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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The influence of financial markets and institutions on the economical growth. (The interest rate spread) Chile and Taiwan

Olguin Alvarez, Erik, Sabah, Fred January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of financial markets and institutions on the economical growth of a developing country. The IRS (interest rate spread) is used as the main tool, to examine Chile and Taiwan regarding their economical growth between 1988 and 2007. The reason Taiwan and Chile have been chosen is due to vast differences in the geographical location, and even divergence in political and economical system of these countries. The research method that has been chosen for this thesis is a quantitative method. The economic theory is mainly based on secondary data. The method of data presentation and analysis are manly descriptive even though the layout of the thesis is more of an explanation research. The carculations are made with the statictical computer program SPSS. The results of the study are expressed mathematically and in sets of tables. In order to determinate the correlation between IRS and macroeconomic factors and the correlation between IRS and Economy growth, the magnitude and trend of the IRS is analysed from 1988 to 2007. To test the hypothesis, the OLS regression and panel data model is used. The theoretical part is the base of the empirical part. The theoretical part is needed in order to understand and later on analyze the results from research on Chile and Taiwan. Different aspects of economical growth are defined to make it easier to understand and follow the thesis thoroughly. The financial markets and institutions are discussed very shortly. To understand the growth theory, Solow growth model is discussed, which is one of the most important models concerning the economical growth. The empirical part of the thesis is dealing with the test of IRS against some macro economical factors such as; costumer price index (CPI), Exchange Rate (EX), Export Volume (EXP) and Money Supply (MO) of two different countries; Taiwan and Chile. The study provides evidence of the correlation between interest rate spread and the macroeconomical factors. The result shows that the correlation between interest rate spread and the macroeconomics factors vary from country to country. This mainly depends on the difference in political situation, the different economic and political policies of various goverments, the high inflation rates and the market structure of the countries. The value of the coefficients gives the magnitude of adjustment in the event that the systems move out of equilibrium. It also provides some evidence that there is a significant relationship between interst rate spread and economical growth. The test results show clearly that in order to gain a sustainable development and economical growth the financial markets must perform well.

The influence of financial markets and institutions on the economical growth. (The interest rate spread) Chile and Taiwan

Olguin Alvarez, Erik, Sabah, Fred January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of financial markets and institutions on the economical growth of a developing country. The IRS (interest rate spread) is used as the main tool, to examine Chile and Taiwan regarding their economical growth between 1988 and 2007. The reason Taiwan and Chile have been chosen is due to vast differences in the geographical location, and even divergence in political and economical system of these countries.</p><p>The research method that has been chosen for this thesis is a quantitative method. The economic theory is mainly based on secondary data. The method of data presentation and analysis are manly descriptive even though the layout of the thesis is more of an explanation research. The carculations are made with the statictical computer program SPSS. The results of the study are expressed mathematically and in sets of tables. In order to determinate the correlation between IRS and macroeconomic factors and the correlation between IRS and Economy growth, the magnitude and trend of the IRS is analysed from 1988 to 2007. To test the hypothesis, the OLS regression and panel data model is used.</p><p>The theoretical part is the base of the empirical part. The theoretical part is needed in order to understand and later on analyze the results from research on Chile and Taiwan. Different aspects of economical growth are defined to make it easier to understand and follow the thesis thoroughly. The financial markets and institutions are discussed very shortly. To understand the growth theory, Solow growth model is discussed, which is one of the most important models concerning the economical growth.</p><p>The empirical part of the thesis is dealing with the test of IRS against some macro economical factors such as; costumer price index (CPI), Exchange Rate (EX), Export Volume (EXP) and Money Supply (MO) of two different countries; Taiwan and Chile. The study provides evidence of the correlation between interest rate spread and the macroeconomical factors. The result shows that the correlation between interest rate spread and the macroeconomics factors vary from country to country. This mainly depends on the difference in political situation, the different economic and political policies of various goverments, the high inflation rates and the market structure of the countries. The value of the coefficients gives the magnitude of adjustment in the event that the systems move out of equilibrium. It also provides some evidence that there is a significant relationship between interst rate spread and economical growth. The test results show clearly that in order to gain a sustainable development and economical growth the financial markets must perform well.</p>

What factors affect economic growth in China?

Jondell Assbring, Malin January 2012 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to find out what factors have been the main sources of economic growth in China in 2003 and 2010. It also aims to find out whether the Solow model can be used to explain growth in China, if factors of growth are the same in rich and poor regions, whether the factors are the same in 2003 and 2010 and if the results are in line with previous research. The theoretical framework is the Solow model. Empirical tests are performed using econometrics, and therefore this thesis has a quantitative approach. Factors used are growth in GDP per capita which is tested against investments, household savings, the level of GDP per capita, population growth, healthcare and education. The results show that the Solow model can explain economic growth in China. Investments, the level of GDP per capita and population growth are the factors most significant to growth. In poor regions, both investments and population growth are more significant than in rich regions, whereas healthcare is more significant in rich regions. Investments and population growth also have a smaller impact in 2010 than 2003. Healthcare is more significant in 2010 and than 2003, and education is only significant in 2010. Previous research shows a wide range of results, and the results of investments and population growth are consistent with those.

Economic crisis in Ukraine: why it has occurred and what to do

Stepanova, Larysa January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis identifies major causes and potential solutions of economic crisis in Ukraine. The thesis also provides answers on two research questions: What type of crisis is the current crisis in Ukraine? What are fundamental measures to restore sustainable economic growth in Ukraine? For better under-standing of the impact of financial crisis on economic development in Ukraine was used a comparative analysis of macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine and three other countries with similar economic, geographic, historical and cultural characteristics, which are Poland, Belarus and Latvia. In diploma thesis was introduced Regression analysis of Ukrainian economy based on Romer’s theory.

Economic Diversification in The United Arab Emirates : Is the economy leaving its oil dependency?

Zemoi, Jonas, Cardona Cervantes, Gabriel January 2009 (has links)
As the public becomes more concerned with the natural environment, one of the major topics discussed is the oil. Since there is no true source of knowledge how long the oil can continue to be extracted, it is interesting to know how long the world can benefit from such as scarce resource. Instead of idly watching as oil production decreases with time, which pre-measures could be taken in order to minimize a negative impact on an economy? The UAE is a thriving oil rich countries which for the past 30 years have experienced a vast oil wealth. Even though the oil gave wealth to the UAE, they should avoid any future oil dependency since it could negatively affect its now flourishing economy. Therefore, for the UAE to continue growing in the future it is in the best interest for the government to focus on a diversifying strategy that promotes the non-oil economy. By referring to concepts and theories of previous research in this field such as the Solow growth model, Resource curse and Dutch disease the authors find that the UAE had managed to diversify or not. Three sectors in different periods between 1970 and 2007 were measured: The oil sector, the non-oil sector and the government sector. Diversification changes means a decreasing dependency of the oil sector to the non-oil sector while the latter instead depends more on the government sector. Using British Petroleum (2008) and United Nations (2008) as sources, data was collected in order to draw a time-series regression analysis and test empirically for these diversification trends. The results for all periods confirmed that the UAE have indeed diversified and it could thus be observed that it started its successful strategy already in the 1970s. With the right government policy investments and the stability in the union, the UAE prevented from becoming dependent on oil and thereby not crowding out its important non-oil economy. / Med en ökad allmän medvetenhet angående naturmiljön så är oljan bland det mest omtalande temat. Eftersom inget vet exakt hur länge oljan kan utvinnas, är det intressant att veta hur länge världen kan förlita sig på en sådan begränsad resurs. Finns det förebyggande medel för att minska en negativ verkan på ekonomin istället för att passivt bevittna en sjunkande oljeproduktion? Förenta Arabemiraten (FAE) är en framgångsrik union som under de senaste 30 åren har åtnjutit en omfattande oljerikedom. Trots att oljan lade grunden för tillväxten i FAE, så börs unionen undvika sitt oljeberoende eftersom den negativt kan påverka den nuvarande blomstrande ekonomin. Således, för att bibehålla tillväxten i FAE för framtiden, borde det vara i statens största intresse att fokusera på en differentierings-strategi som främjar icke-oljans ekonomi. För att veta om FAE faktiskt har differentierat sig eller inte, används koncept och teorier för tidigare forskning kring områdets som t.ex. Solows tillväxtmodel, Resursförbannelsen och holländska sjukan. Tre sektorer mättes i olika perioder mellan 1970-2007: oljesektorn, icke-sektorn och statssektorn. Icke-olje sektorn förväntas minska oljeberoendet samt öka beroendet av statssektorn vilket resulterar i en differentieringstrend i ekonomin. Genom källor från British Petroleum (2008) och Förenta Nationerna (2008)  har data insamlats för att empiriskt testa en tidsserie regression och se förändringar mellan sektorerna. Under alla perioder i FAE blev en differentieringstrend bekräftad och man kunde därför se att denna framgångsrika strategi redan åtogs i 1970-talet. Med effektiva investeringar i den offentliga sektorn samt en hållbar stabilitet i unionen, undvek FAE ett oljeberoende och därmed främjade icke-olje ekonomin.

Economic Diversification in The United Arab Emirates : Is the economy leaving its oil dependency?

Zemoi, Jonas, Cardona Cervantes, Gabriel January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>As the public becomes more concerned with the natural environment, one of the major topics discussed is the oil. Since there is no true source of knowledge how long the oil can continue to be extracted, it is interesting to know how long the world can benefit from such as scarce resource. Instead of idly watching as oil production decreases with time, which pre-measures could be taken in order to minimize a negative impact on an economy? The UAE is a thriving oil rich countries which for the past 30 years have experienced a vast oil wealth. Even though the oil gave wealth to the UAE, they should avoid any future oil dependency since it could negatively affect its now flourishing economy. Therefore, for the UAE to continue growing in the future it is in the best interest for the government to focus on a diversifying strategy that promotes the non-oil economy. By referring to concepts and theories of previous research in this field such as the Solow growth model, Resource curse and Dutch disease the authors find that the UAE had managed to diversify or not. Three sectors in different periods between 1970 and 2007 were measured: The oil sector, the non-oil sector and the government sector. Diversification changes means a decreasing dependency of the oil sector to the non-oil sector while the latter instead depends more on the government sector. Using British Petroleum (2008) and United Nations (2008) as sources, data was collected in order to draw a time-series regression analysis and test empirically for these diversification trends. The results for all periods confirmed that the UAE have indeed diversified and it could thus be observed that it started its successful strategy already in the 1970s. With the right government policy investments and the stability in the union, the UAE prevented from becoming dependent on oil and thereby not crowding out its important non-oil economy. </strong></p> / <p><strong>Med en ökad allmän medvetenhet angående naturmiljön så är oljan bland det mest omtalande temat. Eftersom inget vet exakt hur länge oljan kan utvinnas, är det intressant att veta hur länge världen kan förlita sig på en sådan begränsad resurs. Finns det förebyggande medel för att minska en negativ verkan på ekonomin istället för att passivt bevittna en sjunkande oljeproduktion? Förenta Arabemiraten (FAE) är en framgångsrik union som under de senaste 30 åren har åtnjutit en omfattande oljerikedom. Trots att oljan lade grunden för tillväxten i FAE, så börs unionen undvika sitt oljeberoende eftersom den negativt kan påverka den nuvarande blomstrande ekonomin. Således, för att bibehålla tillväxten i FAE för framtiden, borde det vara i statens största intresse att fokusera på en differentierings-strategi som främjar icke-oljans ekonomi. För att veta om FAE faktiskt har differentierat sig eller inte, används koncept och teorier för tidigare forskning kring områdets som t.ex. Solows tillväxtmodel, Resursförbannelsen och holländska sjukan. Tre sektorer mättes i olika perioder mellan 1970-2007: oljesektorn, icke-sektorn och statssektorn. Icke-olje sektorn förväntas minska oljeberoendet samt öka beroendet av statssektorn vilket resulterar i en differentieringstrend i ekonomin. Genom källor från British Petroleum (2008) och Förenta Nationerna (2008)  har data insamlats för att empiriskt testa en tidsserie regression och se förändringar mellan sektorerna. Under alla perioder i FAE blev en differentieringstrend bekräftad och man kunde därför se att denna framgångsrika strategi redan åtogs i 1970-talet. Med effektiva investeringar i den offentliga sektorn samt en hållbar stabilitet i unionen, undvek FAE ett oljeberoende och därmed främjade icke-olje ekonomin.</strong><strong></strong></p>

Vliv produktivity na vývoj běžného účtu platební bilance / Impact of productivity on current account behavior

Pivoňka, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is considered with impact of productivity on current account of Czech Republic. It is based on model presented by Glicka, R., and K. Rogoffa "Global versus Country-Specific Productivity Shocks and the Current Account". In this model productivity is distinguished on country specific and global productivity in countries of G-7. Other authors followed this model by extension or revision. In my thesis I was working with several series of productivity based on different data from some sectors of economy. To capture productivity is used Solow residuum of Cobb-Doublas production function. Country specific productivity shock worsen current account as initial model says. Analysis of time series revealed the most suitable series for description of current account behaviour as series of total industry with investment based on gross fixed capital formation.

Public Expenditure and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Nigeria

Obiechina, Michael E. January 2020 (has links)
Theoretical and empirical literature suggest that public expenditure plays very important role in economic growth, especially in the developing countries. Available statistics show that Nigeria’s 5-year average annual real public expenditure/GDP ratio grew during the greater part of the study period 1981-2015, while the 5-year average annual real GDP growth and real GDP per capita growth rates are positive during the same study period, except for 1981-1985 and 1986-1990, respectively. The incidence of poverty, however, maintained upward movement, except for 2006-2010. The foregoing interactions have been seldom, the focus of empirical studies in Nigeria. This study examines the effects of public expenditure on economic growth and poverty reduction in Nigeria from 1981-2015, using variants of two models and simulation exercise: augmented Solow growth model and growth-poverty model. Real public expenditure/GDP ratio is used as the policy variable and the simulation duration is for 5-years, 2016-2020. We use the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds testing procedure by Pesaran et al. (2001) to estimate the two models, given that the annual data used for the models’ estimations were integrated of order I(1) and I(0) and small sample size. The results from the two models confirmed that public expenditure increases economic growth, though not significant, while economic growth does not reduce poverty. The same findings are confirmed through the simulation exercise. We, however, offer measures that would ensure growth and poverty reduction in Nigeria; public expenditure switch that encourages more investments in capital public expenditure, social sector public expenditure and private capital investment. / Central Bank of Nigeria

Science, technologie, et théories économiques de la croissance des années 50 à aujourd’hui / Science, Technology and Economic Growth Theories in the Post-War Era

Ballandonne, Matthieu 21 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier la façon dont les économistes ont théorisé la relation entre science, technologie et croissance économique des années cinquante à aujourd’hui. Nous identifions deux approches des liens entre science, technologie et croissance : une approche « néoclassique » et une approche « évolutionniste ». L’approche « néoclassique » considère les progrès scientifiques et technologiques comme exogènes aux processus économiques et analyse les processus de croissance comme étant soumis à des rendements constants. L’approche « évolutionniste » défend quant à elle une représentation interactionniste des liens entre science et technologie, considère les progrès technologiques et scientifiques comme étant endogènes aux processus économiques et analyse les processus de croissance comme étant soumis à des rendements croissants. Nous analysons l’émergence de ces deux approches dans les années cinquante et soixante et expliquons leur opposition avec une domination de l’approche « néoclassique » jusque dans les années quatre-vingt (Partie 1). Nous montrons ensuite que l’approche « évolutionniste » devient dominante à partir des années quatre-vingt (Partie 2). / The aim of this thesis is to examine the way economists theorized the links between science, technology, and economic growth in the post-war era. We identify two approaches of the links between science, technology, and economic growth : a “neoclassical” approach and an “evolutionary” approach. The “neoclassical” approach considers scientific and technological progress as exogenous to economic processes and makes the hypothesis of constant returns to scale. The “evolutionary” approach defends an interactive representation of the links between science and technology, considers scientific and technological progress as endogenous to economic processes, and makes the hypothesis of increasing returns to scale. We study the development of the two approaches in the fifties and sixties, and explain their opposition and the dominance of the “neoclassical” approach up to the eighties (Part 1). We then show that the “evolutionary” approach has been the most influential since the eighties (Part 2).

Essays in Total Factor Productivity measurement

Severgnini, Battista 16 August 2010 (has links)
Diese Dissertation umfasst sowohl einen theoretisches als auch einen empirischen Beitrag zur Analyse der Messung der gesamten Faktorproduktivität (TFP). Das erste Kapitel inspiziert die bestehende Literatur über die häufigsten Techniken der TFP Messung und gibt einen Überblick über deren Limitierung. Das zweite Kapitel betrachtet Daten, die durch ein Real Business Cycle Modell generiert wurden und untersucht das quantifizierbare Ausmaß von Messfehlern des Solow Residuums als ein Maß für TFP Wachstum, wenn der Kapitalstock fehlerhaft gemessen wird und wenn Kapazitätsauslastung und Abschreibungen endogen sind. Das dritte Kapitel schlägt eine neue Methodologie in einem bayesianischen Zusammenhang vor, die auf Zustands- Raum-Modellen basiert. Das vierte Kapitel führt einen neuen Ansatz zur Bestimmung möglicher Spill-over Effekte auf Grund neuer Technologien auf die Produktivität ein und kombiniert eine kontrafaktische Zerlegung, die von den Hauptannahmen des Malquist Indexes abgeleitet wird mit ökonometrischen Methoden, die auf Machado and Mata (2005) zurückgehen. / This dissertation consists of theoretical and empirical contributions to the study on Total Factor Productivity (TFP) measurement. The first chapter surveys the literature on the most used techniques in measuring TFP and surveys the limits of these frameworks. The second chapter considers data generated from a Real Business Cycle model and studies the quantitative extent of measurement error for the Solow residual as a measure of TFP growth when the capital stock is measured with error and when capacity utilization and depreciation are endogenous. Furthermore, it proposes two alternative measurements of TFP growth which do not require capital stocks. The third chapter proposes a new methodology based on State-space models in a Bayesian framework. Applying the Kalman Filter to artificial data, it proposes a computation of the initial condition for productivity growth based on the properties of the Malmquist index. The fourth chapter introduces a new approach for identifying possible spillovers emanating from new technologies on productivity combining a counterfactual decomposition derived from the main properties of the Malmquist index and the econometric technique introduced by Machado and Mata (2005).

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