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Sebeprezentace českých sportovců na internetových sociálních sítích a její využití v masových médiích / Self-presentation of czech sportsmen on social networking sites and its usage in mass mediaNovotný, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Self-presentation of Czech Sportsmen on Social Networking Sites and its Usage in Mass Media" deals with a new phenomenon of the few last years - social networking sites and their usage for the work of sports journalists in particular. The thesis sums up the essential information about history and beginnings of the most important social networking sites. It also outlines the impact on the work of journalists. The core of the thesis is an analysis of the process how the information from social networking sites make their way to the articles in media. This research is based on three major sporting events - the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, the 2012 Summer Olympics in London and the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. It covers the production of two Czech daily newspaper - Mladá fronta DNES and daily Sport, the two printed media which provided the most comprehensive coverage of the Olympics. The thesis analyses the change of the news sources in the course of the last years, among which the social networking sites play a much bigger role than in the past. It focuses on determining the prevailing source for the articles during the Olympics. The thesis also explores whether the proportion of using the different sources changed during the years. It traces the amount of articles using...
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Suplementação de creatina, performance e composição corporal de nadadores de elite e amadores: avaliação dos efeitos agudo e crônico (OU) Efeitos da suplementação de creatina em nadadores: uma comparação de desempenho entre atletas de elite e amadores, e de composição corporal entre protocolos de suplementação aguda e crônica / Effects of creatine supplementation in swimmers: a comparison of performance between elite and amateur athletes, and body composition between acute and chronic supplementation protocolsMendes, Renata Rebello 27 October 2006 (has links)
A suplementação de creatina tem sido considerada importante estratégia ergogênica, uma vez que baixas concentrações musculares desse composto encontram-se entre as principais limitações para o desempenho em atividades de curta duração e alta intensidade. Porém, há controvérsias sobre os resultados obtidos por meio de tal estratégia, pois se acredita que indivíduos sedentários ou atletas amadores apresentariam melhores resultados quando comparados a atletas de elite. Os efeitos das suplementações aguda e crônica de creatina sobre o aumento da massa corporal magra também têm se tornado alvo de constantes investigações científicas, no intuito de se determinar o componente da massa magra responsável por esse incremento. Desta forma, os objetivos do presente trabalho foram avaliar o efeito da suplementação aguda de creatina (20,0 gramas/dia, durante 5 dias) sobre o desempenho em exercícios intermitentes de curta duração e a composição corporal de nadadores de elite (NE) e amadores (NA), bem como investigar a influência da suplementação crônica de creatina (5,0 gramas/dia, durante 45 dias) sobre a composição corporal dos NA. Para tanto, foram estudados 40 nadadores, sendo 22 de elite e 18 amadores, os quais foram subdivididos em grupos creatina (NECR e NACR) ou placebo (NEPL e NAPL). Após o período agudo de suplementação, foram observadas elevações significativas nas excreções urinárias de creatina (0,026 para 8,40; 0,024 para 12,40 gramas/dia) e creatinina (0,99 para 1,90; 1,85 para 2,50 gramas/dia) nos grupos NECR e NACR, respectivamente. Embora a suplementação aguda tenha promovido redução significativa do lactato sanguíneo em alguns momentos do teste de performance no grupo NACR, bem como declínio da amônia plasmática ao final do exercício nos grupos NECR e NACR, não houve melhora nos tempos de natação em nenhum grupo após a suplementação aguda. No que diz respeito à composição corporal houve aumento de água corporal na fase aguda, sem aumento de massa corporal protéica estimada (MCPE), nos NECR e NACR. No período crônico, o grupo NACR apresentou ganhos significativos de massa magra (900 gramas) e MCPE (200 gramas), enquanto o grupo NAPL apresentou reduções significativas nesses parâmetros (1400 gramas e 800 gramas, respectivamente). Tais resultados demonstraram que a suplementação de creatina não promoveu melhora aguda de desempenho em atividades de curta duração e alta intensidade, porém, cronicamente, preveniu perdas de massa magra e MCPE. / Effects of creatine supplementation in swimmers: a comparison of performance between elite and amateur swimmers, and body composition between acute and chronic supplementation protocols. Creatine supplementation has been considered an important ergogenic aid, a time that low muscular concentrations of this composition meet enter the main limitations for the performance in short duration and high intensity exercises. However, it has controversies on the results gotten by this strategy, therefore if it believes that sedentary individuais or amateur athletes would present better results when comparative the elite athlete. The effect of the acute and chronic creatine supplementation on the increase of the lean corporal mass also have become target of constant scientific inquiries, in the intention of determining the component of the lean mass responsible for this increment. Of this form, the objectives of the present study had been to evaluate the effect of the acute creatine supplementation (20,0 grams/day, during 5 days) on the performance in short duration intermittent exercises and on body composition of elite swimmers (ES) and amateur swimmers (AS), as well as investigating the influence of chronic creatine supplementation (5,0 grams/day, during 45 days) on body composition of the AS. For in such a way, 40 swimmers, being 22 of the elite and 18 amateur had been studied, which had been subdivided in creatine (CRES and CRAS) or placebo groups (PLES and PLAS). After the acute supplementation period, had been observed significant rises in urinary creatine (0,026 to 8,40; 0,024 to 12,40 grams/day) and urinary creatinine (0,99 to 1,90; 1,85 to 2,50 grams/day) in groups CRES and CRAS, respectively. Although the acute supplementation has promoted significant reduction of blood lactate at some moments of the intermittent test of performance in group CRAS, as well as decline of blood ammonia in the end of the test in CRES and CRAS groups, the acute supplementation did not have improvement in the speed of swimming in no group. In that it says respect to the body composition, was observed an increase in body water in the acute phase, without increment of estimate corporal protein (EPC), in CRES and CRAS. However, in the chronic period, CRAS group presented significant increase of lean body mass (900 grams) and EPC (200 grams), while group PLAS presented significant reductions in these parameters (1400 grams and 800 grams, respectively). Such results had demonstrated that creatine supplementation did not promote acute improvement of performance in intermittent short duration and high intensity performance, although creatine long-term maintenance prevented muscle wasting.
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Efeito da suplementação aguda com carboidratos em exercícios intermitentes de alta intensidade / Effect of acute carbohydrate supplementation on high intensity intermittent exerciseSousa, Maysa Vieira de 13 May 2005 (has links)
Exercícios intensos resultam em depleção acentuada de glicogênio muscular e aumento da lactacidemia, associados ao aumento do cortisol circulante e seus efeitos catabólicos, como a proteólise muscular, ocasionando em menor desempenho físico e comprometendo a qualidade de treinamento do atleta. Diante disso, o presente estudo avaliou o efeito agudo da suplementação de carboidrato sobre o desempenho físico e a resposta hormonal durante e após uma sessão de exercícios intermitentes de alta intensidade. Participaram do estudo 16 corredores com, idade média de 26 ± 5. Os atletas realizaram, em dois momentos distintos [experimental: carboidrato (CHO) e controle: placebo (PLA)], exercícios intermitentes: 12x800 m pausa 1\'30\" a 100% da velocidade média (Vm) 3.000 m. Com relação aos parâmetros de desempenho físico não foram observados efeitos benéficos com a administração de CHO. Os voluntários realizaram o teste em 28,32±1 ,52 min (CHO) e 28,32±1,38 min (PLA). Observou-se aumento significativo da glicemia durante o exercício em ambos grupos, retornando aos valores pré-exercício durante o período de recuperação, indicando acentuada velocidade de captação da glicose após esforços intensos. Quanto à lactacidemia, houve aumento significativo durante o exercício (CHO: 3, 75±1,62 mmol/L PLA: 2, 79±1,69 mmol/L) quando comparado às concentrações pré-exercício (p<0,05). Essas concentrações estiveram significativamente aumentadas durante o exercício no grupo CHO devido a maior disponibilidade de substrato (p<0,05). Entretanto, a suplementação de CHO não diminuiu as concentrações plasmáticas de cortisol durante o exercício. No experimento PLA a concentração de insulina esteve significativamente maior no período de recuperação, como resultado de uma intensa glicogenólise hepática, superando possivelmente o aumento da glicemia no grupo CHO. / Intense exercises result in accentuated depletion of muscular glycogen and increase of the lactacidemy, which are associated to the increase of the circulating cortisol and its catabolic effects like the muscular proteolysis, causing in shorter physical acting, risking the quality of the athlete\'s training. Because of that, the present study evaluated the acute effect of the carbohydrate supplementation on the physical performance and the hormonal response during and after a session of intermittent exercises of high intensity. Sixteen runners, at the average age of 26 ± 5 have participated in the study. The athletes have accomp1ished, in two different trials [(experimental: carbohydrate (CHO) and control: placebo (PLA)], intermittent exercises: 12x800 m pause 1 \'30\" at 100% mean velocity (Vm) 3000 m. ln relation to the physical performance parameters, no beneficial effects were observed at the CHO administration. The athletes have accomplished the test in 28,32±1,52 min (CHO) and 28,32±1,38 min (PLA). A significant increase of the glycemia was observed in both trials during the exercise, going back to the pre-exercising values during the recovery period, indicating an accentuated speed of glucose captation after intense efforts. As to the lactacidemy, there was a significant increase during the exercise (CHO: 3, 75±1,62 mmol/L PLA: 2,79±1,69 mmol/L) when compared to the pre exercising concentrations (p < 0,05). Those concentrations were significantly increased during the exercise in CHO trial due to larger substratum readiness (p < 0,05). However, the CHO supplementation didn\'t reduce the plasmatic concentrations of cortisol during the exercise. In the PLA trial, the insulin concentration was significantly larger in the recovery period as a result of an intense hepatic glycogenolysis possibly overcoming the increase of glycemia in the CHO trial.
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Sportininkų treniruočių krūvio planavimo ir valdymo sistemos kokybės tyrimas / The quality research of planning and management system in sportsmen trainingButkus, Mindaugas 31 August 2009 (has links)
Šiuo metu tiek pasaulio tiek Lietuvos IT rinkoje sukurta daug dokumentų valdymo sistemų, kurios yra įdiegtos įvairiose srityse, sportas - ne išimtis. Šio darbo pagrindinis tikslas – patrauklesnės treniruotės apskaitos sukūrimas bei prieinamesnių, lankstesnių ir efektyvesnių treniruotės planavimo metodų užtikrinimas. Darbo uždaviniai - tyrimu įvertinti sukurtos sportininkų treniruotės krūvio planavimo ir valdymo sistemos kokybę ir pateikti siūlymus tolesniam jos tobulinimui. / The main goal of the project is to find out the appropriate way to keep favorable workout record, to create possible methods to evaluate workout effectiveness as well as provide flexible and accessible workout planning techniques. The present bachelor’s paper aims at major factors, which influence workout planning and the quality of management system. Management quality has been examined using tests as well as code analysis. The main characteristics were evaluated according to set ISO-9126 standard. Fundamental characteristics have been analyzed; the real data has been used. It meets specifications for functional requirements, is quite flexible and allows to evaluate workout quality accurately.
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Historie stolního tenisu v českých zemích v letech 1920 {--} 1945 / The History of table tennis in the area of the Czech Republic in The time period of 1920 - 1945VOTAVA, Štěpán January 2009 (has links)
This work is about the table tennis beginning and the development in the Czech lands from 1920 to 1945. There is a mention about the world table tennis. The beginning of the racing era, the table tennis association establishment, the Czech Players success and racing and clubs development are described in this work. It is focusing on table tennis in Moravia, Prague, Northern, Eastern, Southern and Western Bohemia. It presents sportsmen in the thirties (XX. century). It meets us with life of sportsmen, their conditions and especially financial conditions and their approach to sport.
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Efeito da suplementação aguda com carboidratos em exercícios intermitentes de alta intensidade / Effect of acute carbohydrate supplementation on high intensity intermittent exerciseMaysa Vieira de Sousa 13 May 2005 (has links)
Exercícios intensos resultam em depleção acentuada de glicogênio muscular e aumento da lactacidemia, associados ao aumento do cortisol circulante e seus efeitos catabólicos, como a proteólise muscular, ocasionando em menor desempenho físico e comprometendo a qualidade de treinamento do atleta. Diante disso, o presente estudo avaliou o efeito agudo da suplementação de carboidrato sobre o desempenho físico e a resposta hormonal durante e após uma sessão de exercícios intermitentes de alta intensidade. Participaram do estudo 16 corredores com, idade média de 26 ± 5. Os atletas realizaram, em dois momentos distintos [experimental: carboidrato (CHO) e controle: placebo (PLA)], exercícios intermitentes: 12x800 m pausa 1\'30\" a 100% da velocidade média (Vm) 3.000 m. Com relação aos parâmetros de desempenho físico não foram observados efeitos benéficos com a administração de CHO. Os voluntários realizaram o teste em 28,32±1 ,52 min (CHO) e 28,32±1,38 min (PLA). Observou-se aumento significativo da glicemia durante o exercício em ambos grupos, retornando aos valores pré-exercício durante o período de recuperação, indicando acentuada velocidade de captação da glicose após esforços intensos. Quanto à lactacidemia, houve aumento significativo durante o exercício (CHO: 3, 75±1,62 mmol/L PLA: 2, 79±1,69 mmol/L) quando comparado às concentrações pré-exercício (p<0,05). Essas concentrações estiveram significativamente aumentadas durante o exercício no grupo CHO devido a maior disponibilidade de substrato (p<0,05). Entretanto, a suplementação de CHO não diminuiu as concentrações plasmáticas de cortisol durante o exercício. No experimento PLA a concentração de insulina esteve significativamente maior no período de recuperação, como resultado de uma intensa glicogenólise hepática, superando possivelmente o aumento da glicemia no grupo CHO. / Intense exercises result in accentuated depletion of muscular glycogen and increase of the lactacidemy, which are associated to the increase of the circulating cortisol and its catabolic effects like the muscular proteolysis, causing in shorter physical acting, risking the quality of the athlete\'s training. Because of that, the present study evaluated the acute effect of the carbohydrate supplementation on the physical performance and the hormonal response during and after a session of intermittent exercises of high intensity. Sixteen runners, at the average age of 26 ± 5 have participated in the study. The athletes have accomp1ished, in two different trials [(experimental: carbohydrate (CHO) and control: placebo (PLA)], intermittent exercises: 12x800 m pause 1 \'30\" at 100% mean velocity (Vm) 3000 m. ln relation to the physical performance parameters, no beneficial effects were observed at the CHO administration. The athletes have accomplished the test in 28,32±1,52 min (CHO) and 28,32±1,38 min (PLA). A significant increase of the glycemia was observed in both trials during the exercise, going back to the pre-exercising values during the recovery period, indicating an accentuated speed of glucose captation after intense efforts. As to the lactacidemy, there was a significant increase during the exercise (CHO: 3, 75±1,62 mmol/L PLA: 2,79±1,69 mmol/L) when compared to the pre exercising concentrations (p < 0,05). Those concentrations were significantly increased during the exercise in CHO trial due to larger substratum readiness (p < 0,05). However, the CHO supplementation didn\'t reduce the plasmatic concentrations of cortisol during the exercise. In the PLA trial, the insulin concentration was significantly larger in the recovery period as a result of an intense hepatic glycogenolysis possibly overcoming the increase of glycemia in the CHO trial.
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Suplementação de creatina, performance e composição corporal de nadadores de elite e amadores: avaliação dos efeitos agudo e crônico (OU) Efeitos da suplementação de creatina em nadadores: uma comparação de desempenho entre atletas de elite e amadores, e de composição corporal entre protocolos de suplementação aguda e crônica / Effects of creatine supplementation in swimmers: a comparison of performance between elite and amateur athletes, and body composition between acute and chronic supplementation protocolsRenata Rebello Mendes 27 October 2006 (has links)
A suplementação de creatina tem sido considerada importante estratégia ergogênica, uma vez que baixas concentrações musculares desse composto encontram-se entre as principais limitações para o desempenho em atividades de curta duração e alta intensidade. Porém, há controvérsias sobre os resultados obtidos por meio de tal estratégia, pois se acredita que indivíduos sedentários ou atletas amadores apresentariam melhores resultados quando comparados a atletas de elite. Os efeitos das suplementações aguda e crônica de creatina sobre o aumento da massa corporal magra também têm se tornado alvo de constantes investigações científicas, no intuito de se determinar o componente da massa magra responsável por esse incremento. Desta forma, os objetivos do presente trabalho foram avaliar o efeito da suplementação aguda de creatina (20,0 gramas/dia, durante 5 dias) sobre o desempenho em exercícios intermitentes de curta duração e a composição corporal de nadadores de elite (NE) e amadores (NA), bem como investigar a influência da suplementação crônica de creatina (5,0 gramas/dia, durante 45 dias) sobre a composição corporal dos NA. Para tanto, foram estudados 40 nadadores, sendo 22 de elite e 18 amadores, os quais foram subdivididos em grupos creatina (NECR e NACR) ou placebo (NEPL e NAPL). Após o período agudo de suplementação, foram observadas elevações significativas nas excreções urinárias de creatina (0,026 para 8,40; 0,024 para 12,40 gramas/dia) e creatinina (0,99 para 1,90; 1,85 para 2,50 gramas/dia) nos grupos NECR e NACR, respectivamente. Embora a suplementação aguda tenha promovido redução significativa do lactato sanguíneo em alguns momentos do teste de performance no grupo NACR, bem como declínio da amônia plasmática ao final do exercício nos grupos NECR e NACR, não houve melhora nos tempos de natação em nenhum grupo após a suplementação aguda. No que diz respeito à composição corporal houve aumento de água corporal na fase aguda, sem aumento de massa corporal protéica estimada (MCPE), nos NECR e NACR. No período crônico, o grupo NACR apresentou ganhos significativos de massa magra (900 gramas) e MCPE (200 gramas), enquanto o grupo NAPL apresentou reduções significativas nesses parâmetros (1400 gramas e 800 gramas, respectivamente). Tais resultados demonstraram que a suplementação de creatina não promoveu melhora aguda de desempenho em atividades de curta duração e alta intensidade, porém, cronicamente, preveniu perdas de massa magra e MCPE. / Effects of creatine supplementation in swimmers: a comparison of performance between elite and amateur swimmers, and body composition between acute and chronic supplementation protocols. Creatine supplementation has been considered an important ergogenic aid, a time that low muscular concentrations of this composition meet enter the main limitations for the performance in short duration and high intensity exercises. However, it has controversies on the results gotten by this strategy, therefore if it believes that sedentary individuais or amateur athletes would present better results when comparative the elite athlete. The effect of the acute and chronic creatine supplementation on the increase of the lean corporal mass also have become target of constant scientific inquiries, in the intention of determining the component of the lean mass responsible for this increment. Of this form, the objectives of the present study had been to evaluate the effect of the acute creatine supplementation (20,0 grams/day, during 5 days) on the performance in short duration intermittent exercises and on body composition of elite swimmers (ES) and amateur swimmers (AS), as well as investigating the influence of chronic creatine supplementation (5,0 grams/day, during 45 days) on body composition of the AS. For in such a way, 40 swimmers, being 22 of the elite and 18 amateur had been studied, which had been subdivided in creatine (CRES and CRAS) or placebo groups (PLES and PLAS). After the acute supplementation period, had been observed significant rises in urinary creatine (0,026 to 8,40; 0,024 to 12,40 grams/day) and urinary creatinine (0,99 to 1,90; 1,85 to 2,50 grams/day) in groups CRES and CRAS, respectively. Although the acute supplementation has promoted significant reduction of blood lactate at some moments of the intermittent test of performance in group CRAS, as well as decline of blood ammonia in the end of the test in CRES and CRAS groups, the acute supplementation did not have improvement in the speed of swimming in no group. In that it says respect to the body composition, was observed an increase in body water in the acute phase, without increment of estimate corporal protein (EPC), in CRES and CRAS. However, in the chronic period, CRAS group presented significant increase of lean body mass (900 grams) and EPC (200 grams), while group PLAS presented significant reductions in these parameters (1400 grams and 800 grams, respectively). Such results had demonstrated that creatine supplementation did not promote acute improvement of performance in intermittent short duration and high intensity performance, although creatine long-term maintenance prevented muscle wasting.
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Nedávná historie české sportovní žurnalistiky pohledem bývalých členů Klubu sportovních novinářů / Recent history of the Czech sports journalism from the perspective of former members of the Sports Journalists' AssociationRybář, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
The heart of this thesis consists of life stories narrated by former as well as current sports journalists and it focuses on sports journalism as a profession in political and social contexts. The first part gives an example of theories which deconstruct the myth of sport as an apolitical phenomenon. The second part reconstructs the history of public appearances of sport by examining attitudes, values and desires of interviewees. Using the snowball sampling technique -- recruitment of future subjects from among their acquaintances -- the researcher processes memories of eight interviewees whose information is classified into four main topics. Those include answers to under what conditions interviewees made a decision on their occupation, which sports they were concerned with, what reputation those sports had, what constraints they faced in their job, and what other unexpected roles their profession implies. As a whole, this text describe sports journalism as sine qua non for an outset of the tendency which began to grow during the 1950s in Czechoslovakia -- the attraction extending beyond the leisure activity and the top level sport gaining in popularity.
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Équilibre concurrentiel et sport professionnel : l'exemple du football européen / Competitive balance and professional sport : the example of the european footballMessina, Frédéric 12 December 2011 (has links)
L'analyse concurrentielle du marché pertinent du football professionnel européen fait ressortir le saisissant contraste présent entre la force de l'exigence d'une concurrence "libre" et "non faussée" et la relativité de son existence sur le marché. Depuis l'arrêt "Bosman" et la reconnaissance par la Cour de justice de la liberté de circulation des sportifs professionnels, l'économie concurrentielle du marché en cause est inégalitaire et le sort de la compétition économique prévisible. En supprimant les clauses de nationalité, qui limitaient les flux transnationaux de joueurs et l'impact de l'hétérogénéité des systèmes fiscaux sur le processus concurrentiel, les juges de Luxembourg ont structurellement remis en cause les conditions de concurrence du marché. En effet, les clubs au "coin socio-fiscal du travail" élevé ont vu leur liberté concurrentielle être affectée et leur chance de réussir, dans la compétition économique, considérablement se réduire. Leur incapacité fiscale à proposer, à coût égal, des rémunérations attractives et compétitives aux facteurs de concurrence que sont les joueurs, s'est traduite, dans le contexte de la libéralisation du marché, par un "état d'infériorité structurelle". Cette situation immédiatement contraire aux objectifs des Traités a engendré une allocation inefficace des richesses du marché et une qualité disparate de l'offre de spectacle sportif au sein de la Communauté. / The competitive analysis of the relevant market of the European professional football highlights the striking contrast between the strength of the requirement of a “free” and “undistorted” competition and the relativity of its existence on the market.Since the “Bosman” decision and the recognition by the European Court of Justice of the freedom of movement for professional sportsmen, the competitive economy of the relevant market is non-egalitarian and the result of economic competition is predictable. By suppressing the nationality clauses which limited the transnational flows of the players and the impact of heterogeneity of tax systems on the competitive process, the judges of Luxembourg structurally altered the competitive conditions into the market. Indeed, football clubs at “the wedge between labour costs and net wages” saw their competitive freedom being affected and their chance to succeed in the economic competition considerably reduced. Their tax incapacity to propose, at equal cost, attractive and competitive payments to the competition factors that are the players, has translated, in the context of the liberalization of the market, by a “structural inferiority state”. This situation at once went against the objectives of the Treaties causing an inefficient allowance of the wealth in the market, as well as an ill-assorted quality of the sport entertainment offer within the Common Market.
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