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Model-Based Exploration of Parallelism in Context of Automotive Multi-Processor SystemsHöttger, Robert Martin 15 July 2021 (has links)
This dissertation entitled ’Model-Based Exploration of Parallelism in the Context of Automotive Multi-Core Systems’ deals with the analytical investigation of different temporal relationships for automotive multi-processor systems subject to critical, embedded, real-time, distributed, and heterogeneous domain requirements. Vehicle innovation increasingly demands high-performance platforms in terms of, e.g., highly assisted or autonomous driving such that established software development processes must be examined, revised, and advanced. The goal is not to develop application software itself, but instead to improve the model-based development process, subject to numerous constraints and requirements. Model-based software development is, for example, an established process that allows systems to be analyzed and simulated in an abstracted, standardized, modular, isolated, or integrated manner. The verification of real-time behavior taking into account various constraints and modern architectures, which include graphics and heterogeneous processors as well as dedicated hardware accelerators, is one of many challenges in the real-time and automotive community. The software distribution across hardware entities and the identification of software that can be executed in parallel are crucial in the development process. Since these processes usually optimize one or more properties, they belong to the category of problems that can only be solved in polynomial time using non-deterministic methods and thus make use of (meta) heuristics for being solved. Such (meta) heuristics require sophisticated implementation and configuration, due to the properties to be optimized are usually subject to many different analyses.
With the results of this dissertation, various development processes can be adjusted to modern architectures by using new and extended processes that enable future and computationally intensive vehicle applications on the one hand and improve existing processes in terms of efficiency and effectiveness on the other hand. These processes include runnable partitioning, task mapping, data allocation, and timing verification, which are addressed with the help of constraint programming, genetic algorithms, and heuristics.
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Smart Software Engineering - Gestaltung agiler Methoden und Technologien zur Verbesserung der Softwareentwicklungsprozesse mittelständischer SystemhäuserBarenkamp, Marco 19 April 2021 (has links)
Im Rahmen der Dissertation wurden die Wechselwirkungen, mögliche Potenziale und Herausforderungen von agilen Prinzipien im Hinblick auf IoT– und KI–Anwendungen auf den Softwareentwicklungsprozess in mittelständischen Unternehmen untersucht. Dazu wurde primär dem gestaltungsorientierten Forschungsparadigma, welches von besonderer Relevanz für die konstruktionsorientierte deutsche Wirtschaftsinformatik ist, gefolgt. Ein Primärziel dieses Forschungsvorhabens war die theoretische Herleitung agiler Methoden und Technologien zur Verbesserung der Software–Engineering–Prozesse mittelständischer Systemhäuser sowie die empirische Validierung und kritische Betrachtung dieser Technologien und Methodiken anhand ausgewählter, repräsentativer Fallbeispiele. Das zweites Primärziel der Dissertation ist die Forschungsarbeit an KI–Systemen, insbesondere im Rahmen von IoT–Anwendungen unter Berücksichtigung der möglichen Wechselwirkungen.
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The autonomous crewmate : A sociotechnical perspective to implementation of autonomous vehicles in sea rescueLundblad, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
The usage of autonomous vehicles is starting to appear in several different domains and the domain of public safety is no exception. Wallenberg Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) has created a research arena for public safety (WARA-PS) to explore experimental features, usages, and implementation of autonomous vehicles within the domain of public safety. Collaborating in the arena are several companies, universities, and researchers. This thesis examines, in collaboration with Combitech, a company partnered in WARA-PS, how the implementation of autonomous vehicles affects the sociotechnical system of a search and rescue operation during a drifting boat with potential castaways. This is done by creating a case together with domain experts, analyzing the sociotechnical system within the case using cognitive work analysis and then complementing the analyses with the unmanned autonomous vehicles of WARA-PS. This thesis has shown how the WARA-PS vehicles can be implemented in the case of a drifting boat with potential castaways and how the implementation affects the sociotechnical system. Based on the analyses and opinions of domain experts’ future guidelines has been derived to further the work with sociotechnical aspects in WARA-PS. / WARA-PS
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Kan projekt med öppen källkod användas delvis eller helt för at tuppfylla behoven för routing-applikationer? / Could open source projects be used partly or completely to fulfill the needs for routing-applications?Adugna, Leykun, Laic, Goran January 2020 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är det inte ovanligt för företag och organisationer att hitta bättre och alternativa mjukvaror med öppen källkod för att lösa sina behov. De söker programvaror som har de nödvändiga egenskaperna som krävs för att driva sin verksamhet och eventuellt ersätta egenutvecklad programvara för att spara tid och undvika onödiga kostnader. Denna avhandling har undersökt företagens behov av routing-applikationer och tagit fram ett förslag med hjälp av egenutvecklad testbädd. Den egenutvecklade testbädden kan användas av företag för att avgöra om den önskade öppen källkod programvara är lönsamt att implementera i ens verksamhet. Den routing-applikation som visade sig vara bättre än den befintliga är FRRouting(Free Range Routing). Lösningen som föreslås av studien har givit bevisad effekt genom ett pilotprojekt där öppen källkod har varit framgångsrikt på ett kvalitetsmässigt, funktionellt och kostnadseffektivt sätt att ersätta en befintlig programvara / Companies are looking into the open source community in the hope of finding a better alternative software to replace their existing software suit. They are looking for software that has the necessary properties required to run their business and possibly help them avoid unnecessary costs and save time. This thesis has examined the needs of routing application for companies and presented a suggestion by using self-developed testbed. The testbed can be used by companies to decide the beneficial of implementing the desired routing application software. The routing application that gave the best result in this study is FRRouting (Free Range Routing). The solution proposed by the study has been proven to be effective through a pilot project where open source program has been successful by retaining the expected quality, functionality in a cost-effective way.
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