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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation du rayonnement acoustique d'un haut-parleur monté sur une enceinte parallélépipédique allongée. Application a une barre de son. / Caractérisation of the acoustical field from a loudspeaker mounted on a slender box-shaped enclosure. Application to a sound bar.

Roggerone, Vincent 25 January 2018 (has links)
Le rayonnement d'un haut-parleur monté sur une enceinte est généralement caractérisé par des mesures ou une simulation par la méthode des éléments finis. Cependant, ces méthodes de référence restent très coûteuses et ne permettent pas une interprétation physique des résultats. Dans ce manuscrit, nous proposons deux modèles analytiques pour prédire ce rayonnement, dans le cadre d'une application à une barre de son. Le premier modèle consiste à assimiler la géométrie de la barre de son à un sphéroïde. De cette manière, les variables sont séparées et on peut trouver une solution analytique sous la forme d'une somme d’harmoniques sphéroïdales. On décrira chaque étape de la méthode, ainsi que la comparaison des résultats à ceux des méthodes de référence. On développera particulièrement le calcul pour un haut-parleur circulaire sur le sphéroïde et la mise en place d'un critère de troncature des harmoniques. Ce modèle fonctionne bien en basse-fréquence, mais ne peut pas rendre compte de tous les phénomènes de diffraction par l'enceinte en haute fréquence. Pour celles-ci, la diffraction du champ sonore par les arêtes de l'enceinte devient non négligeable. Nous avons donc développé un second modèle analytique, basé sur une formulation intégrale de cette diffraction. Celle-ci est vue comme un ensemble de sources secondaires localisées sur les arêtes. On montrera comment établir ce modèle et on donnera des détails sur son implémentation. L'application de ce modèle permet d'interpréter physiquement le rayonnement d'une barre de son, et donc de conclure sur la validité du modèle sphéroïdal. On montre également comment les arêtes du baffle d'une enceinte entraînent des effets d'interférences constructives, qui peuvent induire un gain allant jusqu’à 3 dB. Ces effets entraînent également un phénomène contre-intuitif : si le haut-parleur n'est pas centré sur le baffle, la direction du maximum d'intensité du rayonnement tend à se décaler vers le côté opposé au décalage du haut-parleur sur le baffle. / The radiation from a loudspeaker mounted on a box shaped enclosure is usually characterized by measurements or simulations based on finite element method. However, these reference methods are still very expensive and do not allow for a physical interpretation of the results. In this manuscript, two analytical models are proposed to predict this radiation, within the framework of the application to a sound bar. The first model consists of assimilating the sound bar geometry to a spheroid. In this way, the variables are separated and an analytical solution can be found in the form of a sum of spheroidal harmonics. The calculation for a circular loudspeaker on the spheroid, as well as a harmonic truncation criterion, is detailed. Each step of the method will be described, as well as the comparison of the results with the reference methods. The calculation for a circular loudspeaker on the spheroid and the implementation of a harmonic truncation criterion will be developed. This model works well at low-frequency, but cannot account for the diffraction phenomena, which come from the enclosure and appear at high-frequency. Therefore, we have developed a second analytical model based on an integral formulation of the diffraction. This model is seen as a set of secondary sources located on the edges of the enclosure. It will be shown how to establish this model and how it can be implemented. This model allows us to interpret the radiation of a sound bar, and therefore allows us to conclude on the validity of the spheroidal model. It also shows how the baffle edges of a loudspeaker enclosure lead to constructive interference effects, resulting in a gain up to 3 dB. These effects also lead to a counterintuitive phenomenon: if the speaker is not centered on the baffle, the direction of maximum radiation intensity tends to shift to the opposite side of the speaker offset on the baffle.

An Exploration of the External Field Effect in NGC1052-DF2 and Orbiting Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies

Schussler, Joshua Aaron 13 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Técnicas optimizadas de análisis de señal en dominio tiempo-frecuencia para el diagnóstico de máquinas de inducción en régimen transitorio

Cortés López, José Miguel 21 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] After making a review of the state of the art, present laboratory equipment, types of trials and signs that have been used to experimentally validate diagnostic techniques proposed in this paper as well as justify drawbacks or limitations transform short time Fourier (STFT) with classic windows for analyzing transient signals whith diagnostic finnish rotating electrical machines in the field, selecting the prolate spheroidal function is proposed, assessing the effect of the parameters that for your definition, as optimal window for time-frequency analysis of the stator current using said transformed, so it makes a proposal to reduce the computation time and memory capacity calculation of this analysis of this signal by moving the window in the domain frequency rather than the temporary. Thus it contributes to the reduction in terms of processing times and memory requirements without losing quality when it comes to the information about the failure is both essential factors for achieving the goal that solutions for its implementation in real industrial environments with limited memory or communication if it is isolated or remote systems. / [ES] Tras hacer una revisión del estado del arte, presentar el equipamiento de laboratorio, los tipos de ensayos y señales que se han empleado para validar experimentalmente las técnicas de diagnosis propuestas en este trabajo, así como justifi car los inconvenientes o limitaciones de la transformada short time Fourier (STFT) con las ventanas clásicas para el análisis de señales en régimen transitorio con fi nes de diagnóstico en máquinas eléctricas rotativas en campo, se propone la selección de la función prolate esferoidal, valorando el efecto de los parámetros que la defi nen, como ventana óptima para el análisis tiempo-frecuencia de la corriente estatórica empleando dicha transformada, así mismo se formula una propuesta para reducir el tiempo de cómputo y la capacidad de memoria de cálculo de este análisis de esta señal moviendo la ventana en el dominio de la frecuencia en lugar del temporal. De esta forma se contribuye a la reducción en cuanto a tiempos de procesado y a los requisitos de memoria necesarios sin perder calidad en lo que a la información referente al fallo se trata, ambos factores esenciales para alcanzar la meta de que las soluciones permitan su implementación en entornos industriales reales, con limitaciones de memoria o comunicación si se trata de sistemas aislados o remotos. / [CA] Després de fer una revisió de l'estat de l'art, presentar l'equipament de laboratori, els tipus d'assajos i senyals que s'han empleat per a validar experimentalment les tècniques de diagnosis proposades en este treball, així com justi car els inconvenients o limitacions de la transformada short time Fourier transform (STFT) amb les finestres clàssiques per a l'anàlisi de senyals en règim transitori amb fi ns de diagnòstic en Màquines elèctriques rotatives en camp, es proposa la selecció de la funció prolate esferoïdal, valorant l'efecte dels paràmetres que la de finixen, com a fi nestra òptima per a l'anàlisi temps-freqüència del corrent estatórica emprant dita transformada, així mateix es formula una proposta per a reduir el temps de còmput i la capacitat de memòria de càlcul d'esta anàlisi d'este senyal movent la finestra en el domini de la freqüència en lloc del temporal. D'esta manera es contribuïx a la reducció quant a temps de processat i als requisits de memòria necessaris sense perdre qualitat en el que a la informació referent a la fallada es tracta, ambdós factors essencials per a aconseguir la meta que les solucions permeten la seua implementació en entorns industrials reals, amb limitacions de memòria o comunicació si es tracta de sistemes aïllats o remots. / Cortés López, JM. (2016). Técnicas optimizadas de análisis de señal en dominio tiempo-frecuencia para el diagnóstico de máquinas de inducción en régimen transitorio [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61976

Indirect search for dark matter in dwarf spheroidal galaxies with Cherenkov Telescope Array / Detecção indireta de matéria escura em galáxias esferoidais anãs com o Cherenkov Telescope Array

Nakashima, Danielle Kaori 20 September 2018 (has links)
Dark matter (DM), whose nature and interaction mechanisms are still an open issue, constitutes about 25 % of the Universe energy density. Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are considered as strong candidates for particle DM and their search is conveniently carried out through the detection of gamma rays. The newly discovered ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs), located in the vicinity of the Galaxy, exhibit high values of the mass to luminosity ratio, and are therefore considered as strongly dominated by DM. These objects are within reach of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), which is the future project for gamma-ray astronomy, with an better sensitivity (one order of magnitude) with respect to the current generation experiments. The main goal of the present work is the study of the sensitivity of CTA to WIMPs DM particles, by simulating the observation of the ultra-faint dwarf spherical galaxies Triangulum II, Reticulum II and Carina III, as well as of the classical dwarf galaxy Sculptor, for different annihilation channels, between 70 GeV and 100 TeV. The sensitivity curve in the WIMPs parameter space (velocity-averaged annihilation cross section < &sigma; &nu; > and DM mass mDM) was computed. We found that, within the sample of dwarf galaxies tested, Triangulum II is the most promising source, able to reach the thermal freeze-out values in the annihilation channel &tau;+&tau;- for only 50 hours of observation. Our result, the first estimation of the sensitivity for DM searches in ultra-faint dwarfs with CTA, is consistent with results from current generation experiments, showing better performance over an extended energy range. The limited sample of available stars in the targets induces uncertainties on the DM content. Future measurements, leading to a better understanding of the sources dynamic equilibrium, can improve this situation. Even so, the combination of the high DM content in the ultra-faint dwarf galaxies, together with the excellent expected performance of the future CTA, provides a promising result for indirect DM searches. / A matéria escura, cuja natureza e mecanismos de interação ainda estão em aberto, compõe 25% da densidade de energia do Universo. Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) apresentam-se como forte candidatas e sua busca é convenientemente conduzida através de raios gama. As recém descobertas galáxias esferoidais anãs ultra-fracas, situadas nos arredores da Galáxia, apresentam altos valores da razão entre massa e luminosidade, sendo portanto consideradas objetos fortemente dominados por matéria escura. Esses objetos estão ao alcance do Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), que é o futuro projeto da astronomia gama, com sensibilidade de uma order de grandeza melhor do que os experimentos atuais. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o potencial de detecção indireta de WIMPs através de raios gama com o futuro observatório CTA, observando as galáxias esferoidais anãs ultra-fracas Triangulum II, Retículum II e Carina III e a galáxia anã clássica Sculptor, para diferentes canais de aniquilação, entre 70 GeV e 100 TeV. A curva de sensibilidade no espaço de parâmetros livres de WIMPs (massa da partícula mDM e médida da seção de choque de aniquilação ponderada pela velocidade < &sigma; &nu; >) foi calculada. Nós encontramos que dentro da amostra de galáxias anãs testadas, Triangulum II é a fonte mais promissora, capaz de testar os valores térmicos no canal de aniquilação &tau;+&tau;- considerando apenas 50 horas de observação pelo CTA. Nosso resultado, a primeira estimativa da sensibilidade para busca de matéria escura em galáxias esferoidais anãs ultra-fracas com CTA, é consistente com resultados de experimentos da geração atual, e mostra um melhor desempenho em uma faixa de energia estendida. Os resultados são afetados pelas incertezas devido à pequena amostra de estrelas dos alvos escolhidos, que se reflete no conhecimento do conteúdo de matéria escura. Novas medidas podem ajudar a esclarecer essa situação. Ainda assim, a combinação de galáxias anãs ultra-fracas, aliada às melhorias do futuro CTA, apresenta-se como um passo muito promissor para buscas indiretas de matéria escura.

Influences of the Graphite Phase on Elastic and Plastic Deformation Behaviour of Cast Irons

Sjögren, Torsten January 2007 (has links)
The amount and morphology of the graphite phase largely controls the resulting properties of cast iron. For instance, in flake graphite cast irons the mechanical properties are low while the thermal conductivity is high. This is in contrast with spheroidal graphite cast irons where the mechanical properties are high and the thermal conductivity is low. These differences are due to the different graphite morphologies and must be accounted for in the design work and material selection of cast iron components. In this work the influence of the graphite phase on the elastic and plastic deformation behaviour of cast irons has been studied. The material grades studied originate from castings for marine diesel engine piston rings with different chemical analyses. Two groups of pearlitic cast iron materials were studied; one with differences in graphite morphology and one with grey irons that differed in graphite content. For these different material grades the mechanical properties were correlated to microstructural parameters. In addition to standard uniaxial tensile tests, acoustic emission measurements were used for the study of deformation. When studying the modulus of elasticity of the cast iron it was found that the modulus of elasticity of the inherent graphite phase depends on the roundness of the graphite particles and is due to the strong anisotropy of the graphite phase. A linear correlation between nodularity and the modulus of elasticity of the graphite phase was derived. This correlation made it possible to account for the anisotropy of the graphite phase in the model used. By applying the linear function when modelling the effective modulus of elasticity, a high accuracy between experimental and theoretical values was achieved. Another factor affecting the elastic response when subjecting a cast iron component to tensile load was found to be the plastic deformation that actually occurs at very low strains for all of the studied cast iron grades. It was observed that the plastic deformation in the low strain elastic region, quantified by using acoustic emission measurements, increased linearly with decreasing modulus of elasticity. These measurements showed that the amount of plastic deformation in the elastic region was largely controlled by the graphite morphology. It was concluded that as the roundness of the graphite particles increases, the plastic deformation activity in the elastic region decreases. The plastic deformation activity continued linearly into the pronounced plastic region of the tensile tests. A decrease in roundness or increase in graphite fraction resulted in an increase of the amount of plastic deformation and the strain hardening exponent. A dependence between strength coefficient and graphite fraction was observed. Models for the flow curves for pearlitic cast irons were developed and shown to accurately reproduce the observed experimental curves. The surveys performed and conclusions from this thesis will be helpful in the design of new cast iron materials.

Development of analytical solutions for quasistationary electromagnetic fields for conducting spheroids in the proximity of current-carrying turns.

Jayasekara, Nandaka 04 January 2013 (has links)
Exact analytical solutions for the quasistationary electromagnetic fields in the presence of conducting objects require the field solutions both internal and external to the conductors. Such solutions are limited for certain canonically shaped objects but are useful in testing the accuracy of various approximate models and numerical methods developed to solve complex problems related to real world conducting objects and in calibrating instruments designed to measure various field quantities. Theoretical investigations of quasistationary electromagnetic fields also aid in improving the understanding of the physical phenomena of electromagnetic induction. This thesis presents rigorous analytical expressions derived as benchmark solutions for the quasistationary field quantities both inside and outside, Joule losses and the electromagnetic forces acting upon a conducting spheroid placed in the proximity of a non-uniform field produced by current-carrying turns. These expressions are used to generate numerous numerical results of specified accuracy and selected results are presented in a normalized form for extended ranges of the spheroid axial ratio, the ratio of the depth of penetration to the semi-minor axis and the position of the inducing turns relative to the spheroids. They are intended to constitute reference data to be employed for comprehensive comparisons of results from approximate numerical methods or from boundary impedance models used for real world conductors. Approximate boundary conditions such as the simpler perfect electric conductor model or the Leontovich surface impedance boundary condition model can be used to obtain approximate solutions by only analyzing the field external to the conducting object. The range of validity of these impedance boundary condition models for the analysis of axisymmetric eddy-current problems is thoroughly investigated. While the simpler PEC model can be employed only when the electromagnetic depth of penetration is much smaller than the smallest local radius of curvature, the results obtained using the surface impedance boundary condition model for conducting prolate and oblate spheroids of various axial ratios are in good agreement with the exact results for skin depths of about 1/5 of the semi-minor axis when calculating electromagnetic forces and for skin depths less than 1/20 of the semi-minor axis when calculating Joule losses.

Development of analytical solutions for quasistationary electromagnetic fields for conducting spheroids in the proximity of current-carrying turns.

Jayasekara, Nandaka 04 January 2013 (has links)
Exact analytical solutions for the quasistationary electromagnetic fields in the presence of conducting objects require the field solutions both internal and external to the conductors. Such solutions are limited for certain canonically shaped objects but are useful in testing the accuracy of various approximate models and numerical methods developed to solve complex problems related to real world conducting objects and in calibrating instruments designed to measure various field quantities. Theoretical investigations of quasistationary electromagnetic fields also aid in improving the understanding of the physical phenomena of electromagnetic induction. This thesis presents rigorous analytical expressions derived as benchmark solutions for the quasistationary field quantities both inside and outside, Joule losses and the electromagnetic forces acting upon a conducting spheroid placed in the proximity of a non-uniform field produced by current-carrying turns. These expressions are used to generate numerous numerical results of specified accuracy and selected results are presented in a normalized form for extended ranges of the spheroid axial ratio, the ratio of the depth of penetration to the semi-minor axis and the position of the inducing turns relative to the spheroids. They are intended to constitute reference data to be employed for comprehensive comparisons of results from approximate numerical methods or from boundary impedance models used for real world conductors. Approximate boundary conditions such as the simpler perfect electric conductor model or the Leontovich surface impedance boundary condition model can be used to obtain approximate solutions by only analyzing the field external to the conducting object. The range of validity of these impedance boundary condition models for the analysis of axisymmetric eddy-current problems is thoroughly investigated. While the simpler PEC model can be employed only when the electromagnetic depth of penetration is much smaller than the smallest local radius of curvature, the results obtained using the surface impedance boundary condition model for conducting prolate and oblate spheroids of various axial ratios are in good agreement with the exact results for skin depths of about 1/5 of the semi-minor axis when calculating electromagnetic forces and for skin depths less than 1/20 of the semi-minor axis when calculating Joule losses.

Secagem combinada (convectiva e micro-ondas) de sólidos esferoidais prolatos: modelagem, simulação e experimentação. / Combined Drying (Convective and Microwave) of Prolate Spheroidal Solids: Modeling, Simulation and Experimentation.

SILVA, Edna Gomes da. 12 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-12T18:29:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 EDNA GOMES DA SILVA – TESE (PPGEP) 2016.pdf: 5406028 bytes, checksum: f01a907e44b485aba5813ac32c84fd35 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-12T18:29:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EDNA GOMES DA SILVA – TESE (PPGEP) 2016.pdf: 5406028 bytes, checksum: f01a907e44b485aba5813ac32c84fd35 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-19 / Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar teórico e experimentalmente a secagem combinada (convectiva e micro-ondas) de sólidos esferoidais prolatos. Um modelo matemático bidimensional transiente em coordenadas esferoidais prolatas foi desenvolvido para predizer a transferência de calor e massa e simular a distribuição do teor de umidade e da temperatura no interior do sólido, considerando condição de contorno convectiva na superfície, termo de geração de calor por onda eletromagnética e ao longo do processo, propriedades termo físicas e volume constantes. O método dos volumes finitos foi utilizado para a solução numérica das equações governantes, usando uma malha regular. Para validação da metodologia teórica foram realizados experimentos de secagem por micro-ondas com grãos de arroz em casca in natura (variedade BRSMG Conai) para três níveis de potências absorvidas: 0,192; 0,491 e 0,694 W. Resultados do efeito da razão de aspecto do sólido, números de Biot de transferência de massa e de calor, densidade de potência e fator de atenuação da onda eletromagnética sobre a cinética de secagem e aquecimento, e distribuições de temperatura e teor de umidade no interior do sólido são apresentados e analisados. A comparação entre os dados teóricos e experimentais do teor de umidade e da temperatura dos grãos de arroz em casca resultou num bom ajuste e possibilitou a estimativa dos coeficientes de difusão de massa e de transferência de massa e calor convectivos. Verificou-se que, o aumento na potência absorvida proporcionou menor tempo de secagem e maior temperatura superficial do grão de arroz, e que os coeficientes de transporte de calor e de massa preditos tendem a aumentar com o aumento da potência aplicada. / This work aims to study theoretical and experimentally the combined drying (convective and microwave) of prolate spheroidal solids. A transient two-dimensional mathematical model in prolate spheroidal coordinates it was developed to predict the heat and mass transfer and simulate the moisture content and temperature distributions inside the solid considering convective boundary condition at the surface, microwave heat generation term, thermo physical properties and volume constants. The finite volume method was used for the numerical solution of the governing equations, using a regular grid. To validate the theoretical methodology microwave drying experiments were carried out with rice grains in fresh bark (variety BRSMG Conai) in three levels of absorbed power: 0.192; 0.491 and 0.694 W. Results of the effect of the solid aspect ratio, Biot numbers of mass and heat transfer, power density and attenuation factor of the electromagnetic wave on the drying and heating kinetics, and temperature and moisture content distributions within the solid are presented and analyzed. The comparison between theoretical and experimental data of moisture content and temperature of the rice grain resulted in a good fit and estimative at the mass diffusion coefficient and convective heat and mass transfer coefficients. It was found that the increase in absorbed power provided shorter drying time and higher surface temperature of the rice grain , and that the predicted heat and mass transport coefficients tend to increase with increased power applied.

Détection indirecte de matière noire : des galaxies naines sphéroïdes en photons gamma à la recherche d'anti-hélium avec l'expérience AMS-02 / Indirect detection of dark matter : from dwarf spheroidal galaxies in gamma rays to antihelium with the AMS-02 experiment

Bonnivard, Vincent 23 September 2016 (has links)
De nombreuses observations astrophysiques indiquent l'existence de grandes quantités de masse manquante dans l'Univers, et ce de l'échelle galactique à l'échelle cosmologique. Découvrir la nature de cette masse invisible constitue le problème de la matière noire, qui apparaît comme l'un des enjeux majeurs de la physique moderne. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le contexte de la détection indirecte de matière noire. Cette dernière serait composée de nouvelles particules élémentaires, dont les produits d'annihilation pourraient être observés dans le rayonnement cosmique. Nous étudions dans ce travail deux des canaux de recherche les plus prometteurs : les photons gamma et les anti-noyaux.Les objets astrophysiques permettant de placer les meilleures contraintes actuelles en rayons gamma sont les galaxies naines sphéroïdes (dSphs) de la Voie Lactée. La première partie de notre travail a été consacrée à contraindre les facteurs J d'annihilation de ces objets, qui quantifient l'amplitude des flux gamma attendus. Nous avons pour cela mis au point une configuration optimisée d'analyse de Jeans, pour reconstruire les profils de densité de matière noire et leurs incertitudes à l'aide des données cinématiques stellaires. Notre configuration a été obtenue à l'aide de tests systématiques sur de très nombreuses dSphs simulées, et nous l'avons appliquée à vingt-trois dSphs de la Voie Lactée. La seconde partie de notre travail a consisté à mener une recherche de noyaux d'anti-hélium dans les données collectées par l'expérience AMS-02 sur la Station Spatiale Internationale. Nous avons pour cela mis au point une classification par arbres de décision boostés, et notre analyse préliminaire a permis d'obtenir les meilleures contraintes actuelles sur les rapports anti-hélium sur hélium. / Many astrophysical observations suggest the existence of large amounts of missing mass in the Universe, from the galactic to the cosmological scale. Discovering the nature of this invisible mass forms the dark matter problem, which appears as one of the major challenges of modern physics. This thesis is established in the context of indirect detection of dark matter. The latter could consist of new elementary particles, whose annihilation products may be observed in cosmic rays. We study in this work two of the most promising research channels!: gamma-rays and anti-nuclei.The best constraints on dark matter properties from gamma-ray observations come from the dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) of the Milky Way. The first part of our work was devoted to computing the annihilation J-factors of these objects, which quantify the magnitude of the expected gamma-ray flux. We have developed an optimized Jeans analysis setup in order to reconstruct the dark matter density profiles of these objects and their associated uncertainties, using stellar kinematic data. Our optimized setup was obtained using systematic tests on numerous simulated dSphs, and we applied it to twenty-three dSphs of the Milky Way. The second part of our work was dedicated to the search for anti-helium nuclei in the cosmic ray data collected by the AMS-02 experiment on the International Space Station. We have developed a classification method using boosted decision trees, and our preliminary analysis has led to the best constraints to date on the anti-helium to helium ratio.

Avaliação da troca do metilfenidato de liberação imediata para o metilfenidato de liberação prolongada no transtorno de déficit de atenção / hiperatividade

Maia, Carlos Renato Moreira January 2009 (has links)
Introdução: O metilfenidato de liberação imediata (MFD-LI) é um psicofármaco receitado mundialmente para o tratamento do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH). Embora eficaz, o MFD-LI está associado a problemas de adesão ao tratamento, uma vez que os pacientes necessitam ingerir os comprimidos várias vezes ao dia. O Spheroidal Oral Drug Absorption System (SODAS™) é uma formulação de metilfenidato de liberação prolongada (MFD-LP) que mimetiza a administração de MFD-LI duas vezes ao dia, e que apresenta menor flutuação nos níveis séricos. Nesta formulação, cinqüenta por cento dos grânulos com revestimento para liberação entérica são liberados aproximadamente 4 horas após a administração, proporcionando um perfil de ação semelhante a duas tomadas ao dia do MFD-LI. O MFD SODAS™ libera de imediato 50% do medicamento, proporcionando um rápido início de ação quando comparado ao sistema de liberação OROS®. Poucos estudos avaliaram a troca do MFD-LI para o MFD-LP, sendo que desses, apenas crianças e adolescentes foram avaliados, e nenhum verificou os preditores de insatisfação da troca do MFD-LI para o MFD-LP. Objetivos: Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar os sintomas de TDAH, ou preditores de insatisfação e/ou desistência do tratamento naqueles pacientes clinicamente estáveis que fizeram a troca do MDF-LI para o MFD SODAS™. Método: Os critérios de inclusão foram: diagnóstico de TDAH de acordo com os critérios do DSM-IV, e estabilidade de sintomas com o uso do MFD-LI. Os critérios de exclusão foram: condição clínica coexistente que pudesse impedir a prescrição de MFD SODAS™; diagnóstico de abuso ou dependência de álcool e/ou drogas de abuso; diagnóstico prévio de retardo mental moderado; tratamento psicoterápico concomitante. Este é um ensaio clínico aberto realizado em oito semanas. Os pacientes foram designados a receber doses de MFD SODAS™ de acordo com a dose de MFD-LI previamente estabelecida. A eficácia foi avaliada através das escalas SNAP-IV e CGI-S, e eventos adversos através da Barkley's Side Effect Rating Scale (SERS). Foi solicitado aos participantes que classificassem sua satisfação com o tratamento através de uma escala Likert de 5 pontos. Também foram avaliados os seguintes potenciais preditores de resposta: sexo, idade, etnia, nível socioeconômico, comorbidades, subtipos de TDAH, resultados das escalas SNAP-IV e SERS no baseline, tempo de tratamento, tratamento farmacológico concomitante, dose de MFD-LI prévia ao início do estudo e a existência de pausa do tratamento nos finais de semana. Resultados: A partir de uma amostra total de 207 crianças, adolescentes e adultos (provenientes do ambulatório adulto e infantil de transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre) foi possível contatar 133 pacientes, os quais sessenta e dois pacientes foram elegíveis a participar do estudo, e 47 completaram as oito semanas de tratamento. Não se encontrou diferença significativa no escore total do SNAP-IV durante o protocolo - baseline, semana 4 e 8 [F(1, 51,26) =0,012; p=0,913]. Ao todo, 46 (74,2%) dos pacientes relataram estar satisfeitos com o novo tratamento, 16 (25,8%) estavam insatisfeitos ou saíram do protocolo. Nas análises univariadas, foi detectada uma tendência para a associação entre etnia e insatisfação (p=0.05). Não se encontrou uma diferença significativa nos escores da SERS durante o ensaio clínico [F(1, 111,49) =0,748; p=0,389]. Em onze eventos adversos ocorreram ao menos 5% em alguma das avaliações (baseline, 4ª ou 8ª semana). Um adulto, que apresentava uma doença cardiovascular previamente ao estudo, apresentou um acidente vascular cerebral hemorrágico (AVCH) após a quarta semana de tratamento, evoluindo ao óbito após três semanas. Conclusão: Poucos estudos abordaram os sintomas de TDAH após a troca do MFD-LI para qualquer formulação de MFD-LP, e nenhum estudo prévio foi conduzido em populações de países em desenvolvimento ou em amostras com adultos. A taxa de satisfação encontrada (74,2%) na troca do MFD-LI para MFD SODAS™ possivelmente reflete a conveniência da dose única diária deste MFD-LP, como já especulado em estudos prévios. Não foram identificados fatores preditores de insatisfação. O número médio de efeitos colaterais pode ser considerado alto, mas isso pode ser o resultado do uso de uma escala de avaliação adequada, diferentemente do relato espontâneo do evento adverso. Não foi possível encontrar uma relação direta entre os efeitos do MFD SODAS™ e a morte por AVCH ocorrida em um dos sujeitos da amostra. Entretanto, o evento cardiovascular ocorrido sugere extrema cautela ao medicar pacientes com doenças cardiovasculares, conforme proposto pelo FDA. Os achados desse estudo sugerem que o MFD SODAS™ possui eficácia e perfil de eventos adversos similares ao MFD-LI. / Introduction: Immediate-release methylphenidate (MPH-IR) is a pharmacological treatment prescribed worldwide for patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The MPH-IR, although highly efficacious, need to be used more than once a day, and consequently might be associated with poor adherence. The Spheroidal Oral Drug Absorption System (SODAS™) is one type of MPH-ER (Extended-release methylphenidate) that mimics the twice-daily administration of MPH-immediate release, but presents less peak and trough fluctuations. This formulation allows the immediate release of 50% of the drug, providing a rapid onset if compared with OROS® formulation. Few studies have evaluated specifically the switching from MPH-IR to MPH-ER. All previous studies accessed only children and adolescents; none evaluated switching to MPH SODAS™ and no predictors of treatment dissatisfaction were mentioned. Objectives: The present study aims to assess ADHD symptoms for 08 weeks after switching from MPH-IR to MPH SODAS™ in clinically stable patients, and to identify predictors of dissatisfaction with MPH SODAS™, and/ or withdrawal from the protocol. Method: The inclusion criteria were: ADHD diagnosis according to the DSM-IV criteria and clinical stability with MPH-IR. The exclusion criteria were: a clinically coexisting medical condition interfering with the administration of MPH SODAS™; previous diagnosis of alcohol and/or drug abuse or dependence; previous diagnosis of moderate mental retardation; concomitant psychotherapy. This is an 8-week open clinical trial. Patients were assigned to doses of MPH SODAS™ according to their pre-study dose of MPH-IR. Assessment of efficacy and side effects was performed by means of the SNAP-IV, CGI-S, Barkley's Side Effect Rating Scale (SERS). Subjects were also asked to report their satisfaction with the treatment in a 5-point Likert scale. We also evaluated the following potential predictors of treatment response: sex, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, comorbidities, baseline scores on the SNAP-IV, and SERS, length of treatment, concomitant treatment, previous prescribed dose of MPH-IR, and pause of treatment on weekends. Results: From a total sample of 207 children, adolescents and adults (enrolled from the ADHD outpatient clinic at both Adult and Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Division of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre) we were able to re-contact 133 patients, where sixty-two patients were eligible to the clinical trial, and 47 completed the 08 weeks of treatment. There was no significant change in the total score of the SNAP-IV during the protocol – baseline, week 4 and 8 [F(1, 51.26)=0.012; p=0.913]. Overall, 46 (74.2%) patients had reported to be satisfied with the new treatment, and 16 (25.8%) were dissatisfied or withdrew from the protocol. In univariate analyses, only ethnicity (p=0.05) were associated with dissatisfaction. No significant change in the SERS score was found during the protocol [F(1, 111.49)=0.748; p=0.389]. Eleven adverse events occurring in at least 5% of the group in any assessment (baseline, 04 or 08 weeks) were observed according to SERS. One adult, with previous cardiovascular disease, presented a hemorrhagic cerebral vascular accident (CVA) after the forth week assessment, resulting in her obit. Conclusion: There is a scarcity of research assessing the switch from MPH-IR to different forms of MPH-ER, and none across the life cycle or in populations from developing countries. The 74.2% of satisfaction with the new treatment may reflect the convenience of the once-a-day dosing of the MPH SODAS™. No predictor of dissatisfaction/withdrawal from the trial was found. The number of adverse events reported during the protocol could be considered high, but this can be the result of the use of an appropriate assessment scale, rather than monitoring only by spontaneous report. It was not possible to find a direc relationship between the MPH SODAS™ and death from a CVA occurred in one of the subjects. However, the cardiovascular event found during the trial, suggest extreme caution when medicating patients with cardiovascular diseases as recently proposed by the FDA. Findings from this study suggest that MPH SODAS™ has similar efficacy and adverse event profile than MPH-IR.

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