Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial tasks"" "subject:"bsocial tasks""
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La prévention les risques psychosociaux chez les enseignants du second degré public / Preventing job-related psycho-social risks among teachers in public secondary schoolsPounchou-Guilhamot, Stéphane 05 December 2017 (has links)
La prévention des risques psychosociaux (RPS) est une question largement débattue dans les organisations aujourd’hui. Le corps enseignant ne fait pas exception. Malgré certaines actions mises en œuvre pour traiter ce problème chez les enseignants, le constat reste celui de la faible efficacité de ces démarches. Il se pose donc la question des conditions nécessaires à la mise en œuvre d’une prévention primaire effective des RPS chez les enseignants. Notre travail se centre sur le cas des enseignants du second degré public. Celui-ci a l’ambition d’apporter des éléments de réponse à cette question.Pour cela, à partir de la littérature, nous avons approfondi les différentes approches mobilisées pour la prévention des RPS. Nous faisons le constat que ces approches sont essentiellement individuelles, c'est-à-dire centrées sur l’enseignant comme facteur explicatif en lui-même des RPS : le système considéré se résumant alors aux éléments « enseignant-élèves ». De notre point de vue, cette représentation du système considéré est réductrice. Nos réflexions nous amènent à envisager le système sous le prisme de la pensée complexe. Nous proposons donc un nouveau système, dans lequel l’enseignant n’est qu’un élément parmi d’autres.Nous avons été amené à expérimenter ce système complexe sur le terrain. L’enquête menée, essentiellement qualitative, a consisté à approcher, puis à analyser, les représentations des acteurs en interactions. Cette expérimentation nous a conforté dans l’idée que la prévention des RPS doit s’envisager dans un système complexe dont l’enseignant fait partie. Il se dégage de nos résultats des préconisations qui amènent chacun des éléments du système à jouer un rôle actif pour une prévention primaire effective des RPS. / Preventing psycho-social risks is a widely-discussed issue in organizations. Teachers are no exception. Even though there have been some actions to tackle this problem among teachers, they have hardly been efficient. Thus, we may wonder what the conditions to set up an efficient primary prevention of psycho-social risks among teachers are. Our study will focus on public secondary school teachers. We aim at suggesting answers to this question. To do so, we have started from literature and analysed the strategies of preventing psycho-social risks among teachers. We have realized that these strategies are mainly individual, that is to say they focus on the teacher as, per se, the explanatory factor of psycho-social risks – taking into account a system narrowed down to the “teacher-students” elements only. From our perspective, this view is simplistic. Our reflection leads us to consider the system through complex thought. Consequently, we suggest a new system in which the teacher is one element among many others.We had to experiment this complex system on the ground. Our investigation, which was mainly qualitative, has consisted in approaching and then analysing the perceptions of the interacting actors. This experiment confirmed that preventing psycho-social risks has to be considered in a complex system which the teacher is part of. We argue that each element of this system has to play an active role in order to achieve an efficient primary prevention of psycho-social risks.
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Vulnerability to Social Risks through the Lens of Food Security : A Mixed Methods Study at the Household Level in Cape Town, South Africa / Social risk och sårbarhet med fokus på matsäkerhet : En flermetodsundersökning bland hushåll i Kapstaden, SydafrikaRömmelmann, Helena January 2018 (has links)
Abstract Background The number one goal of the United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030 is to eradicate poverty. The second goal is to end hunger. The impact of climate change on food production is likely to exacerbate already widespread hunger by a negative effect on the supply of food, which again will increase the gap between the rich and the poor. Deficient food security is considered a result of failing local and national economies and political weakness. African urbanization makes food security increasingly challenging. In South Africa, more than half of the country’s citizens live in poverty. Cape Town is seen as one of South Africa’s most pressured cities with great social vulnerability. Rapid urbanization and a prolonged drought in the Western Cape have strained the city’s resources and food prices are rising. Purpose The purpose of this study was to explore and explain the vulnerability to social risks through the lens of food security. Specifically, the aim was to describe the scale and experiences of food security at the household level, focusing on young adults in South Africa. Methods A comparative mixed methods design was used, comparing three strategically chosen communities from a race and class perspective. A survey using the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) sampled 902 households. Additionally, six focus group interviews were conducted. The methodological foundation of this study lies within the transformative paradigm, seeking participation and collaboration at community level for empowerment to change. Data were interpreted through an intersectional perspective on risk and the Pressure and Release-model was used to explain vulnerability. Results Results indicate significant differences in food security between the white, black African and coloured areas. The black African and coloured communities indicate high food insecurity, whilst the white community stands out as generally food secure. Focus group data confirm and explain the survey results. Conclusions Racial history and social class determine the opportunities of the young in South Africa. Food insecurity persists as a result of the progression of vulnerability. The risk of hunger imposes a great challenge for the future and wellbeing of South African youth. The history of colonialism and apartheid combined with the neo-liberal economy are viewed as root-causes driving vulnerability. The drought, enforced by climate change, increases the risk of hunger by adding more pressure on those already vulnerable. / Sammanfattning Bakgrund FNs Agenda 2030 anger som mål nummer ett att utrota fattigdom. Det andra målet är att stoppa hunger. Klimatförändringarnas påverkan på matproduktionen kommer sannolikt leda till en ökning av redan utbredd hunger i världen vilket i sin tur ökar klyftan mellan fattiga och rika ytterligare. Avsaknad av matsäkerhet ses som en följd av bristande ekonomisk styrning och politik. Den snabba befolkningsökningen i Afrikas städer gör matsäkerhet ännu svårare att uppnå. Över hälften av Sydafrikas befolkning lever i fattigdom och Kapstaden anses vara en av landets mest utsatta städer med omfattande social sårbarhet. Befolkningsökningen och en flerårig torka i västra Kapprovinsen har lett till att Kapstadens resurser är ansträngda och matpriserna stiger. Syfte Studiens mål har varit att utforska och söka förklara sociala risker och sårbarhet gällande matsäkerhet. Specifikt har syftet varit att beskriva omfattningen och erfarenheterna av matsäkerhet på hushållsnivå med fokus på unga vuxna i åldern 18 till 23 år. Metod En jämförande studie med en kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod har genomförts. En enkätstudie har använt Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) för att intervjua 902 utvalda hushåll. Dessutom har sex fokusgrupper med unga genomförts. Studiens metodologiska grund ligger i ett förändringsinriktat synsätt där aktivt deltagande och samarbete har sökts med befolkningen i de studerade områdena. Syftet med detta har varit att bidra till s.k. empowerment, egenmakt. Data tolkades utifrån teori om intersektionalitet och Pressure and Release-modellen har använts för att förklara sårbarhet. Resultat Resultaten indikerar att det finns signifikanta skillnader mellan bostadsområdena som domineras av olika grupper av befolkningen utifrån hudfärg. Det område som domineras av svarta sydafrikaner och även det område som har övervägande del färgade sydafrikaner visar hög grad av matosäkerhet. De vitas bostadsområde däremot indikerar ett i huvudsak matsäkert resultat. Fokusgrupperna bekräftar samt ger ytterligare förklaringar till enkätdata. Slutsatser På grund av Sydafrikas tidigare rasåtskillnadspolitik avgör ras och klasstillhörighet i stor utsträckning vilka möjligheter unga sydafrikaner har att självständigt forma sina liv. Matosäkerheten är ihållande och ett resultat av en under lång tid framväxande sårbarhet. Risken för hunger utgör en stor utmaning för framtiden och de ungas välmående. Kolonialismen och apartheid tillsammans med en nyliberal ekonomisk politik ses som grundorsaker till sårbarheten. Torkan, som förstärks av klimatförändringarna, ökar risken för hunger genom att ytterligare driva på sårbarheten.
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Zdravotně sociální rizika obezity a nezdravého životního stylu ve vztahu k sebepojetí pubescentů a adolescentů / Health and social risks of obesity and unhealthy life style in relation to preadolescents and adolescents self-conceptSCHUSTER, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The intention of this dissertation is a special investigation of a new innovative approach to reduce the weight of pubescent and adolescent people with overweight and fatness by creating positive changes in self-control and self-respect using an interventional active programme. The goal is to determine a method to reduce the overweight and describe the correlations of psychic conditions and social risks of the overweight and fatness of pubescent and adolescent people. The basis of the programme is several techniques of yoga and yoga configuration. The investigation observed 224 participants and the interventional programme was undertaken by 133 participant of the age of pubescence and adolescence. The programme was applied for twelve weeks. After finishing the interventional active programme, the body weight and BMI were reduced and positive significant changes were reached in shortage of hypodermic fat and decrease in depressive states and anxiety of the participants of the programme. Generally, the anthropometric measurements were implemented in case of 1136 participants. The established hypothesises have confirmed the right supposition of the effect of the interventional active programme. The ascertained data were processed statically and evaluated in collaboration with the Gartner{\crq}s Biomedical Laboratory of CTU Prague.
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Previous issue date: 2008-06-12 / The hegemony of the principles that define the rational use of the method and the
application of scientific knowledge within the production process involve the
contours of industrial society. Criticism of science and scientific theories and
concepts of ownership of science by new actors through the subjectivation of
these products of science define the emergence of a scenario where conflicts are
to involve the definition of the risks involved in the expansion of technology on the
This research is the analysis of a case study regarding the dispute concerning the
judicial area adjacent to the equipment of the transmission system of high-voltage
electrical energy into in a peripheral area of the city of Sao Luis do Maranhão.
It shows the elements that guide the various ways in which those involved defining
the risks present in that area. It as a type of study that shows different modes of
ownership and representation spaces in the city.
Therefore present the analysis of a kind of social conflict that characterizes our
time and that starts to be strongly visible in the state of Maranhao. / A hegemonia dos princípios racionais que definem o uso do método e a aplicação
do conhecimento científico no interior do processo produtivo encerram os
contornos da sociedade industrial. A crítica científica da ciência e a apropriação
de teorias e conceitos da ciência por novos atores através da subjetivação destes
produtos da ciência definem a emergência de um cenário onde os conflitos
passam a envolver a definição dos riscos envolvidos na expansão do domínio
tecnológico sobre o mundo.
Esta pesquisa consiste na análise de um estudo de caso referente a disputa
judicial relacionada ao espaço adjacente aos equipamentos do sistema de
transmissão de energia elétrica em alta tensão em uma área periférica da cidade
de São Luís do Maranhão, a partir do qual caracteriza os elementos que orientam
as diversas maneiras com que os agentes envolvidos definem os riscos presentes
naquela área.
Constitui, pois um tipo de estudo que desvela as modalidades de apropriação e
representação dos espaços da cidade.
A análise apresenta um tipo de conflito social que caracteriza o nosso tempo e
que começa a se fazer insistentemente visível no Estado do Maranhão.
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[pt] Esse trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para a reflexão das políticas
públicas urbanas com foco nos riscos e vulnerabilidades sociais em assentamentos
precários. A pesquisa se desenvolve a partir do objeto de estudo riscos e
vulnerabilidades sociais, analisado através de um recorte temporal das políticas
públicas urbanas implementadas na favela da Rocinha, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro,
de 2006 a 2014. A escolha da Rocinha como estudo de caso se justifica pelas
características de precariedade urbanística e edilícia, bem como pelos diversos
problemas de riscos e vulnerabilidades sociais. Essa dissertação busca analisar os
fatores que produzem as desigualdades sociais no espaço urbano, que configuram
em parte a ausência do direito à cidade, trabalhando com os conceitos de riscos
endógenos e exógenos. A metodologia se desenvolve por meio de três categorias
de análise: risco e vulnerabilidade, desigualdade social e direito à cidade, a partir
de pesquisa documental, visita a campo e entrevistas semiestruturadas com
lideranças comunitárias. A pesquisa conclui que a vulnerabilidade na Rocinha está
diretamente relacionada com a desigualdade social e a ausência do direito à cidade,
tanto em comparação a bairros privilegiados da cidade, quanto internamente,
devido à negligência ainda maior sobre os sub-bairros mais precários, que recebem
menor atenção do poder público. Os principais riscos endógenos identificados
foram segurança pública e precariedade de moradias e de infraestrutura. E os riscos
exógenos, inundação e deslizamento. As entrevistas apontaram como principais
vulnerabilidades a violência, insegurança alimentar, saneamento básico e pobreza. / [en] This thesis aims to contribute to the reflection of urban public policies
focusing on social risks and vulnerabilities in precarious settlements. To achieve
such goal the research will analyze urban public policies developed in the squatter
settlement known as Favela Rocinha in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 2006
to 2014. The choice of Rocinha as a case study is justified by the characteristics of
urban and building precariousness as well as the various problems of social risks
and vulnerabilities. Therefore, this thesis will analyze the aspects that produce
social inequalities in the urban space, which partially configure the absence of the
right to the city, using the concepts of endogenous and exogenous risks. The
methodology is developed through three categories of analysis: risk and
vulnerability, social inequality, and the right to the city, based on documentary
research, field research and semi-structured interviews with community leaders.
The research concludes that vulnerability in Rocinha is directly related to social
inequality and the absence of the right to the city, both in comparison to privileged
neighborhoods of the city, and internally, due to the greater neglect of the most
precarious sub-neighborhoods, which receive less attention from the government.
The mais endogenous risks identified were public security and precariouness of
housing and infrastructure. And exogenous risks were flooding and landslides. The
interviews pointed out as main vulnerabilities violence, food insecurity, basic
sanitation and poverty.
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Associations prospectives entre l’exposition préscolaire à des contenus télévisuels violents et les comportements extériorisés à l’adolescenceGilker Beauchamp, Amélie 05 1900 (has links)
Mémoire de maîtrise présenté en vue de l’obtention de la maîtrise en psychoéducation, option recherche et stage (M. Sc.) / Objectif. L’omniprésence de la technologie dans le quotidien des jeunes leur offre un accès illimité au contenu médiatique violent, dès leur plus jeune âge. Les risques psychosociaux à l’adolescence associés à cette exposition précoce sont encore peu étudiés à l’heure actuelle. L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner les associations prospectives entre l’exposition aux contenus télévisuels violents à l’âge préscolaire et les comportements extériorisés au milieu de l’adolescence. Méthode. Les participants (963 filles et 982 garçons) de cette étude longitudinale prospective proviennent de la cohorte de naissances de l’Étude longitudinale du développement des enfants du Québec (ELDEQ). Les parents ont rapporté la fréquence d’exposition de leur enfant à des contenus télévisuels violents à 3,5 ans et 4,5 ans. 4 indicateurs de comportements extériorisés ont été autorapportés par ces mêmes jeunes 11 ans plus tard. Afin d’établir ces associations prospectives, les indicateurs de comportements extériorisés à 15 ans ont été régressés linéairement sur l’exposition au contenu télévisuel violent à 3,5 et 4,5 ans, en fonction du sexe. La totalité des analyses a été contrôlée pour plusieurs caractéristiques individuelles et familiales confondantes. Résultats. Pour les filles, aucune association n’a été trouvée entre l’exposition préscolaire au contenu télévisuel violent et les comportements extériorisés à 15 ans. Pour les garçons, l’exposition préscolaire à des contenus télévisuels violents est associée à une augmentation de l’agressivité proactive (β = 0,065 ; IC 95 %, 0,001 à 0,089), de l’agressivité physique (β = 0,074 ; IC 95 %, 0,040 à 0,487) et des comportements antisociaux (β = 0,076 ; IC 95 %, 0,013 à 0,140) à l’âge de 15 ans. Conclusion. Les résultats révèlent des risques psychosociaux au niveau des comportements extériorisés au milieu de l’adolescence en lien avec l’exposition aux contenus télévisuels violents en bas âge pour les garçons uniquement. Un contrôle visant à limiter cette exposition durant la petite enfance représente une action à privilégier et des interventions de prévention devraient être effectuées en ce sens afin de favoriser un développement optimal de l’enfant. / Objective. The ubiquity of technology in the daily lives of youth provides unlimited access to violent media content from a very young age. Yet a better understanding of the long-term psycho-social risks associated with early exposure remains the object of debate. The objective of this study is to examine the prospective associations between exposure to violent television content in preschool years and externalizing behavior in mid-adolescence. Method. Participants for this are 963 girls and 982 boys from the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD) birth cohort. Parents reported the frequency of their child's exposure to violent television content at ages 3.5 and 4.5 years. Four indicators of externalizing behavior were self-reported by participants 11 years later at age 15 years. These were linearly regressed on exposure to violent television content at ages 3.5 and 4.5 years, stratified by sex. All analyses were controlled for pre-existing and concurrent potential individual and family confounding variables. Results. For girls, no association was found between preschool violent televiewing and later externalizing behavior. For boys, preschool violent televiewing was associated with increases in proactive aggression (β = 0.065; 95% CI, 0.001 to 0.089), physical aggression (β = 0.074; 95% CI, 0.040 to 0.487), and antisocial behavior (β = 0.076; 95% CI, 0.013 to 0.140) in adolescence. Conclusion. This study of typically developing children demonstrates long-term prospective associations between characteristic domestic exposure to violent content in early childhood according to parental perceptions for sons and not daughters. Preventive interventions aimed at limiting this exposure during early childhood should be carried out accordingly to promote optimal child development.
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Socialinė rizika: samprata ir ryšys su socialinės apsaugos išmokomis / Social risk: conception and relation with social security benefitsDubovskaja, Ivona 25 June 2014 (has links)
Socialinės apsaugos sistema susiformavo XX a., kai esant ekonominiam socialiniam pakilimui, vis labiau tapo svarbu apsaugoti darbuotoją nuo keliamų socialinių rizikų pasekmių. Socialinę apsaugą galima apibudinti kaip ne tik valstybės priemone taikoma socialinės rizikos atveju, bet ir kaip garantas, įstatyme numatytų atveju šeimai nelikti be pragyvenimo lėšų. Socialinė apsauga yra stipriai įtakojama ekonominiais rodikliais, todėl sulėtėjus ekonomikai, padidėjus socialinės apsaugos išlaidoms, valstybės turi reformuoti socialinės apsaugos sistemą. Esant tokiems ekonominiams pokyčiams, socialinės apsaugos sistema tampa nuolat kintanti ir nestabili, nors nepraranda savo esmės ir siekia savo tikslų. Socialinės rizikos kaip socialinis institutas, su apibrėžtomis ribomis, skirtas socialinės apsaugos sistemai įgyvendinti. Socialinė rizika – tai tikėtini įvykiai, nuo kurių padarinių yra numatytos socialinės apsaugos priemonės. Išskiriamos tokios tradicinės socialines rizikos: senatvė (asmuo dėl amžiaus negali užsidirbti pakankamai lėšų), neįgalumas (dalinis arba visiškas darbingo amžiaus asmens negalėjimas dirbti), nelaimingi atsitikimai darbe ar profesinė liga (ūmus darbuotojo sveikatos sutrikdymas dėl trumpalaikio pavojingo, kenksmingo darbo aplinkos poveikio arba neatsargumo, dėl kurio darbuotojas netenka darbingumo), nedarbas (asmuo ne savo noru neturi mokamo darbo ir, būdamas darbingas, negali jo rasti), motinystė (medicininė priežiūra nėštumo ir motinystės metu), sveikata... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Social Security System was formed in the twentieth century, when a social economic upturn, has become increasingly important to protect workers from risks posed by the social consequences. Social protection can be characterized as not only the state measure of social risk, but also as a guarantor, the law provided for the family to remove the case without means of subsistence. Social security is strongly influenced by economic indicators, the slowdown of the economy, increasing social security costs, countries have to reform the social security system. With these economic changes, social security system is constantly changing and unstable, although not lose its essence and achieve its goals. Social risks as a social institute, with defined boundaries, is intended for realized social security system. Social risk - the likelihood of events, from which results are provided for social security measures. Such a distinction is made between traditional social risks: old age (the age a person can not earn enough money), invalidity (partial or total working-age person inability to work), employment injuries and occupational diseases (acute worker health-threatening disruption of short-term, harmful effects of the working environment or negligence, for which the employee ceases to work), unemployment (as a working person does not have gainful employment and can not find it), maternity benefits (medical care during pregnancy and motherhood), health (patients treatment, rehabilitation... [to full text]
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Contributions de la maternité à l'état de santé de femmes vivant avec le VIHToupin, Isabelle 05 1900 (has links)
La réalité des femmes vivant avec le VIH (FVVIH) et désireuses d’avoir un enfant soulève un ensemble d’enjeux de santé publique et de promotion de la santé. Les études réalisées jusqu’à maintenant se sont surtout orientées sur les dimensions épidémiologiques et biomédicales de la maternité en contexte de VIH. Peu d’entre elles ont cependant tenu compte des expériences et des besoins du point de vue des FVVIH mais surtout de l’importance et des significations qu’elles accordent à la maternité. Le projet de maternité contribue à leur sens de l’existence et constitue une modalité de transformation du rapport au VIH et d’auto-transcendance. Cette perspective en tant que stratégie de promotion de la santé n’a pas été non plus suffisamment explorée.
L’objectif général de cette thèse, à partir d’un cadre théorique fondé sur les approches féministes de la construction sociale de la maternité, des représentations du risque et des stratégies d’adaptation à la maladie, est d’analyser les expériences de maternité chez des FVVIH montréalaises.
Au plan méthodologique, cette thèse s’appuie sur l’analyse qualitative secondaire d’entrevues, réalisées auprès de 42 FVVIH d’origine canadienne-française, africaine et haïtienne et recrutées dans des milieux hospitalier et communautaire. Ces entrevues portent sur leurs expériences quotidiennes en relation avec le VIH, leurs enjeux sociaux, leur famille et leurs relations interpersonnelles. Les données ont été analysées et interprétées selon les étapes de la théorie ancrée avec validation inter-juges. Une analyse typologique a aussi été effectuée pour dégager les modèles de maternité présents dans les discours à partir de deux types d’analyses à savoir, la « méthode relationnelle centrée sur la voix » et celle de « la logique d’action ».
Trois articles scientifiques, présentant les résultats de l’analyse, ont été soumis. Le premier article décrit les modèles idéologiques de la maternité dans cette population (croissance personnelle ; réalisation sociale ; accomplissement de soi et de complétude) et ses répercussions sur la gestion du VIH (traitements, dévoilement, soins aux enfants). Le second article dégage la manière dont les femmes, selon leur modèle idéologique de la maternité, s’approprient les informations et les conseils provenant des intervenants de la santé et construisent le risque biologique associé à la maternité dans le contexte du VIH. Il cerne aussi les stratégies utilisées pour réaliser leur projet reproductif en conformité ou non avec les injonctions biomédicales. Le troisième article décrit les façons dont le projet de maternité oriente le rapport au VIH, le sens de l’existence et les expériences d’auto-transcendance des femmes (préserver un statut, un rôle et une image sociale ; transformer le rapport à la mort ; faciliter l’acceptation et la transformation du rapport à la maladie ; donner un sens et une direction à l’existence). À partir d’une réflexion sur l’articulation entre les données présentées dans les trois articles, un modèle théorique intégrateur est proposé.
Les retombées de cette étude sur la recherche et l’intervention dans une perspective de promotion de la santé sont esquissées. Des pistes de transfert et de partage des connaissances sont aussi proposées. / The reality of women living with HIV (WLHIV) and who desire to have a child raises a wide range of public health issues and health promotion. To date, studies have mainly focused on epidemiological and biomedical dimensions of motherhood in the context of HIV. Indeed, few studies have taken into consideration the experiences and needs from the perspective of WLHIV and, in particular, the importance and meanings they attach to motherhood. The project of maternity contributes to their meaning of life and to the transformation of their relationship to HIV infection and self-transcendence experiences. This perspective has not been sufficiently explored in the field of health promotion strategies.
The general objective of this thesis, based on feminist theories of social construction of motherhood, representations of risk and adaptive coping strategies to HIV, is to analyze the experiences of motherhood in Montreal WLHIV.
In terms of methodology, this thesis is based on a secondary analysis of qualitative interviews conducted with 42 French-Canadian, African and Haitian WLHIV who were recruited in one hospital and several community centers. These interviews focused on their daily experiences related to HIV, their social issues, their family and their interpersonal relationships. Data were analyzed and interpreted according to grounded theory principles with an interjudge reliability. A typological analysis was also performed to identify the maternity models present in the discourses, taking in to account two complementary types of analysis: the “relational method centred on the voice” and that of “the logic of action”.
Three scientific papers have been submitted presenting the results of the analysis. The first article describes the presence of three ideological models of motherhood according to some socioeconomical and ethnocultural characteristics (personal growth, social achievement, self-fulfillment and completeness) and their impact on HIV management (HIV treatment strategies, disclosure, children care). The second article examines how women, according to their ideological model of motherhood, appropriate information and advices originating from health professionals and construct the biological risk associated with maternity in the context of HIV infection. In addition, this article investigates the strategies used to achieve their reproductive project in compliance or not with the biomedical guidelines. The third article describes how the maternity project, according to the motherhood models, helped them to transform their perceptions of HIV infection, to find meaning to life in spite of the infection status and to experiment self-transcendence experiences (preserving a status, a role and a social image, transforming their relation to death, facilitating the acceptance of their infection status, giving new orientations to their life). In order to link the data presented in the three papers, an integrative theoretical model is proposed.
Impacts of this study on research and intervention in health promotion as well as knowledge translation propositions are outlined.
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De la gestion des maux au "travail des mots" : contribution à une sociologie historique d'un répertoire sémantique des maux du travail (XVIIème siècle à nos jours) / From pains management of work to work of words : contribution to an historical sociology of a pains at work repertoire (XVIIème to the present day)Lecoeur, Guillaume 23 May 2018 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, et après que la catégorie de « souffrance » a occupé l’espace public français, de nouveaux mots occupent le devant de la scène pour décrire et souvent dénoncer les maux du travail. « Fatigue » « Stress », « burn out » ou encore « Risques psycho-sociaux » sont autant de nouvelles catégories aujourd’hui mobilisées pour nommer les maux des travailleurs. Alors que le débat sur les maux du travail revient régulièrement dans l’espace public, la question de l’origine de ce nouveau répertoire utilisé pour nommer les maux du travail interroge. Ces mots reflètent-ils réellement les conditions sociales des travailleurs? A quels enjeux discursifs et épistémologiques leurs usages peuvent-ils renvoyer ? Pour répondre à ces questions, cette thèse propose une analyse généalogique des répertoires sémantiques des maux du travail, en portant intérêt aux trajectoires sociales de ceux qui les ont promus. En identifiant les causes historique et épistémique possibles de ce répertoire, cette thèse apporte des outils méthodologique et théorique pour stabiliser et harmoniser notre pensée commune du travail. Elle contribue aussi, de cette manière, à éclairer les conditions d’émergence de la sociologie du travail en particulier, et celle des sciences des hommes et des femmes au travail de façon plus générale. / In recent years, following a period during which suffering occupied a predominant space as a category shaping French public debate, new words have begun to move to the fore when it comes to denouncing workplace ills. Fatigue, stress, burn out, and phsycho-social risks are examples of new categories used today to name worker-experienced harm. While public debate over worker suffering is regularly revisited, the question of the origin of this new repertoire of concepts is problematic. Do these words really reflect the social conditions in which people work? What is at stake discursively and epistemologically when these concepts are used ? To answer these questions, this thesis endeavors to analyze the genealogy of the semantic repertoire of workplace suffering, by bringing particular focus upon the social trajectories of the people who promoted some of its different constituent concepts. By identifying some of the different possible historical and epistemological causes of this repertoire, this thesis offers new methodological and theoretical tools to stabilize and harmonize our commun thinking about work. In this way, it also helps shed light upon the conditions under which a peculiarly sociological approach to work, along with a more general social-science approach, have been able to emerge.
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Strategie zaměstnavatelů k zaměstnávání rodičů na rodičovské dovolené / The Strategy of Employers to Employ the Parents on Parental LeavePajskrová, Aneta January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the Employer's Strategy for Employing Parents on Parental Leave. The theoretical starting points of the thesis map the area of equal opportunities policy, the concept of family policy and employment policy in the Czech Republic. In addition, the work focuses on the personal and working life of parents on parental leave, describes the development of personal and work satisfaction, the motivation of parents to return to work and the expectation of parents from the employer. The last part of the theoretical framework focuses on employers' strategy, focuses on the social responsibility of organizations in the context of the topic, the motivation of employers to employ parents, their expectations of cooperation, and examples of different approaches to employing parents in the private and public sectors. The aim of the research part of thesis is to identify the causes that prevent parents from taking part in the labor market during parental leave and to educate and broaden their qualifications and to identify opportunities that lead to facilitating access to the labor market for parents on parental leave. The research problem looks at the perspective of parents (women) employed in the private and public sectors. The problem is processed through qualitative research....
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