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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vztah biodiverzity a produktivity ve společenstvech krásivek / Biodiversity-productivity relationship in desmid communities

Škvorová, Marie January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with biodiversity-productivity relationship in desmid communities. Biodiversity is found to be changing globally. The biodiversity-productivity relationship is therefore an important research topic. Three aspects of biodiversity are thought to play an important role: species richness, functional diversity and phylogenetic diversity. It is known that in general, productivity is positively correlated with diversity. Interactions between different metrics of biodiversity are known less. Existing studies have shown that these interactions might be present. In general, biodiversity-productivity studies were mostly focused on plants. Less is known about other organisms, including algae. In this work I explore the relationship between overyielding and functional or phylogenetic diversity on a species richness gradient of desmid communities. I conducted an artificial biodiversity- ecosystem functioning experiment using combinations of two to 12 desmid species. Communities differed in the diversity aspects. I had measured the biomass growth. For the analysis, I have used the overyielding index, which is based on a comparison of a polyculture production with the production expected based on monoculture yields. The relationship of overyielding on functional diversity depended on species...

Vlastnosti biotopů zodpovědné za atraktivitu vojenských cvičišť pro ptáky: případová studie z vojenského újezdu Hradiště / Habitat characteristics accounting for the attractiveness of military training areas for birds: a case study from the Hradiště military training area

Hernová, Jana January 2020 (has links)
Military areas are extraordinary biodiversity-rich due to limited economic activities and a specific way of using the areas for military training. Previous research has also revealed their positive influence on bird species diversity, this applies to endangered species in particular. However, the exact biotope characteristics attracting birds are insufficiently known. In this regard, I expected an important role of heterogeneity of the environment. The aim of the thesis was therefore: (I) to find out the difference of environmental heterogeneity between a military area (MA) and the surrounding landscape, both in a forest and a non-forest sites, (II) to find out what biotope characteristics attract birds in open landscape and (III) what characteristics attract birds in forest. Fieldwork took place in a still active MA of Hradiště and neighboring controls of Bochov and Ostrov. In total, 80 study plots were surveyed for representation of individual biotopes (39 types in total) and the number of fragments of woody vegetation. Data on bird species richness were taken from the thesis of Bušek (2015), surveyed birds at identical study plots and calculated total number of bird species and the number of endangered bird species at each plot. The open landscape of MA has, compared to the surrounding cultural...

Využití bioakustických přístupů pro studium interakcí druhů a druhové bohatosti ptačích společenstev / Application of bioacoustic approaches in investigation of bird species interactions and community species richness

Vokurková, Jana January 2021 (has links)
Birdsong is one of the most fascinating communication tools in the animal kingdom, whether it is used for attracting a mate or in territory defense. In my dissertation, I present evidence that we can successfully study the role of birdsong in territorial behaviour, its seasonal variability, and ultimately its role in evolutionary processes thanks to modern bioacoustic and ecoacoustic approaches. By combining the bioacoustic approach with molecular analyses, I demonstrate that in the model system of two closely related passerine species, the heterospecific song convergence in their secondary contact zone is based on cultural transmission, and not on interspecific hybridisation and/or gene introgression. My dissertation further extends into the tropical zone, which is generally characterized by less pronounced environmental seasonality compared to the temperate zone. The study of potential seasonality in singing activity and the proportion of vocalizing species in this zone therefore requires year-round monitoring, which is possible thanks to the quite recent development of automated recording units (ARU). First, we confirmed that using ARU provides very similar estimates of community composition, species richness, and abundance to traditional field methods (point counts) in the specific conditions...

Betydelsen av urbana bostadsgårdars ålder för dess artrikedom av inhemska örtartade växter och förekomst av fåglar / The importance of age of urban residential yards for the species richness of native herbs and of birds

Grimlycke, Anna January 2023 (has links)
Life on Earth is currently experiencing a sixth species extinction, where urbanization, as one of the main driving forces, fragments and causes losses of near-urban habitats. At the same time, a rich variety of habitats can be found in urban landscapes that may harbour biodiversity. Knowledge of how urban ecosystems develops over time is fundamental for application of relevant nature conservation measures that promote species richness. This study aims to shed light on the importance of age in urban residential yards for the species richness of native herbaceous plants and of birds. The study was carried out in Linköping during the summer of 2023, and it included surveys of native herbaceous plants and birds in three area types (natural area, old and young residential yards). In total, 114 species of native herbs and 34 species of birds were found. Sites in the natural area had (mean ± SE) 25,8 (± 1,8) and 6,6 (± 0,7) species of plants and birds respectively, whereas the corresponding values for old residential yards were 23,2 (± 1,2) and 5,7 (± 0,5) and for young residential yards 19,9 (± 1,3) and 3,3 (± 0,7). Jaccard's coefficient showed that the largest proportion of shared species occurred between ‘old’ and 'young' residential yards. Overall, the results of my study showed some support for my prediction that age of residential yards is important for species richness of native herbaceous plants and birds. The results indicate that urban environments (old and young residential yards) harbour a selection of species that can withstand anthropogenic disturbance. / Livet på jorden upplever ett sjätte artutdöende där urbaniseringen, som en av de främsta drivkrafterna, fragmenterar och orsakar förluster av stadsnära habitat. Samtidigt finns en rik variation av livsmiljöer i stadslandskap som hyser en biologisk mångfald. Kunskap om hur urbana ekosystem utvecklas över tid är grundläggande för tillämpning av relevanta naturvårdsåtgärder i staden som främjar artrikedom. Denna studie syftar till att belysa betydelsen av urbana bostadsgårdars ålder för artrikedomen hos inhemska örtartade växter och fåglar. Studien genomfördes i Linköping under sommaren 2023 och omfattade inventeringar av inhemska örtartade växter och fåglar i tre områdestyper (naturområde, äldre och unga bostadsgårdar). Totalt hittades 114 arter av inhemska örter och 34 arter av fåglar. Naturområdet hade (medelvärde ± SE) 25,8 (± 1,8) respektive 6,6 (± 0,7) arter av växter och fåglar, medan motsvarande värden för äldre bostadsgårdar var 23,2 (± 1,2) och 5,7 (± 0,5) och för unga bostadsgårdar 19,9 (± 1,3) och 3,3 (± 0,7). Jaccards koefficient visade att den största andelen överlappande arter förekom mellan ’äldre’ och ’unga’ bostadsgårdar. Sammantaget visade resultaten av min studie ett visst stöd för min förutsägelse att bostadsgårdarnas ålder är av betydelse för artrikedomen hos inhemska örtartade växter och fåglar. Resultaten tyder på att stadsmiljöer (äldre och unga bostadsgårdar) hyser ett urval av arter som tål antropogena, av människan orsakade, störningar.


Ivanov, Kaloyan January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Jämförelse av trädartsrikedom och diversitet inom tätortsområden och naturskogsområden i Dalsland / Comparison of tree species richness and diversity within urban areas and natural forest areas in Dalsland, Sweden

Axelsson, Jesper January 2024 (has links)
Mänskliga aktiviteter som till exempel urbanisering, har bidragit till förlusten av biologisk mångfald. En metod som man har föreslagit är att introducera gröna områden och plantera träd i stadsområden. Hypoteserna som testades i den här studien är att det finns en signifikant skillnad i trädartrikedom och trädartsdiversitet mellan tätorter och omgivande naturskogar i centrala Sverige; och att artrikedomen och diversiteten varierar mellan olika habitat i tätorterna. Studien utfördes inom fyra kommuner i Dalsland: Bengtsfors, Åmål, Dals-Ed och Mellerud. Man inventerade träd i fem olika habitater per kommun inom ett tätortsområde, samt ett naturskogsområde som ligger nära orten. Antalet trädarter och individuella träd beräknades och diversiteten inom varje kommun beräknades med hjälp av Shannon-Weavers diversitetsindex för det senare fallet. En signifikant skillnad i trädartrikedom och trädartsdiversitet uppmättes mellan ett tätortsområde och ett naturskogsområde (medianvärde på 10 respektive 3,5). Trädartrikedomen var högst i Bengtsfors med 13 olika trädarter och trädartdiversiteten var högst i Dals-Eds kommun (H’ = 1,22). En signifikant skillnad i trädartrikedom hittades, men inte i trädartsdiversitet. I tätorterna hade vattendrag det högsta medelvärdet i trädartrikedom tillsammans med förskolor med 4 trädarter. Den tidigare har också det högsta medelvärdet i trädartsdiversitet (H’ = 1,07). Resultaten stämde överens med den första hypotesen, men inte med den andra hypotesen. Sammanfattningsvis, är det välgörande att bibehålla och återställa gröna områden och träd i tätorter, och att det krävs mer forskning, för att föreslå strategier om att skydda biologisk mångfald och städerna från klimatförändringar och andra faror. / Anthropogenic activities, e.g. urbanization, have contributed to the loss to biological diversity. One method that has been proposed to combat urban biodiversity loss is to introduce green areas and to plant trees in urban areas. The hypotheses that were tested in this study are that; there is a significant difference in tree species richness and diversity between urban areas and surrounding natural forests in central Sweden; also, that the species richness and diversity varies between different habitats in urban areas. The study was performed in four municipalities in Dalsland: Bengtsfors, Åmål, Dals-Ed and Mellerud. Trees were inventoried in five different habitats per municipality within a suburban area, and in a natural forest area located near the locality. The number of tree species, individual trees, as well as the tree species diversity within each municipality were accounted for, with the use of Shannon-Weaver’s diversity index for the latter. A significant difference in tree species richness and diversity were found between suburban areas and surrounding natural forest areas (median of 10 and 3,5 respectively). The species richness was the highest in Bengtsfors’ municipality with 13 tree species, and the species diversity was the highest in Dals-Ed’s municipality (H’ = 1,22). A significant difference in tree species richness was found, but not in tree species diversity. In the suburban areas, sites near to water bodies had the highest average tree species richness, alongside kindergartens with 4 tree species. The former also has the highest average tree species diversity (H’ = 1,07). The results matched with the first hypothesis but did not match with second hypothesis. In conclusion, it is beneficial to maintain or restore green areas and trees in urban areas, and it requires more research, to propose strategies to protect biodiversity and cities from climate change and other dangers.

Multitrophic interactions along a plant size gradient in Brassicaceae

Schlinkert, Hella 18 March 2014 (has links)
Das Wissen über Mechanismen, die einen Einfluss auf Muster der Artenvielfalt und biotische Interaktionen haben, ist grundlegend für den Schutz von Biodiversität. Darüber hinaus kann es von direktem ökonomischem Nutzen sein, zum Beispiel im biologischen Pflanzenschutz oder bei Bestäubungsdienstleistungen. Die Größe eines Organismus kann ein solcher Faktor sein, der die Artenzahl und Interaktionen der assoziierten Organismen beeinflusst, denn große Organismen sind auffälliger als kleine und ihr Angebot an Ressourcen und Nischen für mit ihnen assoziierte Organismen ist oft reicher. Bezogen auf Pflanzen könnte daher die Größe einer Pflanze einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Artenzahl der mit ihr assoziierten Arthropoden und ihre biotischen Interaktionen wie Herbivorie oder Bestäubung haben. Trotzdem ist der Einfluss der Pflanzengröße auf mutualistische und antagonistische Interaktionspartner der Pflanze und der sich daraus ergebende Einfluss auf die reproduktive Fitness der Pflanze bisher nicht umfassend und unter standardisierten Bedingungen untersucht worden. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden die Auswirkungen der Pflanzengröße auf die Artenzahl von Herbivoren, deren Gegenspielern und Bestäubern untersucht, sowie die Auswirkungen dieser Interaktionspartner auf die Pflanzenfitness. Dabei wurde zusätzlich zwischen endophagen und ektophagen Herbivoren und deren Gegenspielern unterschieden. Außerdem wurden die Herbivoren einzelner Pflanzenkompartimente und deren Gegenspieler separat analysiert. Des Weiteren wurde der Einfluss der Pflanzengröße auf den Herbivorieschaden an den verschiedenen Pflanzenkompartimenten und deren Einfluss auf die reproduktive Fitness der Pflanze, d.h. auf ihre Samenzahl, Tausendkorngewicht und Samengesamtgewicht, untersucht. Zuletzt wurde besonderes Augenmerk auf den Einfluss der Pflanzengröße auf mutualistische und antagonistische Blütenbesucher und deren Einfluss auf die reproduktive Fitness gelegt und untersucht, ob und inwiefern die reproduktive Fitness letztendlich von der Pflanzengröße abhängig ist. Zur Untersuchung dieser Fragen wurde ein „Common Garden“-Experiment angelegt. Um einen interspezifischen Pflanzengrößengradienten zu erzeugen, wurden 21 annuelle Pflanzenarten aus der Familie der Kreuzblütler (Brassicaceae) ausgewählt, deren Größe von 10 bis 130 cm reichte (gemessen als Pflanzenhöhe vom Boden bis zur Spitze). So konnten die Einflüsse des Habitats und der umgebenden Landschaft für alle Pflanzenarten standardisiert und trotzdem ein breiter Gradient realisiert werden. Dadurch hebt sich diese Studie von den bisherigen ab, die den Effekt von meist intraspezifischer Pflanzengröße auf die assoziierten Tiere anhand wild wachsender Pflanzen untersucht haben. Pflanzengröße sowie Zahl, Biomasse und Größe der unterschiedlichen überirdischen Pflanzenkompartimente (Blüten, Schoten, Blätter, Stängel) sowie Blütendeckung und -farbe wurden aufgenommen. Der Herbivorieschaden an diesen Pflanzenkompartimenten und die reproduktive Fitness (Samenzahl, Tausendkorngewicht und Gesamtsamengewicht) wurden gemessen. An und in Blüten, Schoten, Blättern und Stängeln wurden herbivore, räuberische, parasitäre und bestäubende Arthropoden gezählt. Die Pflanzengröße hatte einen positiven Einfluss auf die Artenzahl von Herbivoren, deren Gegenspielern und Bestäubern. Das traf ebenso auf endophage und ektophage sowie auf mit Blättern und Schoten assoziierte Herbivore und deren Gegenspieler zu. Des Weiteren konnte ein Anstieg des Herbivorieschadens an Blüten und Schoten mit zunehmender Pflanzengröße festgestellt werden, wohingegen der Schaden an Blättern und Stängeln von der Biomasse des entsprechenden Kompartiments positiv beeinflusst wurde. Der Schaden an Blüten hatte den stärksten Einfluss auf die reproduktive Fitness und reduzierte neben der Samenzahl auch das Tausendkorngewicht und das Gesamtsamengewicht der Pflanze. Die genaue Analyse der blütenbesuchenden Insekten ergab einen positiven Einfluss der Pflanzengröße auf die Abundanz und Artenzahl von Bestäubern (allerdings nicht bei extrem großem Blütenangebot), wie auch auf die Abundanz der adulten und juvenilen Rapsglanzkäfer und deren Parasitierungsrate. Steigende Rapsglanzkäferzahlen verringerten die Samenzahl sowie das Tausendkorngewicht, während die Bestäuber sich lediglich auf die Samenzahl positiv auswirkten. Insgesamt führte ein Anstieg der Pflanzenhöhe zu einer Abnahme des Tausendkorngewichts, aber nicht zu einer Veränderung der Samenzahl oder des Gesamtsamengewichts, was auf einen Ausgleich der Effekte von zunehmender Antagonistenzahl und zunehmender Mutualistenzahl hindeutet. Großen Pflanzen entstehen also durch ihre Auffälligkeit und Attraktivität für Herbivore hohe Fitnesskosten, wobei insbesondere der Blütenschaden durch Rapsglanzkäfer einen starken negativen Einfluss auf Samenzahl, Tausendkorngewicht und Gesamtsamengewicht hat. Diesen Fitnesskosten großer Pflanzen wirkt der Nutzen durch ihre Auffälligkeit und Attraktivität für Bestäuber entgegen, die die Samenzahl positiv beeinflussen. Hinsichtlich der Samenzahl sollten also große Pflanzen gegenüber kleineren im Vorteil sein, wenn die Insektengemeinschaft des Habitats von Bestäubern dominiert wird. Wird sie aber von herbivoren Blütenbesuchern dominiert, sollten kleine Pflanzen gegenüber großen einen Vorteil haben. Im Gegensatz dazu sollten große Pflanzen immer einen Nachteil bezüglich des Tausendkorngewichts haben, das von Antagonisten, nicht aber von Mutualisten beeinflusst wurde. Der Einfluss der Pflanzengröße auf biotische Interaktionen wurde bisher oft unterschätzt, obwohl er sich auf komplexe Weise über die mutualistischen und antagonistischen Insekten auf die reproduktive Fitness der Pflanze auswirkt.

Diverzita, ekologie a metodika průzkumu lišejníků pralesovitých porostů ve střední Evropě / Diversity, ecology and methods of the research of lichens in old-growth forests in Central Europe

Malíček, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
1 Abstract Forests are the native Central European vegetation, which have dominated in the landscape for the last c. 10,000 years. Stands with an oak and hornbeam dominance occupied lower elevations before human colonization, beech and silver fir-beech forests middle elevations and spruce stands at higher elevations. Only a few remnants of forests, which can be regarded as primeval or with a minimal impact of forest management, have survived in densely populated Central Europe. Examples of the most preserved primeval forests are Rothwald (Austria), Białowieża (Poland, Belorussia), Stužica/Stuzhytsia (Slovakia, Ukraine) and Boubín (Czech Republic). Although these sites are small and isolated, they are local diversity centers for many organisms, mainly for fungi, lichens and bryophytes, refugia for numerous endangered species and some of them have their last localities there. Epiphytic and epixylic lichens are an ideal model group for studies about forests because they sensitively indicate management, continuity, heterogeneity and age of a woodland. Therefore they could help us to answer many important questions about the conservation of natural forests. This thesis comprises several different points of view on lichens in Central European forests and its aim is to join these heterogeneous fields into one...

Regime de distúrbio e dinâmica da regeneração natural na Floresta Pluvial Atlântica Submontana / Disturbance regime and natural regeneration dynamics in the Lower Montane Atlantic Rain Forest

Lima, Renato Augusto Ferreira de 19 April 2007 (has links)
Em uma parcela permanente de 10,24 ha na Floresta Pluvial Atlântica Submontana do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (Sete Barras, SP, Brasil), este estudo teve o intuito de descrever o regime de distúrbio do dossel e avaliar a regeneração natural sob diferentes regimes de luz. Para tanto, foi realizado o levantamento de todas as clareiras da parcela, que foram mensuradas e tiveram sua idade aproximada estimada. Em seguida, foram instaladas 42 parcelas de 10x10m para avaliar a regeneração natural em três regimes luminosos: dossel contínuo (18 parcelas), clareiras pequenas a médias (11) e clareiras grandes com abundância de Guadua tagoara (Nees) Kunth (13). O regime de luz foi caracterizado por fotografias hemisféricas tomadas ao centro das parcelas. O estudo da regeneração natural foi divido em: estrato herbáceo (i.e., ervas menores que um metro de altura), avaliado através da cobertura do solo estimada pelo método de interceptação de linha; e estrato arbustivo, avaliado através dos indivíduos com altura maior que 1m, e com diâmetro à altura do peito menor que 5cm. Para estes indivíduos anotou-se a espécie, diâmetro, altura total e área de copa, além da presença de partes reprodutivas e substrato de germinação. Informações sobre hábito, grupo sucessional e síndrome de dispersão das espécies também foram obtidas. Após um ano, uma reavaliação permitiu analisar a mortalidade, danos, recrutamento e crescimento. Apesar de 67% das clareiras terem sido menores que 150 m2 , o regime de distúrbio foi atípico, principalmente pela contribuição de clareiras maiores que 750 m2 , e pela área média e total que variaram respectivamente de 419 a 799 m2 , e de 26 a 49%, dependendo do método de delimitação de clareira. A densidade foi de 6 clareiras.ha -1 e a taxa de recorrência variou entre 91 e 220 anos, dependendo dos métodos. Houve diferença significativa entre os ambientes para a maioria dos índices de luz, especialmente para a radiação total incidente com médias entre 909 e 2.400 mols.m-2.ano-1. Observou-se diferença significativa entre ambientes na cobertura por ervas, porém os resultados variaram entre espécies. No estrato arbustivo, houve diferença significativa na composição e abundância das espécies, inclusive entre clareiras médias e sub-bosque. A densidade de ervas e arbustos foi maior nos ambientes mais iluminados, assim como a densidade de pioneiras e secundárias iniciais. O recrutamento em um ano (16%) apresentou diferenças nos ambientes, com 63% dos recrutas apenas nas grandes clareiras. O mesmo não ocorreu com a taxa de mortalidade cujas principais causas foram os danos físicos e dessecamento. Para os 13% de indivíduos danificados em um ano, houve destaque para danos ligados à extração de palmito. Apenas os danos físicos naturais apresentaram diferença entre ambientes, com grandes clareiras sendo as mais danosas. No geral e entre as 25 espécies avaliadas separadamente, houve uma tendência de crescimento maior com o aumento da incidência luminosa. Clareiras pequenas a médias tiveram significativamente maior riqueza, diversidade e menor dominância de espécies que o sub-bosque. Clareiras grandes com bambu tiveram menor riqueza e diversidade, mas contribuíram com a manutenção da diversidade beta da parcela permanente. / In a 10.24 ha permanent plot of Tropical Lower Montane Atlantic Rain Forest in the Carlos Botelho State Park (Sete Barras, SP, Brazil), this study aimed to describe the canopy disturbance regime and to assess natural regeneration under different light regimes. In order to do so, the plot was completely surveyed for canopy gaps that were measured and had their approximate age estimated. Then, 42 10x10 m plots were established to evaluate natural regeneration under three light regimes: understory (18 plots), small to medium canopy gaps (11 plots) and large gaps abundant in Guadua tagoara (Nees) Kunth (13 plots). The light regime was characterized through hemispherical photographs taken at each plot center. Natural regeneration was dived into: herb stratum (i.e., herbs below one meter in height) assessed through soil coverage using the line intercept method; and shrub stratum or all plant individuals taller than one meter high and thinner than 5 cm in diameter at breast height. All individuals were identified to species and measured for diameter, height, crown height and area, besides notes on the presence of reproductive structures and germination substrate. Information on growth form, dispersal syndrome and ecological group were also obtained for each species. After one year, one reevaluation was made to assess mortality, damages, recruitment and growth. Although 67% of gaps were smaller than 150 m2 , the plot disturbance regime was atypical mainly by the contribution of gaps bigger than 750 m2 and by the average and total gap area that varied respectively from 419 to 799 m2 , and from 26 to 49% depending on the gap delimitation method. Gap density was 6 gaps.ha-1 and the turnover rate varied from 91 to 220 years depending on the gap method employed. There was significant difference between environments among the light index, especially for total incident radiation with means varying from 909 and 2,400 mols.m-2.y-1. It was found significant differences on herb soil coverage between environments, although the results varied among species. In the shrub stratum, species composition and abundance was significantly different, even between small to medium canopy gaps and the understorey. Herb and shrub densities were bigger in the more enlightened environments, as well as pioneer and early secondary species densities. Recruitment over the year (16%) was different between environments with large gaps accounting for 63% of all recruits. Similar difference was not found for mortality rate that had physical damage and desiccation as main death causes. Amid the 13% of damage individuals in the course of one year, there was noticeable contribution of damages linked to illegal extraction of palm-heart. Differences between environments were present only for physical damages with large gaps being the most damaging environment. In general and among the 25 species evaluated separately, there was a tendency of bigger growth with enhancement in light incidence. Small to medium gaps had significantly higher species richness and diversity, and lower dominance compared to the understorey. Large gaps had lower richness and diversity, but they contributed to maintain beta diversity of the permanent plot.

Riqueza e abund?ncia de esp?cies em comunidades de abelhas Euglossina (Hymenoptera; Apidae) no corredor central da Mata Atl?ntica

Medeiros, Renata Lee dos Santos 14 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2015-07-29T01:06:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Final_Renata Lee Medeiros.pdf: 1857499 bytes, checksum: eabb755377f3d7836668b4bae4c796fc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-29T01:06:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Final_Renata Lee Medeiros.pdf: 1857499 bytes, checksum: eabb755377f3d7836668b4bae4c796fc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-14 / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia - FAPEB / The abiotic factors as the temperature, relative humidity, precipitation and altitude can exert influence in community Euglossine bees. The objectives of this study were 1 ? To Identify the Euglossine bees species occurring in a restricted area from dense Ombrophilous Forest in the Environmental Protection Area of the Pratigi - Southern Bahia; 2 ? To Characterize the monthly fluctuations in local abundance of these species, 3 ? To Analyze if the abiotic factors (temperature, precipitation, humidity and altitude) affected the composition, richness and abundance of Euglossine bees throughout the year; 4 ? To Check if there was a change in composition Euglossine bees species in an altitudinal gradient coastal to the continent. Euglossine males were collected one a month, for twelve months, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, with aromatic traps containing methyl cinnamate, vanillin, eucalyptol, benzyl acetate, methyl salicylate, eugenol and ?-Ionone. A total of 1947 males distributed among 3 genera and 25 species were collected. The most abundant species were Euglossa carolina and Euglossa ignita. Two peaks of abundance were observed, the larger one in the dry season. There wasn?t significant influence of abiotic variables (temperature, humidity, precipitation and altitude) on species richness. The abundance was influenced by temperature and humidity. The Diversity (H?) and Dominance were influenced by altitude. The study reveal the importance of preserving Euglossine bees species in different phytophysiognomies within the same biome, once different phytophysiognomies can alter the pattern of richness and abundance of Euglossine bees species in the environment. / Os fatores abi?ticos como temperatura, umidade relativa, caracter?sticas de precipita??o e altitude podem exercer influencia sobre a comunidade de Euglossina. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram 1- Identificar as esp?cies de abelhas Euglossina que ocorrem em uma ?rea restrita de Floresta Ombr?fila Densa na APA do Pratigi ? Baixo Sul da Bahia; 2- Caracterizar a flutua??o mensal na abund?ncia local destas esp?cies; 3-Analisar se os fatores abi?ticos (temperatura, pluviosidade, umidade, e altitude) influenciaram a composi??o, riqueza e abund?ncia de abelhas Euglossina ao longo do ano; 4-Verificar se houve altera??o na composi??o de esp?cies de abelhas Euglossina em um gradiente altitudinal no sentido litoral-interior. Os machos das esp?cies foram amostrados uma vez por m?s, durante um ano, entre 09:00 e 15:00 h, com o aux?lio de armadilhas arom?ticas contendo cinamato de metila, vanilina, eucaliptol, acetato de benzila, salicilato de metila, eugenol e beta-ionona. Foram coletados 1947 machos pertencentes 3 g?neros e 25 esp?cies. As esp?cies mais abundantes foram Euglossa carolina e Euglossa ignita. A comunidade de Euglossina apresentou diferentes padr?es de flutua??o mensal nas diferentes fitofisionomias na APA do Pratigi. De um modo geral, em todas as ?reas, os maiores picos de abund?ncia ocorreram no per?odo seco. N?o houve influencia significativa das var?veis abi?ticas (temperatura, umidade, precipita??o e altitude) sobre a riqueza de esp?cies. A abund?ncia sofreu influencia positiva da temperatura, negativa da umidade e n?o sofreu influencia da precipita??o e altitude. A Diversidade H? e a Domin?ncia sofreram influencia apenas da altitude. O estudo revela a import?ncia da preserva??o de esp?cies de Euglossina em diferentes forma??es fitofisionomicas dentro do mesmo bioma, uma vez que diferen?as na fitofisionomia podem alterar o padr?o de riqueza e abund?ncia de abelhas Euglossina no ambiente.

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