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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of soil fertility change and sustainability of agroecological management in different land use systems of the southern Ecuadorian Andes / Bewertung der Veränderung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit und der Nachhaltigkeit des agroökologischen Managements in verschiedenen Landnutzungssystemen Südecuadors anhand quantitativer und qualitativer Methoden

Bahr, Etienne 16 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis was conducted to investigate soil fertility changes and assess the sustainability of agroecological management in different land-use systems of the southern Ecuadorian Andes using quantitative and qualitative methods. Ecuador still holds the highest deforestation rate of all Latin American countries which also has a large impact in the research area by forest conversion into agricultural land. Agricultural land-use systems in the research area are multifaceted due to heterogeneous biophysical and socio-economic conditions. To map this diversity, land-use systems were investigated in Yantzaza (low-external-input), El Tambo (irrigated cash crops) and San Lucas (integrated nutrient management). Yet, management effects on soil fertility have not been assessed systematically in Ecuadorian farming systems which hampers the evaluation whether agroecological management is sustainable. Therefore, the present study used a set of quantitative and qualitative approaches to assess soil fertility changes at plot and farm scale with a nutrient balance/chronosequence approach and local expert knowledge. Nutrient balances were modeled with Nutmon after adaptation of difficult-to-quantify flows to the local conditions facilitating area and land-use specific calculation. Soil nutrient balances in the research area were diverse and varied between −151 to 66 kg ha-1 a-1, −4 to 33 kg ha-1 a-1 and −346 to 39 kg ha-1 a-1 for NPK, respectively. The evaluation of socio-economic and soil fertility explanatory variables revealed that up to 70% of the balances’ variability could be explained. Land-uses with a strong market orientation such as annual crops in El Tambo received large amounts of external inputs which were often focused on mineral N fertilization causing strongly negative PK balances. In contrast, P balances were mainly positive after the application of organic fertilizers and nutrient recycling as was found in perennial crops of San Lucas. NP balances in annual crops of Yantzaza were most negative due to the low-external-input system with nonexistent fertilization as well as leaching and burning of crop residues. Highest soil nutrient stocks were found in land-uses benefiting from a surplus of within-farm flows. The quantification of soil nutrient stocks and their temporal changes were carried out with a chronosequence approach in Yantzaza. SOC stocks in annual/perennial crops and pastures decreased between 14% and 19% after forest conversion by slash-and-burn. Annual sites were abandoned not later than five years after forest conversion due to a shortage of available N and P closely linked to low-external-input management. Stocks for TN, TP, TS and exchangeable bases increased above forest level in perennial crops and pastures 6-20 years after forest conversion. Yet a strong decrease in SOC and soil nutrient stocks was found in oldest perennial and pasture sites compared to medium aged sites. This was traced back to adverse site processes such as the decay of clay humus complexes, leaching as well as poor pasture management. To assess sustainability of the agroecological management, a set of sustainability indicators was implemented including N balances, yearly N stock change and SOC stocks as well as total (TN) and available (PO4-P) soil nutrient stocks. Sustainability assessment took place based on individual land-uses and nutrients within each pilot study since soil fertility change did not show a consistent trend within one research area. Despite mainly negative soil nutrient balances, the impact on the yearly soil nutrient stock change was often negligible due to large soil nutrient pools. Annual and perennial crops of Yantzaza and pastures of San Lucas exceeded the threshold value of 1% for yearly TN stock losses. Yet, only annual crops in Yantzaza, having the highest yearly TN stock losses of 4.9%, also showed severe TN and SOC losses between 15-25% below those of the forest reference area. Therefore, the present agroecological management of annuals in Yantzaza is not sustainable which was also indicated by the abandonment of these sites not later than 5 years after forest conversion due to soil fertility decline. Hence, it is proposed to install an integrated agricultural management in annual crops of Yantzaza using nutrient recycling and fertilization for the replenishment of soil nutrient stocks. Nutrient balance studies indicated an average N-fertilizer application of more than 200 kg ha-1 a-1 for annual crops in El Tambo and low SOC stocks in soils of the colluvial foot slopes. Therefore, a laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to investigate fertilization effects of urea and newly introduced guinea pig manure on the microbial activity in colluvial and eroded soils of El Tambo. While urea fertilization induced an acceleration of SOM mineralization, a combined fertilization (urea + GPM) increased the amount of microbial biomass and provided mineral nitrogen for immediate plant uptake. SOM stocks in colluvial soils were 40% below those of eroded soils which was partly due to the positive priming effect after urea fertilization. A participatory appraisal with local farmers resulted in the adaptation of the present harvest residue management aiming at SOM maintenance in colluvial soils. Yet, the calculation of the potential for SOM replenishment indicated that only the maize residue biomass had the potential to compensate for SOM mineralization losses. Therefore, it is recommended to support SOM replenishment by additional organic inputs since SOM has to be maintained in the long-term to enable agricultural productivity.

Herbivores influence nutrient cycling and plant nutrient uptake : insights from tundra ecosystems

Barthelemy, Hélène January 2016 (has links)
Reindeer appear to have strong positive effects on plant productivity and nutrient cycling in strongly nutrient-limited ecosystems. While the direct effects of grazing on vegetation composition have been intensively studied, much less is known about the indirect effect of grazing on plant-soil interactions. This thesis investigated the indirect effects of ungulate grazing on arctic plant communities via soil nutrient availability and plant nutrient uptake. At high density, the deposition of dung alone increased plant productivity both in nutrient rich and nutrient poor tundra habitats without causing major changes in soil possesses. Plant community responses to dung addition was slow, with a delay of at least some years. By contrast, a 15N-urea tracer study revealed that nutrients from reindeer urine could be rapidly incorporated into arctic plant tissues. Soil and microbial N pools only sequestered small proportions of the tracer. This thesis therefore suggests a strong effect of dung and urine on plant productivity by directly providing nutrient-rich resources, rather than by stimulating soil microbial activities, N mineralization and ultimately increasing soil nutrient availability. Further, defoliation alone did not induce compensatory growth, but resulted in plants with higher nutrient contents. This grazing-induced increase in plant quality could drive the high N cycling in arctic secondary grasslands by providing litter of a better quality to the belowground system and thus increase organic matter decomposition and enhance soil nutrient availability. Finally, a 15N natural abundance study revealed that intense reindeer grazing influences how plants are taking up their nutrients and thus decreased plant N partitioning among coexisting plant species. Taken together these results demonstrate the central role of dung and urine and grazing-induced changes in plant quality for plant productivity. Soil nutrient concentrations alone do not reveal nutrient availability for plants since reindeer have a strong influence on how plants are taking up their nutrients. This thesis highlights that both direct and indirect effects of reindeer grazing are strong determinants of tundra ecosystem functioning. Therefore, their complex influence on the aboveground and belowground linkages should be integrated in future work on tundra ecosystem N dynamic.

Impacts of land-use conversion in Sumatra, Indonesia on soil nitrogen cycling, soil nutrient stocks and ecosystem dynamics

Allen, Kara 28 September 2015 (has links)
Innerhalb der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte ist die Entwaldungsrate auf Sumatra, Indonesien stark gestiegen, dies geht einher mit eine Umwandlung von Tieflandwäldern in Ölpalm- (Elaeis guineensis) und Kautschukmonokulturplantagen (Hevea brasiliensis). Es wurde festgestellt, dass Landnutzungsänderungen in landwirtschaftlichen Systemen die Bodennährstoffbestände sowie die Umsatzrate von Bodennährstoffen senkt, dies kann zu einer Abhängigkeit vom Einsetzen von Düngemitteln führen, die nur eine zeitweise Verfügbarkeit von Nährstoffen gewährleistet. Des Weiteren bedroht die Umwandlung von Wald in Monokulturen die hohe Biodiversität, welche in tropischen Wäldern vorherrscht, was wiederum die Funktionsweise des Ökosystems beeinflusst. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit lag darin, die Auswirkungen der Landnutzungsänderung auf Bodennährstoffhaushalt und Ökosystemdynamiken festzustellen, sowie die Mechanismen die für die Veränderungen verantwortlich sind zu verstehen. Alle Drei Studien waren Teil eines großen interdisziplinären Projekts welches die ökologischen und sozialen Effekte von tropischen Landnutzungsveränderungen untersucht. Die Probenentnahme für jede Studie erfolgte in der Region von Jambi auf Sumatra, Indonesien – ein Gebiet das früher dicht bewaldet war, aber eine starke Entwaldung erfahren hat. Es wurden zwei Landschaften ausgesucht, die sich über ihre vorherrschende Bodentextur und ihren Bodentyp definieren und die Region natürlich repräsentieren: zum einen waren dies lehmige Acrisole und zum anderem tonige Acrisole. In den beiden Bodenlandschaften wurden vier Systeme untersucht: Tieflandregenwald und regenerierter Wald durchsetz mit Kautschukbäumen (hier benannt als „Jungle-rubber“) sowie Monokulturen von Kautschuk (Sein bis 17 Jahre alt) und Ölpalmen (Neun bis 16 Jahre alt). Das Ziel der ersten Studie war zu bewerten, wie sich die Umsatzrate von Stickstoff (N) im Boden in Bezug auf die Umwandlung von Wald in Kautschuk- und Ölpalmplantagen verändert. Die Bruttoumsatzrate von Stickstoff im Boden wurde mit der 15N-Verdünnungsmethode mit in situ Inkubation der Bodenbohrkerne bestimmt. In den Lehm-Acrisolen, in denen die Bodenfruchtbarkeit gering war, waren auch die mikrobielle Biomasse, die Bruttostickstoffmineralisation und die Immobilisierung von Ammonium (NH4+) gering und es wurden keine signifikanten Veränderungen durch die Landnutzung aufgezeigt. Die Ton-Acrisole welche eine höhere Ausgangsfruchtbarkeit, bezogen auf die Referenzflächen, aufwiesen, waren auch einen höheren Anteil an mikrobielle Biomassen sowie durch höhere NH4+-Umwandlungsraten im Vergleich zu den Lehm-Acrisolen gekennzeichnet. In den Ton-Acrisolen hat die Umwandlung von Wald und Jungle-rubber in Kautschuk- und Ölpalmplantagen zu einer Verringerung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit geführt, was wiederum zu einer Reduzierung der mikrobiellen Biomasse und der NH4+-Umwandlungsraten beigetragen hat. Unsere Ergebnisse lassen annehmen, das je höher die Ausgangsbodenfruchtbarkeit und Stickstoffverfügbarkeit im Boden ist, desto höher ist die Reduktionen durch die Landnutzungsänderungen. Das Ziel der zweiten Studie war es, Veränderungen biochemischer Charakteristika des Bodens sowie des Nährstoffbestandes bis 2 m Bodentiefe in den verschiedenen Landnutzungssystemen zu erfassen und die Proportionen der Gesamtvarianz der biochemischer Bodencharakteristika zu bestimmen, die durch die räumlichen Komponenten in unserem experimentellem Design hervorgerufen werden. Der Tongehalb beeinflusst die Bodenfruchtbarkeit und die größeren Nährstoffbestände wurden in den Referenzflächen der Ton-Acrisolen gefunden. Bewirtschaftungspraktiken in den veränderten Landnutzungssystemen übten den größten Einfluss auf Boden-pH, Basensättigung, extrahierbaren Phosphor und austauschbares Natrium aus. Die Mehrheit der biochemischen Bodencharakteristika und der Nährstoffbestände wurden nicht signifikant durch Landnutzungsänderungen verändert. Basierend auf der Varianzkomponentenanalyse der verschachtelten räumlichen Struktur des experimentellen Designs, wurde die Gesamtvarianz von vielen biochemischen Bodencharakteristika durch die Abweichungen zwischen replizierten Plots und nicht durch die unterschiedliche Landnutzung erklärt. Dieses Ergebnis deutet darauf hin, dass wenn man signifikante Effekte von Landnutzungsänderungen auf biochemische Bodencharakteristika feststellen will, die Stichprobenzahl replizierter Plots pro Landnutzungssystem erhöht werden muss. Das Ziel der dritten Studie war es, zwischen direkten Landnutzungseffekten und indirekten „Bottom-up“-Effekten auf ober- und unterirdisch lebende Taxa zu differenzieren. Es wurden allgemeine „Multilevel path“- Modelle (eine Form von Strukturgleichungsmodellen), die eine Berechnung direkter und interaktiver Effekte von Landnutzung mit abiotischen Variablen und „Bottom-up“-Effekten zwischen biotischen Variablen zulassen, auf der Basis von Daten von Pflanzen, Mikroorganismen, Invertebraten der Streuschicht, baumbewohnende Ameisen, Vögeln und Umweltparametern (Boden- und Mikroklimaeigenschaften) entworfen. Die Ergebnisse der „Multilevel path“- Modelle zeigen, dass die Landnutzungsänderungen direkte Effekte auf Pflanzen, unterirdisch lebende Taxa einer niedrigen trophischen Ebene (z.B. Saprobionten und Herbivoren) und baumbewohnende Ameisen haben, fast alle Landnutzungsauswirkungen auf höhere trophische Ebenen von Invertebraten und Vögel waren jedoch „Bottom-up“-kontrolliert. Diese Studie lässt erkennen, dass Landnutzungsveränderungen, direkt und indirekt, ökologische Verschiebungen im großen Rahmen lenken. Die gefundenen Effekte auf höhere trophische Ebenen sind jedoch meistens von den Organismen der darunterliegenden trophischen Ebenen abhängig. Die Stickstoffumsatzraten im Boden und der Umfang der Stickstoffpools, welche in der ersten Studie gemessen wurden, wurden parallel mit Studien zur Stickstoffoxidemission und Stickstoffauswaschung des Bodens durchgeführt, um ein ganzheitliches Bild des Stickstoffhaushaltes in den veränderten Landschaft zu erhalten. Analysen zur Probenoptimierung wurden für die biochemischen Bodencharakteristika der oberen Bodenschicht bis 0,5 m aus der zweiten Studie durchgeführt, um festzustellen was die minimale Anzahl an Replikaten pro Landnutzungstyp ist, um signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Landnutzungssystemen in unserem experimentellen Design festzustellen. Die Bodenkomponenten die in die „Multilevel path“- Modelle integriert waren, wurden erfasst und direkte Zusammenhänge zwischen diesen Bodeneigenschaften und der Biodiversität des Ökosystems und den Biomassen wurden untersucht, um ein besseres Verständnis davon zu bekommen, welche Rolle Bodennährstoffbeständen für die transformierten Systeme spielen. Insgesamt zeigen die Ergebnisse der drei Studien, dass die Bodennährstoffbestände eine wichtige Komponente des Ökosystems darstellt und Veränderungen der Bodennährstoffbestände durch Landnutzungsänderungen Auswirkungen auf die Biodiversität und die Funktionsweise des Ökosystems haben können.

Towards a quantitative classification of soil nutrient regimes in British Columbia : comparison of regional studies

Klinka, Karel, Varga, Pal, Chourmouzis, Christine January 1999 (has links)
The three major components in the site classification of the biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification system are: climatic regimes, soil moisture regimes (SMRs) and soil nutrient regimes (SNRs). Both SMRs and SNRs can be identified in the field using soil characteristics and indicator plants. In the case of SMRs a quantitative classification was also developed that allow comparison of SMRs in different subzones. However, similar quantitative classification has not yet been developed for SNRs. This pamphlet summarizes and compares the results of several regional studies conducted in different biogeclimatic zones. Each of theses studies aimes to develop a quantitative SNR classification (Table 1). The comparison will examine: (1) how well the field-based classification matches quantitative classification, and (2) which direct measures distinguish best between field-identified SNRs.

Efeito de adubação orgânica e mineral e culturas de entressafra na cultura da soja (Glycine max (L) Merrill) no sistema plantio direto

Zuim, Carlos Eduardo [UNESP] 05 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-09-05Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:39:09Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 zuim_ce_me_ilha.pdf: 206454 bytes, checksum: 21d45110bfb35795b4aee587ba2a4496 (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / A busca pela qualidade do solo como base de sustentação do sistema de produção, tem aumentado o desafio de compreender um sistema que, além de reduzir sensivelmente a degradação do meio ambiente, pode permitir maior retorno econômico ao agricultor. Nesse sentido o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido no período de abril de 2005 a abril de 2006, com o objetivo de avaliar na cultura da soja, no sistema de plantio direto, o efeito de diferentes culturas de cobertura e presença ou ausência de adubação orgânica e mineral. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no município de Guararapes-SP (50°39’W, 21°09’S e 412 m de altitude aproximadamente) em um Latossolo Vermelho amarelo, com textura média, sendo cultivado com culturas anuais a partir de 1993. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o em blocos casualizados com 4 repetições, com os tratamentos dispostos em um esquema fatorial 5x2x2, ou seja, 5 culturas de cobertura (milho, milheto, sorgo, braquiária e mamona), cultivadas no período de outono/inverno, na presença e ausência de adubação orgânica (11.512 kg/ha de esterco de galinha), sendo semeado em sucessão, a cultura da soja, cultivar MGBR 46 (Conquista), na presença ou ausência de adubação mineral (500 kg/ha da fórmula 02-20-15). As culturas de cobertura e a soja foram irrigadas pelo sistema pivô central. As avaliações constaram da produção de massa seca das culturas de cobertura, estado nutricional da soja no florescimento pleno, características agronômicas e produção de grãos da soja e características químicas do solo, em diferentes profundidades, após o cultivo da soja. Através dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que o milho apresentou maior produção de massa seca como cultura de cobertura, mas todas as... / The search for the soil quality as sustentation base of production system, has stimulated the challenge to understand a system that, beyond sensibly reducing the environment degradation, may allows greater economic return to the farmer. Thus, the present work was developed in the period of April 2005 to April 2006, with the objective to evaluate in soybean crop, in no tillage system, the effect of different cover crops and presence or absence of organic and mineral fertilization. The work was developed at the municipal district of Guararapes, State of São Paulo (50°39' W, 21°09' S and 412 m altitude approximately) in a Typic Haplustox, with sandy texture, being cultivated with annual crops since 1993. The exeprimental design used was randomized blocks with four replications, with treatments disposed in a 5x2x2 factorial scheme, i.e., five cover crops (corn, millet, sorghum, braquiaria grass and castor bean), cultivated in the autumn/winter period, in presence and absence of organic fertilization (11,512 kg ha-1 of chicken manure fertilizer), being sowedin succession of soybean crop, MGBR 46 cultivar, in presence or absence of mineral fertilization (500 kg ha-1 of 02-20-15 formula). The cover cultures and soybean had been irrigated by center pivot irrigation systems.The evaluations was cover crops dry matter production, nutritional status in flowering, agronomic characteristics and soybean grain production, soil chemical characteristis, in different depths, after soybean. Through the obtained results, it verified that the corn presents greater dry matter production as cover crop, but all the evaluated cover crops are adjusted to precede soybean; organic fertilization increases cover crop dry matter production, beyond provided significant P, Ca and K increases in 0 to 0.05 and 0.05 to 0.10 m depth and P and K in 0.10 to 0.20 m depth; ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Assessment of soil fertility change and sustainability of agroecological management in different land use systems of the southern Ecuadorian Andes

Bahr, Etienne 06 May 2015 (has links)
The thesis was conducted to investigate soil fertility changes and assess the sustainability of agroecological management in different land-use systems of the southern Ecuadorian Andes using quantitative and qualitative methods. Ecuador still holds the highest deforestation rate of all Latin American countries which also has a large impact in the research area by forest conversion into agricultural land. Agricultural land-use systems in the research area are multifaceted due to heterogeneous biophysical and socio-economic conditions. To map this diversity, land-use systems were investigated in Yantzaza (low-external-input), El Tambo (irrigated cash crops) and San Lucas (integrated nutrient management). Yet, management effects on soil fertility have not been assessed systematically in Ecuadorian farming systems which hampers the evaluation whether agroecological management is sustainable. Therefore, the present study used a set of quantitative and qualitative approaches to assess soil fertility changes at plot and farm scale with a nutrient balance/chronosequence approach and local expert knowledge. Nutrient balances were modeled with Nutmon after adaptation of difficult-to-quantify flows to the local conditions facilitating area and land-use specific calculation. Soil nutrient balances in the research area were diverse and varied between −151 to 66 kg ha-1 a-1, −4 to 33 kg ha-1 a-1 and −346 to 39 kg ha-1 a-1 for NPK, respectively. The evaluation of socio-economic and soil fertility explanatory variables revealed that up to 70% of the balances’ variability could be explained. Land-uses with a strong market orientation such as annual crops in El Tambo received large amounts of external inputs which were often focused on mineral N fertilization causing strongly negative PK balances. In contrast, P balances were mainly positive after the application of organic fertilizers and nutrient recycling as was found in perennial crops of San Lucas. NP balances in annual crops of Yantzaza were most negative due to the low-external-input system with nonexistent fertilization as well as leaching and burning of crop residues. Highest soil nutrient stocks were found in land-uses benefiting from a surplus of within-farm flows. The quantification of soil nutrient stocks and their temporal changes were carried out with a chronosequence approach in Yantzaza. SOC stocks in annual/perennial crops and pastures decreased between 14% and 19% after forest conversion by slash-and-burn. Annual sites were abandoned not later than five years after forest conversion due to a shortage of available N and P closely linked to low-external-input management. Stocks for TN, TP, TS and exchangeable bases increased above forest level in perennial crops and pastures 6-20 years after forest conversion. Yet a strong decrease in SOC and soil nutrient stocks was found in oldest perennial and pasture sites compared to medium aged sites. This was traced back to adverse site processes such as the decay of clay humus complexes, leaching as well as poor pasture management. To assess sustainability of the agroecological management, a set of sustainability indicators was implemented including N balances, yearly N stock change and SOC stocks as well as total (TN) and available (PO4-P) soil nutrient stocks. Sustainability assessment took place based on individual land-uses and nutrients within each pilot study since soil fertility change did not show a consistent trend within one research area. Despite mainly negative soil nutrient balances, the impact on the yearly soil nutrient stock change was often negligible due to large soil nutrient pools. Annual and perennial crops of Yantzaza and pastures of San Lucas exceeded the threshold value of 1% for yearly TN stock losses. Yet, only annual crops in Yantzaza, having the highest yearly TN stock losses of 4.9%, also showed severe TN and SOC losses between 15-25% below those of the forest reference area. Therefore, the present agroecological management of annuals in Yantzaza is not sustainable which was also indicated by the abandonment of these sites not later than 5 years after forest conversion due to soil fertility decline. Hence, it is proposed to install an integrated agricultural management in annual crops of Yantzaza using nutrient recycling and fertilization for the replenishment of soil nutrient stocks. Nutrient balance studies indicated an average N-fertilizer application of more than 200 kg ha-1 a-1 for annual crops in El Tambo and low SOC stocks in soils of the colluvial foot slopes. Therefore, a laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to investigate fertilization effects of urea and newly introduced guinea pig manure on the microbial activity in colluvial and eroded soils of El Tambo. While urea fertilization induced an acceleration of SOM mineralization, a combined fertilization (urea + GPM) increased the amount of microbial biomass and provided mineral nitrogen for immediate plant uptake. SOM stocks in colluvial soils were 40% below those of eroded soils which was partly due to the positive priming effect after urea fertilization. A participatory appraisal with local farmers resulted in the adaptation of the present harvest residue management aiming at SOM maintenance in colluvial soils. Yet, the calculation of the potential for SOM replenishment indicated that only the maize residue biomass had the potential to compensate for SOM mineralization losses. Therefore, it is recommended to support SOM replenishment by additional organic inputs since SOM has to be maintained in the long-term to enable agricultural productivity.

The effects of micronutrient additions on soil invertebrate activity and community structure along a successional gradient

Maloney, Caitlin E. 02 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Adubação nitrogenada em soqueiras de cana-de-açúcar: influência do uso em longo prazo de fontes e/ou doses de nitrogênio / Nitrogen fertilization in sugarcane ratoon: long-term effects of fertilizers and nitrogen rates

Boschiero, Beatriz Nastaro 07 December 2016 (has links)
O uso de determinadas fontes nitrogenadas, doses e formas de nitrogênio (N) pode aumentar a eficiência de uso de N (EUN) em soqueiras de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.), mantendo, em longo prazo, elevados índices de produtividade, lucro e proteção ao ambiente. Experimentos de campo e de casa-de-vegetação foram desenvolvidos com os seguintes objetivos: (i) avaliar o efeito do manejo do N-fertilizante e dos ciclos de soqueira da cultura na produtividade, parâmetros tecnológicos, acúmulo de biomassa, acúmulo e balanço de nutrientes e nas alterações dos atributos químicos do solo; (ii) avaliar a produção de biomassa seca, metabolismo e nutrição de plantas de cana-de-açúcar cultivadas em solução nutritiva, com suprimento exclusivo ou misto de nitrato (NO3-) e amônio (NH4+) como fontes de N; (iii) avaliar a EUN do 15N-nitrato (15NH4NO3), 15N-amônio (NH415NO3) e 15N-amida [(15NH2)2CO] aplicados na quarta soqueira de cana-de-açúcar em condições de campo; e avaliar a EUN do 15N-amônio e 15N-nitrato aplicados em mudas de cana-de-açúcar cultivadas em solução nutritiva. No campo, o N-fertilizante foi repetido nas mesmas parcelas experimentais (parcelas estáticas), em anos subsequentes (quatro ou cinco soqueiras) e o manejo de N-fertilizante, que incluiu fontes e doses de N, não influenciou na produtividade de colmos e de açúcar no local 1 (Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo distrófico - LVAd). Entretanto, no local 2 (também LVAd), o NA100 e o NAC100 [nitrato de amônio (NA) e nitrato de amônio e cálcio (NAC), ambos na dose de 100 kg ha-1 de N] foram os manejos mais vantajosos para a obtenção das maiores produtividades de colmo e de açúcar em soqueiras quando comparado aos demais tratamentos. No geral, nos dois locais, o NAC150 (150 kg ha-1 de N) proporcionou os maiores acúmulos de biomassa, N e K nas plantas. Além disso, enquanto o controle (sem adição de N) apresentou as menores produções de biomassa e acúmulos de nutrientes (com exceção ao P), o balanço de nutrientes do solo nesse tratamento foi relativamente neutro após anos de cultivo da cana-de-açúcar. Em condições controladas, plantas de cana-de-açúcar supridas exclusivamente com amônio apresentaram menor produção de biomassa, acúmulo de nutrientes e área foliar do que os outros tratamentos (supridos com combinações de NO3-/NH4+ e somente com nitrato), indicando que o uso exclusivo dessa forma de N não foi eficiente para sustentar o crescimento vegetal. A maior EUN foi obtida com o fornecimento exclusivo de nitrato, que também proporcionou maior produção de biomassa seca, área foliar, acúmulo de macronutrientes, atividade fotossintética e crescimento do sistema radicular. A utilização de 15N indicou que, no campo, não houve diferença na EUN pelas plantas devido à utilização do 15N-nitrato e 15N-amônio. Em contraste, a EUN do 15N-amônio foi maior que a do 15N-nitrato durante o 1º, 4º e 7º dia após a aplicação do fertilizante (DAAF), em condições controladas. Contudo, o uso do 15N-nitrato teve maior EUN nas raízes e planta inteira que o 15N-amônio no 15º DAAF. Isso indica que a cana-de-açúcar pode aproveitar eficientemente as duas formas minerais de N, embora o aproveitamento do amônio seja mais rápido. / The use of different fertilizers and rates of nitrogen (N) can increase the N use efficiency (NUE) in sugarcane ratoon (Saccharum spp.), sustaining high yield levels, profitability and environmental protection in long-term. Thus, field and greenhouse studies were performed with the following objectives: (i) evaluate the effect of fertilizer-N management and ratoon crop cycles on sugarcane yield, technological parameters, biomass accumulation, nutrient content, temporal variation in soil chemical properties and soil nutrient balance; (ii) evaluate the biomass production, metabolism and nutrient acquisition of sugarcane plants cropped in nutrient solution, with solely or combined supply of ammonium and nitrate as N sources; (iii) evaluate the NUE of 15N-ammonium (15NH4NO3), 15N-nitrate (NH415NO3), and 15N-amide [(15NH2)2CO] applied to sugarcane under field conditions and the NUE of 15N-ammonium and 15N-nitrate applied to seedlings sugarcane under nutrient solutions. In the field, N fertilizers were replicated in the same experimental plots (static plots) in subsequent years (four or five ratoons) and the management of N-fertilizer, which included fertilizers and N rates, resulted in lack of influence on cane and sucrose yield at Site 1 (Typic Hapludox). However, at Site 2 (also Typic Hapludox), the N treatments AN100 and CAN100 [ammonium nitrate (AN) and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN), both at a rate of 100 kg N ha-1] provided the highest cane and sugar yield as compared to the remaining treatments. Overall, at both sites, CAN150 (150 kg N ha-1) resulted in the highest biomass accumulation and N and K content by sugarcane. In addition, while the control (no N added) had the lowest biomass accumulation and nutrient content (except for P), the soil nutrient balance in this treatment was relatively neutral, after years of sugarcane cultivation. Under controlled conditions, NH4+-fed plants presented lower biomass accumulation, nutrient content and leaf area than the other treatments (different NO3-/NH4+ ratios and NO3--fed plants), indicating that this N form, when applied solely, was not effective for the proper plant growth. The highest NUE was obtained with NO3--fed plants, which also had the highest production of dry biomass, leaf area, nutrient accumulation, photosynthetic activity, and growth of the root system. The use of 15N-nitrate and 15N-ammonium indicated that there was no difference in NUE by plants in the field. In contrast, the NUE of 15N-ammonium was greater than 15N-nitrate during the 1st, 4th and 7th day after fertilizer application (DAFA), under controlled conditions. However, the use of 15N-nitrate had greater NUE in roots and whole plant than 15N-ammonium in the 15th DAFA. It can be concluded that sugarcane can use both N forms although the recovery of NH4+ was faster than NO3-.

Adubação nitrogenada em soqueiras de cana-de-açúcar: influência do uso em longo prazo de fontes e/ou doses de nitrogênio / Nitrogen fertilization in sugarcane ratoon: long-term effects of fertilizers and nitrogen rates

Beatriz Nastaro Boschiero 07 December 2016 (has links)
O uso de determinadas fontes nitrogenadas, doses e formas de nitrogênio (N) pode aumentar a eficiência de uso de N (EUN) em soqueiras de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.), mantendo, em longo prazo, elevados índices de produtividade, lucro e proteção ao ambiente. Experimentos de campo e de casa-de-vegetação foram desenvolvidos com os seguintes objetivos: (i) avaliar o efeito do manejo do N-fertilizante e dos ciclos de soqueira da cultura na produtividade, parâmetros tecnológicos, acúmulo de biomassa, acúmulo e balanço de nutrientes e nas alterações dos atributos químicos do solo; (ii) avaliar a produção de biomassa seca, metabolismo e nutrição de plantas de cana-de-açúcar cultivadas em solução nutritiva, com suprimento exclusivo ou misto de nitrato (NO3-) e amônio (NH4+) como fontes de N; (iii) avaliar a EUN do 15N-nitrato (15NH4NO3), 15N-amônio (NH415NO3) e 15N-amida [(15NH2)2CO] aplicados na quarta soqueira de cana-de-açúcar em condições de campo; e avaliar a EUN do 15N-amônio e 15N-nitrato aplicados em mudas de cana-de-açúcar cultivadas em solução nutritiva. No campo, o N-fertilizante foi repetido nas mesmas parcelas experimentais (parcelas estáticas), em anos subsequentes (quatro ou cinco soqueiras) e o manejo de N-fertilizante, que incluiu fontes e doses de N, não influenciou na produtividade de colmos e de açúcar no local 1 (Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo distrófico - LVAd). Entretanto, no local 2 (também LVAd), o NA100 e o NAC100 [nitrato de amônio (NA) e nitrato de amônio e cálcio (NAC), ambos na dose de 100 kg ha-1 de N] foram os manejos mais vantajosos para a obtenção das maiores produtividades de colmo e de açúcar em soqueiras quando comparado aos demais tratamentos. No geral, nos dois locais, o NAC150 (150 kg ha-1 de N) proporcionou os maiores acúmulos de biomassa, N e K nas plantas. Além disso, enquanto o controle (sem adição de N) apresentou as menores produções de biomassa e acúmulos de nutrientes (com exceção ao P), o balanço de nutrientes do solo nesse tratamento foi relativamente neutro após anos de cultivo da cana-de-açúcar. Em condições controladas, plantas de cana-de-açúcar supridas exclusivamente com amônio apresentaram menor produção de biomassa, acúmulo de nutrientes e área foliar do que os outros tratamentos (supridos com combinações de NO3-/NH4+ e somente com nitrato), indicando que o uso exclusivo dessa forma de N não foi eficiente para sustentar o crescimento vegetal. A maior EUN foi obtida com o fornecimento exclusivo de nitrato, que também proporcionou maior produção de biomassa seca, área foliar, acúmulo de macronutrientes, atividade fotossintética e crescimento do sistema radicular. A utilização de 15N indicou que, no campo, não houve diferença na EUN pelas plantas devido à utilização do 15N-nitrato e 15N-amônio. Em contraste, a EUN do 15N-amônio foi maior que a do 15N-nitrato durante o 1º, 4º e 7º dia após a aplicação do fertilizante (DAAF), em condições controladas. Contudo, o uso do 15N-nitrato teve maior EUN nas raízes e planta inteira que o 15N-amônio no 15º DAAF. Isso indica que a cana-de-açúcar pode aproveitar eficientemente as duas formas minerais de N, embora o aproveitamento do amônio seja mais rápido. / The use of different fertilizers and rates of nitrogen (N) can increase the N use efficiency (NUE) in sugarcane ratoon (Saccharum spp.), sustaining high yield levels, profitability and environmental protection in long-term. Thus, field and greenhouse studies were performed with the following objectives: (i) evaluate the effect of fertilizer-N management and ratoon crop cycles on sugarcane yield, technological parameters, biomass accumulation, nutrient content, temporal variation in soil chemical properties and soil nutrient balance; (ii) evaluate the biomass production, metabolism and nutrient acquisition of sugarcane plants cropped in nutrient solution, with solely or combined supply of ammonium and nitrate as N sources; (iii) evaluate the NUE of 15N-ammonium (15NH4NO3), 15N-nitrate (NH415NO3), and 15N-amide [(15NH2)2CO] applied to sugarcane under field conditions and the NUE of 15N-ammonium and 15N-nitrate applied to seedlings sugarcane under nutrient solutions. In the field, N fertilizers were replicated in the same experimental plots (static plots) in subsequent years (four or five ratoons) and the management of N-fertilizer, which included fertilizers and N rates, resulted in lack of influence on cane and sucrose yield at Site 1 (Typic Hapludox). However, at Site 2 (also Typic Hapludox), the N treatments AN100 and CAN100 [ammonium nitrate (AN) and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN), both at a rate of 100 kg N ha-1] provided the highest cane and sugar yield as compared to the remaining treatments. Overall, at both sites, CAN150 (150 kg N ha-1) resulted in the highest biomass accumulation and N and K content by sugarcane. In addition, while the control (no N added) had the lowest biomass accumulation and nutrient content (except for P), the soil nutrient balance in this treatment was relatively neutral, after years of sugarcane cultivation. Under controlled conditions, NH4+-fed plants presented lower biomass accumulation, nutrient content and leaf area than the other treatments (different NO3-/NH4+ ratios and NO3--fed plants), indicating that this N form, when applied solely, was not effective for the proper plant growth. The highest NUE was obtained with NO3--fed plants, which also had the highest production of dry biomass, leaf area, nutrient accumulation, photosynthetic activity, and growth of the root system. The use of 15N-nitrate and 15N-ammonium indicated that there was no difference in NUE by plants in the field. In contrast, the NUE of 15N-ammonium was greater than 15N-nitrate during the 1st, 4th and 7th day after fertilizer application (DAFA), under controlled conditions. However, the use of 15N-nitrate had greater NUE in roots and whole plant than 15N-ammonium in the 15th DAFA. It can be concluded that sugarcane can use both N forms although the recovery of NH4+ was faster than NO3-.

Effects of manure application upon water quality of surface runoff from rainfall simulation tests

Chen, I-Chun (Jean) 11 October 2005
Manure contains nutrients for crop growth; however, overapplication, with time, can result in excess nutrients in soil, which can subsequently be lost in surface runoff. <p>The general purpose of this research is to study the effect of liquid hog manure, applied as an agricultural fertilizer, on water chemistry of surface runoff from rainfall simulation tests. Specifically the research focuses on runoff water chemistry comparisons between lands receiving hog manure at different rates, via different injection methods, and upon different slope positions. <p>To examine these objectives, soil nutrient supply rates (P, NH4-N, and NO3-N) of the 0 5 cm depth of soil adjacent to rainfall simulation positions, and runoff water chemistry (TP, OP, NH4-N, NO3-N, DOC, Cl- and coliforms) during rainfall simulation tests were collected before and after manure addition. <p> Generally, manure application did increase soil NH4-N and NO3-N supply rates, and runoff NH4-N concentration. Soil P supply rate and runoff TP concentration were not affected by the manure addition; however, runoff OP concentration at one site (Perdue) increased significantly due to manure addition. The manure treatments applied in this study did not cause any significant increases in fecal or total coliform in runoff from rainfall simulation tests conducted 7 8 months after manure application. None of the water quality parameters exceeded the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality. <p> Manure injection method (regular versus low soil surface disturbance) had consistent effects on runoff chemistry, but application rate did not. The regular disturbance method had significantly higher concentrations of water quality parameters than the low disturbance method. <p> The position of the test on the slope did not result in any consistent trends in runoff chemistry, whether before or after manure addition. Foot slope positions had higher soil NH4-N supply rates than upper slope positions, both before and after manure addition. Soil NH4-N, NO3-N, and P supply rates between landscape positions were not likely influenced by manure addition. <p> Regression tests between soil nutrient supply rates and runoff chemistry indicate that soil NH4-N supply rates are a good index to predict runoff NH4-N concentration, but soil P did not predict runoff P.

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