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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adopter Tchekhov : étude sociolinguistique de trois traductions québécoises d'Oncle Vania (1983-2001)

Gamache, Rachel 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 1980, le milieu théâtral québécois manifeste un intérêt croissant pour Tchekhov. Pourtant, les pièces traduites ne répondent pas à la tendance qui, dans le Québec des années 1970-1980, consistait à adapter les classiques du théâtre étranger de façon ethnocentrique, notamment en les traduisant en québécois. Pour Tchekhov, les traducteurs et les praticiens semblent davantage préoccupés par la dimension dramaturgique de la langue que par l'adaptation au contexte sociolinguistique d'accueil. Intriguée par ce phénomène, nous avons cherché à le vérifier et à le comprendre dans le présent mémoire en analysant trois traductions québécoises d’Oncle Vania, représentées entre 1983 et 2001. Notre travail se trouve au carrefour de deux disciplines : la traductologie et l’analyse dramaturgique. Il cherche à démontrer l’ancrage proprement dramaturgique des différentes stratégies de traduction d’Oncle Vania en étudiant la série de leurs concrétisations, du texte source jusqu’à la mise en jeu cible. Le corpus se compose de deux traductions à visée mimétique et d’une réécriture. Dans l'Oncle Vania de Michel Tremblay (1983), l'idiolecte du personnage de Marina a été traduit en joual de façon à recréer l'effet dramaturgique source. Dans Uncle Vanya (1993), une production anglaise du Théâtre du Centaur, les répliques de Sérébriakov ont été traduites en français par Jean-Louis Roux, l'interprète du personnage, et mettent en valeur plusieurs traits distinctifs de celui-ci. La troisième pièce à l'étude est une réécriture de la pièce par Howard Barker, (Uncle) Vanya, traduite au Québec par Paul Lefebvre (2001). La vulgarité de la langue de cette pièce a été traduite de façon sémantique pour recréer la relation déstabilisante spectacle/spectateur propre au Théâtre de la Catastrophe de Barker. Très différentes les unes des autres, ces versions d'Oncle Vania démontrent que la traduction peut s'inscrire, en tant que processus d'analyse dramaturgique, au sein de la critique et de la réflexion sur l'œuvre de Tchekhov. En effet, ces traductions semblent participer davantage de l'histoire globale de l'interprétation du théâtre de Tchekhov en français que d’un projet sociopolitique. Ce mémoire contribue ainsi aux études de traductologie, en y intégrant des modalités d’analyse dramaturgique et apporte un nouvel éclairage à l’histoire de la traduction théâtrale au Québec. / Since the beginning of the 1980’s, Quebec's theatrical milieu interest for Chekhov plays is growing. However, the translated plays do not reflect the tendency which, in the 1970’s and the 1980’s, consisted in adapting the foreign classics of theater in an ethnocentric way, especially by translating them into québécois French. For Chekhov, the translators and the practitioners seemed more worried about the dramaturgic aspects of the language than by the sociolinguistic adaptation of the plays to the context of reception. Intrigued by this phenomenon, we tried to verify and understand it by analyzing three Uncle Vania plays translated and produced in Quebec between 1983 and 2001. Our work is at the crossroads of two disciplines : traductology and dramaturgical analysis. It tries to demonstrate the strictly dramaturgic roots of the various translations strategies for Uncle Vania by studying the series of their concretizations, from the source text to the target mise en jeu. The corpus consists of two mimetic translations and a rewriting. The first play is Oncle Vania, translated by Michel Tremblay (1983), where the idiolect of Marina, one of the characters, was translated in joual in order to recreate the dramaturgic effect of the source text. In the second translation, Uncle Vanya, played in English at the Centaur Theater (1993), the lines of professor Serebryakov were translated into French by Jean-Louis Roux, the character's interpreter, and emphasize several of his characteristics. The third play of the corpus is a rewriting of Chekhov's, (Uncle) Vanya by Howard Barker, translated in Quebec by Paul Lefebvre (2001). The vulgarity of the language of this last play was translated in a semantic way, in order to recreate the show/spectator relation particular to the Barker’s Theatre of Catastrophe. These Uncle Vania’s versions are very different from one another and demonstrate that translation, as a process of dramaturgic analysis, can contribute to the criticism and the reflection on the work of Chekhov. In fact, these translations seem to participate more in the global history of the interpretation of Chekhov’s theater in French, than in a sociopolitical reading of theatrical translation in Quebec. In contributing top translation studies by the mean of dramaturgical analysis, this work also sheds new light on the history of theatrical translation in Quebec. / Réalisé en codirection avec Hélène Buzelin

Intercultural computer-mediated communication exchange and the development of sociolinguistic competence

Ritchie, Mathy 28 April 2009 (has links)
The main goal of this study was to investigate whether computer-mediated communication (CMC) intercultural exchange offers the conditions necessary for the development of the sociolinguistic competence of L2 learners. The secondary goal was to provide a description of the characteristics of the exchange as a language practice regarding language learning and cultural contact. Non-native speakers (NNS) of French in British Columbia interacted through computer-mediated communication with native speakers (NS) of French in Quebec over the course of one school semester. The data for this study included the transcripts of text-based chat discussions and of a group forum, and answers to questionnaires and interviews. Drawing on the sociocultural perspective, this study used a qualitative approach to analyze the collected data. The framework used to guide the sociolinguistic inquiry consisted of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Council of Europe, 2001). The findings of this study suggest that intercultural CMC exchange offers positive conditions for the development of this competence. NNS were exposed to sociolinguistic variation and made minor changes in their use of sociolinguistic elements, showing that they developed sensitivity to the vernacular style used by NS. In addition, the exchange fostered the creation of a collective meaning that allowed L2 learners to participate in meaningful interactions and to increase their level of confidence. Finally, the exchange allowed participants to experience the dimension of “culture as individual” (Levy, 2007), an aspect of culture that encouraged them to share their personal views on culture and to connect on a personal level with their NS partners.

Apologising in British English

Deutschmann, Mats January 2003 (has links)
The thesis explores the form, function and sociolinguistic distribution of explicit apologies in the spoken part of the British National Corpus. The sub-corpus used for the study comprises a spoken text mass of about five million words and represents dialogue produced by more than 1700 speakers, acting in a number of different conversational settings. More than 3000 examples of apologising are included in the analysis. Primarily, the form and function of the apologies are examined in relation to the type of offence leading up to the speech act. Aspects such as the sincerity of the apologies and the use of additional remedial strategies other than explicit apologising are also considered. Variations in the distributions of the different types of apologies found are subsequently investigated for the two independent variables speaker social identity (gender, social class and age) and conversational setting (genre, formality and group size). The effect of the speaker-addressee relationship on the apology rate and the types of apologies produced is also examined. In this study, the prototypical apology, a speech act used to remedy a real or perceived offence, is only one of a number of uses of the apology form in the corpus. Other common functions of the form include discourse-managing devices such as request cues for repetition and markers of hesitation, as well as disarming devices uttered before expressing disagreement and controversial opinions. Among the speaker social variables investigated, age and social class are particularly important in affecting apologetic behaviour. Young and middle-class speakers favour the use of the apology form. No substantial gender differences in apologising are apparent in the corpus. I have also been able to show that large conversational groups result in frequent use of the form. Finally, analysis of the effects of the speaker-addressee relationship on the use of the speech act shows that, contrary to expectations based on Brown & Levinson’s theory of politeness, it is the powerful who tend to apologise to the powerless rather than vice versa. The study implies that formulaic politeness is an important linguistic marker of social class and that its use often involves control of the addressee.

Les particularités du français employé spontanément par des locuteurs algériens de la région de Mostaganem / The peculiarities of the French used spontaneously by Algerian speakers of the region of Mostaganem

Malek, Azzedine 25 November 2016 (has links)
Une observation attentive des pratiques langagières des Mostaganémois permet de constater que le français – tant à l’oral qu’à l’ecrit – qu’ils emploient spontanément constitue une variété à part entière. Si les travaux d’inspiration ethnographique ou sociolinguistique sur le phénomène de contact de langues en Algérie sont très nombreux, on ne dispose pas, à l’heure actuelle, de description précise et détaillée permettant d’élaborer un dictionnaire des faits qui résultent de ce contact de langues dans la région de Mostaganem.Ayant pu consttituer un corpus d’étude, composé pour l’essentiel d’enregistrements d’échanges spontanés ainsi que de photographies numériques commerciales, je me propose d’en entreprendre une analyse linguistique dont voici les grandes lignes.Les particularités du « français mostaganémois » sont, tout d’abord, d’ordre phonétique. L’examen du corpus visera à dégager les constantes dans la modification de la prononciation, en raisonnant en termes de variantes libres (opposées aux variantes combinatoires). On s’intéressera également aux particularités graphiques observées dans le corpus, pour tenter de mettre au jour, là encore, les régularités dans la relation entre graphies et sons.Les faits discursifs réunis dans le corpus seront étudiés sous un autre angle : il s’agira de faire apparaître les particularités du « français mostaganémois » sur le plan du lexique et de la morphosyntaxe. Ce volet comportera notamment le phénomène d’emprunt, de calque et de mélange codique, avec une attention particulière accordée aux modalités d’intégration des entités dans le système de la langue d’accueil.Il a été constaté de tout temps que les communautés d’origine étrangère vivant ou ayant cotoyé, par le passé, un pays d’accueil comme l’Algérie, sont susceptibles d’apporter des contributions linguistiques avec une influence certaine sur la pratique langagière des natifs. Il est vraisemblable que le poids numérique d’une communauté joue un rôle prépondérant dans l’influence linguistique. Il est également vraisemblable qu’un phénomène de « néologie lexicale et d’emprunt » soit lié à la forte présence française. Beaucoup de mots d’origine française sont constamment annexés dans la nomenclature algérienne à travers, notamment les pratiques linguistiques quotidiennes (usage) et les documents officiels, tels que les dictionnaires bilingues, les manuels scolaires, la littérature maghrébine d’expression française (statut). Aussi peut-on s’interroger à propos des facteurs déterminants cette annexion, est-ce : l’attitude des ainés, davantage scolarisé en langue française, qui fait qu’on reste attaché à cette langue et qu’on perpétue la pratiquer au quotidein ? Les revendications d’ordre social qui génèrent une récurrence dans l’expression de la langue pratiquée par les locuteurs ? Le rôle des mas médias destinés à cette communauté ? La fréquence des problèmes rencontrés par les jeunes de ladite communauté étant entendue que la dynamisation linguistique est boostée par la tranche jeune de la population ? L’impact du langage en circulation dans les mariages mixtes ? Le côtoiement communautaire dans les établissements d’enseignement public ? Le brassage de population dû à un constant ballet de visites françaises ?Notre problématique traitera du lexique d’origine française, intégré dans le dialecte arabe de la ville de Mostaganem avec la mise en relief du hiatus qui existe entre la pratique langagière quotidienne (usage courant) et l’intégration officieuse dans la nomenclature de l’arabe parlé (usage règlementé par les faits sociaux). Cette problématique définira également la répartition du lexique d’origine française dans les différents domaines d’usage de la vie des locuteurs mostaganémois. / Careful observation of the language practices of Mostaganémois shows that the French - both oral as in writing - they spontaneously use is a variety in itself. If the sociolinguistic or ethnographic work on the inspiration in Algeria language contact phenomenon are numerous, there is not, at present, a precise and detailed description for developing a dictionary of facts that result from this language contact in the Mostaganem region.Having been consttituer a corpus of study, consisting essentially of spontaneous exchanges recordings and commercial digital photographs, I intend to undertake a linguistic analysis of which here are the highlights.The peculiarities of the "French mostaganémois" are, first, phonetic order. The corpus of the review will aim to identify the constants in changing the pronunciation, reasoning in terms of free variants (as opposed to combinatorial variants). It will also focus on graphics features observed in the corpus, to try to bring to light again, patterns in the relationship between sounds and spellings.Discursive facts gathered in the corpus will be considered from another angle: it will show the characteristics of the "French mostaganémois" in terms of vocabulary and morphosyntax. This component will include especially the borrowing phenomenon layer and code-mixing, with special attention given to entities of integration arrangements in the system of the host language.It was found always that the foreign communities living or having rubbed the past, a host country like Algeria, are likely to bring linguistic contributions with some influence on the language practice native. It is likely that the numerical strength of a community plays a major role in the linguistic influence. It is also likely that a phenomenon of "lexical neologisms and borrowing" is linked to the strong French presence. Many words of French origin are constantly accompanying the Algerian nomenclature, particularly through everyday linguistic practices (use) and official documents, such as bilingual dictionaries, textbooks, North African literature in French (status) . So we can wonder about the determinants annexation, is the attitude of the elders, more schooled in French, which we remain committed to this language and that perpetuates the practice quotidein ? The claims of social order which generate a recurrence in the expression of the language used by the speakers? The role of media mas for this community? The frequency of the problems faced by young people of that community being understood that language revitalization is boosted by the younger segment of the population? The impact of outstanding language in mixed marriages? Community côtoiement in public schools? The population mixing due to a constant ballet of French visits?Our problem will address the lexicon of French origin, integrated in the Arabic dialect of the city of Mostaganem with highlighting the discrepancy between the daily language practice (current use) and informal integration in the nomenclature of the Arab spoken (regulated use by social facts). This issue will also define the distribution of the lexicon of French origin in the different areas of use of the life of mostaganémois speakers.

Le conflit dialectique de la situation sociolinguistique en Algerie, de 1962 à nos jours / The dialectic conflict of the sociolinguistic in Algeria, from 1962 to the present day

Kebieche, Redouane 25 March 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur la situation sociolinguistique en Algérie et sur les conflits linguistiques qu’elle a connus de 1962 à nos jours. L’objet de notre thèse se situe au croisement des facteurs historiques, politiques, socioculturels et des enjeux éducatifs. Il s’agit de développer une approche sociolinguistique afin d’analyser un conflit dialectique devenu permanent. Une première partie de ce travail met en évidence des aspects de ce conflit générés par l’opposition binaire entre le colonisateur et le colonisé. Nous proposons un aperçu historique remontant à 1830, en nous basant sur des témoignages historiques relatifs à la naissance de ce conflit identitaire, socioculturel et linguistique. Une deuxième partie analyse la situation sociolinguistique de 1962 à nos jours, une nouvelle période qui a vu apparaître un autre type de conflit. Il s’agit là d’un conflit tripartite, cette fois entre trois communautés linguistiques (arabophone, francophone, berbérophone) et leurs relations complexes et ambiguës. Après avoir présenté et étudié la situation dans le Maghreb en général et en Algérie en particulier, nous cherchons à comprendre les phénomènes et les pratiques sociolinguistiques que l’on peut observer actuellement auprès de la population algérienne. Une troisième partie comporte une étude empirique des comportements linguistiques et de la perception des différentes langues sur le terrain. Nous l’avons effectuée à l’aide d’un questionnaire destiné aux trois communautés linguistiques qui nous a permis d’évaluer le paysage sociolinguistique de la société algérienne dans des situations formelles et informelles et dans le rapport entre la sphère privée et la sphère publique. Au travers de cette recherche nous nous interrogeons sur la tension instaurée par ce conflit dialectique d’ordre sociolinguistique, dans un pays en proie à des divergences historiques, politiques et socioculturelles, mis face aux conséquences des politiques éducatives controversés de ces dernières décennies. Notre recherche soulève la question des enjeux de l’idéologisation et de la politisation de la question linguistique, mettant au jour ses effets sur l’image des langues en présence dans les perspectives des locuteurs algériens. / The research undertaken in this thesis is centred on the conflictive sociolinguistic situation in Algeria from 1962 until the present day. The main focus of this study can be found at the crossroads of historical factors with political and sociocultural ones as well as with questions pertaining to education. The aim is to develop a sociolinguistic approach of a permanent dialectic conflict. The first part of the study puts to the fore elements that characterise this conflict in its binary dimension between coloniser and colonised. We propose a historical vision of events that go back to 1830, basing our work on historical accounts pertinent to the origins of a sociocultural and linguistic conflict of identity. The second part analyses the sociolinguistic situation from 1962 until the present, a new period that has witnessed the arrival of new forms of conflict of a threefold type in accordance to three components related to the three linguistic communities (Arab-speaking, French-speaking and Berber-speaking) and to the complex and ambiguous relationships they entertain with one another. After the presentation of this question as regards the wider field of North Africa, we centre our study specifically on Algeria and seek to understand the sociolinguistic phenomena and practices developed by Algerians. A third part is devoted to an empirical field study based on a questionnaire aimed at the three linguistic communities. This work has enabled us to evaluate the sociolinguistic landscape of Algerian society in formal and informal situations, and in the relationship between private and public space. This study questions the tensions arising from a sociolinguistic situation that evolved from historical, political, socio-cultural an educational reasons. It brings to light questions pertaining to a certain ideological and political use of the linguistic aspects of the country, highlighting the effects on the image of the languages concerned as regards the perspectives of Algerian speakers.

Concordância verbal de terceira pessoa do plural em Vitória da Conquista: variação estável ou mudança em progresso?

Oliveira, Marian dos Santos January 2005 (has links)
Submitted by Edileide Reis (leyde-landy@hotmail.com) on 2013-05-13T18:53:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marian dos Santos Oliveira.pdf: 793173 bytes, checksum: 0de70a683216a076d3fb18b37307e8b6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-16T17:32:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Marian dos Santos Oliveira.pdf: 793173 bytes, checksum: 0de70a683216a076d3fb18b37307e8b6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-16T17:32:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marian dos Santos Oliveira.pdf: 793173 bytes, checksum: 0de70a683216a076d3fb18b37307e8b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Nesta dissertação, apresenta-se o estudo da concordância verbal (CV) de terceira pessoa do plural (P6), em Vitória da Conquista - BA. A pesquisa, conduzida com base nos pressupostos teóricos da Teoria Variacionista Laboviana, partiu de um corpus composto de trinta e dois (32) inquéritos de informantes, dessa localidade. Esses inquéritos, resultantes de coleta de fala espontânea através de entrevistas individuais, foram transcritos, e posteriormente fez-se levantamento e codificação de cem (100) ocorrências, que totalizaram três mil e duzentos (3.200) dados para a análise, que partiu da hipótese de que nessa comunidade, a concordância em P6 é uma regra variável, regida por fatores de ordem lingüística e social. Para a verificação dos fatores lingüísticos condicionantes no uso da regra em questão, consideraramse: a constituição do SN sujeito, a realização, posição e distância do sujeito na oração, o traço semântico do sujeito, o tipo, o tempo e a conjugação verbais, além da saliência fônica. Quanto à avaliação da influência de fatores sociais sobre a regra em análise, consideraram-se o sexo dos informantes, três faixas etárias e três níveis de escolaridade. Após a coleta e transcrição dos dados, os passos seguintes consistiram em codificação e análise dos grupos de fatores previamente definidos, para submetê-los à quantificação no software VARBRUL. A fim de se resolver os problemas de knowckouts técnicos, houve uma divisão dos grupos nas rodadas, por isso a análise engloba todos os fatores, mas estes aparecem em dois momentos ? variáveis lingüísticas primeira instância que engloba a saliência fônica, a realização, posição e distância do sujeito na oração, a constituição do SN sujeito e o traço semântico do sujeito e variáveis lingüísticas segunda instância que envolve o tempo, o tipo e a conjugações verbais. A última parte da análise traz os resultados dos fatores sociais. O resultado da análise evidenciou um contexto de variação estável na comunidade, com percentuais de 49% para / Ø / e de 51% para / N / em P6. Os grupos lingüístico e extralingüístico, saliência fônica e escolaridade, respectivamente, foram os de maior relevância para os resultados encontrados. / Salvador

Realizações dos fonemas /t/ e /d/ em Aracaju Sergipe. / Realizations of the phonemes /t / and /d / in Aracaju-Sergipe.

Souza Neto, Antônio Félix de 13 June 2008 (has links)
This dissertation registers the contours and the results of a research concerning the variation of [t]and [t], [d] and [d] in the Aracajuano s speech who have never been out of their town, Aracaju, for more than 2 years long, and whose parents were also born in Aracaju. The research was developed underneath the basis of the Theory of Linguistic Variation. 3, 679 occurrences of those variants in the speech of 36 aracajuanos distributed considering age, sex and familiar incomes were recorded with the resources of an mp3-recorder. In order to clear phonetic and phonological aspects of those realizations, The Autossegmental Phonology and the representational model of Geometry of Feature were also evoked. The data were analyzed with the instrumental resources of analysis of Quantitative Sociolinguistic. Varbrul (Pintzuk, 1988) programs were used in the analysis. Phonological context, Age and familiar income were the most relevant factors. The results pointed out simple realizations [t] e [d] as the variants that best represent aracajuano s speech, with a single constraint: in the ambience with a [j] in the precedent phonological context and with a [i] in the phonological following context, complex variants are used as the rule. Nevertheless, those results have indicated that complex variants may represent conservation or innovation depending on the phonological context it s used. Some linguistic change is predictable. / Esta dissertação registra os contornos e resultados de uma pesquisa acerca da variação de [t] e [t], [d] e [d] na fala de aracajuanos que não se afastaram de sua cidade natal, Aracaju, por mais que 2 anos e cujos pais também são naturais de Aracaju. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com base na Teoria da Variação Lingüística. Com os recursos de um aparelho mp3 gravador, foram coletadas 3.679 ocorrências das variantes nas falas de 36 aracajuanos distribuídos por faixa etária, sexo e renda familiar. Para iluminar os aspectos fonéticos/fonológicos foram evocados a Fonologia Autossegmental e o modelo representacional da Geometria de Traços. Os dados foram analisados com instrumental de análise da Sociolingüística Quantitativa. Recursos do pacote de programas Varbrul (versão Pintzuk,1988) foram usados. As variáveis mais relevantes na análise foram o contexto fonológico, a faixa etária e a classe de renda familiar. Os resultados apontaram as realizações simples [t] e [d] como as variantes que melhor representam o falar aracajuano, com apenas uma restrição: no ambiente com [j] no contexto fonológico precedente e com [i] no contexto fonológico seguinte, a aplicação da regra equivale ao uso das variantes complexas [t] e [d]. Não obstante, os resultados dessa pesquisa também indicaram que em determinados ambientes fonológicos, as variantes complexas são conservadoras e em outros são inovadoras. Uma mudança em progresso é previsível.

Parcours migratoires et constructions identitaires en contextes francophones. Une lecture sociolinguistique du processus d'intégration de migrants africains en France et en Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick / Migrating and constructing identities in Francophone contexts. A sociolinguistic interpretation of African migrants' integration processes in France and New-Brunswick Acadia

Tending, Marie-Laure 24 October 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale interroge la construction des identités linguistiques dans les trajectoires migratoires et le processus d’intégration de migrants africains plurilingues, dont les parcours de vie s’inscrivent dans les espaces francophones pluriels et diversitaires que constituent l’Afrique subsaharienne, la France hexagonale et l’Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick. Elle repose sur une démarche comparée ayant pour but de chercher à comprendre comment et dans quelle mesure les migrants originaires d’Afrique noire s'inscrivent respectivement dans les contextes d'intégration particuliers que constituent l'Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick et la France, en misant ou pas sur leur identité et compétence francophones. Cette recherche s’inscrit par ailleurs dans une perspective qualitative herméneutique accordant une place primordiale aux expériences des personnes et à l’historicité des processus et des phénomènes sociaux innervant ces expériences. L’étude menée propose, dans cette perspective, une lecture sociolinguistique des histoires de vie et biographies langagières des migrants rencontrés : approche qui permet d’interpréter les expériences mises en mots par ces derniers, et de saisir la portée des reconfigurations engendrées par la confrontation à des environnements sociolinguistiques et socioculturels autres que ceux qui les ont institués en tant qu’individus-Locuteurs / This doctoral thesis explores the construction of linguistic identities in migrants' trajectories and the integration process of multilingual African migrants whose life courses are contextualized by the multiple and diversified Francophone spaces which Sub-Saharan Africa, mainland France and New Brunswick's Acadie represent. It is based on a comparative approach aimed at understanding how, and to what extent, migrants from Black Africa are integrated into each specific settlement context of New Brunswick's Acadie and France, and whether or not their integration validates their Francophone identity and competencies. Further, the research is informed by a hermeneutic qualitative perspective, which places primary importance on the lived experiences of individuals and the historicity of the social processes and phenomena underlying their experiences. Using this perspective, the study presents a sociolinguistic reading of life histories and linguistic biographies of the migrants interviewed. This approach makes it possible to interpret the experiences articulated in their comments, and to define the impact of reconfigurations generated by their contact with sociolinguistic and sociocultural environments different from those in which they first established themselves as individual speakers.

O apagamento do plural em sintagmas nominais numa comunidade de fala da cidade de Goiás

Pereira, Cleuzira Custodia 17 October 2008 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation was to investigate plural absence in Noun Syntagma in interviews with speakers of a community in Goias city, Brazil, based on theoretical and methodological Labov s Linguistic Variation approaches. Linguistic factors were: phonic prominence, syntagma elements position, syntagma elements grammatical class and syntagma structure. Extra linguistic variables were: schooling, sex and age. Based on works from Braga (1977) and Scherre (1988), the conditions for noun number agreement rules were studied and compared to pattern language in this community in Brazilian Portuguese speaking. The hypothesis were confirmed: speakers who studied till the second degree use less agreement rules than those who studied till fourth degree, although schooling was not relevant in every data crossing; female speakers are more concerned to these rules than male ones; explicit plural marks are less frequent in binary data (-prominent) as in mulher-mulheres, pior-piores; the first position have favored s retention in every data crossing; article was the grammatical class that received more plural marks; and syntagma structure that received more plural marks was that formed by a Determinant and a Noun (DET N) / O objetivo desta dissertação foi investigar o apagamento do plural em sintagmas nominais a partir de entrevistas com falantes de uma comunidade de fala da cidade de Goiás, com base nos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da Teoria da Variação e Mudança Lingüística de Labov. As variáveis lingüísticas estudadas foram: saliência fônica, posição dos elementos no sintagma nominal, classe gramatical dos elementos e estrutura sintagmática. As variáveis extralingüísticas foram: escolaridade, sexo e faixa etária. Com base nos trabalhos de Braga (1977) e Scherre (1988), foram estudados os condicionamentos da aplicação da regra de concordância de número de acordo com a norma padrão na fala dessa comunidade, no Português do Brasil. As hipóteses de pesquisa foram confirmadas: os falantes até segunda série fazem menos concordância que os de terceira e quarta séries, embora o grau de escolaridade não tenha sido relevante em todos os cruzamentos feitos; os falantes do sexo feminino preocupam-se mais em fazer a CN que os do sexo masculino; as marcas explícitas de plural ocorrem menos nos dados de forma binária (- saliente), como no plural em es (mulher-mulheres, pior-piores) e em is (real-reais, material-materiais); a primeira posição da marca de plural favoreceu a retenção do s em todos os cruzamentos feitos. Quanto à classe gramatical dos elementos formadores do SN, em todos os cruzamentos feitos, o artigo foi o que mais recebeu a marca de plural. A estrutura sintagmática de maior ocorrência de plural foi DET N, ou seja, a estrutura formada por um determinante e um substantivo. / Mestre em Lingüística

Folk säger köngen. Vi säger kungen : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys av dialektmomentet i läromedel / "People say köngen. We say kungen." : - A quantitative and qualitative content analysis of the dialect section in textbooks

Blidstam, Linnea January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med den här undersökningen är att genom en innehållsanalys analysera dialektmomentet i läromedel. Det som undersöks är vilket urval författarna har valt att göra och om man kan se någon språksociologiskt eller språkhistoriskt perspektiv och vilket omfång dialektmomentet har av läromedlens totala stofftext. Det urval som författarna till läromedlen har gjort jämförs även med vad vetenskapliga handböcker nämner. Arbetsuppgifterna i läromedlen har också undersökts. När det gäller arbetsuppgifterna har fokus legat på att se hur de ser ut och varför de ser ut som de gör. För att besvara frågorna har fyra läromedel och fyra vetenskapliga handböcker valts ut och sedan har en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av läromedlen gjorts. Som hjälp i den kvalitativa undersökningen har ett kodningsschema som Niklas Ammert utformat används. I den del av undersökningen har fokus legat på vilken framställningstyp som syns tydligast i läromedlen. Till den kvantitativa delen av undersökningen har en modell från Stefan Selander använts.  Resultatet visade att de vanligaste framställningstyperna i stofftexterna i avsnitten som behandlar dialektmomentet är den konstaterade och den förklarande. I arbetsuppgifterna är det dock den reflekterande och analyserande framställningstypen som är mest framstående. I arbetsuppgifterna ombes det ofta att eleverna ska reflektera och analysera dialekter utifrån sin egen dialekt. I resultatet visade sig i även att dialektmomenten verkar få ett större och större omfång. Resultatet visade även att det finns språkhistoriska perspektiv i många av läromedlen. Detsamma gäller dock inte det språksociologiska perspektivet som enbart framkommer lite i ett av läromedlen. / The aim of this essay to analyze the dialect section in textbooks using content analysis. What is studied is the selection that the text book authors have made and if one can detect a sociolinguistic or language historical perspective and how much the dialect section make up of the total matter of the textbook. The selection that the authors have made is also compared to what scientific manuals say. Moreover, the work exercises in the textbooks have also been examined. The focus when studying the exercises have been on how they are composed and why. Four textbooks and four scientific manuals have been selected inorder to answer the research questions. Then a quantitative and qualitative content analysis of the textbooks has been carried out. A coding scheme conducted by Niklas Ammert has been used as a guide for the qualitative study and a model by Stefan Selander has been used for the quantitative section. The result showed that the most common type of presentation in the textbook in the sections that include dialects is the confirming and explanatory type. Although, in the exercises it is the reflective and the analyzing type that is the most distinguished one. In the exercises the students are often asked to reflect and analyze dialects based on their dialect. The result showed that the dialect section seems to get an expanding range in the textbooks. The result also showed that there are language historical perspectives in the textbooks. However the result regarding the sociolinguistic perspective is not the same; it only occurs in one of the textbooks.

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