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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zeitliche und räumliche Prognose der Stabilität von Braunkohletagebaukippen im Nordraum Lausitz mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen

Barth, Andreas, Kallmeier, Enrico, Böhnke, Robert, Lucke, Beate January 2016 (has links)
Mittels künstlichen neuronalen Netzen wurden die in den rekultivierten Tagebaukippen im Nordraum Lausitz (Tagebaue Schlabendorf und Seese) auftretenden Geländedeformationen infolge Bodenverflüssigung für die Jahre 2009 - 2013 als Zeitreihe modelliert. Das Modell ist in der Lage, grob die zeitliche Entwicklung und exakt die räumliche Lage des in den Kippen auftretenden Gefährdungspotenzials nachzuvollziehen und als Funktion des sich ändernden Grundwasserspiegels und der sich ändernden Oberflächenmorphologie in die Zukunft zu prognostizieren. Das Modell zeigt dynamisch das Entstehen neuer Risikoflächen in bisher scheinbar stabilen Bereichen des Untersuchungsgebietes. Die Korrektheit des Modells wurde mittels verschiedener Tests geprüft sowie anhand einer Prognoserechnung für das Jahr 2014 und des Vergleichs mit den real in 2014/2015 gegangenen Ereignissen nachgewiesen. Folgende Gefährdungsfaktoren wurden ermittelt: Destabilisierend wirken eine möglichst einförmige Lithologie folgender Zusammenset-zung: 31 % Feinsand, 34 % Mittelsand, 31 % Grobsand, 3 % Schluff, < 1 % Kies, < 1 % Kalk, < 1 % Ton, < 1 % Kohle, kf-Werte zwischen 10-4 und 10-4,5 m/s, ein Grundwasserflurabstand bei 3,45 m (Medianwert), möglichst hohe Gradienten der nicht lithologisch kontrollierten Parameter: Tagebauoberfläche, Grundwasseroberfläche, Grundwasserflurabstand und Mächtigkeit der gesättigten Kippe. Stabilisierend wirken vor allem eine möglichst große Heterogenität der Lithologie auf kleinem Raum (möglichst hohe Gradienten der lithologisch kontrollierten Parameter (z.B. Kiesgehalt, Sandgehalt, Tongehalt, Kohlegehalt)), ein möglichst geringer Sandanteil, möglichst hohe Anteile an Kies, Schluff, Ton, Kalk, bzw. Kohle, ein möglichst großer Grundwasserflurabstand sowie möglichst geringe Gradienten der nicht lithologisch kontrollierten Parameter: Tagebauoberfläche, Grundwasseroberfläche, Grundwasserflurabstand, Mächtigkeit der gesättigten Kippe sowie wechselnde kf-Werte 10-7 bzw. >10-2 m/s. Für die Bearbeitung wurden ausschließlich die bei der LMBV vorhandenen bzw. laufend flächendeckend erhobenen Daten genutzt: Lage des Grundwasserspiegels, Relief der Tagebauoberfläche, Liegendes der Kippe, geologische Daten der Vorfeldbohrungen. Das Modell kann als dynamisches Instrument zum Risikomanagement vor bzw. während der Sanierungsmaßnahmen genutzt werden. Mittels der Variation der prozesskontrollie-renden Parameter können die geotechnischen Auswirkungen verschiedener Sanierungsszenarien (z.B. Gestaltung der Tagebauoberfläche, Schüttung der Kippen, Grundwasseranstieg) auf die Stabilität der Kippen prognostiziert werden. / Geotechnical events (terrain deformation due to soil liquefaction) in lignite mining waste rock piles of the northern Lausitz area (opencast pits Schlabendorf and Seese), have been modeled as time series for the years 2009 – 2013 by using artificial neural networks. The model has clearly recognized the influences of various lithological and non-lithological controlled parameters on the occurrence of geotechnical events, and these have been quantified and weighted in terms of their importance. The model is able to predict the tem-poral evolution and the exact spatial location of the events occurring in the dumps as a function of changing groundwater levels and surface morphology. The model shows dynamically the emergence of new risk areas in hitherto seemingly stable areas. The correctness of the model was confirmed by means of various tests and its predictive success was demonstrated through forecasting of events for the years 2014 and 2015 and their comparison with the observed events of those years. The following main risk factors were identified: Important destabilizing factors are a monotonous lithology with the following composition: 31% fine sand, 34% medium sand, 31% coarse sand, 3% silt, <1% gravel, <1% lime, <1% clay, <1% coal, kf-values between 10-4 and 10-4.5 m/s, a surface to groundwater distance of 3.45 meters (median value), high gradients of non-lithological controlled parameters: waste dump surface, groundwater level, depth to groundwater and thickness of saturated dump. 2. Important stabilizing factors are a high heterogeneity of lithology (high gradients of the lithological controlled parameters: e.g. gravel content, sand content, clay content, carbon content), a low proportion of sand in the dump composition, high proportions of gravel, silt, clay, lime, or coal, a high depth to groundwater, low gradients of non-lithological controlled parameters: open pit surface, groundwater surface, depth to groundwater, thickness of saturated dump, strongly changing kf values between 10-7 and 10-2 m/s. The model can be used as a dynamic tool for risk management before and during the re-habilitation of lignite waste dumps, and for constructing stable waste dumps. By means of varying the model parameters (e.g. design of the dump surface, composition of dumped rocks, rising groundwater) the geotechnical effects of dump design and remediation scenarios can be predicted.

Effizienz von Heimtrainingsprogrammen zur Verbesserung der posturalen Stabilität und Kontrolle im Einbein- und Zweibeinstand

Reiß, Stefan 12 November 2018 (has links)
Referat: Im Unterschied zu starren Körpern besitzt der Mensch die Fähigkeit, Störungen des Gleichgewichtszustandes aktiv entgegenzuwirken, um einen Verlust der aufrechten Körperhaltung zu verhindern. Hier kommen verschiedene Sinnessysteme zum Tragen (posturale Subsysteme), die räumliche, zeitliche und dynamische Parameter des Körpers erfassen können und somit die Basis für die entsprechende Aktivierung der Muskulatur bilden. Zur Beschreibung dieser vielschichtigen Auseinandersetzung des menschlichen Körpers mit der Umwelt haben sich seit längerer Zeit die Begriffe posturale Stabilität und Kontrolle etabliert. Die Sicherung der posturalen Stabilität und Kontrolle im motorischen Handlungsvollzug ist als ein sehr komplexer Wirkungsmechanismus zu verstehen. Komplexität meint in diesem Zusammenhang zum einen das innere Zusammenspiel von Nervensystem und Muskulatur zur Wahrnehmung, Steuerung und Kontrolle der aufrechten Körperhaltung. Zum andern die sehr unterschiedlichen äußerlich sichtbaren posturalen Erscheinungsformen. Diese reichen von der alltagsrelevanten Halte- und Stützmotorik bis hin zu sportartspezifischen feinmotorischen Anforderungen. Der Erhalt, die Steigerung oder aber die Wiederherstellung der Leistungsfähigkeit dieser komplexen posturalen Mechanismen ist nicht nur im Altersgang von großer Wichtigkeit, sondern muss auch im Zusammenhang mit Verletzungs- und Sturzprophylaxe sowie vieler weiterer rehabilitativer Maßnahmen gesehen werden. Nicht zuletzt spielt die Qualität der posturalen Stabilität und Kontrolle eine wichtige, wenn nicht sogar die entscheidende Rolle bei komplexen sportlichen Handlungen. Ziel der durchgeführten Studie war ein Erkenntnisgewinn der bisher wenig unter-suchten Effekte von einfachen Heimtrainingsprogrammen sowie eines spezifischen sensomotorischen Gerätetrainings auf die posturale Stabilität und Kontrolle bei gesunden Erwachsenen. Zur Überprüfung dieser Effekte wurde daher ein Prä-Post-Design, mit Interventions- und Kontrollgruppe, bei einer Gesamtstichprobengröße von 220 Teilnehmern gewählt. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des experimentellen Designs war eine Testbatterie, bestehend aus vier computergestützten Mess- und Trainingsgeräten zur Posturgraphie sowie, als weitere motorische Aufgabe, der Einbeinstand auf dem Boden. Als Mess- und Trainingsgeräte dienten das Posturomed, das Biodex Balance System, eine Nintendo Wii-fit Konsole sowie eine MFT Challenge Disc. Die Auswahl der Geräte, inklusive des Einbeinstandes, erfolgte mit dem Ziel die posturalen Subsysteme des Menschen in möglichst großer Breite zu beanspruchen bzw. deren Plastizität zu überprüfen. Gleichzeitig wurde eine vergleichende Beobachtungsstudie mit einem Patientenkollektiv (mittleres Erwachsenenalter) die sich im postoperativen Stadium befanden, durchgeführt. Ein weiteres Ziel der Arbeit war die Bildung von intraindividuellen Referenz- bzw. Kennwerten, mit deren Hilfe erstmalig die Wirkung von verschiedenen Interventionen auf die posturale Stabilität verglichen, überprüft und dargestellt werden soll. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen, dass sich ein stabilitätsorientiertes sensomotorisches Heimtraining auf einem Therapiekreisel deutlich positiver auf die posturale Stabilität auswirkt als ein kraftausdauerorientiertes sensomotorisches Heimtraining, bestehend aus Einbeinkniebeugen. Dabei kann die Wirkung des stabilitätsorientierten sensomotorischen Trainings als übergreifender Trainingseffekt gekennzeichnet werden, der einen signifikanten motorischen Leistungsanstieg, aller überprüfter Testaufgaben zur Folge hatte. Durch ein computergestütztes sensomotorisches Training auf den Mess- und Trai-ningsgeräten konnte die hohe Plastizität der an der posturalen Stabilität und Kon-trolle beteiligten Systeme, aufgrund eines unmittelbaren Lernerfolges (bei minima-lem Trainingsumfang) wiedergespiegelt werden. In allen durchgeführten Untersu-chungen traten erkennbare geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte bzw. Differenzierun-gen zutage. Das Patientenkollektiv konnte nach 4 bis 5-wöchigen Therapiemaßnahmen (Physi-otherapie und medizinische Trainingstherapie) die ermittelten intraindividuellen Kennwerte gesunder junger Erwachsener im Mittel nur zu 53% erreichen. Dieses Ergebnis zeigt, dass längerfristig alters- und geschlechtsgemittelte Referenzwerte erstellt werden sollten um die Therapieergebnisse entsprechend vergleichen und einordnen zu können.

Stability of zinc phthalocyanine and fullerene C60 organic solar cells

Lessmann, Rudolf 10 May 2010 (has links)
Organic solar cells promise electricity generation at very low cost, and higher installation flexibility as compared to inorganic solar cells. The lower cost is achieved by cheaper semiconductors and easier manufacturing processes. The flexibility is naturally given by these ultra-thin, amorphous layers. Also the power conversion efficiency can be high enough for many applications. The organic molecules have to withstand the constant excitation by photons, transport of energy in form of excitons and charge. A small but significant amount of these photons has energy over the absorption gap, the excess of energy must be released without breaking the molecular bonds. In consequence, the solar cells can also heat up to temperatures at above 80°C. The objective of this work is to answer the question if the small molecules organic solar cells can be stable enough to operate under a very long time. The stability of organic doped layers in an organic solar cell is also addressed. This work starts with a general introduction followed by the description of the experimental procedures. The aging experiments of the solar cell were done with a self developed equipment. The fabrication of this equipment (a set of measurement boxes) was necessary to maintain the conditions, under which a solar cell can be aged, as constant as possible. The measurement boxes were used to control the electrical load of the cell, its temperature, the illumination intensity, and its electric connection to the IxV measurement equipment. A software package was also developed to control the equipment and to facilitate the work and visualization of the high volume of collected data. The model solar cells chosen for the aging experiments were donor-acceptor heterojunctions devices formed with the well-known materials C60 and ZnPc. Two basic different structures were analyzed, because they offered reasonable performance and potentially long lifetime: the flat heterojunction (FHJ) and the mixed heterojunction in a Metal-Insulator-p-Semiconductor (m-i-p) configuration. Variations of the FHJ and of the m-i-p structures are also used to verify the limits of the stability of electrically p- and n- doped organic semiconducting layers. The least stable solar cells are the FHJ devices. These devices show a fast initial decrease of all their characteristic conversion parameters but the Voc. After a few hundred hours, the saturation current (current under a reverse bias of 1 V) was almost stable. The saturation current is related to the number of absorbing centers, the decrease indicates that the degradation of the absorbing centers has stopped. With wavelength resolved external quantum efficiency measurements and chemical analysis, it was found that the degradation is related to the oxidation of C60. It was also shown that the use of organic dopants do not significantly affect the lifetime. The results show that the m-i-p solar cells are more stable than the FHJ devices. They are also stable under high temperatures up to 105°C. Outdoor testing also showed that the solar cells remained chemically, electrically and mechanically stable during a 900 h test.

Proteinbiochemische und enzymologische Charakterisierung der Hexokinasen ScHxk2 und KlHxk1 der Hefen Saccharomyces cerevisiae und Kluyveromyces lactis

Bär, Dorit Elke 22 November 2012 (has links)
Hexokinasen bezeichnen eine vielfältige Gruppe von Enzymen, welche zu den Transferasen gezählt werden und den ersten Schritt der Glykolyse katalysieren. In Hefen, Pflanzen und Säugern spielen Hexokinasen darüber hinaus eine wichtige Rolle in regulatorischen Mechanismen wie der Glukoseerkennung und der glukoseabhängigen Signaltransduktion. Aufgrund der Aufgaben der Hefehexokinasen in der Katalyse und der Glukoserepression bedarf es einer besonderen Beziehung zwischen Struktur und Funktion, dessen Zusammenhänge derzeit nur teilweise erklärt werden können. Sowohl Saccharomyces cerevisiae als auch Kluyveromyces lactis sind geeignete eukaryontische Modellorganismen für die Untersuchung der Beziehungen zwischen Proteinbiochemie, Genetik und Physiologie. So beschreibt die Arbeit zum einen Untersuchungen zur Faltung und Stabilität der Hexokinase 2 von Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ScHxk2). ScHxk2 ist aus zwei Domänen mit diskontinuierlichen Peptidsequenzen zusammengesetzt. Mit Hilfe verschiedener spektrometrischer Untersuchungstechniken konnte eine reversible harnstoffinduzierte Entfaltung für ScHxk2 beschrieben werden. Dabei zeigt die Entfaltung einen zweistufigen Übergang mit einem zentralen Intermediat, bei dem jedoch weder die eine noch die andere Domäne gefaltet bzw. ungefaltet vorliegt. Die Intermediate weisen trotz 60%iger Verluste an Sekundärstruktur eine hohe Stabilität von über ∆G = -22 kJ/mol auf. Weiterhin befasst sich diese Arbeit mit der einzigen in Kluyveromyces lactis befindlichen Hexokinase (KlHxk1). Zur weiteren Charakterisierung der KlHxk1 sollten wichtige physiologische Eigenschaften analysiert werden, zumal insbesondere der molekulare Mechanismus der Glukoserepression in Kluyveromyces lactis bislang noch weitgehend ungeklärt ist. Mit Hilfe von Stopped-flow Messungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die monomere KlHxk1 (54 kDa) als die Enzymform mit der hohen Affinität und Aktivität für die zwei glykolytischen Substrate Glukose und ATP darstellt und sich als Kontrollpunkt der Katalyse auf Ebene einer Dimer-Bildung und Dissoziation eignen könnte.

Radiofluorinated cyclobutyl group for increased metabolic stability using tyrosine derivatives as model system

Franck, Dominic 11 October 2012 (has links)
The metabolic stability of these tracers is, in addition to its affinity and selectivity, an important factor for a successful disease diagnosis. PET tracers and all other drugs are subject to biotransformation which can form metabolites as a part of the inactivation or detoxification process of the human body. These metabolites may result in a higher background which has a detrimental influence on the PET image quality or can even make imaging impossible. The aim of this work was to investigate whether [18F]fluorocyclobutyl rings can be introduced into biologically active small molecules to improve metabolic stability of the PET tracer while maintaining or improving the binding affinity and lipophilicity. To test this hypothesis, the tyrosine model compound, O-(3-[18F]fluorocyclobutyl)-L-tyrosine (L-3-[18F]FCBT), was chosen to be investigated. Precursors for the indirect and direct radiolabeling as well as the non-radioactive L- and D-3-FCBT were successfully synthesized. The radiolabeled of L-3-[18F]FCBT were produced via the indirect and direct method in sufficient yield and activity for the biological evaluation. In the biological characterization, L-3-[18F]FCBT showed good tumor uptake in human lung carcinoma cell lines (A549) and was able to be blocked by both non-radioactive L-3-FCBT and non-radioactive FET. In the biodistribution study, the tracer demonstrated tumor uptake and high metabolic stability due to non accumulation of activity in bone. These results were consistent with the animal-PET imaging where L-3-[18F]FCBT showed good tumor uptake and no accumulation of activity in the bone. The D-isomer in comparison with the L-isomer was found to give lower tumor uptake and very low accumulation in the pancreas. The in vitro stability of the L-3[18F]FCBT in human and rat plasma was excellent over 120 minutes. In vivo stability in mice showed very little metabolites and L-3-[18F]FCBT is considered to be stable in vivo. These results have shown that the new [18F]fluorocyclobutyl group has the potential for the preparation of metabolically stable radiotracers and the application looks very promising.

Mixed anxiety–depression in a 1 year follow-up study: shift to other diagnoses or remission?

Barkow, Katrin, Heun, Reinhard, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Üstün, T. Bedirhan, Gänsicke, Michael, Maier, Wolfgang January 2004 (has links)
Background: In 1992, the ICD-10 introduced the concept of mixed anxiety–depression disorder (MAD). However, a study examining the stability of this ICD-10-diagnosis is lacking. Our objective was to examine the 12 month outcome of MAD in comparison to the outcome of depression, anxiety, and comorbid depression and anxiety. Methods: 85 MAD patients, 496 patients with major depression, 296 patients with anxiety disorders, and 306 comorbid patients were reassessed after 12 months. Rates of depression, anxiety, and MAD were compared using χ2-tests. Results: While depressive disorders and anxiety disorders showed relatively high stability, MAD Patients had no higher rates of MAD at follow-up than patients with depression, anxiety or both. Limitations: Detailed information regarding treatment and disorders during the follow-up interval was lacking. Prevalence rates of MAD in single centres were too small for contrasting centres. Conclusions: MAD cannot be seen as a stable diagnosis: Most of MAD patients remit; many of them shift to other diagnoses than depression or anxiety. The ICD-10 criteria have to be specified more exactly.

Modelling spatiotemporal dynamics of biodegradation under disturbances: Insights into functional stability of microbial ecosystems

König, Sara 28 September 2016 (has links)
Terrestrial environments are highly complex and dynamic. It consists of various types of soils which are constantly exposed to fluctuating conditions affecting their physical and biological properties. Moreover, soils are delivering several ecosystem services with high relevance for the human well-being such as water purification, nutrient cycling, or biodegradation. For many of those ecosystem services, microorganisms are the main drivers. In consequence, it is important to understand the functional response of microbial ecosystems to disturbances. Thus, identifying key factors for the functional stability of microbial ecosystems in terrestrial environments is of high interest. A powerful tool for analysing dynamics and underlying mechanisms of ecosystems are computational simulation models. Within this doctoral thesis, a spatiotemporally explicit bacterial simulation model was developed for assessing dynamics of biodegradation as a typical microbial ecosystem function under the influence of disturbances. Disturbances were introduced as lethal events for the bacteria within a certain, randomly picked disturbance area. The disturbance characteristics vary in the spatial configuration and frequency of the disturbance events. Functional stability was analysed in terms of the ability to recover the function after a single disturbance event, i.e. functional resilience, and the ability to maintain the function during recurrent disturbance events, i.e. functional resistance. Key factors for functional stability were assessed by systematically varying properties and processes of the microbial ecosystem and characteristics of the disturbance regime. Simulation results show a high influence of the disturbance characteristics, especially its spatial distribution pattern, on the stability of biodegradation. Functional resistance and resilience increase with fragmentation of the spatial pattern of the disturbances. The frequency of recurrent disturbance events proved also essential for the functional resistance: if the disturbances occur too often, the emergence of a functional collapse may not be preventable. However, if the fragmentation of the applied disturbance patterns increases, the function is also maintained under more frequent disturbances without a functional collapse. Ecological processes such as bacterial dispersal and growth are shown to enhance the biodegradation performance, but only under specific disturbance regimes, again depending on frequency and fragmentation of the disturbances. Dispersal networks are shown to increase the functional stability in many scenarios and, thus, may serve as a buffer mechanism against disturbances. Therefore, strategies facilitating these ecological processes, for instance stimulating fungi that act as dispersal networks for bacteria, or modulating the physical soil structure to alter the spatial configuration of disturbances are proposed to increase the functional stability of microbial ecosystems.

The Natural Course of Social Anxiety Disorder among Adolescents and Young Adults

Beesdo-Baum, Katja, Knappe, Susanne, Fehm, Lydia, Höfler, Michael, Lieb, Roselind, Hofmann, Stefan G., Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2012 (has links)
Objective. To examine the natural course of social anxiety disorder (SAD) in the community and to explore predictors for adverse long-term outcomes. Method. A community sample of N=3,021 subjects aged 14-24 was followed-up over 10 years using the DSM-IV/M-CIDI. Persistence of SAD is based on a composite score reflecting the proportion of years affected since onset. Diagnostic stability is the proportion of SAD subjects still affected at follow-up. Results. SAD reveals considerable persistence with more than half of the years observed since onset spent with symptoms. 56.7% of SAD cases revealed stability with at least symptomatic expressions at follow-up; 15.5% met SAD threshold criteria again. 15.1% were completely remitted (no SAD symptoms and no other mental disorders during follow-up). Several clinical features (early onset, generalized subtype, more anxiety cognitions, severe avoidance and impairment, co-occurring panic) and vulnerability characteristics (parental SAD and depression, behavioural inhibition, harm avoidance) predicted higher SAD persistence and -less impressively- diagnostic stability. Conclusion. A persistent course with a considerable degree of fluctuations in symptom severity is characteristic for SAD. Both, consistently meeting full threshold diagnostic criteria and complete remissions are rare. Vulnerability and clinical severity indicators predict poor prognosis and might be helpful markers for intervention needs.

Improvements to the operation of wind power generators in Vietnam

Do, Nhu Y, Le, Xuan Thanh 07 January 2019 (has links)
In Vietnam, the number of wind power generators has been increased yearly. Because of geophysical characters, the generation of these generators has different properties. It depends much on wind’s characteristics as well as the generation technology. Based on simulation implemented on Matlab, the paper analyzes the stability of national networks at PCC nods containing the connection of wind power station when there is a change of wind’s velocity or when there is an earth fault in grid. The analyzing results are used to suggest solutions to improve the stability and effectiveness of the whole system. / Các nhà máy điện gió đang ngày càng gia tăng ở Việt Nam, do cấu tạo địa lý nên đặc điểm của nguồn điện này khá khác biệt so với các nguồn điện truyền thống khác. Nguồn điện gió phụ thuộc nhiều vào đặc điểm của gió và công nghệ sử dụng để phát điện gió. Nội dung chính của bài báo là khảo sát mức độ ổn định của lưới điện kết nối các nguồn điện gió tại nút kết nối chung khi có sự thay đổi về tốc độ gió hoặc khi trong mạng xảy ra sự cố chạm đất thoáng qua, từ đó đề xuất giải pháp nâng cao ổn định, tin cậy và nâng cao hiệu quả làm việc của hệ thống.

Forest productivity and stability under drought: the role of tree species richness, structural diversity and drought-tolerance trait diversity

Schnabel, Florian 17 January 2023 (has links)
The increasing frequency and intensity of droughts threaten forests and their climate change mitigation potential. Mixed-species forests are promoted to increase forest productivity and stability compared to monospecific forests, but we still lack a mechanistic understanding of the strength, nature and drivers of tree diversity effects on productivity and stability under drought. Here, I studied the stress hotter droughts inflict on trees and examined whether diversification in tree species, structures and drought-tolerance traits is a potential solution to this threat. In study 1, I found that the hotter drought years 2018–2019, the severest droughts since records, induced unprecedented tree productivity and physiological stress responses (reduced growth and increased δ13C) in a Central European floodplain forest. Hotter droughts thus constitute a novel threat. In studies 2–4, I examined diversity-productivity and diversity-stability relationships across spatiotemporal scales in a tropical (study 2) and a subtropical (studies 3, 4) tree diversity experiment specifically designed to examine biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. Tree species richness consistently increased productivity and stability, and this effect was strongest at the highest levels of diversity. Structural diversity increased productivity but was unrelated to stability, while diversity in drought-tolerance traits increased stability but not productivity. Assessing drought-tolerance traits was essential for understanding the role of tree diversity during drought. Positive diversity effects on productivity scaled up from the tree neighbourhood to the community level, but effects on stability emerged only at the community level. Community stability increased with species richness due to asynchronous species responses to dry and wet years driven by species’ drought-tolerance traits. I showed that diversity but not identity in drought-tolerance traits increases community stability. Overall, promoting structurally and functionally diverse mixed-species forests may enable high productivity and stability under intensifying climate change.:1. General introduction 1.1. Mixed-species forests 1.2. Diversity-productivity relationships 1.3. Diversity-productivity relationships during drought 1.4. Diversity-stability relationships 1.5. Diversity facets 1.6. Drought-tolerance traits 1.7. Linkages between the four studies 2. Methodological features 2.1. Study sites and approaches 2.2. Productivity, stability and physiological water stress 2.3. The quantification of diversity 2.4. Spatiotemporal analyses 3. Original contributions Study 1: Cumulative growth and stress responses to the 2018–2019 drought in a European floodplain forest Study 2: Drivers of productivity and its temporal stability in a tropical tree diversity experiment Study 3: Neighbourhood species richness and drought-tolerance traits modulate tree growth and δ13C responses to drought Study 4: Species richness stabilizes productivity via asynchrony and drought- tolerance diversity in a large-scale tree biodiversity experiment 4. General discussion 4.1. Summary of main findings 4.2. Hotter droughts and forest functioning 4.3. Diversity signals across spatial scales 4.4. Diversity signals across temporal scales 4.5. Diversity facets 4.6. Context dependency and transferability 4.7. Implications for forest management in the 21st century 5. Outlook and future research 5.1. Observation and experimentation under hotter droughts 5.2. Response variables 5.3. Diversity facets 5.4. Drought-tolerance traits 5.5. Zooming in 5.6. Zooming out 5.7. From understanding to use of BEF relationships 6. Conclusion 7. Summary 8. Zusammenfassung 9. References Acknowledgements Author contribution statements Curriculum vitae List of publications Selbstständigkeitserklärung

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