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Contribuição ao estudo do sensor de umidade do solo que utiliza a técnica de dissipação de calor baseado em um transistor de junção bipolar (NPN) / Contribution to the study of soil moisture sensor utilizing the technique of heat dissipation based a npn bipolar junction transistorRoque, Wellington 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: José Antonio Siqueira Dias / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T06:29:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Roque_Wellington_D.pdf: 36135434 bytes, checksum: 2e9ca0be59b1286da36d45ebc67dfd0d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: A aplicação de sensores de umidade do solo vem aumentando devido à necessidade do uso eficiente da água para irrigação. Uma das técnicas amplamente utilizadas para o desenvolvimento desses sensores é a de dissipação de calor. Nesta técnica, um elemento aquecedor é usado para aplicar um pulso de calor no solo, gerando um aumento de temperatura, o qual é mensurado e relacionado com a umidade do solo. Porém, um dos principais problemas desse tipo de sensor é sua baixa sensibilidade. Buscando resolver esse problema, foi desenvolvido um sensor que utiliza um transistor bipolar como único elemento aquecedor e transdutor de temperatura. Uma energia aplicada causa aquecimento no transistor e consequentemente provoca uma variação na tensão da junção base-emissor. Com isso, realizamos um estudo, a fim de determinar qual o valor ideal de energia aplicada que proporcionaria a máxima sensibilidade na medida da variação da temperatura. Para isso foram utilizados para fabricação dos sensores 16 transistores com encapsulamento metálico (TO - 18). Os sensores foram inseridos em amostras de solo deformadas, que foram saturadas para realização da medida da umidade do solo, através do método gravimétrico. Foram realizados com cada sensor curvas de calibração relacionando a umidade do solo com a com o valor de ?T, para os diferentes valores de energias fornecidos no sensor. Após análise dos dados, foram escolhidos dois sensores que apresentaram maior variação entre suas curvas de calibração para serem inseridos em uma solução de Agar Agar e no Ar, realizando várias medidas nos sensores, sempre com os mesmos valores de energia, para verificar a repetibilidade dos mesmos. Os resultados mostraram que, em relação à energia aplicada no sensor, àquela que proporcionou uma maior sensibilidade em função da umidade do solo foi de 1:5J (25 V, 6,3 mA, 10 s). Foi constatado que a sensibilidade do sensor melhora com o aumento da potência, sendo que esta melhora é relativamente independente da energia fornecida. Em relação às medidas realizadas no Agar Agar, observamos uma melhora considerável do erro em função das medidas realizadas no solo, de 10% para o solo, para 4% no Agar Agar. Para as medidas realizadas no Ar, o valor do erro diminui para 1%. Para as medidas realizadas no solo, na solução de Agar Agar e no Ar, chegamos à conclusão que a diminuição do erro das medidas realizadas em cada um deles, ocorre devido à mudança do contato do sensor com o solo durante as medidas, visto que o solo, quando começa perder umidade ele altera o seu volume, levando a uma diminuição da superfície de contato do mesmo com o sensor. Esse erro pode ser também em função da variação da densidade do solo que ocorre durante a realização dos ensaios, causando uma diferença no valor das medidas, já citadas em outras literaturas. Observamos também que para a melhor utilização do sensor em diferentes faixas de umidade do solo, há a necessidade de alterar a energia aplicada, devido à sensibilidade de o sensor ser maior para umidades mais baixas (abaixo de 30%), necessitando de um acréscimo do valor da energia aplicada para se obter uma melhor sensibilidade para umidades altas (acima de 30%) / Abstract: The use of soil moisture sensors is increasing due to the need for efficient use of water for irrigation. One technique widely used for the development of these sensors is the heat dissipation. In this technique, a heater element is used for applying a pulse of heat into the soil, causing a rise in temperature, which is measured and related to the soil moisture. However, a major problem of this type of sensor is its low sensitivity. To solve this problem, we developed a sensor that uses a bipolar transistor as a single element heater and temperature transducer. Energy applied to the transistor causes its heating, which in turn causes a variation on the voltage of the base-emitter junction. So we conducted a study to determine the optimal value of energy applied to provide maximum sensitivity in the measurement of temperature variation. To do this, 16 metal case TO-18 package transistors were used in the fabrication of the sensors. The sensors were inserted in deformed soil samples, which were water-saturated to perform the measurement of soil moisture using the gravimetric method. With each sensor we obtained calibration curves relating the soil moisture to the value of temperature for the different values of energy supplied to the sensor. After analyzing the data, two sensors that showed greater temperature variation in their calibration curves were chosen to be inserted into a solution of Agar Agar and in the air, in order to perform multiple measurements with the sensors at the same energy values to check their repeatability. The results showed that the energy which provided a greater sensitivity as a function of soil moisture was 1,5 J (25 V, 6,3 mA 10 s). We have found that the sensor sensitivity improves with increasing dissipated power and this improvement is relatively independent of the energy supplied. Regarding the measurements performed in Agar Agar, we observed a significantly lower error compared to the measurements taken in the soil: from 10% for the soil measurements to 4% in the Agar Agar. For the measurements made in air, the error decreased to 1%. For the measurements made in soil, in solution of Agar Agar and in air, we concluded that the decrease of the measurements errors performed in each of them occurs due to a changing in the contact between the sensor and the media during the measurements, because the soil changes its volume when it begins to lose moisture, leading to a decreased surface contact with the sensor. This error can also be due to the variation of soil density that occurs during the tests. We also observed that for the best use of this sensor in different ranges of soil moisture there is a need to change the applied power due to the higher sensitivity of the sensor for moisture content below 30%, needing an increase in the amount of this power to obtain a better sensitivity to humidity above 30% / Doutorado / Eletrônica, Microeletrônica e Optoeletrônica / Doutor em Engenharia Elétrica
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Repartição da água da chuva sob o dossel e umidade do solo no gradiente fisionômico da vegetação do Cerrado / Rainfall partioning under the canopy and soil moisture in the physiognomy gradient of Cerrado vegetationEliane Akiko Honda 29 November 2013 (has links)
Apesar da grande área ocupada pelo Cerrado no território brasileiro e de sua importância ecológica e hidrológica, ainda é desconhecida a repartição da água das chuvas no gradiente fisionômico da vegetação nesse bioma. No presente estudo quantificamos a interceptação da água das chuvas e a umidade do solo, para estabelecer correlações entre as características estruturais da vegetação, representadas principalmente pela área basal, e os dados hidrológicos. Para tanto, quantificamos a transprecipitação e o escoamento pelo tronco das árvores, em 15 parcelas representativas do gradiente fisionômico entre o cerrado típico e o cerradão, localizados na Estação Ecológica de Assis (EEcA), SP, para obtenção da proporção da precipitação efetiva que atravessa o dossel e chega à superfície do solo, em comparação com a precipitação total, quantificada a céu aberto. Os indivíduos lenhosos em cada parcela com DAP 5 cm foram identificados e medidos. A quantidade de transprecipitação foi tanto maior quanto menos complexa a estrutura da vegetação, sendo também influenciada pelas características da chuva incidente. A proporção da transprecipitação também foi fortemente influenciada pela estrutura da vegetação, porém, não foi detectada influência das características das chuvas. Assim, foi possível concluir que, em ambiente de Cerrado, é a estrutura da vegetação que influencia de forma decisiva a proporção de água que alcançará o solo sob forma difusa. A facilidade em captar a água da chuva e escoá-la pelo tronco variou em função de atributos da árvore, sendo que árvores mais altas e com copa volumosa escoaram maior quantidade, enquanto árvores de crescimento monopodial, tronco ereto e reto e copa compacta têm maior eficiência de captação. O agrupamento das parcelas em diferentes fisionomias resultou em diferenças significativas nas taxas de precipitação efetiva e interceptação, indicando que elas devem ser caracterizadas hidrologicamente como ambientes distintos, onde há gradação na quantidade de água que chega ao solo em função do gradiente de biomassa. A transição da entrada de água ao solo no gradiente do Cerrrado é crescente e contínua, desde as comunidades menos densas (cerrado típico) até as comunidades mais densas (cerradão). A dinâmica e a disponibilidade de água do solo foram mais influenciadas pelas propriedades do solo do que pela cobertura vegetal, quando ambos os fatores são variáveis. Concluímos que, em regiões nas quais a água é um recurso escasso, o manejo visando controlar a biomassa da vegetação é um recurso válido, visto que os resultados apontam para a importância das fisionomias mais abertas do Cerrado para a produção hídrica. / Despite the large area occupied by the Cerrado in Brazil and its ecological and hydrological importance, the rainfall partioning in the physiognomy gradient of the vegetation in this biome is still to be ellucidated. In this study, we quantified rainfall interception and the of soil moisture to establish correlations between vegetation structure, represented by the basal area, and hydrological data. Therefore, we quantified the troughfall and stemflow of trees in 15 plots representing the physiognomic gradient between typical cerradão and cerradão, located at Assis Ecological Station (EEcA), SP, to obtain the net rainfall reaching the ground, compared to the total precipitation quantified at open adjacent area. The woody plants with DBH 5 cm were identified and measured in every plot. Troughfall was lower when the vegetation structure was more complex, and was not influenced by micrometeorological factors. We concluded that, in Cerrado, vegetation structure decisively influences the proportion of rainfall to reaching the soil. The stemflow amount was greater the larger the tree and the tree canopy, while trees with monopodial growing, erect and straight trunk and compact canopy had more capture efficiency. Grouping plots by Cerrado physiognomies resulted in significant differences in both net precipitation and interception, indicating that they must be categorizes as hydrologically distinct environments. There is increasing and continuous transition from the more open communities (cerrado típico) to the forest physiognomies (cerradão) in the proportion of rainfall retained by the canopies. The dynamics and the availability of soil water were more influenced by soil properties than the vegetation cover, when both factors varies. This study points out the importance of low biomassa Cerrado physiognomies for hydric production and we concluded that, when and where water is a scarce resource, controlling vegetation biomass can be recommended to aiming at water production.
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Simulation of soil water movement model (SWaMM) using the Spider Distributed SystemWang, Li 01 January 2003 (has links)
This project implements a real application on the Spider II, which is a simulation of Soil Water Movement Model. The main objectives of this project were to develop a parallel and distributed algorithm for the Soil Water Model; implement the Soil Water Movement Simulation model on the Spider II distributed system and to evaluate the performance of simulating the Soil Water Movement Model on Spider II.
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Topografi och markfuktighet för granbarkborreskadad skog / Topography and soil moisture for spruce bark beetle damaged forestMagnebäck, Anders, Fälth, Peter January 2020 (has links)
En stor skadegörare på de svenska granskogarna är den åttatandade granbarkborren Ips typographus (L.). Torkstress, vattentillgång och landskapets topografi är faktorer som påverkar granens vitalitet. Om granen har en låg vitalitet riskerar den i högre utsträckning att bli angripen av granbarkborren. Syftet med studien var att analysera topografi och markfuktighet för granbarkborreskadad skog. Områden med skadade träd och oskadade träd jämfördes i GIS-programmet QGIS för att se om det fanns en skillnad med avseende på markfuktighet, lutning, lutningsriktning och höjd över havet. Resultatet visade att granbarkborren angriper främst gran i syd till sydvästlig och östlig riktning. Även områden på torrare marker har en ökad risk för angrepp samt områden där terrängen inte sluttar. Troligtvis löper områden där ovan nämnda variabler sammanfaller större risk att bli angripna av granbarkborren.
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Bezdrátová síť snímačů pro měření sacího potenciálu půdy / Wireless sensors network for measurement of soil water potentialRášo, Peter January 2011 (has links)
Cílem tohoto projektu je vytvoření bezdrátové senzorické sítě na měření sacího potenciálu půdy. Práce obsahuje výběr vhodné měřící metody obsahu vody v půdě, jejíž součástí je i tvorba kalibrač˘ní křivky. Dále se zabývá realizací hardwaru a firmwaru pro dva typy modulů. Stanice end station, obsahující snímač˘e, a základní stanice base station, která přijímá a přeposílá data. Celá aplikace je doplněna o uživatelský program, který umožňuje zálohování dat, zobrazování průběhů dat včetně dat předchozích, změnu nastavení systému spolu s možností žádosti o potřebné informace.
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Použití programu Rosetta k odhadu retenčních čar půdní vlhkosti z experimentální plochy Bohaté Málkovice / Using program Rosetta to estimate of soil moisture retention curves from experimental size Bohaté MálkoviceČermák, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Hydraulic characteristics are the most important properties of soil, i.e. retention curve of soil moisture and hydraulic conductivity. Hydraulic conductivity of soil characterizes the ability of the soil to conduct water. Retention curve expresses the relationship between moisture and moisture potential of soil. The running of retention curve is influenced by many factors, eg. grain size and mineralogical composition, content of humus, reduce bulk density and structure of soil. Measurement of retention curves takes a lot of time and money in laboratory conditions therefore pedotransfer functions seem to be an alternative solution. The thesis aims to estimate moisture retention curves of soil in a selected area of interest in South Moravia using program Rosetta (Schaap, 2003). Data of granularity (% content of clay, sand and dust), bulk density of soil and hydrolimits field water capacity and wilting point were used as predictors in individual models of program Rosetta. Data of grain were matched by FAO / USDA system. Retention curves of soil moisture were measured on a sand tank and overpressure devices. The measured retention curves were parameterized by RETC program. Estimated retention curves were graphically compared with measured to determine the quality of the estimate. The accuracy of the estimate was assessed by correlation coefficient R of determination coefficient R2 and standard error SMRE. Usability own derivatives pedotransfer functions is hard to say due to the size of the input data file. I would recommend further verification of data at the other localities in south Moravia.
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Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture with I-Band Signals of OpportunityJared D Covert (8816072) 08 May 2020 (has links)
Measurements of root zone soil moisture play large roles in our understanding of the water cycle, weather, climate, land-heat exchanges, drought forecasting, and agriculture. Current measurements are made using a combination of ground-based sampling and active and passive microwave remote sensing. Signals of Opportunity (SoOp) has emerged as a promising method for sensing soil moisture, using satellite communication signals to make bi-static reflectometry measurements. The current combination of ground and satellite-based measurements for soil moisture results in a gap of useful spatial and temporal resolutions, as well as limited soil penetration depth. This thesis developed and constructed an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) mountable, I-band SoOp instrument with calibration capabilities, along with supporting specular point mapping and mission planning software. This work advances the creation of a compact, mobile, root zone soil moisture (RZSM) remote sensing system.
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The Soil Moisture Niche in a Moist Tropical Forest – A Demographic ApproachKupers, Stefan Jonathan 16 January 2020 (has links)
Water availability affects tree species performance and distributions in tropical forests. However, there are no studies that have measured detailed spatial variation in soil water availability within a tropical forest. This limits our understanding of how water availability shapes the demography and distributions of tree species within tropical forests. In this dissertation, I measured detailed spatial variation in soil water potential (SWP), the relevant measure of water availability for plant performance, in the seasonal tropical moist forest of the 50-ha Forest Dynamics Plot on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. In Paper 1, I mapped spatial variation in SWP across the 50-ha plot in various stages of the dry season using information on topography, soil type, dry season intensity and more. In Paper 2, I quantified the soil moisture niches of species in terms of demographic responses (growth and mortality) and species distributions. I related seedling growth and mortality responses to SWP of 62 species to their distributional centre along the SWP gradient, using data from 20 years of annual seedling censuses across 200 seedling census sites. I found that species that grew faster (slow) with increasing SWP were more common on wetter (drier) parts of the SWP gradient. Moreover, wet-distributed species grew faster on the wet side of the SWP gradient than dry-distributed species. Mortality was unrelated to species distributions but decreased strongly with seedling height. These findings indicate that species with a growth advantage with respect to SWP grow faster out of the vulnerable small size ranges, reducing their mortality in later seedling stages and thus shaping species distributions indirectly. This mechanism is a form of niche differentiation that contributes to species coexistence. In Paper 3, I related seedling growth and mortality responses to spatiotemporal variation in water availability with responses to light availability, another highly limiting resource in tropical forests. I found an interspecific trade-off in responses to shade versus inter-annual drought (dry season intensity): species that performed relatively well in the shade performed worse during more severe dry seasons and vice versa. This trade-off enables coexistence, because species are adapted to perform well under either shade or drought. In sum, water availability contributes to the maintenance of the high diversity of tropical forests through hydrological niche differentiation and a trade-off between performance in shade versus drought. Future work can use my SWP maps and species responses to SWP to identify the functional traits that underlie the species responses and improve Dynamic Global Vegetation Models. Finally, my work facilitates the prediction of future species composition, diversity and ecosystem functioning of tropical forests with shifts in rainfall patterns caused by climate
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Potential of Spaceborne X & L-Band SAR-Data for Soil Moisture Mapping Using GIS and its Application to Hydrological Modelling: the Example of Gottleuba Catchment, Saxony / GermanyElbialy, Samy Gamal Khedr 08 March 2011 (has links)
Hydrological modelling is a powerful tool for hydrologists and engineers involved in the planning and development of integrated approach for the management of water resources. With the recent advent of computational power and the growing availability of spatial data, RS and GIS technologies can augment to a great extent the conventional methods used in rainfall runoff studies; it is possible to accurately describe watershed characteristics in particularly when determining runoff response to rainfall input. The main objective of this study is to apply the potential of spaceborne SAR data for soil moisture retrieval in order to improve the spatial input parameters required for hydrological modelling. For the spatial database creation, high resolution 2 m aerial laser scanning Digital Terrain Model (DTM), soil map, and landuse map were used. Rainfall records were transformed into a runoff through hydrological parameterisation of the watershed and the river network using HEC-HMS software for rainfall runoff simulation. The Soil Conservation Services Curve Number (SCS-CN) and Soil Moisture Accounting (SMA) loss methods were selected to calculate the infiltration losses. In microwave remote sensing, the study of how the microwave interacts with the earth terrain has always been interesting in interpreting the satellite SAR images. In this research soil moisture was derived from two different types of Spaceborne SAR data; TerraSAR-X and ALOS PALSAR (L band). The developed integrated hydrological model was applied to the test site of the Gottleuba Catchment area which covers approximately 400 sqkm, located south of Pirna (Saxony, Germany). To validate the model historical precipitation data of the past ten years were performed. The validated model was further optimized using the extracted soil moisture from SAR data. The simulation results showed a reasonable match between the simulated and the observed hydrographs. Quantitatively the study concluded that based on SAR data, the model could be used as an expeditious tool of soil moisture mapping which required for hydrological modelling.
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Plot-Based Land-Cover and Soil-Moisture Mapping Using X-/L-Band SAR Data. Case Study Pirna-South, Saxony, GermanyMahmoud, Ali 10 January 2012 (has links)
Agricultural production is becoming increasingly important as the world demand increases. On the other hand, there are several factors threatening that production such as the climate change. Therefore, monitoring and management of different parameters affecting the production are important. The current study is dedicated to two key parameters, namely agricultural land cover and soil-moisture mapping using X- and L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data.
Land-cover mapping plays an essential role in various applications like irrigation management, yield estimation and subsidy control. A model of multi-direction/multi-distance texture analysis on SAR data and its use for agricultural land cover classification was developed. The model is built and implemented in ESRI ArcGIS software and integrated with “R Environment”. Sets of texture measures can be calculated on a plot basis and stored in an attribute table for further classification. The classification module provides various classification approaches such as support vector machine and artificial neural network, in addition to different feature-selection methods. The model has been tested for a typical Mid-European agricultural and horticultural land use pattern south to the town of Pirna (Saxony/Germany), where the high-resolution SAR data, TerraSAR-X and ALOS/PALSAR (HH/HV) imagery, were used for land-cover mapping. The results indicate that an integrated classification using textural information of SAR data has a high potential for land-cover mapping. Moreover, the multi-dimensional SAR data approach improved the overall accuracy.
Soil moisture (SM) is important for various applications such as crop-water management and hydrological modelling. The above-mentioned TerraSAR-X data were utilised for soil-moisture mapping verified by synchronous field measurements. Different speckle-reduction techniques were applied and the most representative filtered image was determined. Then the soil moisture was calculated for the mapped area using the obtained linear regression equations for each corresponding land-cover type. The results proved the efficiency of SAR data in soil-moisture mapping for bare soils and at the early growing stage of fieldcrops. / Landwirtschaftliche Produktion erlangt mit weltweit steigender Nahrungsmittelnachfrage zunehmende Bedeutung. Zahlreiche Faktoren bedrohen die landwirtschaftliche Produktion wie beispielsweise die globale Klimaveränderung einschließlich ihrer indirekten Nebenwirkungen. Somit ist das Monitoring der Produktion selbst und der wesentlichen Produktionsparameter eine zweifelsfrei wichtige Aufgabe. Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich in diesem Kontext zwei Schlüsselinformationen, der Aufnahme landwirtschaftlicher Kulturen und den Bodenfeuchteverhältnissen, jeweils unter Nutzung von Satellitenbilddaten von Radarsensoren mit Synthetischer Apertur, die im X- und L-Band operieren.
Landnutzungskartierung spielt eine essentielle Rolle für zahlreiche agrarische Anwendungen; genannt seien hier nur Bewässerungsmaßnahmen, Ernteschätzung und Fördermittelkontrolle. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Modell entwickelt, welches auf Grundlage einer Texturanalyse der genannten SAR-Daten für variable Richtungen und Distanzen eine Klassifikation landwirtschaftlicher Nutzungsformen ermöglicht. Das Modell wurde als zusätzliche Funktionalität für die ArcGIS-Software implementiert. Es bindet dabei Klassifikationsverfahren ein, die aus dem Funktionsschatz der Sprache „R“ entnommen sind.
Zum Konzept: Ein Bündel von Texturparametern wird durch das vorliegende Programm auf Schlagbasis berechnet und in einer Polygonattributtabelle der landwirtschaftlichen Schläge abgelegt. Auf diese Attributtabelle greift das nachfolgend einzusetzende Klassifikationsmodul zu. Die Software erlaubt nun die Suche nach „aussagekräftigen“ Teilmengen innerhalb des umfangreichen Texturmerkmalsraumes. Im Klassifikationsprozess kann aus verschiedenen Ansätzen gewählt werden. Genannt seien „Support Vector Machine“ und künstliche neuronale Netze.
Das Modell wurde für einen typischen mitteleuropäischen Untersuchungsraum mit landwirtschaftlicher und gartenbaulicher Nutzung getestet. Er liegt südlich von Pirna im Freistaat Sachsen. Zum Test lagen für den Untersuchungsraum Daten von TerraSAR-X und ALOS/PALSAR (HH/HV) aus identischen Aufnahmetagen vor. Die Untersuchungen beweisen ein hohes Potenzial der Texturinformation aus hoch aufgelösten SAR-Daten für die landwirtschaftliche Nutzungserkennung. Auch die erhöhte Dimensionalität durch die Kombination von zwei Sensoren erbrachte eine Verbesserung der Klassifikationsgüte.
Kenntnisse der Bodenfeuchteverteilung sind u.a. bedeutsam für Bewässerungsanwendungen und hydrologische Modellierung. Die oben genannten SAR-Datensätze wurden auch zur Bodenfeuchteermittlung genutzt. Eine Verifikation wurde durch synchrone Feldmessungen ermöglicht. Initial musste der Radar-typische „Speckle“ in den Bildern durch Filterung verringert werden. Verschiedene Filtertechniken wurden getestet und das beste Resultat genutzt. Die Bodenfeuchtebestimmung erfolgte in Abhängigkeit vom Nutzungstyp über Regressionsanalyse. Auch die Resultate für die Bodenfeuchtebestimmung bewiesen das Nutzpotenzial der genutzten SAR-Daten für offene Ackerböden und Stadien, in denen die Kulturpflanzen noch einen geringen Bedeckungsgrad aufweisen.
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