Spelling suggestions: "subject:"spin"" "subject:"spot""
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Dynamique actuelle d'une embouchure fluviale estuarienne à flèche sableuse, la Bouche du Roi, Bénin, Golfe de Guinée : caractérisation hydrosédimentaire et géomorphologique / Current dynamics of an estuary river mouth with sandy spit, the "Bouche du Roi", Benin, Gulf of Guinea : geomorphological and hydrosedimentary characterizationLaibi, Raoul Adéniyi 23 September 2011 (has links)
L'estuaire du Mono est établi dans la partie occidentale du littoral béninois. C'est un estuaire microtidal à dominance de houle qui assure les échanges avec la mer par le biais d'une embouchure tidal connue sous le nom de "Bouche du Roi". Il forme un système hydrosédimentaire côtier associé à trois générations de cordons de barrières témoins des dernières oscillations marines du Quaternaire récent. Ce travail de thèse a permis d'étudier la dynamique des cordons de barrières de l'estuaire du Mono à diverses échelles temporelles et suivant une approche résolument pluridisciplinaire et instrumentale. Les résultats montrent que les deux anciens cordons barrières de l'estuaire se sont construits et détruits au rythme des variations du niveau marin du Quaternaire récent. Par contre, la dynamique contemporaine des cordons barrières actuels (plage actuelle) se traduit par la morphogénèse d'un système de flèche-crique, sous le contrôle du régime de houle et des conditions de marée d'une part, puis des saisons hyrdologiques du fleuve d'autre part. Avant la mise en service du barrage de Nangbéto, du fait du caractère temporaire des écoulements du Mono, la morphodynamique du couple flèche-crique était limitée dans l'espace et dans le temps. Mais depuis la mise en eau du barrage en 1987, cette morphodynamique est devenue persistante, en raison de la consistance et de la permanence des écoulements du Mono désormais régulés par le barrage. Les conséquences de cette morphodynamique anthropique sur l'environnement physique et humain sont incommensurables : pertes des plages à très hautes renommée touristique, engloutissement des terres et des cultures (salicultures, cultures agraires, aquacultures,...) par la mer, destruction d'habitations et autres infrastructures socio-communautaires (écoles, routes,...), déplacements de populations, exhumation des dépouilles de parents défunts,...La solution de mitigation proposée est le déplacement des populations de Hokoué et de Docloboé et la pratique périodiques (tous les 7 ans) des ouvertures mécaniques au niveau de la plage d'Avlo. / The Mono river estuary is established in the Western part of the Benin coastal zone. It's a microtidal estuary with predominance of swell. It ensures the exchanges with the sea by means of a tidal inlet named "Bouche du Roi". It forms a coastal hydro-sedimentary system associated with three generations of sand barrier which attest the last marine oscillations of the recent Quaternary. This thesis work studies the dynamics of these barriers-inlets on various temporal scales and according to a multi-field approach. The results show that the two old sand barriers are built and destroyed at the rhythm of marine level variations of recent Quaternary. On the other hand, the contemporary dynamics of the current barrier results in the morphogenesis of a spit-creek system, under control of littoral drift, tide conditions and hydrological seasons of the Mono river. Before the startup of Nangbeto dam, because of the temporary character of the Mono flows, the spit-creek morphodynamic was limited in space and time. But since the operating of the dam in 1987, the spit-creek morphodynamic became persistent, owing to consistency and permanence of Mono flows from now on controlled by the dam. The effects of this anthropic morphodynamics on the physical and human environment are immeasurable : loss of touristic beach, swallowing up of grounds and cultures (salt productions, agrarian cultures, aquacultures,...), destruction of dwellings and other socio-community infrastructures (schools, roads,...), populations displacements, exhumation of late parents remains,... The migration solution proposed consists in displacement of Hokoue and Docloboe populations and in periodical practice (every 7 years) of mechanical breaches on the level of Avlo beach.
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Tupanciretã: Deus passou por aqui. Um estudo sobre as relações entre os movimentos sociais e as religiões nos assentamentos rurais Primavera e Tupanciretã no Pontal do Paranapanema/SP / Tupanciretã: God came by. A study on the relationship between the social movements and religions in the rural settlements Primavera and Tupancireta in Pontal do Paranapanema/SPMarluse Castro Maciel 06 May 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a formação e consolidação da Associação Brasileiros Unidos Querendo Terras (ABUQT), um movimento que surge a partir da organização de um grupo de arrendatários em concorrência ao MST do Pontal do Paranapanema , e sua influência na organização e produção individualizada nos assentamentos de reforma agrária Tupanciretã e Primavera no município de Presidente Venceslau - SP. Com base nos estudos de MARTINS, J. S., DINCAO, M. A. e Roy, G., PESSOA, Jadir de Morais, POKER, G. , MIOR, L. C., discute-se a respeito do aumento da produção individualizada nos assentamentos rurais, diferentemente do coletivismo idealizado pelos movimentos sociais, como estratégia de produção e reprodução nos assentamentos, compreendido como espaço de articulação e práticas, valores e tradições, construções de novos laços sociais de mecanismos de decisão política, que constitui o modo de vida dos assentados. (FERRANTE, Vera L. S.). A pesquisa tem mostrado o assentamento como espaço de integração social, no qual ganham destaque os grupos familiares e suas estratégias de produção/reprodução, onde igualmente tem sido detectada a presença de elementos desagregadores nas relações de poder, fenômenos recorrentes em qualquer grupo social. Por meio de visitas aos assentamentos, entrevistas dirigidas e diário de campo foi possível verificar que tal movimento não aceita que seus membros se envolvam em conflitos durante o processo de ocupação de terras. Por este motivo há no momento da ocupação uma maior adesão a este movimento por parte dos pentecostais das chamadas igrejas da primeira onda: Assembléia de Deus, Congregação Cristã do Brasil e Igreja Cristã Pentecostal do Brasil. Depois de constituídos os assentamentos, a experiência coletiva vivenciada no processo de ocupação não se sustenta, dando lugar às ações individualizadas para a produção. Simultaneamente, as práticas religiosas dos protestantes-pentecostais e dos católicos abandonadas durante a ocupação são retomadas. Se por um lado a ABUQT possui características que vem ao encontro dos anseios pentecostais, por outro, o público das igrejas evangélicas eram pacíficos como o movimento precisava. Trata-se, portanto, para usar o termo weberiano, de um caso de afinidade eletiva entre os interesses sociais e econômicos deste pseudo-movimento e os princípios religiosos protestantes. / This work intends to study the formation and consolidation of the United Brazilians for a Piece of Land Association (ABUQT Associacao Brasileiros Unidos Querendo Terras) an association that originates from the organization of a group of tenant farmers in concurrence with The Landless Movement (MST Movimento dos Sem-terra) from Paranapanema Spit , and its influence over the MST, as well as ABUQTs individualized production and organizational methods in the Land Reform Settlements Tupancireta and Primavera in Presidente Venceslau, in Sao Paulo State. Based on studies by Martins, J. S., DIncao, M. A. and Roy, G., Pessoa, J. M., Poker, G., Mior, L. C., it is analyzed the increase in individualized production at these two rural settlements, contrasting with the idealized collectivism as a strategy for crop production and animal reproduction, which is typical of social movements such as those that advocate for Land Reform settlements understood as places of political/social articulation, of cultural values and traditions, places for constructing new social alliances to improve techniques for political decisions, which comprise usual settlers way of life (Ferrante, V. L. S.). The research has shown those settlements as spaces for social integration in which family groups and their strategies for crop production and animal reproduction gather momentum, though there has been equally observed the presence of some dissociating elements in the power relationships there, phenomena that are recurrent in any social group. By means of visits to the sites, guided interviews, and daily field search notes it was noted that ABQUT does not allow its members to participate in conflicts when they are in the process of occupying new lands. For this reason, at the moment of occupying the land, it was noted a stronger adherence to this association especially by Pentecostal groups of the so-called first wave churches: Assemblies of God, Christian Congregation in Brazil, and Pentecostal Christian Church in Brazil. Later, as the settlements are already established, the collective experience lived during the occupation process is not sustained, giving place up to individual productive actions in the field. Simultaneously to this, the religious practices of the Pentecostal Protestants and the Catholics left aside during occupation are resumed. Provided that ABUQT on the one hand has characteristics that meet the expectations of the Pentecostal people in the groups, on the other hand, the community from the Evangelical churches showed the pacific behavior that association needed for its political interests then. It is, thus, to use a Weberian term, a case of elective affinity between the social and economic interests of this pseudo-social movement and the religious principles of the Protestants.
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Tupanciretã: Deus passou por aqui. Um estudo sobre as relações entre os movimentos sociais e as religiões nos assentamentos rurais Primavera e Tupanciretã no Pontal do Paranapanema/SP / Tupanciretã: God came by. A study on the relationship between the social movements and religions in the rural settlements Primavera and Tupancireta in Pontal do Paranapanema/SPMaciel, Marluse Castro 06 May 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a formação e consolidação da Associação Brasileiros Unidos Querendo Terras (ABUQT), um movimento que surge a partir da organização de um grupo de arrendatários em concorrência ao MST do Pontal do Paranapanema , e sua influência na organização e produção individualizada nos assentamentos de reforma agrária Tupanciretã e Primavera no município de Presidente Venceslau - SP. Com base nos estudos de MARTINS, J. S., DINCAO, M. A. e Roy, G., PESSOA, Jadir de Morais, POKER, G. , MIOR, L. C., discute-se a respeito do aumento da produção individualizada nos assentamentos rurais, diferentemente do coletivismo idealizado pelos movimentos sociais, como estratégia de produção e reprodução nos assentamentos, compreendido como espaço de articulação e práticas, valores e tradições, construções de novos laços sociais de mecanismos de decisão política, que constitui o modo de vida dos assentados. (FERRANTE, Vera L. S.). A pesquisa tem mostrado o assentamento como espaço de integração social, no qual ganham destaque os grupos familiares e suas estratégias de produção/reprodução, onde igualmente tem sido detectada a presença de elementos desagregadores nas relações de poder, fenômenos recorrentes em qualquer grupo social. Por meio de visitas aos assentamentos, entrevistas dirigidas e diário de campo foi possível verificar que tal movimento não aceita que seus membros se envolvam em conflitos durante o processo de ocupação de terras. Por este motivo há no momento da ocupação uma maior adesão a este movimento por parte dos pentecostais das chamadas igrejas da primeira onda: Assembléia de Deus, Congregação Cristã do Brasil e Igreja Cristã Pentecostal do Brasil. Depois de constituídos os assentamentos, a experiência coletiva vivenciada no processo de ocupação não se sustenta, dando lugar às ações individualizadas para a produção. Simultaneamente, as práticas religiosas dos protestantes-pentecostais e dos católicos abandonadas durante a ocupação são retomadas. Se por um lado a ABUQT possui características que vem ao encontro dos anseios pentecostais, por outro, o público das igrejas evangélicas eram pacíficos como o movimento precisava. Trata-se, portanto, para usar o termo weberiano, de um caso de afinidade eletiva entre os interesses sociais e econômicos deste pseudo-movimento e os princípios religiosos protestantes. / This work intends to study the formation and consolidation of the United Brazilians for a Piece of Land Association (ABUQT Associacao Brasileiros Unidos Querendo Terras) an association that originates from the organization of a group of tenant farmers in concurrence with The Landless Movement (MST Movimento dos Sem-terra) from Paranapanema Spit , and its influence over the MST, as well as ABUQTs individualized production and organizational methods in the Land Reform Settlements Tupancireta and Primavera in Presidente Venceslau, in Sao Paulo State. Based on studies by Martins, J. S., DIncao, M. A. and Roy, G., Pessoa, J. M., Poker, G., Mior, L. C., it is analyzed the increase in individualized production at these two rural settlements, contrasting with the idealized collectivism as a strategy for crop production and animal reproduction, which is typical of social movements such as those that advocate for Land Reform settlements understood as places of political/social articulation, of cultural values and traditions, places for constructing new social alliances to improve techniques for political decisions, which comprise usual settlers way of life (Ferrante, V. L. S.). The research has shown those settlements as spaces for social integration in which family groups and their strategies for crop production and animal reproduction gather momentum, though there has been equally observed the presence of some dissociating elements in the power relationships there, phenomena that are recurrent in any social group. By means of visits to the sites, guided interviews, and daily field search notes it was noted that ABQUT does not allow its members to participate in conflicts when they are in the process of occupying new lands. For this reason, at the moment of occupying the land, it was noted a stronger adherence to this association especially by Pentecostal groups of the so-called first wave churches: Assemblies of God, Christian Congregation in Brazil, and Pentecostal Christian Church in Brazil. Later, as the settlements are already established, the collective experience lived during the occupation process is not sustained, giving place up to individual productive actions in the field. Simultaneously to this, the religious practices of the Pentecostal Protestants and the Catholics left aside during occupation are resumed. Provided that ABUQT on the one hand has characteristics that meet the expectations of the Pentecostal people in the groups, on the other hand, the community from the Evangelical churches showed the pacific behavior that association needed for its political interests then. It is, thus, to use a Weberian term, a case of elective affinity between the social and economic interests of this pseudo-social movement and the religious principles of the Protestants.
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Évolution morphologique actuelle d'une flèche littorale holocène : le Cap Ferret, à l'embouchure du Bassin d'Arcachon / Ongoing morphological evolution of a Holocene coastal barrier spit : the Cap Ferret, at the entrance of the Bay of ArcachonNahon, Alphonse 05 October 2018 (has links)
La flèche littorale du Cap Ferret s'est édifiée au cours des derniers 3 000 ans, à la faveur du ralentissement de l'élévation du niveau global des océans. Depuis 250 ans, les cartes marines révèlent une importante instabilité de l'extrémité libre de la flèche, à laquelle les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire tentent d'apporter une explication physique. Dans un premier temps le croisement des données cartographiques avec des données environnementales révèle la synchronisation des déplacements de la flèche avec d'une part l'Oscillation Nord Atlantique (NAO), et, d'autre part, les structuations décennales à multidécennales de la vitesse de l'élévation du niveau de l'Atlantique Nord-est. Les processus sous-jacents à cette synchronisation sont alors détaillés avec un modèle numérique de transport sédimentaire. Puis, l'érosion chronique de la flèche entre 1986 et 2016, ainsi que les mécanismes d'évolution de la plage océanique de la Pointe du Cap Ferret sont décrits et quantifiés à l'aide de données topographiques. A l'échelle locale, ces résultats apportent des preuves tangibles du rôle du climat dans l'érosion actuelle de la Pointe du Cap Ferret. D'un point de vue plus général, ces travaux contribuent à la meilleure description des processus contrôlant l'évolution des systèmes de barrières holocènes, dans le contexte actuel d'accélération de l'élévation du niveau de la mer. / Low rates of global sea level rise have allowed the Cap Ferret coastal barrier-spit to develop since about 3 000 years ago. Over the last 250 years, navigation charts attest of a significant instability of the distal end of the spit, to which the present study aims to provide a physical explanation. First, the crossing of cartographic data with meteoceanic data reveals a strong relationship of the spit-end behaviour with, on the one hand, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and, on the other hand, decadal to multidecadal variations in the rate of sea level rise in the Northeast Atlantic. Underlying processes were then investigated using a numerical model for sediment transport. Finally, the chronic erosion of the spit between 1986 and 2016, as well as the evolution mechanisms of the oceanic beach of the spit-end are described and quantified by means of topographic data. Locally, these results support the role of climate in the ongoing erosion of the spit-end. From a wider perspective, this study brings new insigths on the processes controling the evolution of Holocene barrier systems, in the present context of an accelerating sea level rise.
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Spam on the phone - VoIP and its biggest weakness : Studies about the users’ willingness to offer personal information in order to avoid VoIP spamPutz, Daniel Robert January 2007 (has links)
<p>It is very probable that VoIP will soon replace the ordinary telephone. Beside all advantages of the digital voice-connection it is linked to the danger of spam on the telephone. A lot of approaches have been developed to solve the problem of VoIP spam. Because some of these solutions are based on access to personal information of its users, a broad discussion about the best and most ethical approach has started.</p><p>This thesis analyzes the users’ point of view towards the VoIP spam problem and the extent of users’ willingness to offer private information in order to avoid VoIP spam. It presents results from a qualitative and a quantitative research as well as approaches for a most realistic- and most promising VoIP solution. These new approaches are based on the results of the research.</p><p>The main points of the results showed that users were not willing to offer private information to companies and that they were not willing to pay any amount of money for VoIP spam solutions. Users held governmental organisations and telephone operators responsible for finding a solution against VoIP spam.</p>
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Mapping of eelgrass (Zostera marina) at Sidney Spit, Gulf Islands National Park Reserve of Canada, using high spatial resolution remote imageryO'Neill, Jennifer D. 01 February 2011 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis was to evaluate the use of high spatial remote imagery to map the location and biophysical parameters of eelgrass in marine areas around Sidney Spit, a part of the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve of Canada (GINPRC). To meet this goal, three objectives were addressed: (1) Define key spectral variables that provide optimum separation between eelgrass and its associated benthic substrates, using in situ hyperspectral measurements, and simulated IKONOS and Landsat 7ETM+ spectral response; (2) evaluate the efficacy of these key variables in classification of the high spatial resolution imagery, AISA and IKONOS, at various levels of processing, to determine the processing methodology that offers the highest eelgrass mapping accuracy; and (3) evaluate the potential of ―value-added‖ classification of two eelgrass biophysical indicators, LAI and epiphyte type.
In situ hyperspectral measurements acquired at Sidney Spit in August 2008 provided four different data sets: above water spectra, below water spectral profiles, water-corrected spectra, and pure endmember spectra. In Chapter 3, these data sets were examined with first derivative analysis to determine the unique spectral variables of eelgrass and associated benthic substrates. The most effective variables in discriminating eelgrass from all other substrates were selected using data reduction statistics: M-statistic analysis and multiple discriminant analyses (MDA). These selected spectral variables enabled eelgrass classification accuracy of 98% when separating six classes on above water data: shallow (< 3 m deep) eelgrass, deep (> 3 m) eelgrass, shallow sand, deep sand, shallow green algae, and spectrally deep water. The variables were located mainly in the green wavelengths, where light penetrates to the greatest depth: the slope from 500 – 530 nm, and the first derivatives at 566 nm, 580 nm, and 602 nm. The same data were classified with 96% accuracy after correcting for the water column, using the ratios 566:600 and 566:710. The only source of confusion for all data sets was between green algae and eelgrass, presumably due to their similar pigment composition. IKONOS and Landsat 7ETM+ simulated datasets performed similarly well, with 92% and 94% eelgrass classification accuracy respectively.
In Chapter 4, the efficacy of the selected features was tested in the classification of airborne hyperspectral AISA imagery and satellite platform multispectral IKONOS imagery, and compared with various other classifiers, both supervised and unsupervised: K-means, minimum distance (MD), linear spectral unmixing (LSU), and spectral angle mapper (SAM). The selected features achieved the highest eelgrass classification accuracies in the study, when combined with atmospheric correction, glint correction, and optically deep water masking. AISA achieved eelgrass producer and user accuracies of 85% in water shallower than 3 m, and 93% in deeper areas. IKONOS achieved 79% for shallow waters and 82% for deep waters. Endmember classification also showed accuracies over 84% and 71% in AISA and IKONOS imagery respectively. Again, the largest source of confusion was between eelgrass and green algae, as well as between exposed vegetation (sea asparagus and green algae) and exposed eelgrass.
Incompatibilities of the automatable processing steps (Tafkaa, LSU and SAM) made automated mapping less accurate than supervised mapping, but suggestions are made toward improvement.
The value-added classification of eelgrass LAI and epiphyte type produced poor results in all cases except one; epiphyte presence / absence could be delineated with 87% accuracy.
Before applying the findings of this study, one must consider the spatial scale of the intended management goal and select imagery with suitable spatial resolution. Tidal variations, as well as seasonal variability in water conditions and eelgrass phenology must also be considered as they may affect classification accuracies.
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Spam on the phone - VoIP and its biggest weakness : Studies about the users’ willingness to offer personal information in order to avoid VoIP spamPutz, Daniel Robert January 2007 (has links)
It is very probable that VoIP will soon replace the ordinary telephone. Beside all advantages of the digital voice-connection it is linked to the danger of spam on the telephone. A lot of approaches have been developed to solve the problem of VoIP spam. Because some of these solutions are based on access to personal information of its users, a broad discussion about the best and most ethical approach has started. This thesis analyzes the users’ point of view towards the VoIP spam problem and the extent of users’ willingness to offer private information in order to avoid VoIP spam. It presents results from a qualitative and a quantitative research as well as approaches for a most realistic- and most promising VoIP solution. These new approaches are based on the results of the research. The main points of the results showed that users were not willing to offer private information to companies and that they were not willing to pay any amount of money for VoIP spam solutions. Users held governmental organisations and telephone operators responsible for finding a solution against VoIP spam.
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Rape-revenge film: "empowering" eller förnedrande sexualisering av kvinnor? : en jämförande analys av Paul Verhoevens Elle gentemot tradition / Rape-revenge film: "empowering" or degrading sexualization of women? : a comparative analysis of Paul Verhoeven's Elle against the traditionRosén, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om rape-revenge film. Närmare bestämt undersöker den hur de kvinnliga karaktärerna representeras i de utvalda filmerna och om, och i så fall hur, de kan ses som ”empowering” eller om det endast handlar om en sexualiserande porträttering av våld mot kvinnor. Uppsatsen använder sig utav en film- och textbaserad analys och den grundläggande teorin för uppsatsen är den feministiska filmteorin, samt teorier om kvinnor i rape-revenge. De tre filmerna som står i fokus är I Spit on Your Grave (Meir Zarchi, 1978), Ms. 45 (Abel Ferrara, 1981) och Elle (Paul Verhoeven, 2016). Slutresultatet visar att de tre filmerna inte porträtterar deras våldtäktsscener på ett sexualiserat eller erotiskt sätt utan snarare framhäver brutaliteten i våldet för åskådarna i form av bland annat karaktärsidentifiering med offret istället för våldtäktsmannen. Däremot, skiljer sig filmerna i hur deras respektive kvinnliga karaktärer väljer att hämnas och huruvida deras agerande kan ses som empowering eller inte. Av de tre filmerna är Elle den som tydligast uppvisar olika versioner av empowering och hur det som stärker en person är väldigt individuellt.
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