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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

États cohérents et comprimés du potentiel de Morse et intrication créée par un miroir semi-transparent

Hertz, Anaelle 05 1900 (has links)
Pour décrire les vibrations à l'intérieur des molécules diatomiques, le potentiel de Morse est une meilleure approximation que le système de l'oscillateur harmonique. Ainsi, en se basant sur la définition des états cohérents et comprimés donnée dans le cadre du problème de l'oscillateur harmonique, la première partie de ce travail suggère une construction des états cohérents et comprimés pour le potentiel de Morse. Deux types d’états seront construits et leurs différentes propriétés seront étudiées en portant une attention particulière aux trajectoires et aux dispersions afin de confirmer la quasi-classicité de ces états. La deuxième partie de ce travail propose d'insérer ces deux types d’états cohérents et comprimés de Morse dans un miroir semi-transparent afin d'introduire un nouveau moyen de créer de l'intrication. Cette intrication sera mesurée à l’aide de l’entropie linéaire et nous étudierons la dépendance par rapport aux paramètres de cohérence et de compression. / In order to describe the vibrations inside a diatomic molecule, the Morse potential is a better approximation than the harmonic oscillator system. Thus, based on the definition of the coherent states given in the context of the harmonic oscillator, the first part of this work suggests a construction for the squeezed coherent states of the Morse potential. Two types of states will be constructed and their diverse properties will be studied with special attention to the trajectories and dispersions in order to confirm their quasi-classicity. The second part of this work proposes to insert those two types of Morse squeezed coherent states in a beam splitter in order to introduce a new way of creating entanglement. This entanglement will be measured by the linear entropy and we will study the dependence with the coherence and squeezing parameters.

Investigation of New Concepts and Solutions for Silicon Nanophotonics

Wang, Zhechao January 2010 (has links)
Nowadays, silicon photonics is a widely studied research topic. Its high-index-contrast and compatibility with the complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology make it a promising platform for low cost high density integration. Several general problems have been brought up, including the lack of silicon active devices, the difficulty of light coupling, the polarization dependence, etc. This thesis aims to give new attempts to novel solutions for some of these problems. Both theoretical modeling and experimental work have been done. Several numerical methods are reviewed first. The semi-vectorial finite-difference mode solver in cylindrical coordinate system is developed and it is mainly used for calculating the eigenmodes of the waveguide structures employed in this thesis. The finite-difference time-domain method and beam propagation method are also used to analyze the light propagation in complex structures. The fabrication and characterization technologies are studied. The fabrication is mainly based on clean room facilities, including plasma assisted film deposition, electron beam lithography and dry etching. The vertical coupling system is mainly used for characterization in this thesis. Compared with conventional butt-coupling system, it can provide much higher coupling efficiency and larger alignment tolerance. Two novel couplers related to silicon photonic wires are studied. In order to improve the coupling efficiency of a grating coupler, a nonuniform grating is theoretically designed to maximize the overlap between the radiated light profile and the optical fiber mode. Over 60% coupling efficiency is obtained experimentally. Another coupler facilitating the light coupling between silicon photonic wires and slot waveguides is demonstrated, both theoretically and experimentally. Almost lossless coupling is achieved in experiments. Two approaches are studied to realize polarization insensitive devices based on silicon photonic wires. The first one is the use of a sandwich waveguide structure to eliminate the polarization dependent wavelength of a microring resonator. By optimizing the multilayer structure, we successfully eliminate the large birefringence in an ultrasmall ring resonator. Another approach is to use polarization diversity scheme. Two key components of the scheme are studied. An efficient polarization beam splitter based on a one-dimensional grating coupler is theoretically designed and experimentally demonstrated. This polarization beam splitter can also serve as an efficient light coupler between silicon-on-insulator waveguides and optical fibers. Over 50% coupling efficiency for both polarizations and -20dB extinction ratio between them are experimentally obtained. A compact polarization rotator based on silicon photonic wire is theoretically analyzed. 100% polarization conversion is achievable and the fabrication tolerance is relatively large by using a compensation method. A novel integration platform based on nano-epitaxial lateral overgrowth technology is investigated to realize monolithic integration of III-V materials on silicon. A silica mask is used to block the threading dislocations from the InP seed layer on silicon. Technologies such as hydride vapor phase epitaxy and chemical-mechanical polishing are developed. A thin dislocation free InP layer on silicon is obtained experimentally. / QC20100705

Study on electroabsorption modulators and grating couplers for optical interconnects

Tang, Yongbo January 2010 (has links)
Decades of efforts have pushed the replacement of electrical interconnects by optical links to the interconnects between computers, racks and circuit boards. It may be expected that optical solutions will further be used for inter-chip and intra-chip interconnects with potential benefits in bandwidth, capacity, delay, power consumption and crosstalk. Silicon integration is emerging to be the best candidate nowadays due to not only the dominant status of silicon in microelectronics but also the great advantages brought to the photonic integrated circuits (PICs). Regarding the recent breakthroughs concerning active devices on silicon substrate, the question left is no longer the feasibility of the optical interconnects based on silicon but the competitiveness of the silicon device compared with other alternatives. This thesis focuses on the study of two key components for the optical interconnects, both especially designed and fabricated for silicon platform. One is a high speed electroabsorption modulator (EAM), realized by transferring an InP-based segmented design to the hybrid silicon evanescent platform. The purpose here is to increase the speed of the silicon PICs to over 50  Gb/s or more. The other one is a high performance grating coupler, with the purpose to improve the optical interface between the silicon PICs and the outside fiber-based communication system. An general approach based on the transmission line analysis has been developed to evaluate the modulation response of an EAM with a lumped, traveling-wave, segmented or capacitively-loaded configuration. A genetic algorithm is used to optimize its configuration. This method has been applied to the design of the EAMs on hybrid silicon evanescent platform. Based on the comparison of various electrode design, segmented configuration is adopted for the target of a bandwidth over 40 GHz with as low as possible voltage and high extinction ratio. In addition to the common periodic analysis, the grating coupler is analyzed by the antenna theory assisted with an improved volume-current method, where the directionality of a grating coupler can be obtained analytically. In order to improve the performance of the grating coupler, a direct way is to address its shortcoming by e.g. increasing the coupling efficiency. For this reason, a nonuniform grating coupler with apodized grooves has been developed with a coupling efficiency of 64%, nearly a double of a standard one. Another way is to add more functionalities to the grating coupler. To do this, a polarization beam splitter (PBS) based on a bidirectional grating coupler has been proposed and experimentally demonstrated. An extinction ratio of around -20 dB, as well as a maximum coupling efficiency of over 50% for both polarizations, is achieved by such a PBS with a Bragg reflector underneath. / QC 20100906

Towards quantum optics experiments with single flying electrons in a solid state system / L'expériences d'optique quantique avec un unique électron volant dans la matière condensée

Bautze, Tobias 19 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l’étude fondamentale de systèmes nano-électroniques,mesurés à très basse température. Nous avons réalisé des interféromètres électroniques àdeux chemins à partir d’électrons balistiques obtenus dans un gaz 2D d’électrons d’unehétéro-structure GaAs/AlGaAs. Nous montrons que la phase des électrons, et ainsileur état quantique,peut être contrôlée par des grilles électrostatiques. Ces dispositifsse révèlent être des candidats prometteurs pour la réalisation d’un qubit volant. Nousavons développé une simulation numérique évoluée d’un modèle de liaisons fortes à partirde transport quantique ballistique qui décrit toutes les découvertes expérimentales etnous apporte une connaissance approfondie sur les signatures expérimentales de cesdispositifs particuliers. Nous proposons des mesures complémentaires de ce système dequbit volants. Pour atteindre le but ultime, à savoir un qubit volant à un électron unique,nous avons assemblé la source à électron unique précédemment développée dans notreéquipe à un beam splitter électronique. Les électrons sont alors injectés depuis une boîtequantique à un train de boîte quantiques en mouvement. Ce potentiel électrostatique enmouvement est généré par des ondes acoustiques de surface créées par des transducteursinter-digités sur le substrat GaAs piézo-électrique. Nous avons étudié et optimisé chacunde ces composants fondamentaux nécessaires à la réalisation d’un beam splitter à électronunique et développé un procédé local et fiable de fabrication. Ce dispositif nous permet d’étudier les interactions électroniques pour des électrons isolés et pourra servir de basede mesure pour des expériences d’optique quantiques sur un système électronique del’état condensé. Enfin, nous avons développé un outil puissant de simulation du potentielélectrostatique à partir de la géométrie des grilles. Ceci permet d’optimiser la conceptiondes échantillons avant même leur réalisation. Nous proposons ainsi un prototype optimiséde beam splitter à électron unique. / This thesis contains the fundamental study of nano-electronic systems at cryogenictemperatures. We made use of ballistic electrons in a two-dimensional electron gasin a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure to form a real two-path electronic interferometerand showed how the phase of the electrons and hence their quantum state can becontrolled by means of electrostatic gates. The device represents a promising candidateof a flying qubit. We developed a sophisticated numerical tight-binding model based onballistic quantum transport, which reproduces all experimental findings and allows togain profound knowledge about the subtle experimental features of this particular device.We proposed further measurements with this flying qubit system. With the ultimate goalof building a single electron flying qubit, we combined the single electron source that hasbeen developed in our lab prior to this manuscript with an electronic beam splitter. Theelectrons are injected from static quantum dots into a train of moving quantum dots.This moving potential landscape is induced in the piezoelectric substrate of GaAs bysurface acoustic waves from interdigial transducers. We studied and optimized all keycomponents, which are necessary to build a single electron beam splitter and built up areliable local fabrication process. The device is capable of studying electron interactionson the single electron level and can serve as a measurement platform for quantum opticsexperiments in electronic solid state systems. Finally, we developed a powerful toolcapable of calculating the potential landscapes of any surface gate geometry, which canbe used as a fast feedback optimization tool for device design and proposed an optimizedprototype for the single electron beam splitter.

Microwaves as a probe of quantum dot circuits : from Kondo dynamics to mesoscopic quantum electrodynamics / Les micro-ondes comme sonde des circuits de boîtes quantiques : de la dynamique Kondo à l’électrodynamique quantique mésoscopique

Bruhat, Laure 01 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse utilise les micro-ondes pour étudier des circuits de boîtes quantiques à base de nanotubes de carbone. Dans une première expérience, l'excitation micro-onde est appliquée directement sur une électrode du circuit pour une boîte quantique dans le régime Kondo. Nous réalisons la première caractérisation fréquence-amplitude de la conductance Kondo à biais nul. Des données préliminaires sont en accord avec la prédiction d'universalité. Nous présentons deux autres expériences, où les boîtes quantiques sont insérées dans des résonateurs micro-ondes. Les photons de la cavité sondent la résistance de relaxation de charge et l'émission de photons dans une boîte quantique couplée à des réservoirs normaux et supraconducteurs, en présence de répulsion coulombienne. Nos observations valident une modélisation en termes de réponse linéaire du circuit. Nous présentons aussi la première implémentation d'une lame séparatrice à paires de Cooper en cavité. Le régime de couplage fort est atteint, une première avec des circuits de boîtes quantiques. Nos résultats renforcent l'idée que l'électrodynamique quantique mésoscopique est une boîte à outils fructueuse, aussi bien dans le contexte du domaine du transport quantique que dans celui de l'information quantique. / This thesis uses microwaves as probe of carbon nanotube quantum dot circuits. In a first experiment, a microwave excitation is directly applied to a circuit electrode for a quantum dot in the Kondo regime. We provide the first frequency-amplitude characterisation of the Kondo zero-bias conductance. Preliminary data are consistent with predicted universal behaviour. We present two other experiments, where quantum dot circuits are embedded in microwave resonators. Cavity photons probe charge relaxation resistance and photon-emission in a quantum dot coupled to normal and superconducting reservoirs in presence of Coulomb repulsion. Our observations validate a modelling in terms of the circuit linear response. We also present the first implementation of a Cooper pair splitter in cavity. The strong coupling regime is achieved, a premiere with quantum dot circuits. Our findings support the idea, that mesoscopic quantum electrodynamics is a fruitful toolbox in the context of both fields of quantum transport and quantum information science.

Model optické sítě pro vysokorychlostní datové přenosy / Model of optical network for high-speed data transfer

Filip, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis is to design of high-speed optical network. The first part deals with theoretical knowledge in the field of optical transmissions, especially principle of wavelength division multiplexing. Generally speaking, this part is dedicated to optical connections over long distances. It will concentrate on different types of wavelength division multiplexing, optical fiber amplifiers and other basic optical components. Then it discusses influence of negative effects acting on optical transmission and discusses how to reduce or suppress their influence. Subsequently, there is designed backbone network in the Czech Republic in OptiSystem 7.0 software and are verified some mentioned theoretical knowledge. One of chapters also presents results of measurements of real optical routes in our state. The second part of the diploma thesis moves its attention on that part of optical network, which provides data connectivity to end users, that means it is focused on optical access network. There are described the most common topologies, standards and components. Based on these findings, in the last chapter, there is worked out design of optical access network FTTH (more precisely FTTD) in the selected location. Afterwards, the design is transferred to the OptiSystem 7.0 software, where is verified its functionality.

Návrh okružní křižovatky silnic I/35, I/57 a II/150 při silném levém odbočení / Design of roundabout I/35, I/57 and II/150 with strong left-turn

Mahdal, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on insufficient capacity problem of roundabout I/35, I/57 and II/150 in the Valašské Meziříčí town. It is based on engineering survey according to which three possible models are designed. Capacity assesment is made on each of these models. Throug the evaluation is selected the most suitable design of turbo roundabout type "knee", which is technically processed and substantiated by text and drawing documentation.

Shaping the spectrum of carbon nanotube quantum dots with superconductivity and ferromagnetism for mesoscopic quantum electrodynamics / Façonnage du spectre de boîtes quantiques à base de nanotubes de carbones avec la supraconductivité et le ferromagnétisme pour l'électrodynamique quantique mésoscopique

Cubaynes, Tino 07 December 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions des circuits de boîtes quantiques à base de nanotubes de carbone intégrés dans une cavité micro-onde. Cette architecture générale permet de sonder le circuit en utilisant simultanément des mesures de transport et des techniques propre au domaine de l’Electrodynamique quantique sur circuit. Les deux expériences réalisées durant cette thèse exploitent la capacité des métaux de contact à induire des corrélations de spins dans les boites quantiques. La première expérience est l’étude d’une lame s´séparatrice à paires de Cooper, initialement imaginée comme une source d’électrons intriqués. Le couplage du circuit aux photons dans la cavité permet de sonder la dynamique interne du circuit, et a permis d’observer des transitions de charge habillées par le processus de séparation des paires de Cooper. Le couplage fort entre une transition de charge dans un circuit de boîtes quantiques et des photons en cavité, a été observée pour la première fois dans ce circuit. Une nouvelle technique de fabrication a aussi été développé pour intégrer un nanotube de carbone cristallin au sein du circuit de boîtes quantiques. La pureté et l’accordabilité de cette nouvelle génération de circuit a rendu possible la seconde expérience. Cette dernière utilise deux vannes de spins non colinéaire afin de produire une interface cohérente entre le spin d’un électron dans une double boite quantique, et un photon dans une cavité. Des transitions de spins très cohérentes ont été observée, et nous donnons un modèle sur l’origine de la décohérence du spin comprenant le bruit en charge et les fluctuations des spins nucléaires. / In this thesis, we study carbon nanotubes based quantum dot circuits embedded in a microwave cavity. This general architecture allows one to simultaneously probe the circuit via quantum transport measurements and using circuit quantum electrodynamics techniques. The two experiments realized in this thesis use metallic contacts of the circuit as a resource to engineer a spin sensitive spectrum in the quantum dots. The first one is a Cooper pair splitter which was originally proposed as a source of non local entangled electrons. By using cavity photons as a probe of the circuit internal dynamics, we observed a charge transition dressed by coherent Cooper pair splitting. Strong charge-photon coupling in a quantum dot circuit was demonstrated for the first time in such a circuit. A new fabrication technique has also been developed to integrate pristine carbon nanotubes inside quantum dot circuits. The purity and tunability of this new generation of devices has made possible the realization of the second experiment. In the latter, we uses two non-collinear spin-valves to create a coherent interface between an electronic spin in a double quantum dot and a photon in a cavity. Highly coherent spin transitions have been observed. We provide a model for the decoherence based on charge noise and nuclear spin fluctuations.

Studie okružní křižovatky Bílinská v Teplicích / Teplice, Bílinská st. - roundabout design

Chladný, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my master´s thesis is to design documentation, at the level of study, for roundabout. The area of interest is defined by the crossroad of Lounská, Americká, Bílinská streets and the conection of existing road I/13 . This is the crossroad of local roads, which are functional group C-serving with the serving function. The aim of conversion of existing crossroad on the roundabout is to calm and clarify the traffic in the locality. There are also designed comunications for pedestrians in the locality. The study is solved in two variant of conection to existing road I/13.

Study of Passive Optical Network (PON) System and Devices

Guo, Qingyi 04 1900 (has links)
<p>The fiber-to-the-x (FTTX) has been widely investigated as a leading access technology to meet the ever growing demand for bandwidth in the last mile. The passive optical network (PON) provides a cost-effective and durable solution. In this thesis, we investigate different aspects of the PON, in the search for cost-effective and high-performance designs of link system and devices.</p> <p>In Chapter 2, we propose a novel upstream link scheme for optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OOFDM)-PON. The colorless laser diodes are used at the optical network units (ONUs), and the overlapped channel spectrum of orthogonal subcarrier multiplexing provides high spectral efficiency. At the optical line terminal (OLT), optical switch and all optical fast Fourier transform (OFFT) are adopted for high speed demultiplexing. The deterioration caused by the laser perturbation is also investigated.</p> <p>In Chapter 3, we design a novel polarization beam splitter (PBS), which is one of the most important components in polarization-controlled optical systems, e.g. the next-generation PON utilizing polarization multiplexing. Our PBS is built on a slab waveguide platform where the light is vertically confined. Planar lenses are formed to collimate and refocus light beam by converting the phase front of the beam. A planar subwavelength grating of a wedge shape induces the form birefringence, where the transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) waves have different effective refractive indices, and are steered to distinct directions. This design provides low insertion loss (< 0.9 dB) and low crosstalk (< -30 dB) for a bandwidth of 100 nm in a compact size, and can be realized by different material systems for easy fabrication and/or monolithic integration with other optical components.</p> <p>In Chapter 4, we study the mode partition noise (MPN) characteristics of the Fabry-Perot (FP) laser diode using the time-domain simulation of noise-driven multi-mode laser rate equation. FP laser is cheaper than the widely used distributed feedback (DFB) laser diode in PON, but its MPN is the major limiting factor in an optical transmission system. We calculate the probability density functions for each longitudinal mode. We also investigate the k-factor, which is a simple yet important measure of MPN. The sources of the k-factor are studied with simulation, including the intrinsic source of the laser Langevin noise, and the extrinsic source of the bit pattern.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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