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Characterization of 900 four-anode photomultiplier tubes for use in 2013 hadronic forward calorimeter upgradeTiras, Emrah 01 July 2012 (has links)
The first 900 four-anode Photomultiplier Tubes (PMTs) have been evaluated for use in the 2013 Hadronic Forward (HF) calorimeter upgrade. HF is a part of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS), which is one of the two large general-purpose particle detectors of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. HF requires 1728 PMTs. These small tubes are the sensitive light detectors that provide the output signals of HF. Before installing PMTs in HF, their quality control demands need to be satisfied. These tests, done at the University of Iowa, are designed in three categories to test seventeen different parameters for each PMT. The three most basic and most important groups of parameters are: dark current, gain (anode and cathode), and timing. There are secondary tests which are performed on a smaller percentage of the PMTs such as surface uniformity, double pulse and single photo-electron resolution. The PMTs that meet the specifications of HF will be sent to CERN where they are expected to be in use for at least a decade.
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Reconstruction de muons cosmiques en collision et recherche de gluinos se désintégrant en stop-top dans l'expérience CMS au LHCTschudi, Yohann 26 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'expérience CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid), construite sur l'anneau du LHC (Large Hadron Collider), enregistre des données provenant des collisions proton-proton depuis 2 ans. L'alignement entre toutes les couches du trajectographe, sous-détecteur de CMS permettant la reconstruction et la mesure de l'impulstion des particules chargées, est effectué à l'aide de traces de particules créées lors de la collision et des traces créées par le passage de muons d'origine cosmique à travers ce détecteur. La première partie de ce livre sera dédiée à la reconstruction des traces de ces muons lors des collisions. Une nouvelle méthode, appelée reconstruction cosmique régionale, a été développée et mise en place. L'efficacité de 69% et le taux de faux de l'ordre de 1% permettent l'utilisation de ces traces pour l'alignement. La deuxième partie, portant sur l'analyse des données de collision, s'intéressera à la recherche de particules prédites par un modèle d'extension du Modèle Standard, la Supersymétrie, dans un scénario particulier, le scénario du Stop Léger. Dans le cas d'un fort mélange dans la troisième génération de squarks, le stop, partenaire supersymétrique du quark top, peut être léger. Dans l'analyse effectuée au cours de cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés au cas au mstop < mtop. Dans le MSSM avec conservation de la R-parité, le gluino serait formé par paire et se désintégrerait en un squark stop et un quark top. Le stop se désintégrerait quant-à-lui en un quark c et un neutralino, particule supersymétrique la plus légère du modèle, stable et interagissant faiblement. Aucun excès par rapport aux prédictions du Modèle Standard n'a été relevé en utilisant les 40pb-1 de données enregistrées par CMS en 2010. Les limites obtenues à 95% de niveau de confiance permettent d'exclure des masses de stop jusqu'à 175 GeV pour des masses de gluinos allant jusqu'à 350 GeV et des faibles différences de masses entre le stop et le neutralino.
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Bedeutung eines hydrophoben Seitenkettenstapels für Stabilität, Faltung und Struktur des P22 Tailspikeproteins / Importance of a hydrophobic side chain stack for stability, folding and structure of the P22 tailspike proteinBecker, Marion January 2009 (has links)
Das homotrimere Tailspikeadhäsin des Bakteriophagen P22 ist ein etabliertes Modellsystem, dessen Faltung, Assemblierung und Stabilität in vivo und in vitro umfassend charakterisiert ist. Das zentrale Strukturmotiv des Proteins ist eine parallele beta-Helix mit 13 Windungen, die von einer N‑terminalen Kapsidbindedomäne und einer C‑terminalen Trimerisierungsdomäne flankiert wird. Jede Windung beinhaltet drei kurze beta-Stränge, die durch turns und loops unterschiedlicher Länge verbunden sind. Durch den sich strukturell wiederholenden, spulenförmigen Aufbau formen beta-Stränge benachbarter Windungen elongierte beta-Faltblätter. Das Lumen der beta-Helix beinhaltet größtenteils hydrophobe Seitenketten, welche linear und sehr regelmäßig entlang der Längsachse gestapelt sind.
Eine hoch repetitive Struktur, ausgedehnte beta-Faltblätter und die regelmäßige Anordnung von ähnlichen oder identischen Seitenketten entlang der beta-Faltblattachse sind ebenfalls typische Kennzeichen von Amyloidfibrillen, die bei Proteinfaltungskrankheiten wie Alzheimer, der Creutzfeld-Jakob-Krankheit, Chorea Huntington und Typ-II-Diabetes gebildet werden. Es wird vermutet, dass die hohe Stabilität des Tailspikeproteins und auch die der Amyloidfibrille durch Seitenkettenstapelung, einem geordneten Netzwerk von Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen und den rigiden, oligomeren Verbund bedingt ist.
Um den Einfluss der Seitenkettenstapelung auf die Stabilität, Faltung und Struktur des P22 Tailspikeproteins zu untersuchen, wurden sieben Valine in einem im Lumen der beta-Helix begrabenen Seitenkettenstapel gegen das kleinere und weniger hydrophobe Alanin und das voluminösere Leucin substituiert. Der Einfluss der Mutationen wurde anhand zweier Tailspikevarianten, dem trimeren, N‑terminal verkürzten TSPdeltaN‑Konstrukt und der monomeren, isolierten beta-Helix Domäne analysiert.
Generell wurde in den Experimenten deutlich, dass Mutationen zu Alanin stärkere Effekte auslösen als Mutationen zu Leucin. Die dichte und hydrophobe Packung im Kern der beta-Helix bildet somit die Basis für Stabilität und Faltung des Proteins. Anhand hoch aufgelöster Kristallstrukturen jeweils zweier Alanin‑ und Leucin‑Mutanten konnte verdeutlicht werden, dass das Strukturmotiv der parallelen beta-Helix stark formbar ist und mutationsbedingte Änderungen des Seitenkettenvolumens durch kleine und lokale Verschiebung der Haupt‑ und Seitenketten ausgeglichen werden, sodass mögliche Kavitäten gefüllt und sterische Spannung abgebaut werden können.
Viele Mutanten zeigten in vivo und in vitro einen temperatursensitiven Faltungsphänotyp (temperature sensitive for folding, tsf), d.h. bei Temperaturerhöhung waren die Ausbeuten des N‑terminal verkürzten Trimers im Vergleich zum Wildtyp deutlich verringert. Weiterführende Experimente zeigten, dass der tsf‑Phänotyp durch die Beeinflussung unterschiedlicher Stadien des Reifungsprozesses oder auch durch die Verminderung der kinetischen Stabilität des nativen Trimers ausgelöst wurde.
Durch Untersuchungen am vollständigen und am N‑terminal verkürzten Wildtypprotein wurde gezeigt, dass die Entfaltungsreaktion des Tailspiketrimers komplex ist. Die Verläufe der Kinetiken folgen zwar einem apparenten Zweizustandsverhalten, jedoch sind bei Darstellung der Entfaltungsäste im Chevronplot die Abhängigkeiten der Geschwindigkeitskonstanten vom Denaturierungsmittel nicht linear, sondern in unterschiedliche Richtungen gewölbt. Dieses Verhalten könnte durch ein hoch energetisches Entfaltungsintermediat, einen breiten Übergangsbereich oder parallele Entfaltungswege hervorgerufen sein.
Mit Hilfe der monomeren, isolierten beta-Helix Domäne, bei der die N‑terminale Capsidbindedomäne und die C‑terminale Trimerisierungsdomäne deletiert sind und welche als unabhängige Faltungseinheit fungiert, wurde gezeigt, dass alle Mutanten im Harnstoff‑induzierten Gleichgewicht analog zum Wildtypprotein einem Zweizustandsverhalten mit vergleichbaren Kooperativitäten folgen. Die konformationellen Stabilitäten von in der beta-Helix zentral gelegenen Alanin‑ und Leucin‑Mutanten sind stark vermindert, während Mutationen in äußeren Bereichen der Domäne keinen Einfluss auf die Stabilität der beta-Helix haben. Bei Verlängerung der Inkubationszeiten der Gleichgewichtsexperimente konnte die langsame Bildung von Aggregaten im Übergangsbereich der destabilisierten Mutanten detektiert werden.
Die in der Arbeit erlangten Erkenntnisse lassen vermuten, dass die isolierte beta-Helix einem für die Reifung des Tailspikeproteins entscheidenden thermolabilen Faltungsintermediat auf Monomerebene sehr ähnlich ist. Im Intermediat ist ein zentraler Kern, der die Windungen 4 bis 7 und die „Rückenflosse“ beinhaltet, stabilitätsbestimmend. Dieser Kern könnte als Faltungsnukleus dienen, an den sich sequenziell weitere Helixwindungen anlagern und im Zuge der „Monomerreifung“ kompaktieren. / The homotrimeric tailspike adhesin of bacteriophage P22 is a widely used model system for studying different aspects of multi-domain protein folding, assembly and stability, both in vivo and in vitro. The central domain of the tailspike protein is a 13-turn right-handed parallel beta-helix, flanked by an N-terminal capsid-binding domain and a C-terminal trimerization domain. In the beta-helix motif the polypeptide backbone winds up to form a right-handed helix, with each coil consisting of three short beta-strands connected by turns and loops of varying lengths. Due to this repetitive and solenoidal structure, beta-strands of adjacent coils participate in building up three elongated beta-sheets. The internal lumen of the beta-helix is tightly packed and contains mostly hydrophobic side-chains, which are stacked along the helical axis in a linear and very regular manner.
A highly repetitive structure, elongated beta-sheets and stacking of similar or identical side chains along the beta-sheet axis are also typical characteristics of amyloid fibrils, which are associated with protein folding diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, Huntington’s disease and type II diabetes. It is assumed that the high stability of both, the tailspike protein and amyloid fibrils, is determined by side chain stacking, a well‑ordered network of H-bonds and the rigid, oligomeric state.
To systematically investigate the influence of side chain stacking for stability, folding and structure of the P22 tailspike protein, a hydrophobic stack located in the lumen of the beta-helix domain was subjected to site-directed mutagenesis. Each of seven valine residues, distributed over the whole length of the beta-helix domain, was substituted by the smaller and less hydrophobic alanine and the bulkier leucine. The influence of these substitutions was investigated with the help of two tailspike protein constructs, namely the N-terminally shortened TSPdeltaN construct and the isolated, monomeric BHX construct.
In general, almost all experiments showed that alanine mutations cause a stronger effect than leucine mutations, which demonstrates that the tight and hydrophobic packing in the lumen of the beta-helix domain is the basis for stability and folding of the tailspike protein.
High-resolution crystal structures of two alanine and two leucine mutants revealed that the parallel beta-helix motif shows considerable plasticity. Small and local adjustments of side chains and the polypeptide backbone compensate for changes induced by the mutations, herewith potential cavities are filled and steric strain is released.
Compared to the wild type, many mutations lead to a temperature sensitive for folding (tsf) phenotype in vivo and in vitro, i.e. mutations reduce folding yields of TSPdeltaN at high temperatures, but had little effect at low temperatures. Our experiments have elucidated that the tsf phenotype was caused either by an impact on different stages of the maturation process or by a reduction of the kinetic stability of the native trimer.
Using TSPdeltaN and the complete wild type protein, it was shown that the tailspike trimer unfolds in a complex manner. Although unfolding kinetics exhibit a two-state behaviour, analysis of the apparent rate constants of unfolding in a Chevron plot revealed their non-linear denaturant-dependence. Typically, the natural logarithm of the apparent rate constants depend linearly on the denaturant concentration. However, in case of TSPdeltaN and the complete wild type protein, unfolding branches of the Chevron plot are curved. Such a behaviour could arise from a high energy intermediate on the unfolding pathway, a broad activation barrier or parallel unfolding pathways.
The monomeric BHX construct lacks both the N-terminal and C-terminal domain. It folds into a conformation very similar to that of the -helix domain in the tailspike trimer and acts as an independent folding unit. Unfolding and refolding equilibrium transitions of mutant and wild type BHX constructs are reversible and follow a two-state behaviour with comparable cooperativities. However, conformational stabilities of alanine and leucine mutations located in the central part of the beta-helix domain are highly reduced, whereas mutations at the ends of the domain show a wild type-like stability. Furthermore, these destabilizing mutations tend to form aggregates around the transition midpoint when equilibrium experiments were incubated for longer time periods.
Taken together, the results suggest that the structure of the isolated beta-helix seems to be similar to an essential, monomeric intermediate during tailspike folding. In this intermediate, a central core including coils 4 to 7 and the dorsal fin determines the stability of the whole folding unit. This core may act as a nucleus on which beta-helix coils can associate in a sequential manner and compact during maturation of the monomer.
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Investigation of high strain rate behavior of metallic specimens using electromagnetic inductive loadingMorales, Santiago Adolfo 20 September 2011 (has links)
Aerospace Engineering / The aim of this thesis is to explore the high strain rate behavior of metallic specimens using electromagnetic inductive loading as the means to inflict the required high strain rate deformation on laboratory scale specimens, allowing for controlled, repeatable experiments to be performed. Three separate experiments were designed and performed, using helical and spiral coils as the sources of radial and unidirectional loading.
The first experiment evaluated the effect of applying a polymer coating on 30.5 mm diameter, Al 6061- O tube samples, in two lengths, 18 and 36 mm. The expanding tube experiment was used to apply a radial loading on the specimens and record the event. Several optical techniques were then used to evaluate the behavior of the samples. Coatings of polyurea and polycarbonate were used. It was observed that the polycarbonate coating seemed to have a more profound effect on the behavior of the metal, by applying a larger restraining pressure on the tube surface during the expansion process, and thereby modifying the stress state of the specimen.
The second experiment looked to design an experimental arrangement to test the plane strain, high strain rate behavior of Al 6061-O tubes of different lengths. A 112 mm long solenoid was designed and manufactured, and testing was performed on 30.5 mm diameter Al 6061-O tubes in lengths of 50, 70 and 90 mm. It was observed that the coil behaved similar to shorter ones at low voltages and that the longer the specimen used, the more its deformation path approached a plane strain condition.
Finally, a third experiment was performed to develop an experiment to accelerate a plate to high linear velocities, as a means to evaluate the use of a flat spiral coil as the driver for future experiments based upon electromagnetic inductive loading. A prototype coil was manufactured and installed into a converted expanding tube experimental setup. Three samples were tested in several sizes, and materials: aluminum and steel. Speeds in the range of 45 to 251 m/s were obtained, validating the apparatus as a viable method to provide a unidirectional loading. / text
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Etude des états finals à deux bosons Z dans le canal leptons-neutrinos dans l'expérience CMS auprès du LHC au CERNMarionneau, Matthieu 27 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Une étude des états finaux ZZ avec les premières données acquises par le détecteur CMS est présentée dans cette thèse. Cette étude exploite les premières données délivrées par le LHC et enregistrées par CMS en 2010 et 2011. La section efficace de production ZZ est mesurée et des limites sont posées sur deux constantes de couplages de jauge électrofaibles anomaux neutres. La présence de tels couplages serait une évidence de nouvelle physique au delà du Modèle Standard et nécessite d'être étudiée en détail. De plus, le processus de création de paire de boson Z dans le Modèle Standard est un bruit de fond pour la recherche du boson de Higgs et doit être connu avec précision. Une série d'études préalables est effectuée sur le calorimètre électromagnétique de CMS : ces études portent sur le système de lecture sélective et le système de contrôle laser. Une autre étude préalable porte sur le comportement et la mesure de l'énergie transverse manquante dans des événements contenant un boson électrofaible se désintégrant dans le canal électronique. Cette étude montre que l'empilement a un impact important sur la mesure de l'énergie transverse manquante et que des corrections doivent être déployées pour réduire ces effets. Les conclusions de ces analyses contribuent à la bonne compréhension des résultats obtenus sur les états finaux à deux boson Z.
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Modelling inductively coupled coils for wireless implantable bio-sensors: a novel approach using the finite element methodTrezise, Tyler 26 August 2011 (has links)
After nearly a decade of development, human-implantable sensors for detection of muscle activity have recently been demonstrated in the literature. The implantable sensors are powered and communicate wirelessly through the skin using coupled inductor coils.
The focus of the present work has been the development of a new approach to modeling the inductively coupled link by using the finite element method (FEM) to simulate a three-dimensional representation of the coils and surrounding magnetic field.
The validity of the simulation is tested by comparison to analytically-developed formulas for self-inductance, ac resistance and mutual inductance of the coils. Determination of these parameters is necessary for calculation of the coupling coefficient between the coils, and to fully define the lumped circuit model of the link.
This 3D FEM approach is novel and attractive because it is able to encompass physical geometric parameters and material properties that have been traditionally been a challenge to determine. In particular the contribution of a ferrite-core, and the case of non-symmetrical relative coil positioning can be evaluated. / Graduate
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Desenvolvimento de um equipamento portátil e de sistema de análises em fluxo empregando multicomutação. Determinação fotométrica de ferro em águas de rios / Development of a portable equipment and a flow analysis system employing multicommutation. Photometric determination of iron in river watersJeová Correia Miranda 20 July 2011 (has links)
O ferro é o elemento mais abundante na Terra e tem importante papel em ciclos biogeoquímicos Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um procedimento analítico automático para a determinação fotométrica de ferro em águas de rios, empregando um fotômetro baseado em LED e mini-bombas solenoide para o gerenciamento de soluções. O procedimento proposto foi baseado na reação do ferro (III) com o tiocianato de potássio formando um complexo avermelhado com máximo de absorção em 470 nm. Para a determinação de ferro total foi incluída uma etapa de oxidação em linha, usando uma solução de persulfato (S2O82-) como oxidante. O módulo de análises foi constituído por quatro mini-bombas solenoide e uma válvula solenoide de três vias. Para a obtenção de sinais foi construído um fotômetro composto por uma cela de fluxo com caminho óptico de 50 mm, um LED azul (\'lâmbda\'=470 nm) e um fotodetector. Visando utilizar este equipamento portátil para medidas em campo, foram empregadas duas baterias de 6 V para alimentar os dispositivos ativos. Os ensaios em laboratório mostraram que as baterias permitem uma autonomia de mais de 50 horas de trabalho sem recarregá-las. O procedimento desenvolvido apresentou as seguintes características analíticas: resposta linear entre as concentrações de 0,25 e 4,0 mg L-1, segundo a equação Y = (0,0183 ± 0,003) + (0,15326 ± 0,002)X (r=0,9997); limite de detecção 0,013 mg L-1 Fe (III) estimado com 99,7 % de confiança; desvio padrão relativo estimado em 0,95 % (n=15) obtido com uma solução de concentração de 1,5 mg L-1 Fe (III); frequência de amostragem de 50 determinações por hora. Os resultados obtidos pelo procedimento proposto e pelo de referência não apresentaram diferenças significativas com nível de confiança de 95 % / Iron is the most abundant element on Earth and plays an important role in biogeochemical cycles. In this work, an automatic analytical procedure was developed for the photometric determination of iron in river waters, employing a LED-based photometer and solenoid mini-pumps for solution handling. The proposed procedure was based on the reaction between iron (III) and potassium thiocyanate, yielding a red complex with maximum absorption at 470 nm. For the determination of total iron, an in line oxidation step was included, employing a persulfate solution (S2O82-) as oxidant. The module was constructed with four solenoid mini-pumps and a three-way solenoid valve. For data acquisition a photometer was constructed with a 50 mm optical path flow cell, a blue LED (\'lâmbda\'= 470 nm) and a photodetector. Envisioning the use of this portable equipment in field, two 6-Volt batteries were employed to supply energy to the active devices. Laboratory tests showed that the batteries provide more than 50 hours of operation without recharging. The proposed procedure showed the following analytical features: linear response between 0.25 and 4.0 mg L-1, according to the equation Y = (0.0183 ± 0.003) + (0.15326 ± 0.002) X (r = 0.9997); detection limit of 0.013 mg L-1 Fe (III), estimated with 99.7 % of confidence; relative standard deviation estimated as 0.95% (n = 15), obtained with a 1.5 mg L-1 Fe (III) solution; sampling rate of 50 determinations per hour.The results obtained with the proposed and reference procedure did not show significative differences at a 95% confidence level
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Study of Triple-GEM detectors for the CMS muon spectrometer upgrade at LHC and study of the forward-backward charge asymmetry for the search of extra neutral gauge bosonsZenoni, Florian 27 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat a pour cadre l’expérience CMS auprès du grand collisionneur de protons du CERN, le LHC. Le LHC, qui a permis la découverte en 2012 du boson de Brout-Englert-Higgs, est destiné à fonctionner pour encore 20 ans, avec une luminosité qui croîtra progressivement pour atteindre d’ici 2025 la valeur de 7.5 x 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1, c'est à dire environ cinq fois la valeur initialement prévue. Ceci a pour conséquence que les expériences doivent s’adapter et mettre à niveau une série de leurs composants et détecteurs. Une des prochaines mises à niveau de l’expérience CMS concerne les détecteurs Triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) qui sont actuellement en développement pour la partie avant du spectromètre à muons de l’expérience. Ces détecteurs seront installés dans CMS durant le deuxième long arrêt du LHC, en 2018-2019, appelé LS2. Cette mise à niveau a pour but de contrôler les taux de déclenchement d’événements pour la détection de muons, grâce à la haute performance de ces détecteurs Triple GEM en présence de taux de particules extrêmement élevés (>1 kHz/cm^2). De plus, grâce à sa très bonne résolution spatiale (~250 um), la technologie GEM peut améliorer la reconstruction des traces de muons et la capacité d’identification du détecteur avant.Le but de mon travail de recherche est d’estimer la sensitivité des Triple GEMs à l’environnement de radiation hostile dans CMS, essentiellement composé de neutrons et de photons produits lors des interactions entre les particules et les détecteurs constituant l’expérience CMS. L’estimation précise de cette sensitivité est très importante, car une sous-estimation pourrait avoir des effets désastreux pour l’efficacité des Triple GEMs une fois installés dans CMS. Pour valider mes simulations, j’ai également reproduit des résultats expérimentaux obtenus avec d’autres détecteurs similaires déjà installés dans CMS, tels que les Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC).La deuxième partie de mon travail concerne l’étude de la capacité de l’expérience CMS à discerner différents modèles de nouvelle physique prédisant l’existence de bosons vecteurs, appelés Z'. Ces modèles font partie des extensions plausibles du Modèle Standard. En particulier, l’analyse se concentre sur des simulations dans lesquelles le Z' se désintègre en deux muons, et sur l’impact que les mises à niveau avec les détecteurs Triple GEM apporteront à ces mesures tout le long de la phase de haute intensité du LHC. Mes simulations montrent que plus de 20% des événements simulés comptent au moins un muon dans la région en pseudo-rapidité (eta) de CMS couverte par les détecteurs Triple GEM. Les résultats préliminaires démontrent que, dans le case de modèles à 3 TeV/c^2, il sera possible dès la fin de la Phase I de distinguer un Z'I d'un Z'SSM avec un niveau de signification alpha > 3 sigma. / This PhD thesis takes place in the CMS experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The LHC allowed the discovery of the Brout-Englert-Higgs boson in 2012, and is designed to run for at least 20 years, with an increasing luminosity that will reach by 2025 a value of 7.5 x 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1, that is a yield five times greater than the one initially intended. As a consequence, the experiments must adapt and upgrade many of their components and particle detectors. One of the foreseen upgrades of the CMS experiment concerns the Triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors, currently in development for the forward muon spectrometer. These detectors will be installed in CMS during the second long LHC shutdown (LS2), in 2018-2019. The aim of this upgrade is to better control the event trigger rate at Level 1 for muon detection, thanks to the high performance of these Triple GEM detectors, in presence of very high particle rates (>1 kHz/cm^2). Moreover, thanks to its excellent spatial resolution (~250 um), the GEM technology can improve the muon track reconstruction and the identification capability of the forward detector.The goal of my research is to estimate the sensitivity of Triple GEMs to the hostile background radiation in CMS, essentially made of neutron and photons generated by the interaction between the particles and CMS detectors. The accurate evaluation of this sensitivity is very important, as an underestimation could have ruinous effects of the Triple GEMs efficiency, once they are installed in CMS. To validate my simulations, I have reproduced experimental results obtained with similar detectors already installed in CMS, such as the Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC).The second part of my work regards the study of the CMS experiment capability to discriminate between different models of new physics predicting the existence of neutral vector bosons called Z'. These models belong to plausible extensions of the Standard Model. In particular, the analysis is focused on simulated samples in which the Z' decays in two muons, and on the impact that the Triple GEM detectors upgrades will bring to these measurements during the high luminosity phase of the LHC, called Phase II. My simulations prove that more than 20% of the simulated events see at least one muon in the CMS pseudo-rapidity (eta) region covered by Triple GEM detectors. Preliminary results show that, in the case of 3 TeV/c^2 models, it will be possible already at the end of Phase I to discriminate a Z'I from a Z'SSM with a significance level alpha > 3 sigma. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Návrh konstrukce rychlého elektromagnetického ventilu semiaktivního tlumiče / The design of fast electromagnetic valve for semiactive damperŽižlavský, Vít January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis’s focuses on the mechanical design of fast solenoid throttle valve for DCC semiactive damper. Current DCC dampers work with a time response of over 10 ms, which is not suitable for fast semiactive control of vehicle chassis. The time response needs to be shortened, to improve quality of regulation. The required time response is archived by new fast electromagnetic actuator for original CES valve. The actuator has been accelerated by reducing induction of eddy currents and by reducing weight of moving parts. New valve helped to reduce the time response of damper by 28 % to 8,1 ms. The results proved, that the time response is affected more by speed of the servo effect, which is closing main orifice, than by electromagnetic actuator. There is no more potential in accelerating CES valve by actuator.
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Programovatelný termostat / Programmable Thermoregulator DesignKollár, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the study was to design, build and experimentally verify a programmable thermostat. The main control unit of the thermostat is an ATmega168 microcontroller which communicates via I2C bus with remote MAX6615 chips. They are used to measure temperature with a set of thermistors and control the flow of the hot water in the heating system. This work deals with issues of remote control through the I2C bus, servomotor steering, precision temperature measurement and describes the inner workings of the system. The next chapter includes a proposal for possible extension of the system. The last part contains the manual of the control menu structure and a brief description of the software.
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