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Metodika měření optických sítí FTTH / Methodology for FTTH optical network measurementGajdoš, Jaroslav January 2009 (has links)
The main topic of this master thesis is a FTTH measurement methodology of optical networks and its specific features 9 compared with other measurement methodologies. Also, the use of the FTTH measurement methodology: an example of measurements of a passive network with splitter 1:8 and analysis of the results of these experimental measurements. The first part of the thesis concerns itself with the description of optical networks and characteristics and features of the FTTH networks. A detailed description of the passive optical networks is provided: e.g. the optical network unit ONU, the optical line termination OLT, and, most importantly, the passive optical splitter. The wavelength division multiplex 9 WDM 9 which is used in passive optical networks is also described in detail. The chapter on measurement methodologies focuses in detail and provides many examples of currently used measurement methodologies of these networks. The best results are currently achieved with the OTDR methodology. The second part of the thesis concentrates on the description of the measurement of a passive optical network with splitter 1:8 using the methods described in previous chapters. As conclusion, a detailed analysis, assessment of the results and their usefulness when put into practice is provided.
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Simulace optovláknových prvků pro senzoriku / Simulation of fiber-optic components for fiber optic sensorsJakoubek, Petr January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the function of commonly used elements among optical network, with an emphasis on fiber optic sensors. The basics of optical transmission and types of fibers are described, in addition to active and passive optical components, optical splitters and couplers. Optical fiber sensors are divided in two groups: intrinsic and extrinsic. Interferometric types of sensors are described in detail. The thesis compares theoretical assumptions and practical measurements of two serially-connected couplers. A~new module fulfilling real optical coupler function was made using Matlab. This module can be implemented into the VPIphotonics library. Finally, interferometric function of two serially-connected couplers was tested.
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Parametry sítí FTTx - kvalita služeb / Parameters of FTTx networks - Quality of servicesWinkler, Aleš January 2012 (has links)
The main subject of this diploma thesis is to make a proposal to improve the optical access network for the transmission of Triple play services. I would here to the reader clarify method of proposal of optical network. There are described the kinds of optical access networks with parameters, for which we must look by their construction. There are described the modern methods of construction optical network too. In the theoretical part are discussed used architecture of networks too. I met here known standards, which I compared for big importance by their choice. A reason of construction of optical network are services known like Triple play. These services together with their problems and parameters are here discussed too. At the end of theoretical part I listed here measuring method for getting negative attribute distorting the led signal. In practical part the locality witch use the optical signal as the source of information is ordered. These network use unfit connections and has less possibilities than usual and this is the reason, why is the network not able to supply Triple play in requested quality. At first the analysis of ordered network was needed. Situation was complicated by the fact, that it has been prohibited entrance to me. The structure of network and network parts was known and documented by me. I made the proposals to improve this network in practical part. By the first proposal remained original kind of access network FTTB, but used new parts with higher performance. By the second proposal I made the network FTTH, by which it was possible to use the last haul optical cables with treatment and using new elements. It was needed to create solution by flat units. The resulting proposals are here evaluated, compared and cost evaluated. For rejection of access to optical network I did not make measuring, so I made simulation for variant FTTH for getting some parameters negative acting transmission.
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Demonstrating quantum entanglement and Hong-Ou-Mandel effect, using type-II spontaneous parametric down conversion with C programming for data collectionSvanberg, Erik, Johannisson Lundquist, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) is used to generate quantum entangled photons through a non-linear crystal. The entanglement of photons is demonstrated by observing the effects of indistinguishability on photons, first through time and energy, then by polarization. The Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) effect was also demonstrated. A theoretical derivation of the effect of a non 50/50 beam splitter (BS) is also investigated. The energy of the photons was changed by varying the temperature of the crystal whilst the time difference was changed by varying the relative position of two mirrors. Results showed a clear effect from indistinguishability on both energy and time.
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Étude de la complexité des implémentations d'objets concurrents, sans attente, abandonnables et/ou solo-rapides / On the complexity of wait-free, abortable and/or solo-fast concurrent object implementationsCapdevielle, Claire 03 November 2016 (has links)
Dans un ordinateur multiprocesseur, lors de l'accès à la mémoire partagée, il faut synchroniser les entités de calcul (processus). Cela peut se faire à l'aide de verrous, mais des problèmes se posent (par exemple interblocages, mauvaise tolérance aux pannes). On s'est intéressé à l'implémentation d'abstractions (consensus et construction universelle) qui peuvent faciliter la programmation concurrente sans attente, sans utiliser de verrous mais basés sur des lectures/écritures atomiques (LEA). L'usage exclusive des LEA ne permet pas de réaliser un consensus sans attente. Néanmoins, autoriser l'usage de primitives offrant une puissance de synchronisation plus forte que des LEA, mais coûteuse en temps de calcul, le permet. Nous nous sommes donc intéressés dans cette thèse à des programmes qui limitent l'usage de ces primitives aux seules situations où les processus sont en concurrence, ces programmes sont dit solo-rapides. Une autre piste étudiée est de permettre à l'objet, lorsqu'il y a de la concurrence, de retourner une réponse spéciale "abandon" qui signifie l'abandon des calculs en cours. Ces objets sont dit abandonnables. D'une part, nous donnons des implémentations d'objets concurrents sans attente, abandonnables et/ou solo-rapides. Pour cela, nous proposons une construction universelle qui assure à l'objet implémenté d'être abandonnable et solo-rapide ; nous avons réalisés des algorithmes de consensus solo-rapides et des algorithmes de consensus abandonnable. D'autre part nous étudions la complexité en espace de ces implémentations en proposant des bornes inférieures sur l'implémentation des objets abandonnables et sur le consensus. / In multiprocessor computer, synchronizations between processes are needed for the access to the shared memory. Usually this is done by using locks, but there are some issues as deadlocks or lack of fault-tolerance. We are interested in implementing abstractions (as consensus or universal construction) which ease the programming of wait-free concurrent objects, without using lock but based on atomic Read/Write operations (ARW). Only using the ARW does not permit to implement wait-free consensus. The use of primitives which offer a higher power of synchronization than the ARW is needed. But these primitives are more expensive in computing time. Therefore, we are interested in this thesis in the design of algorithms which restrict the use of these primitives only to the cases where processes are in contention. These algorithms are said solo-fast. Another direction is to allow the object to abort the computation in progress - and to return a special response "abort" - when there is contention. These objects are named abortable. On the one hand we give wait-free, abortable and/or solo-fast concurrent object implementations. Indeed we proposed a universal construction which ensure to the implemented object to be abortable and solo-fast. We have also realized solo-fast consensus algorithms and abortable consensus algorithms. On the other hand, we study the space complexity of these implementations : we prove space lower bound on the implementation of abortable object and consensus.
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États cohérents et comprimés du potentiel de Morse et intrication créée par un miroir semi-transparentHertz, Anaelle 05 1900 (has links)
Pour décrire les vibrations à l'intérieur des molécules diatomiques, le potentiel de Morse est une meilleure approximation que le système de l'oscillateur harmonique. Ainsi, en se basant sur la définition des états cohérents et comprimés donnée dans le cadre du problème de l'oscillateur harmonique, la première partie de ce travail suggère une construction des états cohérents et comprimés pour le potentiel de Morse. Deux types d’états seront construits et leurs différentes propriétés seront étudiées en portant une attention particulière aux trajectoires et aux dispersions afin de confirmer la quasi-classicité de ces états. La deuxième partie de ce travail propose d'insérer ces deux types d’états cohérents et comprimés de Morse dans un miroir semi-transparent afin d'introduire un nouveau moyen de créer de l'intrication. Cette intrication sera mesurée à l’aide de l’entropie linéaire et nous étudierons la dépendance par rapport aux paramètres de cohérence et de compression. / In order to describe the vibrations inside a diatomic molecule, the Morse potential is a better approximation than the harmonic oscillator system. Thus, based on the definition of the coherent states given in the context of the harmonic oscillator, the first part of this work suggests a construction for the squeezed coherent states of the Morse potential. Two types of states will be constructed and their diverse properties will be studied with special attention to the trajectories and dispersions in order to confirm their quasi-classicity. The second part of this work proposes to insert those two types of Morse squeezed coherent states in a beam splitter in order to introduce a new way of creating entanglement. This entanglement will be measured by the linear entropy and we will study the dependence with the coherence and squeezing parameters.
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Contribution à l’exploration des propriétés dispersives et de polarisation de structures à cristaux photoniques graduels / Contribution to the exploration of dispersive and polarization properties of graded photonic crystal structuresDo, Khanh Van 24 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse apporte une contribution théorique et expérimentale à l'exploration des propriétés de dispersion et de polarisation de structures à cristaux photoniques à gradient (GPhCs). Nous explorons pour commencer la relation qui existe entre les déformations des surfaces équi-fréquences (EFS) de différents cristaux photoniques et les paramètres de maille des configurations envisagées. Compte tenu de la complexité des structures possibles obtenues à partir d'un chirp spatial bidimensionnel d'au moins un paramètre de maille, nous avons limité notre étude à un type particulier de structure basé sur un réseau carré de silicium sur isolant (SOI) planaire constitué de trous d'air de facteur de remplissage variable. Une expression analytique des EFS connexes en fonction du rayon des motifs a d’abord été extraite, et une structure GPhC de "référence" a ensuite été proposé pour l'exploration des propriétés de dispersion et de polarisation des GPhCs utilisant à la fois une approche consistant à propager un ou plusieurs rayons optiques dont les trajectoires sont données par les équations de l’optique Hamiltonienne et une approche tout numérique basée sur des simulations FDTD. Nous décrivons ensuite les processus de fabrication de salle blanche des structures à cristaux photoniques graduels, obtenues à partir de substrats semiconducteurs par lithographie par faisceau d'électrons et gravure ionique réactive. Les échantillons fabriqués sont étudiés expérimentalement par des techniques de mesure en champ lointain et en champ proche (SNOM) en s'appuyant sur une collaboration avec un autre groupe du CNRS. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent une relation dispersive quasi-linéaire de 0.25μm/nm dans la gamme de longueur d’onde allant de 1470nm à 1600nm. Les premiers dispositifs fabriqués présentent aussi la possibilité de séparer des couples de deux longueurs d'onde (démultiplexage) avec des pertes d'insertion faibles (inférieures à 2 dB) et un niveau de diaphonie faible (de l'ordre de -20 dB). Ils présentent également un effet très net de séparation des polarisations de la lumière avec une diaphonie inter-polarisations TE/TM de -27dB dans une bande spectrale de l’ordre de 70 nm. Au-delà de ces mesures optiques obtenus dans une configuration particulière de cristal photonique graduel, les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont permis l'observation directe de la transition entre les régimes d’homogénéisation et de diffraction de propagation de la lumière dans un matériau optique artificiel tout diélectrique. Globalement, la méthodologie présentée et adoptée pour l'étude de la propagation de la lumière dans les structures étudiées a ouvert des perspectives pour la réalisation de fonctions optiques plus complexes. / This PhD thesis brings a theoretical and experimental contribution to the exploration of dispersive and polarization properties of graded photonic crystal (GPhC) structures. We first present a quantitative relationship between the deformations of the equi-frequency surfaces (EFSs) of different photonic crystals and the lattice parameters of the considered configurations. Considering the complexity of the possible GPhC structures made of a two-dimensional spatial chirp of at least one lattice parameter, we limit in this thesis our study to one particular type of GPhC structure based on a square lattice silicon on insulator (SOI) planar photonic crystal with a variable air hole filling factor profile. An analytical expression of the related EFSs as a function of the varied lattice parameter is extracted, and a GPhC “reference” structure is then proposed for the exploration of the dispersive and polarization properties of GPhCs using both Hamiltonian optic-assisted ray tracing as well as FDTD simulations. The clean room fabrication process of this GPhC structure family, which is based on electron beam lithography and reactive ion etching technologies, is reported. Fabricated samples are experimentally studied by far-field and near-field (SNOM) measurement techniques relying on a collaboration with a CNRS group of the Bourgogne university. Experimental results show an almost linear dispersive relationship of 0.25µm/nm in the 1470nm-1600nm spectral range. The fabricated samples also present the possibility for two-wavelength demultiplexing with low insertion loss (below 2dB) and low crosstalk level (around -20dB), and a polarization beam splitting effect with a crosstalk of -27dB in a 70nm bandwidth. Beyond these optical metrics obtained in one particular GPhC configuration, the works presented in this thesis have allowed the direct observation of the transition between the homogeneous and diffraction regimes of light propagation in an artificial optical all-dielectric material, and the presented and adopted methodology for the study of light propagation in GPhC structures has raised open perspectives for the realization of more complex optical functions in forthcoming works using low loss and flexible metamaterial-like photonic crystals.
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Multiplexed Optofluidics for Single-Molecule AnalysisStott, Matthew Alan 01 April 2018 (has links)
The rapid development of optofluidics, the combination of microfluidics and integrated optics, since its formal conception in the early 2000's has aided in the advance of single-molecule analysis. The optofluidic platform discussed in this dissertation is called the liquid core anti-resonant reflecting optical waveguide (LC-ARROW). This platform uses ARROW waveguides to orthogonally intersect a liquid core waveguide with solid core rib waveguides for the excitation of specifically labeled molecules and collection of fluorescence signal. Since conception, the LC-ARROW platform has demonstrated its effectiveness as a lab-on-a-chip fluorescence biosensor. However, until the addition of optical multiplexing excitation waveguides, the platform lacked a critical functionality for use in rapid disease diagnostics, namely the ability to simultaneously detect different types of molecules and particles. In disease diagnostics, the ability to multiplex, detect and identify multiple biomarkers simultaneously is paramount for a sensor to be used as a rapid diagnostic system. This work brings optofluidic multiplexing to the sensor through the implementation of three specific designs: (1) the Y-splitter was the first multi-spot excitation design implemented on the platform, although it did not have the ability to multiplex it served as a critical stepping stone and showed that multi-spot excitation could improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the platform by ~50,000 times; (2) a multimode interference (MMI) waveguide which took the multi-spot idea and then demonstrated spectral multiplexing capable of correctly identifying multiple diverse biomarkers simultaneously; and, (3) a Triple-Core design which incorporates excitation and collection along multiple liquid cores, enabling spatial multiplexing which increases the number of individual molecules to be identified concurrently with the MMI waveguide excitation. In addition to describing the development of optical multiplexing, this dissertation includes an investigation of another LC-ARROW based design that enables 2D bioparticle trapping, the Anti-Brownian Electrokinetic (ABEL) trap. This design demonstrates two-dimensional compensation of a particle's Brownian motion in solution. The capability to maintain a molecule suspended in solution over time enables the ability to gain a deeper understanding of cellular function and therapies based on molecular functions.
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Design av mikrovågsövergångar / Design of microwave connectionsPetersson, Björn January 2003 (has links)
<p>In this Master thesis, microwave connections between circuit boards are constructed. The primary frequency band is the X-band (8-12 GHz). The purpose of the connections is to enable a more simple and cheaper way of mounting the circuit boards inside a container. </p><p>The connections have been designed and evaluated, using different computer programs. A few prototypes have been built and measured. </p><p>The main goal of this Master thesis was to design a connection, that would be useful in practice. The connections should be easy to manufacture and have a good performance. They should also have a high tolerance for manufacturing errors. </p><p>The main part of this report contains descriptions of different designs. The designs are presented together with simulated and measured results. </p><p>The report contains designs based upon coplanar waveguides and a phase shifting technique. The result shows that designs that are using coplanar waveguides are good. The phase shifting technique has some limitations and need to be developed further.</p>
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Design av mikrovågsövergångar / Design of microwave connectionsPetersson, Björn January 2003 (has links)
In this Master thesis, microwave connections between circuit boards are constructed. The primary frequency band is the X-band (8-12 GHz). The purpose of the connections is to enable a more simple and cheaper way of mounting the circuit boards inside a container. The connections have been designed and evaluated, using different computer programs. A few prototypes have been built and measured. The main goal of this Master thesis was to design a connection, that would be useful in practice. The connections should be easy to manufacture and have a good performance. They should also have a high tolerance for manufacturing errors. The main part of this report contains descriptions of different designs. The designs are presented together with simulated and measured results. The report contains designs based upon coplanar waveguides and a phase shifting technique. The result shows that designs that are using coplanar waveguides are good. The phase shifting technique has some limitations and need to be developed further.
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