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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Corporate Sustainability in the context of a cross-border acquisition integration

Rist, Lena, Hällerstrand, Linda January 2017 (has links)
The increasing global challenges, such as natural disasters, poverty and many others, pose new threats to societies and businesses. Therefore, companies increase their engagement in Corporate Sustainability (CS), which connects social, environmental and economic responsibilities. Through this approach, CS aims at overcoming environmental and social constraints in a business context to increase competitiveness in today’s fast-changing world. This fast pace, with which the business environment changes, is related to external influences, such as the above-mentioned climate change, and to fundamental structural developments. One of those is the increasing number of emerging-market companies (EMNCs) that internationalize rapidly through cross-border M&A deals, also into developed markets. Since both trends, the increase in CS engagement and the growing international M&A activity of EMNCs, gain in practical and academic importance, we conducted our study under the following research question. How is CS integrated on a strategic level after a cross-border acquisition by an EMNC? The theoretical angle from which we approached the topic aligns with the resource-based view, including the natural-resource-based view, and a stakeholder perspective. When reviewing the literature regarding CS, it became clear that substantial outcomes are still lacking despite an increasing commitment to CS. This difficulty can be linked to the variety of interpretations regarding the conception of CS and the resulting confusion among implicated parties. The review of M&A literature, with a special focus on EMNCs, revealed that these companies deploy a unique approach, which is characterized by the soft post-M&A integration of the target to allow organizational learning within both businesses. Therefore, our empirical research aimed at exploring how the strategic CS of both companies, the target and the parent, influence each other and thus, develop towards a common CS strategy. The longitudinal single case study we selected, allowed us to investigate this research proposal. Through the collection and analysis of documentary data enriched by semi-structured interviews, our study revealed the following. The exchange of knowledge and CS-related communication represented the basis for the integration of strategic CS as it nurtures organizational learning. Consequently, the CS strategies of both companies increased in maturity, which means that their sophistication evolved. In addition, we also found that the target developed towards a more permissive sustainability to align with its parent company’s CS strategy. Our main study contributions relate to an enhancement of the theoretical knowledge in the related fields. Besides this, we also identified critical practical issues, such as the importance of establishing a common conception of CS to ensure a successful CS integration on a strategic level.

Samhället värnar om miljön, företag vill öka intäkter. Men kan deras intressen gå mot samma riktning? : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur certifiering för miljöledningsstandard ISO 14001 påverkar företags finansiella intäkter.

Nilsson, Rasmus, Randa, David, Andersson, Louise January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte är att ge företag ökad förståelse för hur arbete mot minskad miljöpåverkan även kan vara förenligt med ökade finansiella intäkter. Metod: Vi använder oss av ett intressentbaserat angreppsätt för att besvara studiens frågeställning, där företags benägenhet att aktivt arbeta med miljöledning utgår från de krav som ställs av dess olika intressenter. Genom att anpassa sig efter dessa krav mot förbättrad miljöpåverkan, kan lönsamma relationer och konkurrenskraftiga förmågor skapas. Teorier inom stakeholder theory, enlightened shareholder theory, innovationsförmåga och proaktiva arbetsmetoder har lagt grunden till denna förståelse. Empirisk data har samlats in via semistrukturerade intervjuer hos tre företag som idag är ISO 14001 certifierade. Med hjälp av en deduktiv arbetsmetodik, har logiska slutsatser härletts från de likheter och skillnader som uppstår mellan teori och empiri. Slutsatser: Studiens frågeställning som vi ämnar besvara har formulerats enligt följande; Hur påverkas företags finansiella intäkter av ISO 14001 certifiering? Vårt bidrag till frågan visar stöd att det inte finns något enhälligt svar att ge, då företag som idag arbetar mot dessa miljökrav både har upplevt certifikatet som något möjliggörande, men också som något restriktivt, till att öka finansiella intäkter. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to give companies a greater understanding for how work towards reducing environmental impact, also can be compatible with increased financial income. Method: We use a stakeholder based approaches to answer the study question, where the company's willingness to actively work with environmental management is based on the requirements of its various stakeholders. By adapting to these requirements towards improved environmental impact, profitable relationships and competitive abilities can be created. Theories in stakeholder theory, enlightened shareholder theory, innovation and proactive practices have laid the foundation for this understanding. Empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews with three companies which today are ISO 14001 certified. By using a deductive methodology, logical conclusions was derived from the similarities and differences that arise between theory and empiricism. Conclusions:The study's issue that we intend to answer is formulated as follows; How is companies financial income affected due to ISO 14001 certification? Our contribution supports that there is no unanimous answer here to give, since the companies currently working with environmental requirements both have experienced the certificate as something that enables, but also restrains, increases in financial revenue.

La gouvernance d'entreprise en Thaïlande, en France et en Chine / The corporate governance in Thailand, France and China

Rattanakaset, Patrawan 31 October 2013 (has links)
L'objectif du principe de gouvernance d'entreprise de l'OCDE défini des recommandations en matière d'organisation et de transparence des entreprises afin d'obtenir le meilleur équilibre entre le surveillance, l'efficacité de la direction et la participation des parties prenantes. Aujourd'hui, ce principe est un ligne directrice essentielle pour gagner la confiance des investisseurs et constitue le standard minimum de la gestion des entreprises. L'efficacité de ce principe est non seulement dépend de la politique, l'économie et la connaissance des législation, mais aussi, dépend d'application des loi en Thaïlande, en France et en Chine. Notre étudie analyser les différences qui amènera pour créer une connaissance qui peut permettre l'adaptation d'un nouveau système de gestion d'entreprise afin d'améliorer le meilleur développement d'économique durable. / The principe of corporate governance of the OECD define recommendations for the organization and transparency of companies to obtain the best balance between the surveillance, the effective of leadership and the participation of stakeholder. Today, this principe is a guideline essential to gain the confidence of investors and its the minimum standard of corporate governance. However, the effectiveness of this principle depend on the politics, the economy and the legislation. And the varies according in Thailand, in France and in China. The study of these differences will lead then to create knowledge that may enable the adaptation of a new business management for better sustainable economy development in each country.

Náhrada škody jako nástroj pro řešení škod způsobených povodněmi / Compensation for damage as an instrument for solution of damages in case of floods

Sztuková, Karolína January 2010 (has links)
Floods in The Czech Republic more often damage private property. Majority of such damages is caused by water stream itself. There are also situations, where damages are caused in case of dereliction, infringement or violation of statutory duty. The Czech legislature defines legal instrument - Compensation for Damage. This work examines how this instrument is used in cases of flood damages, where someone is guilty. We examine legal (court) processes for Compensation for Damage by an application of IAD Framework and Stakeholder Analysis. Results are as follows. The examined legal instrument is seldom used. In the conclusion there are discussed possible grounds of these research results and steps/provision for more frequent application of Compensation for Damage in consequence of floods.

It's an ill Wind : An Analysis of Justice Perceptions around Wind Power

Niebel Stier, Lucas, Wallimann, Marco January 2019 (has links)
Renewable energy lies in the center of the debate on climate change. In order to achieve the energy transition, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to terminate our reliance on fossil fuels, wind energy is one of the world’s biggest bets. However, wind power plants are frequently contested at the local level, where they create discussions regarding fairness as benefits and burdens seem not always to be equally distributed. To better understand ‘energy justice’ in the era of renewable energy, our research qualitatively explores the perceptions of relevant involved stakeholders around wind energy projects in three locations in Germany and Sweden. Our findings add evidence and confirm many previous implications from the growing literature of public acceptance and energy justice. In addition, we highlight the importance of distributive, procedural and recognitional justice, as well as paradoxes arising from wind energy projects such as envy, the transformation of nature and the interpretation of citizens’ duties. The study furthermore sustains the faced complexities on the path towards an energy-just world.

Stakeholder perspectives on ownership and gender equality: : -A case study on development collaboration projects at Bussi Island, Uganda / Interessenters perspektiv på ägandeskap och jämställdhet: : En fallstudie med perspektiv från olika verksamhetsnivåer gällande två utvecklingsprojekt på Bussi Island, Uganda

Bergqvist, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
The tool for including local actors in development collaboration projects is called ownership and it is defined in the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. However, researchers have detected flaws with the definition and implementation of ownership. Some also argue that gender equality and the empowerment of women are neglected aspects in the Paris Declaration and that they are not emphasised enough in the aid effectiveness dialogue. The objective of this study is to examine the perspectives and experiences of stakeholders about the meaning and implementation of ownership on different operating levels through a gendered lens. Additionally, in order to be able to investigate how these matters are interpreted and implemented in practice and affecting beneficiaries, two development collaboration projects on Bussi island, Uganda, were selected for this case study. The main objective was to gain a deeper understanding of the perspectives of the informants, and not to generalize. That is the reason why this is a qualitative case study where the information is based on words and not on numbers. Semi-structured interviews were used for the data collection. Informants form Erikshjälpen, a local organization called RODA and beneficiaries living on Bussi Island were interviewed as representatives for the different operating levels. The conclusion is that the critique provided by previous research can in some aspects be applied to the case of this study. There are no specific strategies on ownership or gender equal ownership by either Erikshjälpen or RODA. There are conflicting perspectives on what the term “ownership” actually means by all informants from the different operating levels. There are also coherent perspectives regarding the importance of ownership and gender equality on all levels, and participation is a key word used by all the informants. However, since a strategy is missing, there is no tool for examining if participation actually can be used to claim that successful ownership and gender equal ownership has been implemented. If a strategy were to be created, it should include a definition of ownership, a plan for gender equal ownership, and agreed upon indicators for measuring both phenomena.

The dichotomous nature of capitalism: can the profit motive be reconciled to ethical business practice?

Willcock, Graham J. 18 November 2010 (has links)
Abstract This paper presents the thesis that, in certain circumstances and despite the dichotomous nature of capitalism, economic self-interest, or profit, may be reconciled to ethical business practice. These circumstances require that: i) a business enterprise be conducted outside of a traditional business model, in what will be referred to as a stakeholder model of business; ii) this stakeholder model must be grounded in a Rawlsian conception of contractualism, where all players are ‘free, equal, rational and reasonable’, with the emphasis on reasonableness; and where, iii) matters of Aristotelean character are the currency for determining reasonableness and the degree to which players are able to agree, or at least not reject, a particular course of action.

Board Composition, Sustainability and Fim Performance : A Nordics-Oriented Quantitative Study on a Global Trend

Kao, Monique Sieng, Saari, Vilma January 2019 (has links)
The issues surrounding sustainability continues to be at the forefront of the human agenda and firms are increasingly being held accountable by their stakeholders to assist in bringing about sustainability. Despite this, there is a tension surrounding the role of firms and the benefits implementing sustainability practices and policies has for these actors. On the one hand, being sustainable underpinned by a strong CSR-oriented governance board with the right compositional factors results in superior firm performance. On the other hand, sustainability is suggested to increase costs and reduced competitiveness thereby reducing firm performance. These contrasting results supported by mixed scholarly findings concerning different mediating factors influencing the overarching relationship creates a confusion gap that warrants this current study. As such, the study’s purpose is to investigate the relationship between two distinct yet interrelated relationships, the impact of board of directors’ composition on CSR performance measured by ESG scores and the impact of CSR performance on firm performance so as to contribute to the debate on these notion that continues to plague academia and the pragmatic world. This study is realized through a quantitative archival-longitudinal study design underpinned by metaphysical assumptions. Regression analyses using panel data on a sample of 123 listed companies headquartered in the Nordic Countries for the period 2010-2018 is undertaken to analyze the potential relation between CSR performance and five board composition factors, specially the gender diversity, independence, size, frequency of meetings and the presence of CSR committee. The association between CSR performance and firm performance is investigated in a similar way. Under rigorous statistical testing and analysis, the results indicate that there potentially is a relation between board composition and firms’ ESG performance. The results derived from the relationship between CSR and firm performance is inconsistent and cannot be fully accepted. This study contributes theoretically to CSR, corporate governance and finance literature by expanding upon how these three notions are linked in light of the sustainability trend that is gripping modern society. Socially, this research is useful for providing empirical evidence on the value of strong governance structures so as to foster sustainability and encourage debate on its value. Pragmatically, our study suggests what board composition factors are most conducive for supporting CSR that may assist firms’ corporate governance structuring and focus.

Empresas e gestão da água: uma abordagem a partir do uso do indicador pegada hídrica / Corporation and Water Management: an approach based on the use of Water Footprint

Martins, Renata de Souza Leão 19 September 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, as questões relacionadas à problemática ambiental multiplicaram sua presença na agenda do setor empresarial. Mais recentemente, observa-se o aumento do interesse das empresas pela água, recurso natural indispensável para a manutenção do equilíbrio dos ecossistemas e das atividades socioeconômicas humanas. Diante da ampliação da pressão sobre seu uso, resultado do crescimento populacional e incremento dos padrões atuais de produção e consumo, diferentes ferramentas têm sido desenvolvidas para contribuir para que o uso da água se torne mais racional e sustentável. Uma delas é a Pegada Hídrica (PH), um indicador de consumo direto e indireto da água utilizada durante a produção de bens ou serviços. A PH está relacionada com a pressão causada aos recursos hídricos pelas atividades humanas e classifica a água usada nesses processos e atividades de acordo com sua origem e impacto. Sua utilização pelo setor empresarial tem sido cada vez mais frequente. Tendo como base este contexto, este trabalho busca compreender quais são os principais motivos que tem levado as empresas a utilizarem a PH. Esta Tese, de caráter interdisciplinar, utiliza como referenciais teóricos a Teoria da Modernização Ecológica (TME), a Teoria dos Stakeholders (TS) e elementos da Nova Sociologia Econômica (NSE). Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, foram utilizados três procedimentos metodológicos: a) levantamento documental; b) revisão bibliográfica sistemática; c) estudos de caso. Os motivos que justificam a utilização da PH extraídos dos documentos analisados na revisão bibliográfica sistemática foram sistematizados e agrupados em quatro categorias que podem ser relacionadas com os referenciais teóricos utilizados. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa indicaram que os motivos que têm levado as empresas a utilizarem a Pegada Hídrica são: 1) vantagens do método, já que permite uma visão detalhada do consumo de água em toda a cadeia produtiva (TME); 2) comunicação com stakeholders, pois reconhecem que é necessário avaliar o consumo da água em toda a sua cadeia, para atender as demandas dos diferentes stakeholders internos e externos e melhorar sua comunicação com eles (TS; NSE); 3) porque a PH pode colaborar na identificação de riscos associados à água, o que permite agir com certa antecipação a futuras regulações e contestações dos diferentes stakeholders (NSE); 4) porque os resultados dos estudos de PH podem fornecer informações que colabore na tomada de decisão para reduzir o consumo de água, estabelecer parcerias e cooperação entre os diferentes setores da sociedade (TME). Entre os motivos apontados, os mais frequentes são aqueles relacionados com as vantagens do método, o que permite uma compreensão mais ampla da pressão e impactos à água causados pelas atividades das empresas. Entretanto, considerando que sua utilização pelo setor empresarial é muito recente, pesquisas futuras necessitam ser realizadas para acompanhar a evolução das ações e do comportamento das empresas sobre a temática da água. Nesse sentido, torna-se cada vez mais urgente uma reflexão sobre a necessidade de que os limites físicos existentes e a capacidade de suporte dos ecossistemas orientem a organização das sociedades. / In recent years, several environmental issues have multiplied their presence in the corporate sectors agenda. More recently, an increased interest is observed among companies on the topic of water, an essential natural resource for the maintenance of ecosystems equilibrium and human socio-economic activities. To face the increasing pressure over the resource, resulting from the combination of population growth and changing consumption patterns, several tools have been developed. Their goal is to make corporate water consumption more rational and sustainable. One of these tools is the Water Footprint (WF), an indicator of direct and indirect water consumption in the production of goods and services. The water footprint quantifies and assesses the pressure from human activities on water resources. It classifies water resources according to their source and potential impact. Its use by the private sector is increasingly frequent. Against this context, this work aims at understanding the main reasons for companies adoption of the WF Assessment. This thesis, embracing a multidisciplinary approach, makes use of three theoretical frameworks: the Ecological Modernization Theory (EMT), Stakeholder theory (ST) and elements of the New Economic Sociology (NES). To this end, three different methodologies where used: a) document research; b) systematic literature research; c) case studies. The stated reasons for using the WF found in the literature research where classified into four categories that may be related to the theoretical frameworks presented. The results from this research identified as the main reasons under private sectors adoption of the WF. The first reason could be called advantages of this methodology, since it allows for a detailed analysis of water consumption in the supply chain, which can be analyzed using the EMT. A second reason would be related to the communication with the stakeholders. Companies recognize the need for addressing water consumption over their whole supply chain in order to meet the demands of different stakeholders and improve their communications with them. This recognition is explained by the ST and NES. Thirdly, risk assessment was is another important argument. WF assessment may help to address water-related risks, allowing them to anticipate the introduction of new regulations or contestation from different stakeholders. NES allows us to understand this reason. Lastly, companies include informed decision-making as another adoption reason. WF may be used for establishing goals and priorities for lower water consumption rates, identifying key partners and working together with key sectors of society. Ecological modernization theory contributes to explain this effect. The most frequent reasons mentioned were those related to the advantages of the methodology, arguing that the WF provides a broader understanding of pressure resulting from corporate activities. Nevertheless, considering the recent adoption by the private sector of this method, it would be important to re-evaluate the relation between water and the private sector, and with the WF in particular. In this sense, it is increasingly necessary that environmental limits and ecosystems carrying capacity guide societal organization.

Cruzeiros marítimos e Stakeholders: perspectivas de desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de cruzeiros no Brasil / Cruises and Stakeholders: perspectives of cruise infrastructure development in Brazil

Farias, Wallace Bezerra 12 September 2016 (has links)
Com o desenvolvimento do mercado nacional de cruzeiros marítimos, a partir dos anos 2000, o número de cruzeiristas passou a crescer ano a ano até o final da primeira década. Entretanto, esse mercado tem declinado nos últimos anos, tendo a infraestrutura de cruzeiros como um dos fatores que justificam essa queda. Em contrapartida, neste mesmo período, o Brasil se destacou pelos investimentos na área de infraestrutura, dentre elas a estrutura dos portos brasileiros. A falta de estudos sobre o tema dos cruzeiros marítimos e a baixa expectativa sobre o desenvolvimento do setor, criaram um cenário de incertezas e controvérsias sobre o desenvolvimento de sua infraestrutura para os próximos anos. Neste contexto, o estudo visou analisar quais as perspectivas de desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de cruzeiros marítimos no Brasil, baseando-se na investigação suas características, na participação dos stakeholders-chave indicadores de poder, influência e interesse e na discussão de estratégias para o seu desenvolvimento. Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como qualitativo de natureza descritiva e exploratória, baseando-se na revisão de literatura e na investigação documental. Utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada e a amostragem snowball como técnica de coleta de dados. A análise e tratamento dos dados tiveram como princípios a triangulação de dados e a análise de stakeholders. Identificaram-se como stakeholders-chave no processo de desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de cruzeiros brasileira: as armadoras (companhias) de cruzeiros, os investidores privados, a Secretaria de Portos, o Ministério do Turismo e as associações CLIA-Abremar e Brasilcruise. A burocracia e a legislação brasileira apresentam-se como elementos que impedem o desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de cruzeiros, devido à grande variedade de stakeholders envolvidos, em diferentes esferas e competências de atuação, tornando o setor uma estrutura organizacional complexa, lenta e burocrática, revertida em elevados custos operacionais e em grandes barreiras na retomada do crescimento do setor. O segmento de cruzeiros, por sua vez, exige que todas as ações sejam feitas em conjunto e de maneira articulada com os interesses dos stakeholders envolvidos. Apesar disso, apresentam-se expectativas positivas diante da chegada de novos navios ao mercado brasileiro, a partir de 2020, enquanto o seu atual declínio encontra-se principalmente baseado na baixa competitividade do país em relação aos novos destinos emergentes, como Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Cuba e China. Por fim, concluiu-se que a atividade tem nas parceiras parcerias público-privadas um caminho promissor, necessitando de ações integradas entre armadoras, investidores privados, associações e o poder público para o seu pleno desenvolvimento / With the development of the market of sea cruises, mainly from the 2000s, the number of cruise passengers began to grow until the end of the first decade. However, this market has declined in the recent years and the cruise infrastructure is a factor that justify this fall. In contrast, during the same period, Brazil was highlighted by investments in infrastructure, such as the structure of Brazilian ports. The lack of studies on cruises and the low expectations about the industry development created a scenario of uncertainty and controversy about the development of cruise infrastructure in the coming years. In this context, the study aims to analyze what are the perspectives of cruise infrastructure development in Brazil, based on the research of its characteristics, key-stakeholders participation power, influence and interest indicators and discussion of strategies for its development. This qualitative research is also descriptive and exploratory, based on the literature review and documentary research, using semi-structured interviews and snowball sampling as data collection technique. The analysis and processing of the data had the principles of triangulation data and stakeholders analysis. In the process of cruise infrastructure development have been identified as key-stakeholders: cruise lines, private investors, Ports Secretariat, Tourism Ministry and associations CLIA-Abremar and Brasilcruise. The bureaucracy and the Brazilian legislation are presented as elements that prevent the development of cruise infrastructure due to the wide range of stakeholders involved, in different areas and kills, making the industry a complex, slow and bureaucratic organizational structure, converted in high operating costs and high barriers in reactivating the sector\'s growth. Cruise industry, in turn, requires that all actions are made together and meshing with the interests of the stakeholders involved. On the other hand, there are positive expectations about the arrival of new ships to the Brazilian market from 2020, while its current decline is based on the low competitiveness of the country in relation to new emerging destinations such as Australia, New Zealand, Cuba and China. In addition, cruise infrastructure has public-private partnerships as a promising path, requiring actions between cruise lines, private investors and local government

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