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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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ICT adoption in a multicultural context: a case study of the African Union

Thuiya, Robert W. 04 1900 (has links)
Text in English with summary and key words in English, isiZulu and Afrikaans / Information and Communications Technology (ICT) adoption in a multicultural context needs to be well understood, since smooth ICT operations within several key sections of any multicultural organisation are impacted on by cultural factors. This study seeks to investigate the importance and effects of several variables – cultural tastes, cultural values, social structures, and the communication context and language – on ICT adoption in the African Union (AU). It also enhances understanding of issues faced by AU when adopting ICT in their daily operations. The study has reviewed theoretical literature, specifically Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DIT), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), The Competing Values Framework/Model, and Value-Based Adoption Model (VAM). The study used the value-based adoption model because in a multicultural environment such as AU, if an innovation is valuable and cost effective then they users are likely to adopt it. Reliability scores of the constructs were calculated by averaging the scores. The variables that could cause impact on ICT adoption included cultural values, social structure, culture taste, language and communication context. The tool was tested for reliability, and those questions that were found and unreliable questions were taken out from the final study. To enhance the test of validity of factors, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was preferred as the initial step in the validation process. The research was conducted at the AU offices within and outside of Ethiopia. A total of 288 participants completed a semi-structured questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis was used. The findings indicate that language and cultural taste had a noteworthy effect at the stated significance level (α<0.05). Cultural values, communication, social structure and the communication context were found to be insignificant at the stated significance level (α<0.05). The study recommends that the AU embraces inclusivity of different and diverse languages into its ICT systems, to facilitate adoption and use by employees. In conclusion, the study points out that cultural tastes and languages are the vital elements in the adoption of ICT in the AU. / Ukwamukelwa kohlelo lezobuChwepheshe Bolwazi Kanye nokuXhumana (Information and communications technology (ICT) kwizidingo zesimo esiqukethe amasiko amaningi kufanele kuzwisiseke kahle, njengoba imisebenzi ehamba kahle yohlelo lwe-ICT kwimikhakha esemqoka yanoma iyiphi inhlangano enamasiko amaningi ithintwa yimithelela yosikompilo. Lolu cwaningo luqonde ukuphenya ukubaluleka Kanye nemithelela yezinto ezahlukene, kuxutshwa phakathi izinhlobo zamasiko, ubuhle bamasiko, izakhowo zomphakathi, Kanye nesimo sokuxhumana Kanye nolimi, phezu kokwamukelwa kwe-ICT kwinhlangano yoBunye be-Afrika (African Union (AU), ngenhloso yokuqinisa ulwazi lwezinto ezihlupha inhlangano ye-AU, uma yamukela uhlelo lwe-ICT kwimisebenzi yalo yansuku zonke. Ucwaningo luye lwabuyekeza ukuba khona ithiyori yombhalo wobuciko, ikakhulu ithiyori ebizwa nge-Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DIT), uhlelol lwe-Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), uhlelo lwe-Competing Values Framework/Model Kanye ne-Value-based Adoption Model (VAM). Lolu hlelo lokugcina lusetshenzisiwe, ngoba kwisizinda samasiko amaningi esinjenge-AU, uma ngabe uhlelo lwamaqhinga amasha lutholakala lusemqoka futhi lungembi eqolo, ngakho-ke abasebenzisi balo bangalwamukela. Ucwaningo lwenziwa kumahovisi enhlangano ye-AU ezindaweni ezimbili ngaphakathi nangaphandle kwezwe lase-Ethiopia. Inani lonke labadlalindima aba-288 bagcwalise umbhalo wemibuzo ombaxambili. Amaphuzu achaza ukwethembeka (reliability scores) ezakhiwo akhalukhuleyithwe ngokuwalinganisa (averaged). Ithuluzi lohlelo lwe-VAM luhlolwe ngenhloso yokuthola izinga lokwethembeka, kanti-ke yinoma iyiphi imibuzo engathembeki isusiwe kucwaningo. Ukuqinisa uhlelo lokuhlola izinga lokufaneleko kwemithelela (validity of factors), ukuhlaziywa kwemithelela ephenyayo (exploratory factor analysis (EFA) kunconywe njengesinyathelo sokuqala kuhlelo lwe-validation. Ulwazi olutholakele luveza ukuthi ulimi kanye losikompilo kube nomthelela obonakalayo kwisilinganiso se (<0.05), kanti izimfundisa ezinhle zamasiko, ukuxhumana, isakhiwo somphakathi kanye nesimo sezokuxhumana kutholakele ukuthi akubalulekile kwisilinganiso esichaziwe sezinga le (<0.05). Ucwaningo luncoma ukuthi i-AU yamukela uhlelo lokufaka amasiko onke ngokusebenzisa izilimi ezahlukahlukene kumasistimu ayo e-ICT, ukunceda ukwamukelwa kanye nokusetshenziswa ngabasebenzi. Sengiphetha, ucwaningo, ucwaningo luyachaza ukuthi izinhlobo ezahlukene zamasiko kanye nezilimi kuyizinhlaka ezisemqoka ekwamukelweni kohlelo lwe-ICT ngaphakathim kwe-AU. / Die ingebruikneming van inligtings- en kommunikasietegnologie (IKT) in ʼn multikulturele konteks moet goed begryp word, aangesien vloeiende IKT-werksaamhede in verskeie sleutelsektore van enige multikulturele organisasie deur kulturele faktore beïnvloed word. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om die belangrikheid van verskillende veranderlikes, insluitende kulturele smake, kulturele waardes, sosiale strukture, en die kommunikasiekonteks en -taal, en die invloed daarvan op IKT-ingebruikneming in die Afrika-unie (AU) te ondersoek, met die oog op verbeterde begrip van die kwessies waarmee die AU gekonfronteer word wanneer IKT in hul daaglikse werksaamhede gebruik word. In die studie is die beskikbare teoretiese literatuur hersien, spesifiek die Diffusie van Innovasie- Teorie (DIT), die Saambindende Teorie van Aanvaarding en Gebruik van Tegnologie (UTAUT), die Mededingende Waardes-raamwerk/-model en die Waardegebaseerde Ingebruikneming-model (VAM). Laasgenoemde is toegepas, want in ʼn multikulturele omgewing soos dié van die AU sal gebruikers waarskynlik ʼn innovasie gebruik indien dit waardevol en kostedoeltreffend is. Die navorsing is by AU-kantore in sowel as buite Etiopië uitgevoer. Altesaam 288 deelnemers het ʼn halfgestruktureerde vraelys voltooi. Die betroubaarheidspuntetelling van die konstrukte is bereken deur hul gemiddelde te bepaal. Die VAM-hulpmiddel is getoets vir betroubaarheid, en enige onbetroubare vrae is uit die finale studie verwyder. Om die toets van geldigheid van faktore te versterk, is verkennende faktorontleding (EFA) verkies as die aanvanklike stap in die proses van geldigheidsbepaling. Die bevindinge het getoon dat taal en kulturele smaak ʼn noemenswaardige uitwerking op die genoemde beduidendheidspeil (<0.05) gehad het, terwyl kulturele waardes, kommunikasie, sosiale struktuur en die kommunikasiekonteks onbeduidend blyk te wees op die genoemde beduidendheidspeil (<0.05). Die studie beveel aan dat die AU inklusiwiteit verwelkom deur diverse tale in sy IK-stelsels te gebruik, om aanvaarding en ingebruikneming daarvan deur werknemers te bewerkstellig. Ten slotte: die studie het bevind dat kulturele smake en tale deurslaggewende elemente in die aanvaarding van IKT in die AU is / Ukwamukelwa kohlelo lezobuChwepheshe Bolwazi Kanye nokuXhumana (Information and communications technology (ICT) kwizidingo zesimo esiqukethe amasiko amaningi kufanele kuzwisiseke kahle, njengoba imisebenzi ehamba kahle yohlelo lwe-ICT kwimikhakha esemqoka yanoma iyiphi inhlangano enamasiko amaningi ithintwa yimithelela yosikompilo. Lolu cwaningo luqonde ukuphenya ukubaluleka Kanye nemithelela yezinto ezahlukene, kuxutshwa phakathi izinhlobo zamasiko, ubuhle bamasiko, izakhowo zomphakathi, Kanye nesimo sokuxhumana Kanye nolimi, phezu kokwamukelwa kwe-ICT kwinhlangano yoBunye be-Afrika (African Union (AU), ngenhloso yokuqinisa ulwazi lwezinto ezihlupha inhlangano ye-AU, uma yamukela uhlelo lwe-ICT kwimisebenzi yalo yansuku zonke. Ucwaningo luye lwabuyekeza ukuba khona ithiyori yombhalo wobuciko, ikakhulu ithiyori ebizwa nge-Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DIT), uhlelol lwe-Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), uhlelo lwe-Competing Values Framework/Model Kanye ne-Value-based Adoption Model (VAM). Lolu hlelo lokugcina lusetshenzisiwe, ngoba kwisizinda samasiko amaningi esinjenge-AU, uma ngabe uhlelo lwamaqhinga amasha lutholakala lusemqoka futhi lungembi eqolo, ngakho-ke abasebenzisi balo bangalwamukela. Ucwaningo lwenziwa kumahovisi enhlangano ye-AU ezindaweni ezimbili ngaphakathi nangaphandle kwezwe lase-Ethiopia. Inani lonke labadlalindima aba-288 bagcwalise umbhalo wemibuzo ombaxambili. Amaphuzu achaza ukwethembeka (reliability scores) ezakhiwo akhalukhuleyithwe ngokuwalinganisa (averaged). Ithuluzi lohlelo lwe-VAM luhlolwe ngenhloso yokuthola izinga lokwethembeka, kanti-ke yinoma iyiphi imibuzo engathembeki isusiwe kucwaningo. Ukuqinisa uhlelo lokuhlola izinga lokufaneleko kwemithelela (validity of factors), ukuhlaziywa kwemithelela ephenyayo (exploratory factor analysis (EFA) kunconywe njengesinyathelo sokuqala kuhlelo lwe-validation. Ulwazi olutholakele luveza ukuthi ulimi kanye losikompilo kube nomthelela obonakalayo kwisilinganiso se (<0.05), kanti izimfundisa ezinhle zamasiko, ukuxhumana, isakhiwo somphakathi kanye nesimo sezokuxhumana kutholakele ukuthi akubalulekile kwisilinganiso esichaziwe sezinga le (<0.05). Ucwaningo luncoma ukuthi i-AU yamukela uhlelo lokufaka amasiko onke ngokusebenzisa izilimi ezahlukahlukene kumasistimu ayo e-ICT, ukunceda ukwamukelwa kanye nokusetshenziswa ngabasebenzi. Sengiphetha, ucwaningo, ucwaningo luyachaza ukuthi izinhlobo ezahlukene zamasiko kanye nezilimi kuyizinhlaka ezisemqoka ekwamukelweni kohlelo lwe-ICT ngaphakathim kwe-AU. / Die ingebruikneming van inligtings- en kommunikasietegnologie (IKT) in ʼn multikulturele konteks moet goed begryp word, aangesien vloeiende IKT-werksaamhede in verskeie sleutelsektore van enige multikulturele organisasie deur kulturele faktore beïnvloed word. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om die belangrikheid van verskillende veranderlikes, insluitende kulturele smake, kulturele waardes, sosiale strukture, en die kommunikasiekonteks en -taal, en die invloed daarvan op IKT-ingebruikneming in die Afrika-unie (AU) te ondersoek, met die oog op verbeterde begrip van die kwessies waarmee die AU gekonfronteer word wanneer IKT in hul daaglikse werksaamhede gebruik word. In die studie is die beskikbare teoretiese literatuur hersien, spesifiek die Diffusie van Innovasie- Teorie (DIT), die Saambindende Teorie van Aanvaarding en Gebruik van Tegnologie (UTAUT), die Mededingende Waardes-raamwerk/-model en die Waardegebaseerde Ingebruikneming-model (VAM). Laasgenoemde is toegepas, want in ʼn multikulturele omgewing soos dié van die AU sal gebruikers waarskynlik ʼn innovasie gebruik indien dit waardevol en kostedoeltreffend is. Die navorsing is by AU-kantore in sowel as buite Etiopië uitgevoer. Altesaam 288 deelnemers het ʼn halfgestruktureerde vraelys voltooi. Die betroubaarheidspuntetelling van die konstrukte is bereken deur hul gemiddelde te bepaal. Die VAM-hulpmiddel is getoets vir betroubaarheid, en enige onbetroubare vrae is uit die finale studie verwyder. Om die toets van geldigheid van faktore te versterk, is verkennende faktorontleding (EFA) verkies as die aanvanklike stap in die proses van geldigheidsbepaling. Die bevindinge het getoon dat taal en kulturele smaak ʼn noemenswaardige uitwerking op die genoemde beduidendheidspeil (<0.05) gehad het, terwyl kulturele waardes, kommunikasie, sosiale struktuur en die kommunikasiekonteks onbeduidend blyk te wees op die genoemde beduidendheidspeil (<0.05). Die studie beveel aan dat die AU inklusiwiteit verwelkom deur diverse tale in sy IK-stelsels te gebruik, om aanvaarding en ingebruikneming daarvan deur werknemers te bewerkstellig. Ten slotte: die studie het bevind dat kulturele smake en tale deurslaggewende elemente in die aanvaarding van IKT in die AU is. / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

A conceptual framework for digital political communication to promote party-political issue ownership via an urban electioneering platform

Dhawraj, Ronesh 07 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / This Grounded Theory study focused on understanding how South Africa’s two numerically-dominant political parties, the African National Congress (ANC) and Democratic Alliance (DA), used micro-blogging site, Twitter, as part of their electioneering arsenal in the 2016 municipal elections to promote party-political digital issue ownership within an urban context. Using each party’s 2016 election manifesto and corpus of tweets, this three-phased study found that while both the ANC and DA used Twitter as a digital political communication platform to communicate their election campaigns, the DA notably leveraged the social networking site for intense ‘focused’ messaging of its negative campaign against the ANC while simultaneously promoting positive electoral messages around its own ‘core’ issues and metro mayoral candidates. ‘Battleground’ metros were identified by the DA in Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg, Tshwane and Nelson Mandela Bay, leading to an emphasised urban campaign here to either activate the party’s own support base and/ or to suppress the ANC’s turnout in these highly-contested areas. Additionally, it was found that both the ANC and DA used Twitter for explicit and implicit partypolitical issue ownership claiming in the 2016 municipal elections. Lastly, this study also culminated in the proposal of three but interconnected different elements of a conceptual framework for digital political communication that political parties could use to promote digital party-political issue ownership within a pronounced urban electioneering setting. These elements – ‘coordinating and managing how an election is tweeted’, 'focus' messaging the election’ and ‘audience-segmenting as a message-tailoring strategy’ – when used in unison can help political parties communicate better and ultimately more effectively in a highly mediatised technological media landscape / Hierdie Gegronde Teorie Studie fokus op die verduideliking hoe Suid-Afrika se twee numeriese dominante politieke partye, die African National Congress (ANC) en Demokratiese Alliansie (DA), van die mikro-blog platform, Twitter, gebruik gemaak het tydens hulle verkiessingsstrategie in die 2016 munisipale verkiessings om die party politieke digitale kwessie rondom eienaarskap binne ‘n stedelike verband te bevorder. Deur elke party se 2016 verkiessings manifesto en arsenaal van twiets te gebruik, het hierdie drie-fase studie bevind dat beide die ANC en DA, Twitter gebruik het as ‘n digitale politieke kommunikasie platform. Die DA het egter die sosiale media netwerk kenmerkend gebruik vir ‘n intense gefokusde negatiewe veldtog teen die ANC terwyl hulle terselfdertyd ‘n positiewe verkiessings boodskap rondom die party se eie kernkwessies en metro burgermeesters kandidate gesentreer het. ‘Oorlogsgebied’ metros is deur die DA in Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg, Tshwane en Nelson Mandela Bay geidentifiseer wat ‘n defnitiewe stedelike veldtog tot gevolg gehad het om die party se eie ondersteuningsbasis te bevorder en/of die ANC se ondersteuning in hierdie hoogs betwiste areas te onderdruk. Daar was ook bevind dat beide die ANC en DA van Twitter gebruik gemaak het vir eksplisiete en implisiete party politieke kwessies rondom eiernaarskap tydens die 2016 munisipale verkiessings. Hierdie studie kan saamgevat word in drie onderskeie maar verwante elemente om ‘n raamwerk te vorm van die digitale politieke kommunikasie wat politieke partye kan gebruik om digitale party politieke kwessies binne ‘n stedelike verkiessings omgewing te bevorder. Wanneer hierdie elemente – ‘koordinering en bestuur van hoe twiets tydens ‘n verkiesing gebruik word’, ‘’die focus van die boodksap tydens die verkiessing’ and ‘die gehoorsegmentasie can ‘n boodskap strategie’ – in ‘n eenheid gebruik word kan dit politieke partye help om beter en meer effektief te kommunikeer binne ‘n baie kompiterende en tegnologiese medialandskap. / Inkcazo-bungcali yesisifundo ibigxile ekuqondeni ukuba uMzantsi Africa lo unamaqela amakhulu amabini ezopolitiko, ukutsho, iAfrican National Congress (ANC) kunye ne Democratic Alliance (DA), la maqela asebenzise iwebhusayithi encinane uTwitter, njengenxalenye yezixhobo zonxibelelwano kunyulo loo masipala ngo-2016. Bekwenza oku ngelikhuthaza amaqela ezopolitiko nebango lawo kwimiba yezinto abathi bazithethe kwisithuba sedijithali,kumxholo wendawo zase dolophini. Esi sifundo sisebenzisa imanifesto kunye nothotho lwe tweets zeqela ngalinye, nesenziwe ngokwezigaba ezithathu, sifumanise ukuba nangona iANC kunye ne DA zisebenzise uTwitter njenge qonga lonxibelelwano lwezopolitiko zedijithali (ngokolwimi lwasemzini) ukunxibelelana namaphulo onyulo, iDA izibonakalise amandla kwindawo yokuncokola kwiqonga uTwitter,ngokuthi imiyalezo yayo igxile kwaye itsole. Miyalezo leyo ithe yagxila ngokungafanelekanga kumkhankaso weANC. Ngaxeshanye, imiyalezo yayo yona iDA ibeyeyakhayo, kwaye incedisana nephulo layo kwimiba ephambili kunye nabagqatswa bosodolophu bo masipala abambaxa. Oomasipala abambaxa abathi babenongquzulwano bachongwe yiDA Ekurhuleni, eRhawutini, eTshwane nase Bhayi. Lonto ibangele ukuba bagxininise ekukhokeleni iphulo ledolophu ukuze bavuselele inkxaso ye DA apho okanye bacinezele ukuvela kwe-ANC kwezi ndawo kuphikiswana kakhulu ngazo. Ukongeza, kufumaniseke ukuba iANC kunye neDA zisebenzise uTwitter ngokwendlela ecacileyo nengathanga ngqo kwimeko yobunini bemicimbi yepolitiki ukuze bafumane ibango kunyulo loomasipala lwango 2016. Okokugqibela, esisifundo sigqibele kwisindululo sezinto ezintathu azahlukeneyo kodwa ezidityaniswe yinkqubosikhokelo eqingqiweyo kunxibelelwano lwezopolitiko zedijithali. Ezi zinto zizinto ezisenakho ukusetyenziswa ngamaqela ezopolitiko ukukhuthaza ubunini bemicimbi yezopolitiko ngaphakathi kulungiselelo lonyulo lwedolophu olubhengeziweyo. Ezi zinto- 'ukulungelelanisa nokulawula indlela unyulo luthunyelwe ngayo kusetyeziswa uTwitter', 'kugxilwe' kwimiyalezo yonyulo kunye nokuhlukaniswa kwabaphulaphuli okanye ababukeli njengecebo lokulungisa umyalezo '- xa zisetyenziswa ngazwinye zinokuwanceda amaqela ezopolitiko anxibelelane ngcono kwaye ekugqibeleni ngokuyimpumelelo kakhulu kuxhamlo olunamandla kakhulu kubume beendaba kumhlaba wetekhnoloji (ngokolwimi lwesiNgesi). / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)

A conceptual framework for digital political communication to promote party-political issue ownership via an urban electioneering platform

Dhawraj, Ronesh 07 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This Grounded Theory study focused on understanding how South Africa’s two numerically-dominant political parties, the African National Congress (ANC) and Democratic Alliance (DA), used micro-blogging site, Twitter, as part of their electioneering arsenal in the 2016 municipal elections to promote party-political digital issue ownership within an urban context. Using each party’s 2016 election manifesto and corpus of tweets, this three-phased study found that while both the ANC and DA used Twitter as a digital political communication platform to communicate their election campaigns, the DA notably leveraged the social networking site for intense ‘focused’ messaging of its negative campaign against the ANC while simultaneously promoting positive electoral messages around its own ‘core’ issues and metro mayoral candidates. ‘Battleground’ metros were identified by the DA in Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg, Tshwane and Nelson Mandela Bay, leading to an emphasised urban campaign here to either activate the party’s own support base and/ or to suppress the ANC’s turnout in these highly-contested areas. Additionally, it was found that both the ANC and DA used Twitter for explicit and implicit partypolitical issue ownership claiming in the 2016 municipal elections. Lastly, this study also culminated in the proposal of three but interconnected different elements of a conceptual framework for digital political communication that political parties could use to promote digital party-political issue ownership within a pronounced urban electioneering setting. These elements – ‘coordinating and managing how an election is tweeted’, 'focus' messaging the election’ and ‘audience-segmenting as a message-tailoring strategy’ – when used in unison can help political parties communicate better and ultimately more effectively in a highly mediatised technological media landscape. / Hierdie Gegronde Teorie Studie fokus op die verduideliking hoe Suid-Afrika se twee numeriese dominante politieke partye, die African National Congress (ANC) en Demokratiese Alliansie (DA), van die mikro-blog platform, Twitter, gebruik gemaak het tydens hulle verkiessingsstrategie in die 2016 munisipale verkiessings om die party politieke digitale kwessie rondom eienaarskap binne ‘n stedelike verband te bevorder. Deur elke party se 2016 verkiessings manifesto en arsenaal van twiets te gebruik, het hierdie drie-fase studie bevind dat beide die ANC en DA, Twitter gebruik het as ‘n digitale politieke kommunikasie platform. Die DA het egter die sosiale media netwerk kenmerkend gebruik vir ‘n intense gefokusde negatiewe veldtog teen die ANC terwyl hulle terselfdertyd ‘n positiewe verkiessings boodskap rondom die party se eie kernkwessies en metro burgermeesters kandidate gesentreer het. ‘Oorlogsgebied’ metros is deur die DA in Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg, Tshwane en Nelson Mandela Bay geidentifiseer wat ‘n defnitiewe stedelike veldtog tot gevolg gehad het om die party se eie ondersteuningsbasis te bevorder en/of die ANC se ondersteuning in hierdie hoogs betwiste areas te onderdruk. Daar was ook bevind dat beide die ANC en DA van Twitter gebruik gemaak het vir eksplisiete en implisiete party politieke kwessies rondom eiernaarskap tydens die 2016 munisipale verkiessings. Hierdie studie kan saamgevat word in drie onderskeie maar verwante elemente om ‘n raamwerk te vorm van die digitale politieke kommunikasie wat politieke partye kan gebruik om digitale party politieke kwessies binne ‘n stedelike verkiessings omgewing te bevorder. Wanneer hierdie elemente – ‘koordinering en bestuur van hoe twiets tydens ‘n verkiesing gebruik word’, ‘’die focus van die boodksap tydens die verkiessing’ and ‘die gehoorsegmentasie can ‘n boodskap strategie’ – in ‘n eenheid gebruik word kan dit politieke partye help om beter en meer effektief te kommunikeer binne ‘n baie kompiterende en tegnologiese medialandskap. / Inkcazo-bungcali yesisifundo ibigxile ekuqondeni ukuba uMzantsi Africa lo unamaqela amakhulu amabini ezopolitiko, ukutsho, iAfrican National Congress (ANC) kunye ne Democratic Alliance (DA), la maqela asebenzise iwebhusayithi encinane uTwitter, njengenxalenye yezixhobo zonxibelelwano kunyulo loo masipala ngo-2016. Bekwenza oku ngelikhuthaza amaqela ezopolitiko nebango lawo kwimiba yezinto abathi bazithethe kwisithuba sedijithali,kumxholo wendawo zase dolophini. Esi sifundo sisebenzisa imanifesto kunye nothotho lwe tweets zeqela ngalinye, nesenziwe ngokwezigaba ezithathu, sifumanise ukuba nangona iANC kunye ne DA zisebenzise uTwitter njenge qonga lonxibelelwano lwezopolitiko zedijithali (ngokolwimi lwasemzini) ukunxibelelana namaphulo onyulo, iDA izibonakalise amandla kwindawo yokuncokola kwiqonga uTwitter,ngokuthi imiyalezo yayo igxile kwaye itsole. Miyalezo leyo ithe yagxila ngokungafanelekanga kumkhankaso weANC. Ngaxeshanye, imiyalezo yayo yona iDA ibeyeyakhayo, kwaye incedisana nephulo layo kwimiba ephambili kunye nabagqatswa bosodolophu bo masipala abambaxa. Oomasipala abambaxa abathi babenongquzulwano bachongwe yiDA Ekurhuleni, eRhawutini, eTshwane nase Bhayi. Lonto ibangele ukuba bagxininise ekukhokeleni iphulo ledolophu ukuze bavuselele inkxaso ye DA apho okanye bacinezele ukuvela kwe-ANC kwezi ndawo kuphikiswana kakhulu ngazo. Ukongeza, kufumaniseke ukuba iANC kunye neDA zisebenzise uTwitter ngokwendlela ecacileyo nengathanga ngqo kwimeko yobunini bemicimbi yepolitiki ukuze bafumane ibango kunyulo loomasipala lwango 2016. Okokugqibela, esisifundo sigqibele kwisindululo sezinto ezintathu azahlukeneyo kodwa ezidityaniswe yinkqubosikhokelo eqingqiweyo kunxibelelwano lwezopolitiko zedijithali. Ezi zinto zizinto ezisenakho ukusetyenziswa ngamaqela ezopolitiko ukukhuthaza ubunini bemicimbi yezopolitiko ngaphakathi kulungiselelo lonyulo lwedolophu olubhengeziweyo. Ezi zinto- 'ukulungelelanisa nokulawula indlela unyulo luthunyelwe ngayo kusetyeziswa uTwitter', 'kugxilwe' kwimiyalezo yonyulo kunye nokuhlukaniswa kwabaphulaphuli okanye ababukeli njengecebo lokulungisa umyalezo '- xa zisetyenziswa ngazwinye zinokuwanceda amaqela ezopolitiko anxibelelane ngcono kwaye ekugqibeleni ngokuyimpumelelo kakhulu kuxhamlo olunamandla kakhulu kubume beendaba kumhlaba wetekhnoloji (ngokolwimi lwesiNgesi). / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)

External risks impacting on the scuba diving industry in the East African Marine Ecoregion

Dimopoulos, Dimitri 01 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Sesotho / Scuba diving is a popular marine recreational activity along the eastern and southern coast of Africa. This region is characterised as the East African Marine Ecoregion (EAME) and is known for its richness in marine fauna and flora, including some of the Indian Ocean‟s most diverse and abundant coral reef ecosystems, making it a popular destination for scuba divers. The future of the scuba diving industry has come under threat as a result of environmental, social, political and economic impacts, and there is a need to better understand how these external risks impact on scuba diving tourism businesses in the EAME. Empirical evidence suggests that external risks, both international and domestic, have an effect on the tourism industry as a whole. However, limited research has been conducted on the impact of such external risks on the dive tourism industry specifically. Existing research has also focused extensively on environmental risks rather than on how external risks of a political, economic and social nature affect dive operator sustainability in the EAME. Most studies have also focused on the demand side (divers) as opposed to the supply side (dive operators). In addition, as dive tourists have greater flexibility to change their destination should risks arise, this threatens the success of dive operators in higher risk areas. To address these problems, the primary objective of the research undertaken sought to comprehensively identify the impact of external risks (environmental, economic, social and political) on dive operators in four countries within the EAME from a supply-side perspective. In order to achieve the primary objective, the following secondary objectives were achieved: 1. Identified scuba diving tourism operators in the EAME and their scope of operation. 2. Determined the external risks most relevant to dive operators in the EAME and assessed their level of impact. 3. Compared the individual external risks experienced by each of the countries in the EAME (Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique and South Africa) using a cross-case analysis. 4. Assessed the perception of dive operators regarding whether external risks would influence a dive tourists decision to travel to the dive operators area of operation in the EAME ii The study consisted of two phases. Phase 1 comprised structured interviews with a select group of dive operators to gain insight into the external risks most prevalent in the scuba diving industry, as well as to assist in developing a quantitative structured survey (Phase 2), which was subsequently completed by dive operators in Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique and South Africa. Data was imported into SPSS for quantitative statistical analysis. From the primary data collected, the major findings from this study determined that current economic and political risks have the greatest impact on dive operators in the EAME, and this trend is expected to continue. Environmental degradation of coral reefs, while not seen as a threat at present, constitutes a key threat for the near future. The greatest influences expressed in terms of risk categories impacting on dive tourism are domestic economic risks, international economic risks, domestic political risks and international political risks. A cross-case analysis conducted on the four countries concluded that external risks have varying effects within the different countries. Finally, the results indicated that external risks significantly influence a dive tourist's decision to travel to the EAME. By identifying and assessing the external risks that have an impact on dive operators in the EAME, this research contributes to knowledge on the dive tourism industry in the EAME, as well as dive tourism further afield and the wider field of tourism management. The study's findings create awareness of the effect that external risks have on dive operators in the region. A conceptual framework was developed which encompasses external risks in the scuba diving industry. Risk radars, risk maps and colour-coded tables were further outputs this study which can assist businesses, society and economies in responding to current and future threats and crises in a more informative and intuitive way. This can be achieved by implementing risk management strategies to mitigate or reduce exposure to external risks; strengthening stakeholder involvement along the tourism value chain; and stressing the need for government involvement towards the protection of the environment and promotion of small business growth in the region. Future research can include a wider view of the marine tourism industry and other areas of the Blue Economy. / Skubaduik is 'n gewilde mariene ontspanningsaktiwiteit langs die oos- en suidkus van Afrika. Hierdie streek staan bekend as die Oos-Afrika Mariene Ekostreek (East African Marine Ecoregion, EAME) en is bekend vir sy rykheid aan mariene fauna en flora, insluitende sommige van die Indiese Oseaan se mees diverse en welige koraalrif-ekostelsels, wat dit 'n gewilde bestemming vir skubaduikers maak. Die toekoms van die skubaduikbedryf word bedreig weens die impak van omgewings-, sosiale, politieke en ekonomiese gebeure, en daar is 'n behoefte om beter te verstaan hoe hierdie eksterne risiko's skubaduiktoerisme-besighede in die EAME beïnvloed. Empiriese bewyse suggereer dat eksterne risiko's, internasionaal sowel as plaaslik, 'n invloed op die toerismebedryf as 'n geheel het. Beperkte navorsing is egter gedoen oor die impak van sulke eksterne risiko's op spesifiek die duiktoerisme-bedryf. Bestaande navorsing het ook uitvoerig gefokus op omgewingsrisiko's eerder as hoe eksterne risiko's van 'n politieke, ekonomiese en sosiale aard duik-operateur-volhoubaarheid in die EAME beïnvloed. Die meeste studies het ook gefokus op die aanvraagkant (duikers) in teenstelling met die aanbodkant (duik-operateurs). Verder, omdat duiktoeriste meer buigsaamheid het om hulle bestemming te verander indien risiko's voorkom, bedreig dit die sukses van duik-operateurs in hoë-risiko-gebiede. Om hierdie probleme te hanteer is die primêre doel van die navorsing wat gedoen is om op omvattende wyse die impak van eksterne risiko's (omgewing, ekonomies, sosiaal en polities) op duik-operateurs in vier lande in die EAME te identifiseer uit 'n aanbodkant-perspektief. Om die primêre doelwit te behaal, is die volgende sekondêre doelwitte bereik: 1. Skubaduik-toerisme-operateurs in die EAME en hulle operasionele omvang is geïdentifiseer. 2. Die eksterne risiko's wat die relevantste vir duik-operateurs in die EAME is, is bepaal en hulle vlak van impak is geassesseer. 3. Die individuele eksterne risiko's wat deur elkeen van die lande in die EAME (Kenia, Tanzanië, Mosambiek en Suid-Afrika) ervaar is, is vergelyk deur die gebruik van 'n kruisgeval-analise. 4. Die persepsie van duik-operateurs wat betref of eksterne risiko's 'n duiktoeris se besluit sal beïnvloed om na die duik-operateur se operasionele gebied in die EAME te reis, is geassesseer. Die studie het uit twee fases bestaan. Fase 1 het gestruktureerde onderhoude met 'n geselekteerde groep duik-operateurs behels om insig te kry in die eksterne risiko's wat die algemeenste in die skubaduikbedryf voorkom, en om te help om 'n kwantitatiewe gestruktureerde peiling (fase 2) te ontwikkel, wat gevolglik deur duik-operateurs in Kenia, Tanzanië, Mosambiek en Suid-Afrika voltooi is. Data is ingevoer in SPSS vir kwantitatiewe statistiese analise. Uit die primêre data wat ingesamel is, het die belangrikste bevindings van hierdie studie bepaal dat die huidige ekonomiese en politieke risiko's die grootste impak op duik-operateurs in die EAME het, en daar word verwag dat hierdie tendens sal voortduur. Die omgewingsagteruitgang van koraalriwwe, hoewel dit nie tans as 'n bedreiging beskou word nie, is 'n sleutelbedreiging vir die nabye toekoms. Die grootste invloede wat uitgedruk is as risiko-kategorieë wat 'n invloed op duiktoerisme het, is plaaslike ekonomiese risiko's, internasionale ekonomiese risiko's, plaaslike politieke risiko's en internasionale politieke risiko's. 'n Kruisgeval-analise wat op die vier lande uitgevoer is, het bevind dat eksterne risiko's wisselende uitwerkings binne die verskillende lande het. Laastens het die resultate aangedui dat eksterne risiko's 'n duiktoeris se besluit om na die EAME te reis, aansienlik beïnvloed. Deur die eksterne risiko's te identifiseer en te assesseer wat 'n impak op duik-operateurs in die EAME het, dra hierdie navorsing by tot kennis oor die duiktoerismebedryf in die EAME, asook duiktoerisme verder weg en die wyer veld van toerismebestuur. Die studie se bevindings skep 'n bewustheid van die uitwerking wat eksterne risiko's op duik-operateurs in die streek het. 'n Konseptuele raamwerk is ontwikkel wat eksterne risiko's in die skubaduikbedryf omvat. Risiko-radars, risiko-kaarte en tabelle wat volgens kleur gekodeer is, was verdere uitsette van hierdie studie wat besighede, die gemeenskap en ekonomieë kan help om te reageer op huidige en toekomstige bedreigings en krisisse op 'n meer ingeligte en intuïtiewe manier. Dit kan bereik word deur risikobestuurstrategieë te implementeer om blootstelling aan eksterne risiko's te mitigeer of te verminder; belanghebberbetrokkenheid op die toerismewaardeketting te versterk; en om die behoefte vir regeringsbetrokkenheid by die insluit. / Ho sesa tlasa metsi a lewatle ke mosebetsi o tsebahalang haholo wa boithabiso ba lewatle haufi le mabopo a ka botjhabela le borwa ba Afrika. Sebaka sena se kgethollwa e le lefatshe la bophelo ba mawatle a Afrika Botjhabela (EAME) mme se tsejwa ka leruo la sona la diphoofolo tsa lewatle le dimela, ho kenyelletsa le tse ding tsa diphedi tse fapaneng tsa lewatle la Indian, e leng se etsang hore e be sebaka se tumeng bakeng sa batho ba sesang tlasa lewatle. Bokamoso ba indasteri ya ho tola tlasa lewatle bo kotsing ka lebaka la tshusumetso ya tikoloho, kahisano, dipolotiki le moruo, mme ho na le tlhokahalo ya ho utlwisisa hantle hore dikotsi tsena tsa kantle di ama jwang dikgwebo tsa bothori bo amanang le ho sesa tlasa lewatle EAME (Mabatoweng a Afrika Botjhabela a diphedi tsa mawatle). Bopaki bo hlakileng bo fana ka maikutlo a hore dikotsi tsa kantle, tsa matjhaba le tsa lehae, di na le tshwaetso indastering ya bohahlauli ka kakaretso. Leha ho le jwalo, dipatlisiso tse fokolang di ile tsa etswa mabapi le sefutho sa dikotsi tse jwalo tsa kantle indastering ea bohahlaudi ba ho sesa ka ho kgetheha. Dipatlisiso tse teng di boetse di tsepamisitse maikutlo haholo ka dikotsi tsa tikoloho di sa shebe hore na dikotsi tsa kantle tsa dipolotiki, tsa moruo le tsa kahisano di ama jwang ho tsitsisa tshebetso ho EAME. Diphuputso tse ngata di boetse di tsepame lehlakoreng la tlhokahalo (disesi) ho fapana le lehlakore la diphallelo (batho ba sesang). Ho phaella moo, jwalo ka ha disesi tsa bahahlaudi di ena le maemo a mangata a ho fetola dibaka tsa bona ha ho hlaha dikotsi, sena se senya katleho ya disesi dibakeng tse nang le dikotsi tse ngatanyana. Ho rarolla mathata ana, sepheo se ka sehloohong sa dipatlisiso tse entsweng di ile tsa leka ho lemoha ka ho hlaka sefutho sa dikotsi tsa kantle (tikoloho, moruo, kahisano le dipolotiki) ho disesi dinaheng tse nne tse ka hare ho EAME ho tloha lehlakoreng la phepelo. E le ho finyella sepheo se ka sehloohong, dipheo tse latelang di ile tsa fihlellwa: 1. Ho kgetholla basebeletsi ba bahahlaudi ba ho sesa lebatoweng la EAME le tsela ya tshebetso ya bona. 2. Ho etsa qeto ya dikotsi tse ka ntle tsa bohlokwa ho tsamaisa ba disesi ho EAME le ho hlahloba boemo ba tsona ba tshusumetso. 3. Ho bapiswa dikotsi tse ka ntle tsa naha ka nngwe ho EAME (Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique le Afrika Borwa) ho sebedisa dintlha tsa ho hlahloba diketsahalo. 4. Hlahloba maikutlo a disesi mabapi le hore na dikotsi tse ka ntle di tla susumetsa qeto ya bahahlaudi ba ho etela sebakeng seo ba sebetsang ho sona ho EAME Thuto e ne e ena le mekgahlelo e mmedi. Mokgahlelo wa 1 o ne o ena le dipuisano tse hlophisitsweng le sehlopha se kgethilweng sa basebetsi ba disesi ho utlwisisa dikotsi tse ka ntle tse atileng haholo indastering ya ho sesa, le ho thusa ho ntlafatsa tlhahlobo e entsweng ka bongata (Phase 2), e ileng ya qetella e phethilwe ke basebetsi ba disesi Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique le Afrika Borwa. Lesedi le ile la kenngwa ka SPSS bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya dipalopalo. Ho tswa leseding la motheho le bokelletsweng, diphuputso tse kgolo tsa thuto ena di bontshitse hore dikotsi tsa moraorao tsa moruo le tsa lipolotiki di na le tshusumetso e kgolo ho ba sebetsang e le basebetsi ba disesi EAME, mme mokgwa ona o lebeletswe hore o tswele pele. Ho senyeha ha tikoloho ya dimela/diphedi tsa lewatle, ha ho sa nkuweng e le tshoso hona jwale, ke tshoso e ka sehloohong bakeng sa nako e tlang. Tshusumetso e matla ka ho fetisisa e hlalositsweng ka mekgahlelo ya dikotsi tse amang tsela ya ho etela dibaka tsa bohahlaudi ke dikotsi tsa moruo wa lehae, dikotsi tsa matjhaba tsa moruo, dikotsi tsa dipolotiki tsa lehae le dikotsi tsa matjhaba tsa dipolotiki. Phuputso e entsweng dinaheng tse nne e qetile ka hore dikotsi tsa ka ntle di na le diphello tse fapaneng dinaheng tse fapaneng. Qetellong, diphello di bontshitse hore dikotsi tsa ka ntle di susumetsa haholo qeto ya mohahlaudi wa ya sesang tlasa lewatle ho etela EAME. Ka ho kgetholla le ho hlahloba dikotsi tse ka ntle tse nang le tshwaetso basebetsing ba disesi EAME, dipatlisiso tsena di tlatsetsa tsebong lefapheng la bohahlaudi ba ho ho sesa tlasa lewatle dibakeng tsa EAME, ha mmoho le bahahlaudi ba ho sesa ka ho phatlalla tsamaisong ya bohahlaudi. Diphuputso tsa thuto di etsa hore ho be le tlhokomediso ya phello ya ka moo dikotsi tse ka ntle di nang le kameho disesing sebakeng seo. Ho na le moralo o ileng wa etswa o kenyeletsang dikotsi tsa kantle indastering ya ho sesa tlasa lewatle. Diwaelese tse nkgellang dikotsi, dimmapa tsa dikotsi le ditafole tse nang le mebala di ne di boetse di hlahisa thuto ena e ka thusang dikgwebo, setjhaba le moruo ho arabela dikotsing tsa moraorao le tsa nakong e tlang ka ditsela tse rutang le tse nang le tsebo. Sena se ka fihlellwa ka ho kenya tshebetsong maano a tsamaiso ya kotsi bakeng sa ho fokotsa ho pepeseha dikotsing tsa kantle; ho matlafatsa tshebetsong ya bankaseabo motjheng wa bohlokwa wa bohahlaudi; le ho totobatsa tlhokahalo ya ho nka seabo ha mmuso ho sireletsa tikoloho le tshehetso ya kgolo ya dikgwebo tse nyenyane sebakeng seo. Phuputso ya nako e tlang e ka kenyelletsa pono e pharaletseng ya indasteri ya bahahlaudi ba lewatle le dibaka tse ding tsa Blue Economy. / Environmental Sciences / M. Com. (Tourism Management)

Art acquisition policy of the University of South Africa (Unisa) Art Gallery during and after apartheid : a critical analysis / Umgomo omayelana nokutholwa komsebenzi wobuciko kwisikhungo Sombukiso Wobuciko saseNyuvesi yaseNingizimu Afrika ngesikhathi sombuso wengcindezelo nangemuva kwesikhathi sombuso wengcindezelo : uhlaziyo olunqala / Pholisi ya phitlhelelo ya botsweretshi ya Lefelo la Botsweretshi la Yunibesiti ya Aforika Borwa (Unisa) ka nako ya, le morago ga tlhaolele : tokololo e e sekasekang / Kunsaankoopbeleid van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika (Unisa) se kunsgalery tydens en ná apartheid : ʼn kritiese ontleding

Mkhonza, Bongani W. 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Sesotho, isiZulu and Afrikaans. Translated titles in Sesotho, isiZulu and Afrikaans / In the thesis, I critically examine the art acquisition policy of the Unisa Art Gallery (UAG) during and after apartheid in South Africa. The Unisa Art Gallery acquisition policy (UAGAP) is investigated against the transformation imperatives as informed by national policies on arts and culture. I take the view that the process of art acquisition does not exist outside of the sociopolitical discourse. Although the thesis is registered in the subject of Art History, the research adopts a multidisciplinary approach as it straddles the domains of visual art and cultural policy. Therefore, its focus on acquisition policy requires a combination of methodologies that can accommodate the intended research objectives. The study is based on the hypothesis that the collecting of art and acquisition policies are still untransformed from the Eurocentric paradigm of thought. I adopt Afrocentricity and decoloniality as theoretical frames of analysis. University museums are public cultural institutions, and the South African Constitution guarantees the right to culture. Therefore, the reluctance of public institutions to uphold the imperatives demonstrates a level of resistance to transformation. In the study, I investigate circumstances that influence the positive or negative way the UAGAP seemingly responds to the socio-economic and political imperatives of national policies in post-apartheid South Africa. Data analysis shows that there is no explicit relation between the White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage (WPACH) (DAC 1996) and the UAGAP. Another finding is that artworks collected in the past were mainly informed by epistemologies which were predominantly Eurocentric, whereby especially the black society has little or no say in the development of university museum policies. Lastly, the perception of arts practitioners is that the pace of transformation of university art collection policies is slow. The findings give rise to a recommendation that government should go beyond “the arms-length approach” (Deacon 2010) in the transformation of arts institutions, and intervene. Another recommendation is that unless the government White Papers are translated into law, they will continue to be ignored by public institutions. / Kule thesisi, ngiphenya ngendlela egxekayo ukutholakala komsebenzi wobuciko. Umgomo omayelana nokutholwa komsebenzi wobuciko kwisikhungo Sombukiso Wobuciko saseNyuvesi yaseNingizimu Africa (Unisa Art Gallery) ngesikhathi sombuso wengcindezelo nangemuva kwesikhathi sombuso wengcindezelo eNingizimu Africa. Umgomo omayelana nokutholakala kwemisebenzi yobuciko yesikhungo Sombukiso Wobuciko eNyuvesi yaseNingizimu Africa uphenywa kubhekwe kwezinto ezinhle ezilethwa yizinguquko njengoba lokhu kugunyazwa yimigomo yezwe kwezobuciko kanye namasiko. Ngithatha umbono othi uhlelo lwezokutholakala kobuciko alwenzeki ngaphandle kwemithelela yezenhlalakahle yabantu kwezepolitiki. Yize ithesisi ibhaliswe kwisifundo soMlando weZobuciko, ucwaningo lwamukela indlela equkethe izifundo eziningi njengoba le thesisi ifinyelela emikhakheni yomsebenzi wobuciko obukwayo kanye nakumgomo wosiko. Ngakho-ke, impokophelo yale thesisi kumgomo wokutholakala komsebenzi wobuciko ifuna inhlanganyela yezindlela zokuhlaziya ezingaxuba phakathi izinhloso zocwaningo eziqondiwe. Ucwaningo lususelwa kwihayiphothesisi/isihlambiselelo esithi imigomo emayelana nokuqoqwa kwemisebenzi yobuciko kanye nokutholakala kwemisebenzi yobuciko ayikaguquki kwizimpande zemibono yaseNtshonalanga/yaseYurophu. Ngamukela imibono egxile kubu-Afrika nemibono eqeda ubukoloni njengezinhlaka zemibono yokuhlaziya. Izikhungo zokugcina amagugu asenyuvesi zingamaziko wamasiko omphakathi, kanti uMthethosisekelo waseNingizimu Afrika unikeza ilungelo lokwenza usiko. Ngakho-ke, ukuba manqikanqika kwamaziko ombuso ukuphakamisa ubuhle bamasiko ngokuhlukahlukana kwawo njengokomgomo kukhombisa izinga lokunqaba ushintsho. Kulolu cwaningo, ngiphenya izimo ezinomthelela phezu kwendlela enhle noma embi uhlelo lwe-UAGAP elibonakala libheka ngayo nezindaba ezimayelana nenhlalakahle yabantu kwezomnotho nakwezepolitiki, ezindabeni zemigomo yezwe esikhathi sangemuva kombuso wengcindezelo eNingizimu Africa. Ukuhlaziywa kwedatha kukhombisa ukuthi abukho ubudlelwane obubonakalayo phakathi kwe-White Paper kwezoBuciko, ezamaSiko kanye nama-Gugu (WPACH) (DAC 1996) kanye nohlelo lwe-UAGAP. Okunye okutholakele ukuthi imisebenzi yobuciko eqoqwe esikhathini esedlule beyincike kakhulu kuma-ephistemoloji ebegxile kwingqubo yase-Yurophu/yaseNtshonalanga, kanti-ke, umphakathi ompisholo ikakhulu akukho nokuncane noma akukho ongakukhuluma mayelana nemigomo yokuthuthukiswa kwezikhungo zokugcina ubuciko bamagugu. Okokugcina, umqondo wabasebenzi kwezobuciko uthi izinhlelo zezinguquko zemigomo yokuqoqwa kwemisebenzi yobuciko emanyuvesi zihamba ngonyawo lonwabu. Ulwazi olutholakele kucwaningo luphakamisa isinqumo sokuthi uhulumeni kufanele asebenze ngomgomo owodwa “the arms-length approach” (Deacon 2010) kuhlelo lwezinguquko kumaziko obuciko, bese angenelele. Esinye isinqumo ukuthi ngaphandle kokuthi ama-White Paper kahulumeni ashicilelwe abe wumthetho, amaziko ombuso azoqhubeka nokuwashaya indiva. / Mo polelotheong eno, ke tlhatlhobile pholisi ya phitlhelelo ya botsweretshi ya Lefelo la Botsweretshi la Unisa (UAG) ka tsela ya tshekatsheko ka nako ya, le morago ga tlhaolele mo Aforikaborwa. Pholisi ya phitlhelelo ya Lefelo la Botsweretshi ya Unisa (UAGAP) e batlisisiwa e bapisitswe le ditlhokego tsa phetogo jaaka di kaelwa ke dipholisi tsa bosetšhaba tsa botsweretshi le setso. Ke akanya gore tirego ya phitlhelelo ya botsweretshi ga e diragale kwa ntle ga puisano ya politiki ya loago. Le fa e le gore polelotheo e kwadisitswe mo setlhogong sa Hisetori ya Botsweretshi, patlisiso e tsaya boitlhagiso jwa melebomentsi jaaka fa e paraletse mo mefameng ya botsweretshi jwa pono le pholisi ya setso. Ka jalo, go tota ga yona pholisi ya phitlhelelo go tlhoka motswako wa mekgwa e e ka amogelang maikemisetso a patlisiso a a lebeletsweng. Thutopatlisiso e ikaegile ka tshitshinyo ya gore dipholisi tsa kokoanyo le phitlhelelo ya botsweretshi di sa ntse di sa fetoga go tswa mo mogopolong wa setso sa Yuropa. Ke tsaya boikaego jwa Aforika le tloso ya bokoloniale jaaka letlhomeso la tiori la tokololo. Dimusiamo tsa diyunibesiti ke ditheo tsa setso tsa setšhaba, mme Molaotheo wa Aforikaborwa o sireletsa tshwanelo ya setso. Ka jalo, go belaela ga ditheo tsa setšhaba go tsweletsa ditlhokego go bontsha go kgaratlha kgatlhanong le diphetogo. Mo thutopatlisisong, ke batlisisa mabaka a a tlhotlheletsang mokgwa o o siameng gongwe o o sa siamang o go lebegang e kete UAGAP e tsibogela ka ona ditlhokego tsa ikonomiloago le sepolitiki tsa dipholisi tsa bosetšhaba tsa Aforikaborwa ya morago ga tlhaolele. Tokololo ya data e bontsha gore ga go na kgolagano e e tlhamaletseng magareng ga Pampiritshweu ya Botsweretshi, Setso le Ngwaoboswa (WPACH) (DAC 1996) le UAGAP. Phitlhelelo e nngwe ke ya gore ditiro tsa botsweretshi tse di kokoantsweng mo nakong e e fetileng di ne di ikaegile bogolosegolo ka diepisetemoloji tse di neng di na le phekeetso e kgolo ya setso sa Yuropa, moo tota setšhaba sa bantsho se nang le tshwaelo e e seng kalo gongwe se se na tshwaelo epe mo go tlhamiweng ga dipholisi tsa dimusiamo tsa diyunibesiti. Kwa bokhutlong, kakanyo ya badiragatsi ba botsweretshi ke gore kgato ya diphetogo ya dipholisi tsa kokoanyo ya botsweretshi jwa diyunibesiti e bonya. Diphitlhelelo di baka katlenegiso ya gore puso e tshwanetse go dira go feta “molebo o o sa gateleleng taolo gongwe tekanyetso” (Deacon 2010) mo diphetogong tsa ditheo tsa botsweretshi, mme e tsereganye. Katlenegiso e nngwe ke ya gore kwa ntle ga gore Dipampiritshweu tsa puso di fetolelwe go nna molao, ditheo tsa setšhaba di tlaa tswelela go di ikgatholosa. / In hierdie tesis ondersoek ek die kunsaankoopbeleid van die Unisa Kunsgalery (UKG) tydens en ná apartheid. Die kunsaankoopbeleid van die Unisa Kunsgalery (KABUKG) word volgens die nasionale transformasiebeleid oor kuns en kultuur beoordeel. Kunsaankope staan na my mening nie los van die sosiopolitieke diskoers nie. Ofskoon hierdie tesis onder die vak Kunsgeskiedenis ingeskryf is, word ʼn multidissiplinêre benadering gevolg aangesien die navorsing die terrein van die visuele kunste en dié van kultuurbeleid bestryk. Om die navorsingsdoelwitte te behaal, is ʼn kombinasie van metodologieë dus nodig. Die studie berus op die hipotese dat die versameling van kunswerke en die aankoopbeleid steeds Eurosentries gerig is en nie getransformeer het nie. Ek neem Afrosentrisiteit en dekolonialiteit as teoretiese ontledingsraamwerke. Universiteitsmuseums is openbare kultuurinstellings en die Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet waarborg burgers die reg op kultuur. Openbare instellings se onwilligheid om die opdragte uit te voer, dui op ʼn weerstand teen transformasie. Ek verken die omstandighede wat bepaal hoe die KABUKG ná apartheid op die sosioëkonomiese en politieke opdragte reageer. Die dataontleding toon dat daar tussen die Witskrif oor Kuns, Kultuur en Erfenis (WKKE) (DAC 1996) en die KABUKG geen verband bestaan nie. Voorts is bevind dat kunswerke wat in die verlede aangekoop is, oorwegend Eurosentries was. Buitendien het swart mense tans weinig of geen seggenskap in universiteite se museumbeleide. Ten slotte is die tempo waarteen universiteite se aankoopbeleide transformeer volgens kunspraktisyns uiters traag. Daarom word op grond van die bevindings aanbeveel dat die regering sy armlengtebenadering (Deacon 2019) tot die transformasie van kunsinstellings laat vaar, en ingryp. As witskrifte nie wet gemaak word nie, sal openbare instellings aanhou om hulle te ignoreer. / Arts and Music / D. Phil. (Art)

The development of critical thinking in the first-year financial accounting curriculum at an open distance and e-learning institution in South Africa / Ontwikkeling van kritiese denke in die eerste jaar van die kurrikulum vir finansiele rekeningkunde by 'n oop e-afstandsleerinstelling in Suid-Afrika / Mveledziso ya vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzanaho kha nwaha wa u thoma wa kharikhulamu ya akhaunthini ya masheleni kha tshiimiswa tsha u guda u kule nga lubuvhisia Afrika Tshipembe

Dry, Hendrina Jacoba 12 1900 (has links)
For the knowledge economy of the twenty-first century, intellectual skills (such as critical thinking) have been identified as imperative for success. Educational institutions have a responsibility to equip students with the knowledge and skills required for future employment. The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants has identified critical thinking as one of the skills that should be developed in Financial Accounting students who wish to become chartered accountants. For this limited-scope dissertation a qualitative study was done, applying a constructivist paradigm to a case study design, to explore the development of critical thinking in first-year Financial Accounting students in an open distance and e-learning context in South Africa. To achieve this, data were collected through semi-structured interviews with twelve academics and the use of document analysis. As the focus of the study was limited to two first-year financial accounting modules which form part of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants accredited programme taught at an open distance and e-learning institution, the findings cannot be generalised. While the perceptions of students were not considered in the study, the findings provide valuable insight into the development of critical thinking in accounting modules. The findings revealed that, although academics believe critical thinking skills and good thinking habits should be developed in first-year Financial Accounting students, it is currently only done through a content-centred approach, or not at all. Furthermore, only technologies which academics are comfortable using, are being incorporated, mainly for the delivery of content. The recommendations made for curriculum evaluation and professional development relate specifically to these findings. / Vir die een-en-twintigste-eeuse kennisekonomie is intellektuele vaardighede (soos kritiese denke) geïdentifiseer as noodsaaklik vir sukses. Opvoedkundige instellings het 'n verantwoordelikheid om studente met die kennis en vaardighede toe te rus wat nodig is vir toekomstige indiensneming. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters het kritiese denke geïdentifiseer as 'n vaardigheid wat studente in Finansiële Rekeningkunde, wat geoktrooieerde rekenmeesters wil word, moet ontwikkel. Vir hierdie verhandeling van beperkte omvang, is 'n kwalitatiewe studie gedoen deur 'n konstruktivistiese paradigma toe te pas op 'n gevallestudie-ontwerp om die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke in eerstejaarstudente in Finansiële Rekeningkunde in 'n oop e-afstandsleerkonteks in Suid-Afrika te ondersoek. Om hierdie doel te bereik, is data versamel deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude te voer met twaalf akademici en dokumentontleding te gebruik. Omdat die studie beperk was tot twee eerstejaar finansiële rekeningkunde modules, wat deel vorm van die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters se geakkrediteerde program wat by 'n oop e-afstandsleerinstelling aangebied word, kan die bevindinge nie veralgemeen word nie. Alhoewel die studente se persepsies nie in die studie in ag geneem is nie, bied die bevindings waardevolle insig oor die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke in rekeningkundemodules. Die bevindings dui daarop dat, alhoewel akademici glo dat vaardighede in kritiese denke en goeie denkgewoontes in die eerste jaar van Finansiële Rekeningkunde onderrig moet word, word dit tans slegs deur 'n inhoudgebaseerde benadering gedoen, of glad nie. Verder word slegs tegnologieë geïnkorporeer waarmee akademici gemaklik is, hoofsaaklik vir die oordrag van die inhoud. Die aanbevelings vir kurrikulumevaluering en professionele ontwikkeling hou spesifiek verband met hierdie bevindings. / Kha ikonomi ya nḓivho ya ḓanwaha fumbili nthihi, zwikili zwa nḓivho (zwi ngaho vhukoni ha u humbula nga nḓila yo dzudzaneaho) zwo topolwa sa ndaela ya mvelaphanḓa. Zwiimiswa zwa pfunzo zwi na vhudifhinduleli u lugisela matshudeni nga ndivho na zwikili zwine zwa ṱodea mishumoni ya tshifhingani tshidaho. Tshiimiswa tsha Afrika Tshipembe tsha Vhomakone vha Akhaunthini tsho topola vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho vhune ha tea u bveledzwa kha matshudeni a Akhaunthini ya Masheleni vhane vha tama u vha vhomakone vha muvhalelano. Ho itwa ngudo dza khwalithathivi dza desithesheni ya tshikoupu tsho pimiwaho, hu tshi khou u fhaṱwa ndivho na kupfesesele nga kha tshenzhemo kha u bveledza ngudo, u wanulusa vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho kha nwaha wa u thoma kha matshudeni a Akhaunthuni ya Masheleni kha nyimele ya tshiimiswa tsha u guda u kule na kha lubuvhisia Afrika Tshipembe. U swikelela izwi, data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu dzo dzudzanywaho na vhoraakademi vha fumimbili na u shumisa musaukanyo wa linwalo. Sa musi ngudo yo vha yo sedza fhedzi kha mimodulu mivhili ya nwaha wa u thoma ya Akhaunthini ya masheleni ine ya vhumba tshipida tsha mbekanyamushumo ya akhiredithesheni ya Tshiimiswa tsha Afrika Tshipembe tsha Vhomakone vha Akhaunthuni ine ya funzwa kha tshiimiswa tsha u guda u kule na kha Lubuvhisia, mawanwa a nga si angaredzwa. Ngeno kuvhonele kwa matshudeni ku songo dzhielwa ntha kha ngudo, mawanwa o ṋetshedzwa ndivho ya ndeme kha mveledziso ya vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho kha mimodulu ya akhaunthini. Mawanwa o dzumbulula uri, naho vhoraakademi vha tshi tenda uri zwikili zwa vhukoni ha u humbula nga ndila yo dzudzaneaho na maitele a kuhumbulele kwavhudi zwi fanela u bveledziswa kha nwaha wa u thoma wa matshudeni vha Akhaunthini ya Masheleni, zwa zwino zwi khou itwa fhedzi nga kha maitele o disendekaho nga zwi re ngomu, kana zwa sa itwe na luthihi. Zwi tshe zwo ralo, ndi thekhinolodzhi fhedzi dzine vhoraakademi vha takalela u dzi shumisa, zwo tanganyiswa, nga maanda ndisedzo ya zwi re ngomu. Themendelo dzo itwa kha u ela kharikhulamu na mveledziso dzi re na vhushaka na mawanwa anea o tiwaho. / Institute for Open and Distance Learning (IODL) / M. Ed. (Open and Distance Learning)

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