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The Effects of Fatigue on Lower Extremity Kinetics and Kinematics in Subjects with Known Ankle InstabilityClayton, Lindsay E 01 January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this study was to evaluate biomechanical differences between healthy subjects and those with ankle instability during the gradual onset of lower extremity fatigue from a landing activity. An understanding of these differences is needed in order to prevent future injury to or further debilitation in individuals with ankle instability. A functional fatiguing activity was designed to focus fatigue on the quadriceps muscles, as those are the muscles most frequently fatigued during sport. Measures were taken throughout the progression of fatigue with a force plate and a motion tracking system and included vertical ground reaction force and lower extremity kinetics, kinematics, and energetics. The time required to reach self-reported fatigue and a balance assessment, the Star Excursion Balance Test, before and after the onset of fatigue was also recorded. Significant differences were observed between groups in peak ground reaction force, ground reaction force impulse, and frontal plane ankle joint impulse. Results indicated that subjects with ankle instability not only exhibited a different baseline for most measurements than normal subjects, but also managed the progression of fatigue differently. With this information and information from further studies, recommendations and/ or training schemes could be made and implemented to help those with ankle instability avoid recurrent injuries.
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College Football Revival: Analyzing the Impact of Marketing Efforts on Key Stakeholders at a Division I FCS Commuter SchoolChristiansen, Lucas A., Greene, Amanda E., Jones, Charles W. 01 January 2019 (has links)
The current study examined the impact of a recently restarted football program and a new on-campus stadium on the alumni and students of a Division I FCS commuter school. Results showed that alumni felt more connected to the university because of the new football program, they were more satisfied with their overall game-day experience, and the new football stadium was more likely to increase their game attendance when compared to students. Supplementary analysis highlights key differences in how each group rated individual elements of the game-day experience and the mediums used by each group for obtaining team-related information.
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The Willis White Era of Salem High School Football.Sower, Derek Wayne 14 August 2007 (has links)
From 1978-1982 Salem High School suffered from a series of losing seasons from its football program. In wanting to regain its former tradition the Salem City Council hired Willis White to rebuild the program from the ground up. This thesis investigates the history of the Salem program prior to and through the Willis White years.
The research for this thesis came from personal interviews with present and former coaches as well as members of the community. Several different newspaper companies in the Roanoke Valley contributed to the history of Spartans' games. It also comes from a collection of secondary sources that contribute to background history of the city and program.
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Collegiate Student-Athlete Perceptions of the Impact of Concussion on Academic PerformanceBaker, Robert H 01 May 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to indicate the experiences of collegiate student-athletes in meeting academic demands when experiencing prolonged recovery from concussion and if they perceive a need for academic accommodations. There is a gap in present concussion and an absence of studies that examine if academic accommodations are helpful during concussion recovery. The study was guided by 3 research questions focused on the return to learn during the recovery process. The study was limited to 9 student-athletes currently enrolled at three postsecondary institutions: Christian Brothers University, Rhodes College, and the University of Memphis. The study participants met pre-established criteria for the study, were recruited by their athletic trainer at their respective institution, and voluntarily participated in individual interviews with the researcher or co-interviewer. Through a phenomenological approach, individual interviews were conducted with the participants. Four themes were identified in the data: negative impact on academic performance, academic pressures, inequity of student-athlete treatment, and impact on concentration ability. Each study participant’s story was shared through the data analysis process, and significant statements from the interviews as related to the research questions were included in the data analysis section. Ultimately, the data suggested that future research continue to focus on how student-athletes' recovery from concussion impacts their return to learn process.
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An Epidemiological Look at Injuries among High School Athletes Participating in a Variety of Sports for Both SexesWills, Emily H 01 May 2016 (has links)
Physical activity is part of a healthy lifestyle, but participating in athletic activities like team sports can lead to injury. This study was designed to find the differences in types of high school sports injuries and how frequently these injuries occur among different sports and between males and females. A survey was given to members of the football, boys’ basketball, girls’ basketball, baseball, softball, and volleyball teams of a central Appalachian high school. The highest rate of injury was found in girls’ basketball at 86.7%, followed by football at 85.2%, boys’ basketball at 70.6%, softball and volleyball each at 69.2%, and baseball at 33.3%. Significant differences were also found between the most prevalent types of injuries in each sport. Differences in types of injuries were reported by male and female athletes who participated in comparable sports such as boys’ and girls’ basketball and softball and baseball. More research into why these differences exist could result in more individualized prevention strategies for high school athletes.
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A Case Study of the Recreational Needs & Interests of Rural Adults in Russell County, KentuckyBratcher, Bennett 01 July 1980 (has links)
Russell County, Kentucky, is a small rural county, with a population of 11,900, located 85 miles east of Bowling Green, Kentucky, There were approximately 2800 adults between the ages of 25 and 45 living in the county during the summer of 1980. The problem of this study was twofold: (1) to assess the recreational needs and interests of 25 to 45 year old adults in Russell County, Kentucky, during the summer of 1980, and (2) to make recommendations based upon the findings of the study. A survey instrument was developed, with the aid of a jury of experts, t.) serve as the data gathering tool. The survey was mailed out to a random sample of 500 Russell Countians between the ages of 25 and 45, Two hundred twenty completed surveys were returned to the researcher. The survey instrument included questions dealing with present attitudes and interests toward recreation and also present locations of organized recreation pursuits. Also included were questions concerning needed programs and facilities for recreation. Surveys were analyzed and results were tabulated by the Western Kentucky University Data Processing Center. Tabulations indicated a trend toward dissatisfaction with present recreational programs and facilities in Russell County and a definite need for increased governmental provisions of programs, facilities, and professional recreation leadership through a full-time director. Also it was observed that respondents were receptive to the idea of user fees for participation in desired programs. The researcher, based on the findings of the study, recommended that Russell County officials might wish to re-examine the importance, priority, and necessity of recreation to the 25 to 45 year old population both individually and collectively.
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A Study of Significant Differences between the Mean Verbal Format & Visual Format Crume/Ellis WIlderness Anxiety Scale Scores of Fifth & Sixth Grade StudentsRogers, Kelly 01 May 1993 (has links)
The problem statement for this study was: "Will there be a significant difference between the mean verbal format and mean visual format CEWAS scores of fifth and sixth grade students'"
There would seem a need for this study due to the increasing number of participants in outdoor recreational activities. This increase introduces many environmental concerns which must be addressed in order to maintain present conditions at wilderness areas.
Data related to wilderness anxiety among fifth and sixth grade male and female students attending McNeill Elementary School in Bowling Green, Kentucky, were collected analyzed for significant difference. Randomly selected pretest (verbal format) and posttest (visual format) groups completed the Crume/Ellis Wilderness Anxiety Scale, which measures wilderness anxiety in seven specific areas and total score. Each of the seven factor scores and the total scores were tested for pre- and posttest significant difference among males and again among females.
Analysis of data related to the verbal format CEWAS pretest for males and females indicated that there was a significant difference between mean male and mean female CEWAS pretest scores. In light of the above, it was determined that the study populations should be separated into samples of males and females for pre- and posttest analysis.
Male paired t test results indicated that total mean group score and two factor mean scores produced significant difference at .05 or greater. Five factor mean scores failed to produce significant difference. Female paired t test results indicated that total mean group score failed to produce a significant difference (.05 or greater). This was also the case with five of the factor scores. A significant difference (.05 or greater) was found on two factors: (a) Sudden Attack and (b) Inclement Weather, the same factors that produced significant differences among males.
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Study of Attitudes of College Students Toward Physical Education at Western Kentucky UniversityZafra, Amelia 01 July 1970 (has links)
This study was undertaken to determine the attitude of the college students toward required physical education program at Western Kentucky University. More specifically, the study was conducted: to find the total students' attitudes toward required physical education, to find if the attitudes of the out-of-state students are different from the in-state students, to find if there is a significant difference between the attitudes of men and women, to compare the attitudes of students with a good physical education background with those students of a poor physical education background, to find if the attitudes of freshman students is different from the upper-classmen, to examine difference in attitudes of students who play often and those who do not, and to find the attitude of students toward the activities offered in the required physical education program at Western Kentucky University.
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Dynamic Characterization of Aluminum Softball BatsLee, Danny V. 09 May 2001 (has links)
On January 1, 2000, the Amateur Softball Association of America (ASA) imposed maximum bat performance limitations on commercial softball bats. The ASA adopted a testing standard defined by the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) to determine the bat performance factor (BPF), a normalized coefficient of restitution that must be less than 1.2 for the bat to be eligible for ASA sanctioned events.
The ASTM standard requires that the softball strike the bat, which is free to rotate in the horizontal plane, at 26.8 mfs ± 0.3 mfs (88 ftfs ± 1 ftfs) with little or no spin. The central project goal was to develop the ASTM test apparatus, which consisted of a precision ball launcher, a pivoting stage for the bat, and instrumentation for velocity measurements. The key feature of the testing apparatus developed in this project was the ability to measure the rebound velocity of the ball directly-ASTM method derives the ball rebound velocity by assuming the bat behaves as a rigid body and applying conservation of angular momentum.
Tests revealed a discrepancy in the BPF between the ASTM method and an alternative method,. termed the direct method, which uses the direct measurement of the ball rebound velocity. Furthermore, the ASTM method proved to be very sensitive to parameter errors, demonstrated by magnification factors between 2.0 and 3.0. The direct method was insensitive to parameter variation with magnification factors between o and 1.0.
The ball rebound velocity discrepancy was also analyzed with mechanism simulation software. A three-degree-of-freedom model of the bat was used to test the effects of elasticity and pivot friction. The analysis determined that applying conservation of angular momentum on an elastic body caused transient errors in the derivation of the ball rebound velocity; and pivot friction significantly affected the motion of the bat and thus, the derived ball rebound velocity.
The experimental results show that the direct method was more accurate than the ASTM method in calculating the BPF; and the conclusion of the analytical model shows that the ASTM method can be corrected by precisely identifying external moments in the system.
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The Lived Experiences of Academic Advisors with Counseling Degrees in Addressing Wellness with College Student-AthletesGerlach, Jennifer M 01 January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to investigate the lived experiences of academic advisors who have master’s degrees in counseling in addressing wellness with college student-athletes. Of particular note was to explore if they addressed wellness and, if so, how they addressed wellness. Extant literature is replete with evidence documenting the numerous challenges and stressors student-athletes experience due to their athlete status. Prior to this study, the role of the academic advisor in addressing wellness has not been represented in the literature. This study examined the lived experiences of 10 academic advisors with counseling degrees, or currently enrolled in graduate level counselor education programs, in addressing wellness with college student-athletes through semi-structured individual interviews. Results from the data analysis yielded four themes and seven sub-themes: Academic Skills and Planning, Counselor Practice and Knowledge (emphasis on fostering relationships, counseling skills and theory, and athletic empathy), Barriers to Seeking Support Services, and Cultivating Holistic Wellness in Student-Athletes (career and life skill development, psychological support, coach-advisor relationship, and case management). The findings suggest that academic advisors are addressing wellness with their college student-athletes. Moreover, the results provide specific insights as to how academic advisors utilize their counseling skills when providing wellness services. These results provide several implications for counseling programs, academic advising, and athletic departments. Suggestions for future research are also included.
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