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Vliv zážitkové pedagogiky na klienty nízkoprahového zařízení pro děti a mládež / The influence of experiential education to the clients of the youth clubHorák, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
This theoretical and empirical thesis with title Influence of experiential education to clients youth club, it is dealing with the topic of the experiential education and the topic of youth club in the theoretical part. The practical part then connects these areas to the practical example. Using qualitative interviews with participants, we answer to the question: What is the significance for their development are aware of the trip participants with experiential education components, organized NZDM Dixie? Keywords Experiential education Experience Reflexion Youth club Endandered children and youth Socially undesirable phenomena
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Rozsah a příčiny doučování v české primární škole / Extent and Cause of Private Tutoringat Czech Primary SchoolChramostová, Blanka January 2014 (has links)
Title: Extent and Cause of Private Tutoringat Czech Primary School Summary: This dissertation explores the catch-up classes (shadow education) phenomenon and its forms. Presented research aims to map the scope and root causes of shadow education in the Czech primary/elementary school. Using a questionnaire for parents of primary school students, the research seeks answers how age, gender and social-economic family status relates to preferred form of this education type. The dissertation is based on the results of Mrs. M. Hoschl's research and develops it further. Research sample has been expanded to the area outside of the capital city. Attention has also been paid to comparison between the situation in the Czech Republic and foreign countries. Key words: shadow education - forms, scope, root-cause, shadow education of socially and/or culturally handicapped childre
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Souvislost mezi sociálním prostředím a konvertitou k extremismu / Coherence between social environment and conversion to ExtremismMikšíková, Renata January 2016 (has links)
The Graduation work "Coherence between social environment and conversion to extremism" sets forth an insight into the issue of extremism and socially excluded locations.The aim of the work was to find relations between these two notions. The extremist scene in the Czech Republic was described in details as well as the crime connected to extremism, and psychological expert account of extremist crime perpetrators. Further, the situation of socially excluded locations was introduced, their increase within recent years, and especially problems of children growing up in these locations. Also were mentioned possible mental deprivations, which may occur at children from these location. In the practical part, 37 directed interviews were carried out with Czech extremist parties (both right and left - wing) members. Based on these interviews a conclusion was reached, whether life in socially excluded location may influence an individual's eventual conversion to extremism.
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Hodnotová orientace mládeže ze socio-kulturně znevýhodněného prostředí / Value orientation of young people from socially and culturally disadvantaged backgroundsHupková, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is describing the value orientation of young people from the socially and culturally disadvantaged surroundings. The thesis is theoretical and empirical and it has a qualitative character. The research pattern are young people who are visiting a low- threshold facility for children and teenagers. We are describing the issue of the age of young people, conception of values, evaluation process, classification of values, value orientation, education to values, moral development of human, socially and culturally disadvantaged surroundings, family, peer groups and the low-threshold facility for children and teenagers in the theoretical part. There was performed an analysis of the value orientation of the selected group of respondents based on the data from semi-structured interview in practical part. The results of research shows that the part of the value orientation of the young people is the family, life in prosperity, free time, education, friends, interest activities, love, surroundings, make own family and responsibility. These parts characterize what is important, valuable and necessary for the respondents.
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Sociální znevýhodnění žáků středních škol - vliv znevýhodnění na vzdělávání a možnosti eliminace tohoto jevu / Social disadvantage of secondary school student - the effect of disadvantage on education and possibilities of eliminating this phenomenonZbořilová, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the education of secondary school pupils who are socially disadvantaged. It presents the phenomenon of social disadvantage in the context of education and current legislation. It also describes the current situation and the causes of social disadvantage, particularly the role of the family, and also focuses on pupils and their families from socially excluded localities. A significant amount of space is dedicated to descriptions of the manifestations of social disadvantage in school, the diagnosis of social disadvantage, and the specific education of socially disadvantaged pupils, especially the principles of such education. The goals of this thesis are to demonstrate the effect of social disadvantage on secondary school pupils and to highlight possible solutions to this phenomenon within the education system, the possibilities for support in education, and the role of the school social worker in eliminating the impacts of social disadvantage in education. The thesis also contains case histories of socially disadvantaged female pupils as a demonstration of the professional and important work of the school social worker. KEYWORDS education, social disadvantage, socially disadvantaged pupils, secondary school, social exclusion, school social worker
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Approche exploratoire d’une possible évaluation multi-dimensionnelle de la performance de l’investissement socialement responsable / Exploratory approach of a possible evaluation multidimensional of the performance of the socially responsible investmentGirel, Marc 31 October 2012 (has links)
L'Investissement Socialement Responsable (ISR) est un mode d'investissement en pleine expansion. L'ontologie qui l'accompagne suggère que le caractère « socialement responsable » interpelle l'investisseur potentiel quant aux critères à retenir pour définir la recherche de performance. Celle-ci ne se mesure plus à travers un prisme exclusivement financier, mais s'ouvre à d'autres critères plus qualitatifs. La satisfaction de l'actionnaire bien que légitimement maximisée se trouve associée à la prise en compte d'intérêts des autres parties prenantes au processus de production. La Responsabilité Sociale de l'Entreprise (RSE) vérifie cette démarche validant ou invalidant ainsi l'éligibilité d'une entreprise à un processus d'investissement ISR. Cette thèse propose d'évaluer la performance d'un OPCVM ISR de manière multidimensionnelle en s'appuyant sur un possible triptyque de performance boursière, extra-financière et morale. Les conclusions de cette recherche soulignent la complexité de mise en œuvre d'une telle démarche tant les enjeux, les perceptions et les objectifs divergent d'une catégorie d'acteurs à l'autre. Enfin, la thèse souligne l'importance de la confiance des investisseurs à adhérer à la stratégie ISR d'un OPCVM conforme à leurs souhaits sans pour autant avoir la capacité de vérifier ou de contrôler de manière irréfutable la mise en œuvre de la démarche. / The Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) is a mode of rapidly growing investment. The ontology which accompanies it suggests that the "socially responsible" character calls questions to the potential investor as for the criteria to be retained to define the research for performance. This one does not confront any more through an exclusively financial prism, but opens in the other more qualitative criteria. The satisfaction of the shareholder well that legally maximized is associated with the consideration of interests of the other stakeholders in the process of production. The Corporate Social Responsability (CSR) verifies this validating approach initiative or so invalidating the eligibility of a company in a process of investment ISR. This thesis estimates the performance of an OPCVM ISR in a multidimensional way by leaning on a possible triptych of stock-exchange, extra-financial and moral performance. The conclusions of this research underline the complexity of implementation of such an approach so much the stakes, the perceptions collections and the objectives can diverge from a category of actors in the other one. Finally, the thesis underlines the importance of the confidence of the investors to adhere to the strategy ISR of an OPCVM in compliance with their wishes without having the capacity to verify or to control in a irrefutable way the implementation of the approach.
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Éducation à la citoyenneté et construction collaborative de raisonnements socioscientifiques dans la perspective de la durabilité : pédagogie numérique pour une approche interculturelle de QSV environnementales / Citizenship edication and collaborative construction of socioscientific and sustainability reasoning : digital pedagogy for cross-cultural approach of environmental SAQsMorin, Olivier 25 November 2013 (has links)
Dans une époque marquée par les inquiétudes publiques sur les implications sociétales et environnementales des innovations technoscientifiques, l’enjeu de l’éducation scientifique est de préparer les citoyens à prendre une part active aux choix de société. Tandis que les Inquiry Based Science Education pénètrent les programmes d’enseignements de tous les pays, la généralisation de l’Education au Développement Durable signe l’intégration des enjeux du monde contemporain dans des enseignements problématisés. Dans ce contexte, la scolarisation des Questions Socialement Vives (QSV) place l'incertitude et la complexité au cœur des processus d'enseignement/apprentissage. À la croisée de la didactique des QSV et de la pédagogie numérique, cette thèse vise à documenter les modalités d’apprentissages collectifs de la participation démocratique aux expertises citoyennes de QSV Environnementales. Nous exploitons le potentiel des Environnements Numériques de Travail collaboratifs à élargir les communautés d’apprentissages au-delà des frontières géographiques et des cloisonnements disciplinaires. Nous analysons les évolutions de Raisonnements SocioScientifiques dans une perspective de Durabilité (RSSD) construits collectivement par de futurs enseignants en quatrième année de formation initiale issus de disciplines et institutions universitaires diverses en France et en Australie. L’originalité de ce travail réside dans la mise en relation des interactions socio-discursives avec les niveaux d’approfondissement des RSSD co-construits. Elle révèle l’intérêt majeur des dérangements socio-épistémologiques occasionnés par les rencontres interculturelles. / At a time marked by the public concerns about societal and environmental implications of technoscientific innovations, the purpose of science education is to prepare citizens to take active part on society choices. The generalisation of Education for Sustainable Development signs the integration of world contemporary stakes in problematized Scientific teaching while Inquiry Based Science Education penetrates curriculums of all countries. In such a context, the teaching of Socially Acute Questions (SAQs) incorporates uncertainty and complexity at the heart of the teaching and learning process. Environmental SAQs call for expertises that take stock of socio-ecological interactions at different scales, political and technoscientifical options, interests and values at play, connections between debated problems. At a crossroads of SAQs’ didactics and digital pedagogy, this thesis aims to document forms of collective learning of democratic involvement in citizen expertises of Environmental SAQs. We make use of Digital Work Environment potential to broaden community of learning beyond geographical boundaries and disciplinary compartmentalization. We scrutinize collective SocioScientific and Sustainability Reasoning (S3R) of students in their fourth year of a teacher education degree from different disciplines and Universities in France and Australia. The originality of this work lies in seeing together Socio-Discursive Interactions and improvements of S3R collectively built. It reveals the major interest of socio-epistemologic disturbance occasionned by cross-cultural meetings.
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Étude des représentations sociales du développement durable dans une perspective didactique : une contribution à la formation des enseignants à l'éducation au développement durable : Le cas des futurs enseignants québécois et français de sciences de la nature et de sciences humaines et sociales / A study of social representations of sustainable development from a didactic perspective : A contribution to training teachers in education for sustainable development : the case of future Quebecois and French teachers of the natural sciences and the human and social sciencesJeziorski, Agnieszka 11 June 2014 (has links)
L'éducation au développement durable (EDD) a été progressivement intégrée dans les systèmes scolaires français et québécois, ce qui a des conséquences pour les enseignants et leur formation. Cette recherche vise à repérer la manière dont les futurs enseignants québécois de sciences et technologie et d'univers social d'une part et les futurs enseignants français de SVT et d'histoire-géographie d'autre part se représentent le développement durable (DD) et l'EDD. Pour ce faire une approche pluri-méthodologique associant le questionnaire et l'entretien semi-directif est employée. Le cadre théorique, - construit autour des concepts de représentations sociales (RS) et de questions socialement vives -, ainsi qu'une posture interprétative-critique, orientent la lecture et l'interprétation des résultats. L'étude met en lumière une RS du DD qui serait emboitée dans celle de l'environnement-ressource chez les quatre sous-populations interrogées ainsi que des spécificités socioculturelles et/ou professionnelles-disciplinaires, se manifestant notamment par l'intégration des dimensions sociales, politiques et institutionnelles. Au vu de l'ensemble des données recueillies, on retient chez les futurs enseignants interrogés quatre champs de tensions qui reflètent la coexistence de deux approches de l'EDD : l'une transmissive et l'autre socioconstructiviste transformatrice. Cette recherche apporte ainsi un éclairage approfondi et renouvelé quant aux appuis et obstacles à l'institutionnalisation d'une EDD critique et comporte finalement des propositions d'intervention didactique en matière de formation des enseignants susceptibles d'enrichir leurs représentations du DD. / Education for sustainable development (ESD) has been gradually integrated into the school systems of France and Quebec. This has consequences for both teachers and teacher training. This research aims to identify how future Quebecois teachers of science and technology and social studies, on the one hand, and future French teachers of the life and earth sciences and history and geography, on the other hand, represent sustainable development and ESD. To this end, a multi-methodological approach was used that draws on two complementary tools, a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. A theoretical framework built around the concepts of social representations (SR) and socially acute questions together with a critical-interpretative posture guide the reading and interpretation of the results. The study brings to light a social representation of SD that is nested in the SR of the environment-resources among the four sub-populations surveyed as well as socio-cultural and/or professional-disciplinary specificities, which are manifested in particular by the integration of social, political and institutional dimensions. Based on the data collected, four areas of tension were identified among the future teachers interviewed; these reflect the existence of two approaches to ESD: one transmissive, and the other transformative and social constructivist. This study thus provides an in-depth, up-to-date clarification of the factors that support or hinder the institutionalization of a critical ESD. Finally, it includes proposals for educational intervention in teacher training so as to enrich future teachers' representations of SD.
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La valorisation de l'entreprise citoyenne / Promoting responsible actions of companiesBonnafos, Vincent de 13 November 2018 (has links)
Qu’est-ce qu’une entreprise citoyenne ? Comment se distingue-t-elle d’une entreprise classique ? Le droit as-t-il un rôle à jouer dans ce processus de distinction ? Qu’en est-il de l’éthique et de la RSE ? Une entreprise peut-elle prendre un engagement citoyen ? Est-il légitime qu’une entreprise citoyenne valorise ses engagements citoyens ? Par quels leviers ? Voici quelques-unes des questions abordées dans notre thèse. L’entreprise citoyenne est celle qui effectue des engagements citoyens. En dehors de toute règle obligatoire, elle agit de manière volontaire, non centrée sur son intérêt restreint et de court terme en direction de ses cocontractants ou de tiers (ses salariés, des organismes sans but lucratif), afin de les placer dans une meilleure situation que si elle n’était pas intervenue. Une telle entreprise doit pouvoir valoriser ses engagements citoyens avec l’aide du droit, auprès du public, de ses clients et investisseurs. Les possibilités de l’entreprise citoyenne sont vastes ! / What is a responsible company? How do such companies differ from standard companies? What role does law play in ascertaining whether a company is responsible or not? What about ethics and CSR? Can a company engage in responsible actions? Should a company seek to enhance and promote such responsible actions? How should such enhancement and promotion take place? These questions will be answered in our thesis which is a study under French law. A responsible company is one that engages in responsible actions. In the absence of any legal requirement, the responsible company will voluntarily act beyond its strict short-term interest to reach out to contracting parties as well as third parties (e.g. employees, suppliers and non-profit organisations) and place them in a better situation, had the company not taken any action. Law should enable such companies to promote their responsible actions and enhance their attractiveness with stakeholders
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L'éthique en finance : le cas de l'investissement socialement responsable et de l'investissement islamique / Ethics in finance : the case of socially responsible investment and islamic investmentErragraguy, Elias 09 January 2015 (has links)
L’instabilité et le manque de régulation à l’origine des crises financières devenues cycliques ont été des facteurs propices à un questionnement sur l’éthique de la finance. Cette thèse se propose dans un premier temps de s’interroger sur l’épistémologie de la « science financière » et ses attributs normatifs. Cette interrogation nous a permis de mettre en avant les imbrications logiques qu’il existait entre démarche positiviste et posture normative avant de proposer une cartographie du référentiel éthique qui façonne le discours financier. Ce travail théorique a préfiguré les questionnements empiriques développés, dans le second volet de cette thèse, autour de la confrontation de deux référentiels éthiques et financiers distincts : l’Investissement Socialement Responsable (ISR) et de l’Investissement shariah¬-compatible (ISC). Nos travaux identifient leurs éléments de différenciation et les passerelles possibles entre ces deux déclinaisons de la finance éthique. Dans la première étude, après avoir pris en compte le profil stochastique de 24 indices domestiques, nous mesurons et identifions l’origine de leur performance respective. Les résultats confirment la meilleure résilience des indices ISC durant la crise des subprimes tout en soulignant l’influence du niveau de développement et d’intégration des marchés boursiers. La seconde étude empirique explore le lien de causalité entre les critères ISR et ISC en investiguant la relation entre la performance sociale d’une entreprise (PSE) et sa structure financière. Les résultats obtenus à partir d’un échantillon de 1745 entreprises américaines indiquent que seules les petites entreprises controversées (non-engagées dans une démarche RSE) ont plus systématiquement recours au financement par dette et sont donc plus susceptibles d’être exclues des portefeuilles ISC. La dernière étude mesure, à travers une démarche expérimentale, l’impact financier de la combinaison des critères ISR et ISC. Contrairement aux prédictions suggérées par la théorie du portefeuille, les résultats n'indiquent aucun effet négatif sur la performance dû à l'application conjointe de filtres islamiques et ESG. / The instability and lack of regulation that originated the cyclical financial crises were factors conducive to questioning the ethics of finance. This thesis proposes first to question the epistemology of "Financial science" and its normative attributes. This question allows us to highlight the logical interconnections that exist between positivist and normative approaches before proposing a mapping of ethical reference shaping financial decisions. This theoretical work prefigures the empirical questions developed in the second part of the thesis. In this part, we confront two distinct ethical and financial practices: Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) and Shariah-Compliant Investment (SCI). Our studies identify their distinguishing features and the possible links between them. In the first study, after taking into account the stochastic profile of 24 domestic indexes we measure and identify the origin of their respective performance. The results confirm the resilience of SCI indexes during the subprimes crisis, while emphasizing the influence of the level of development and integration of stock markets. The second empirical study explores the causal link between the SCI and SRI criteria by investigating the relationship between Companies Social Performance (CSP) and its debt structure. The results obtained from a sample of 1,745 US companies indicate that only small and strictly controversial firms (not engaged in any CSR policy) have a significant higher leverage, therefore suggesting that these firms are more likely to be excluded from SCI portfolios. The last study measures, through an experimental approach, the financial impact of the combination of SRI and SCI criteria. Contrary to predictions suggested by modern portfolio theory, the results indicate no negative effect on performance due to the joint application of Islamic and ESG filters.
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