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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

protoBOM : Framework that semi-automatically generates Decision Support Systems based on Software Product Lines

Gomez Lacruz, Maria January 2008 (has links)
This thesis presents the development of a prototype of the Baseline Oriented Modeling (BOM) approach, called protoBOM. BOM is a framework that semi-automatically generates Decision Support Systems in a specific domain, based on Software Product Lines. protoBOM semi-automatically generates applications as PRISMA architectural models by using Model-Driven Architecture and Software Product Line techniques. These models are automatically compiled and the object code (C#, in .NET) is generated obtaining an executable application. In protoBOM, the user constructs Decision Support Systems in a simpler way by using the ontologies of the diagnosis and the application domains by means of Domain Specific Languages. The interfaces will be closer to the problem domain, which will facilitate user interaction in a manner simple and intuitive.

Unifying abstractions and code with concern maps

Cooney, Patrick January 2006 (has links)
People trying to understand, develop and maintain software have faced greater challenges as the complexity of software systems has increased. These challenges include the difficulty of cleanly separating different intertwined parts of a system, or relating parts of the system spread across many modules. This makes it difficult to neatly identify an area of interest, which in turn makes it difficult to understand or edit that area. The ability to separate these areas of interest, called concerns, into their own modules has been shown to improve the situation. Several approaches have been developed to enable this separation: aspect-oriented programming allows program code to be divided into smaller modules that better match areas of interest; reverse engineering tools help programmers extract information from an existing system; requirements traceability tools track individual requirements through the development process. This thesis describes a technique that works in a wide variety of circumstances. This technique allows users to create simple diagrams that describe the concern and then annotate this diagram with query expressions which link the diagram to related development artefacts like source code or documents. This research has used the tool in a set of common scenarios and compared the results to those achieved using other approaches.

Developing a UML extensionfor the GUI.

Constantinou, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
The graphical user interface (GUI) could have a major impact on the successof an application. Like any other software component, the GUI is designedbefore being developed. The software design process usually starts with anabstract design that is illustrated via a modeling language and narrows downto more specific details during the process. However, there are not anymodeling languages that are explicitly focusing on designing the blueprint ofthe GUI. Developing a modeling language that is specialized in designing theskeleton of the graphical user interface could offer the software designers,architectures and clients the means of obtaining a better communication andunderstanding. Thus, developing a better product. In this report, thedevelopment of such a modeling language was made. The modeling languagecan illustrate the blueprint of the GUI. The development process was madeafter researching and finding the most suitable development procedures forour modeling language.

Towards Emergent Configurations in the Internet of Things

Alkhabbas, Fahed January 2018 (has links)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast-spreading technology that enables new types of services in several domains, such as transportation, health, and building automation. To exploit the potential of the IoT effectively, several challenges have to be tackled including the following ones. First, the proposed IoT visions provide a fragmented picture, leading to a lack of consensus about IoT systems and their constituents. A second set of challenges concerns the environment of IoT systems that is often dynamic and uncertain, e.g. devices can appear and be discovered at runtime as well as become suddenly unavailable. Additionally, the in- volvement of human users complicates the scene as people’s activities are not always predictable . The majority of existing approaches to en- gineer IoT systems rely on predefined processes to achieve users’ goals. Consequently, such systems have significant shortcomings in coping with dynamic and uncertain environments. To piece together the fragmented picture of IoT systems, we sys- tematically identified their characteristics by analyzing and synthesizing existing taxonomies. To address the challenges related to the IoT envir- onment and the involvement of human users, we used the concept of Emergent Configurations (ECs) to engineer IoT systems. An EC consists of a dynamic set of devices that cooperate temporarily to achieve a user goal. To realize this vision, we proposed novel approaches that enable users to achieve their goals by supporting the automated formation, en- actment, and self-adaptation of IoT systems. / <p>Note: The papers are not included in the fulltext online.</p><p>Paper I in dissertation as manuscript.</p>

Automated Contingency Management in Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Usach Molina, Héctor 04 November 2019 (has links)
[ES] El ritmo de desarrollo tecnológico actual y la investigación científica están permitiendo alcanzar mayores niveles de automatización en todos los sectores industriales. Uno de los ejemplos más representativos es el uso de aeronaves no tripuladas (UAS) en diferentes aplicaciones. Debido al gran potencial de este tipo de aeronaves, las Autoridades de Aviación Civil están desarrollando un nuevo marco regulatorio que permita integrarlas en el espacio aéreo civil de forma segura. El objetivo consiste en garantizar que la operación con UAS se realice con un nivel de seguridad equivalente al de la aviación tripulada convencional. Para tratar de alcanzar este objetivo, esta tesis propone aumentar el nivel de automatización de un UAS dotando al sistema embarcado con la capacidad de Gestión Automática de Contingencias (ACM). La función del sistema ACM es la de asesorar al piloto en el momento en que se produce una contingencia en vuelo; y en última instancia, tomar el control total de la aeronave si la situación así' lo requiere (por ejemplo, en caso de pérdida del enlace de Comunicación y Control (C2)) o si el piloto delega la resolución del conflicto al sistema automático. Para acreditar que las nuevas funciones no suponen un riesgo añadido para la operación, resultará determinante seguir metodologías de diseño seguro basadas en los estándares de la industria aeroespacial. La tesis propone una solución tecnológica basada en tres pilares: a) una arquitectura software para el sistema automático a bordo de la aeronave que trate de adaptar la trayectoria de vuelo a la condición operacional del vehículo, equilibrando seguridad y robustez; b) una especificación de Plan de Misión novedosa que permita aumentar la predictibilidad de la aeronave tras sufrir una contingencia; y c) un modelo de riesgo que permita determinar la ruta que minimiza el riesgo derivado de la operación. Las diferentes propuestas realizadas en esta tesis se han implementado en un demostrador y se han validado en un entorno de simulación. Los resultados obtenidos apoyan la idea de que dotar al sistema embarcado de mayor grado de automatización puede ser un mecanismo viable hacia la integración segura de UAS en el espacio aéreo civil. En concreto, los resultados muestran que el sistema ACM propuesto es capaz de reducir el riesgo de la operación tras sufrir una contingencia y que, cuando esto ocurre, la respuesta de la aeronave sigue siendo predecible, incluso si el piloto no puede intervenir. / [CA] El ritme de desenvolupament tecnològic actual i la investigació científica estan permetent implementar majors nivells d'automatització a tots els àmbits de la indústria. Un dels exemples més representatius és l'ús d'aeronaus no tripulades (UAS) en diferents aplicacions. Vist el gran potencial d'aquest tipus d'aeronaus, les Autoritats d'Aviació Civil estan tractant de desenvolupar un nou marc regulador que permeta integrar-les en l'espai aeri civil de forma segura. Es tracta de garantir que l'operació d'un UAS es realitza amb un nivell de seguretat equivalent al de l'aviació tripulada convencional. Per tal d'assolir aquest objectiu, aquesta tesi proposa augmentar el nivell d'automatització d'un UAS dotant el sistema embarcat amb la capacitat de Gestió Automàtica de Contingències (ACM). La funció del sistema ACM és assessorar el pilot quan ocorre una contingència en vol; i en última instància, prendre el control total sobre l'aeronau si és necessari (per exemple, en cas de pèrdua de l'enllaç de Comunicació i Control (C2)) o si el pilot delega la resolució del conflicte al sistema automàtic. Per tal d'acreditar que les noves funcions del sistema automàtic no comporten un risc afegit per a l'operació, resultarà determinant emprar metodologies de disseny segur d'acord amb els estàndards de la indústria aeroespacial. La tesi proposa una solució tecnològica basada en tres pilars: a) una arquitectura software per al sistema automàtic a bord de l'aeronau que tracte d'adaptar la trajectòria de vol a la condició operacional del vehicle, equilibrant seguretat i robustesa; b) una especificació de Pla de Missió innovadora que permeta augmentar la predictibilitat de l'aeronau quan ocorre una contingència; i c) un model de risc que permeta determinar la ruta que minimitza el risc derivat de l'operació. Les distintes propostes realitzades en aquesta tesi s'han implementat sobre un demostrador i s'han validat en un entorn de simulació. Els resultats de la investigació recolzen la idea que dotar el sistema embarcat d'un major grau d'automatització pot ser un mecanisme adient per integrar els UAS en l'espai aeri civil de manera segura. En concret, els resultats indiquen que el sistema ACM és capaç de reduir el risc de l'operació quan ocorre una contingència i que en eixe cas, la resposta de l'aeronau segueix sent predicible, fins i tot si el pilot no hi pot intervenir. / [EN] Technological development and scientific research are steadily enabling higher levels of automation in the global industry. In the aerospace sector, the operation of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) is a clear example. Given the huge potential of the UAS market, Civil Aviation Authorities are elaborating a new regulatory framework for the safe integration of UAS into the civil airspace. The general goal is ensuring that the operation of UAS has an Equivalent Level of Safety (ELOS) to that of manned aviation. To meet the previous goal, this thesis advocates for increasing the level of automation of UAS operations by providing the automatic system on-board the aircraft with Automated Contingency Management (ACM) functions. ACM functions are designed to assist the pilot-in-command in case a contingency, and ultimately to fully replace the pilot if this is required by the situation (e.g. due to a Command and Control (C2) link loss) or if the pilot decides so. However, in order for automation to be safe, automated functions must be developed following safe design methodologies based on aerospace standards. The thesis develops a technological solution that is based on three pillars: a) a software architecture for the automatic system on-board the aircraft that tries to autonomously adapt to contingencies while still achieving mission objectives; b) a novel Mission Plan specification than increases predictability in the event of a contingency; and c) a probabilistic risk model that ensures that the flight trajectory is optimal from the point of view of the risk exposure. The different proposals are prototyped and validated using a simulation environment. The results obtained support the idea that an increase in the automation level of the aircraft can be an effective means towards the safe integration of UAS into the civil airspace. The proposed ACM functions are proved to reduce the operational risk in the event of a contingency, while ensure that the aircraft remains predictable, even without pilot intervention. / En primer lloc, vull fer constar que aquesta tesi ha estat co-financiada pel Fons Social Europeu 2014-2020 i pel programa VALI+d de la Generalitat Valenciana (expedient número ACIF/2016/197). / Usach Molina, H. (2019). Automated Contingency Management in Unmanned Aircraft Systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/130202

Towards cloud application architectural patterns: transfer, evolution, innovation and oblivion

Dimitrov, Dimitar January 2015 (has links)
Recently, cloud computing has been gaining more and more popularity. Misunderstanding, misusing and underutilizing the cloud offerings, though, both from business and technical perspective still poses a threat to the success of cloud projects. On the technical side, one of the main reasons for success or failure is often the architectural design of the system – if a system is not architected the “cloud way”, using cloud’s special characteristics, the business benefits of such a system are often questionable at best. Software architecture through architectural patterns – reusable generic solutions to classes of problems – has for long been a good way to overcome the challenges of software architecture. This paper focuses on establishing the grounds and highlighting the differences of the knowledge transfer regarding architectural patterns from building pre-cloud (“traditional”) software systems to building cloud-native systems. The following 3 research questions drive this research: RQ1.     How does the existing knowledge on architectural patterns relate to the cloud computing environment? RQ2.     Which characteristics of architectural patterns make them suitable for the cloud environment? RQ3.     How can architectural pattern evolution be documented effectively for usage in the practice? In order to answer these 3 research questions and considering their focus is on utility i.e. creating a model which can be directly used in practice, the research uses design science research methodology (Peffers, et al., 2007-8). The emphasis in this methodology is iteratively building artefact(s) which can be improved and proven through practice that they actually help solving the problem at hand. This research contributes with building 4 inter-connected artefacts: a cloud applicability taxonomy of architectural patterns (CATAP) showing how applicable to a cloud environment an architectural pattern is and why; a pattern-to-characteristics mapping showing how using an architectural pattern affects the resulting system in traditional and cloud environments; a pattern form documenting the architectural patterns and the findings about them in the previous two artefacts; a wiki site, APE Wiki, which makes the results available to the public for reference and discussion and improvement. This research has a few interesting findings. First of all, the current architectural pattern knowledge seems to be very mature as no pattern has been found to have significantly evolved because of cloud – the architectural patterns are really generic and very flexible and only their effect on system characteristics has changed with the environment switch. On the other hand, a few new patterns were discovered and documented, which confirms the need for special attention to the new environment. Apart from that, the pattern-to-characteristics mapping provides interesting insights into which characteristics are most important for cloud and where there is a gap which may need to be filled. This paper presents both the process and the results of the research as equally important as replicating and extending this research could help in maturing the results and the knowledge about architecting systems for cloud thus increasing the chances of success of cloud projects.

Modulär och distribuerad arkitektur för styrning och avläsning av heterogen apparatur i flerklientmiljö / Modular and distributed architecture for control and measurement of heterogenous apparatus in a multi-client environment

Stansvik, Elvis January 2015 (has links)
Följande projektrapport beskriver arbetet med att ta fram ett modulärt distribuerat system för fjärrstyrning och -avläsning av hårdvaruenheter i en apparat för mineralanalys. Resultatet visar hur ett sådant system med fördel kan byggas på fjärranrop, publiceringar och prenumerationer med hjälp av ett externt ramverk. Delar av systemet har testkörts mot målhårdvaran. Resterande delar har testats mot simulatorer. Systemet är flexibelt, med en stark separation mellan dess komponenter, och dess utökningsbarhet har verifierats kvalitativt. / The following report describes the design and development of a modular distributed system for remote control and measurement of hardware devices in a machine for mineral analysis. The result shows how such a system can be built on remote procedures, publications and subscriptions using an external framework. Parts of the system has been tested on the target machine. Remaining parts have been tested through simulation. The system is flexible, with a strong separation between components, and its extensibility has been verified qualitatively.

Feature-based Software Asset Modeling With Domain Specific Kits

Altintas, Nesip Ilker 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study proposes an industrialization model, Software Factory Automation, for establishing software product lines. Major contributions of this thesis are the conceptualization of Domain Specific Kits (DSKs) and a domain design model for software product lines based on DSKs. The concept of DSK has been inspired by the way other industries have been successfully realizing factory automation for decades. DSKs, as fundamental building blocks, have been deeply elaborated with their characteristic properties and with several examples. The constructed domain design model has two major activities: first, building the product line reference architecture using DSK abstraction / and second, constructing reusable asset model again based on DSK concept. Both activities depend on outputs of feature-oriented analysis of product line domain. The outcome of these coupled modeling activities is the reference architecture and asset model of the product line. The approach has been validated by constructing software product lines for two product families. The reusability of DSKs and software assets has also been discussed with examples. Finally, the constructed model has been evaluated in terms of quality improvements, and it has been compared with other software product line engineering approaches.

Industrial IoT Management Systemfor Tubes with Integrated Sensors

Klasson, Anders, Rosengren, Johan January 2018 (has links)
Sandvik har utvecklat en teknik för att placera sensorer i rör. Denna teknik har stor marknadspotential och kan effektivisera många industriprocesser. Den färdiga tjänsten ska kunna strömma sensordata till molntjänster för analys och avläsning.Deras nuvarande system kräver idag manuell konfiguration på plats och är komplicerad att installera. Denna uppsats undersöker hur systemets utrustning kan konfigureras automatiskt och hur ett system för underliggande IT-tjänster skulle kunna fungera.En lösning presenteras där många delar av installationsprocessen har automatiserats, samt en skiss för ett underliggande system.Lösningen utvärderas genom att utföra en mätning av konfigureringskomplexitet. Slutsatsen av utvärderingen var att det utvecklade system hade utökad funktionalitet, jämfört med dagens manuella tillvägagångssätt, och var inte mer komplex att konfigurera. I många avseenden mindre komplex. / Sandvik has developed a technique to place sensors inside tubes. This technology has great market potential and can optimize many industrial processes. The finished product should be able to stream sensor data to cloudservices for analysis and reading.The current system requires manual configuration on-site and the installation is labor intensive. This thesis investigates how the system’s hardware can be configured atomically, and how a supporting IT-system could function.A solution is presented where large portion of the installation process has been automated, along with an outline for a supporting system.The solution is evaluated by performing a measurement of the configuration complexity. The evaluation shows that the developed system had increased functionality compared to today’s manual configuration, configuration complexity was not increased. In many aspects, the configuration complexity was reduced.


Silva Junior, Geovane Bezerra da 20 March 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T14:52:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Geovane bezerra.pdf: 1597415 bytes, checksum: 1a51bd2c6aed9c1c6ee46b8369083350 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-03-20 / This work proposes a collection of architectural patterns for the development of multi-agent systems. Main architectural concerns like communication, cooperation and coordination mechanisms between the agents of the society are particularly analyzed in each described pattern. The generation of new patterns through the extension or composition of the proposed ones is also approached. The methodology for pattern extraction is based on the study of frequently used architectures of multi-agent systems, like blackboard and federative architectures, and on mechanisms of cooperation and coordination usually identified in such architectures, like master-slave, meeting and negotiator mechanisms, as well. Pattern description is based on AUML and KQML. Main AUML diagrams, like agent packages, agent diagrams and agent interaction diagrams are used to represent the structure and behavior of the society. In those diagrams, agent interactions are represented as KQML performatives. Proposed patterns are validated through the construction of three case studies related to the development of multi-agent systems for information retrieval and filtering. In these case studies, the architectures RETSINA, AMALTHAEA and ABARFI are analyzed and the reuse or potential application of proposed patterns is identified. / Este trabalho propõe uma coleção de padrões arquiteturais para o desenvolvimento de sistemas multiagente. Os principais problemas arquiteturais tais como comunicação, cooperação e mecanismo de coordenação entre os agentes são analisados e descritos em cada padrão. A geração de novos padrões pela extensão ou composição dos padrões propostos também é abordada. A metodologia utilizada para extração de padrões está baseada no estudo de arquiteturas de sistemas multiagente freqüentemente utilizadas, como as arquiteturas quadro-negro e federativas e nos mecanismos de cooperação e coordenação geralmente identificados em tais arquiteturas, como os mecanismos mestre-escravo, reunião e negociador. A descrição dos padrões está baseada em AUML e KQML. Os principais diagramas da AUML, como o diagrama de pacotes, o diagrama de agente e o diagrama de interação são usados para representar a estrutura e o comportamento da sociedade. Nesses diagramas, a representação das interações entre os agentes é feita com a utilização das performatives de KQML. Os padrões propostos são validados através da construção de três estudos de caso relacionados ao desenvolvimento de sistemas multiagente para recuperação e filtragem de informações. Nesses estudos de caso, são analisadas as arquiteturas RETSINA, AMALTHAEA e ABARFI e é identificado a potencial reutilização ou aplicação dos padrões propostos.

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