I use the value-action gap, the tension point between knowing about climate change and failing to make changes in our own behaviour, (Blake 1999; Darnton 2004b; Kollmus and Agyeman 2002) as a direct impetus to make participative artwork that examines the idea of a sustainable lifestyle. My art practice recognises a three-stage process: an admission of my own environmental behaviour; encouraging reciprocal participation and conversation and enabling personal reflection; representing conversation offering shared vernacular knowledge and enabling others’ engagement with the artwork and behaviour change. Equating the socially engaged artist with the environmental change agent, I synthesised the Model for Change Agents (S. Ballard and Ballard 2005a; Ballard and Associates 2005b) with research on participation in the arts (Matarasso 1997), as a basis for understanding how participation occurs and how change could happen in socially engaged artworks. An analysis of pilot artworks extends this model to identify the conditions for change, which also equate to the aesthetic aspects of the artwork, in a new model for Practice, Participation and Progression. Outcomes I propose key characteristics for socially engaged practice based on analysis of contemporary commentators and the model for practice, participation and progression. The role of the socially engaged artist is identified as comparable to the change agent. Representing conversation, addresses an issue of socially engaged practice to communicate beyond documentation of the event’s provocation and participation. I develop discussion of the discursive site beyond participation itself to a community of common sensibility and pooled knowledge as a demonstration of personal agency that is able to redefine the public ideal and challenge dominant culture. Re-presenting conversation is a means of sharing knowledge, stimulating change and expanding community. Contributing to environmental behaviour research my art practice reveals our ability to abstract behaviour, identifies our main areas of concern within lifestyle, our motivations for making change and the importance of the preservation of personal agency. I also comment on de Certeau, identifying the problems with individual resistance through the everyday, exploring mini-rupture events signaling change and proposing a reversal of the aesthetic of absence to an aesthetic of presence creating a new narrative that utilises personal agency.

Specifika přístupu pedagogů k sociálně znevýhodněným dětem / Teachers' approach to socially disadvantaged children

Volfová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to comprehensively describe the opinions of teachers regarding education of socially disadvantaged children. In order to achieve this aim a questionnaire survey was carried out among teachers of preparatory classes, first and fourth grades. The questions covered four areas: general readiness of schools for education socially disadvantaged pupils, educational training and level of competence, teaching practice and the relationship to the family of the pupil. The research was based on a theoretical framework that describes the current situation and possible changes concerning the education of children from socially deprived groups. The range of sample together with the variety of the sample, which corresponds to the population of teachers, it allowed us to generalize the data. This research provides new empirical evidence of teachers' opinions about the issues of education of socially disadvantaged children from as well as the basis for the implementation of such measures that can aid the relationship between teacher and pupil from socially deprived groups.

Socially responsible investing : The relationship between financial performance and SRI strategies of mutual funds

Lu, Chenjie, Sällinen, Iida January 2019 (has links)
Social responsibility has gained popularity during the past few years, and one aspect of it is what benefits and costs it brings to a socially responsible investor. The purpose of this study is to examine whether different SRI strategies used by mutual funds are related to financial performance. By using multiple regression analysis and a sample of 88 Swedish SRI mutual funds over the period from 2014 to 2018, we find that using SRI screens first reduces the financial performance, but then gains a slight rebound as the screening intensity increases, indicating a U-shaped relationship. Further, we find that environmental screens impact the financial performance positively, and engagement and voting in sustainability matters is also positively related to performance.

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