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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring partnerships between staffing agencies and client organizations : A B2B perspective

Matiș, Alexandra-Maria, Ahmad, Yara January 2023 (has links)
Outsourcing is a method of staffing where a staffing agency takes on the responsibility of conducting the staffing process. This defines a B2B partnership between the staffing agency and the client organization, which is scarcely connected to outcome success in the partnership literature. The study aims to get an understanding regarding the operation of the staffing agency and outsourcing incentives in connection with how a partnershipbetween the two is able to be maintained and developed. This is a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews, conducted with one Swedish staffing agency and three of their clients. It follows the interpretivism research philosophy with an abductive approach.The findings of this research show that companies choose to outsource staffing when they wish to optimize their resource distribution. The Resource BasedView, which was historically linked to outsourcing, is one of the mainincentives' perspectives. Regarding the B2B partnerships in staffing outsourcing, it is concluded that taking the initial transactional partnership into the long-term transformational partnership is done through matching expectations and outcomes. Agency problems are dealt with from a triadicperspective and the service quality dimensions are a main tool to assess satisfaction of outsourcing success.

Det delade arbetsmiljöansvaret inom bemanningsbranschen

Svensson, Evelina January 2016 (has links)
In the staffing agency business, the responsibility of the working environment are divided between the client companies and the staffing agencies. Therefore the temporary workers should be double protected, but the consequences are that the responsibility of the working environment falls between the cracks in many businesses.The purpose of the essay is to examine how the workers in industrial businesses from the staffing agency are protected by the shared responsibility that exists between the client companies and the staffing agencies, regarding work environment. To be able to answer this questions, the legal method is used.The conclusion of this essay is that the temporary workers are protected by the Work Environment Act, stating that the staffing agency and the client company have a responsibility for the employee´s work environment. Since the staffing agency is the employer, they have the largest work environment responsibility. This means, however, that staffing agencies are in a special situation because they are not in the place where the employee works. Since the client company is equated with an employer according to 1 § SAM, the systematic work environment is shared equally between the client companies and staffing agencies. On the grounds that there is a lack of clarity concerning who is responsible for what from the both parties, it leads to that the working environment responsibility are neglected. It also depends on the fierce competition that exists between various staffing companies today, which means that staffing companies do not always take part of the client companies' risk assessments or requirements on the grounds that they are afraid of losing the customer. This results that the temporary employees do not get the protection that the Work Environment Act is intended to give them.

Den komplexa organisationstillhörigheten : En kvalitativ studie om bemanningsanställdas arbetssituation i gränslandet mellan två organisationer

Buhre, Kristina, Ebermo, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur konsulter upplever sin arbetssituation i gränslandet mellan två organisationer, bemanningsföretaget och kundföretaget. För att analysera detta har vi utforskat olika mekanismer som påverkar konsulters formella tillhörighet samt deras känsla av tillhörighet respektive utestängning hos kundföretagen. Vi har för att genomföra denna studie använt oss av ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt, där vi utfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex konsulter som arbetar inom bemanningsbranschen. Vi har kommit fram till att konsulters formella tillhörighet finns hos båda företagen samtidigt som den känslomässiga tillhörigheten ligger hos kundföretaget. Konsulters situation i gränslandet mellan organisationer är problematisk, främst på grund av en komplex tillhörighet. Vi har kommit fram till att konsulter oftast känner sig som en del av den sociala gemenskapen då de är ute på uppdrag, men att chefer ofta drar en skiljelinje mellan konsulter och fast anställd personal. Chefernas åtskiljande gör att konsulter inte blir en del av kundföretaget på samma villkor som fast anställd personal, och leder delvis till ett utanförskap för konsulter. Det positiva med bemanningsbranschen har visat sig vara dess flexibilitet. Dock visar våra resultat att ju längre konsulter arbetat i bemanningsbranschen desto mer negativt inställda blir de. Våra resultat visar att konsulter, oberoende av om de trivs i branschen eller ej, inte ser en framtid inom den. Arbetet som konsult ses som en tillfällig lösning, med förhoppning om att i framtiden få en fast anställning. / The purpose of this essay is to explore how consultants experience their work situation on the borderland between two organizations, the staffing agency and the client company. To analyze this, we have explored different mechanisms that affect consultants' formal affiliation, and their sense of belonging and exclusion in client companies.We have used a qualitative approach, in which we held semi-structured interviews with six consultants working in the staffing industry. Our conclusion is that consultants have formal affiliation to both companies, while the emotional affiliation is to the client company. The situation on the border between organizations is somewhat problematic, mainly because of the complex feeling of affiliation. We have concluded that consultants often feel like a part of the social community while they are leased out, but that managers often draw a distinction between consultants and permanent staff. The separation done by managers does not allow consultants to become part of the client company on the same terms and conditions as permanent staff, which partly produce exclusion of consultants. The main positive aspect of the staffing industry is its flexibility. However, our results show that the longer a consultant has worked in the staffing industry, the more negative they become. Our results showed that consultants, regardless of whether they thrive in the industry or not, do not want to have a future in it. Working as a consultant seems to be a temporary solution, while hoping to find a permanent job in the future.

Lojalitetsplikt i uthyrningsbranschen : - En uppsats om lojalitetsförhållandet mellan kundföretag och inhyrd arbetskraft

Andersson, Frida January 2014 (has links)
During the last part of the 20th century many companies has started to build their organizations on knowledge and information instead of manufacturing of products.  Today it is easier to communicate and spread information. At the same time the numbers of untraditional employments like temporary employments and workers from staffing agencies are increasing. Many organizations have higher employee turnover now than before. This allows more people to have access to confidential information, whose spreading might cause great damage for the employer. This essay aims to look into the protection of confidential information for the client against offenses from staffing agency workers that are working within the clients’ organization. Protection of confidential information is included in the duty of loyalty in terms of confidentiality, protection of trade secrets and competition clauses. Duty of loyalty lies within the employment contract between the agency employer and the staffing agency. Therefore the agency employer has no duty to be loyal against the client. For the agency worker to be able to perform the required work duties he or she might be provided with confidential information. Spreading of this information could cause damage for the client. Can the rules of justice that regulates duty of loyalty be applied on the relationship between the client and the agency worker?  What are the consequences of the rules that exist today? This essay is written with a juridical method and with sociology of law perspective. Other parts of the duty of loyalty is not included as well as the duty of loyalty for the employer. The conclusion is that the staffing agency is responsible for indemnity towards the client if an agency employer reviles confidential information about the clients’ organization.  Some rules of justice can be interpreted as an expression that duty of loyalty lays between the client and the agency worker. For example, the agency worker is bound by confidentiality in terms of the conditions at the clients’ organization.  Suggestions of changes in the regulations about protection of confidential information will force the agency worker to pay indemnity to the client if he or she reviles confidential information.   In staffing agencies there are twice as many immigrants than in the regular labor market. The rules of duty of loyalty can contribute to a holdback for immigrants that are working in staffing agencies. Immigrants will be at bigger risk of standing outside the general labor market than people born in Sweden because of static discrimination. / Företag har under senare delen av 1900-talet gått från traditionell varuproduktion till att allt mer bygga sin verksamhet på information och kunskap. Den tekniska utvecklingen har gjort det lättare att överföra och sprida kunskap i samhället vilket ökar sårbarheten hos företagen. Icke- traditionella anställningar såsom tidsbegränsade anställningar och inhyrd arbetskraft ökar och företag har en högre personalomsättning nu än tidigare. Fler personer får tillgång till företagsspecifik information och spridning av den skulle kunna skada arbetsgivaren. I min uppsats undersöker jag skyddet av hemlig information för arbetsgivare som hyr in arbetskraft från ett personaluthyrningsföretag. Skydd för hemlig information ingår i den så kallade lojalitetsplikten i form av tystnadsplikt, skydd för företagshemlighet och konkurrensklausuler. Lojalitetplikt föreligger i anställningsavtalet mellan uthyrd arbetstagare och uthyrningsföretaget men arbetstagarens arbetsprestation utförs hos kunden. Kan regleringar kring lojalitetsplikt tillämpas på förhållandet mellan kund och inhyrd arbetstagare? Vad blir konsekvenserna av de regler som finns idag? Uppsatsen är skriven med juridisk metod som har sin utgångspunkt i rättskälleläran samt med rättssociologisk angreppssätt. Andra delar av lojalitetsplikt såsom upplysningsskyldighet, bisysslor eller kritikrätt behandlas inte i uppsatsen, ej heller lojalitetsplikt för arbetsgivaren. Slutsatsen är att uthyrningsföretaget står för den uthyrde arbetstagarens handlingar mot kundföretaget eftersom det föreligger lojalitetsförpliktelser i uthyrningsavtalet mellan kund och uthyrare. Uthyraren står för exempelvis skadestånd om en arbetstagare röjer eller utnyttjar en företagshemlighet hos kunden. Vissa regleringar ger uttryck för att det föreligger lojalitetsplikt mellan kund och inhyrd arbetstagare. Exempelvis är den uthyrda arbetstagaren bunden av tystnadsplikt vad det gäller förhållanden hos kunden. I ett förslag från regeringen på kommande ändringar i lagstiftningen kommer den inhyrde arbetstagaren bli direkt skadeståndsansvarig vid röjande eller utnyttjande av företagshemlighet hos kunden. I uthyrningsbranschen finns dubbelt så stor andel utlandsfödda arbetstagare som på arbetsmarknaden generellt. På grund av hur regleringen kring lojalitetsplikt ser ut idag kan den bidra till inlåsningseffekter för utlandsfödda arbetstagare som arbetar i uthyrningsbranschen. Skilda villkor för svensk- och utlandsfödda såsom statisk diskriminering på arbetsmarknaden gör att utlandsfödda arbetstagare löper större risk än svenskfödda arbetstagare att få stå utanför den traditionella arbetsmarknaden.

Arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar : särskilt om rehabiliteringsansvar hos arbetsgivare verksamma i bemanningsbranschen

Vapnar, Martina January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att belysa arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar för arbetsgivare verksamma i bemanningsbranschen. I uppsatsen redogörs för en arbetsgivares rehabiliteringsansvar i allmänhet samt vilket rehabiliteringsansvar som åligger arbetsgivare i bemanningsbranschen för att därefter presentera de likheter/skillnader som finns. Vidare utreds också i vilken utsträckning en arbetsgivare i bemanningsbranschen är skyldig att anpassa och/eller omplacera en arbetsoförmögen arbetstagare i rehabiliteringssyfte. En viktig utgångspunkt för uppsatsen och särskilt för analysen är det trepartförhållande som råder i bemanningsbranschen, och den ansvarfördelning detta medför. Eftersom det inte finns lagbestämmelser som reglerar rehabiliteringsansvaret i bemanningsbranschen blir ansvarsfördelningen mellan bemanningsföretaget och kundföretaget betydande. Även samspelet mellan dessa parter blir avgörande för en arbetstagares rehabilitering. Uppsatsen belyser att det finns behov av en reglering av arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar i bemanningsbranschen. Det Rehabiliteringsansvar som åligger arbetsgivare i bemanningsbranschen skiljer sig inte från det allmänna rehabiliteringsansvaret och jag påstår, vilket även är uppsatsens slutsats, att detta kan innebära problem vid tillämpningen av dessa regler. De lagbestämmelser som reglerar rehabiliteringsansvaret är inte anpassade för bemanningsbranschen. Med anledning av detta menar jag att rehabiliteringsansvaret för arbetsgivare i bemanningsbranschen borde regleras ytterligare. / The purpose of this paper is to highlight the employer's rehabilitation liability of employers engaged in the staffing industry. This paper describes an employer's responsibility for rehabilitation in general as well as rehabilitation responsibilities of employers in the staffing industry, followed by a presentation of the similarities / differences between "regular" employers and staffing agencies. The paper also investigates to what extent an employer in the staffing industry is required to adapt and / or relocate a disabled employee in purpose of rehabilitation. An important starting point for this paper and in particular for the analysis is the partnership of three that exists in the staffing industry, and the division of responsibility that entails. This partnership consist cooperation between the staffing agency, the client company and the employee. The absence of a legal regulation of the responsibility for rehabilitation in the staffing industry makes the division of responsibilities between the agency and the client company significant. The interaction between these partners is crucial to the rehabilitation of an employee. This paper highlights the need for a legal regulation of the employer's responsibility for rehabilitation in the staffing industry. The employer's rehabilitation liability of employers engaged in the staffing industry are no different from the general responsibility for rehabilitation and I say, which is also the conclusion of this paper, that this may cause problems when applying these regulations. The legal regulation of the responsibility for rehabilitation is not suitable for the staffing industry. For this reason, I say that the rehabilitation liability of employers in the staffing industry should be regulated to a greater extend.

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