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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metacognition in group problem solving—a quest for socially shared metacognition

Hurme, T.-R. (Tarja-Riitta) 14 September 2010 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study was to explore metacognition, specifically socially shared metacognition within computer-supported collaborative problem solving. Another aim of this study was to find methodological solutions for uncovering how metacognition becomes visible and shared in group problem solving in a text-based and asynchronous learning environment. During this dissertation study, two empirical experiments were performed. Participants in the first experiment were secondary school students (N=16) who worked with the Knowledge Forum (KF) learning environment. In the second experiment, triads of pre-service teachers’ (N=18) problem solving was supported by the Workmates (WM) learning environment. The data of this study consist of discussion forum data, self-report questionnaires, and individual’s feeling of difficulty graphs. In the data analysis, quantitative and qualitative research methods, along with individual and group level analyses, were combined to provide a deeper understanding of the phenomena being studied. A qualitative content analysis of the computer notes at the cognitive, metacognitive and social level were first analysed at the individual level, which made visible individual thinking and characterized the nature of the online discussions. In the interpretation phase, the categorizations were interpreted as group level processes in order to examine the contextual development of collaborative problem solving. To accomplish this, a process-oriented graph of group problem solving was developed. Further, to understand how socially shared metacognition in group problem solving can be related to individual metacognition, especially metacognitive experiences, group members’ individual feelings of difficulty were combined with the results of the discussion forum data. The results of this study show that the process of socially shared metacognition is a differentiator in the success of a group’s mathematical problem solving. Socially shared metacognition requires that group members participate in joint problem solving intentionally and reciprocally, acknowledge each other’s thinking and develop their ideas further. In other words, the process of socially shared metacognition has intention to steering the discussion rather than exchanging ideas about possible ways to solve the tasks. Further, the results of this study suggest that if the process of socially shared metacognition emerges, then the most of students will be able to reduce their feelings of difficulty. The results of this study suggest that socially shared metacognition is a complex and extra-ordinary group-level phenomenon. Socially shared metacognition could become more visible if participants focus on analysing the task and verifying the process as well as the outcome of the problem solving instead of exploring and implementing various unelaborated solution efforts. While socially shared metacognition fosters success in group problem solving, it also helps individual’s thinking grow as a part of the group. / Tiivistelmä Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään metakognition, erityisesti sosiaalisesti jaetun metakognition, ilmenemistä tietokoneavusteisessa yhteisöllisessä matematiikan ongelmanratkaisussa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on myös kehittää aineiston analysointimenetelmiä metakognition ja erityisesti sosiaalisesti jaetun metakognition tutkimiseksi. Tutkimus koostuu kahdesta empiirisestä osatutkimuksesta. Ensimmäisessä tutkimuksessa koehenkilöinä olivat erään perusasteen yläkoulun seitsemännen luokan suomalaiset oppilaat. Toisessa tutkimuksessa koehenkilöinä toimivat ensimmäisen vuosikurssin suomalaiset luokanopettajaopiskelijat. Molemmissa tutkimuksissa yhteisöllisen ongelmanratkaisuprosessin tukena käytettiin tekstipohjaiseen, eriaikaiseen vuorovaikutukseen perustuvia oppimisympäristöjä: Knowledge Forumia ja Työporukkaa (engl. WorkMates, WM). Tutkimusaineisto koostuu verkkokeskustelukommenteista, kyselylomakkeista sekä ongelmanratkaisutehtävän jälkeen piirretyistä graafeista, jotka ilmentävät tehtävän aikana koettua vaikeuden tunnetta. Ongelmanratkaisuprosessia kuvaavassa analyysissa yhdistetään sekä kvalitatiivisia että kvantitatiivisia menetelmiä sosiaalisesti jaetun metakognition tutkimiseksi. Verkkokeskusteluaineistoa analysoidaan yksilötasolla kvalitatiivisen sisällönanalyysin periaatteiden mukaisesti. Osallistujien tallentamat verkkokeskustelukommentit on luokiteltu kognitiivisiksi, metakognitiivisiksi tai sosiaalisiksi viesteiksi. Viestien sisällön tulkinta perustuu ainoastaan kirjoitettuun tekstiin eikä osallistujien ajatteluun viestien taustalla. Verkkokeskusteluaineistoa tulkitaan ryhmätasolla erilaisten visualisointimenetelmien, kuten sosiaalisen verkostoanalyysin ja ryhmän ongelmanratkaisua kuvaavan graafin, avulla. Sosiaalisesti jaetun metakognition yhteyttä yksilön metakognitioon, erityisesti tehtävään liittyvään vaikeuden tunteeseen, tutkitaan ryhmän ongelmanratkaisua kuvaavien graafien, verkkokeskustelukommenttien ja ongelmanratkaisutehtävän jälkeen piirrettyjen tehtävän aikana koettua vaikeutta kuvaavien graafien avulla. Sosiaalisesti jaettua metakognitiota ei ilmene yleisesti ryhmän ongelmanratkaisussa. Tähän vaikuttaa muun muassa se, ettei ryhmissä kiinnitetä huomiota tehtävänantoon ja saadun ratkaisun oikeellisuuteen, vaan pääpaino ongelmanratkaisussa on ratkaisumenetelmien etsimisessä ja esitettyjen ehdotusten toteuttamisessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset kuitenkin osoittavat, että sosiaalisesti jaettu metakognitio on ilmiönä monitahoinen. Tulosten perusteella sosiaalisesti jaettu metakognitio on myös tärkeä tekijä ryhmän ongelmanratkaisussa. Onnistuneessa ongelmanratkaisussa ryhmän jäsenet sitoutuvat yhteiseen prosessiin ja toimivat vastavuoroisesti perustellen esittämänsä ajatukset sekä huomioiden ratkaisun kannalta tärkeät kysymykset ja ratkaisuehdotukset. Tällöin on mahdollista, että sosiaalisesti jaettu metakognitio vähentää useimpien ryhmän jäsenten kokemaa vaikeuden tunnetta. Sosiaalisesti jaetulla metakognitiolla näyttää olevan tärkeä tehtävä paitsi ryhmän myös yksilön ajattelussa.

Efektivita primární prevence v prostředí kolejní školy / Effectivity of primary prevence in the enviroment of a boarding school

Haspeklová, Elen January 2015 (has links)
This master's project on the topic of "Effectiveness of primary prevention in the environment of a boarding school" offers a glimpse of some irregularities of primary prevention and their causality relation with their respective environments. The theoretical part of the project considers the characteristics and views on the area of pathological issues; it is also extended by the problem of bullying, the area of prevention, and especially primary prevention. The empirical part is composed out of two parts. In the first part a group of students from Sekunda performs sociometry; afterwards, the group completes a primary prevention programme for three years, and then a control sociometry is completed. The second part includes another group of students from Sekunda undergoing the same process as the first group of students; however, the primary prevention programme is based on valid information not only from the environment of school, but also from the dormitories. The summary will offer view on the problem of primary prevention on boarding school and all its possible applications.

Činnost pedagogického pracovníka s klienty azylového domu / The activities of a pedagogical worker with clients of asylum house

Michálková, Kamila January 2015 (has links)
The theme of the thesis is The activities of a pedagogical worker with clients of an asylum house. The target is to find out what activities the pedagogical worker does in this kind of facility, what is the work description, how the worker works with clients and their children. Further more the thesis deals with necessity of pedagogical worker in an asylum house a their in/sufficient capacity. The thesis is focused on finding out the success of a pedagogical worker in this kind of facility and how the pedagogue reaches the target of their activity. In the theoretical part there I describe particular activities which the pedagigical worker carries out in an asylum house, it means in socially disadvantaged environment. In the empirical part of the thesis there I research whether the pedagogical worker is neccessary in this facility and wheteher and to what extent their work capacity is sufficient. The research includes finding out the success of a pedagogical worker in asylum house primarily with the help of reached targets made by clients. Key words: pedagogical worker, asylum house, a client, children, socially disadvantaged environment, education

Affective and effective collaborative learning:process-oriented design studies in a teacher education context

Näykki, P. (Piia) 09 December 2014 (has links)
Abstract This study explores the socio-cognitive and socio-emotional activities of teacher education students in collaborative learning, how the students interpret their activities and how the activities influence collaborative learning. The study consists of two empirical studies, which are reported in four articles. The first study focuses on knowledge co-construction in face-to-face interactions enhanced with cognitive tools and pictorial knowledge representations. The second study explores groups’ monitoring activities in collaborative interaction, along with challenges and socio-emotional conflicts in collaborative learning. The data collection methods include video observations, video-stimulated recall interviews and pre- and post-knowledge tests. The results indicate that collaborative learning is a cognitively and emotionally challenging learning process. The way in which group members share and develop their ideas depends on how actively they monitor their own and each other’s evolving understanding. However, monitoring cognitive activities as a group is only one part of effective and enjoyable learning. Troubled interaction can create a socio-emotionally unbalanced group climate, and can endanger effective collaborative learning unless group members are capable of regulating their emotional experiences and expression of their emotions. Therefore, in addition to effective knowledge co-construction, effective collaborative learning requires that group members proactively monitor their own and each other’s shared learning activities at both cognitive and emotional levels. The findings of this study contribute to the understanding of how individuals learn together as a group. Methodologically, this study provides several process-oriented analysis schemas for analysing socio-cognitive and socio-emotional activities within collaborative learning. Practically, this study offers teachers and educational professionals ideas for the design of collaborative learning environments. / Tiivistelmä Väitöstutkimus tarkastelee opettajaksi opiskelevien yhteisöllistä oppimista sosiokognitiivisena ja sosioemotionaalisena vuorovaikutusprosessina. Tutkimuskohteina ovat yhteisöllinen tiedonrakentelu, yhteisöllisen oppimisen haasteet ja ryhmän toiminta sosioemotionaalisessa konfliktitilanteessa. Yhteenvedossa tarkastellaan sitä, mitä yhteisöllisen oppimisen aikana tapahtuu, miten opiskelijat tulkitsevat prosessinaikaisia toimintoja ja miten ne vaikuttavat oppimistilanteeseen. Tutkimus koostuu kahdesta osatutkimuksesta, joiden tulokset on raportoitu neljässä artikkelissa. Väitöstyö on luonteeltaan design-tutkimus, jossa ilmiötä tarkastellaan aidoissa, etukäteen pedagogisesti suunnitelluissa ja tieto- ja viestintäteknologiaa hyödyntävissä oppimistilanteissa. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu videoiduista ryhmätilanteista, opiskelijoiden haastatteluista sekä oppimistesteistä, joilla mitattiin opiskelijoiden sisällöllistä ymmärrystä. Lisäksi sosioemotionaalisen vuorovaikutuksen analyysia syvennettiin menetelmällä, jossa opiskelijoiden haastattelua stimuloitiin videon avulla. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että tiedonrakentelun yhteinen säätely edesauttaa yhteisöllistä oppimista. Tehokas ja mielekäs yhteisöllinen oppiminen edellyttää, että ryhmän jäsenet monitoroivat, kuinka ymmärrys tehtävästä ja sisällöstä kehittyy, kuinka mielenkiinto säilyy ja kuinka ryhmä etenee. Kognitiivisten prosessien ohella opiskelijoiden tulee tarkkailla oppimistaan sosioemotionaalisesta näkökulmasta. Ryhmien on tärkeä arvioida ja säädellä työskentelyään siten, että sosioemotionaalinen ilmapiiri säilyy yhteisölliselle oppimiselle suotuisana. Väitöstutkimuksen tulokset lisäävät teoreettista ymmärrystä yhteisöllisen oppimisen mahdollisuuksista ja haasteista. Tutkimus myös edistää prosessiorientoituneiden tutkimusmenetelmien kehittämistä. Lisäksi tulosten perusteella voidaan kehittää korkeakouluopetusta ja erityisesti opettajankoulutusta. Tutkimukseen suunnitellut oppimisympäristöt tarjoavat konkreettisia ideoita, joilla voidaan tukea yksilöllisiä ja sosiaalisesti jaettuja oppimisprosesseja.

Poradenská podpora ve vzdělávání sociálně znevýhodněných žáků / Advisory support in the education of socially disadvantaged pupils

Michálková, Alena January 2017 (has links)
Thesis Counseling support in the education of socially disadvataged pupils deals with education of this target group of pupils, which is still unclear in many situation of. The emphasis is focused on counseling support of these children, that should help their education of non-state non-profit institutions. The aim of thesis is to clarify this issue and highlight the important role of non-profit instituions, genereally there is tend to neglect them. In its theoretical part thesis works with pupil with socially disadvantaged in the context of education and the structure of advisory support in the Czech Republic. The explorative part of thesis is based on case studies of specific non-state, non-profit organizations, namely the generally beneficial company People in need, a registered association Counseling centre for integration and registered association R- Bridges. These organizations are significantly involved in counseling support in the education of the target group of pupils. These studies are based on data collected during six interviews, that were contucted with employees of individual organizations. Data from these interviews are complemented by document analysis. Based on the results of the research, there is a recommendation for practice that mentions the areas in which the counseling...

The Mediating Role of Self-esteem in the Relationship between Perfectionism and Exercise Dependence / Självkänslans medierande roll i relationen mellan perfektionism och träningsberoende

Jansson, Sofie, Widlund, Susanne January 2017 (has links)
The purpose with the study was to investigate some of the factors thatmight contribute to the development of exercise dependence. This byinvestigating if self-esteem works as a mediator in the relationshipbetween perfectionism and exercise dependence. We conducted anonline survey among regular exercisers in Sweden (N = 177). Themediating analysis showed that self-esteem partially explained theassociation between perfectionism and exercise dependence. That is,self-esteem can help clarify the nature of the relationship. In conclusion,this study reveals that it is important to further investigate theunderlying psychological mechanisms to why some people are exercise dependent. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka några faktorer som kan bidratill utvecklandet av träningsberoende. Detta genom att undersöka omsjälvkänsla fungerar som en mediator i förhållandet mellanperfektionism och träningsberoende. Vi utförde en enkät online påmänniskor som tränar regelbundet i Sverige (N = 177). Den medierandeanalysen visade att självkänsla delvis förklarade associationen mellanperfektionism och träningsberoende. Alltså, självkänsla kan hjälpa attklargöra relationen mellan perfektionism och träningsberoende.Sammanfattningsvis har denna studie visat att det är viktigt att vidareundersöka de underliggande psykologiska mekanismerna till varför vissa människor är träningsberoende.

Reciprocal technologies : enabling the reciprocal exchange of voice in small-scale farming communities through the transformation of information and communications technologies

Tisselli, Eugenio January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation claims that the reciprocal exchange of voice—an element for constructing community and strengthening political recognition—may be fostered in small-scale farming communities by (1) the appropriation and transformation of information and communications technologies, (2) artistic intervention, and (3) cross-community research. This study contributes to participatory research methodologies, particularly those that seek to tackle the diverse challenges faced by small-scale farmers from a broad, complex perspective. The main issue identified in this dissertation is as follows: The hegemony of economic behaviors, which stands as a cornerstone of neoliberal capitalism, constitutes the latest stage of a historical process in which the voices of small-scale farmers seem to have been progressively and systematically silenced, their traditional practices largely invalidated, and their reciprocal forms of social, political, and economic organization marginalized. The purpose of this study was to explore whether an open-ended, sociotechnical methodology could be designed and applied in small-scale farming communities with the aim of strengthening their reciprocal practices while amplifying the voices of their members. The author's research addressed the question of how the role of information and communications technologies can contribute to the creation of enabling environments in which subsistence farmers may exercise their own values and make their voices heard. Another goal was to study whether the reciprocal exchange of voice could relate to the construction and dissemination of a knowledge commons and improve the resilience of small-scale farmers in the context of complex and pressing challenges such as anthropogenic climate change. Consequently, the ERV (Enabling Reciprocal Voice) Methodology was developed and applied in small-scale farming communities in order to respond to the questions of this study. The ERV Methodology sought to redefine the modes of usage of information and communications technologies in order to help communities establish a shared communicational praxis and strengthen their reciprocal relations. The ERV Methodology stands in contrast with the technological determinism found in the purely solutionist, short-term initiatives that are generally implemented in small-scale farming communities. Instead of offering rapid solutions to isolated problems, the ERV Methodology sought to consolidate the social networks of farmers through online and offline interaction. The case studies examined in this dissertation were carried out in two small-scale farming communities in Tanzania and Mexico. Following the ERV Methodology, mobile phones and the Internet were used by farmers in those communities as tools for the collaborative creation of a knowledge commons focused on local agriculture. It was found that the ERV Methodology, carried out as artistic intervention, may encourage technological appropriation, induce reciprocity, and amplify voice under certain sociotechnical conditions. These findings suggest that such a methodology might benefit farmers by becoming a significant aid to increase their resilience and their capacity to face complex challenges in the longer term. However, another conclusion was that the ERV Methodology should be applied carefully, with a strong awareness of the local context, and that greater efforts must be made in order to integrate other communities, such as local authorities and scientific researchers, into the reciprocal dynamics enabled by the methodology.

Gender diversified board’s impact on firm performance and stock volatility : A quantitative study examining Swedish, Danish and Finnish listed firms

Johannesson, Gustav, Westport, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Board gender diversity has been on the corporate agenda for several years, despite numerous gender diversity initiatives around the EU-Member States, women remain underrepresented in the boardroom. There is an intense debate and the problem is frequently raised and discussed by politicians, journalists, shareholders and investors. The thesis examines if gender diversity in the boardroom has any significant effects on firm performance and stock volatility based on 318 firm-year observations with firms listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, Copenhagen Stock Exchange and Helsinki Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2015. The authors find no significant relationship between gender diversified board and firm performance for the overall sample at any conventional level. However, the authors find a positive and statistically significant relationship between gender diversified board and firm performance for only Swedish firms, measured by Tobin’s q. Furthermore, the empirical findings from the relationship between board gender diversity and stock volatility using 1 272 firm-quarter observations, are statistical significant and shows that firms with high gender diversified board have lower stock volatility compared to firms with low gender diversified board.

Éduquer au bien-être animal en formation professionnelle : prise en compte de l'empathie interspécifique par le système éducatif / Educate animal welfare in vocational training : taking account of interspecies empathy in the educational system

Vidal, Michel 08 December 2014 (has links)
Les débats scientifico-éthiques relevant du bien-être animal en font une question socialement vive. Nous interrogeons son enseignement en formation agricole, envisagé au travers d'une éducation à l'empathie interspécifique. Nous questionnons les facteurs des éducations formelle, non-formelle et informelle susceptibles de le défavoriser. Notre recherche se fonde sur les discours de 7 élèves en formation relevant de l'élevage d'animaux de production ou d'animaux de compagnie, de 5 enseignants et de 108 auteurs de manuels scolaires du XIXe et XXe siècle. En début de formation, 6 élèves souhaitent créer une relation affective avec l'animal mais ne développent pas nécessairement une attitude empathique durant la formation. Les facteurs incriminés sont (1) le manque de confiance en soi de l'élève et les jugements qu'il subit de ses pairs, de l'enseignant ou de ses parents, (2) la conformation aux savoirs, pratiques et idéologies des parents, des professionnels ou de l'enseignant, (3) une conception et une motivation anthropocentrée et réifiante vis-à-vis de l'animal, (4) la dissociation de la dimension relationnelle et productive de l'élevage. Ils génèrent des mécanismes de défense préjudiciables à une pensée critique. Nous préconisons un enseignement professionnel fondé sur une réflexivité critique scientifico-éthique. Pourtant l'expression des émotions et des valeurs est évitée par les enseignants. Si les auteurs des manuels scolaires de 1830 à 1900 prennent en compte la question éthique du bien-être de l'animal avec une posture moraliste zoo- ou anthropocentrée, celle des auteurs contemporains est plutôt neutre, parfois engagée, voire contradictoire. / The scientific and ethical debates within the animal welfare make a socially acute question. We examine its trainability in agricultural training. We consider it through education interspecies empathy. We question the factors of formal, non-formal and informal education likely to disadvantage. Our research is based on the discourses of 7 students in training in animal production or pets breeding, 5 teachers and 108 textbook writers of the nineteenth and twentieth century. Beginning of training, 6 students want to create an emotional relationship with the animal, but does not necessarily develop an empathetic attitude during training. The incriminated factors are (1) lack of confidence of the student and the judgments he undergoes from his peers, teacher or parent, (2) conformation to knowledge, practices and ideologies of parents, professional or teacher, (3) a conception and motivation vis-à-vis the animal anthropocentric and reifying (4) the dissociation of the relational dimension and productive livestock. They generate defense mechanisms detrimental to critical thinking. We promote professional education based on scientific and ethical critical reflexivity. Yet the expression of emotions and values ​​is avoided by teachers. Authors of textbooks from 1830 to 1870 are taking into account the ethical question of the welfare of the animal with a moralistic posture zoo or anthropocentric. Contemporary authors are neutral, engaged and sometimes contradictory.

Činitelé vedoucí spotřebitelé k ekologicky a společensky zodpovědnému chování / Factors leading consumers to environmentally and socially responsible behaviour

Descubes, Irena January 2009 (has links)
What are the key antecedents, factors and moderators that influence environmentally friendly and socially responsible consumer behaviour? Individual consumers buy products and services not only for their intrinsic satisfactory functionalities. They make their consumption choices also because of specific extrinsic products/service abilities to affirm their lifestyle choice, i.e. enhance their self-concepts and satisfy their psychological needs. Given that despite the recent increase of interest in sustainable consumer behaviour, little is known on sustainable consumer aspirations, this study aims at filling the research gap in this area of academic research. This study investigates ad hoc literature in Lifestyle Strategic Marketing, Branding, Social Psychology and Self-Concept Theory applicable in Green and Fair Trade Operational Marketing . Mixed research methods are used in three distinct studies: (a) laboratory experiment, (b) SurveyMonkeyTM online questionnaire analyzed quantitatively, and (c) SPSS and SEM software data management and analysis. They are conducted in France and based on the common research models, i.e. the Theory of reasoned action (TRA) founded by Fishbein & Ajzen (1975) and the Theory of planned behaviour (TPB) coined by Ajzen (1991). Specific attitudes towards environmentally friendly and fair-trade products and services are derived from Value sets, Awareness of Consequences beliefs and Environmental Concern evaluations; therefore in the third partial study we adapt the research model proposed by Hansla et al. (2008). In all of them is employed a convenience sampling method that allows to gather between 109 and 350 respondents. Results allow for identification of salient factors influencing consumer purchasing intention and willingness to adopt and pay for both environmentally friendly and socially responsible products and/or services.

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